KP Koopa

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This article is about the species. For the team members of such species make up in Glitz Pit, see The KP Koopas.
The Thousand-Year Door enemy
KP Koopa
A KP Koopa from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Location(s) Glitz Pit
Max HP 4
Attack 2
Defense 1
Moves Shell Toss (2), Flail (N/A), Get Up (Stops Being Flipped)
Items None
Coins 1 - 2
Log A Koopa warrior that battles at the Glitz Pit in Glitzville. It may be a different color than your average Koopa Troopa, but its abilities are the same.
Level 8
Exp. points 0
Sleep? 85%
Dizzy? 80%
Confuse? 80%
Tiny? 95%
Burn? 100%
Freeze? 80%
Stop? 90%
Soft? 95%
Fright? 85%
Gale Force? 80%
KO? 100%

That's a KP Koopa. It's a Koopa Troopa of a slightly different color. Max HP is 4, Attack is 2, and Defense is 1. Looks like its abilities are just like any Koopa... So he oughta be a piece of cake! Don't go easy just because you know King K, Mario... That's what friends are for!

Tattle Log #:

KP Koopas are Koopa Troopas that appear in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and its remake. Unlike most Koopas, their shells are yellow, a distinction shared with similar looking Koopa Troopas that appear in Super Mario World. Two KP Koopas, one of which is King K, and one KP Paratroopa are members of the Glitz Pit team The KP Koopas; these are the only two KP Koopas in the game. They share the same abilities as regular Koopa Troopas, differing only in the coloration of their shell.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japanese コウラーズ・ノコノコ
Kōrāzu Nokonoko
The KP Koopas Koopa Troopa

Chinese (simplified) 龟壳帮・慢慢龟
Guī qiào bāng Mànman Guī
Turtle Shell Gang Koopa Troopa

Chinese (traditional) 龜殻幫・慢慢龜
Guī qiào bāng Mànman Guī
Turtle Shell Gang Koopa Troopa

Dutch Gouden Koopa
Golden Koopa
French Koopa Or
Gold Koopa
German Panzerkoopa
Shell Koopa
Italian Troopa oro (original)
Koopa oro (remake)
Gold Troopa
Gold Koopa
Korean 등껍질파엉금엉금
Deungkkeob Jilpa Eonggeum-eonggeum
Shell Scallions Koopa Troopa

Spanish (NOA) Antikoopa oro
Gold Shady Koopa
Spanish (NOE) Reservoir Koopa


  • In the Tattle Log in the original game, like the Spania, the Defense information for this enemy says "Defense is 1". In all the other enemies the "is" is replaced by a colon (:).
  • The log for KP Paratroopas states that he dyed his shell yellow, though it is unknown if this applies to only the KP Paratroopa or the two KP Koopas as well.