 A black Shayde in the first scene of The Underwhere. Tattle: "That's a kindly Shayde... He waits here for people so he can give guidance... Shaydes are people whose games ended for various reasons and arrived here... Those who did good deeds in life can go to The Overthere... But those who did evil..."
- "If you head straight ahead, you'll find Queen Jaydes in her palace. But do NOT get her angry, or you'll end up on bottomless-pit cleanup duty...forever!"
- "Well, hi! Just arrive here in The Underwhere, did you? ...What? You've been here before? Ahahahahahahahah! Good one. Lie to the queen though, and you'll regret you ever started your game."
- "So the reason I'm hanging here by the entrance is, I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I want her to have a long, fulfilling game, of course... but...I want her next to me... Pretty conflicting situation, if you can catch my drift... Aw, I doubt you understand..."
 A white Shayde in the first scene of The Underwhere. Tattle: "That's a jolly Shayde... So positive... Always with a smile on his face... The more someone's endured, the more patient they get... He is experiencing that now..."
- "Hey, how's your aftergame? Listen, if you feel tired, take a dip in that fountain. That'll power you right up. 'Course, if you're already feeling fine, there's probably no point in going for a swim."
- "Hey, how's your aftergame? I got sick with multicolored viruses when I was alive, but now I feel GREAT! Maybe that doctor actually cured me before my game...uh, ended."
- "You enjoying your aftergame? I'm LOVING it! A bunch of my friends from the hospital I was in just arrived! Now we all hang out together every day! I've gotta say, we all owe that one doctor!"
 Two Shaydes in the first scene of The Underwhere. The left one is black and the right one is white.
Tattle, left Shayde: "An absentminded Shayde... He loves entertaining, and feels bad if he flubs a punch line..."
Tattle, right Shayde: "That's a diligent Shayde... He's very focused, and stops at nothing once he's latched on to a goal... But he misses his life from before his game ended... He laments every day he's here..."
- (Left:) "Boy, if that Micro Goomba hadn't dashed out just as I jumped for that platform..." (Right:) "Oh, you swerved in midair, landed on a spiked floor, and ended your game, huh?" (Left:) "What? No! What kind of a jumper do you think I am? I cleared the spikes, easy! Then BAM! Bottomless pit."
- (Left:) "So I fell out of this pipe... Luckily, I landed in the sea, so I was totally OK." (Right:) "Right, so lemme guess... You're gonna tell me you sank like a stone, right?" (Left:) "What are you talking about? I'm an incredible swimmer! I swim like a Cheep Cheep! That was what did me in! I looked just like a fish and BAM! Boss Bass snack!"
- (Right:) "So I'm running along, and these two Hammer Bros. start hucking hammers at me!" (Left:) "So you dodged the hammers, but then one jumped down onto your head, right?" (Right:) "No way! I jumped over the lower one and hit the block under the guy up top! Then BAM! Bullet Bill in the face."
 A black Shayde in the first scene of The Underwhere. Tattle: "That's a Shayde who feels it's his duty to warn people... Even though he's a Shayde, he's still scared of ghosts and stays rooted here..."
- "Oh, boy, I can tell you're new here. Let me do you a favor and tell you what's up... The River Twygz is up ahead, OK? Be REALLY careful not to drown. Word is, there are ghosts down there that drag you down, never to surface again!" "Huh? What happens to Shaydes that fall in? Well, their aftergame ends! I figure they end up in the post-aftergame or something."
- "Hey, new Shayde, right? Well, let me tell you what's up. Someone's aftergame ended in the River Twygz up ahead. Sad story..." "What happened to him? Well, the ghosts are probably tickle-torturing him now. Well, I assume so anyway. I'm not going down there to check, that's for sure!"
- "Oh, boy, I can tell you're new here. Let me do you a favor and tell you what's up... If you end up on Underwhere Road, you need to be really careful. Word is, there are three hags who ask travelers to do unspeakable things..." "Huh? What are they gonna ask you to do? Oh boy, if you really want to know, you'd better ask them yourself!"
 A black Shayde near the stairs of the shrine where Queen Jaydes is. Visible in 3D. Tattle: "That's a timid Shayde... For the guilty, meeting with Jaydes is the same as facing their guilt... They must gain the courage to see her to move forward... That's the law in this world..."
- "Are you here to have Queen Jaydes take a look at the evil deeds you did in life? Trust me on this: if she finds a lot, you're gonna suffer big-time. Of course, if you DON'T meet with her, you can't go any farther... Meet her...or get no farther... Sounds like a game over or game-over situation!"
- "So I just had my sins weighed, and it looks like I might get off pretty easy... Trust me on this: if you've done bad stuff, you're better off just admitting it."
 A white Shayde in the shrine where Queen Jaydes is. Tattle: "That's a Shayde who really wants to make it up to The Overthere... In life, his psychic abilities helped him in his hobby as a fortune-teller... He tried to foresee if he'd make it to The Overthere, but the results were 50/50... He still hasn't gotten up the nerve to confront his own guilt..."
- (As Mario or Peach) "Hey, so, if you lived a good life, you can move to The Overthere. I hear it's nice! And I've gotta say, I get a virtuous vibe off of you! I'm sure you'll make it there. You ought to go speak to Queen Jaydes right away!"
- (As Bowser) "Hey, so, if you lived a good life, you can move to The Overthere. I hear it's great! And you, uh... Hurm... Ahem! I wouldn't guess you've ever done anything nice or good... Oh, well! You should go talk to Queen Jaydes right away anyway! Good luck with that!"
- (As Luigi) "Hey, so, if you lived a good life, you can move to The Overthere. I hear it's super! I've gotta say, too, I get a real virtuous vibe from you! That green outfit of yours is like a traffic light saying 'Go straight to The Overthere!' You should go speak to Queen Jaydes right away!"
- "Boy, there are fewer people showing up here every day... What gives, huh? I mean, I heard rumors about the world disappearing, but... Wait... That was all TRUE? If The Underwhere and The Overthere both disappear, where'll all the Shaydes go?"
- "Hey, so, if you lived a good life, you can move to The Overthere. I hear it's sweet! And you'll definitely go, because you're a total hero!"
 The first D-Man in the shrine where Queen Jaydes is. Tattle: "That's a D-Man... These underlings of Jaydes oversee Underwhere operations... They're proud of working so closely with Jaydes... They LOVE being near power..."
- "Hi, how are ya, good, great. I'm a D-Man, prime go-getter and faithful queen's servant. You wanna see the queen, you gotta MOVE, kid, OK? She's real busy. Oh, and here's a tip: she knows all the bad stuff you did before your game ended. So don't play that whole I'm-a-hero stuff down here. Just warning ya, kid!"
- "Hi, how are ya, good, great. I'm a D-Man, prime go-getter and faithful queen's servant. A lotta strife in The Underwhere these days, so we've been wicked busy. You wanna talk to Queen Jaydes? OK, but make it quick. She's real busy!"
- "Hey, how're things, great. Say, Queen Jaydes sure seems down lately... You don't look too busy, slacker. Why not go talk to her? Do something useful."
- "Hey, what's up, nothing, good. What's that? Queen Jaydes? She's out right now, kid. Yeah, got a call from Grambi, high-level stuff for sure... She made for The Overthere. Think something bad went down? Well, maybe you oughta go check, slacker!"
 The second D-Man in the shrine where Queen Jaydes is. Tattle: "That's a D-Man who supports Jaydes... Jaydes's aides all wear the 'doom-striped' suits that are their trademark... Today, as always, they work to enforce the judgments on the Shaydes..."
- "Ahh, so BUSY! Blehhh! BLEH! It's like work is in my MOUTH! I'm CHOKING on it! I swear... I'm so busy, I don't have time to think, much less eat or sleep! BLEHHHH!"
- "Ahh, so BORED. Blehh! BLEH! It's like I ate a MEAL of boredom! It tastes TERRIBLE! Bonechill's gone and now there are almost no Shaydes to supervise either... I mean, you wanna know how bored I am? I've started jogging. JOGGING. BLEH!"
- "Ahh, so BUSY! Blehhh! BLEH! It's like I bit into a giant pie made of BUSY! Queen Jaydes dumped a ton of work on us and took off! Now we're SWAMPED! Queen Jaydes! Come back soon, PLEASE!"
 The third D-Man in the shrine where Queen Jaydes is. Tattle: "Management, Planning, Promotions, Administration, Human Resources... All D-Men. They also all act as guards and supervisors... Talk about multitaskers..."
- "Shoot! I'm on dredge patrol for the River Twygz tomorrow. That riverbed is huge, too... What a pain...but it's gotta get done. Shaydes get stuck in the hole down there..."
- "A buddy of mine out there in the trenches told me this... Apparently a fire-breathing monster appeared somewhere above level one. River Twygz patrol stinks, but it's better than running into one of THOSE things!"
- "YESSSS! I get to patrol the River Twygz tomorrow! Talk about a SWEET assignment! Check out what I realized: it's such a huge area, no one can tell when I'm slacking off! Here's a secret, but tell NO ONE: I take naps in those little abandoned pipe rooms!"
- "What am I doing? Well, I got caught slacking off, and I got punished...hard. You can't fool Queen Jaydes. Stupid honesty. Since when is that our 'best' policy?"