List of Super Paper Mario quotes by character (K–N)

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Main article: List of Super Paper Mario quotes

This is a list of quotes from the game Super Paper Mario by character (K–N). Note that Bowser's Minions and Sammer Guys are grouped together.

King Croacus IV[edit]

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "Ooooooo-weeee-ooooooo! Where, oh, where are my pretties?!"
  • "Pretties... Beautiful things... Ooo-wee! Bring them to me... More! More! More!"
  • "...Ooo? What is THIS hideous, clashing thing?"
  • "So you must be the intruders I've heard SO much about... Well, I will NOT forgive the great trashening of my beautiful kingdom!"
  • "NOO-WEE-OO!"
  • "...Thus you are warned!"
  • "NEVER! Their sturdy bodies make them SUCH fine workers. Exquisite! I need them to dig up more gems so I can build a bejeweled palace."
  • "Trash is garbage, no matter how you dress it. This world is made for BEAUUUUUTY! And if you need some proof... then have a look at this!"
  • "I can hear it in your voice... You want it SO badly, you can barely think, mmmmm? Seems we all seek beauty... So how DARE you get on your high horse!"
  • "Your blabber hurts my ears! And your smell is wilting me! I can stand you no longer. I rarely stoop to such things, but I'll destroy you myself. Consider it an honor!"
  • "Beauuuuuu...tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiful... Even as I wilt... I am... I am... BEEEEEAUUUUUTIIIIIIIFUUUL!"


  • "Ooooo-weeeee-oooooooooo! I am BACK! How dare you dirtify our water! The nerve... I will NOT be standing for this! You and the vile Cragnons! I shall eradicate you all at once! Brace yourselves! ...Oh, I am kidding! It looks like much of the tainted water drained as I slept. I shan't be doing anything terrible to you, so do not worry yourselves. I wish to turn the page to a new chapter for the Cragnons and Floro Sapiens."

King Sammer[edit]

Chapter 6[edit]

  • "Oh ho! What a performance! And what exotic garb you drape yourself in, challenger!"
  • "What a rousing spectacle of martial artistry!"
  • "Your unusual fighting style brings me amusement to no end!"
  • "As reward for your victory, I shall allow a glimpse of my treasure... Behold!"
  • "Indeed, it is the pride of the kingdom! If you desire it, prove your worth by defeating my loyal vassals in a tournament!"
  • "But the legend goes on. And so I shall continue a very dramatic reading... Ahem."
  • "'Only one thing can stop The Void: The great hero must be given the Pure Heart.'"
  • "Vassals, to me!"
  • "These are my vassals. Should you beat them all, you will prove you are the true hero. Yes, I shall reward you with a Pure Heart if you best my other 99 Sammer Guys!"
  • "I'm sure I'll be on the edge of my throne throughout this thrilling tournament! I will await your arrival at the palace. The tournament has begun... Let skill decide!"


  • "OH, BRAVO!"
  • "Our jaws are agape at the spectacle of your warrior prowess, challenger!"
  • "I never imagined you'd be the victor. Didn't all that savage combat get boring?"
  • "But I digress... I am true to my word and shall grant you my greatest treasures!"
  • "Ahem! Well, you see, I planned on bestowing our Pure Heart to you, but it's...gone. Instead, I present you with these other royal treasures. My charity knows no bounds!"
  • "Well, that's the end of that. Your battle is over. We were all MOST entertained."
  • "Should you find yourself in our kingdom again someday, do drop in for a melee!"
  • "Farewell, champion!"
  • "By royal decree, I have banished my Sammer Guy army to vacation. They are probably splashing gleefully in the turquoise waters of a tropical vista. The age of the sword is over... They are the last of the Sammer Guys. When they come back, I shall issue another decree and put them out to pasture. And then I shall assemble a new army! Perhaps 100 kitty robots... Yes..."

Bowser's Minions[edit]


  • "You awake, Green?"
  • "Yeah, we're doing OK. Good to see you made it! (Figured he was done... Dude is tougher than he looks.)"
  • "Near as we can figure, most of the other minions got captured or something. And we're probably next! (Why is this dude so calm?! we're behind enemy lines!)"
  • " Did NOT expect that. All those stories about Great Luigi's daring exploits...."
  • "We'd heard you were the defender of the helpless! We have no one else!"
  • "Oh, you are the BEST! (Man, that was waaaaay too easy. What a sucker!)"
  • "This door's the only way out. Let's head through. (Today, please?)"
  • "Hey, this door's unlocked! Let's go through this one. (Plumbers first!)"
  • "Hey, this door's open too. Right after you, Luigi. (Shake a mustache!)"
  • "So where's King Bowser? (I wish he was here instead of the Great Dweeb, here.)"
  • "Great Luigi! Wait for us!"
  • "Uh oh... Looks like the end of the line here."
  • "GARY! NO!"
  • "Oh, man... Poor Gary..."
  • "All right! it's time for me to Goomba-up! Hey, lady! Got room for one more on your team?"
  • "What's it look like, genius? I'm getting with the winning team!"
  • "Hey, count me in, lady! HERE WE GO, COUNT, HERE WE GO! LOVE THAT COUNT!"


  • "Nope, not so much. You're the only one we found lying around here. Hopefully, they're both OK. (Get a load of this moron! Who cares about his friends?)"
  • "Sooooo... Luigi, old buddy! What do you think about maybe getting out of here? We're thinking maybe you open up a path for us...and we all bail. Whatcha think?"
  • "We're right behind you! (But the second the going gets rough, we BAIL!)"
  • "The Great Luigi is like an army of 100 Chain Chomps! (Better than nothing...)"
  • "Man, we are SO lucky to have someone as burly as you... (Must...stroke...ego...)"
  • "Mustache is looking good! (Yeah, REAL impressed with how you bit your bro's style!)"
  • "Where's that cutie, Peach? (She'd be much easier on the eyes than this guy. ♡)"
  • "Uh... Shouldn't we look for another way out, maybe? (This guy's useless.) If we stay put, somebody is definitely going to spot--"

Hammer Bro captain[edit]

  • " You're the only one of the wedding part left standing, it looks like."
  • "So you finally woke up, huh, Princess?"
  • "Thing is, most of us minions got all brainwashed by that Bleck guy's assistant. Yeah, everyobody's half nuts! It's not safe here! We've gotta clear this area, NOW!"
  • "Private Koopa here will escort you, OK? You guys make a break for it."
  • "What am I gonna do? I'll TELL you what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna go help my men! King Bowser would burn me to a crisp if I left 'em! Leave no Koopa behind!"
  • "What's this insubordination?! Johnson! I am your CAPTAIN! drop and give me twenty!"
  • "You just messed with the wrong Koopa! I serve Bowser! You tell this 'count'..."


  • "You. Give up. There is no hope for escape."
  • "All hail the glorious count! Do not resist... Submit to his rule. You will love it."

Koopa Striker[edit]

  • "HAAALT!"
  • "Yea, you! This is Bowser's castle! And His Burliness doesn't like chumps like you geekin' up the place!"
  • "You're about to get a complimentary nose job, courtesy of my shell!"
  • "Come on out, fellas!"
  • "Come and get some!"

Private Koopa[edit]

  • "That was one CRAZY wedding! We can't even find His Groomness! You remember... King Bowser? Oh... And that guy with the mustache... I think he had a green tux on or something? Yeah, erm...Luigi, that's the guy. We dunno where he ended up either."
  • "OK, lady, we've gotta EVAC this zone! Let's roll!"
  • "Listen, lady, we're in hostile territory here! Move it, now! GO GO GO!"
  • "Oh, man, this is going downhill fast! Did you SEE that?! They even broke the captain!"
  • "Look, lady, if they find us, it is GAME OVER! We've gotta clear this area, ASAP!"
  • "Hey, lady! Looks like we can breach this door!"
  • "Didn’t you hear that, lady? Sounds like an entire enemy platoon behind there!"
  • "What, you think you’ve got extra lives? We go through there and it’s game over!"
  • "Sorry if I’m short with you. I don’t wanna freak you out… but I’m sorta freaking out."
  • "Hold up, lady! Our intel showed a ton of hostels behind that door!"
  • "This route’s a no-go. We’re gonna have to find another way out"
  • "Didn’t you hear me, lady? That route’s a game-over sentence! Keep looking!"
  • "Keep your eyes peeled for another door, lady. We’re gonna get through this!"
  • "Excellent! I think we’ve found a viable extraction point here!"
  • "No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Dead end!"
  • "Find cover, lady! I'm trained to handle scum like this!"


  • "YEEEAH!"
  • "Bowser, Bowser, WOO!"
  • "It's OUR turn!"
  • "We're under attack!"
  • "SAVE US!"
  • "I'M DONE FOR!"
  • "MOMMY!"
  • "BOWSER!"
  • "All hail!"
  • "You rule!"
  • "Niiice, dude!"
  • "Hi, Peach!"
  • "YES, MA'AM!"
  • "Your Crabbiness! Are you leaving us?"
  • "Your lair is safe with us, sir!"
  • "Oh, sir, it seems that Count Bleck has brainwashed some of your loyal henchpeople. They're probably going to forced to attack you, so feel free to dole out punishment!"
  • "Of course, we'd love to come along and defend you, but... You know, we'd just, uh, get in the way, Your Heinousness..."
  • "Clobber that count for us!"
  • "We'll miss you, Your Surliness! ...Parrrrrty!"


Chapter 2[edit]

  • "There are two things I hate... Old dudes with mustaches, and old dudes without mustaches. So take a hike, old dude! Go up the road to Merlee's Mansion, will ya?"
  • "HOT GIRL ALERT! We must've been fated to meet! Yes! You are my destiny! Please! Go out with me!"
  • "Where? Merlee's Mansion? I wouldn't go there if I were you! You'll get trapped there and bad things will happen!"
  • "...ohmanohmanohmanohman... I don't even want to remember it! But now that you're with me, you don't have to worry about all that, baby! Because I am your fate... Your DESTINY!"


  • "Take a hike, old dude! Just go do your old-dude stuff, will ya?"
  • "I wish I lived in a world full of nothing but cute girls..."
  • "Baby, I will share this secret only with you."
  • "Someone named Mario is traveling with a cute cutie, trying to save the world!"
  • "Oh boy, I'm so jealous... I mean, I'm really furious... I mean, I'm so jealous..."



  • "...Wow, sure is peaceful today, eh, Bro?"
  • "Makes a guy feel lucky, having a peaceful day..."
  • "Yup, reeeeeal peaceful. It's so peaceful, it's almost a little bit boring. It makes you just want a... KERBLOOEY! Y'know? Some kind of shocking event..."
  • "...Ooh, at Princess Peach's place, maybe? That'd be cool, huh, Bro? Maybe we should go visit Mushroom Castle! It has been a while. I'm sure the princess would be happy to see us."
  • "T-Toad?! What? What happened? Why are you so crazy?"
  • "WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! Why that's ridiculous! Who in the world would do such a thing?!"
  • "Wait a second... Yeah... I think I've got it! Bro, this must be the work of that guy! That bad guy!"
  • "I won't stand for this... we'll have to sneak into his castle and rescue Princess Peach!"
  • "Let's go, Bro!"
  • "Quiet, you big Bowser! We know you kidnapped Princess Peach! Now where'd you put her?!"
  • "Princess Peach?!"
  • "Destroy all WORLDS?!"
  • "Big Bro!"
  • "What in the world...?"
  • "Eh? What am I doing here? Huh? Is that...Princess Peach over there??? And that guy is...HEY!"
  • "HALT!"
  • "Oh, no! I don't give my name to scoundrels! Just watch as Luigi punishes you for your badness!"
  • "HERE I GO!"
  • "Here's where Luigi rescues Princess Peach!"
  • "Eh?"

Chapter 2[edit]

  • "Ohh... My head..."
  • "...Hey! Where am I?"
  • "Oh yeah, now I remember! I was saving Princess Peach, but I screwed it up, and..." (American version)
  • "Oh yeah, now I remember! I was saving Princess Peach, but I messed it up, and..." (British version)
  • "Yeah... Hey there, uh, bad guys. You doing all right?"
  • "So yeah...kinda awkward... Say, have you guys seen the princess and Bowser?"
  • "No... I... I couldn't possibly! I've gotta save the princess!"
  • "The G-Great Luigi, you say? A... A daring defender? ...Me?"
  • "Then I've got no choice! Luigi must spring into action! My fans need me!"
  • "Then follow ME, Goombas! Here we gooooo!"
  • "YOU!"
  • "Whah? Hey! Wait a second! What are you DOING?"
  • "You... You dirty TRAITOR!"
  • "Ack! Wh-Whoa! Hey! No! Mario, where are you? HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!"

Chapter 6[edit]

  • "Unnnnnggggghhh..."
  • "Oh, boy! How'd I end up in this stinky place?"
  • "Count Bleck's underlings grabbed me, I remember that... Then... And then..."
  • "Owahhhh... Oh, FORGET it! I just wish somebody would come help me!"
  • "Buh... BRO?!"
  • "OH YEAH! I missed you, Bro!"
  • "What? Huh? Why am I here?"
  • "Well, I don’t really know... I mean, where am I, exactly?"
  • "What? The Underwhere? The land of ended games?"
  • "Bro, what are you SAYING?! What does it all MEAN?!"
  • "Uh hunh... OK, I gotcha. So my game is over... Great."
  • "I guess one of Count Bleck's baddies must've done me in, just like you guys, huh?"
  • "Well, everybody runs out of extra lives sometime, right? So what should we do now?"
  • "...Luvbi? You're looking for someone named Luvbi?"
  • "Hey, sounds good to me! I'm loaded with free time! After all, my game's over!"
  • "I was feeling pretty low, Bro, but now that you're here, I wanna jump for joy!"
  • "This looks like a job for Luigi!"
  • "You know my bro always bounces back! Like me! I bounce, too!"
  • "So, hey, I'm Luigi! I'm my bro's bro! Nice to meet you!"
  • "Oh boy, not that I remember, but..."

Chapter 7[edit]

  • "Huh? What in the.. Hey! Wait, this is The Underwhere! We just came from here!"
  • "Ummm... Sorry to break this to you, big guy... but we're already there. See... This is The Underwhere."
  • "She's fine! I mean, she's Peach! She's gotta be fine, right?"
  • "Erm, yeah... Kinda hard to say... but I wouldn't exactly call her his girlfriend."
  • "Honh?! Is she..."
  • "Oh no! Peach!"
  • "Princess Peach! Hey! Hey! Wake up, princess!"
  • "A hun-hundred years?!"
  • "W-Well, we’ve gotta do something! Let’s go find any kind of fruit we can!"
  • "It worked! Yahooooooooooo! Princess Peach, you're awake!"
  • "Hey! You're the boss of all the crazy guys who escaped The Underwhere, aren't you?!"
  • "OK, Grambi!"
  • "Okey-dokey!"
  • "So, should we go to Merlon’s? We ought to tell him that we found the last Pure Heart!"
  • "Tippi? What’s the matter, huh?"
  • "Leave it to us!"

Chapter 8[edit]

  • "Yes! Count Bleck is deep inside this castle."
  • "Leave it to us!"
  • "The door... It won't budge!"
  • "Oh boy, she's right about that! Bowser has survived worse!"
  • "Another tremor... I've lost count of them all!"
  • "P-Princess Peach! You're not really going to..."
  • "It... It won't open!"
  • "First Bowser, and now the princess... W-W-What do we do, Bro?!"
  • "B-But... We can't leave the princess!"
  • "well, yeah... I guess that is a Princess Peach thing to say. I'm worried about Peach, but she'd probably be mad at us for wasting time..."
  • "Hey! Stop messing around and fight us for real!"
  • "What are you talking about?! You want to betray him?!"
  • "Shag?! This mustache is all Luigi!" (American version)
  • "Pushover?! I'll show you who's a pushover!" (British version)
  • "Leave this one to me, Bro! You run ahead! You've got worlds to save. You don't have time to fight this baddie! Don't let Bowser and Peach's sacrifices be for nothing! Or...mine, either!"
  • "Besides, he insulted my 'stache, Bro! You know I'm sensitive about that!" (American version)
  • "Besides, he called me a pushover, Bro! You know I'm sensitive about that!" (British version)
  • "Lemme at him! Run for it, Bro!"
  • "Had enough, Dimentio?! I didn't need my superstar bro to take you on!"
  • "W-What're you doing...?! N-N-N-Noooooooooooooo! Uwaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Wawahwahwahwahwahwah!"
  • "Yeah, you tell him, Princess! W-We aren't going to let you get away with this. We aren't giving up! You'll never win!"
  • "I don't even know what happened, Bro, but the princess found me out cold."
  • "But we're all here now, so let's do this!"
  • "Huh?! Uh-oh. AAAAAACK! Why am I flapping my arms! Oh, this... This isn't good!"
  • "I AM MR. L!"
  • "Master Dimentio... What is your bidding?"
  • "Hey, I remember this place! "
  • "Wait... Can you hear that?"

Getting Barry[edit]

  • "Oh, wow, are you a Pixl? Thanks, but I don't need any more tips."

Getting Piccolo[edit]

  • "Hey, who are you?"

Shadoo first encounter[edit]

  • "Wh-Who's that?!"

Shadoo second encounter[edit]

  • "Oh boy... Even if he WAS a fake, I don't wanna fight my bro ever again!"


Chapter 6[edit]

  • "Ohhh me... I wonder if I shall meet my most special someone this day? Surely he is a prince of countenance fair, pining even now to meet me..."
  • "Quickly, my loving prince! Fly to me!"
  • "Pray, what call hast thou to stare at me so?!"
  • "Didst thou hear me pine for an old, mustachioed fatty?! Begone!"
  • "Oh, hurry... Hasten to meee... Sweeet priiince..."
  • "Foulness! An aging man of mustache grim returneth!"
  • "Talk not to me as though we have met! Speak now! What dost thou want of me?!"
  • "Thou came hither to find me? Pah! As if I would consort with a face so behaired! I await a handsome prince! Understand? PRINCES ONLY!"
  • "Oh, but hold a moment... Ha HA! Dost thou claim to be the prince for whom I pine? Priceless... Yea, verily... Very well then, good prince. Let us confirm thy lineage."
  • "If thou art my prince, then surely thou knowest my name. Speak it to mine ears! If the name is true, then I shall admit thou art mine one and only."
  • "Ha! Thou art WRONG, fiend! I am not for such as thee! Begone from mine eyes!"
  • "Ha HA! In thy FACE! My name is not Luv... WHAAAAAT?! H-H-How hast thou come by the knowledge of my name? No... Doth this mean..."
  • "Nay! Nay! Such foulness! The very thought cannot be abided!"
  • "I cannot date a man so old and unpleasant to the eye! I shall return to Mother!"
  • "HA! At last thou appearest, foul, hairy creatures!"
  • "Thou art no princes! Thou art LIARS! Thou approachest me at my mother's behest!"
  • "So, ummm, yea, I am sorry... that thou art so hairy."
  • "And I never got to meet my prince... I weep."

Chapter 7[edit]

  • "Mother!... My things are packed and checked thrice! I am ready to return to The Overthere!"
  • "...Oh, me! Thou returnest? Did thy game truly end this time?"
  • "What?! My presence makes thee ill, thou sayest?!"
  • "Trust in this: I take no joy in it either! But Mother says dost it, so thou DOST IT!"
  • (OK, fine!)(Nope. Still no.)
  • "What?! I hear you not! Try again!"
  • (OK, let's go!)(No way.)
  • "Huh?! Unblock mine ears! One more time!"
  • (Fine!)(No!)
  • "Gahhh! Get thy head on straight and speakest that which I must hear!"
  • (OK!)(MmmmmOK.)
  • "Yea, verily! Dost as thou art told!"
  • "Hee hee... But avert thine eyes whilst we climb, lets thou succumbeth to my cuteness!"
  • "Oh me, a sharpened tongue. Thou art jealous? Dost thou pine for yonder hairy twins? For whom dost thou pine the most? The red one? Or perhaps the green?"
  • "Thy cheek grows, and thy manner flustered... A crush, hot as a thousand suns, burns deep within thy heart! Yea, verily. Alas for thee, methinks. Anyway, movest on!"
  • "At long last, we find it... Herein lies the way out of The Underwhere. This is Underwhere Road."
  • "Ugh... My heart weepeth to return to The Overthere without meeting my one true love."
  • "Pray, speakest to me, Tippi... Believest thou in the idea of a soul mate?"
  • "Hmm... I shall mark that as one vote for 'undecided.' Or perhaps I should say 'unrequited,' in thy case... Ha HA!"
  • "sweet Tippi! How simple it is to tweak thy chain!"
  • "Now I must forge onward. Catchest me if thou canst!"
  • "Ah me, blue skies again! If we continue upward, we'll soon be in The Overthere. Let us away!"
  • "Pray, I would understand this! Is yon Peach the lady friend of Mario?"
  • "Oh, verily? But the damsel looms large in his regard, is this not so? A one-sided crush then, mayhap."
  • "Ah me, enough idle blather! I shall fly ahead, so keepest up if thou canst! If thou climbest too slowly, the sun will set, so shaketh a leg!"
  • "Ah me... Prithee, tell me... Princess Peach, I presume? She hath eaten the golden fruit. She lacketh common sense, I fear."
  • "The Overthere teemeth with magical trees whose fruit maketh many an odd effect. The fruit of golden hue maketh people so satisfied, they falleth into deep sleep. And I mean DEEP sleep... The kind thou dost not wake up from for a hundred years..."
  • "Pray, wherefore would I know of such... Ah, but hold on a moment... I do remember my father's words of long ago. Yea, he said one tree in The Overthere bore a taboo fruit that could waketh anyone..."
  • "Pray... Wherefore should I know, huh?"
  • "So, yon Princess Peach... All seem to holdeth her in regard most high..."
  • "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph! Do what thou wantest! I am NOT helping! I am SULKING!"
  • "I shall head onward, so dawdleth not! Heareth me, Princess of silly peaches?"
  • "Soon, we shall meet with my father, Grambi. Be thou on thy best behavior."
  • "Thou art correct. Grambi is my father and Jaydes is my mother."
  • "Pray, listen... I fell ill once, and my father never left my bedside... They hath an overprotective side, and I grow annoyed of it at times. But perhaps it is mine own fault for being so cute. They cannot help it!"
  • "Yon beasts seek the Pure Heart! Foulness! Only Father knoweth the Pure Heart's resting place... Father is in danger!"
  • "The thou-knowest-what?"
  • "Whibbi! Speakest of my father! How doth he fare?"
  • "Rebbi! Grambi is in trouble! Hast thou the red orb?"
  • "Finally thou snappest out of it, eh, Dumbi? We hasten to yonder shrine to help Grambi, so givest thy blue orb"
  • "We must rebuild yon bridge to reach Grambi! Thou must givest us the yellow orb! If thou dost not, we shall tell all how long thou spent hiding in thither!"
  • "Pray... What art thou doing in there? Dost thou not know that The Overthere hath been overrun by beasts most foul?!"
  • "Shuttest thy trap, foul one! Speakest! Doth my father fare well?! If thou hast hurt a whisker on his face, I shall END all that is you!"
  • "Ha ha... Th-That is just silly... My mother and father..."
  • "Th-That's... No... Thou liest! Father! Sayest something!"
  • "Father... The words of that thing...were lies, yea? Thou and Mother art my parents?"
  • "...So it is...true..."
  • "So, uh... Ha ha... Thou sayest I am meant to be with him... He verily prince? This doth STINK! He is completely wrong for me! I speak seriously to you... This hath no humor to it!"
  • "Fine. I shall return to my Pure Heart form...and I shall go with Mario and his friends..."
  • "Nay, perhaps I already have... I remember being the Pure Heart now, in truth. And the world would end if I did not do it, is this not so? So I should just..."
  • "Wait... Why do I explain myself to thee?! Thou art not my real father, so QUIET!"
  • "To think of all the times thou hast scolded me! Thou didst KNOW I was not long for this world! Why didst thou not let me have fun?! Nay! Instead I suffered an angry fake father and a nagging fake mother! I had no life! How dost thou plan to make that up to me?!"
  • "Oh, giveth me a break! I must do it whether thou wish it or not! It shall be a RELIEF!"
  • "I scoff at thy lingering! Why dost thou not giveth me back the present I bought with my saved allowance!"
  • "How dost thou DARE to lecture on lying! And why dost thou think I lied?!"
  • "I thought that Mother and thee... I thought... Thou happy... The pair of thee... Thou art not real parents... I... I.. I hate thee..."
  • "Oh, Mother... Thou needst not to apologize... My dear mother... Thank thee..."
  • "The Pure Heart doth wish to assume its original form..."
  • "Tippi... Takest good care of the real me. And...savest the world, yea? Such is my final wish, so if thou dost not do it, thou art most unkind!"
  • "Father... Mother... Fare thee well... I am sorry for lying earlier. Because in truth... I... I love thee...both........."


  • "Greetings! How art thou? Ha ha HA! Thou hast a very confused look on thy countenance! Thou art wondering how I returned to life? We-ell... That is a secret! Ha ha HA! Just kidding! Truth be told, I know not! But who careth! I am back! Mother and Father hath been all OVER me since my return. They are so clingy! I guess it is my fault for being soooooo cute! Well, thou should come play whenever! Mother, Father, and I are always hither!"


  • "Servants...of Big Rock Who Watches... You big boulders, we just gravel bits..."
  • "O great servants of Big Rock Who Watches... Cragnons having trouble down here... Serious. Bad. Big, big danger..."
  • "One day...freak plant-people came... Nerd Cragnon named them Floro Sapiens. They kidnap many Cragnons... We were peaceful brahs... They give peace no chance..."
  • "Rescue team of Cragnons... now need to BE rescued... We at end of our crag... How do we save Cragnons? No idea come to Marbald... and we keep losing Cragnons..."
  • "This bad, brahs... Cragnons must work this out, or Cragnons go ex... EXTINCT, BRAH!"
  • "You prune Floro Sapiens... You save kidnapped buds... You hook Cragnons up..."
  • (Sure thing, brah.)
    • "Yah? You not cragging my chain? Cragnons owe you big-time, brahs..."
  • (Nah, man.)
    • "WHAAAAAAT?! Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! Come on! Hook up Cragnons... Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease... Marbald begs..."
    • (Ignore him.)
      • "Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Extiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinct! End of all Cragnons... For...EVER!"
  • "Please, braaaaaaaaah... Reconsider, braaaaah... Do it, braaaaaaaaaah... Beat bad Floro Sapiens... They kidnapped our buds... You get Cragnon buds back..."
  • "P-P-P-Please! You help! You hook up Cragnons! Hooooooup, PLEEEEESE!"


  • "Ohh!"
  • "Ha!"
  • “Yahoo!"
  • “No-no."
  • “Hmm..."
  • "Yes!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Hi!"


  • "Monsters hath been hither! They crept up behind me and clobbered mine head!"
  • "Because of them, I missed "Hagtime Mystery Hour" last night! Scoundrels!"
  • "Hmmph... I guess I shall have to buy it on DVD..."


Chapter 2[edit]

  • "Ah! Hooray! Whoopee! ♡ Thanks for coming to look for me!"
  • "Beautiful, mysterious Merlee! Mistress of the house, it's me! So glad it's you I see!"
  • "So long I've waited for you. Your arrival is well past due."
  • "But we can't meet like this, oh no, for something's amiss."
  • "An evil one is after me, and safe and sound I cannot be."
  • "In the basement do I dwell, maze-like rooms are my cell, you will find me, I can tell..."
  • "And...if you do, take care... For...your eyes...may err... Trust nothing...foul...or fair..."
  • "No... I cannot...last... My The"
  • " to find me? Beware...if you do, I plea..."
  • "... .. ... .. . . .. .... .. ... . ... .. .. .... .. . . . .. . . .. .... . ."
  • "No, it can't be so!"
  • "Wh-What, have you forgot? I have warned you, did I not? That is not the real me! I am elsewhere, you see..."
  • "Good choice, for my sake... This Merlee's a total fake... Listen not! She is a snake!"
  • "Please, my friends, beware. A barrier protects her there. In fact, it's everywhere. I think attacks may well be useless against such as she."
  • "I must suggest you flee. Come and find the real me. I am hiding, look and see! If you can, my magic may weaken her and win the day! Hurry, hurry, don't delay!"
  • "Hee hee hee hee hee! ♡ Found me! The real Merlee!"
  • "I shine on, such is my lot, a sun to those fate to me brought..." (American version)
  • "I shine on, like the brightest star calling to you from miles afar." (British version)
  • "I'm afraid that Mimi freak was too robust, and I too weak... The Pure Heart I quickly took and hid where she would never look..."
  • "But now you're here. Hooray! This bad tide will turn today! Soon that awful Mimi pays..."
  • "You and I can now join up to teach that tiny, bratty pup a lesson: now let's power up!" (American version)
  • "You and I can now join up to teach that tiny, bratty pup a lesson. Now let's power up!" (British version)
  • "Stop pretending to be me! Everyone knows you are Mimi! Come on, friends! Attack! We can drive her back!"
  • "It's me! The real Merlee!"
  • "Look at us very closely. One of us has real beauty... and one is as fake as can be."
  • "Grrr! What a fib-maker! You're such a fake faker!"
  • "This is going nowhere, see... Let's let them pick a Merlee and settle it; do you agree?"
  • "Oh, how much do you amuse! You're a fake! You will lose!"
  • "IT'S ON, CON!"
  • "What day did I arrive? Oh yes, March, day 25!"
  • "Strawberries! Ooh, yummies!"
  • "Hee hee... I love them all, see... Nope! No type for me!"
  • "A little bear cubbie, just as cute as can be!"
  • "Fresh air, I swear!"
  • "Catalogues for crystal balls, that's where my interest falls."
  • "Crystal ball. The newest kind! Nice ones are hard to find!"
  • "It is not a name to boast, but I was the "Bashful Ghost.""
  • "Not that you should care, but I wash my bangs of hair."
  • "The lobes of my perfect ears. They got voted by my peers to be "Lobes of the Year.""
  • (Right choice, when choosing between her and Mimi) "Well, of course, obviously! Nobody could copy me!"
  • (Wrong choice, when choosing between her and Mimi) "Oh, my, that's not swell... Really? You couldn't tell?"
  • "Maybe I was just a fool for thinking you were ultra cool and sent here as fate's tool."
  • "I will cheer from over here!"
  • "Rah! Rah! Whoosh-bing-bah! Hit 'er in the knee! ...If she has one. Does she?"
  • "You can now hit her, dear! For this is no normal cheer! This cheer is magic, woo! Her magic barrier is through!"
  • "Hee hee on you, dearie! Now you shall see the way a good cheer wins the day!"
  • "Yes! Yes! Our team's best! GOOO...TEAM!"
  • "Cha! Cha! Cha!"
  • "Rah! Rah! Rah!"
  • "OFFENSE!"
  • "Maul, parasol!"
  • "Fine job on that Mimi, yes! The Pure Heart's safe, evil's repressed."
  • "You know, the tenants here, guarded it for 1,500 years, waiting for you to draw near! Finally, that duty's done, and I'm ecstatic, for one."
  • "But wait, ere we finish up, I must tell you something, yup."
  • "So the Light Prognosticus was read by you, yes? It was written there that I and my ancestors waited by the Pure Heart, staying spry... But something wasn't written there, and of it you must be aware."
  • "There is another prophecy: a heart of chaos can only be beaten by four of mystery... Four heroes unite, their hope burns forth light to shatter the walls of blight."
  • "That is how despair, it dies, such is what we prophesize here in the home of the wise."
  • "I am sure the pair of you, Mario and Peach, you too, are the first of heroes true." (American version)
  • "I am sure the pair of you, Mario, and Peach you too, are the first of heroes true." (British version)
  • "So, then, it falls to you, to find the other heroes two. I would guess, if I had to, the others might be known to you."
  • "Now, finally, let me be! I hereby do my sworn duty! There! from me it parts! Here, heroes! A Pure Heart!"

Chapter 3[edit]

  • "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Welcome, yes, fear no harm! It’s Merlee’s House of Charms!"
  • "Oh, how very long it’s been! I am in business again… Thanks to you, I win!"

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… It’s Merlee’s House of Charms! Flopside branch, by my arms!"
  • "You’re surprised? Don’t be! I was worried for you, gee! So I moved here… Hee hee!"


  • "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Shall I now cast a charm to keep you free from harm?"
  • "If you wish to talk to me, across the table you must be. Thank you, truly golly, gee!"
  • "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…"
  • "Welcome, yes, fear no harm! It’s Merlee’s House of Charms! Flopside branch, by my arms!"
  • "If you have a charm of mine, life will surely be so fine, whether it is rain or shine!"
  • "Let me ask you this, though: want a charm before you go?"
  • (No)
  • "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Well, well, too bad, so sad! Come back and I’ll be glad!"
  • (Insufficient funds)
  • "Huh? Oh, unhappy day! You lack the coins to pay! No charm for you today!"
  • "I surely hope that you’ll return…with money to burn."
  • (Yes)
  • "Charm packages vary, now, in extra goodness I allow. You will have to say “Wow!”"
  • "Choose, you can’t lose!"
  • (Trial Package 50 Coins)(Advised Package 100 Coins)(Special Package 200 Coins)
  • "Hee hee hee hee hee hee! Thank you, really and truly… Here we go! Wiiiiiiiiiiii!"
  • "Ahhhhhh…"
  • "Sparkling sun up in the sky… Shine fortune on these guys…"
  • "KEEE-YIII!"
  • "Charming is now complete! You’re set to go complete!"
  • "When that charm wears out, come back for another bout!"

Piccolo side-quest[edit]

  • "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Oh, you have fine timing! My blood pressure's climbing!"
  • "See, I was hoping maybe for you to do me a big favor. Can you, I implore?"
    • (I'm busy now.)
    • "Really, wow, that's no good... I really thought you would. Well, then, some other time, over the counter please climb, and give me help sublime!"
    • (Only if it's a small one.)
    • "Thank you, thank you true! I knew I could count on you!"
  • "During my confusing move, I lost my crystal ball so smooth. I use a replacement now, but it feels wrong somehow."
  • "I believe Merluvlee uses the same type of ball as me... Would you go to her and ask for one of her crystal balls real fast?"
  • "You know where Merluvlee is, right? Where the outskirts of Flipside are in sight?"
  • "Thank you! Thank you true!"
  • "By the outskirts of Flipside... a fortune-telling shop resides. Go there and get for me, a crystal ball, oh golly, gee! Thank you, to you from me!"
  • "Did you get a new ball for me? Do I thank you, golly, gee?"
  • "That's it! That's the one! Ahhhhhh...♡ Oh, well done! Thank you! Thanks a ton!"
  • "Well, then, let's see, now... I must thank you somehow... I guess that there's only one thing I can do for you, hon..."
  • "One charm for you! Woo hoo! If you want a charm on someone, cross the counter and talk to me, hon."
  • "Hm? What's this I see on you? You look angry? Or blue?"
  • "A charm from me is just not enough? Kids these days! Ungrateful stuff!"
  • "Fine! I would be remiss if I did not give you this!"
  • "Once there was an explorer. A charm I cast with a purr... He gave me this, yes sir!"
  • "I do not know what it unlocks. I bet it's handy, by my socks. You can have it. It rocks!"
  • "Well now, 'bye, and how!♡"



  • "Oh ho! Well, well, well... Back so soon, Tippi?"
  • "And who might this be? Red shirt. Blue overalls... And magnificent 'stache! Tippi, you have truly outdone yourself..."
  • "I welcome you, Mario! This is the town of Flipside. You have come far from the Mushroom Kingdom of your dimension..."
  • "Of course, our fair Flipside is in no dimension at all! No! it is BETWEEN dimensions!"
  • "My name? Merlon! I am a descendant of the Ancients who created this town."
  • "I busy myself studying musty, ancient texts to forestall the end of all worlds!"
  • "Ahh... You want to know about the end of all worlds? What's happening, you ask? So Tippi has not yet told you, I gather... Well then, Mario... The answer hangs above you."
  • "Do you see the gathering darkness in the sky? It is a hole in the very dimensional fabric of space! Such a strange phenomenon..."
  • "Is it near or far? None know. It may appear small now, but it will only grow. And in the end, it will swallow all existence... All worlds, all dimensions..."
  • "This void was created by our enemy, Count Bleck, who wields the Dark Prognosticus."
  • "Yes... The passage Tippi just quoted is from the Light Prognosticus of my ancestors. The book also says this: 'The Void will swallow all... Naught can stop it...unless the one protected by the dark power is destroyed. The hero with the power of the eight Pure Hearts will rise to this task.' ...So it is written."
  • "This is one of the eight Pure Hearts. You are surely the hero spoken of in the pages of the Light Prognosticus. You are the only one who can defeat Count Bleck and save all worlds!"
  • "Mario! Take this and save all worlds from destruction!"
  • (Nah.)
  • "What?! How can you refuse? If you do not accept this, all worlds will end! You must!"
  • (I don't wanna!)
  • "After all I have told you, you still refuse?!"
  • "You are our very last soap... Wait, what did I say? Hope! Very last HOPE!"
  • "This is the final time I will ask you. Please... Save the world!"
  • (Still no.)
  • "I see... Then all worlds are as good as doomed... Ohhhhh..."
  • (I will!/OK, then./Fine, already.)
  • "Excellent! You truly are the hero of the book of legend! My eyes never deceive! So... Ahem! Mario, our brave hero! Take...THIS!"
  • "Now, great hero Mario... Your first task awaits. You must take this Pure Heart... You must place it in the Heart Pillar in this town. Tippi will lead you there. Return to me when you are through with this task!"
  • "Tippi will guide you to the Heart Pillar where you must place the Pure Heart. Now, be on your way, young hero!"
  • "Ah, the two of you return!"
  • "Look! A door has appeared! This 'dimensional door' was made to lead the hero to another Pure Heart. Yes, somewhere beyond this door lies one of the seven other Pure Hearts..."
  • "...Tippi. You must use your power to help Mario find this Pure Heart and return here."
  • "And Mario... I have something to give you that will aid you on your journey."
  • "With this, you will be able to return to Flipside from anywhere in the universe! Use it whenever you feel you must return in a hurry."
  • "...The Light Prognosticus foretells that the hero will meet a 'dimension governor.' And from him, the hero will learn the dimensional technique... I am almost certain this refers to my friend, the Flip Wizard, Bestovius. So go now through this door, and seek out Bestovius!"
  • "Just enter that door as soon as you feel you are ready! I will wish for your safe return!"

Chapter 1[edit]

  • "You return so soon? I can see from your faces that it went well indeed... Let's go back to my house so you can tell me the details.. Please, step right in."
  • "So how was it, dear friends? Did you find a Pure Heart?"
  • "Oh ho, such pure brilliance... This is a true piece of the one true Purity Heart!"
  • "Wh-What?! Lady Merlumina?! You were well met. She is an ancestor of mine. She was a great leader and was revered as the wisest of ancient sages. Merlumina and those who followed her built this town. They are why we are here."
  • "What is it?! get a hold of yourself, lad..."
  • "What? A girl fell out of the sky? What in the worlds?"
  • "Hmmm... She does not look at all familiar to me... Who could this be?"
  • "Princess Peach?! So this is the princess that Count Bleck kidnapped? Well, the poor girl seems to have had a rough time, of that we can be sure. And she is shivering uncontrollably... What could the problem be?"
  • "Mario. You must go to the chef named Saffron on the first floor of Flipside. I am sure she knows a warming and revitalizing recipe for this poor girl..." (American version)
  • "Mario. You must go to the chef named Saffron on the ground floor of Flipside. I am sure she knows a warming and revitalizing recipe for this poor girl..." (British version)
  • "Once she revives, we will be able to ask Princess Peach exactly what happened."
  • "I am sure Saffron the chef knows a warming recipe for this poor girl here... She lives on the ground floor of this town. Go find her, quickly now!"
  • "Of course! Spicy Soup! That'll do the trick, methinks! Give Princess Peach a sip!"
  • "Well, my dear... That is most assuredly a tale of woe and troubles."
  • "'And one Pure Heart shall lead the way to the next...' So it is written."
  • " intuition tells me the next door may lead you to the mysterious Merlee. Like Bestovius and I, Merlee is one of the Ancients... We are like long-lost cousins."
  • "Yes... I have heard that Merlee has long guarded an ancient and secret treasure. If my instincts are correct, it may be the next Pure Heart we seek."
  • "I must tell you, the Light Prognosticus also speaks of her magical powers..."
  • "Oh ho, are you going as well? You should not tax yourself. You've only just recovered... may be dangerous."
  • "Hmmmmm... This princess is headstrong, to be sue. How very refreshing."
  • "I insist you take this. There are secrets in this town that even I do not know... This may be one of the keys to uncovering them. Quite literally, in fact."
  • "Please, use this key wherever it fits in town. My intuition tells me you should be able to use it very near my house..."
  • "I will continue to read the Light Prognosticus and look for any clues that may help. I am sure that musty old tome still has much to teach us. Yes, much indeed."
  • "Now, Mario, Princess Peach... Do all you can to stop the count's evil plans!"
  • "You should be able to use the key I gave you somewhere here in town. My intuition tells me you should be able to use it somewhere near my house... I'd advise you to look around and do your best!"
  • "Hmmm... So you found the Heart Pillar and set the Pure Heart within it. The surely a door must have opened somewhere... You must seek that door!"

Chapter 2[edit]

  • "Oh ho, welcome back, friends!"
  • "How was your journey this time? Did you find Merlee and obtain the Pure Heart?"
  • "Oh ho, is that so? There is more than one hero? well if Mario and Peach are two such heroes, then you still need two more..."
  • "The Void has grown... Hmmm... I fear that our time grows short, dear friends..."
  • "Allow me to tell of something that mystical book has already divulged to me. One person will determine whether the Light or Dark Prognosticus predicts truly... Both books refer to him as the 'man in green,' but I know not what this means... I must return to my study to solve this conundrum."
  • "The Light Prognosticus implies that most of the Heart Pillars are actually outside Flipside. It seems the Ancients truly intended that only one who could flip would find them."
  • "The "Four Heroes" and the "Green Man"... Riddles create other riddles, it seems! I'll study the Light Prognosticus... You search for the next Pure Heart!"

Chapter 3[edit]

  • "Intriguing... So then... When you saved Tippi, the next Pure Heart just appeared? Mmm... How very interesting..."
  • "I think that castle was once a dwelling of the Ancients I told you of earlier. It seems my ancestors have roamed far and wide in their dimensional travels."
  • "'In the castle beyond the great sea, we hid a Pure Heart and sealed it safely...' Yes, I remember reading such a passage in the Light Prognosticus. The seal could only have been broken by a powerful pulse of love and trust..."
  • "And now there are three heroes! Ho ho! I don't know who the last one is, but waste no time in searching, my friends!"
  • "Oh ho! Well met, Mr. Bowser! May your strength protect this grou--"
  • "Oh ho... It seems The Void has expanded once more... Time is short!"
  • "There are matters I must attend to as well... I must search for any item of significance in the Light Prognosticus..."

Chapter 4[edit]

  • "Oh ho! That was certainly quick work... You've already found the next Pure Heart?"
  • "Space?! Oh ho, I imagine THAT was an unwelcome surprise!"
  • "Hmmm... Well, if you had a space helmet, you would be all right, I imagine..."
  • "Of course, I don't have one! But I imagine that even something LIKE a space helmet would suffice... And I just so happen to... Oh blast it!"
  • "Oh double blast it all! I cleaned out my shelves the other day... Yes, I HAD the perfect thing, but I was making space, and I gave it to someone in town!"
  • "Oh, just some random boy... It seemed more convenient than recycling it..."
  • "You must find that boy and get explain the situation! Get it back from him!"
  • "How was it this time, then? Did you find another Pure Heart in outer space?"
  • "Tippi! What has happened? All of you, come to my house at once! Hurry, now!"
  • "Very well, let's all take a breath and gather ourselves here... I'm concerned... Tippi may be unable to maintain her Pixl form for much longer."
  • "Well, you see, Tippi was not always a Pixl... I found her in her true form, exhausted, cursed to wander through dimensions forever. She was hanging by a thread, barely I took a desperate measure... Using my ancestor's magic, I transformed her soul into a Pixl...and thus Tippi was born."
  • "She had lost her memory, so I have no idea who she is or where she came from... But I can't help thinking she did not come here by chance. Fate connects us... And my intuition in this area is rarely mistaken."
  • "The Void has grown larger. And these tremors have become common, I'm afraid. Our situation grows more dire by the moment."
  • "Will the events written in the Light Prognosticus really forestall the foretold doom?"
  • "Are you sure you feel well enough, my dear?"
  • "Then I will not hold you back. These good people surely need your knowledge..."
  • "Heroes. Please take good care of Tippi."
  • "Now go! Finish your work!"

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "Have you seen the sky lately? The Void continues to grow larger."
  • "I imagine that some worlds have already started to decay."
  • "I wonder how long our dear Flipside will be spared?"
  • "The Light Prognosticus was only written to counteract the dark one... as such, it's not truly prophetic, so it's hard to say how long we really have... And yet...I feel confident in saying that we do not have much time at all."
  • "I received a message from Nolrem recently... It seems there is a Heart Pillar located on the outskirts of Flopside."

Chapter 6[edit]

  • "Oh ho! The heroes return! Tell me, do you have the seventh Pure Heart?"
  • "Mmm... Hmm? What... What happened to it?"
  • "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I do not feel the typical energy from this Pure Heart."
  • "Even if you set this in a Heart Pillar, it would do nothing. What to do..."
  • "To stop this prophecy, we must defeat Count Bleck, who started all of this..."
  • "But to do that, we will need all eight Pure Hearts, as the Light Prognosticus says."
  • "We are between a rock and a hard place..."
  • "What...just happened?"
  • "M-M-M-M-MARIO?! But I saw Dimentio end your game..."
  • "Then Tippi said you were here, so I thought I'd come and take a look, but... Wow... You're truly alive..."
  • "We can introduce ourselves later! For now, let's head back to my house!"
  • "Funny you should say that... I just found this interesting bit in the Light Prognosticus."
  • "'The seventh lost Pure Heart will draw together two men... And when the light returns, its brilliance will show the way to the last hero.'"
  • "Yes, as Tippi said, I think this fellow in green may be our final hero."

Chapter 7[edit]

  • "So... We have gathered all the Pure Hearts and all four of the heroes, it seems..."
  • "...What troubles you, Tippi?"
  • "Much of the dark prophecy has already come to pass... but stop it we must."
  • "It was by Count Bleck's hand that the Chaos Heart was summoned, bringing this peril. Without him, the prophecy's power will wither, and all worlds can avoid their ends."
  • "My dear... Was there something between you and this Count Bleck?"
  • "Once again, your first task is to set this Pure Heart in a Heart Pillar. Once you've done that, you must head to the black tower in Flopside."
  • "'Only those who have not abandoned hope can turn back the prophecy of doom. They walk forward into the future, no matter how dark and uncertain it may be.'"
  • "I know that you can do it. I, too, believe it in my heart."
  • "Tippi... I don't know what is in your mind, but... If this is too hard for you, please feel free to stay behind."
  • "Tippi... If your memory... returns..."
  • "Tippi, you've changed so much. You've grown so strong... So! Be sure to return safely to me!"
  • "Mario... Princess Peach... Bowser... Luigi... Be strong. And you too, Tippi..."

Chapter 8[edit]

  • "The worlds tremble... Has the end finally come?"
  • "Yes. It is proof that the Prophecy of Destruction has not come to be. And all worlds have been saved..."
  • "The prophecy has lost its power... Thusly the world that was lost returns to normality."
  • "You have done well, heroes. It is all thanks to you."
  • "But...where is Tippi?"
  • "I see... So she has gone..."
  • "Ah... This, too, must have been under the guidance of the Pure Hearts..."
  • "I shudder to think about it, but surely when the prophecy was nullified..."
  • "Farewells are bittersweet... but as long as you live, you can never escape them."
  • "To feel sadness is to live... but as long as you are alive, the future is a blank page."
  • "And with that...I am hungry."
  • "I've asked Saffron to make some of her celebrated snacks for us."
  • "Let us heal our weariness by devouring a banquet of sumptuous sweets!"
  • "Ah, Princess Peach... I'm thinking of Tippi... I mean, Lady Timpani... I wonder if she truly is happy now..."
  • "Well, let's have at those snacks..."


  • "Oh ho, I'm happy you made it... How are you feeling?"
  • "I've been researching this town and other ancient civilizations..."
  • "I have a feeling that there are hidden hints on how to make this world better..."
  • "Tippi loved this world...and wherever she is, I know she wishes for its betterment."
  • "This world that you saved..."

Tiptron encounter[edit]

  • "Oh ho! Tippi?! Is that you, Tippi?!"
  • "Oh, I see. You're one of Francis's creations..."
  • "Tippi was loved by many, wasn't she? Well, do take good care of this one!"


Chapter 1[edit]

  • "Welcome, hero. My name is Merlumina."
  • "I am a dormant soul... I have waited long to give you the Pure Heart. Yes, I have been waiting for 1,500 years."
  • "Your presence here must mean that all worlds have begun to collapse."
  • "Before I give you the Pure Heart, you and I must speak. Listen well, hero."
  • "Long, long people built a civilization hailed as a beacon of culture. Sadly, despite our power, there was one thing we were powerless to stop: The Dark Prognosticus. Nobody knows who authored the dark book. It foretold the events of the future. On the last page, it was written that a chaotic power would devour the world. We knew it had to be stopped."
  • "Our greatest minds devised a grand plan to stop the tragedy before it happened. we needed something with the pure essence of love to confront this chaos. Researchers set to work... and they created the Purity Heart."
  • "We divided the Purity Heart into eight pieces and hid them in different dimensions. We hid them for their own protection, waiting for the day the hero would arrive. Everything was going as planned. Or so it seemed... But the wheels of destiny began to spin wildly out of control."
  • "It began with a very small incident... At that time, I was young and quite beautiful... It started the day I met two very fetching young men. And, you see, my life set sail toward a maelstrom of love."
  • "You see, I asked one out, but... However... It was...well, you know... And then, I said... And he said... And then..."
  • "And THAT is why we hope the Purity Heart will have the power to defeat chaos."
  • "To save all worlds, we must find the eight Pure Hearts that form the Purity Heart."
  • "And that is all I have to say on the matter. Were you listening carefully?"
  • "Excellent... I did tell the short version, so I wasn't sure if you would fully understand."
  • "It is up to you to find the Pure Hearts, for they are our last and only hope. Go forth, hero, and save the worlds... We are all depending on you!"

Piccolo side-quest[edit]

  • "Ahh, you have come to me? It is I...Merlumina."
  • "It is a pleasure to meet you again, hero..."
  • "What? What am I still doing here? I had slept here for 1,500 years, waiting to give you the Pure Heart... Having done that, I decided I might enjoy a quick nap. But...I couldn't sleep. Perhaps it was because I had just slept so long. But even after I sat in bed and read for a bit, I still wasn't sleepy. If this keeps up, I thought, I will be reduced to a mere phantom in this world... So I tried counting sheep... But even counting 100,000 sheep didn't work."
  • "Then I became frustrated with myself for not being able to sleep. So I thought, why not send out my frustration to someone telepathically... I figured the message would reach someone in the nearby town with Ancient blood. I used to do it all the time when I was single and wanted to meet people... Heehee..."
  • "I was a wild gal back then, throwing caution...and by the wind... One day, my mind message reached three different men. From that day on, my heart was a tossing ship on a tempest of love..."
  • "...So as I was saying, I just couldn't get to sleep at all!"
  • "...Hey. Are you sleeping?!"
  • "People are suffering from a severe lack of sleep here... Doesn't that tug at your heart?"
  • "People in this millennium have no sense of compassion!"
  • "...Ahem. Back to what I was saying. I was trying to vent some of my frustration with some telepathic pranks... But the person receiving the telepathy was hard of hearing, so it barely worked... That only made me more sad... But it helped me to realize something else... Maybe I couldn't sleep because I was sad..."
  • "And then I realized that since childhood, I always fell asleep to lullabies. My mom was always there when I slept as a child... She'd hold my hand and sing me sweet songs... Of course, once I moved out, I needed someone else to sing them to me... I was quite popular back then, I should tell you. I finally found four men who met my standards for lullaby singing... And from that day on, my life was awash in a whirling pool of love songs..."
  • "I had four men singing to me, and when I... There was... So I decided to... But all we could... When the... So... But then... And I said... ...However..."
  • "...And that's when dozens of people thronged to this place to say their last farewells. And their voices were the lullaby that put me to sleep for 1,500 years. But now nobody is here. I'm all alone. And I can't get to sleep. It's so lonely! It's just terrible! I can't stand it!"
  • "You're sleeping again! I can't believe you. Honestly... I'm wringing my heart out to you... And... You... You just... HMMMPH!"
  • "Hmm? All this talking is making me a little drowsy... And since you've been here, I haven't felt so lonely... Maybe I can get back to sleep now! Was that your plan all along? Brilliant thinking!"
  • "Hmmmm... Yes... I'm feeling cozy now. I think I can get to sleep... Thank you...hero... Now I can get back to... Sleep..."
  • "What is it?! Why are you bothering me now that I'm finally getting back to sleep?!"
  • "Huh? An autograph? Why, certainly! Just give me that paper there."
  • "Now then... 'You're always in my heart... signed, the fantabulous Merlumina.' And.. done. Oh, and let's put a little kiss on the end here... Mwwwwah! ♡"
  • "There we go. How's that? So we're all settle,d then? Good to hear..."
  • "And thank you...hero... I the sweet embrace...of dreams..."
  • "Please...take good care...of this world..."
  • "...Good...night..."


  • "Hee hee! Heeheeheehee…"
  • "If it’s a fortune you seek, please speak to me from the other side of my crystal ball…"
  • "Hee hee! Heeheeheehee… Welcome to the Fortune-Teller’s Fortress!"
  • (First visit)
    • "My name is Merluvlee…"
    • "I use the twinkling of the stars to help people find the path to happiness…"
  • "If you pay just a few coins, I will tell you the path you need to follow next…"
  • "One fortune will cost you precisely 50 coins… Would you hear it?"
  • (No)
  • "Ah, I see… Your fortune does not interest you, so then be on your way!"
  • (Insufficient funds)
  • "Ah? I sense that you lack enough coins!"
  • "I thought my rates were cheap... Please come back in your prosperous future..."
  • (Yes)
  • "Hee hee! Heeheeheehee… Very well, then, so it will be… I will gaze…into the FUTURE!"
  • "AHHHHHH!"
  • "Ahhh…"
  • "AH HA HAAA!"
  • "Oh, stars that fill the vast night sky… See this soul who’s lost the way…"
  • "SHOW ME!"
  • "I see your destined path…"
  • "Then the way opens..."
  • "Hee hee! Heheeheeheehee… My fortune-telling is done…"
  • "Did you get it all?"
  • (Not really.)
  • " Ahhhhh!"
  • "Well then, I will repeat it… AHEM!"
  • (Yeah, sure.)
  • "Hee hee! heeheeheehee… That is all I can see…"
  • "If you get lost again, return to me and I shall see the way. I will await you!"

Piccolo side-quest[edit]

  • "Hee hee! Heeheehee hee..."
  • "I have been waiting, heroes. You want to ask me about a crystal ball?"
  • "There is nothing to fear... I'm Merluvlee! It is my JOB to know the future!"
  • "Merlee sent you, did she not? Yes... I have readied the ball. Please, take it. Or...I'd like to say that, but there's something I must first ask of you."
  • "I know I do not look like it, but I am in training. I told someone about it and they said that they had some useful equipment. But I have been so busy that I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet."
  • "The kind fellow who offered me the equipment is the Flip Wizard, Bestovius. It would really help me out if you would agree to... Hack... Kofffff... Would you agree to go to his house and pick it up? If you do that, then I will give you this crystal ball."
  • "Thanks for your assistance!"
  • "If you pick up my equipment, I'll hand you this crystal ball. Go to Bestovius's house on Lineland Road and pick up my exercise equipment! Thank you so!♡"
  • "Did you pick up my equipment for me?"
  • "This is it! This is it! Now I can train to my heart's content!"
  • "What? You wonder which body part I can work with this? Well, my brain, of course! I've already trained every other part of my body, so that just leaves my head!"
  • "Please take this to Merlee. There will be no charge... But please tell her this: 'Now we're even.'"
  • "On that note, take care!"



  • "Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimi!"
  • "Wow, that's just super, Count! Yeah, first you'll erase all these naughty worlds... And then you're gonna build a perfect world without war and all that other icky stuff!" (as O'Chunks)
  • "Oh, O'Chunks, you big silly! Didja oversleep or something?"
  • "I guess it's kinda hard to be on time, though, when you've got muscles instead of brains!" (as Count Bleck)
  • "Aw, golly, thanks, Count! With you around, it's nothing but big smiles all the time!" (as Peach)
  • "Hanging out with the count! That's MY idea of a perfect world! ♡" (as Peach)
  • "Hey! Dimentio! Have you been reading my diary? I mean... Umm... Never mind." (as Bowser)

Chapter 2[edit]

  • "Well, hi there! Big welcome! Welcome to Merlee's Mansion!"
  • "I'm Lady Merlee's handmaid. My name's Mimi! But you can call me Mimikins if you want!"
  • "You're here to see Lady Merlee, aren't you? How super for you! Well, Lady Merlee is on the second floor, in the farthest room."
  • "Just head on up there whenever you're ready! Oh, golly, but listen..."
  • "Enjoy your visit, OK?"
  • "Lady Merlee is on the second floor, in the farthest room. Just head on up there whenever you're ready! But gee whiz, listen...DONT YOU DARE GO INTO ANY OTHER ROOMS BY ACCIDENT, OR ELSE! Have a super day, OK?"
  • "Hm? Lady Merlee wasn't in the farthest room on the second floor?"
  • "Oh, golly...What a big old messy-poo I've made of things! Lady Merlee must be in the CLOSEST room on the second floor. Please try there!"
  • "It's really an awful nuisance that these monsters moved into the mansion recently."
  • "They chomp on anyone they see and then spit them out of the mansion! NOT NICE!"
  • "I was lucky enough to chain up the big one, but I think smaller ones are still about..."
  • "I really think you should try not to bother them, or they might get awful mean."
  • "Hm? Lady Merlee wasn't in the room I directed you to?"
  • "Oh, gee whiz... I've been a silly, silly Mimikins! Lady Merlee must be in the MIDDLE room on the second floor. Please try there!"
  • "Hm? Lady Merlee wasn't in the room I directed you to? Oh, jeepers... Mimikins, you deserve a good spanking! Why must you be so silly?! Lady Merlee must be in the CLOSEST room on the first floor. Yes, of COURSE! Please head in and go allllll the way to the back!"
  • "You can't find Lady Merlee? Gee whiz, that's a real head-scratcher, huh? I KNOW Lady Merlee is somewhere in the mansion. Look wherever you can!"
  • "NYAAAAH!"
  • "You broke it! You broke my most favoritest vase!"
  • "I loved that vase more than ANYTHING! And you BROKE it! NYAAAAAARGH!"
  • "Oh, you'll pay for that! Yes, you will... I'll have you know that vase cost 1,000,000 Rubees..."
  • "So hand over that money! Now! Or you're DONE FOR!"
  • "Coins?! No one uses COINS anymore, you peasants! I SPIT on your coins!"
  • "...So what are you saying? Are you telling me you don't have any Rubees at all?! Well, guess what? You're just gonna have to work it off, then!"
  • "Until you work off your debt, you naughty little things, I OWN YOU!"
  • "Yes, so, you can earn Rubees in the generator room on the top floor. Once you earn 1,000,000 Rubees, you come pay it off in the room at the back. You can also check the balance of your debt there."
  • "So! Get to work, servants!"
  • "Oh, hi there! Big welcome! So happy to have you here at Rubee Savings and Loan!"
  • "First off, THANKS for taking out a special Rubee loan! Now what can I do for you?"
  • (Pay off some Rubees!)
  • "Super! Let me just take all those Rubees off your hands! There you go!"
  • (Check my balance!)
  • "You have an outstanding Rubee balance on this loan of 1,000,000. Remember to make your payments on time! And remember...BIG SMILE!"
  • (Dropping in for kicks!)
  • "You don't need anything? Well, golly, then how about you GET LOST RIGHT NOW! I HAVE WORK TO DO!"
  • (I love you!)
  • "Yeah, well, that's just super. Know what I love? Rubees. Go get me some, slacker!"
  • "Well, thank you SO much for paying off your Rubee loan in...full..."
  • "...?WHAAAAT?! How did you earn enough Rubees to pay it off?! That's not supposed to happen!"
  • "Noooo... You've broken my wonderful curse!"
  • "I'LL GET YOU!"
  • (as Merlee)
    • "Ahh, yes, how very nice... ♡ Thanks for coming! Thank you twice!"
    • "Mysterious and so lovely, mistress of the house you see... It's me, Merlee!"
    • "I shine on, like the brightest star, calling to you from afar..."
    • "And I knew that soon I'd see you buzz on by, little bees. Hee hee hee hee hee! ♡"
    • "Oh, yes, of course, I know! The Pure Heart for Mario! ...And Co.!"
    • "For you, yes, I'll gladly part with that purest Pure Heart."
    • "Mmm, but there is a wee fee: yes, yes, 10,000,000 Rubees! Quite a bargain, you agree?"
    • "So, folks, if you'd be dears, sign this dotted line here, and it's yours, free and clear!"
  • (Refuse)
    • "If you lack the Rubees now, a smallish loan I could allow. You can work it off somehow."
    • "Just sign here, my dear..."
    • "...OK, here's what we'll do. Have I got a deal for you! Sign up for a loan, and boom! A free gift! Away with gloom! A Super Mega Ultra Shroom!"
    • "Ugh, fine, you bargain hard, I'll also throw in Breadward, a Pixl made of oats and lard."
    • "Isn't that nice of me? I'm the best, don't you see?"
    • "Here, dear, sign and cheer..."
    • "Idiots, the lot of you! Turning down such a coup! None of you have a clue!"
    • "Here it is: your last shot! Sign right now, on the dot!"
  • (Sign)
    • "Good, good, yes, rejoice... You've made a wise choice..."
    • "Noises? All in your head. Vision? Nonsense, I said! Pay attention to me instead!"
    • "Just sign this contract here and you'll be done, dear!"
  • "No point trying to fool anyone now..."
  • "Gee, lookee here! The girl you thought was a handmaid or a Merlee impostor... She's actually the faithful servant of Count Bleck, master impersonator Mimi!"
  • "Golly, I was hoping we could settle this peacefully, but... TOO BAD!"
  • "Oh, you want to make things ugly, huh? well, that's super. Let's get ugly."
  • "Mimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimi..."
  • "Mimmimimimimi..."
  • "Ooh, I don't think so..."
  • (As Merlee)
    • "What is this you talk about? You're the faker! And a lout!"
    • "Don't be fooled by her act! Get her now! Attack!"
    • "No, it's me! The true Merlee!"
    • "Oh, now, come off it, dear! You're a dog from eye to ear! And your breath reeks, I fear."
    • "Sounds like a good thought. 'Cause I'm the reall me (hot) and you really aren't (not)."
    • "Hee hee hee hee hee... You're fake, you stupid fake! We all know you're the snake!"
    • "It's on, con!"
    • "I bloomed in May, the 5th was the day!"
    • "Tangerines! That's my scene!"
    • "Oh, how can I share when... ...the guy's right there."
    • "An adorable little demon, all sweatin' and steamin'!"
    • "Old cheese, yes, please!"
    • "I like watching rerun shows of "Super Ultra Goomba Bros.!""
    • "I want a boyfriend, please! I'd love a guy to squeeze!"
    • "Not to go and make a fuss, but I was the "Odd Porpoise.""
    • "I start with the tile mold, then the faucets, hot and cold..."
    • "Well, that would have to be my effervescent personality. People seem to love it, see."
  • (Right)
  • "Stupid-heads... I'd mimicked her perfectly! You know it!"
  • "I guess I'll congratulate you... by tearing you into little bits like stupid confetti!"
  • (Wrong)
  • "Ha! I'm Mimi, morons! And now that I fooled you, it's time for utter humiliation! Prepare for a shredding!"
  • "She's a fast one, isn't she?"
  • "Oh, golly, well, whatever. I'll finish you off first!"
  • "But...what? Why can you damage me?! I'm supposed to be all INVINCIBLE! Count Bleck's power was supposed to protect me!"
  • "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! When did this happen?! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! I feel completely completely naked! How could you?!"
  • "Mimimimimiuuuuuurgh... B-But how could you... It's impossible... How..."
  • "Uurr-urrk... URK! URK! Don't think you've beaten me for good, dummies... Next time you won't be so lucky... Remember that... Stupid-heads!"

Chapter 3[edit]

  • "As you command, Count! HAIL BLECK!"

Chapter 4[edit]

  • "Gosh, Mr. L, but didn't you get pretty spanked too? So maybe YOU'RE the junior!" (American version)
  • "Gosh, Mr. L, but didn't you get clobbered too? So maybe YOU'RE the junior!" (British version)
  • "So poor little Mimi doesn't get to be in on the fun? This stinks."

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "Gosh, O'Chunks, QUIT IT! You're breaking windows! What are you yelling about?"
  • "1,000... 1,000 TIMES?! Gosh, you're even more evil than I thought!"
  • "Hey, but enough chatting! So where's the count, huh? I wanna see him! He hasn't called me to do anything, and I'm getting SOOOOOOOOO BORED!"
  • "No way! we're just supposed to wait here for those big, mean heroes to come get us?"
  • "But I'm booooooooored!"
  • "Oopsie! I just remembered something real important that I gotta do! Back in a jiffy! Bye!"

Chapter 6[edit]

  • (As King Sammer)
    • "Splendid! The heroes have arrived!"
    • "We received word of your nasty run-in with that despicable Count Bleck fellow."
    • "So the legends ARE true... Our ancestors truly did foretell these days!"
    • "You haven't defeated all of my 100 Sammer Guys, but the situation is grave... Oh, why not! Just for royal giggles! The treasure sits on the 26th gate. Go claim the Pure Heart you so richly deserve!"
    • "But... But... That explosion didn't even turn you black with soot! That totally didn't even hurt you at all! This stinks!"
    • "So you thought you'd just grab the Pure Heart? You guys are so dumb!"
  • "Surprise! It's me, Mimi!"
  • "You're so silly! Did you crazy heads think the king would give you the Pure Heart? The king's probably tucked all cozy in a bed taking a nap in the castle. ...Making cute li'l snoring noises while his world goes bye-bye!"
  • "You DUMMIES! The only reason I'm even HERE is to get in the way!"
  • "I'm not all soft 'n' cuddly like the count. Nighty-night! It's bedtime for you guys!"
  • "OUCHIE!"
  • "That really hurt! You're just a big bunch of bullies who hit cute little girls!"
  • "But it doesn't matter an eensy teensy bit, hee hee! Everything's perfect! ...What, don't believe me? Look up at the sky!"
  • "Yep, I sure got you meanies to waste LOTS of your time! Guess you'll have to give up looking for that dumb Pure Heart now!"
  • "Golly, you guys have really got you thinking caps on today, huh?"
  • "Well, I did warn you that I was meaner than the count!"
  • "Anyhow, it's sure a big old bummer I can't stay to play with you guys. But this place is about to go kablooooey! Later, meanies!"

Chapter 7[edit]

  • "Ooh, I wanna party with those party poopers, too! Wait up, O'Chunks! Mimimimimimi!"

Chapter 8[edit]

  • (As Merlon)
    • "Oh ho ho! You've finally arrived!"
    • "I found a fascinating passage in the Light Prognosticus, so I rushed here to tell you!"
    • "To get to Count Bleck, it seems you must hit this totally unsuspicious block!"
    • "So why don't you give it a jolly old whack?"
    • "Why, what seems to be the problem, hero? Better get to bashing that block!"
    • "There's simply no time to dawdle! Hurry up and hit that block!"
    • "Perhaps you had better do less thinking and more bashing!"
    • "Urgent bashing is required! You must believe me!"
    • "You dont believe me?! Look at this beard! Has this beard ever lied to you?!"
    • "HIT THE BLOCK, STUPID!!!!!!!!!! HIT THE BLOCK, STUPID!!!!!!!!!! HIT THE BLOCK, STUPID!!!!!!!!!!"
    • "..............................................just hit it."
    • "Let's just stop and talk hypothetically. Say there's these things called 'flags.' Say you want to eat some ice cream, but you haven't hit the ice-cream 'flag' yet. Well, you'd NEVER get so much as a lick of ice cream until you hit that 'flag.' This is one of those times. NOW JUST BASH IT!"
    • "Please just bash it..."
    • "Tee hee! What a bunch of..."
  • "SUCKERS!"
  • (As Merlee)
    • "How magnificent, you have arrived! I saw in the stars you would survive."
    • "Heroes, do not flee! For I am the lovely and mysterious Merlee!"
    • "My beauty and the stars led you here. rest now, for you have nothing to fear!"
    • "Whatever is it that you imply? How could anyone wonder if it is I?"
    • "Look at this lovely aura glow, does it not tell you everything you need to know?"
    • "I will now ask you questions three; the answers will hold your future's key. And you must answer each and every query honestly and fairly!"
    • "Here we go! Time to start the show!"
    • "Which one of these beasts is hardest for you to make deceased?"
    • "Hee hee... So that one there gives you the biggest scare?"
    • "Next, which one of these fearsome three most rattles your knees?"
    • "You are most scared of those? Hee hee! That's very good to know."
    • "Now which of these do you despise like fleas?"
    • "That is what makes you so very furious? Indeed, how very curious..."
    • "Well, it's been marvelous fun, but I'm afraid our time together is quite done..."
    • "But do not fear or fret! No! We shall meet again yet!"
    • "What are you trying to pull?! IMPOSSIBLE!"
  • "I put everything you hate in there! How'd you get through all that icky stuff?! bad people were LYING!"
  • "I like getting what I want, so I do whatever I need to do get it."
  • "You're the one that's always having to get rescued by boys. THAT'S embarrassing!"
  • "Golly, you sure are a lot of talk when you have your little boyfriends to protect you!"
  • "Awww... The pretty widdle princess wants to face me all alone?"
  • "Boy, it sure would be sad if your boyfriends had to cry over spilled peaches!"
  • "Try not to cry, or all your pretty makeup will run. Time to go bye-bye, Princess!"
  • "I don't...get it... I got beat by a...princess? WAHHHHHH!"
  • "You..."
  • "Yeah, right... Like you care!"
  • "You silly princess, what are you DOING?!"
  • "I don't want your stupid help! Just... Just leave me alone."
  • "Peach..."
  • "Gosh, I could follow your big smile anywhere, Count!"
  • "Yeah! I mean, there's no WAY Dimentio's getting away with this! He pulled a really dirty trick on you, but we'll always stick by your side!"
  • "You mean you might go away? B-But I don't want you to go!"
  • "I hear...bells!"
  • "He's right, Nassy! We still have each other! We can still build the count's world!"
  • "So, c'mon! Big smile!"


  • "Well, hi there! Big welcome! Welcome to Merlee's Mansion!"
  • "I'm Lady Merlee's handmaid. My name's Mimi!"
  • "But you can call me Mimikins if you want!"
  • "...Tee hee! So? Are you surprised or what?"
  • "Merlee hired me on for real this time! Yeah! To take care of the place while she's gone!"
  • "She's usually in Flopside, so I just pretend like this whole place is mine!"
  • "Take a look... I'm turning this place into my own little stable of cutie-pies!"


  • "Hey. You not mind controlled? You escape from 'Processing Center,' brah? Monzo maybe ought to take director there. Maybe sprout on head mellow him out..."
  • "So that where he was... Aww... He told Monzo, 'Wait here!' But Monzo bet he forgot one second later."
  • "Job of Monzo really lame."
  • "Whuzzat?! You cragging me? You never gave key..."
  • "Cragley spaced key, huh?"
  • "Figures, brah. What a crag."
  • "Ignore director if he annoy you, brah."
  • "Boss, no! Monzo not want to get left behind, brah!"
  • "Ratings EXPLODE, brah! It like 'Crags on Ice' meets 'Baron von Craggington'!"

Mr. L[edit]

Chapter 4[edit]

  • "Squirps. You've done well. You're a smart kid..."
  • "Heh heh heh..."
  • "Oh, me? Just one of Count Bleck's more promising minions. The Green Thunder... MR. L!"
  • "I don't need you to tell me it's a cool name. I know it. Don't bother memorizing it."
  • "Why? Because I'm about to give you a burial at sea... I mean, a burial in space."
    • "Just because you're in red doesn't mean you're strong. Have at you!"
    • "No one's coming to save you this time, dearest princess! Have at you!"
    • "Ooh, the evil king of all charlatans! Do I look scared? Have at you!"
  • "Oof! Impressive!"
  • "I guess there's but one thing to do, hm?"
  • "That is my DEAR metal brother. He and I share a spiritual bond, you know."
  • "Yes, yes, and his name is... BROBOT!"
  • "Enough playing, already... NOW FOR PAIN!"
  • "The gravitational laws of space allow Brobot's potential to be fully realized!"
  • "Hey... This makes no sense!"
  • "N-No! You beat Brobot?!"
  • "Ugh... I'll let you off the hook for the rest of today, I suppose..."
  • "But remember this... When fortune smiles next, she'll smile right HERE! On Mr. L!"
  • "Mmm. can't say I'm impressed by the minion quality... No indeed. No wonder you've been trounced up to now. You're like JUNIOR minions."
  • "Spanked, you say? Ho ho! I was scouting him, dear. He will be mine next time." (American version)
  • "Clobbered, you say? Ho ho! I was scouting him, dear. He will be mine next time." (British version)
  • "Yes, he shall know the fury of the one and only Mr. L, AKA The Green Thunder!"
  • "But enough about me... I need to head to the repair bay for Brobot modifications. L-ater!"

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "HEY, COUNT?"
  • "My destructive little friend is all gassed up and itching to get back into action."
  • "Yes, Brobot is begging me to take him out. Say the word, and I'll roll out."
  • "So the count doesn't need my services? Excellent. I'll be off then."
  • "Brobot craves his daily SMASH! I can't just loiter here. There's no action!"
  • "Yeaaah... Yeah. I've, to go deflavorize the Brobot's uh...Flavorizer."
  • "I'll return once everything's up to code."

Chapter 6[edit]

  • "Heh heh heh... This place is pretty bland now, isn't it?"
  • "Heyyy, what's going on here? Looks like your Pure Heart got broken. I guess Pure Hearts can't handle the end of the world. Heh."
  • "But, eh, whatever. I'll swipe it just for kicks."
    • "'s you. I couldn't miss that trendy red-shirt-blue-overalls combo. Heh"
    • "Hey there, gorgeous. Don't you know a chaos wasteland is no place for a stunner like you?"
    • "Hey there, butterball! Feeling a little pooped out? Too bad you sweated your way here for nothing. Heh."
  • "How about that Prognosticus! Anything the count doesn't like... POOF! It never existed."
  • "Look, I've got to run. Stay out of the count's business if you want to live."
  • "Still pushing for a fight, huh? Fine. Who am I to disappoint?"
  • "Just check this thing out! This bad boy is sporting the latest in brobotics."
  • "Meet my new friend... BROBOT L-TYPE!"
  • "The Green Thunder strikes like lightning!"
    • "Those overalls are so played out. Have at you!"
    • "Hey, Ms. Pink n' Frilly! Try not to get kidnapped before I defeat you! Have at you!"
    • "Hey, King Incompetent! I'm gonna hatch an evil plan on your FACE! Have at you!"
  • "Awwwww, WHAT?! No way! My Brobot L-type shoots missiles. MISSILES!"
  • "Preposterous! Why? Why can't I win?!"
  • "GRRRR!"
  • "You laugh now, but the Green Thunder never forgets!"
  • "I don't know what it is about those guys, but I just can't seem to beat them!"
  • "I'm stumped. You'd think a giant robot would be enough to crush these heroes..."
  • "I'm a disgrace... There's no way I can show my face to Count Bleck after THIS."
  • "Not a funny joke, Dimentio... If I wanted to laugh, your face is inspiration enough!"
  • "Hey, now! Whoa! What's this! You've lost your mind, Dimentio!"



  • "Count! Yeah, um, 'K, so preparations are complete..."
  • "Yeah, um, being rude to the esteemed count is sort of frowned on, 'K?"
  • "So, yeah, Princess Peach, I'm gonna need you to answer the count now... Do you, Peach, take Bowser to be your wedded husband 'til your games be over?"
  • "Gee... You sure are a fighter. But yeah, no one withstands my super-hypnosis, sorry."
  • "'I do.' Say it now, 'K?"
  • "Yeah, I'm gonna need you to stop right this second, 'K? If you interrupt this now..."
  • "Um, yeah, so are you all right, Count?"
  • "Um, so, yeah, Count... This means you may turn to a new page of dark prophecies..."
  • "Yeah, about that, just an FYI? I've got an urgent memo for your inbox..." (American version)
  • "Yeah, about that, just an FYI. I've got an urgent memo for your inbox..." (British version)
  • "Apparently there's been some unapproved interdimensional activity lately. Yeah... I'm thinking it's the hero of prophecy. We're gonna need an action plan for this guy..."

Chapter 1[edit]

  • "Yeah, so... I guess the hero went ahead and stomped you and sent you back here?"
  • "Yeah, um, I already sent Mimi to a site picked for that purpose..."
  • "Yeah, I'll fire off a memo on that...but for now, we have another item on the agenda..."
  • "O'Chunks, you got a sec?"
  • "Yeah, so some minions in the Bowser organization are still resisting assimilation? So I'm heading out to squash the resistance...and while I'm gone I want you to stay here."
  • "Yeah... You just sit tight and think about your recent job performance, 'K?"
  • "Yeah, you know what? I'm gonna have to tell you that your orders mean nothing."
  • "See, they've already sworn eternal allegiance to Count Bleck, 'K?"
  • "And now you need to, so I'll just go ahead and pencil you in for a 10 o'clock brainwashing."
  • "Hm-mm-mm... Yeah, there, isn't that better?"
  • "So listen, there are still a few problem minions that haven't sworn allegiance... You, be a lamb and round them up for me... 'K? Thanks."
  • "Oh, turn back? Your friend there had it right. This is your dead end."
  • "Wow, Princess, you sure are lucky. I thought the wedding explosion finished you..."
  • "Yeah, but this is the end of the road...and your luck runs out...right here."
  • "It's time you came on over and got with the program... Come and serve the count!"
  • "Yeah, that's great and all, but my hypno-powers kinda say otherwise. Just sit tight a sec, 'K? 'Cause I've just got to brainwash you real quick."
  • "What?! That wasn't on my schedule! Where'd she go?"
  • "Well, that's really not a deal breaker... Our prophecy fulfillment plan is running smoothly. We have no need for her. Yeah, and it doesn't matter where she runs, since all worlds are about to fall..."

Chapter 2[edit]

  • "...Yeah, so I just got a brief memo from Mimi? It says, 'I messed up bad!' ...That's the message in its entirety. Yeah..."
  • "Oh, so, O'Chunks, yeah, you think you're all set to go? So I guess you finished up that report on your own inadequacy that I needed?"
  • "Yeah, so, O'Chunks? Can you fill me in on why you’re still not writing that report?"
  • "Count, let me just bring you up to speed on the current state of the castle... I still have to root out a few unconverted rogues, but I'll be back soon..."
  • "Hm-mm-mm... I've been looking all OVER for you."
  • "Yeah, you're that guy who really wasn't a team player at the wedding..."
  • "You're gonna need a little disciplinary action, I think... So let's get started, hm?"
  • "Yeah, good call. Love the enthusiasm, there. Go ahead and swear your, y'know, undying loyalty to the count, and you're on board."
  • "OK, guys, new agenda? Hold this fool down so I can get his priorities on track..."

Chapter 3[edit]

  • "Yeah, um, I can take care of that for you, Count."
  • "Yeah, Count... You know, there's still time... You can still change your mind."
  • "Um, no, my count. I won't be doing that. My life is already sworn to you. Yeah, it's belonged to you since the day you saved me... I'll be sticking out with you until my game ends, 'K?"

Chapter 4[edit]

  • "Yeah, so guys? Huddle up, 'K? We're just gonna have a quick new-minion orientation. His name is Mr. L, and he comes to us from one of our key competitors."
  • "Yeah, I hate to seem like a whistle-blower here, but O'Chunks may not... Actually, even Dimentio, Mimi, AND Mr. L may not be up to this..."
  • "That hero's gonna collect the Pure Hearts and come here. He'll come for you..."
  • "It's strange... Nobody ever, um, cherished the universe the way you once did... And yet, you've been made to destroy it..."
  • "If I could, um, I…"
  • "If only I could have, y'know, been that girl... Things would have been different..."
  • "Yeah, um, I'm very sorry. That just slipped out."

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "Oh, that? Yeah, I just had O'Chunks come up with a nice motivational tune. And as punishment for getting beat by that hero AGAIN, I'm making him sing it 1,000 times."
  • "Yeah, great enthusiasm, but let's shelve the robot action plan for now, 'K?"
  • "The thing is, the count kinda left specific orders for us to stand by. Got that?"
  • "YOU GO NOWHERE! We wait! It's the count's direct order! His word is absolute! be a good little minion and DO NOT MOVE UNTIL TOLD! ...'K? Thanks."

Chapter 6[edit]

  • "Yeah, so just got a quick ping from Dimentio? we've had a little insubordination... Yeah, according to his report, our Mr. L took on a hero-fighting initiative... I accept full responsibility. It was my administrative breakdown that allowed this..."
  • "So, 'K... Um, and just another quick update on Mimi... Yeah... She, um, also left the castle."
  • "Count... um, you seem...a bit different today. New monocle? Or did something happen?"

Chapter 7[edit]

  • "Count Bleck! If... Um... If that Pixl is who you think it is... There's still time! You can still stop the prophecy from destroying everything! Yeah, because, if that's really her... If she's alive, you have to stop all this!"
  • "Yeah, I'm on board with what you're saying...but there must be a way. There must..."
  • "Lord Blumiere!"

Chapter 8[edit]

  • "Count, look out!"
  • "Um... I... I'm alive?"
  • "Um, no... They're alive. Yeah, they're finally united. They overcame time and fulfilled their old vows... Somewhere, the living together with Tippi..."
  • "And I... Yeah, I... WAAAAH! C-C-C-Count! NOOOOOOOO! I... I'm all alone! What am I to do now?!"
  • "Oh... O'Chunks... Mimi... Y-You're right. Yeah, i can't just sob like that forever. The count would never have approved."
  • "We have to create the ideal world that, um, the count wished for in his heart... A world of love, not war. Yeah, let's all pencil that in. An appointment...of hope."


  • "Oh, it's you..."
  • "Yeah, so, um, long time no see, huh? I guess I owe you one."
  • "Blumiere was reunited with Lady Timpani, and the world wasn't destroyed after all."
  • "I guess I should be happy... I mean, I am, but, um..."
  • "I just don't think my heart has fully accepted the fact that he isn't here anymore."
  • "...Now I understand what it was like when Blumiere turned into Count Bleck."
  • "If I have to live on with this feeling always burning inside me..."
  • "Yeah, then maybe there never was any point to that other world..."
  • "...I wonder...if this is how I'll spend the remainder of my days..."
  • "Yeah... Or maybe I'll learn to smile again and look forward to the future..."
  • "If I can't...then I suppose I could never have matched up to Lady Timpani anyway..."


Chapter 4[edit]

  • "I welcome you!"
  • "I knew you would come by eventually!"
  • "Ho oh! I can see that you would like to ask me where in the world we are!"
  • "Ho oh oh ho! This place may seem like Flipside, but do not be mistaken! You WERE in Flipside, but then you flip-flopped sides... Friends, you are in Flopside!"
  • "Which means that i am not the Merlon you know. I am the Flopside version, a different Merlon entirely... You may call me...Nolrem!"
  • "Don't you see? Ours has always been a story of two towns... They are the heads side of the coin, we are the tails!"
  • "You seem a bit surprised. Ho oh oh ho... There is a front and a back to all things, young ones."
  • "Now, the Heart Pillar is one floor up! Go and place the Pure Heart within it! See you!"
  • "You appear to be performing your duties efficiently!"
  • "I just got a message from Merlon. Tippi's been revived! They are waiting for you at the top of Flipside Tower. Hurry! You must go there!"

Chapter 5[edit]

  • "'At the Duel of the Hundred, the hero will meet with dark powers of purest chaos. If you fall to the Hundred, the chaos worlds grows and the Purity Heart fades.'"
  • "'And as that happens, the hero will fall to the world where all games are ended.'"
  • "That's in the section of the Light Prognosticus that Merlon and I just deciphered. It seems to suggest that you fail to pass these duels, all worlds will be ruined... And apparently, your lives would be lost along with the Purity Heart."
  • "I know that what I have just shared with you might only serve to discourage you... I still must send you forth, however. It saddens me that I can do nothing else."

Chapter 7[edit]

  • "Heroes... The last door is at the top of Flopside Tower in the center of town! I'll go ahead and wait there for you..."
  • "Once you've prepared for the battle that waits beyond that door, come to me..."
  • "This is the final door."
  • "Eight Pure Hearts versus the Dark Prognosticus... Castle Bleck awaits."
  • "You have fought all this way because you believed the future could be bright..."
  • "I can't go through this door with you, but I send with you all the hope in my heart."
  • "And hurry, for the worlds may not have much time!"
  • "In that black span of nothing, you will find Castle Bleck. you may face battles harder than any you have endured thus far... If you feel ready to face this challenge, then please go forward."

Chapter 8[edit]

  • "...How unfortunate."


  • "Long ago, our ancestors held the Dark Prognosticus."
  • "But one group became taken by the book's dark power... They stole it and hid it."
  • "They were Bleck's ancestors. The Dark Prognosticus changed him for the worse..."
  • "But that's all in the past... All that matters is that his kind heart was restored."
  • "He and Tippi should be living happily together somewhere. This, I believe."


  • "Not so bad a day to you!"
  • "Hey, how's life, not so bad? Lucky you, finding Notso's shop here in Flopside."
  • (First visit)
    • "First time here, huh?"
    • "I oughta tell you, we offer shop points here for our regular customers."
    • "You earn shop points with every purchase. Limit to one point for every purchase."
    • "Earn enough, and you win a FREE GIFT! Free stuff. FOR FREE! That’s not so bad."
    • "Want to know just how many points you’ve saved up? Just ask me!"
    • "Got that? Or do you wanna hear my spiel again?"
    • (Tell me again.)
    • "Didn’t get it? Not so good. One more time!"
    • (I got it!)
  • "Whaddaya need?"


  • "Go ahead and grab the item you want! They're all not so bad, lemme tell you!"
  • "Oh yeah, a(n) *item*... That'll run you *number* coins. Deal? Or not so much?"
  • (Insufficient funds)
    • "Oh, boy. Not so good news... This is a little awkward... See, you're short on coins."
    • "Come back when times aren't so tough for you. Not so long!"
  • (Full inventory)
    • "You've got no room to carry stuff! No, not so much! Live a little! Use some stuff and come back when you've got room."
  • "Not so shabby, if I do say so! Looks like that pushes you up to *number* shop point(s)!"
  • "Anything else look not so bad to you?"


  • "Whaddaya selling?"
  • "I'll buy that *item* for *number* coins. Whaddaya say?"
  • "Not so bad, if I do say so! Anything else you want to unload?"
  • "I'm a nice guy and all, but I don't buy air. Not so much. Come back with some items!"
  • "Thanks a mile. If there’s anything you want to sell me, bring it on in!"


  • "I can hold *number* more items for you. What can I take off your hands?"
  • "OK, I'll hold on to this for you until you want it back."
  • "Any more stuff?"
  • "All right. Let's store some stuff! don't have anything on you to store! Come on back once you do!"
  • (Empty inventory)
  • "You don't have anything I can keep for you! Come back when you've got something, OK?"
  • (Full storage)
  • "But that’s it. I’m cutting you off. This place is stuffed with all your, well…stuff!"

Pick up[edit]

  • "Whaddaya wanna pick up?"
  • "There you go, then."
  • "Anything else you want to pick up while you're here?"
  • "Here it is, then!"
  • "That's all I'm hanging on to for you right now. But feel free to stop by if you want to store something. Or chat. Or whatever!"
  • (Empty storage)
  • "I'm not hanging on to any of your stuff right now. No. Not so much."
  • (Full inventory)
  • "Whoa, hold up. Your pockets are stuffed. Come back when you’ve got some room."

Check points[edit]

  • "Thanks a mile, bud. Looks like you're up to *number* shop points now."
  • "Not so long!"

Free gift[edit]

  • "That last item just pushed your shop-point total to *10/20/30/50/70/100/150/200/250* points!"
  • "Take this *Cake Mix/Honey Jar/Big Egg/Fresh Pasta Bunch/Power Steak/Mega Koopa/Slimy Shroom/Golden Leaf/Ultra Shroom Shake* as a big slap on the back for your business!"
  • (Full inventory)
    • "Oh, but hold up. Looks like your pockets are full of loot!"
    • "Maybe you should ditch some of your stuff and come back later? Not so long!"
  • (Inventory still full)
    • "Hey, how's life, not so bad? Welcome back to Notso's shop. Whoa, I just remembered! You should take the gift you couldn't pick up last time!"
    • "What?! Your pockets are full AGAIN? Wow. Well, I'll give it to you next time."
  • "Hey, how's life, not so bad? Good to see you back at the ol' shop. Whoa, I just remembered! You should take the gift you couldn't pick up last time!"
  • "It's a(n) *Cake Mix/Honey Jar/Big Egg/Fresh Pasta Bunch/Power Steak/Mega Koopa/Slimy Shroom/Golden Leaf/Ultra Shroom Shake*. Go on, take it!"
  • "Not so bad for you!"
  • "With that purchase, you now have 300 shop points!"
  • "I bet you’re wondering what happens to points you get from future purchases, huh?"
  • "Well! Well, well, well, well! Not so bad a question!"
  • "You start over again from ZERO! Not so bad luck!"
  • "Now here’s your 300-point present!"
  • "Take it, loyal customer!"
  • "Appreciate the business! Not so long!"


  • "Unnghh..."
  • "Fair Fallbi!"
  • "Thou hast my thanks, yea. Pray, allow me to do something for thee in return."
  • "Yea! The thou-knowest-what!"
  • "Fair Fallbi, thou art as clever as thou art adorable!"
  • "Ah! Pray, wait, my lovely Fallbi fair!"
  • "Sorry to makest thee wait. Behold the Overvator! It transporteth Nimbis upward."
  • "I owe thee for thine help. I operate yon lift. Prithee, let me giveth thee a ride."
  • "Goest thou up/down?"
  • "Goooooooing UP/DOWN!"
  • "And yea, hither we are! thank thee for using the Overvator!"