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{{italic title|List of ''Super Paper Mario'' quotes}}
The following is a list of quotes from ''[[Super Paper Mario]]''; they are listed alphabetically by character.

This is a list of quotes from the game ''[[Super Paper Mario]]''.
*''"Who is this meager mustache, and how does it have the audacity to address my muli-colored glory?"''
*''"[[Mario|You]] must be the great hero... IMPERSONATOR!"''
*''"What a costume! You look like you leaped right out of the pages of the [[Light Prognosticus|Prognosticus]]!"''
*''"Why should the hero have the whole world delivered to him on a well-garnished platter?"''

==By character==
*''"Bwa ha ha ha ha! "We're under attack!" [[Koopa Troop|You jokers]] are the best!"''
[[Bowser's Minions|Koopa Troop]] and [[Sammer Guy]]s are grouped together in their own sections.
*''"Hey who are those [[Mario Bros.|hairy guys]] in the back? We SHAVE around here, minions."''
*''"Bah! [[Mario]]... AND [[Luigi]]?! How'd you get in here?...What? My front gate was open?! How many times have I told those idiots?! If you're the last in, LOCK THE GATE!"''
*''"I'll tell you who doesn't make even a little bit of sense... [[Count Bleck]]!''
*''"Enough! Release Princess Peach, right now! I'm on a schedule over here!''
*''"Bwah ha ha! Will I marry [[Peach]]? Are you kidding me? The answer's YESSSSSSSS!"''
*''"MARIO! ...and Princess Peach?! Why do you ALWAYS have to do that. That's like the 1000th time you've shown up at [[Bowser's Castle|my castle]] and screwed everything up!"''
*''"No more sequels! It's gonna end right here, right now. ONCE AND FOR ALL!"''
*''"But... But I'm Bowser! I'm grade-A, 100% prime-cut final [[boss]]! I'm going to take over the [[Mushroom World|world]] any day now! No way am I helping Mario! He's always trashing my awesome plans."''
*''"What'd you say? If the world ends, there's not gonna be any world for me to rule?"''
*''"Don't get all cuddly with me, Mario."''
*''"NO! I'M NOT SWEET!"''
*''"Fine... C'mon. Let's get your stupid [[Pure Heart|Precious Heart]], or whatever you call it."''
*''"Yeah! Anyone who wears a cape and a monocle is just begging for a beating."''
*''"Trust me, any problem comes up, I'll stomp it into next week! I'll Bowserize it!"'''
*''"Who are you supposed to be, Mr. Frilly Pants? You gonna tie me a balloon animal?"''
*''"Bwahah! You're such an idiot! This place makes me stronger too!"''
*''"[[Dimentio]]? Gimme a break! That's the lamest villain ever!"''
*''"Pbbtth! Wanna know how to thank me, [[Tippi|bugface]]? Just stay outta my way, OK?"''
*''"Oh YEAH! I can breathe! But now my nose itches! Man, I hate space!"''
*''"Good gravy, [[Squirps|you]]'re ugly!"''
*''"Space niblet! You OK?"''
*''"Hrmm... [[Mr. L]]. What a nutjob."''
*''"Huuuuurgh! Mt brain hurts! I can't keep up with plot points this complicated!"''
*''"Huh? What're [[Cragnons|you]] looking at, rocklips? You never seena burly king of evil before?"''
*"''Hold up. Did I just hear the word 'UGLY'?"''
*''"WARGH! What are... HEY! Hands off the merchandise!"''
*''"Pbbbbbbth! Like I'm afraid of danger! Please!"''
*''"Count Bleck, [[Floro Sapiens]], whatever... Stomping fools is my business! Show me a to a fool, and I'll stomp it! I don't even need a reason!"''
*''"What am I, blind? Shut up."''
*''"Hey [[O'Chunks|O'Fatty]]! Take it easy! You're gonna blow out your beard, pal, seriously."''
*''"You need stomping. And I'm a Stomptologist."''
*''"Man, what a crybaby."''
*''"You part of [[Flint Cragley|that idiot]]'s crew? Get back and report to your boss, you lazy worm!"''
*''"Oh, PLEASE! You know what you smell like, weirdo? FEAR. Stop crying and fight!"''
*''"Whoa, whoa, WHOA! I don't fight veggies!"''
*''"Think [[King Croacus IV|you]] can dent a shell as burly as THIS, pretty boy? Let those [[Cragnon]]s go!"''
*''"'Challenger'?! Bwahahahaha! All I'd have to do is sit on [[Sammer Guy|you]] and wear you like a hat!"''
*''"I don't know who [[King Sammer|you]] are, but I got a 'rousing spectacle' for your face!"''
*''"Hey! I'm not fat! I just got a big shell."''
*''"Minions need to learn respect."''
*''"That Mr. L freak is a total insano."''
*''"Where am I?! And why do these jerks in shades keep jumping me?! And what's with the dark? And Peach isn't here... and I'm hungry! What did I do to deserve this?!"''
*''"You wanna break up what me and Peach have going!"''
*''"Dang! Why do I always lose?! What is WRONG with me?!"''
*''"She's gotta be feeling lonely without her burly, awesome hubby at her side!"''
*''"Hey! Shut yon trap, [[Luvbi|fluffy]]! You're talking about the WIFE of Lord Bowser!"''
*''"Man, all I hear is CRYING! Show a little initiative! Can't we just rebuild the bridge?"''
*''"Are we gonna group-hug? Enough pep talk, gramps! I'm doing this for ME!"''
*''"I've had egg-salad-sandwiches chunkier than this guy."''
*''"Hey, there's no shame in being smacked down by a huge, studly boss!"''
*''"Hey, Super Stupid Bros.! Get the princess into the next room NOW!"''
*''"Come on! Man up a little. You never give up this easy when you attack MY castle!"''
*''"[[Tippi]! Yeah, you're right. C'mon, let's jump [[Super Dimentio|him]]!
*''"You believed your prophecy, and we believed in mopping the floor with you!"''
*''"Now THAT is a plan! Make a path!"''
*''"[[Shadoo]], boo-hoo, whatever. What a waste of my time!"''

==[[Count Bleck]]==
*[[List of Super Paper Mario quotes by character (A–J)|List of ''Super Paper Mario'' quotes by character (A–J)]]
*''"Bleh HEH HEH HEH BLECK!"''
*[[List of Super Paper Mario quotes by character (K–N)|List of ''Super Paper Mario'' quotes by character (K–N)]]
*''"[[Princess Toadstool|Your princess]] has been taken... by Count Bleck!"''
*[[List of Super Paper Mario quotes by character (O–Z)|List of ''Super Paper Mario'' quotes by character (O–Z)]]
*''"By me... Count Bleck! The chosen executer of the [[Dark Prognosticus]]... is Count Bleck! The fine fellow prophesied to come to [[Mushroom World|this dimension]]... is also Count Bleck!"''
*''"Bleh heh heh heh heh... This pleases Count Bleck!"''
*''"Aside from [[Timpani]], no treasure mattered in the least to me..."''
*''"WHAT?! ... Spat Count Bleck in utter disbelief."''
*''"Bleh heh heh heh heh... The man known as [[Blumiere]] died a long time ago. Now there is only Bleck! The Dark Prognosticus's choice to fulfill the prophecy! Nothing more!"''
*''"Ah, I see you've come at least! So, you really ARE the hero of the [[Light Prognosticus]]..."''
*''"But you are far too late to stop the Dark Prognosticus, and me... Count Bleck! Come into grips for that now, for you cannot stop it. I suggest you make yourselves comfortable and enjoy this one, final spectacle!"''
*''"Count Bleck does not care about any world! They are all meaningless."''
*''"You know the answer, dear Timpani. Count Bleck does not have to tell you. The hour has grown too late... You should know that by now."''
*''"Count Bleck is the deleter of worlds! My fate is written in the Dark Prognosticus! ALL NOW ENDS!"''
*''"Leave me, [[Nastasia]]. I will deal with these two ALONE."''
*''"Count Bleck demands it! I will not say it again..."''
*''"Are you prepared, hero? Our duel will be worthy of the last clash this world will ever see!"''
*''"How laughable! Is that all the heroism you can muster? Let me show you real power!"''
*''"Bleck! I expected more potency from the Hero of Prophecy! And now, I will watch [[Game Over|your game end]], and then your [[Mushroom World|precious worlds]] will end soon afterwards!"''
*''"Bleh heh heh heh... So, you ARE alive, then!"''
*''"What's this? My barrier is... GONE?!"''
*''"Then so be it... says Count Bleck! But your precious worlds aren't safe until my last breath. Let us finaly end this! Now, the TRUE battle begins... with Count Bleck!"''
*''"Ex...Excellent... You have won... Now finish Count Bleck. The Chaos Heart will disappear, and the prophecy will be undone..."''
*''"Timpani... After you vanished, I searched long for you. I never stopped looking. I searched and searched, but I never found you. Without you, the world held no meaning or joy. I wanted to destroy everything that's taken you away from me..."''
*''"It's too late. Count Bleck has done so much evil... it must end. Just knowing that you are alive, and the world you live in will continue... it gives me peace. I do not have long to live... you must end my game before [[The Void]] destroys all..."''
*''"No... stop!"''
*''"We cannot. Without the [[Pure Hearts]], all worlds are doomed. All we can do now is give up..."''
*''"It was no lie. But without the power of the Pure Hearts, there is no way to counter the Chaos Heart. What can we do?"''
*''"[[Count Bleck's Army|My minions]]... how did you find us here?"''
*''"My loyal minions..."''
*''"What's this? The Pure Hearts?! But why?"''
*''"So, it seems the end of all worlds is really upon us..."''
*''"I thought the Chaos Heart would disappear if the person controlling it fell. [[Dimentio]]... must have left behind a shadow of his power to continue controlling the Chaos Heart. It won't last long, but it'll be enough to ensure the end of every world."''
*''"There's only one thing left that we can do... This way!"''
*''"Timpani, do you still love me?"''
*''"Then you must come with me."''
*''"We will use the Pure Hearts again this time, to banish the Chaos Heart. All we need is true love, and that's something I am lucky enough to possess."''

==[[Dimentio]]/[[Super Dimentio]]==
*''"I thought [[Mimi]]'s idea of a perfect world had gem-filled swimming pools and hunky lifeguards?"''
*''"So very nice to meet [[Mario|you]]... and your mustache!"''
[[Category:Quotes|Super Paper Mario]]
*''"I am [[Count Bleck]]'s master of dimensions, the pleaser of crowds, I am...Dimentio!"''
[[Category:Super Paper Mario|*]]
*''"And so I strike, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarden picnic!"''
*''"And so you've come to play, like late-sleeping toddlers!"''
*''"You must be [[Bowser]]. I knew the moment I saw the flailing nubbins you call arms."''
*''"And now, we must duel like two, glearing banjos on a moon-lit stoop!"''
*''"Ah ha ha ha. And so we meet again, like two large, burly dinosaurs with indigestion!"''
*''"Now remember kids: eat your [[vegetables]] to grow big!"''
*''"The forlorn group of heroes, how they cry! Their tears flow like sad chowder!"''
*''"Don't you know who I am? I am your enemy, Dimentio! I serve Count Bleck!"''
*''"Say... Just one moment, my dear count. Does this name '[[Blumiere]]' ring a bell?"''
*''"The [[Tippi|mustached man's Pixl]] went on and on. She said, 'I must stop Blumiere!' But I suppose there's no reason to pay any mind to the ramblings of a [[Pixl]]."''
*''"Ah, I see you're missing the [[Princess Toadstool|ravishing princess]] and the arm-flailer."''
*''"Enjoying my game of tag?"''
*''"Ah ha ha ha. Oh, no. Magic is no laughing matter. I am always deadly serious."''
*''"So, you spit upon my offer? You have wasted my time. And for that, your game ends. I think I'll start with [[Luigi|the green one]]. The shag upon his lip will make a fine trophy!"''
*''"And so I strike, like a speeding dodgeball at an echoing gymnasium!"''
*''"I needed the [[Pure Hearts]] to defeat Count Bleck. I couldn't do that on my own, so, I had you do all the sweaty labor for me. If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!"''
*''"I am saying that you no longer have any value to me, so I'm ending your games. They're all yours now, [[Mr. L]]!"''
*''"Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for the greatest magic show you'll EVER see!"''
*''"Count Bleck! You looked so tattered and pathetic, I nearly forgot about you!"''
*''"I'll squeeze the life out of you later. Just wait around in that dimension, OK? Great."''
*''"The [[Chaos Heart]] is mine! I will use it to destroy all words and create perfect new ones! Shall we get started, then? I have all I need now... to become the king of all worlds!"''
*''"I am invincible! There's nothing you can do! And now, it is time for the destruction to begin! Let it begin with YOU, as you wallow around in helplessness, like upside-down turtles! L-POWER!"''
*''"Let's stop wasting time and finish this, shall we? Ciao!"''
*''"W-WHAT?!? The Pure Hearts?!? I thought you wasted them all, fighting Count Bleck!"''
*''"Noooo... I'm not invincible anymore..."''
*''"How did you do it... How could I have lost with the power of Luigi and the Chaos Heart? And the prophecy... Has it been undone?!"''
*''"Oh, this isn't finished... You can't escape... I've been saving one last surprise for last! Ah ha ha ha ha... Ciao!"''
==[[Flint Cragley]]==
*''"Lesser Cragnons would weep softly."''
*''"Suddenly... Out of the cave mists... mysterious, slavering creatures lurched into view!"''
*''"Had the gods of adventure forsaken us?"''
*''"Cragley Ho!"''
*''"Nerrrrr herrr herrrr herrrrrr! This is so hi-technicaaaaaal!”''
*''"Freel the wrath of the jilted [[X-Naut]] from the season finale of "The [[Grodus]] Chronicles!"''
*''"My high-technical battle skills have failed me! I'm gonna return home and run a simulation on my computer to figure out what went wrong!"''
==[[Luigi]] / [[Mr. L]]==
*''"That's my bro, always bouncing back! Like me! I bounce too!''" - Luigi
*''"I'm my bro's bro."'' - Luigi
*''"The G-Great Luigi, you say? A... A daring defender? ...Me? Then I've got no choice! Luigi must spring into action! My fans need me!"'' - Luigi
*''"Oh, me? Just one of Count Bleck's more promising minions. The Green Thunder... MR. L!"'' - Mr. L
*''"Just because you're in red doesn't mean you're strong. Have at you!"'' - Mr. L
*''"Ooh, the evil king of all charlatans! Do I look scared? Have at you!"'' - Mr. L
*''"Hey, Mr. Getsfoiledallthetimebytheredguywiththemustache! I'll foil your FACE!"'' - Mr. L
*''"I uh... got to go deflavorize the Brobot's uh... Flavorizer."'' - Mr. L
*''"Hey there, butterball!"'' - Mr. L
*''"Hey, King Incompetant! I'm gonna hatch an evil plan on your FACE! Have at you!"'' - Mr. L
*''"T-Toad?! What? What happened? Why are you so crazy?"'' - Luigi
*''"Everyone runs out of extra lives sometime."'' - Luigi
*''"Quiet, you big Bowser! We know you kidnapped Princess Peach! Now where'd you put her?!"'' - Luigi
*''"Looks like your pure heart thing got broken. I guess pure hearts can't handle the end of the world. Heh. Whatever, I'll swipe it just for kicks."'' - Mr. L
*''"I am sorry...that [[Mario|thou]] [[Luigi|art]] so hairy."''
*''"Pray, I would understand this! Is yon Peach the lady friend of Mario?"''
*''"Oh, verily? But the damsel looms large in his regard, is this not so? A one-sided crush then, mayhap."''
*''"Heareth me, princess of silly peaches?"''
*''"There might not be any world left for [[Bowser|you]] to rule!"''
*''"Too rich for my blood."''
*''"[[Blappy|You]]'re shady..."''
*''"Forget it!"''
*''"No way."''
*''"Surprise! It's me, Mimi!"''
*''"[[Coin]]s?! No one uses COINS anymore, you peasants! I SPIT on your coins!"''
*''"You DUMMIES! The only reason I'm here is to GET in the way!"''
*''"I'm not all soft n' cuddly like the count is."''
*''"I like getting what I want, and I'll do whatever I have to to get it!"''
*''"You're the one that's always having to get rescued by boys. THAT'S embarassing!"''
*''"Boy, it sure would be sad if your boyfriends had to cry over spilled Peaches!"''
*''"Gosh, I could follow your big smile anywhere, [[Count Bleck|Count]]!"''
*''"I got hired on by [[Merlee]] as her maid for real this time!"''
*''"I'm just gonna pencil you in for a ten O' clock brain washing k."
*''"If...If I could have been that girl maybe things would be different."
*''"Yeah, I'm afraid you orders mean nothing anymore."
*''"WAH! Count you can't leave me!"
*''"JUNIOR?! C'mere un' I'll introduce [[Mr. L|yeh]] to Fist Jr. an' his wee pal, Slappie!"''
*''"A Stomptolo- 'EY! SHUT IT! Don't yeh go tryin' teh be wittier than me, [[Bowser|yeh frog]]!"''
*''"Maybe I misunderstood [[Dimentio|that weirdo]]..."''
*''"BRO-CCOLI! CAB-BAGE! AS-PARA-GUS!"'' - O'Chunks brainwashed into "O'Cabbage"
*''"Warrior rule # 1: 'Never fight on an empty stomach! 'Tis Madness!'"''
*''"'Ow could yeh be chunkier than I? Yer naught but a bloomin' turtle!"''
*''"Yer hands are quiverin' like a ladle of me mum's lard gravy."''
*''"Ah; [[Nastasia|she]] lies like a wee rug, this lass!"''
*''"Talk about goin' the extra mile! [[Nastasia|She]] even sacrificed 'erself to save ya! Lissen, [[Count Bleck|Count]], I promised me life as well, an' I'm not afraid teh live up to it! So, ya gotta lemme 'elp!"''
*''"'Ey, Count! What're yeh doin?!?"''
==[[Princess Peach]]==
*''"Ewwww, what WAS that?! What in the world did you just make me eat?!"''
*''"[[Mario|Yo]][[Luigi|u]] stay out of it! I am a PRINCESS, and she has thrown mud at my dignity!"''
*''"Oh, what's the matter, little girl? Did I spank [[Mimi]] a little too hard?"''
*''"You've been very, very bad, but I can't just leave you here to die."''
*''"I don't know how you were raised, but I was taught to help people in need!"''
*''"We would never let you destroy everything, [[Count Bleck|you awful count]]!"''
*''"I fell through too, and landed right on [[Bowser]]! It was a surprisingly soft landing..."''
*''"So, defeating [[Dimentio]] wasn't enough to stop [[Chaos Heart|it]]?"''
*''"How lovely! The bells are giving their blessing to [[Tippi]] and Bleck..."''
*''"The fact that [[Shadoo|something so evil]] lurked at the bottom of the [[Pit of 100 Trials|Pit]] is quite disturbing!"''
*''"Don't get me wrong, the [[Ancients]] DID create me... But I work for my own cursed powers!"''
*''"Oh, heroes... Blessed souls. I MUST DESTROY YOU WITH THE POWER OF SHADOW!"''
*''"I was so... close to defeating the heroes... I was going to use the power of the [[Pixls]] to get revenge on the Ancients!"''
*''"You're the ones looking for the [[Pure Heart]], squirple? Hm! Cuter than I thought!"
*''"I... I have to go potty! I REALLY have to go, squirk! I can't hold it anymore!"
*''"At this rate, Squirps is going to have an accident."
*''"Why are you staring like that? Are you falling for Squirps?!"
*''"Who are [[Squirps|you]] REALLY, you incontinent little imp?"''
*''"What a wretch."''
*''"Where in the world are we? And what are [[Cragnons|you...things]]?"''
*''"Why would [[Count Bleck|you]] do this?! How COULD you do this?!"''
*''"If the worlds have no meaning, does that mean OUR meeting was meaningless, as well! Answer me, [[Blumiere]]!''
*''"[[Pure Hearts]] are the very feelings of our souls. As long as we feel love, they live on! I will take these to Mario!"''
*''"Nothing is decided intirely by fate, you know... All things determine their destinies."''
*''"Goodbye now, [[Dimentio]]. We'll add a footnote to the prophecy about your failure."''
*''"M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Mario! Help! It's Sh-sh-sh-sh-shocking... Mushroom Castle... RAIDED! Princess Peach... STOLEN!" 
*''"We're counting on you, Mario...Bros.!"

Latest revision as of 23:21, July 9, 2024

This is a list of quotes from the game Super Paper Mario.

By character[edit]

Koopa Troop and Sammer Guys are grouped together in their own sections.