List of Donkey Kong Country (television series) quotes

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It has been requested that this article be rewritten. Reason: The quotes that don't make sense by themselves ought to belong in a section for combined dialogue

This is a list of quotes from the television show Donkey Kong Country, listed in alphabetical order.

Candy Clone[edit]

"Bad Hair Day"[edit]

  • "My name's Candy, happy to meet you!"
  • "Oh yoo-hoo! Donkey Kong!"
  • "You askin' me in or what?"
  • "Snip snip, gonna clip, make you my sweet and sexy chimp."
  • "Come here, you hunk of love."
  • "All done! That wasn't s bad, was it? Do you like it?"
  • "Trust me, you'll get used to it. Well, I'm outta here."
  • "Sure ya will."
  • "Let me try, Donkey Kong. Nothing to it, you'd better take it easy, DK."
  • "Donkey Kong, I have something for you. It's just a little present, for being such a hero."
  • "You know I'm the real thing, DK."
  • "Liar. Well, she's the fake."
  • "Now that we're alone, how about a big birthday kiss!"
  • "You got it."

Donkey Kong[edit]

  • "Banana slamma!"

General Klump[edit]

"Bad Hair Day"[edit]

  • "Kritters! The Klaptrap weapons at the ready!"
  • "Not me, you idiots! At Cranky's cabin!"
  • "Follow me! We're, um, moving in. Hip, hUp, hip, hUp!"
  • "No mercy! This is my finest hour."
  • "But he eliminated, exterminated and yes annihilated your entire army! He's invincible!"
  • "Yes?"
  • "Uh, a curse?"
  • "But... uh... who'll... uh... cut his hair?"
  • "Would too! If it hit me in the head."
  • "This is your finest hour!"
  • "You heard him, troops. Attach head!"
  • "UH, AHEM!"
  • "Uh, AHEM, AHEM?"
  • "There's, uh, there's been a setback with your plan. My sources tell me that Cranky's cooked up an antidote to the voodoo curse."
  • "FIRE!"

"Ape Foo Young"[edit]

  • "Look."
  • "Umm... String, him, up!"
  • "Who's he?"
  • "WHAT THE... Who are you calling a newt?"
  • "Umm, uhh, none of our sources have seen or heard of him before."
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup! What you got?"
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup."
  • "Hip, hup, hip... Ow! WHAT THE... The prisoner's loose! AFTER HIM!"
  • "Surrender. You have no way out."
  • "Where'd he go?"
  • "Seize him."
  • "Nice to be winners for once, huh?"
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup, what you got? Squat! Company, make like you barrel. The art of camouflage, the element of surprise. Hello! Anybody home?"
  • "You know exactly what I want. Umm... oh yeah! surrender the coconut! And we'll call off the siege."
  • "We're under attack! Ready, aim, fire!"
  • "Ready, squash 'em, and... "
  • "Where'd they go?"
  • "Oh, RETREAT!"
  • "Stiff upper lip, Your Majesty. We'll get 'em next time."
  • "Huh? Your Majesty? ♪Your Majesty?♪ Where'd you go?"

"Booty and the Beast"[edit]

  • "Um, no. This is a very unconventional way to invade enemy territory. A way that's sure to cause me pain, Your Majesty!"
  • "Yes, sir. Eep!"
  • "I GOT IT!"
  • "Get me out of here!"
  • "Donkey Kong!" (along with K. Rool)
  • "Yes, uh, um..."
  • "Good diversionary tactic, Your Majesty!"
  • "The enemy's closing in!"
  • "I'M TRYING, but we're at maximum speed!"
  • "B-b-but Your Majesty, we were cornered! YIKES, DONKEY KONG!"
  • "Uh, ♪BYE-BYE!♪"

"Barrel, Barrel... Who's Got the Barrel"[edit]

  • "Beg your pardon, Your Majesty."
  • "Oh well, our troops haven't yet seized it... but... um..."
  • "But, my spies tell me that the Crystal Coconut is missing."
  • "My spies are never wrong. It was last spotted at 0100 hours and launched into orbit by a rocket barrel. Destination and mission unknown."
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup. Kritters, halt."
  • "The Crystal Coconut."
  • "Fibber. It exited the factory in barrel 007, then launched into orbit by rocket barrel at 0100 hours. What was its trajectory plan?"
  • "Suit yourself. Kritters!"
  • "007! Hand it over! Hmm... Barrel 007, special delivery to Funky's Flights. Care of Funky Kong, The beach. All right, soldiers, prepare to hit the beach. Company, forward march. Hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup, hip, hup..."
  • "HALT! Hand over the coconut."
  • "Kritters, ready, aim..."
  • "I won't have to say Fire!
  • "WHAT THE... stop, you moronic, robotic lizards!"
  • "When I said fire, I didn't mean fire!"
  • "Oh, I give up! What's the use? Soon, King K. Rool will have his Barrel Supersonic Satellite and I'll be nothing but a rest home reptile."
  • "Oh, dear. What do I do now? I promised His Majesty I'd bring back the coconut. My career's almost over as it is. I know, I'll blame it on the Kritters. How could you simple-minded salamanders desert me in my finest hour?"
  • "Oh, stop your whining. You're going to take the heat and that's that. Forward march. GRIPE, two, three, four. SULK, two, three, four. MOPE, two, three, four. GRIPE, two, three, four."
  • "Well... uh... sir... Your High and Mightiness! What I'm trying to say is that the troops deserted me and left me in a precarious situation in the jaws of the enemy, the legendary Eddie the Mean Old Yeti!"
  • "Oh, dear! This is going to look really, really bad on my resume!"
  • "Well, as I was explaining, the Crystal Coconut is inside the barrel."
  • "They're making off with the coconut!"
  • "Yipes!"
  • "What happened? It's a very pretty effect. I guess you'll be needing my services after all."

"Kong for a Day"[edit]

  • "Why are you consorting with the enemy?"
  • "You?"
  • "A banana peel?"
  • "Who? Who's that?"
  • "He's asleep. Now for the final phase of Operation Crush Kong. Kritters! No holds barred. Do as much damage as physically possible. Ready?"
  • "Fire."
  • "And now for the incriminating evidence. All fingers will point to Donkey Kong. Mission accomplished. Kritters, ready! March!"
  • "Hip, hip, hip, hup. Whatcha got, hip, hup."
  • "Thanks to our military expertise!"
  • "Uh... I mean thanks to your plan."
  • "But why the barrel works? Why not go for the coconut right away?"
  • "This is a raid!"
  • "Forget your mommy, you nitwit! Ready, aim, fire!"
  • "How's that for a barrel of laughs?"
  • "Ha ha! Look who's here to save the day. It's the half pint ape. Open fire!"
  • "Donkey Kong?"
  • "Easy there, big fella!"

"Raiders of the Lost Banana"[edit]

  • "Hey! That's gross insubordination!"
  • "Lardo!"
  • "He's going to trust that double crossing dodo bird?"
  • "Count on him?"
  • "Oh, the humiliation, the dishonor. I'm nothing but a bird watcher! Kritters, march. Hip, hup, Hip, hup, hip, hup..."
  • "Um... tactical error. I lost them."
  • "Well, you lost the coconut, bird brain!"
  • "Did too, chicken lips!"
  • "Too!"
  • "Too!"
  • "This will score a whole lot of points for me with King K. Rool."
  • "I know, I'm fired. But, I ran my own recon mission. I thought you'd like to know, Donkey Kong has in his possession The Golden Banana of Inka Dinka Doo."
  • "Yes, your mightiness."
  • "Um... The juggle?"
  • "Yes, sir"
  • "Well, well, well! The Golden Banana of Inka Dinka Doo. This will be my greatest campaign yet."
  • "Yes, your majesty!"
  • "Uh... Yes sir. KRITTERS, ATTACK!"
  • "Uh... Kritters?"
  • "Bye-bye!"
  • "Bye-bye you lovebirds!"
  • "Yes, your majesty?"

"Buried Treasure"[edit]

  • "General Klump to King K. Rool! You read me, oh high and mightiness? Looking a little pale there, chief."
  • "Seems we had some sort of interference. Well, never mind. You're certainly gonna green up around the gills when you hear this."
  • "Uh, best we can tell, the apes are mounting a full force, top secret search and rescue operation in the mountain mines, sir."
  • "Buried treasure, sir."
  • "Um... rocks?"
  • "Uh... Chief? Are you there, chief? Chief?"
  • "Hello, chief? Hello, chief, I'm talkin' at you, but you're not listening to me! Chief!"

"Cranky's Tickle Tonic"[edit]

  • "No, sir! King K. Rool, sir!"
  • "Right! Well... uh... The disturbance seems to be generated from the vicinity of White Mountains. My scouts have yet to determine the exact location."
  • "Uh! Good morning, your majesty. I MEAN, K. ROOL SIR!"
  • "Yes, sir! A source located, sir. It's Eddie the Mean Old Yeti, sir. Krusha, confirm."
  • "Krusha? Krusha!"
  • "Yes, sir! For sleeping on the job, sir?"
  • "No suspicious activity whatsoever, sir."
  • "I would, indeed, sir."
  • "Yes, sir! Put a stop to the banging, sir!"
  • "Uh? Silence Krusha?"
  • "Yes, sir, over and..."
  • "Looks like those boys could use a hand landing that thing. Kritters!"
  • "Ready and fire!"
  • "Don't let it out of your sight, Krusha! It's mine! I mean, ours. I mean, King K. Rool's!"
  • "I'm gonna rendezvous with King K. Rool in the White Mountains to report that our mission was a success. Guard it with your life, Krusha. And no sleeping."
  • "Warp speed!"
  • "Your majesty, sir. Reporting in person. The Crystal Coconut is now in our possession."

"Get a Life, Don't Save One"[edit]

  • "Does anyone get the drop on us?"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Two apes flyin' around together? Another one droppin' out of the trees? Well this could only mean... Somethin".
  • "My head hurts!"
  • "Heh, I'll zoom by and grab that ape in one fell swoop."
  • "Ready, Krusha? Now!"
  • "Whoa, the ape yells!"
  • "Stop this thing!"
  • "STOOOOOOOOP! STOOOOOOOOP! Will somebody stop this THIIIIIING?!"


  • "Krusha?!"
  • "Deploy the tranquilizer dart, sir?"
  • "And now, the boss of boogie, the dictator of dance, the king of the highland fling..."
  • "King K. Rool."
  • "WHOO, he won, he won. King K. Rool, ladies and non-commissioned gorillas. WHOO, he won, he won. Second contestant, front and centre."
  • "Based on audience response, the winner of the orangutango dance contest is..."
  • "KING K. ROOL."
  • "And the consolation prize goes to second place, to runners-up Donkey Kong and Candy, who win a complete set of dance lessons."

"Double Date Trouble"[edit]

  • "Huh... Plan?"
  • "Priority one! Initiate possible offensive strategies, factor estimated casualties, acceptable losses..."
  • "THAT'S AN AFFIRMATIVE, SIR. Any suggestions?"
  • "Spy, sir? Yes, sir. Sir, spy."
  • "I think I have a plan!"
  • "Advanced Guard A will reconnoitre with Rear Platoon B, advancing in parallel stages, flank point position..."
  • "We're going to Cranky's cabin to take the Crystal Coconut. Any questions?"
  • "TROOP! HALT!"
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup. Going to grab the coconut." (along with Kritters)
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup..." (along with Kritters and Krusha)
  • "Yes, King K. Rool, sir."
  • "This isn't a counter attack! We walked into a well-planned ambush."
  • "Uh, new plan?"
  • "New plan, new plan. Uh... KRITTERS, ATTACK!"
  • "Attack the other way!"

"The Curse of Kongo Bongo"[edit]

  • "Simply put, King K. Rool, sir. I have devised a foolproof plan to get the Crystal Coconut away from those flea-festering apes! It's sinister! It's diabolical!"
  • "It's... Uh... in code."
  • "Uh, I'll figure it out! Just need a little time. A, uh, it could stand for ambush, which might be the first stage of my operation."
  • "What is it, Krusha?"
  • "Hmm! Well, you may be onto something there, Krusha."
  • "And B stands for a battalion."
  • "No! That's P and it's pontoon!"
  • "Now, C! Well, that could mean Crazy Ivan."
  • " Heh, yeah, making headway, uh... King K. Rool, sir. So far, we"ve managed to decode assault, like lightning, night raid, no prisoners and running shoe."
  • "Uh, now, it might be rooster, but that would change everything we"ve got so far."
  • "It could also be code for..."


  • "You lunkhead!"
  • "Well, a few scratches, couple of missing scales, one heck of a goose egg."
  • "Right, and it wasn't easy for me to find that cart either, lunkhead."
  • "Yeah, good thing it's got some decent bra... HUH?"
  • "Not the Candy Clone! Last time we deployed her, everything blew up in out faces!"

Green Kroc[edit]

"Booty and the Beast"[edit]

  • "Plunder, pillage, sack and loot. We stole a coconut from that Cranky old coot." (along with Skurvy and Kutlass)
  • "Plunder, pillage, sack and steal. Down in the hold goes a shark's next meal!" (along with Skurvy and Kutlass)
  • "Plunder, pillage, sack and loot. DK fitted for a sharkskin suit." (along with Skurvy and Kutlass)

"Legend of the Crystal Coconut"[edit]

  • "That's why we's the scourge of the seven seas! We be pure scum!"
  • "STEAL BOOTY." (along with Skurvy and Kutlass)
  • "Hand over my captain's treasure!"
  • "AFTER HIM!"
  • "Stop, you little half-wit sea-dog!"


  • "If we digs any deeper, we'll sink the island."
  • "Why does we bury the treasure, Kaptain?"
  • "But if we just be digging it up again..."
  • "But I'm your first..."
  • "Huh, gift-wrap it?"
  • "Maybe we should get him to dig the holes before we get rid of him."

The Kongo Bongo Festival of Lights[edit]

  • "Aye, and what better gift to steal than the one ye be wantin' most! Eh, captain?"
  • "STEAL BOOTY." (along with Skurvy and Kutlass)
  • "PIRATES ARE PURE SCUM." (along with Skurvy and Kutlass)
  • "Skurvy didn't say nothin' about booty on the beach."
  • "ARGH! That we be!" (along with Kutlass)
  • "Fight to the death?" (along with Kutlass)

Kong Fu[edit]

"Kong Fu"[edit]

  • "The particles called electrons turned out to be negatively charged, and have a mass of about one eighteen-hundredth of a single hydrogen atom. Electrons are also fundamental chargers in static electricity. This is best demonstrated by rubbing one's foot along a carpet, then touching an object."
  • "Fat-head has a point."
  • "Oh be I give Donkey Kong a break, a whole lot of breaks! Not to mention some lumps, bumps and bruises, 'cos when I'm..."
  • "It was him!"
  • "He let the little monkey get away, too!"
  • "Since when does the Donkey Kong Challenge include a pre-game show?"
  • "One. The answer is one. One piece of string... If it was long enough."
  • "Now to finish you off!"
  • "Now what was that about? A spine-a-less worm?! Yellow-bellied?! Find another chump to do your dirty work. I forfeit!"


"Bad Hair Day"[edit]

  • "A big fat gut!"
  • "A big fat gut!"
  • "Hip, hup, hip, hup!"
  • "Eep!" (1st Kritter)
  • "Hip... double eep!" (2nd Kritter)
  • "Hop..." (3rd Kritter)
  • "Operation: Attach Head completed, sir!"

"Ape Foo Young"[edit]

  • "A big fat gut!"
  • "Yup. What's that?"

"Kong for a Day"[edit]

  • "Fat Chance."
  • "Donkey Kong!" (along with Candy and Bluster)

"Raiders of the Lost Banana"[edit]

  • "LARDO? Let me at him!"
  • "Why not?"


"Booty and the Beast"[edit]

  • "Hand over the coconut, or we'll chop ya to bits!"
  • "No sudden moves or I'll whip ya, matey!"
  • "Plunder, pillage, sack and loot. We stole a coconut from that Cranky old coot." (along with Skurvy and Green Kroc)
  • "We'll deep-six 'em!"
  • " Pillage, plunder, sack and steal. Down to the hold goes the shark's next meal." (along with Skurvy)
  • "Plunder, pillage, sack and loot. DK fitted for a sharkskin suit." (along with Skurvy and Green Kroc)
  • "Stand still and I'll back ya!"
  • "Stop running, and I'll run you through!"

"Legend of the Crystal Coconut"[edit]

  • "But the pirates don't have honor."
  • "STEAL BOOTY." (along with Skurvy and Green Kroc)
  • "Avast ye!"
  • "Who is the goofus doofus now, mate?"


  • "Aye. Are you sure we buried our treasure here, Kaptain Skurvy, sir?"
  • "According to section 3, paragraph 4 of the Pirate Handbook, 'Any and all treasure acquired by ill-gotten means shall and will be systematically buried,' sir."
  • "You're Donkey... KROC!"
  • "Section 6, Paragraph 4, Kaptain Skurvy, sir."
  • "Gift-wrap it?"
  • "Easy for you to say, you just hold the map, you don't have to dig."

"The Kongo Bongo Festival of Lights"[edit]

  • "STEAL BOOTY." (along with Skurvy and Green Kroc)
  • "PIRATES ARE PURE SCUM." (along with Skurvy and Green Kroc)
  • "Looks like we be all done!"
  • "You think we should take it?"
  • "ARGH! That we be!" (along with Green Kroc)
  • "Fight to the death?" (along with Green Kroc)