List of tattles in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch)

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This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible. This article is currently under construction by Scrooge200 (talk).

It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: Enemy tattles and character tattles -- I can get these later

This is a list of Goombella's tattles in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Nintendo Switch).



  • "This is Rogueport Harbor. Ships come here from all over the world! Everybody's always working their tails off down here. No wonder it's totally sweaty. Sometimes this area's all stacked high with cargo from all the ships. The water smells pretty rank, but that's, like, the magic of a port town, y'know?"
  • "This is Rogueport's main square. It's sorta the central shopping area, I guess. There are lots of regular working folks here, but there are also ne'er-do-wells... If you venture into the back alleys, be ready to deal with some nasty sorts..."
  • "This is Rogueport's east side. It's considered dangerous here, even for Rogueport! This is Ishnail's turf. He's the leader of a band of thieves called the Robbos. Then again, you can also find Merlon here. He can help your partners level up. Still, it's definitely too rough a place for a nonruffian like me to walk alone..."
  • "This is Rogueport's west side. This is totally the friendlier face of Rogueport. Not that it's, y'know, a great place to raise a family, but it's good for Rogueport. The corner with the fountain is definitely the most restful spot in Rogueport. This area is controlled by the Pianta syndicate... Yeah. The parlor here is totally a front for the boss's "business.""
  • "This is Rogueport Station. You can board intercity trains or blimps here. The Excess Express bound for Poshley Heights is nice and shiny, isn't it? Wow! I bet all the town kids are just DYING to ride it at least once, y'know? That blimp way over at the airfield looks super cool too. Blimps are awesome!"

Rogueport Underground

  • "We're down below Rogueport. Folks say these are the ruins of a 1,000-year-old town. Even though these buildings are crumbling, some seem safer than those above us. The people living here mostly can't show their faces above for one reason or another. Some have actually started successful businesses here though! What a hardy bunch!"
  • "Where are we? And why does this place look so... familiar?"
  • "We're down below Rogueport. The current town was built on top of this ancient one. Pretty surprising to find all this down here, right? It kinda blows my mind... The ruins here are all crumbly and gnarly now, but it was once a great town, really."
  • "Looks like some seawater's found its way in here, huh? Yeah, that's a health hazard. I bet some weird sea things live in there too... so try not to fall in the water, OK?"
  • "We're down below Rogueport. I never knew the rooms down here were connected like this... Keep your eyes peeled for more gaps like that. If you spot any others, we should definitely check them out!"
  • "Who knew the area under Rogueport extended so far? This place is a total maze! You really feel the grandness of that ancient civilization when you're down here..."
  • "This is the site of the famed Thousand-Year Door. The air ripples with power... I read this was where the palace at the center of the ancient town was. Just a little fun fact, there..."
  • "That's the entrance to the Pit of 100 Trials. No one knows how far down that pipe goes, but... it keeps me awake at night."
  • "We're down below Rogueport. You could spend a lifetime studying secrets down here."
  • "We're down below Rogueport. There's a pipe here that connects to Twilight Town!"
  • "This is the house of the level adjuster, Chet Rippo. Whenever you want to adjust your levels or your partners' ranks, just come here, OK? Seriously, though, how many customers do you think he gets, living down here?"
  • "This is Merlee the charmer's house. With her charms, you get random bonuses in battle. It costs a few coins, but I hear it's totally worth it."
  • "We're down below Rogueport. There's nobody here. Huh! I wonder where they went?"
  • "We're down below Rogueport. I think this is just your basic, garden-variety corridor. This must've been a nice walk when the whole town was aboveground..."
  • "We're down below Rogueport. This corridor connects to the area above. Nice, huh? By the way, know you can pass through iron bars by getting all papery thin, right?"
  • "There's a black chest in the middle of the room. Y'know, in case you missed it. And, um... Yeah, there's just not much else, really."
  • "Another room in here, huh? Wow. But what's the significance of it? An undiscovered chamber of purpose unknown... THIS is why I love archaeology!"
  • "These spikes seem to rise and drop according to a set pattern... They must be here to keep out thieves, huh? Now THAT'S a security system! With good timing, if you ran while the spikes were down... you'd still be a shish kebab."
  • "We're down below Rogueport. Y'know, this seems to be more than just a room... Nothing's ever what it seems down here, huh?"

Petal Meadows

  • "Ah, the Petal Meadows. A plateau surrounded by hills far to the east of Rogueport. It's mild and pleasant here all year round. I love it! Doesn't it feel nice? Oh, hey, and Mario? If you hit a tree, sometimes something good falls out. I know that came out of left field, but I mean it! If you see a suspicious tree, smack it!"
  • "Ah, the Petal Meadows. The scenery's super nice, but watch out for all the Goombas here. Make sure you've always got enough HP and FP to fight, will ya? Oh, and you can press  to check your stats too."
  • "This is Petal Meadows. The river running through here totally makes the air crisp and refreshing."
  • "This path leads to Shhwonk Fortress. Is it just me, or is this area darker? There are enemies around, so if you feel weak, remember to take it easy, OK?"
  • "This is part of Shhwonk Fortress. We got a couple pedestals here. That's it. It looks pretty decent, but this place is actually suuuper old, did you know that? I'd say it was built about... a thousand years ago. Yup. What vibrant ruins!"
  • "The air here's a bit stale, don'tcha think? Oh yeah, and listen, Mario... Remember, you don't have to attack every enemy you see. If you have low HP, you might just wanna avoid them. That's Exploring 101, y'know?"
  • "This is part of Shhwonk Fortress. We got a couple pedestals here. That's it. Still, to archaeologists, this place is a gold mine. I gotta come back sometime..."
  • "The entrance to Shhwonk Fortress is close by. Say, Mario, have you heard about recovery blocks before? If your HP and FP are low, just hit one of them, OK?"

Shhwonk Fortress

  • "This is Shhwonk Fortress. Suspicious statue... I'm pretty sure it's a Thwomp bust. Hey, I just remembered something I read about this place in a book! Whenever the villagers were confronted with a monster, they'd hide in this fortress... I guess there's a little bit of history everywhere you look, huh, Mario?"
  • "We're in Shhwonk Fortress. All this water has made the place a little cold... I wouldn't mind getting out of here for some fresh air soon, you know what I mean?"
  • "There sure are a lot of Fuzzies living here in Shhwonk Fortress... I saw one a minute ago, and I thought it was a ghost! I totally hate dark places..."
  • "We're in Shhwonk Fortress. My shoes are totally soaked through now... Just great. Plus, it's dark and confining and it smells totally bad... This place is not cool, Mario."
  • "All this moisture makes this place really moldy smelling. And what's that other stink? Is that what wet Fuzzy smells like? I think I'm gonna totally barf."
  • "We're in Shhwonk Fortress. This room is damp and moldy too. Like every other one. I just wanna see the sun again. Is that so wrong?"


  • "This is Petalburg. It's nice and warm here, and the air is sooo clean... Such a peaceful hamlet... There's a shop and an inn, so you buy stuff and rest. Oh, and one more thing... The river's pretty, but fall in and Nibbles will getcha!"
  • "This is Petalburg. The warm weather makes the locals laid-back and happy. Wow, and talk about unique personalities... Very... individualistic, to put it nicely. Or not so nicely... Downright kooky..."

Hooktail Castle

  • "This is the entrance to Hooktail Castle. There's a Save Block here! We should use it, don'tcha think?"
  • "Looks like the bridge has been out for a while. Even so, this castle just seems so... majestic, y'know? It's so big and... strange."
  • "This is a corridor in Hooktail Castle. Can't say I'm a fan of the bone-pile decor. I don't really wanna have my bones end up here, Mario. How about we move on?"
  • "I guess that's a dungeon beyond us... Ick... There are bones scattered everywhere. Mmm... Mold and dust... Great. You could totally choke on the stench in this place... *HAAAAAACK*"
  • "This must be the great hall of Hooktail Castle. I'd say it's the center of the castle. This place is so full of traps and dangers..."
  • "This is Hooktail Castle. You feel that upward-moving draft in here? Wow, sure is a big castle. Who do you think built it? So many questions!"
  • "These are the dungeons of Hooktail Castle. I don't think they're in use, but...yuck."
  • "What a totally weird room. There's just gotta be something hidden here. Then again, EVERY room in this castle is totally weird..."
  • "This is Hooktail Castle. There's an upward-moving draft in this room too. Of course, tons of bones lying around too. This place needs a decorator, STAT! You never know which bones are gonna attack, so careful where you walk, OK?"
  • "This is Hooktail Castle. The door up on that platform to the right is hard to reach."
  • "Mario, take a look at this! It's like you could reach out and touch the sky, huh? Looking out from the heights makes my head go goomby... I mean... I mean goony!"
  • "This is Hooktail's lair. Yup, the highest chamber in the castle! Now, where's Hooktail, huh? Hmmm... Y'know, maybe we should be glad it's not around at the moment..."
  • "This is Hooktail's treasure room. Ms. Mowz was looking for something here, but I don't think there's anything left."
  • "This is a hidden room in Hooktail Castle. Who knew there was a room in here? Well... I guess secret rooms are supposed to be secret..."

Boggly Woods

  • "These are the Boggly Woods. Kind of a dreamily pretty place, isn't it? It'd be nicer if it weren't crawling with enemies... But whatcha gonna do?"
  • "You see that big tree over there? It's REALLY big... It's kind of otherworldly, actually. Wild..."
  • "Boggly Woods is a great name for this place. The trees, the flowers... even the GROUND boggles the mind! It's a pretty kind of boggling though. And from a high-up spot? Ooh, baby! I'm talkin' PEAK prettiness!"
  • "This is the outer part of the Boggly Woods. The flowers are almost like a carpet! Hey, and isn't it totally rare to find a white-leaved tree? What kind of tree is that?"
  • "What a totally nice house! Super coordination between the red walls and furniture. I'm so jealous it's not even funny. I have like, NO sense of interior decoration."
  • "Ooh, AND a canopy bed! I'm sooo jealous! Argh! I'd DIE to have one! And all the furniture here is so stylish! It's, like, TEARING ME APART! Interior decoration is all about balance, and this... place... has... got it!"
  • "These are the Boggly Woods. Pretty surreal, huh? Looks like it's out of a picture book. It's pretty... but in an eerie sort of way, y'know?"

The Great Tree

  • "The base of the Great Tree! It sure is big up close... I mean... Wowser. Seriously. It must have watched over the Boggly Woods for over 1,000 years. That's unbelievable..."
  • "It's like another world inside this tree, huh?! And check out these statues! They must've been left by the ancestors of the Punies. I wonder how many years the Punies have lived in this place, anyway... These are the kinds of questions archaeologists have to ask, y'know."
  • "This is an interesting pedestal, Mario. The ancient Punies must've been really sophisticated... This is totally fascinating!"
  • "There's a red cell and a blue cell here. Crump must've made 'em to hold the Punies. With gaps like those between the bars, I think we could get through though..."
  • "Looks like Crump left behind lots of the equipment he used to search this tree. Ms. Mowz was here before, but I think she took the next train to Flirtsville."
  • "Bubbles keep floating up from the water at the bottom... Weird. That door on the left is interesting too. If we turn that nearby panel's light green, it should let us enter!"
  • "We're inside the Great Tree. This area has a totally whacked-out topography."
  • "This is a shop run by a Puni named Pungent. I wonder if there are any rare items..."
  • "Hey, there's water running through the inside of the Great Tree! You don't think... Could this be how the tree carries nutrients from root to limb? Y'know, nature is just about the coolest thing ever."
  • "This area seems to have been laid out for a special reason, don't you think? There must be something super important hidden here."
  • "That's a big treasure chest... The Punies must've left it... What could it be, you think? Well... Only one way to find out, am I right?"
  • "This must be one of the most wide-open spaces inside the Great Tree, huh? The tree looks big from out there, but I lose all sense of dimension in here... I could totally get lost in here for, like, days..."
  • "I wonder if the inside of the tree was always like this... I mean, do you think it was, or do you think someone MADE it this way? Hmmm... It's a mystery..."
  • "We've come down pretty far. The air is a bit colder here, don'tcha think? The technology used here is pretty intense too. I wish I had more time to inspect it."
  • "This must be the lowest chamber. Saying it's solemn here is an understatement. Under these statues' glares... I feel like the Punies' ancestors are watching us..."
  • "This door was made by Crump and his cronies. It doesn't match the decor of this tree at all. We should be able to pass through it when the lamp over the door is green. Use the controls on that side panel!"
  • "This area makes me feel like I'm exploring a watery swamp even though we're in a tree..."
  • "The structure of this tree is pretty complicated... If we want to move forward, we'll have to make full use of our shared abilities...including the Punies! We're gonna seriously need to use our thinking caps as we go forward..."
  • "We're inside the Great Tree. Grasses and other plants grow in here. Isn't that cool? You think the Great Tree is like a... host organism? Biology is just SO cool..."
  • "The Punies are totally afraid of these Piders. When a Pider drops, the Punies completely lose it and bolt in every direction. You're gonna have to defeat any Piders near the path you wanna lead the Punies along."
  • "We're inside the Great Tree. Looks like lots of tufts of vegetation around here. Stuff could be hidden in those things, so let's make sure to check each one, OK?"

Glitzville and Glitz Pit

  • "Yup, this is Glitzville. It's so exotic— it feels like we're in another country! This is like an entertainment hub that attracts visitors from all over the world. The Glitz Pit is, obviously, the main attraction. That's where fighters duke it out. There's also the fresh-juice shop. And the souvenir shop. And the hot- dog stand too! Let's visit 'em all!"
  • "This is the Glitz Pit lobby. It's pretty nice, actually! Sturdily built, nice decor. And what can you say about that luxurious chandelier except... FABULOUS!"
  • "This is the Glitz Pit itself! That's the ring in the middle. That's where all the magic happens. And by "magic,"I mean brutal beatdowns."
  • "This is a backstage corridor. Compared to the Glitz Pit, this is so... businesslike. There's security all OVER, so you can't just wander around wherever you want..."
  • "This is the promoter's room. It's fitting... It has sort of a relaxed authority, y'know? This is where the pairings for each match get decided. Neat!"
  • "I think we're above the ceiling. It's a bit cramped in here... and dark too."
  • "This is the Glitz Pit storeroom. They must keep props or something in here. There's a second floor too. If you see anything odd, don't forget your partners..."
  • "This is the champ's room. Yeah... This has to be, like, the WORST decorating ever! Like that tiger-print bed... I mean, COME ON! Think Rawk Hawk designed it? Or maybe Grubba? It couldn't be... Jolene? "
  • "This is a major-league locker room. Everybody here dreams of reaching the top... You can almost feel the intensity of their ambition in the air... It's weird... Speaking of weirdness, there's ALWAYS someone in the bathroom. Creepy! Y'know, it's kinda necessary to have access to a bathroom now and then..."
  • "This is a major-league locker room. Everybody here dreams of reaching the top... You can almost feel the intensity of their ambition in the air... It's weird... And so is the bathroom in here! It connects to the locker room on the other side of the building... You're the plumber here... Is that how bathroom pipes are supposed to work?"
  • "This is another locker room for major-league competitors. It's opposite the other one. Why was there a hidden room behind the lockers, anyway? What would it be used for? Mysteries are totally everywhere in the Glitz Pit!"
  • "This is a minor-league locker room. It's kind of, uh... Well, it's pretty disgusting. It's totally different from the first room they showed. The old bait-and-switch... You think they make it totally gross so fighters will try harder to advance?"
  • "This is a minor-league locker room. It's just as gnarly as the one we were in. If you check the lockers or behind the posters, I bet you'll find odd graffiti or busted walls..."
  • "This is the storeroom. There are lots of wooden crates here, that's for sure. But it doesn't seem to be in use now, does it? I mean, it's COVERED in dust!"
  • "We're in the ventilation duct. It's really cramped in here. And musty. And dank."

Twilight Town

  • "This is Twilight Town. It's twilight here, which I guess makes sense, huh? That big moon gives me the heebie-jeebies. I guess the sky here is always the same... No morning, noon, or night... Wouldn't perpetual dusk get a little, like, boring?"
  • "This is Twilight Town. The people here are just as shadowy as the sky... I wonder if I'd get that way if I lived here long enough? Gross. Still, I guess being all gothed-out is better than being a pig..."

Twilight Trail

  • "This is Twilight Trail. Kind of a depressing little road, don'tcha think? I feel like something bad's GOTTA be at the end of it. Maybe I'm just superstitious."
  • "This is more of Twilight Trail. A lot of enemies around here, seems like. Hey, by the way, Mario... Is it me, or has the moon been getting bigger? Not... Not that I'm scared or anything! R-really!"
  • "This is Twilight Trail. Looks like some seriously spooky woods over there. I hear some of the villagers go there to collect herbs. That's totally reckless... I'd NEVER go someplace like that on my own, not for a million coins!"
  • "We're in the woods now. It's really dark here, so watch where you step..."
  • "I feel like something's just gonna pop out of that thicket and attack us! Like what? Well, it could be... Stop it! I don't wanna think about what it might be! S-s-scary..."
  • "Yup, still in the woods... It's getting awfully dark around here... If there were, like, a big hole in the ground, you'd probably fall in without seeing it. Flurrie would float right over it, so I'm sure SHE'S not worried..."

Creepy Steeple

  • "This is Creepy Steeple. Seeing it in the moonlight gives me the willies... It looks like a ghost could just pop out at any minute. No way I'm going in there. Uh... Although, I guess since YOU'RE with me, Mario... I'll give it my best..."
  • "We're inside Creepy Steeple. At least the moon provides a LITTLE light, y'know? This place seems super old, huh? I'd like to research it... as soon as it's not haunted."
  • "This is a courtyard of Creepy Steeple. Pretty decent breeze out here, huh?"
  • "This is a courtyard of Creepy Steeple. Boy, that garden could use some love."
  • "Wow, interesting staircase... Hmmm... Just one staircase, but three doors... What's the story with THAT, you think? Lazy architects?"
  • "This winding stair leads up to the belfry. Talk about a doozy of a climb! I mean, it's almost like the staircase is saying... "Go away. I totally hate you.""
  • "This is the belfry of Creepy Steeple. Every time this bell rung, a villager would be turned into a pig..."
  • "This appears to be the Creepy Steeple storeroom. Sheesh, have a few cobwebs! I'm not so good with ghosts OR spiders, to be honest... and ghost spiders... Horrible."
  • "Who knew we could get down here from up there? Wow! This room's well hidden. Talk about minimal decor—one jump pad and one door. Think there's anything else?"
  • "This is an underground corridor in Creepy Steeple. The flames are kinda freaky. The fact that they're burning means someone must've been here recently though."
  • "This is an underground room in Creepy Steeple. There's a parrot here, but no people. That parrot must get pretty bored with no one around. Think he talks to himself?"
  • "This is the well's bottom... but it seems to have dried up. Which is good for us. There's a corridor leading out of here... Smells like a puzzle to me, Mario!"
  • "I gotta say, I'm outta ideas. I mean, you can't pull it out, push it away, hammer it... What should we do, Mario? Hmm... I got nothing. I'm thinking we probably oughta just leave it for now."
  • "Who knew the bottom of the well connected to this place? Sneaky, sneaky... I wonder if Doopliss knew about this passage?"

Keelhaul Key

  • "This is Keelhaul Key. The sun's brutal, as you'd expect on a southern isle. Blue skies... White clouds... I've always wanted to take an island vacation. Don't you just wanna yell, "Hey, stupid ocean! Look at me! I'm on vacation!""
  • "This is a shantytown built by Pa-Patch and some of the sailors who came with us. Blue ocean, sandy beaches... A shop, an inn... You could live pretty comfily here. You'd always have to worry about harmful UV rays though, y'know?"
  • "This is a totally thick jungle. The flora in this area is unique to tropical regions."
  • "We're in the jungle on Keelhaul Key. It's complex... Switchback paths and stuff... Let's keep our eyes open as we explore this place! You never know what might pop out..."
  • "Wow, nice rope bridge, huh? I don't think I'll be looking down while we cross though. Being able to see the water through the slats makes my belly go bleeeeeeeeah! Whoa. Hang on. I'm a little woozy. I might faint..."
  • "Here are the red 'stache and blue 'stache statues. Hey, kinda like you and Luigi! The smaller one's like you, and the taller one's like Luigi. Are they... looking at us?"
  • "We're in the jungle on Keelhaul Key... and a fairly deep part of it, at that. Lots of rocks of different sizes too."

Pirate's Grotto

  • "This is the deepest part of Pirate's Grotto. Seems like maybe all of the ships that capsized near here ended up in this cavern. I wonder if Cortez's ship was the first to end up down in these caverns..."
  • "This is the inside of Cortez's ship. Cortez must be inside that next room, huh?"
  • "This is Cortez's room, all right. I guess you'd call this the captain's cabin. Sure is a lot of treasure in here... You could live many lives of luxury with this... And I'll tell you, lots of this stuff has archaeological value as well... You think maybe we could pocket a little bit without Cortez noticing?"
  • "This is the entrance to Pirate's Grotto. There's gotta be something good in there. Considering how hard it is to get in, there sure as heck BETTER be!"
  • "We're inside Pirate's Grotto. Looks like we can go down from here... Aside from jump pads, there's not much else here."
  • "Yikes! Talk about unsteady footing! You could totally wipe out easily here. Oh, and watch out for those spikes that pop out, OK? They... would probably hurt."
  • "We're inside Pirate's Grotto. Pirates must have built the bridges and sluice gate here. There's also a waterfall flowing from above. Careful not to lose your footing."
  • "This is a storage area... Looks like the pirates left tons of stuff here. The switch in front there lifts and lowers cargo."
  • "It's totally weird to walk around down here... I mean, PIRATES lived here... The scourge of the seas... I wonder where their souls are wandering now..."
  • "We're inside Pirate's Grotto. Uh... You can probably tell, but this room looks empty."
  • "We're inside one of the abandoned ships. There's a black chest here. Now that I mention it... why do we keep running into these black chests? Weird."
  • "We're inside Pirate's Grotto. There's a sunken ship here. Maybe there's something good inside? 'Cause that's how it always is in video games ...right?"
  • "Jumping around on barrels and sinking ship fragments... This is pretty gnarly. So, let's take it easy and not get too careless, OK?"
  • "Watch out for those spikes! Yeah, the thing about spikes is... they really hurt."
  • "We're inside Pirate's Grotto. Lots of sunken ships floating around here, huh?"
  • "There's a couple of Bill Blasters at the end of this corridor. Someone really wants to keep us out! You know what? Who cares! CAN'T STOP US, SUCKERS! Let's get going, Mario."
  • "We're inside Pirate's Grotto. This is a looooong corridor. There are two Bill Blasters at the end of this corridor too. They don't want us here!"

Excess Express

  • "This is the engineer's car of the Excess Express. Any kid would LOVE to see this! Look at me, Mario! I'm an engineer! WOOP WOOOOOP! Hey, but driving a train is really nothing to joke about. I totally respect engineers!"
  • "This is a passenger car. The green and brown colors actually work here. Wow. There are two passenger cabins here, numbers one and two."
  • "This is a passenger car. Orange and brown decor... That actually looks good! The passenger cabins here are numbered three, four, and five, in case you forgot your numbers."
  • "This is cabin five... which is our cabin! If we need to rest, the bunk in here is super comfy. Train naps are the best."
  • "This is the dining car. There also seems to be a cute little shop here. Dining and shopping while watching scenery go by... Talk about heavenly..."
  • "This is a passenger car. The blue and brown interior here is totally chic. The passenger cabins here are numbered six, seven, and eight. But you knew that."
  • "This is the baggage car. Usually, passengers aren't allowed back here. Looks like there's a lot of cargo here, ready to be unloaded at the next stop."
  • "This is the train's roof. Look at that scenery go whipping by! Wowser! Look, this is no time for me to be describing stuff! These guys are so ANNOYING! They're flippy and floppy and gross and I HATE them! Let's get rid of them! "

Riverside Station

  • "This is Riverside Station. It's one of the places where the Excess Express stops. This place is famous for its scenic beauty... It's the sunsets, you know. Just one more of the many pleasures Excess Express passengers get to enjoy."
  • "We're inside Riverside Station. It's an old brick building with natural warmth. Its antique elevator is totally charming too. I am in LOVE with that thing! You think it works though? I'm not that fond of getting trapped in elevators..."
  • "We're inside Riverside Station. This place has been out of use for a while, I think. I love those solitary lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. It's so shabby chic."
  • "This is the other side of the big clock. Lots of endlessly moving gears... A lonely clock, counting out the endless progression of hours, heard by no one..."
  • "We're on the outer stairs. It's nice to step outside the station and get some fresh air! Hey, Mario...can we just take in this killer sunset for a while before our next bad-guy appointment?"
  • "This is the Riverside Station garbage dump. Talk about an annoying place to navigate! And it smells like rotting Goomnuts... It's amazing how much people throw away."
  • "This is the Riverside Station office... but there doesn't seem to be anyone here. Hey, and now that I think of it, why would they put an office down here anyway? Or was I not supposed to bring that up?"
  • "This is the Riverside Station records room. They file all station business here. Or at least I think they do. Yup, these are probably files."

Poshley Heights and Poshley Sanctum

  • "This is the Poshley Heights Station. The Excess Express to Rogueport is here. This place is sooooo upscale. It's, like, the polar opposite of Rogueport. You can tell that movie stars and millionaires live here. It just REEKS of cash."
  • "That's Poshley Sanctum. I guess the sanctum grounds are used as a public square. That fountain out front is unique, huh? Yeah, but that water... I bet Nibbles would still chomp your tush if you fell in..."
  • "This is Poshley Sanctum. It sure is spacious inside! ECHO ...echo...echo... Does Pennington really live here alone? I bet it's hard to clean this place..."
  • "Is this part of Poshley Sanctum too? Exactly how does all of this work? Well, whatever... This must be the secret resting place of the Crystal Star. Based on his reactions, I'd say that Pennington didn't even know about this..."
  • "This is Poshley Heights. It's a relaxed town that positively reeks of money. There's a very nice hotel here too. Wouldn't it be nice to stay there sometime?"

Fahr Outpost

  • "This slowly falling snow is totally beautiful, but it's super, SUPER cold out here! If I lived here long enough, I'd probably turn into an abominable Goomba..."
  • "This is part of Fahr Outpost. It's a village full of Bob-ombs. How do they survive out in this cold anyway? Don't their fuses freeze off? You'd think these people would be bitter, living here... But they all look just fine!"
  • "This is part of Fahr Outpost. There's a shop and an inn here, so that's something... They have a huge, cannonlike monument over there too. Very Bob-ombish!"
  • "Say, Mario, did you know... walking in the snow leaves really cool footprints! Thing is, the snow's falling so hard, they totally disappear quickly."
  • "Hey, Mario, check it out! I can totally see my breath! Must be really cold, huh? That is just SO awesome! I grew up in a warm place, so this is totally new to me!"

The Moon

  • "We're on the moon! Awesome! The moon I always look up at, can you believe it? I mean, I heard they'd put a Goomba on the moon, but who knew WE'D get here? Boy, nothing's impossible on your adventures, Mario! You are the COOLEST!"
  • "Boy, I guess there are pretty much just rocks on the moon. I guess I knew that, but it's still kind of disappointing. Lousy, boring moon..."
  • "There's a weird-looking building off in the distance. Why would THAT be here?"
  • "The stars sure are pretty here. I wonder if I can find my favorite constellation... I'm such a totally shameless romantic, it's not even funny."
  • "You see the Moon Clefts that live up here? You think they live on green cheese, Mario? You know I'm kidding, right? I'm not that much of a cheeseball... get it? I'm still upset there are only rocks here."
  • "Hey, Mario! Did you see that? I saw a comet or something! It was all, like, "PSHOOWEE!" Should I try and make three wishes, do you think? I wish for... Hee hee hee! That's TOP SECRET!"

X-Naut Fortress

  • "This is the X-Naut Fortress. This seems like a way to get in and out. The stars are really pretty out here... or what you can see of them through these fortress windows, anyway."
  • "This is a fortress corridor. An elevator connects it to the lower floors. I guess this fortress extends pretty far beneath the surface of the moon, huh? I mean, I hate Grodus, but I gotta give him some props for a pretty cool evil hideout."
  • "This room looks like it was meant to store something... It's booby-trapped, I think."
  • "This looks like a storage room for valuables. The crane can grab stuff up there. It should work if you set a gear in place and press those buttons in order... I'm sure you can handle it. It's not exactly moon-rocket science, here."
  • "What's this room for, huh? I feel like I've seen that face somewhere before... Hmmm... Oh well, forget about it, I guess."
  • "This room looks like it was meant to store something... It's booby-trapped, I think. If you wander off the correct path, it looks like you'll take damage, don'tcha think?"
  • "This is Grodus's lab. He must have his researchers work on various potions here. I don't think we should touch any of this stuff though... One wrong move and... KABOOOOOOM! Know what I mean?"
  • "This looks like some kinda teleporter. Who knows where that thing would send us! Maybe that's what the X-Nauts use to go between the moon and the earth. I think we have to press the button and then stand on the platform to use it."
  • "This looks like a lab for genetic experimentation... Maybe Yux were made here... I guess they must have some pretty advanced technology if they can do stuff like that."
  • "This is a changing room. I guess even X-Nauts have to change out of their uniforms... But what do you think they look like under those suits? I'm... not gonna think about it. There's a ventilation duct in the ceiling at one end... That's not good for privacy!"
  • "This place is a bit overdone, huh? It just screams, "Hey! I'm an evil mastermind!" I wonder if poor Princess Peach got dragged in here before?"
  • "What's this room for, huh? Is it some kind of office for the X-Naut boss or what? Boy, and what's with these tanks full of Nibbles? Jeepers, that creeps me out..."
  • "This room looks like it was meant to store something... It's booby-trapped, I think."
  • "This is the X-Naut factory. I think they make all kinds of stuff here. It's pretty complicated, what with the crane and the pipe, and all those gears... Maybe we should just take this room one bit at a time, don'tcha think?"
  • "This is where they built Magnus von Grapple and Magnus von Grapple 2.0. But there doesn't seem to be anything here now... Nope. Let's go, Mario."
  • "This is a... shower room? I guess every evil-guy base of ultimate doom needs one... Just because you're evil doesn't mean you enjoy BO, y'know what I mean?"
  • "Wonder what this room's for? There are beds and lockers, but we can't nap here... There's nothing else, really. The weird thing is it kind of smells nice in here, huh? Why do you think that is?"
  • "This is the computer room. This must be where Princess Peach met with TEC."
  • "There are four terminals here. Is this part of a locking mechanism for the door? There must be something pretty important behind this door to have such security..."
  • "Who knew there'd be such a weird building on the moon... It's almost unbelievable, actually. At least it's got a big glass dome to keep all of the air from leaking out... What's that? Yeah, now that you mention it, I guess we were OK out there with no air to breathe. ...Yeah, I'd rather not think about that too much, I guess. Let's change the subject. "

Palace of Shadow

  • "This is the entrance to the Palace of Shadow. It's seen no visitors for 1,000 years... It's so big. It kind of overwhelms you, doesn't it? I don't like the vibe from this place... Maybe it's just my nerves."
  • "There's a long stairway connected to this underground lake. Those lights floating in the darkness are really pretty... but also pretty spooky."
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a long corridor leading down. This palace sure is big and super-rich looking, huh? I wonder what kind of people lived here before the place slept for 1,000 years?"
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This is a corridor, I think... Don't let the enemies and traps distract you!"
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a large bridge over the lake here. Those fire bars in the middle are kind of a problem, huh? We'd better avoid them. If you're all sketched out trying to jump them, just use Vivian's Veil ability!"
  • "What a humongous room... I'd say it was pretty, but even this place feels weird... It's like the whole palace got cursed or something. Did you just say "duh" to me?"
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There's a long hall leading down from here. It kinda feels like the earth is slowly swallowing us as we progress down. Yuck."
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There doesn't seem to be anything special here. Still, it has that same gross feeling... even though it's so nice and spacious..."
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. Seems normal... but I bet there's a secret here..."
  • "This is the palace courtyard... but it feels so cold and icky. It's like time stopped here..."
  • "How could there be such a huge tower underground? And why was it built? And why are there so many rooms? I love a good mystery, but this might be...too many mysteries..."
  • "There's something written on the wall. Something tells me it's related to the history of this tower..." (repeated for each room in the tower)
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This seems to be a corridor. I'm observant, huh? Listen, Mario... I know I've said this before, but don't forget that you're not in this alone. You should rely on your partners' abilities if you ever get stuck or anything."
  • "The gears in the back of this room started moving when we unlocked that planetarium... Listen, Mario... We're gonna have to rely on everything we've learned to get through this. Just think about what we've been through, and I'm sure you'll find a way, OK?"
  • "This is another corridor. I wonder how long these things go on? I'm sure we'll need all of your special skills AND those of your partners. Don't forget to use your strongest muscle too... Your noggin! Hee hee!"
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. This place is all about kooky puzzles, huh? You see those  marks in the middle of the corridor? They've GOTTA be important."
  • "We're inside of the Palace of Shadow. This is another corridor. Big surprise. Take it from me... if you ever feel lost, the best thing to do is take a good, hard look at everything around you."
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. We must be WAY underground by now. I'm totally running out of advice at this point, sorry. I have advisor's block. Hey, but don't worry! Have faith in yourself and your friends, and we'll win!"
  • "We're inside the Palace of Shadow. There doesn't seem to be any big puzzles here. The deeper into this place we go, the more I feel an icky, oppressive aura coming from its depths..."
  • "This is Gloomtail's room. I wonder if he was here for all 1,000 years? Dragons do live a long time, I heard, but dang..."
  • "What is THIS weird room? It's quiet... A little TOO... Well, let's just say it's quiet. There's a Save Block over there, and I'm thinking it would be smart to use it."
  • "This must be the main hall or something. It sure is a humongous space... This must've been where the most important person in the palace stayed... But standing here makes me totally uneasy... Why is that?"
  • "We're in the deepest room in the Palace of Shadow... The Shadow Queen's crypt. I gotta be honest... I totally thought we were goners at the time. Seriously. I was secretly wigging out, but then I saw how you wouldn't give up... Awesome. Anyway, enough reminiscing. There's nothing here now, Mario. Let's go back."
  • "There's a long, long staircase leading down. Whatever's waiting down there is projecting seriously nasty vibes..."

Pit of 100 Trials

  • "This is the Pit of 100 Trials. That pipe just seems to lead down forever... Still, the air seems kinda fresh here. I guess it's flowing down from above, huh?"
  • "This is the Pit of 100 Trials. We just gotta keep on fighting and descending... But this endless repetition of rooms is starting to totally wear me out, y'know? I guess we gotta soldier on though..."
  • "This is the Pit of 100 Trials. We've come pretty far, looks like. The air's getting super dank... Who knows how deep it goes, but let's keep going as long as we can..."
  • "This is the Pit of 100 Trials, but I don't see any enemies in this room. At least there's a pipe to take us back to the entrance if you wanna bail. Then again, we'd have to fight our way back down to this level again... Better think it through before we do anything hasty, know what I mean?"
  • "This is an intermediate level in the Pit of 100 Trials. These appear every 10 levels. At least there's a pipe to take us back to the entrance if you wanna bail. Then again, we'd have to fight our way back down to this level again... Better think it through before we do anything hasty, know what I mean?"
  • "This is an intermediate level in the Pit of 100 Trials. These appear every 10 levels. At least there's a pipe to take us back to the entrance if you wanna bail. Then again, we'd have to fight our way back down to this level again... Better think it through before we do anything hasty, know what I mean?"
  • "This is the lowest level in the Pit of 100 Trials. A zombified dragon named Bonetail used to protect this room. Yuuuuuck. Mario, I bet you're the first person to make it this far! I totally knew you'd do it! Now let's get out of this creepy place and back to the world above, OK?"

Items and objects


  • "This is a Yellow Block. You can break it with your hammer."
  • "This is a Big Yellow Block. It looks too sturdy to break with your current hammer. But if you find a more powerful hammer, then...look out, block!"
  • "This is a Big Yellow Block. You can break it by spinning with your hammer."
  • "This is a Stone Block. It looks too sturdy to break with your current hammer. You may need to get a more powerful hammer to break it."
  • "This is a Stone Block. You can break it with your hammer."
  • "This is a Big Stone Block. It looks too sturdy to break with your current hammer. You may need to get a more powerful hammer to break it."
  • "This is a Big Stone Block. You can break it by spinning with your hammer."
  • "This is a Block. If you hit it, something might pop out!"
  • "This is a ? Block. If you hit it, something will pop out! I wonder what you'll get..."
  • "This block's already been hit. You can hit it all you want, but nothing else will happen."
  • "This is a Metal Block. No matter what you do, you can't break this. Seriously."
  • "This is a Red ? Block. When you hit it, a badge will pop out. I wonder what kind is inside..."
  • "That's a Shine Block. When you hit it, a Shine Sprite pops out."
  • "That's a Lift Block. Hit a same-colored Lift Switch to turn it on and ride it."

Interactable objects

  • "This is a treasure chest. What could be inside it?"
  • "This is an opened treasure chest. It's empty."
  • "This is a big treasure chest. There must be something amazing inside!"
  • "This is a black chest. Wonder what's inside it..."
  • "This is a black chest. It doesn't seem like it has anything else to say..."
  • "This is a jump pad. You can jump really high when you land on it. With one of these, you can get to places you couldn't normally reach yourself."
  • "That's just a normal switch. Stomp on it or whack it to flip the switch."
  • "That's a super switch. Do a Spin Jump above it to activate it."
  • "That's a Lift Switch. Hit it to ride a Lift Block of the same color."
  • "That's a locked door. You can open it with a key."
  • "This is an X floor panel. It looks like it can be broken, but you don't have a way to do that yet..."
  • "This is an X floor panel. If you do a Spin Jump on it, you can break through it."