List of Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam quotes
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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam.
- "Minion! What's the status of that plan of ours?"
- "What kind of progress report is that!?"
- "Speed it up! Get it done!"
- "And I want to nip this little Mario problem at the bud!"
- "Tell the minions to hunt them down and destroy them!"
- "Who the heck is this guy?!"
- "I don't know how you sneaked in, but get out!"
- "This is MY castle, you flimsy knockoff!"
- "Even your insults are knockoffs! Get out before I rearrange your face!"
- "Grrrrrr..."
- "Have a hertz doughnut, paperweight!"
- "Ow, stop pulling my hair, you lousy cheat!"
- "What is it?! Can't you see I'm busy?!"
- "Just keep firing! We've got enough cannonballs to overcome your pathetic aim!"
- "What is it, son?"
- "Son, I'm busy right now. We can talk later."
- "Junior! The princesses seem to have gone off for a stroll. Hostages aren't supposed to do that!"
- "And, I don't mean to just keep piling it on, but do you even SEE Mario over there?"
- "I suppose it doesn't matter now. We've finished the modifications to the castle. Heh heh..."
- "... What's wrong with you? Why are you just lying there?"
- "What did you DO to my son!?"
- "Junior! Wake up. I have something to show you..."
- "Kamek! Fire the boosters. NOW!"
- "What do you think, Junior? I call it... NEO BOWSER CASTLE!"
- "Go on, take a look out the window. It'll cheer you up!"
- "Shhh. You're delirious. That's just a piece of garbage on the carpet."
- "I'll rule the land with an iron fist!"
- "Yeah. Whatever."
- "I'm gonna bury you with cannonballs! This is for giving Junior an owie! Fire!"
- "Boom! Nailed it!"
- "Bahahaha! Thanks to the hard work of a few unpaid Toads, we're flying in style!"
- "That pink toadling just won't give up!"
- "Our gigantic papercraft WILL NOT BE BEATEN!"
- "Alright, that's it! Koopalings! End this...NOW!"
- "Your stubbornness is extremely annoying."
- "But at least we've had plenty of time to come up with a plan."
- "...That way, we'll never see you and your stupid mustaches ever again!"
- "And the Mushroom Kingdom will be MINE!"
- "I meant what I said! You got a problem with that?"
- "Pfft. Two Marios."
- "Did you not notice that we're TWO BOWSERS?"
- "And... other Mario! And Luigi..."
- "BWAHAHA! Pfft. That doesn't stand a chance against us!"
- "You think that hurts? BWAHAHA!"
Bowser Jr.[edit]
- "What's the big idea, copycat?"
- "Thanks!"
- "It's like looking into a funhouse mirror. Crazy!"
- "But anyway, you showed up at just the right time. It was getting boring around here."
- "No way! That's MY name too! Wow! OK then, let's get this party started!"
- "Hey there, buddy." (American English)
- "You know what, buddy?" (British English)
- "I'm bored out of my mind."
- "By the way, there's something I've been wondering. Where are you from anyway?"
- "Hmm... Does that mean if we had the book, you'd have to go home?"
- "But hanging out together is the only thing keeping us from dying of boredom!"
- "Oh, great idea!"
- "I bet our dads would like that too."
- "So any idea where the book is now?"
- "Once we're done here, let's go find that book!"
- "HOLD ON!"
- "Don't you throw my book away! I'm gonna tell Dad on you!"
- "Woo-hoo!"
- "Alright! Let's get this baby home!"
- "All right, time to go throw this book in the garbage."
- "And then we can hang out together and never be bored again!"
- "Okay, book, into the stinky garbage with you!"
- "On second thought..."
- "Let's keep this ugly garbage book for now. Who knows? Maybe it'll come in handy."
- "Like, if we get bored here, we could go terrorize YOUR world someday..."
- "Let's go show the book to Dad! I bet he'll get a kick out of it."
- "Daaad! I'M your son!"
- "Look what I have!"
- "We don't care! We don't wanna do it! We hate guard duty!"
- "I like special surprises! OK, let's go to the villa!"
- "And so are you!"
- "Who knew that Pops had a villa way up here?"
- "Talk about a killer view!"
- "No way! This I gotta see!"
- "Whoooooa."
- "I'm so high up!"
- "If I were scared of heights, I would for sure be freaking out right now."
- "Hey! Stop hogging it!"
- "It's half mine, you know!"
- "I don't wanna!"
- "Besides, you're the one who told me to play here!"
- "Heh. Mario! This is perfect timing!"
- "Gahaha! Come and get us... if you can!"
- "Dang it! They're scratching our papercraft all up!"
- "We're just messing around here. Time to break out the big bombs!"
- "Right? High five!"
- "Waaaah! They broke our papercraft!"
- "Why'd you make it so flimsy?"
- "Brrr! *zzz* *zzz*"
- "Why is it so cooooold...?"
- "That was a dirty trick, running away while I was asleep!"
- "I'm gonna tell Dad all about it, just you wait!"
- "Oh, man, probably both!"
- "But the book is OURS now! We're never giving it back!"
- "Hmm... Hey, buddy."
- "I kind of feel like these guys didn’t know we had the book."
- "Maybe we shouldn’t have pulled it out just then."
- "Hah! Like we'd just give up like that."
- "Hey, buddy! You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
- "Let's run away!"
- "So it's come to this."
- "Hey, buddy! Why did we even run away the first time?"
- "Fighting is more fun, don't you think?"
- "All right, who can fly the farthest?"
- "I challenge you!"
- "Urgh... Buddy..."
- "Um, Dad..."
- "Dad... the book..."
Fire Bros.[edit]
- "That's the medallion for the gate to Bowser's Castle!"
- "Whew, good thing we got it back! That was a close one!"
- "They could've done some major damage with this!"
- "Let's...not let the boss know about this little snag..."
- "Uncle! Uncle!"
- "OK, I'll tell you what I know if you just let me go..."
- "The guy with the medallion isn't around an M Block!"
- "And this is just a rumor, but..."
- "I heard that if you get the medallion back, you could get some coins too!"
- "You just have to avoid fighting too many battles..."
- "The fewer times you battle, the more coins you'll get."
- "Now, you didn't hear any of this from me? Got it?"
- "Ow ow ow! Fine, you win!"
- "Here! Just take this and leave me alone already!"
- "And you can have this too!"
- "As long as you don't rat me out to Master Bowser!"
- "Weren't you listening? Yeesh! I'm supposed to be your enemy. I can't just keep giving you hints!"
- "All right! Goombas, fall in!"
- "Huh... I guess we got a bunch of new recruits."
- "Well, what do we have here? A bunch of skinny Toads?"
- "Round them all up!"
- "Is it me, or are these guys looking even punier than usual?"
- "No one cares! Just capture them!"
- "GET 'EM!"
- "Master Booooowwwser!"
- "Master Bowser!"
- "Uh, sorry to interrupt."
- "I'll let you go back to, er, whatever you were doing."
- "There's a flurry of flat Toads and minions pouring down all over the Mushroom Kingdom!"
- "A whole mess of paper things came flying out of Peach's Castle."
- "More! Fire more stuff!"
- "You actually made it!"
- "Can you believe it? Mario's here!"
- "Yeah, me too! It's gonna be, like, SUPER destroyed!"
- "I thought we were operating as a collective trust!"
- "Lemmy! That was...CRAZY! Bahaha!"
- "Now, you're probably wondering how I'm gonna follow that..."
- "Forgive us... but DESTROY them!"
- "Ah, yes, Master Bowser, the plan. It's, er, trucking along."
- "Yikes!"
- "Y-yes, sir!"
- "Sheesh, would it kill you to say please?"
- "A thousand apologies, Your Highness! I was only talking to myself!"
- "...Has His Highness taken up ventriloquism?"
- "My word!"
- "But...but...but...but!"
- "My eyes must be playing tricks on me. There are...TWO Master Bowsers?"
- "Master Bowser is, er, occupied at the moment. Can I help you?"
- "Say what now?"
- "This is all starting to make some sense."
- "I've heard about a book that holds a parallel world within its pages."
- "I thought it was just the stuff of legend..."
- "But based on what you've just told me, perhaps this book is, in fact, real."
- "And it sounds like it's in Peach's castle!"
- "And that would explain this little situation here."
- "My head is starting to hurt..."
- "Master Bowser! Please calm down!"
- "Hey! Can I get a little assistance here?"
- "I believe I warned you about this before the battle, Your Highness."
King Bob-omb[edit]
- "Fire. Fire. Fire."
- "Relax. Initiating Countdown. Self-destruct sequence... initiated."
- "No one can know about this operation. Soon, we will all explode together."
- "I'm sorry... but this is NOT a very relaxing situation."
- "Tick tock, watch the clock."
- "Oh ho! Time's up!"
- "Grr! This is really making me angry!"
- "What?! That's not supposed to happen! What did you do to my timer?"
- "I can't lose to these puny brats! I'm a king! I...I have a mustache! Oh. Right. So do they."
King Boo[edit]
- "Look at this little scrap. Friend of yours, is he? Well, if you like your friend, you better stop attacking me! Now don't go thinking its OK to attack my little minion, either. Who knows what could happen if he dropped your little friend there... YOU GOT THAT?"
- "You... you really didn't understand? Even when I shouted? Well now this is happening."
- "Did I not make myself clear? Yeesh!"
Koopa Troopas[edit]
- "OK!"
- "Show us that move again!"
- "Whoooooa!"
- "Welcome to Team Bowser, new recruits!"
- "With that attack, you'll chew right through Mario!"
- "Oh, hello! I've been tasked by Princess Peach to assist you all in your journey."
- "If you don't mind, I'm going to make some notes about her conversation to send back to her."
- "'The subjects appear focused on the adventure ahead.'"
- "'Their willingness to engage a conversation suggests a tendency towards extroversion.'"
- "'While generally a positive, they should exercise caution when meeting strangers.'"
- "'Sometimes it's important to be wary of others!'"
- "But perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. We haven't even been properly introduced!"
- "I am Lakitu! Pleased to meet you!"
- "As I mentioned, Princess Peach has asked me to look out for you and provide assistance as necessary."
- "So I was just working on my report to her."
- "If you need me, rest assured that I will dash over to your side."
- "But for now, I will keep a respectful distance."
- "One last thing: Be sure to save often, won't you?"
- "If you happen to exit your adventure without saving, you'll restart from a previous save point."
- "And nobody wants that!"
- "Sorry, you cannot go through this warp pipe yet. This leads to— Oops. I almost revealed the secret."
- "AH HAHA!"
- "What’s this balloon squeaking on about?"
- "SHUT IT! Don’t make me show you what I can really do!"
- "You're standing on the wrong side of this face-off! And where's my backup?! Ludwig, get your shell OVER here!"
- "Are you ready? It's time to get this started for reals!"
- "You got it, boss. Dark Star Points, coming up!"
- "We're gonna have to do something about this!"
- "Fine! But I’m doing it of my own free will, not because you’re some kind of leader..."
- " you think of yourself as KING? Oh, forget it..."
- "Stomp stomp stomp!"
- "So yeah... We should hear it fire any second now... It's gonna go... BOOOOOM!"
- "Are...are you talking about yourself?"
- "Yeah! Let me at 'em!"
- "Haha! You're right!"
- "Let’s smash 'em while they're tired!"
- "Heehee! I won!"
- "Yeah...avenge us, Master Bowser!"
- "Roy! Wendy! Larry! We gotta get these three to the secure location!"
- "Oops! My bad! I got stuck trying to get out of that pipe."
- "Ready when you are!"
- "It’s pummelling time!"
- "I've been thinking... How come you guys get to use battle cards and we don't?"
- "Larry, we just need [number] dark Star Points to use this bad boy!"
- "You’re not as wimpy as you look..."
- "Whatever. I’m not impressed! Time for a real leader to step to the plate!"
- "No. If anything, we're a republic... Wait, what am I saying? WHO CARES? GET MARIO!"
- "I...I’ve been dethroned..."
- "Oh yeah!"
- "Oh no!"
- "Here we go!"
- "Mamma mia!"
- "Okey-dokey!"
- "Let's go!"
- "Here we go!"
- "Let's-a go!"
- "Wahoo!"
- "Mamma mia!"
- "Luigi!"
- "Oh yeah!"
- "Go time!"
- "Bwahahaha! I’m gonna stomp 'em silly."
- "That’s it! The fun and games are over!"
- "Peach’s Castle is the worst! Peach’s Castle smashed to dust! That don’t rhyme and I don’t care! Master Bowser’s harsh but fair!"
- "Guhuhuh... I can't wait to watch this thing destroy Peach's Castle..."
- "Yeah, we never voted on anything like that."
- " it's down to just us..."
- " did see what they did to everyone else, right?"
- "How ya like that? I messed up your battle cards! Go ahead and cry about it. I’ll wait!"
- "Gah! I thought for sure that’d make you cry!"
- "Lemmy! What are you doing? This is just getting started!"
- "Guhuhuh... I knew I could beat ya!"
- "Forgive us...Bowser. I mean…Master Bowser..."
Paper Bowser[edit]
- "Where the heck am I?!"
- "What the heck just happened?!"
- "Who the heck is this guy?!"
- "Oh, puh-lease! YOU'RE the knockoff!"
- "I'd like to see you try!"
- "Grrrrrr..."
- "Ugh, blech! That's nothing compared to my knuckle sandwich!"
- "Coming from you, that's a compliment!"
- "What is it?! Can't you see I'm busy?!"
- "I want you to keep an eye on the princesses, Son."
- "No one likes a whiner, Junior."
- "Right, I almost forgot!"
- "Junior, I have a special surprise just for you!"
- "But if you want it, you'll have to go to the villa!"
- "How could they have done this to my son?!"
- "Son, you're talking nonsense. Is your brain OK?"
- "Why should I care about a stupid garbage book?"
- "Don't answer that, son. Just relax while daddy roasts Mario to a crisp."
- "You mean WE'LL rule with iron FISTS, right?"
- "First, we're gonna beat you!"
- "Next, we're going to trap you in this book!"
- "And then we're gonna throw the book into the garbage..."
- "I sure hope you meant OURS just then!"
- "You bet I do! I'm taking over this world!"
- "We've got enough arms and legs to stomp ALL of you!"
- "So Mario..."
- "Is that enough of a warm-up? Should we crush them now?"
- "This.. isn't.. over... Must.. protect.. book... NOOOOOOO!! I will go back! You can't... make me! The Mushroom Kingdom was going to be mine! BLAAAAAAAAGRH!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!"
Paper Bowser Jr.[edit]
- "What!? It’s pretty obvious that YOU’RE the copycat!"
- "That said, you picked a pretty nice style to jack!"
- "The name’s Bowser Jr. Pleased to meetcha!"
- "Oh, yeah, me too."
- "Sure, we’ll get a reward for watching the princesses, but…"
- "I’m bored out of my mind."
- "I flew out of that book, same as my dad."
- "Yeah, probably."
- "Yeah, going home would be super lame."
- "Wait, I have an idea!"
- "Let’s just find the book and destroy it! Problem solved!"
- "Nope, no clue. Hmm…"
- "Yeah! Then I’ll never have to go home!"
- "It’s stinky garbage time! It’s stinky garbage time!"
- "Whyyyy meeee? Standing guard is the most boring job in the world!"
- "We don’t care! We don’t want to do it! We hate guard duty!"
- "Yeah! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!"
- "We’re heading out to the villa now!"
- "Hey buddy! Did you check out that awesome papercraft downstairs?"
- "It looks just like us!"
- "Hey, buddy! The papercraft is so awesome!"
- "Whoa! SO cool!"
- "We don’t care! We’re not done playing yet!"
- "AND we’re not scared of Mario or anyone with him!"
- "Now that we’ve got this sweet papercraft, we’re not scared of anything!"
- "We’re gonna take this papercraft for a test drive… all over your face!"
- "Pfft. They probably can’t!"
- "Good idea!"
- "That does us zero good right now. Let’s go back to the castle"
- "Man, I’m so bored."
- "This lookout duty is the worst! Where’s the action?"
- "Hey, you two! Try escaping or something! I can’t take this anymore!"
- "‘Mario! Save me!' You could at least say something different every once in a while. Yeesh!"
- "And anyway, Mario’s not coming!"
- "Right about now he’s probably being dangled over some lava."
- "Grrr! Stop saying that! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"
- "That’s IT. I’m going outside."
- "So… you think they’re here to steal back that book, or just the princesses?"
- "What’s up?"
- "Looks that way."
- "Maybe not our best move."
- "I think so!"
- "Let’s run away!"
- "You can’t boss us around!"
- "Nuh-uh! WE’RE the bosses!"
- "You’re not even a miniboss!"
- "You’re just an angry little bee!"
- "You’re right! Let’s fight ‘em!"
- "It’s what Dad would want."
- "It's gonna be painful if you lose. Bwahaha!"
- "Don’t let them get it... We need it..."
Paper Goombas[edit]
- "Look! Isn't that Mario?"
- "I dunno... Something seems different about him..."
- "Huh, you're right. Mario's a round guy, but not this round."
- "Why are you all giving me the hairy eyeball?"
- "Hey! Back off!"
- "Get your mitts off me!"
- "That's my face you're holding!"
- "Those are my shoes you're crumpling!"
- "Ow! Ow! OW!"
- "QUIT IT!"
- "Uh, you OK there, buddy?"
- "No, I'm not OK! Did you see the way they manhandled me?"
- "I'm all bent out of shape now!"
- "Let's give these brutes a taste of their own medicine!"
- "You'd better watch yourself. Next time I'm coming back with a whole stack!"
- "Then we'll see who's the crumpler and who's the crumplee!"
Paper Kamek[edit]
- "And don't even think about using those Bomb Fruits on me!"
Paper Princess Peach[edit]
- "Are you..."
- "Me?"
- "Oh my."
- "I may faint..."
- "Yes, I'm just as shocked."
- "Opening that book sent us all flying out of our world... and into this one."
- "I believe the way back home for us is through that book."
- "It's all so bewildering..."
- "And you are?"
- "Yes, it's quite a pleasure to meet you, Mario!"
- "Nice to meet you, Luigi."
- "Tee hee hee! You're blushing, Luigi!"
- "Yes?"
- "I appreciate your help. Those poor scared Toads..."
- "Where could all the Paper Toads have gone?"
- "A goat? That's terrible! Oh you're just joking are you."
- "Whatever do you mean?"
- "My goodness! You picked quite the hiding spot, didn't you?"
- "Shhh... calm down! They're Mario and Luigi!"
- "They're here to rescue you."
- "Aw, don't cry! You're safe now!"
- "Oh my..."
- "I just remembered something."
- "When we all spilled out of the book, so did Bowser and a group of his minions."
- "Which means that the Bowser from my world is in THIS world now too."
- "If the two Bowsers were to join forces, I shudder to imagine the havoc they could wreak."
- "Mario and Luigi! The fate of the world rests on your shoulders."
- "Can I count on you to rescue my paper subjects who are lost in this world?"
- "Well, I'm sure once you find Mario, the scales will tip back in our favor."
Paper Toads[edit]
- "Where am I?"
- "You guys are rounder than that snowman!"
- "Eeeeeeeek!"
- "What is this crazy place? Where are all my friends?"
- "I'm begging you! Please don't eat me!"
- "Wait, really? You're Mario? Like the famous Mario?"
- "You look different in real life. Stuffed... Like ravioli or something."
- "Eh, whatever! I'm finally safe!"
- "Huh? You say you'll help us all get back home?"
- "In that case, we'll stick you. Got room in your pocket?"
- "OOF!"
- "Oh no, I'm caught! Please don't eat me! I'm pretty sure I taste horrible!"
- "Has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like Mario?"
- "What do you mean, you're the Mario from this world?"
- "That's confusing, but I guess I have to trust you."
- "Ack! They found us! Run, everyone, run!"
- "Huh? Is that really Mario? Doesn't he look kind of round?"
- "Eh, who cares? We're finally safe!"
- "There's nothing here to look at! Just a boring old pillar..."
- "...Fine! You got me!"
- "I guess this is the end... Sniff... I'll end up torn into little pieces."
- "What do you mean, "look closer"?"
- "Red and green ensembles... Bushy mustaches..."
- "Omigosh! Mario and Luigi?! I'm getting rescued by celebrities!"
- "The worst day of my life just turned into the best day of my life!"
- "*zzz* *zzz* ... Huh? Mario and Luigi?"
- "You guys look weird. Like... rounder or something."
- "Oh, of course. I must be dreaming!"
- "That would explain why Luigi's so capable."
- "Please protect me, Princess Peach! Those burly brutes have it in for me!"
- "Really?"
- "I knew that! I was only pretending to hide."
- "Actually, I was keeping an eye on you, Princess!"
- "Waaah!"
- "Boo hoo hoo!"
- "That's part of it..."
- "But actually, there's one more thing..."
- "There were so many other Toads with us..."
- "And they're all missing!"
- "Wh-where are we?"
- "Wh-what's happening?!"
- "Oh no!"
- "Someone help!"
- "And just like that, those Goombas kidnapped the rest of our pals."
- "I'm so scared that they've been creased... Or crumpled!"
- "Or torn up into a million pieces! Waaaah! It's too horrible to think about!"
- "Wait!"
- "Whew! We caught you just in time!"
- "We have something for you to take on your journey!"
- "We actually made this Copy Block ourselves."
- "We think you'll find it pretty useful!"
- "Thanks! That back room has all kinds of cool stuff I've never seen before!"
- "We took the liberty of using some of it to make that Copy Block."
- "We're a pretty crafty bunch, so we're planning on making stuff out of paper too!"
- "I think you're gonna like what we come up with!"
- "Well then, we'd better get back to work."
- "Good luck on your journey, Mario and Luigi!"
- "All of my friends have been abducted by weird-looking versions of Bowser's minions."
- "And all my surroundings are so much more vivid than normal."
- "What is going on?"
- "Oh, of course! I must be dreaming! What a relief!"
Princess Peach[edit]
- "What seems to be the matter?"
- "Oh my goodness!"
- "Are you..."
- "Me?"
- "I can't believe there's a whole other dimension."
- "And another me!"
- "That's a lovely idea."
- "Despite the circumstances that brought us together, I'm very pleased to meet you."
- "Tee hee hee!"
- "And talking to myself like this is a real hoot!"
- "Mario, you never speak so formally with me!"
- "Tee hee hee! I think someone's feeling a little shy!"
- "Come on now, don't just stand there all googly-eyed."
- "Of course the Toads are frightened, given what they've just experienced."
- "Please gather them so that we can welcome them properly."
- "Mario."
- "Luigi."
- "Let's find the Paper Toads that are hiding in the castle first."
- "They must still be in shock over appearing in this world."
- "What is it?"
- "This may be their greatest challenge yet..."
- "After all, it's us versus two Bowsers AND all their minions."
- "Oh, I see what you mean!"
- "Hold up! I just thought of something! Why aren’t there any paper versions of us?"
- "What is this? A book? Guess those losers must’ve dropped it."
- "Nah, books are dumb. Into the trash it goes!"
- "Oh, hey there, squirt. And...uh...paper squirt."
- "Huh? B-but I didn't even know it was yours!"
- "Here, take it! Just don't tell on me!"
- "Course, we're not paying you at all, but you know what I mean!" (American English)
- "Course, we're not paying you anyway, but you get what I mean!" (British English)
- "I want less chatting and more toiling!!"
- "Hey, Larry! Come help us subdue these prisoners!"
- "Hey! Larry!"
- "Probably off playing video games or something."
- "It's OK. I don't think these three are gonna put much of a fight!"
- "You heard him! We're here to stop you for good!"
- "It's go time!"
- "Yeah! This isn’t over, chumps!"
- "In the end...I regret...everything."
- "Luigi! Do you have any idea what's going on?"
- "No, of course you don't."
- "Am I seeing double?!"
- "Oh, so you DO know what's going on, Luigi?"
- "Mm-hmm."
- "So you were fixing a hole in the wall..."
- "When that book fell down."
- "You were shocked and likely quaking in your boots..."
- "And then you started dancing... Wait, what? Why were you dancing?"
- "Uh, Luigi?"
- "Is this explanation gonna take much longer?"
- "There, there, Your Paper Highness. We'll take good care of you."
- "I'm Starlow!"
- "I'm a representative of the Star Sprites and de facto guide for Mario and Luigi."
- "Pleased to meet you!"
- "While we figure out how to get you home, why don't you do some sightseeing?"
- "I'm sure Mario and Luigi would be more than happy to give you a tour of the kingdom."
- "But Mario's right here!"
- "Let's go, Mario!"
- "Gosh, get a load of this guy!"
- "He's flatter than a pita pocket." (American English)
- "He's flatter than a pepperoni pizza." (British English)
- "Mario! Luigi! When was the last time you battled?"
- "It's been a while, right? So..."
- "You should check out the Battle Guide!"
- "You can read all about the rules and controls for battle!"
- "After all, I'd hate to see those Goombas walk all over you."
- "Nailed it! Keep doing it just like that!"
- "Those goons were pretty flimsy after all."
- "But we can't expect everything to be a cakewalk."
- "Right. Remember what Paper Princess Peach said..."
- "If both versions of Bowser's minions teamed up, things could get pretty sticky."
- "Anyone else have a weird, shivery feeling?"
- "I hope it's just this breeze and not something more ominous."
- "For now, let's go rescue those Paper Toads!"
- "Can too!"
- "I AM NOT A BEE!!"
- "... I’m a Star Sprite, duh!"
- "Blech! I got sand in my mouth! Gross!"
- "Now, back to the adventure!"
- "That's it! Juuuump!"
- "Oh, hi there!"
- "Look at what I made!"
- "It has lots of interchangeable parts, so it's super versatile."
- "And it took me three hours to build."
- "It's true. Sometimes my genius frightens even me."
- "My next project is gonna be a life-sized papercraft for you guys!"
- "Good luck on your adventure!"
- "I wish I could go with you... I'm actually getting pretty good at this adventuring thing."
- "A Copy Block? Why didn't I think of that?"
- "Paper, eh? How intriguing!"
- "With my brain and these guys' dexterity... Well, the possibilities are very exciting!"
- "I'm going to check out what they're cooking up."
- "Who knows? Maybe we'll end up collaborating on something amazing!"
- "I knew it!"
- "Bowser's minions already have a new papercraft!"
- "Exactly! That's bad news with a capital B! And N!"
- "This is a job for a brave and braided genius...Toadette!"
- "OK, let's get down to brass tacks."
- "We need to get working on a new papercraft too. Lucky for you, I've got more ideas than you can shake a stick at!"
- "However! I'm gonna need lots of Paper Toad helpers! And I need safe place where I can work!"
- "What do you mean there's no such thing as a safe place in this terrifying world?"
- "After all, I heard there's a village of Toads in the west part of Mount Brrr. That seems like a good spot to work!"
- "The only thing is it's a bit out of the way."
- "What's that? It's way higher than you expected?"
- "And the path is basically a giant puzzle?"
- "And you have no idea how to get there?"
- "No problemo!"
- "In my extensive research of the area, I learned that the puzzle of Mount Brrr CAN be solved! And when you solve it, you'll have cleared a path straight to the Toad Village."
- "Luigi, hush!"
- "Everyone! It's ready!"
- "C'mon Toads! Let's show 'em what we've been working on!"
- "Heh heh..."
- "It's our victory parade!"
- "C'mon! Let's go!"
- "You feel that draft?" (American English)
- "You feel that draught?" (British English)
- "There's a hole somewhere in the wall, and it's letting in cold air. Brrr!"
- "Hmm... is it coming from over here?"
- "Don't be scared, Luigi!"
- "What's that? You're scared of the dark?"
- "Hmm... I see what you mean... It's a little creepy in here."
- "I opened the curtains! All better?"
- "All right then. where is that draft coming from?" (American English)
- "All right then. where is that draught coming from?" (British English)
- "Aha! There it is!"
- "It's pretty high up... and my legs are pretty short..."
- "I don't think I can reach it by myself."
- "Oh, you'll go and check it out?"
- "Thanks, Luigi!"
- "What's that? A mouse? I must've missed it."
- "Anyway, you're not scared of a little mouse, are you?"
- "Please finish checking out the hole in the wall."
- "Um..."
- "Stop messing around!"
- "Can you please see if that's where the draft is coming from?" (American English)
- "Can you please see if that's where the draught is coming from?" (British English)
- "Augh!"
- "Um, Luigi..."
- "You know it's right behind you, right?"
- "Ow ow ow!"
- "Snap out of it, Luigi! That book is something weird!"
- "Hey! You're flatter than a flapjack!"
- "I can't believe what I'm seeing!"
- "Omigosh!"
- "No way!"
- "Princess?"
- "Let's see what the princesses have to say about all this, Mario."
- "Use the Circle Pad to walk near them."
- "Princess!"
- "Peach!"
- "Huh? Who are you?"
- "Ah, there you are! Princess Peach!"
- "A flurry of Toads have suddenly appeared. They look just like us, but flattened!"
- "That's what I just said, Luigi!"
- "Anyway, I've never seen such a scared bunch."
- "They're shaking like leaves on a tree!"
- "I can try...if I can get them to stop freaking out long enough to listen to me."
- "Good idea, Mario! You might have an easier time taking them down."
- "OK, follow me!"
- "Wait, before we go, take this with you!"
- "The menu is your gateway to all kinds of helpful info."
- "To open it, press START or tap MENU on the bottom screen."
- "Hey, flat Toads! You can stop hiding now!"
- "Come on out! There's no reason to be scared!"
- "I see one of them over there!"
- "...And he disappeared!"
- "Huh... I could have sworn I saw one of them right here."
- "We're here to help, guys!"
- "So please show yourselves already!"
- "Boy, am I glad to see you two!"
- "The Paper Toads are scared and hiding!"
- "If I could just talk to them, I'm sure I could calm them down."
- "Thing is, they're so flat that they just disappear right into the scenery..."
- "I haven't seen any of those flat Toads at all."
- "Ah, Mario! I'm glad I caught you before you left."
- "We have some special Bros. Attacks for you and Luigi!"
- "I think you'll find Bros. Attacks extremely handy when dealing with Bowser's minions."
- "So don't forget 'em, OK? Stop by the room to your left to pick 'em up when you're ready."
- "STOP!"
- "Aw man..."
- "That guy just stole a whole bunch of Bros. Attacks!"
- "Without those, we're doomed!"
- "It's all over for me, for you, for this kingdom, and for this game too!"
- "Huh? You really think you can make do with these two?"
- "Well, you guys ARE the heroes..."
- "Aw, that's awfully nice of you to say."
- "We're so touched!"
- "So please take these with you."
- "It's nice to practice a new attack before you have to use it for real in battle."
- "Or so I hear. I'm actually not much of a fighter myself."
- "To open the menu, tap this blue icon."
- "Or you can press START to get there!"
- "We're counting on you to find Nabbit and take back the Bros. Attacks he stole from us!"
- "Oh and also to save the world and all that jazz."
- "Wait a sec! There's one last thing I need to tell you!"
- "In the course of your adventure, if you ever find yourself not knowing where to go, you should consult the guide map on the lower screen and find the arrow!"
- "This handy-dandy arrow will point you in the direction you should head next."
- "Whatever you do, don't forget that!"
- "Got the wind knocked out of your sails, didn’t you?"
- "Guess that's the end of them. Well, that was easy!"
- "Our paper versions are probably just busy doing important stuff back home. We don’t really need their help anyway. The seven of us can handle stuff on our own."
- "You could have just sat quietly in your cell like good little prisoners... But noooo, you had to escape and make us chase after you. So inconsiderate."
- "Where is he?"
- "Ugh, it figures. Do we have to do everything ourselves?"
- "Stupid Larry! If he had been here, there’s no way we would’ve lost!"
- "Don't think of this as us getting revenge for the last time we tangled..."
- "Think of it as a whole new beatdown! We've got some new tricks under our shells!"
- "We may have lost to you twice... but we can do better! Just wait until our third, fourth, or fifth fight.... Then you'll see..."
- "I...I don't know what got into me."
- "I'm so happy... and very tired." (American English)
- "I'm a happy Wiggler... and a very tired one too." (British English)