List of Mario Party 7 quotes
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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario Party 7. They are listed by character, alphabetically.
- "Heh heh heh! Nice treasure! It's mine now, fool!" (Solo Cruise)
- "Sweet! Now it's time to make like a bakery truck and haul buns!"
- "Aw, nuts! I got careless and lost my booty!"
- "I'll make a clean break next time! Just you wait!"
- "This makes me MAD!! MAAAAD!! GRRRAAAA!!!! Oooo... I'M...SO...VERY...ANGRY!!!"
- "They want a fun vacation? I'll give them a fun vacation! And by that, I mean NO FUN AT ALL!"
- "Grrrr! Don't move a muscle! This party doesn't start until BOWSER says so!"
- "Bwah ha ha ha ha!!! This board needs Koopa Kid Spaces! There's 3 for ya!!"
- "Now you can contend with that! Man, I'm so evil! I love it!"
- "Happy to see me? You're in Bowser's world now!" (Party Cruise)
- "Bwah ha ha! Nice of you to show up! You're about to play a Bowser game all by your sorry self!!" (Single-Player Bowser Minigame - Solo Cruise)
- "Too bad! You're playing the Bowser Minigame all by your lonesome!" (Single-Player Bowser Minigame - Party Cruise)
- "The more the merrier! Now everyone can bask in the glory of my sweet minigame!" (Multiplayer Bowser Minigame - Party Cruise)
- "If you can't beat my minigame, then I'm gonna take half/all of your coins/a Star!"
- "If you lose the minigame, watch out! I'm gonna steal half/all of your coins/a Star!"
- "Let's see who gets to play the Bowser Minigame!!"
- "Now it's time to spin the Wheel of Pain and see what you play!"
- "So... Let's see how you did!"
- "If you can't finish the minigame, you can say good-bye to half/all of your coins/a Star!"
- "Since you didn't beat my minigame, say good-bye to half/all of your coins/a Star!"
- "Wha--?! How did everyone finish?! This makes me MAD!!"
- "Why didn't you just give up!? Bah! This is insulting!"
- "Grrr!! I hate to show mercy, but you leave me no choice!!"
- "Huh? You have no coins at all? That's so pathetic!!"
- "OK, chump, here ya go, I'll give you 10 coins... Now get with the program!"
- "Come back and see me again!! Bwah ha ha ha!!"
- "Bwaaa ha ha ha! Hello, losers! Did you miss me?!" (Solo Cruise)
- "Bwah ha ha ha ha!! It's Bowser Time!" (Grand Canal and Pyramid Park)
- "This time, I'm gonna destroy those stupid bridges! Timber!" (Grand Canal)
- "Oh, that felt GREAT!!" (Grand Canal)
- "Now it's time to build much better bridges. Check this out!" (Grand Canal)
- "Bwah ha ha ha!! Enjoy it, chumps!" (Grand Canal)
- "Bwah ha ha ha!! It's Bowser Time!" (Pagoda Peak)
- "Bwa ha...huff...puff!" (Pagoda Peak)
- "Gra! I'm out of shape! Guess I should try a little exercise!" (Pagoda Peak)
- "Huff... Puff... Grrrrr! That was great exercise!" (Pagoda Peak)
- "I'm gonna bust this stupid bridge! Grrraaaawwwwgghh!" (Pagoda Peak)
- "Bwaaaaaaaaa ha ha! Road's out, yokels!" (Pagoda Peak)
- "Bwah ha ha ha!! I'll whip up a nasty sandstorm this time!" (Pyramid Park)
- "Bwaa ha ha ha!! I've come to steal the first-place player's Star!" (Pyramid Park)
- "Who's in first place...? Hmm... It's (character)!" (Pyramid Park)
- "OK, Koopa Kid! I'm gonna put you in charge of this Star. Don't foul it up!" (Pyramid Park)
- "Don't let anyone take it, or it's back to the dungeon with you!" (Pyramid Park)
- "Well, I've done enough damage for day. So long, suckers!" (Pyramid Park)
- "Bwaaa ha ha ha! It's present time! Let's see what special gift Santa Bowser has..." (Neon Heights)
- "Weeell...? I'm in a good mood. Have some coins!" (Neon Heights)
- "Ha! I feel generous today! Take my Star! I've got plenty!" (Neon Heights)
- "Today's your lucky day! You get my Dark Star! Bwaaaa ha ha haaaa!!" (Neon Heights)
- "Don't be shy. Take it! Taaaaaaake it..." (Neon Heights)
- "Bwa ha ha! I just took coins from everyone and put them in this treasure chest!" (Neon Heights)
- "Bwa ha ha! I took (character)'s Star and put it in this treasure chest! Ain't I sweet?!" (Neon Heights)
- "Bwa ha ha!! If you get the Dark Star, you'll lose a Star! Ain't I sweet!?" (Neon Heights)
- "Good luck finding my special chest, pinheads! Bwa ha ha ha ha!" (Neon Heights)
- "It's BOWSER TIME!!" (Windmillville)
- "Bwaaaaa ha ha ha! I'm gonna raze me a windmill! Stupid, no-good windmills..." (Windmillville)
- "Hope you haven't been saving up coins for this one!!" (Windmillville)
- "Down she goes!!" (Windmillville)
- "Bwaaaaa ha ha ha! I crushed it like a paper cup! I'm sooooo strong and mighty!" (Windmillville)
- "And now all the coins are gone, too!!" (Windmillville)
- "Bwaaaaa ha ha ha! I'll steal all the coins that everyone has saved up!!" (Windmillville)
- "Now get out there and get me some coins, son!!" (Windmillville)
- "Good job, son! Now tell me! How many coins, did you get? Five? Ten? One bazillion?" (Windmillville)
- "You boosted (number) coins!? Nicely done! We're rich!! Bwaaaaa ha ha ha!" (Windmillville)
- "It's everyone's favorite time, BOWSER TIME!" (Bowser's Enchanted Inferno!)
- "I'm gonna sink that island with the Star! Now what, chump?" (Bowser's Enchanted Inferno!)
- "Bwaa ha haa!! Too bad, suckers! It's more fun this way!" (Bowser's Enchanted Inferno!)
- "Bwah haa haa!! Lemme take a picture as a memento of your wonderful trip!!"
- "It's group picture time!"
- "Everybody smile!"
- "Say...CHUMPS! Bwa ha ha!"
- "I have such an eye for photos... Maybe I should become a freelance photographer..."
- "Look at those big smiles! That makes me happy!"
- "Just for that. I'll only charge you 10 coins/20 coins this time! Bwaaaa ha ha ha haaa!!!"
- "Oops! I stumbled into the shot... But now the picture is even better! BWA HA HA HA!"
- "Har har har! Nice photo! Just look at my pearly white smile!!"
- "Now pay me! I think 10 coins/20 coins should do it."
- "Bwa ha ha!! Memories are priceless! You should be thanking me!"
- "Bwah ha ha ha! This is my kind of town!"
- "I'm gonna open my own store right here...and I'm gonna CRUSH the competition!"
- "Bwah ha ha ha!! From now on, this place will be my shop!!"
- "Stop by and I'll sell you plenty of great stuff... Whether you want it or not!!"
- "Wha--?!? What's this? You're totally broke! Grrr!"
- "Do you expect me to just GIVE this to you!?"
- "You're so lame and hopeless! Here, take 10 coins and get lost! Scram! Beat it!"
- "(character) stole my Star!"
- "Grrraaaa! You lousy Koopa Kid! Don't let them take it again!"
- "Bwa ha ha ha... Oh... I see you brought that Star!"
- "Fine, fine, fine... Let's get this over with! I'm a busy man!"
- "Did they defeat me again, Koopa Kid?"
- "Oooh!! You villain!"
- "Just you wait!!"
- "I won't forget this!!"
- "But... I guess it was kinda fun... Heh... Remember when I squashed that one guy?"
- "Huh? Oh, right, right... I won't lose next time!! Bwaaa ha ha haaaaa!!"
- "Bwa ha ha ha!!! You losers only have a couple of turns left!"
- "Tell me the current standings, Koopa Kid! And make it snappy!"
- "Bah! That's boring! I hate boring! It's no fun if everything ends like this!"
- "So let's shake things up! Bwah ha ha ha!!"
- "(character)! You're so lame, I'm gonna give you a second chance!"
- "Spin Bowser's Wheel of Fun! Spin it, I say!"
- "This is what you get!"
- "From now on, you'll get 9 coins if you land on a Blue Space! But if you land on a Red Space... You'll lose 9 coins! Bwah ha ha! Big stakes! You're high rollers now!"
- "I'm gonna change all Red Spaces to Bowser Spaces! Now that's more like it! That'll give me more chances to make your life miserable!!"
- "I'm gonna add 10 more Koopa Kid Spaces! Now anything can happen! Stay on your toes! Bwah ha ha ha ha!"
- "Here! Have 40 coins! Go buy yourself something nice, why don't ya? You need to get more motivated!"
- "From now on, you can buy a Star for the low, low price of 10 coins! That's nothing! What until I show you what else I can do!" (Grand Canal and Bowser's Enchanted Inferno! only)
- "You can now ride the Chain Chomp for only 5 coins from now on!! I want to see you people fight over those Stars... so get fighting!" (Pyramid Park only)
- "You know, I was pretty nice to you just then..."
- "SO START PLAYING BETTER! You got that, chump?!"
- "Sheesh! Bunch'a lousy, no good... No fun, I tell ya!"
Bowser Sphinx[edit]
- "Ready? Here we go! Hang on tight!"
- "It's time to play Clock Watchers!"
- "When you're ready, hold the Mic and say 'Start.'"
- "Aww, that’s too bad! You ran out of time!"
Koopa Kid[edit]
- "Mr. Bowser? Um... Sir?"
- "Let me get this for you. No, no... No need to thank me!"
- "Gwa ha ha! It's me! Koopa Kid! Happy to see me? I thought so!"
- "Let's see how I can make your life miserable this time. Hmm... Oh, I know!"
- "This time, I'm gonna give you a cursed mushroom! You can only roll 1 to 5 on the next turn!"
- "Then again, you have no more turns left. So no worries!" (if Koopa Kid gives the player a cursed mushroom on the final turn)
- "I'm gonna use a Bowser Pipe to swap you with someone else. Now let's spin the Wheel of Woe!"
- "I'm gonna swap the position of everyone this time! Gwa ha ha! Fear the power of Koopa Kid!"
- "I'll swap your coins with whoever the Wheel of Woe picks!"
- "It's time to swap coins with (character)!"
- "I feel generous! I'm gonna divide everyone's coins equally!"
- "This time, I'm gonna shuffle everyone's Orbs!"
- "Gwa ha! Another job well done! I bet Mr. Bowser will totally give me a raise after this!"
- "Oops... They took every last Star. Mr. Bowser is gonna be so mad..."
- "Um... Er... Man, this ain't good! I better scram before he finds out!"
- "Yes, sir, Mr. Bowser, sir! Here's how things stack up..."
- "Poor (character) is bringing up the rear!"
- "(character) is in third!"
- "Second Place belongs to (character)!"
- "And (character) is in first place, Mr. Bowser, sir!"
- "It... It looks that way, Mr. Bowser. Sir."
- "Oh! Look, Mr. Bowser!! That's..."
- "Yeah! Just you wait!"
- "Yeah! He won't forget!"
- "...Um, Mr. Bowser? Sir?"
- "Yeah! Next time!"
- "Hey, you can't carry any more Stars! Gwa ha ha! That's too bad, chump!" (if the player has 999 stars, impossible without hacking)
Koopa Master[edit]
- "You have endured difficult training to reach this far, (player name)."
- "Well done. As proof of your achievement, please take this Master Koopa T-shirt! They are popular with young crickets."
- "Ah, yes. I will keep the coins that you have collected!"
- "Training is like a road on the horizon with no beginning and no end. Keep training hard, young one."
- "(player name) is the winner. Wisdom is ever the heart of a true champion."
- "Yet, you still need more training. Come back when you have 100 coins."
- "You have come this far, cricket. That is worthy of some coins. Roll this Dice Block."
- "I see. You get (number of coins) this time. May this gift encourage you to try even harder."
- "I see... you lack coins. A pity. Poverty is ever the foe of the need."
- "I see that you have no need of Stars. Your Star-finding skills are impressive." (if the player has 999 stars, impossible without hacking)
- "Let's a-go!"
- "Oh yeah! I'm a winner!"
- "A-CHOO!! Oh, sorry."
- "I won-a the game!"
- "I won’t-a lose!"
- "Oh yeah! Luigi like-a that!"
- "Oh well!"
- "Ha ha!"
- "Ha ha ha!"
- "Awwww, Luigi lost!"
- "Yes!"
- "Oh, no!"
- "Oh yeah, heh heh. I’m a Superstar!"
- "Yes! I'm the winner!"
- "Let's-a go!"
- "Hey, stinky!"
- "I'm-a the winner!"
- "Mario's the Superstar!" (Becoming the Superstar)
- "I'm-a gonna win!"
- "Woo-hoo! I got it!"
- "Woo-hoo!"
- "Ohhh! I lost!"
- "Hoo-hoo!"
- "Yes!"
- "Oh ho!"
- "Uh oh!"
- "Oh!"
Minigame Announcer[edit]
The Japanese version uses the same announcer as Mario Party 4 and Mario Party 5.
Any language[edit]
- "Go!"
- "Finish!"
- "New record!"
- "Tie!"
Japanese version[edit]
- "Start!" (like "Go!")
- "Draw!" (like "Tie!")
Princess Daisy[edit]
- "Oh yeah! I won!"
- "You know I'll win!"
- "Awww, man!"
- "Let's party!"
- "Watch me win!"
- "Yeah! I got it!"
- "Yeah!"
- "Ohhhh!"
- "Yahoo!"
Princess Peach[edit]
- "Oh, did I win? (chuckles)"
- "Ah-ha-ha! I'll take that! Ha-ha!"
- "Boo..."
- "Splendid!"
- "Nice."
- "Oh, I lost!"
- "Oh, yeah! I'm a Superstar!" (Also in Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10)
- "Good choice!"
- "You can't beat me!"
- "Sweet! I won!"
- "Oh, yeah!"
- "Noooo!"
- "Oh no!"
Shy Guy[edit]
Grand Canal[edit]
- "Yeah, yeah. Welcome to the Orbistro, where we sell nothin' but Orbs."
- "Gee, some money. Wow. Thanks...and stuff... Come back if ya want."
- "Hey! Want a gondola ride to the other side?"
- "Come back anytime! I never get to take this baby out anymore."
- "Jump with
to get coins."
- "Here we go! Wheeee!"
- "We're here."
Neon Heights[edit]
- "Hey, kid! I need a new sidekick in my film. Wanna be a movie star?"
- "Blast the Koopa Kid targets, but not the Toadsworth targets or I don't pay NOTHING! Got it, kid?"
- "Lights... Camera... ACTION!"
- "That's a wrap!"
- "Aha! It's a work of art! A new movie star is born! This ain't much, but take it, kid!"
- "Not too shabby. You've got the moves of an action star! This ain't much, but take it, kid!"
- "Hmm... Not bad, I suppose. But you need work, kid. Here, take this for yer trouble."
- "You ain't ready for movies, kid. Go back and rehearse some more. Oh, this is for your trouble."
- "Cut. Cut! CUUUUUT!!"
- "Cut! Kid! KID! What was that? My DOG can do better! Go back to acting school!"
- "You matched nothing... So you get nothing. Wow, how embarrassing."
- "Yes! You're a natural! I knew it! Here's your signing bonus. Take it! Take it!"
- "Welcome to Cape Mushroom! We're looking for astronauts. You wanna see the stars?"
- "Pump the fuel as fast as you can to fill up the tanks."
- "It's time to launch the rocket! All astronauts, take your seats in the cockpit."
- "Have a safe mission!"
- "Ah, you have the right stuff! You reached the Star! First, take your 15/16 coins!"
- "Now take your Star!"
- "Congrats, [name]! You were flawless! Here, have a Star on me."
- "Good choice!"
- "WA-AH-AH-AH!!!"
- "Woo-hoo-hoo! I'm the winner!"
- "Boo!" (Also in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games)
- "Oh, how sad."
- "Yes!" (Also in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games)
- "I'm the Superstar!" (Also in Mario Party DS, Mario Party 8, Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10)
- "Yeehaw! I did it!"
- "I’m gonna try!"
- "Yeah!"
- "Yeah! I got it!"
- "Awwwww!"
- "Mushroom."
- "Yay! I'm the Superstar!" (Becoming the Superstar)
- "Woo-hoo! I'm a winner!"
- "Oh, I lost?"
- "Let’s go!"
- "Yeah! I got it!"
- "Oh, no!"
- "Woo-hoo!"
- "Yess!"
- "Yeah!"
- "I’m not scared!"
- "I did it!"
Main Menu[edit]
- "Oh, I say! Welcome to Mario Party!"
- "Hop on the luxury liner MMS Sea Star and choose a cruise! Capital!"
- "My name is Toadsworth, and I will be your tour guide!"
- "This is the Party Cruise. Start a party with your friends!"
- "This is the Solo Cruise. Play against a friend or the CPU!"
- "This is the Deluxe Cruise. Play with up to 8 friends!"
- "This is the Minigame Cruise. Play minigames in your collection!"
- "This is the Duty-Free Shop. Purchase souvenirs and more!"
- "This is the Control Room. Adjust your game settings here!"
Party Cruise[edit]
- "I say! Welcome to the Party Cruise!"
- "I'm sure you'll have a smashing time with these stupendous minigames!"
- "Oh, but first things first... Let's adjust the game settings."
- "Shall I tell you how to play?"
- "Welcome to Grand Canal! The lovely town features balloons, waterways, and gondolas!"
- "Shall I tell you about this board?"
- "If you reach the Star Space, you can buy a Star for 20 coins."
- "The Star will move to another location when someone gets one. What a crafty bugger!"
- "And watch out for Bowser Time! That chap is naught but trouble!"
- "Sometimes he'll even appear and destroy the bridges! Madness! Madness!"
- "Right! Now hit those Dice Blocks to decide who goes first!"
- "First up is (character)!"
- "Second is (character)!"
- "Third is (character)!"
- "And fourth is (character)!"
- "Now I've got a gift your you... Here are 10 coins each!"
- "The Star is over here, folks! Hurry up, now! pip pip!" (First time)
- "The Star is over here, folks!" (Subsequent times)
- "If you get there, you can buy it for 20 coins! Capital!"
- "Brilliant, I say! Utterly brilliant! And now it's time to party!"
Mic Space[edit]
- "Right! Gather 'round, all! It's time for a Mic Game!"
DK Space[edit]
- "It's Donkey Kong's time to shine! Which minigame will you play now, my good egg?"
- "Everyone plays! And what's more, DK will convert all of the bananas into coins!"
- "Now let's spin the banana slot and learn the exchange rate, shall we? Quite!"
- "You'll get 1 coin/2 coins/3 coins for each banana you earn."
- "Splendid! You'll play it solo! You may even get a gift from our simian friend."
- "You'll be playing for this fantastic bonus..."
- "It's 10 coins/20 coins/30 coins! Smashing! Yes, beat the minigame and you will leave with 10 coins/20 coins/30 coins!"
- "It's a Star! Smashing! Yes, beat the minigame and you will leave with a Star!"
- "Let's see what minigame the Wheel of Whimsy has in store for you!"
- "You got 1 coin/2 coins/3 coins for each banana you earned."
- "Well done, old dog! You earned 10 coins/20 coins/30 coins from Donkey Kong!"
- "Well done, old dog! You earned a Star from Donkey Kong!"
- "Oh, that's too bad. You didn't beat the minigame, so I'm afraid you get nothing."
- "That DK is a fine bloke! You can always count on him when you're in need!"
Star Space[edit]
- "Congratulations, (character)! Oh, I say! That's simply superb!"
- "Will you buy a Star?"
- "Right! Here you are then!"
- "Eh wot? You don't have enough coins to buy a Star! Come back when you have 20 coins."
- "Sorry there, old chap, but you can't carry any more Stars." (if the player has 999 stars, impossible without hacking)
Battle Minigame[edit]
- "Time for a Battle Minigame! This should be smashing!"
- "Let's see how many coins it will cost to play..."
- "The pot is (number) coins!"
- "Only (number) coins in the pot? Humbug! We seem to be short..."
- "Well, what's a bloke to do? Let's play anyway!"
- "It's up to all of you to pick the minigame. We'll play the game that gets the most votes."
- "Let's get this Battle Minigame started, folks!"
Bowser Time[edit]
- "This won't do at all... Where's the picture he promised you? I'm afraid you've been duped!"
- "Oh, what a terrible day... Bowser destroyed the bridges!"
- "It'll take 3 turns to fix the bridges. In the meantime, you'll have to go around."
Koopa Kid Space[edit]
- "Koopa Kid is hiding here!"
- "Blimey! The Star has moved to another place!"
- "We're in a sticky wicket now!"
- "Welcome to the Bonus Mic game!! It's a chance to boost your coin count in one shot!"
- "You can double your coins if you beat the minigame! How many coins will you wager?"
- "You're betting (number) coins?"
- "You'll get (number) coins if you win, but lose the whole bet if you don't! Agreed?"
Mic Space[edit]
- "Let's start the Bonus Mic game!"
- "You must remember which piece of fruit is on the cards."
- "Pay attention, because the pictures will flash by quickly!"
- "Hold the Mic, please. When you're ready to go, say "Yes" into the Mic."
- "Watch the cards closely as I turn them over!"
- "Which card is this one?"
- "Smashing! That's correct!"
- "Say that again, won't you? I couldn't hear you."
- "Great job, old bean! You answered them all correctly!"
- "Oh, tough break! That's incorrect!"
- "Ah, well done! You beat the minigame and doubled your coins!"
- "Excellent job! Now take your (number) coins."
- "Oh, dear... How horrid. It appears I have to take your (number) coins. Sorry about that, old chap."
- "Let's get back to the game."
Duel Minigame[edit]
- "Time for a Duel Minigame! Beat it for a chance to steal coins or Star from rivals!"
- "Choose whom you wish to duel!"
- "Let's pit (character) vs. (character)."
- "The winner gets a turn on the Slot of Stupendousness!"
- "Let's spin the Wheel of Whimsy to find what game will be played! So exciting!"
- "You won, (character)! Now go hit the Slot of Stupendousness!"
- "And that's the end! (Character), take 10 coins from (Character)!!"
- "And that's all! (Character), take half of (Character)'s coins!"
- "Thus ends the duel! Magnificent! (Character), take all of (Character)'s coins!"
- "Thus ends the duel! Superb! (Character), take a Star from (Character)!"
- "Thus ends the duel! Top-notch! (Character), take a couple of Stars from (Character)!"
- "Oh no! It seems that your spin was a bit of a dud..."
- "That means you don't get to steal any coins for now."
- "That means there will be no coin or Star trading."
- "Oh, you have no coins. Pity, that."
- "I would let the winner spin the Slot of Stupendousness, but the game ended in a tie!"
- "Do try a Duel Minigame again!"
- "I hereby this duel declares null and void! A duel without stakes... What rot!"
Final Results[edit]
- "I say, good show! Now let's see how everyone fared!"
- "First, let's count everyone's Stars..."
- "This is the number of Stars each of you collected."
- "Next, we'll tally up everyone's coins."
- "This is how many coins each of you ended up with. Such avarice!"
- "Hoo! Now comes my favorite part... It's time for the Bonus Stars!"
- "If you win one of my special bonus awards, you'll get a Star!"
- "Let's see who wins, shall we?"
- "And here are the Bonus Stars..."
- "Finally...the moment you've all been waiting for!"
- "The winner is..."
- "The winner is (character)! Wonderful!"
Decathlon Castle[edit]
- "(character) seems unstoppable! Tut tut! Will it really end this way?!"
- "Let's check out the scores, shall we?"
- "My aunt's whiskers! A dead heat! This race is so exciting!"
- "(character) currently leads the race! Hang in there, everyone!"
- "Hmm... Quit Decathlon Castle?"
- "This is minigame number 1-10!"
- "You'll be playing (minigame goes here)!"
- "Everyone is settling in nicely. Now the race really begins!"
- "On to the next minigame!"
- "Ah, the rankings have changed. This race has a long way to go!"
- "'re just getting started. Now show me more motivation!"
- "(character) currently leads the race. Hang in there, everyone!"
- "Can (character) hang on to win? I bet someone will catch up!"
- "We're entering the middle stages now, and this looks to be a real nail-biter!"
- "I see. Playing it safe, are we? You are all neck to neck."
- "Waaaah-Luigi!"
- "Heheh! Waluigi's number one!"
- "You're lousy!"
- "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!"
- "I hate this game!"
- "Waluigi the Superstar!" (Also in Mario Party 9 and Mario Party 10)
- "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"
- "Waaaahhh!"
- "Heh-heh-heh! I got it!"
- "You'll get Wario!"
- "Hahaha! I got it!"
- "Come on!"
- "Yeah!"
- "Hahaha! Wario's the winner!"
- "Aaaah! I lost?!"
- "Wah-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa!"
- "Wah ha ha ha!"