List of Super Paper Mario quotes by character (A–J): Difference between revisions

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m (Tested with only one ingredient for Dyllis)
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*''"Blargh! [[Mario]]... AND [[Luigi]]?! How'd you get in here?"''
*''"Blargh! [[Mario]]... AND [[Luigi]]?! How'd you get in here?"''
*''"...What? My front gate was open?! How many times have I told those idiots?! If you're the last in, LOCK THE GATE!"''
*''"...What? My front gate was open?! How many times have I told those idiots?! If you're the last in, LOCK THE GATE!"''
*''"I'll tell you who doesn't make even a little bit of sense... [[Count Bleck]]!''
*''"I'll tell you who doesn't make even a little bit of sense... [[Count Bleck]]!"''
*''"Enough! Release Princess Peach, right now! I'm on a schedule over here!''
*''"Enough! Release Princess Peach, right now! I'm on a schedule over here!"''
*''"Hey, here's a thought: you calm down and free the princess... OR ELSE!"''
*''"Hey, here's a thought: you calm down and free the princess... OR ELSE!"''
*''"Bwah ha ha! Will I marry [[Princess Peach|Peach]]? Are you kidding me? The answer's YESSSSSSSS!"''
*''"Bwah ha ha! Will I marry [[Princess Peach|Peach]]? Are you kidding me? The answer's YESSSSSSSS!"''
Line 351: Line 351:
*''"Don't you run, Bleck! Your face is about to feel the burn!"''
*''"Don't you run, Bleck! Your face is about to feel the burn!"''
*''"I'll take on you alone! I've got all the sweet stomping you need, right here!"''
*''"I'll take on you alone! I've got all the sweet stomping you need, right here!"''
*''"I've had egg-salad-sandwiches chunkier than [[O Chunks|this guy]]."''
*''"I've had egg-salad-sandwiches chunkier than [[O'Chunks|this guy]]."''
*''"Hey, there's no shame in being smacked down by a huge, studly boss!"''
*''"Hey, there's no shame in being smacked down by a huge, studly boss!"''
*''"Hey, Super Stupid Bros.! Get the princess into the next room NOW!"''
*''"Hey, Super Stupid Bros.! Get the princess into the next room NOW!"''
*''"[[O'Chunks|You]] get out of here, too! Don't worry about me. I could hold this thing up ALL DAY!"''
*''"[[O'Chunks|You]] get out of here, too! Don't worry about me. I could hold this thing up ALL DAY!"''
*''"Come on! Man up a little. You never give up this easy when you attack MY castle!"''
*''"Come on! Man up a little. You never give up this easy when you attack MY castle!"''
*''"[[Tippi]]! Yeah, you're right. C'mon, let's jump [[Super Dimentio|him]]!
*''"[[Tippi]]! Yeah, you're right. C'mon, let's jump [[Super Dimentio|him]]!"'
*''"You believed your prophecy, and we believed in mopping the floor with you!"''
*''"You believed your prophecy, and we believed in mopping the floor with you!"''
*''"Oh, GREAT! So what do we do now?"''
*''"Oh, GREAT! So what do we do now?"''

Revision as of 14:12, July 29, 2024

Main article: List of Super Paper Mario quotes

This is a list of quotes from the game Super Paper Mario by character (A–J). Note that Koopa Troop members and Sammer Guys are grouped together.


First encounter

  • "Whoa-ho-ho! A kidnapping!"
  • "Ohhhh, the despair! The awful spectacle of it all!"
  • "The shocking scene occurred right before my very own tender eyes!"
  • "Well, I guess it's game over for that Pixl. Now that freak Francis has got her..."
  • "Whoa-ho!"
  • "Who's this guy? A friend of the butterfly girl that got nabbed?"
  • "Well, that's a pity."
  • "That geek that grabbed her? Francis. Basically the nerd to end all nerds."
  • "Plus, he's got this thing for butterflies! And, well, all things nerdy, too."
  • "If he gets his sweaty mitts on something he likes, there's no getting it back."
  • "He collects stuff and keeps it in his fantasy fortress. It's like geek paradise."
  • "Whoa now. You want to know where Fort Francis is?"
  • "Well, if you go ALL the way down ahead for miles and miles, you'll find it."
  • "You're not thinking of infiltrating the nerd lair and rescuing her, are you?"
  • "Look, nobody likes having their butterfly kidnapped by a geek, but it's dangerous!"
  • "Still set on it, eh? What a tender moment. I think I got something in my eye here."
  • "Listen. let me give you some travel tips."
  • "You listening? Good."
  • "All I got for you is three critical tips, so remember all of 'em!"
  • "Here's your first tip!"
  • "A bunch of no-class jerks are holed up in this castle up ahead."
  • "It ain't gonna be easy getting past 'em. But here's the juice: it's an old castle."
  • "You do your thing with that red X mark, and maybe something will happen for you."
  • "Now for my second tip!"
  • "If you somehow pass those clowns in the castle, you'll see an ocean. Can't miss it."
  • "A scaaarrry sea monster lives there. The beast is huuuuuuuuuge. And cranky."
  • "But if you toast its red flipper thing, something good is bound to happen."
  • "And here's the last tip!"
  • "Once you swim your way through that ocean, you'll see a humongous tree."
  • "There's a huge gorge on the other side. There's no jumping across it!"
  • "Look for the red wind and do something with it. Then you can get across."
  • "Get all of that? Good. You be careful now."
  • "If by some crazy chance you do save her, come back and tell me how you did it!"

Second encounter

  • "Whoa-ho-now! You wanna hear the three tips again? Just say the word!"
  • "No more hints?!"
  • "No way... You defeated Francis?!"
  • "Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. THAT'S HUGE NEWS!"
  • "I'm just glad I could help with that daring mission to infiltrate the nerd lair."
  • "So, uh... I guess there's no need for me to stay here and give out tips..."
  • "I guess I've done my job. I've got nothing to do now..."
  • "Oh, hey... How about I tag along with you guys?"
  • "Well, I've made up my mind! I'm coming along, whether you want me or not."
  • "There's plenty of dangerous types wandering out there."
  • "Let's stick together. It'll be safer for both of us that way."


Chapter 1

  • "What is this meager mustache that stands before me? And how does it have the audacity to address my muli-colored glory?"
  • "... How did these flimsy whiskers detect my secret door..."
  • "Wait right there! Red shirt... conspicuous white gloves... jaunty cap..."
  • "Hah! You are garbed in the rich cloth of the hero of prophecy!"
  • "You must be the great... HERO ...impersonator!"
  • "What a costume! You look like you leaped right out of the pages of the Prognosticus!"
  • "Merlon?! Only his full bodied beard rivals my hairy magnificence.. If he thinks you are the hero, you probably are. I think..."
  • "Well, then. As the ancient prophecy fortells..."
  • "I, Bestovius, will bestow upon you the secrets of dimensional flipping. ... For a nominal fee of 10,000 coins!"
  • "Why not? Even the great and splendiferous Bestovius has certain...expenditures.
  • "Why should the hero have the whole world delivered to him on a well-garnished platter? These heroes think they can get away with shaking people down for free skills!"
  • "A mere 10,000 coins should be nothing for the hero of the universe."
  • "What do you say?"
    • (Yes)
    • "Fantabulous! Wait a moment, You lack 10,000 coins?!"
    • "I should have expected such cheapskatery from a hero with a scrimpish mustache!"
    • "Now that I know your are determined to cheat me out of my due tribute..."
    • (No)
    • "I see."
    • "So be it."
  • "I will settle for just taking all the coins in your pocket."
  • "Do we have a deal?"
    • (Yes)
    • "Hah hah hah... Very well."
    • "...But you don't even have a single coin! What manner of hero are you?!"
    • "Fine. I will teach you for free, but only because I pity your lack of magnificence."
    • (No)
    • "Still you refuse?"
    • "So be it. Though it makes me ill, I will waive the nominal fee and teach you for free."
  • "Do you agree to this?"
  • "How dare you! I have never suffered such an assault to my splendor!"
  • "Begone! You are unfit to stand before my shining magnificence!"
  • "Who stands before the glorious and grand Bestovius? Oh. It's you."
  • "Now are you willing to pay 100,000 coins for the secret interdimensional splendor?"
  • "Excellent... You are wise to invest in my brain-swelling knowledge."
  • "You don't have 100,000 coins! I laugh at your unsagging coin purse."
  • "I will settle for taking all the coins you have, then."
  • "Scintillating! Let us begin!"
  • "Flimmity flammity flooom! Diggity daggity dooom! Zibbidy zabbidy zooom!"
  • "FLIPPOW!"
  • "I, Bestovius, have granted you the ability to flip between dimensions."
  • "Press A Button to slip between the very fabric of space and flip between 2D and 3D!"
  • "Well, what do you think? Mind blowing, isn't it?"
  • "What is this A Button I speak of? I assure you that if we are being watched in another dimension... Those beings will understand. But you lack the mustache for full comprehension."
  • "Just remember that you can use this ability to find hidden items and secret paths. But beware: use your new ability too long, and you will lose HP."
  • "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... The universe isn’t quite the same as it used to be, eh?"

Piccolo side-quest

  • "Ahhhhhh... Hero. What need have you of the blindingly brilliant Bestovius?"
  • "Ah... So you have come for the Training Machine in place of Merluvlee? Hmmm... Yes, of course I know of such a machine..."
  • "Normally, I would never allow you to bask in the splendor of my knowledge, but... You are a hero!"
  • "Now then, hero. I have a favor to ask of you! I have lent a certain... something to the mayor of Yold Town, Watchitt... You must retrieve it for me. I have asked for it back many times... But old Watchitt must treasure it, for he has never returned it... Retrieve it for me, Bestovius, and I shall grant you your Training Machine. Simply ask him for the 'You-Know-What.' He will understand."
  • "Now, begone!"
  • "I shall only grant you the Training Machine if you retrieve the 'You-Know-What'."
  • "Get it for me from old Watchitt, the mayor of Yold Town."
  • "Mmmm... So the hero returns... Did you get the 'You-Know-What' from Watchitt?"
  • "You have it! This pleases Bestovius greatly! This is quite a collector's item. I was worried that Watchitt had lost it. Ahhh... I am so relieved."
  • "What is this? You still need something from the grand Bestovius?"
  • "Ahhhh, yes, of course! You seek the Training Machine... Of course I remember! Such little faith."
  • "Take it, hero. It would only disturb my sublime energies..."
  • "I, Bestovius, once used it myself, you see... But I upgraded to the newer, sleeker model, so I no longer require its services."

Big Blooper

  • "BLOOOP!"
  • "Bloobloobloobloop! (Hey, land freaks! How'd you like a tentacle sandwich?!)"
  • "Bloobloobloop! BLOOOP! (No! Not there! Please! Anywhere but there!)"


  • "Greetings, young explorer... Welcome to this remote land. You must be bushed, bloooog."
  • "I'm what's known as an active senior explorer. The name's Blappy. I'm 72."
  • "In your youth, while everyone hunted for snacks, I hunted the Big Treasure of Space."
  • "It's big. It's treasure. And it will be mine at last! I found a clue in the space ruins!"
  • "So, explorer to explorer... I'll cut you a deal, blooog... This clue for 1,000 coins!"
  • "YOU BUY IT!"
    • (Deal!)
    • "Bloog! Not enough coins! Go get some more coins before I change my mind!"
    • (Too rich for my blood.)
    • "What? Too expensive?! Well, maybe a little, bloog... Hackpth! Bleeeeepth!"
  • "Sorry. I've got a touch of lard-lung. Anyway, I'll cut you a deal: how's 100 coins?"
    • (You're shady...)
    • "What? Wondering why I'm not looking for the treasure myself? I'm old! I'm portly!"
  • "And I DID look, bloooog! I just didn't find anything... Ha-plapbth! Blaaaaaaph!"
  • "Uh, I mean, fine. 10 coins."
    • (I'll pass.)
    • "Bloog! This is a business, not a butter-pastry shop! I hate window-shoppers!"
  • "Want to buy that clue now? That's very smart of you. Not all kids are brats, bloog."
  • "Now, explorer to explorer... I'll sell it to you for a mere 100 coins!"
    • (I'll buy it!)
    • "I'm through with you! GO AWAY, SKINNY!"
    • "I'm through with you, bloog... Go home now!"


  • "To be honest, you are quite exquisite...but... Your 'aircut... Terrible! So tousled... So unruly... Alors, what is zee word? Ah oui, so yesterday! YESTERDAY, MON CHOU! Wait one moment! I will transform you into a work of art! Zee epitome of woman!"
  • "VOILA! You, mon chou, are perfection! Art, c'est vous! Are you ready to make your debut, honh?! Zee world awaits! But beauty is fragile, honh? Zis hairstyle is very 'ard to maintain! Be careful!"
  • "Honh, you return?! No matter 'ow many times I see eet, your 'aircut is truly awful! So frayed... So impudent... Alors, what is zee word? Ah oui, so very 'orrid! 'ORRID, MON CHOU! Wait one moment! I will transform you into a work of art! Zee epitome of woman!"
  • "VOILA! You, mon chou, are perfection! But beauty is very fleeting, mon chou! ...Oui. Like zee love of tender youth! Zee 'aircut is very fragile, so please, be careful!"


  • "Oh, thank thee! it is as though thou hast brought me back to life!"
  • "Hold a moment... What am i doing hither?!"
  • "WHO AM I?!"
  • "WHERE AM I?!"
  • "Do I have...AMNESIA? Ah, what to do!"
  • "WHEN IS IT?!"
  • "Hold a moment... I remember... I am... I am Blubi!"
  • "What?! Oh, indeed, I see... Fell beasts have attacked from The Underwhere... And Grambi is in danger? If thou speakest truth, then here, takest it!"
  • "I cannot linger hither! I must go see what is happening. Farewell, Luvbi!"

Blumiere's father

Chapter 6

  • "Still your tongue, Blumiere... Can't you see you've been duped by a dirty human?"
  • "You have brought shame to my name...and to the entire Tribe of Darkness!"
  • "Well, then it will interest you to know...that she no longer resides in this world."
  • "This is the price those who resist their own fate must pay, my son."
  • "Someday you will see, Son. Our kind and humans must never mix."

Chapter 7

  • "Blumiere, my son, don't! Even your ancestors could not handle that dark book... If you open it...there's no telling what might happen!"
  • "Blumiere... What have you done?"
  • "Blu-Blumiere! Don't do this! Blumiere!"


  • "Good vibes! Them vibes set of my blow-stuff-up sensors. You like explodin'? Sss-POW!"
  • "I ain't sensed real good blow-stuff-up vibes in... 1,500 years! Sss-POOOM!"
  • "I gotta check those vibes out a little more close-like! Sss-CRAAAACK!"
  • "Check it out: just answer a couple questions real quick. Sss-BLAAAAM!"
  • "Ok, sss-BOOOOM?"
  • "Here we go, sss-BWAMMO!"
  • "You stay up wonderin' if anyone ever gives presents TO Santa Claus."
  • "For some reason, you clean your room before a test."
  • "When someone says, "Let's just be friends," you think, 'Yeah, whatever.'"
  • "You don't really understand why I'm askin' you all these questions."
  • "You think shoppin' online is a wonderful and magical experience."
  • "You once put on a shirt inside out but didn't bother reversin' it before goin' out."
  • "You wanna be sleepin' when you're awake, but when you're tired, you wanna wake up."'
  • "You're gettin' real tired of these questions."
  • "Got it, got it, GOT IT! SSSS-BOOOOOOOOOOOM!"
  • "You got some tasty vibes! Sss-BLAM!"
  • "My mind' made up now! Ssss-BLAPPOW! You guys... are worthy of my power!"
  • "Each second explodes into the next! Sssss-BAMMO! Bombs away! Ssss-BOOOOM!"


  • "Brrrrooo ha ha ha ha ha... A touching scene, to be sure."
  • "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I assure you. My name is Bonechill."
  • "I am something of an evil celebrity in certain circles of The Underwhere..."
  • "Oh, you dear, ignorant child... You don't know a thing, do you? How charming."
  • "I speak of the Pure Heart... And I speak of you, Luvbi...
  • "IT IS YOU!"
  • "The Pure Heart was hidden ingenously to keep it away from evil sorts like me..."
  • "Grambi... changed the Pure Heart into a Nimbi... that he called his own daughter!"
  • "Oh, priceless! You really think Grambi pays an ounce of attention to you out of love?"
  • "Brrrrooo ha ha... The old fool can weigh the sins of others, but not his own..."
  • " Many thanks for delivering the Pure Heart. Once I deal with you, none can stop me..."
  • "I shall be INVINCIBLE!"
  • "Please, as your game ends, remember it is an honor to have it ended by my talons!"
  • "How... Impossible... How could you puny worms... destroy... a master... of the cold dark?!"



  • "BWA HA HA"
  • "Listen well, my elite minion task force!"
  • "It's time to initiate my awesome plan to invade Mushroom Castle!"
  • "Today is the day that I make my beloved Princess Peach ALL MINE!"
  • "And if that weren't awesome enough, I'll ALSO stomp her little mustache buddies!" (American version)
  • "And if that weren't awesome enough, I'll ALSO stomp her little mustached buddies!" (British version)
  • "Bwa ha ha ha ha! 'We're under attack!' You jokers are the best!"
  • "Hey who are those hairy guys in the back? We SHAVE around here, minions."
  • "Blargh! Mario... AND Luigi?! How'd you get in here?"
  • "...What? My front gate was open?! How many times have I told those idiots?! If you're the last in, LOCK THE GATE!"
  • "I'll tell you who doesn't make even a little bit of sense... Count Bleck!"
  • "Enough! Release Princess Peach, right now! I'm on a schedule over here!"
  • "Hey, here's a thought: you calm down and free the princess... OR ELSE!"
  • "Bwah ha ha! Will I marry Peach? Are you kidding me? The answer's YESSSSSSSS!"
  • "Bwah ha ha! Hey, no gripes from THIS side of the altar, Bleck old boy!"
  • "I don't get the details, but the count here has gone to a lot of trouble planning this! Just relax! We'll get married, we'll be in love, it'll be awesome! Finally!"

Chapter 3

  • "Please tell me someone didn't just blow up my awesome lair..."
  • "HEY! I know that 'stache from somewhere..."
  • "MARIO! ...and Princess Peach?! Why do you ALWAYS have to do that? That's like the 100th time you've shown up at my castle and screwed everything up!"
  • "But now you've entered a fortress of PAIN, Mario!"
  • "No more sequels! It's gonna end right here, right now. ONCE AND FOR ALL!"
  • "Nooooo! I HATE Mario! It's... It's not fair!"
  • "Ahhhhh! Princess Peach! My lovely wife!"
  • "WHAT?! Are you kidding me?! How could you forget our big day?!"
  • "How should I know? I was locked up in Count Bleck's stupid castle... When all of a sudden, BAM! Me and the minions wake up facedown in this field. Then we found this awesome castle, and I thought, why not make myself a lair?"
  • "Wait... WHAT?! Bleck got us married just so he could make a Chaos Heart so that he could destroy the world?"
  • "No. I don't wanna. I'd think about it if it was for you, but there's NO WAY I'm helping Mario!"
  • "But... But I'm Bowser! I'm grade-A, 100% prime-cut final boss! I'm going to take over the world any day now! No way am I helping Mario! He's always trashing my awesome plans."
  • "No. I don't wanna."
  • "What'd you say? If the world ends, there's not gonna be any world for me to rule?"
  • "But... but... Hurgh.... BLAAAAAAARGH!!!!! FINE! I'll join your stupid quest. You happy?!"
  • "NO! I'M NOT SWEET! And I'm not helping Mario just to save a bunch of worlds. I'm only doing it so I can rule someday. So don't get all cuddly with me, Mario!"
  • "Minions! Hold down the fort until I return."
  • "Yeah! Anyone who wears a cape and a monocle is just begging for a beating."
  • "Fine... C'mon. Let's get your stupid Precious Heart, or whatever you call it."
  • "Who are you supposed to be, Mr. Frilly Pants? You gonna tie me a balloon animal?"
  • "Dimenti-who?!"
  • "Bwahah! You're such an idiot! This place makes me stronger, too!"
  • "Dimentio? Gimme a break! That's the lamest villain ever!"
  • "So this is where that dweeb Francis lives? Pffgght! What's this castle got over mine?!"
  • "What... is THAT?!"
  • "Pbbtth! Wanna know how to thank me, bugface? Just stay outta my way, OK?"
  • "Oh, please! Come on, people! With me here, you don't need anybody else, seriously! Trust me, any problem comes up, I'll stomp it into next week! I'll Bowserize it!"'

Chapter 4

  • "Hmm! Yeah! Space, you say? I guess I DO feel lighter... And..."
  • "Hunh? Whoa! How'd we get back here?!"
  • "Great. Super. So... you gonna hand one over or what?"
  • "Oh! Oh YEAH! I can breathe! But now my nose itches! Man, I hate space!"
  • "Good gravy, you're ugly! What in the world ARE you? And what're you doing here?"
  • "Whatever... But the second this kid crosses me, I'll munch him like a green corn niblet!"
  • "Gah! I KNEW it! All along, I KNEW something was off about this deal! You! Space niblet! I didn't trust you from the BEGINNING, squaaargh! What in the... GRAAGH! Now I'm talking like you!"
  • "Space niblet! You OK?"
  • "Mr...L? What?!"
  • "Hrmm... Mr. L. What a nutjob. I feel like I've seen that guy before..."
  • "Huuuuurgh! My brain hurts! I can't keep up with plot points this complicated!"
  • "You've got the king of all evilness on your side! You can't go wrong!"
  • "How does THAT make sense?"
  • "Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggh... I feel like my brain is gonna explode! THIS IS CRAZY TALK!"

Chapter 5

  • "Huh? What're you looking at, rocklips? You never seen a burly king of evil before?"
  • "Hold up. Did I just hear the word 'UGLY'?"
  • "WARGH! What are... HEY! Hands off the merchandise!"
  • "Pbbbbbbth! Like I'm afraid of danger! Please! Count Bleck, Floro Sapiens, whatever... Stomping fools is my business! Show me a fool, and I'll stomp it! I don't even need a reason!"
  • "What'd you say?! You! With the petals! What about the Pure Heart?!"
  • "What am I, blind? Shut up."
  • "Hey O'Fatty! Take it easy! You're gonna blow out your beard, pal, seriously."
  • "Listen, babbling is not gonna save you. You need stomping. And I'm a Stomptologist."
  • "Hey! Aren't you..."
  • "Gwar har har... Good idea!"
  • "Man! What a crybaby..."
  • "Hey! Helmet head!"
  • "Pffffffft! If I remember... but no promises!"
  • "You part of that idiot's crew? Get back and report to your boss, you lazy worm!"
  • "You're Cragley's minion, right? The guy wants you back there, on the DOUBLE!"
  • "Wasn't on the schedule, pal! But I guess we just did. So you're not one of those Floro zombie things, either? Neither was Flint Cragley!"
  • "Oh, PLEASE! You know what you smell like, weirdo? FEAR. Stop crying and fight!"
  • "Hrrrgh?! Whoa whoa WHOA! I don't fight veggies!"
  • "Whoa, whoa, WHOA! I don't fight veggies!"
  • "Lemme guess: King Croacus? Gwah ha ha ha! Prepare for a world-class mulching!"
  • "Think you can dent a shell as burly as THIS, pretty boy? Let those Cragnons go!"
  • "Oh, I don't know, maybe just BEAT YOUR KING'S PETALS! How's it FEEL, flowerface?!"

Chapter 6

  • "'Challenger'?! Bwahahahaha! All I'd have to do is sit on you and wear you like a hat!"
  • "I don't know who you are, but I got a rousing spectacle for your face!"
  • "HEY! You got one of those Pure Heart things!"
  • "A showdown?! Ooooh, is there gonna be a steel cage?!"
  • "Who's the creepy clown with the cape? ...Count Bleck!"
  • "Your ancestors want you to shut up already and fork over the Pure Heart!"
  • "Outta the way, pigtails!"
  • "We're too late?!"
  • "Urgh... Whuzzat? Whozere? Bwah! What's going on here?!"
  • "This is messed up. I'm all for being evil, but this is just overkill."
  • "Hey! I'm not fat! I just got a big shell."
  • "You got a big mouth for a henchman. Minions need to learn respect!"
  • "That Mr. L freak is a total insano. I feel like I know him from somewhere."
  • "Oh, yeah! Sure glad we went through all that for a stupid heart-shaped rock."
  • "Urrrgh... Are you serious? That...really stinks!"

Chapter 7

  • "Where am I?! And why do these jerks in shades keep jumping me?! And what's with the dark? And Peach isn't here... and I'm hungry! What did I do to deserve this?!"
  • "Hey! Mario! ...And Tippi? Just you? Where's Peach?"
  • "Hey, it's the guy in green! You're alive?! But isn't someone missing? What happened to Peach?"
  • "So what you're telling me is that she's definitely not here. I don't like this one bit."
  • "AHA! I see your little plan! You wanna break up what me and Peach have going!"
  • "Yeah, you've been WAITING for a chance to fireball me in the back!"
  • "Can it, you ugly little bug! I'll stomp the truth out of you! CHARGE!"
  • "Dang! Why do I always lose?! What is WRONG with me?!"
  • "I get up every time, though! As many times as it takes to send you to The Underwhere!"
  • "What? What're you talking about?! Do I LOOK like a guy whose game is over?!"
  • "What?! So wait, Peach really is lost out there somewhere? Why didn't you say so, idiot? We could've been searching this entire time!"
  • "Yeah... She's gotta be feeling lonely without her burly, awesome hubby at her side!"
  • "Hey! Shut yon trap, fluffy! You're talking about the WIFE of Lord Bowser!"
  • "Hunh?! Is she..."
  • "You've GOTTA be kidding! Look, I'm a patient Koopa, but I'm not THAT patient!"
  • "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Hey! Concerned hubby over here, Princess Peach!"
  • "Man, all I hear is CRYING! Show a little initiative! Can't we just rebuild the bridge?"
  • "Lemme guess... You're the big, bad boss of all those little Underwhere hoodlums, right?"
  • "Sure thing, Pops!"
  • "Nobody's destroying any worlds on MY watch, Gramps!"
  • "Now we just stomp this Count Bleck guy and call it a day!"

Chapter 8

  • "Are we gonna group-hug? Enough pep talk, gramps! I'm doing this for ME!"
  • "Don't you run, Bleck! Your face is about to feel the burn!"
  • "I'll take on you alone! I've got all the sweet stomping you need, right here!"
  • "I've had egg-salad-sandwiches chunkier than this guy."
  • "Hey, there's no shame in being smacked down by a huge, studly boss!"
  • "Hey, Super Stupid Bros.! Get the princess into the next room NOW!"
  • "You get out of here, too! Don't worry about me. I could hold this thing up ALL DAY!"
  • "Come on! Man up a little. You never give up this easy when you attack MY castle!"
  • "Tippi! Yeah, you're right. C'mon, let's jump him!"'
  • "You believed your prophecy, and we believed in mopping the floor with you!"
  • "Oh, GREAT! So what do we do now?"
  • "Now THAT is a plan! Make a path!"

Getting Barry

  • "What are you talkin' about?! I don't need no more stupid tips, all right?"

Getting Piccolo

Shadoo first encounter

  • "Who's running their yap?! Show yourself, bub!"

Shadoo second encounter

  • "Bwa ha! Did I look worried? Shadoo, boo-hoo, whatever. What a total waste of time!"


  • "Can't climb this!"


  • "Freedom!"
  • "Oh, finally I'm out! I didn't know what I was going to do! Thank, thank you! I've been shut up in there forever... You'll never catch me in there again."
  • "I must repay you! I'm at your service. I'm sure you can find a use for my talent!"
  • "Hold on a second. Before we get all friendly, we should see if we're on the same page."
  • "You met Francis, right? What do you think of the guy? Your first impression?"
  • "Ah, I see. I see. Anything else about him catch your eye?"
  • "Oh? Yes, I see how you would think that. So...sum it up. What do you think about him?"
  • "So you think Francis is a..."
  • "*Greenish/Nerdy/Awesome/Fantastic* *photo fanatic/butterfly fanatic/irresistible guy*? Basically, a *monster/tech geek/stallion*?"
  • "Well...imagine that! You and I feel the same way about him! We've got great harmony. Yep, I think we'll work perfectly. Together, nothing can touch us!"
  • "With me, you can get places in a hurry! Go ahead, give me a spin!"

Count Bleck


  • "BLECK!"
  • "Your princess has been taken... by Count Bleck!"
  • "By me... Count Bleck! The chosen executor of the Dark Prognosticus... is Count Bleck! The fine fellow prophesied to come to this dimension... is also Count Bleck!"
  • "Count Bleck says NEVER! This princess is integral to fulfilling the prophecies... She will be brought to Castle Bleck and used to destroy all worlds... by Count Bleck."
  • "This man deserves ridicule... Weaklings cannot face Count Bleck!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh... Your princess shall NOT be Count Bleck."
  • "In fact, Bowser, evil king of the Koopas...Count Bleck will take you, too!"
  • "BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Count Bleck's preparations are now in order! All that remains is for the dimensional void to appear, as foretold in the prophecy..."
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh...BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh...Oh, you're awake, princess!"
  • "Mmm...Then it shall be begun, by Count Bleck!" (American version)
  • "Mmm... Then it shall begin... by Count Bleck!" (British version)
  • "Bowser... Ferocious and fearsome, evil king of the Koopas... Do you take Peach to be your lawfully wedded wife 'til your games be over?"
  • "Peach... Noble Princess, pure of heart... Do you take Bowser to be your lawfully wedded husband 'til your games be over?"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh...Is it not obvious? This is your wedding, Princess!"
  • "BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Yes, all precisely as written in the Dark Prognosticus! Already it is unleashed! The Chaos Heart!"
  • "And just who are you? ...Asked Count Bleck."
  • "Fools... Pointless acts like these will only earn you pain... from Count Bleck!"
  • "Very well. As the Chaos Heart is secured, this ragtag group now lacks use."
  • "Open your mouth, darkness! Consume everything and destroy all worlds as told in the prophecy!"
  • "BLECK!"
  • "BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! The Void has been ripped in the dimensional fabric! Yes, Count Bleck is pleased. All has gone as foretold in the Dark Prognosticus."
  • "Now it's just a matter of time until all worlds meet their demise! Bleck!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... How delightful, Mimi. Almost as Count Bleck."
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... Well, different strokes for different minions..."
  • "After these rotten worlds are ended, Count Bleck will make all your dreams come true!"
  • "But for that to happen..we must follow the instructions of the Dark Prognosticus."
  • "A dimensional interloper! And possibly the hero?! You are sure of it, Nastasia?"
  • "Interesting, mused Count Bleck. We must put an end to this nuisance..."
  • "Very well, O'Chunks. I'll leave the hero-chunking to you. Do not fail Count Bleck."
  • "So, hero... You would dare defy Count Bleck? Then hurry, for your world's end draws near..."

Chapter 1

  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh heh...So our hero is real... Yes... A force to be reckoned with..."
  • "Nastasia, the prophecy. Consult it and learn where the hero will go next... We will lay a devious trap for him and bring him to his very KNEES! BLECK!"
  • "This pleases Count Bleck. Excellent work Nastasia..."
  • "I have granted Mimi powers potent enough to ensure that she will obliterate this hero. Yes, he will be helpless against her."
  • "I depart! Alert Count Bleck when this 'hero' is no more! BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK!"

Chapter 2

  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh... She failed to best him, even with my gift of power?"
  • "A Light Prognosticus hero... Descendants of the ancient tribe... Their strength grows."
  • "O'Chunks, calm yourself. Take a minion time-out. Count Bleck will send... Dimentio! Come to me...Count Bleck!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh...You'd like some playtime, I imagine, Dimentio?"
  • "So you shall have it, but do not disappoint Count Bleck. Dispatch this hero."
  • "Heroes... Trying to save these pathetic old worlds. Bleck, says Count Bleck!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh heh...Their efforts are in vain. No one can stop Count Bleck!"
  • "Just as no one can ease the tempest that rages in my suffering heart..."

Chapter 3

  • "Spare Count Bleck your theatrics. The Light Prognosticus is false. The Dark Prognosticus holds the answer to eliminating heroes that rise to stop us."
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh...In due time, Dimentio. In due time."
  • "Oh, Nastasia? It's time we set 'him' on these pests."
  • "Lovely, exclaimed Count Bleck. Return to your posts, my dear minions."
  • "Does something trouble you, Nastasia?"
  • "That is enough, Nastasia. We've already come this far, so we shall forge on! But you needn't stay by Count Bleck's side. You can depart with my blessing."
  • "If that pleases you..."

Chapter 4

  • "'Though the man in red shall wield formidable powers, one shall stand against him. The man in green shall use the Chaos Heart's power to bring darkness to all.'"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh... So it is written in the Dark Prognosticus."
  • "Calm yourself, O'Chunks. Make ready. Count Bleck is sending you on a new mission."
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh... All is according to plan, Count Bleck assures you."
  • "That's quite enough...Nastasia."
  • "You'd what?"
  • "She cannot be replaced. You could never hope to do so, Nastasia. To be sure... She is gone... Gone from all worlds, never to return..."

Chapter 6

  • "Hurry? Why not pause and savor the show?"
  • "It is already far too late to stop...Count Bleck!"
  • "The prophecy unfolds smoothly, thanks to the Chaos Heart."
  • "The light of each world will be snuffed out one by one..."
  • "You QUESTION Count Bleck?!"
  • "This worthless world's destruction matters not! Far better for Count Bleck to wipe it out of existence than let it remain!"
  • "Count Bleck scoffs at you! An insignificant Pixl lectures Count Bleck on what is right and wrong?"
  • "Of all things, you defend the heart? Nothing could be more worthless..."
  • "All things...are meaningless. Aside from Timpani, no treasure mattered in the least to me..."
  • "Speak no more! This world is dying under the monocled gaze of...Count Bleck!"
  • "But don't let that stop you from trying to find a Pure Heart you will never acquire!"
  • "I see, remarked Count Bleck... Well, what is done is done. This prophecy will not be fulfilled without sacrifice."
  • "Did she, now? Well, Count Bleck will leave you to dispense the minion discipline."
  • "Count Bleck feels fine... Leave me..."
  • "Could that Pixl have been...Timpani?"
  • "No, no. Completely impossible. I should know that better than anyone."
  • "Besides, it's far too late to do anything now."
  • "The prophecy has been set in motion and no one, not even I, can stop it. No one can stop this now..."

Chapter 7

  • "WHAT?! ...Spat Count Bleck in utter disbelief. Surely this news cannot be true!"
  • "The heroes still live?"
  • "Where did you hear that name, Dimentio?!"
  • "You know not what you are saying, Nastasia. The prophecy can no longer be stopped by Count Bleck. No one can stop it."
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh...The man known as Blumiere died long ago."
  • "Now there is only Bleck! The Dark Prognosticus's choice to fulfill the prophecy! Nothing more!"
  • "Come to Count Bleck, heroes... If you hope to save these worlds, then come..."

Chapter 8

  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh..."
  • "I see you've come at last! So you really are the hero of the Light Prognosticus."
  • "But you are far too late to stop the Dark Prognosticus, and me... Count Bleck! All worlds will soon end. Come to grips with that now, for you cannot stop it. I suggest you make yourself comfortable and enjoy this one, final spectacle!"
  • "Count Bleck does not care about any world! They are all meaningless. Better that I destroy them! Better yet, I shall make it as if they never existed at all!"
  • "You know the answer, dear Timpani... Count Bleck does not have to tell you... But the hour has grown too late. You should know that by now."
  • "BLEH HEH HEH HEH! BLECK! Very well! But I will also do what I must!"
  • "Count Bleck is the deleter of worlds! My fate is written in the Dark Prognosticus! Do not think for a moment that I will hesitate to strike you down. ALL NOW ENDS!"
  • "Leave me, Nastasia. I will deal with these two ALONE."
  • "Count Bleck demands it! I will not say it again..."
  • "Are you prepared, hero? Our duel will be worthy of the last clash the world will ever see!"
  • "How laughable! Is that all the heroism you can muster? Let me show you true power!"
  • "You can't so much as tug on the cape of Count Bleck! You have failed!"
  • "Bleck! I expected more potency from the Hero of Prophecy! I will watch your game end, and then your precious worlds will end soon after!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh heh...So you ARE alive, then!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh heh heh...'When the four heroes are united...' It is all as foretold."
  • "What...What's this? What is now happening to...Count Bleck?!"
  • "Bleh heh heh heh...huh?! My gone?!"
  • "So be it... says Count Bleck! But don't celebrate just yet. Your precious worlds aren't safe until my last breath! Let us finally end this! Now, the TRUE battle begins... with Count Bleck!"
  • "Ex...Excellent..."
  • "You have won... Now finish Count Bleck... Dispatch me and the Chaos Heart will disappear, and the prophecy will be undone..."
  • "Timpani... When you vanished, I searched long for you. I never gave up looking... I searched and searched... But I never found you. Without you, the world held no meaning or joy... So I used the forbidden prophecy of the Tribe of Ancients to end all worlds. I wanted to destroy everything that had taken you away from me..."
  • "It's too late. Count Bleck has done so much evil... It must end. Just knowing that you are still alive... And knowing that the world you live in will continue... It gives me peace. I do not have long to live. You must end my game before The Void destroys all..."
  • "Na-Nastasia!"
  • "No..stop!"
  • "We cannot. Without the Pure Hearts, there is no way to counter the Chaos Heart. All we can do is give up..."
  • "It was no lie... But without the Pure Hearts, all worlds are doomed. What can we do?"
  • "My minions... how did you find us here?"
  • "Nastasia..."
  • "My... My loyal minions..."
  • "Hmm..What's this? Pure...Hearts?! But why?"
  • "So it seems the end of all worlds is really upon us..."
  • "I thought the Chaos Heart would disappear if the person controlling it fell... Dimentio... must have left behind a shadow of his power to continue controlling it. It won't last long...but it may be enough to ensure the end of every world..."
  • "There's only one thing left that we can do... This way!"
  • " you still..."
  • "Do you still love me?"
  • "Then you must come with me."
  • "We will use the Pure Hearts again this time, to banish the Chaos Heart. All we need is true love, and that's something I am lucky enough to possess."
  • "But... With the Chaos Heart gone, the Pure Hearts and those linked to them... They may cease to exist..."
  • "All of this is my fault. This is my price to pay... I do not have long to live anyway."
  • "But you, Timpani... It pains me to know that this may cut your game short... Still... there is no other way to end this."
  • "Timpani..."
  • "We must go, Timpani."
  • "There were so many things I wanted to say to you...but I could not find the words."
  • "Of course... I have thought about you every moment since you disappeared... But I have caused you so much suffering..."
  • "But I had to be with you, Timpani. I will never apologize for that..."
  • "And I love you, Timpani... Hundreds of thousands of years from now, that fact will not have changed..."
  • "'Timpani... Do you remember the promise we made to each other that day?'"
  • "'If there was a place where we could be happy together, we would find it.'"
  • "'Will you come with me to that place now?'"


Chapter 1

  • "I remember that day well... The room was warm. The whole place was at peace."
  • "'Ugh... Uuuugh...'"
  • "' I? Is this... a human's home? Bleccch!'"
  • "'You're a human, correct? I don't...repulse you? I am of the Tribe of Darkness...'"
  • "That was the day our paths crossed... That day... That was the day our tragedy was set in motion."

Chapter 2

  • "'Yes, my father caught me. Sneaking out of the castle wasn't easy after that.'"
  • "'You are a strange girl... You know what I am and yet you do not seem afraid.'"
  • "'No. No, of course not. I wanted to see you too...'"
  • "'Please do, Timpani. Let's return to our conversation. I must know more of you...'"

Chapter 3

  • "'Timpani, why? Why do you avoid me?'"
  • "'Huh? You're crying! Why? Timpani, you must tell me what has happened!'"
  • "'Oh no... Timpani, is my father behind this?'"
  • "'Timpani... I...'"

Chapter 4

  • "'If we can't be happy here, we must leave for a place that will accept our love.'"
  • "'If our love has no home... let us spend our lives searching together!'"
  • "'So I beg of you again... Timpani, marry me! I promise I will make you happy.'"
  • "'Timpani, answer me, please!'"

Chapter 5

  • "'Look, Timpani. The stars are beautiful, aren't they?'"
  • "'Oh, is that so? in that case we'd better get wishing, don't you think?'"
  • "'Mmm?'"
  • "'Timpani... Aren't you cold?'"

Chapter 6

  • "'Timpani! What did you do with her? I must see her!'"
  • "'And so what if I did? That doesn't matter to me! She's my entire world!'"
  • "'What... What do you mean by that?!'"
  • "'She... No... It can't be so!'"

Chapter 7

  • "'I do not care, Father! A world without her is empty. A LIFE without her is empty.'"
  • "'Speak, Dark Prognosticus! Teach your dark history! I await your command!'"
  • "'Silence! The first prophecy beckons. I will erase every inch...of this blasted world!'"
  • "'Blumiere is no more! I am Count Bleck! And no one shall stand in my way!'"


  • "Hey! Yo!"
  • "Whuh? I'm gettin' nothin'... So... You...ignorin' me? Or was that a 'yes'?"
  • "Better try one more time... PLEASE TALK TO ME!"
  • (Fine!/No way!)
  • "Nice! Sounds good. Been a while since I heard voices. Been a while since I talked."
  • "Gotta tell people how ya feel or they dunno... Gotta talk or no one hears ya!"
  • "So, listen, weird question... You got a motto or what? Whisper it to me, huh?"
  • "Oh yeah... That's perfect! I am LOVIN' that!"
  • (8 letters entered)
    • "That's kinda long, isn't it? Don't wanna sound stuffy... Gimme somethin' shorter..."
  • (1-7 letters entered)
    • "Real good wordin', real good timin'! It really got me right there! In the heart! And on that note, hang on a quick sec..."
  • "*entry*!"
  • "So yeah, that's your motto... Words you live by, right? Right on! Good stuff! Feels like I know you now... What really drives you... Gotta say, it's inspirin'!"
  • "Haven't felt like this in a while... Feels kinda like when I first became a Pixl!"
  • "I gotta get on board this good-feelin' train! I'm stickin' with you!"
  • "Yeah! Feelin' good! Yeah! I got a lot of pent-up energy, lemme tell you!"


  • "I'm Cyrrus! I wanna be a big, big cloud! If you see something that might make me big, PLEASE give it to me!"
  • "Will eating this make me big? COOOOOOOL! Then I'll try it!"
  • "Chomp... Snark..."
  • (Blue Apple)
    • "I did it! Now I'm big as a... Wait, I'm not big at all! I'm even SMALLER! This stinks! Bring me something to make me big!"
  • (Yellow Apple)
    • "I did it! Now I'm big as a... Wait, I'm not big at all! Now I just look like I'm at a rock show! Bring me something to make me big!"
  • (Red Apple)
    • "I did it! Now I'm a big cloud... From now on, just call me "Super Cyrrus"! No more little bitty cloud for me! And I'm real bouncy, so hop on top!"
  • (Pink Apple)
    • "I did it! Now I'm big as a... Wait, I'm not big at all! Arrrrrgh! What's happening?! Bring me something that'll make me big!"
  • (Black Apple)
    • "BLEEECCH! What are you making me eat?! Are you trying to end my game?! I said I want to grow big, not swell up with some nasty poisonous reaction!"


  • "Whoa! You defeated that monster of a dragon? Really? Crazy. That's crazy."
  • "And you were able to clear those 99 other rooms... Boy. Wow. Just wow. Seriously."
  • "I'm stunned! Absolutely incredible! Here! For you! CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP!"
  • "Rad as that was, though, I've gotta warn you... Stay on your toes for what's ahead!"
  • "Listen UP and listen GOOD! You! Must! Treasure! Life!"
  • "Got to, got to, GOT TO!"
  • "You've absolutely GOT to! Absolutely! ABSOLUTELY GOT TOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • "...I mean, don't you think so?"
  • "...I'm sure you agree with me."
  • "All right! Done! Gravy!"
  • "Fate brought us both here! And so I will lend you... MY POWERRRRRRR!"
  • "D-Dash and sh-shuffle and you'll be able to dodge the fiercest attacks. Gotta tell you, that's how I've survived many a battle. Yup. Fleeing. It works."
  • "Trust in my power and you can run away to a more peaceful world!"



  • "Yes, yes, no one likes the icky stuff... Yesss... A perfect world... Sounds magical..."
  • "Ah ha ha. I can hardly stand the wait."
  • "And here I thought Mimi's ideal world was a gem-filled pool with hunky lifeguards..."
  • "Mmm... I do enjoy a good chunking..."
  • "Well, then... I believe I'll head out as well."

Chapter 1

  • "Ah ha ha. It won't be that easy, oh no..."
  • "So very nice to meet you... and your mustache!"
  • "I am Count Bleck's master of dimensions, the pleaser of crowds... I am...Dimentio! Remember the name well..."
  • "It would be so very DULL if your journey ended so easily... Instead, it ends with...magic!"
  • "Yes, much better... Now you and this robotic guardian can spend some quality time... Yes, quality snack time! When he snacks...on you! For you...ARE the snack!"
  • "Ciao!"

Chapter 2

  • "And so I arrive, like a sudden windstorm at a kindergarten picnic!"
  • "Your wish is my command. Besides, this fool sounds like an amusing challenge."
  • "Now if there is nothing else, I'll just be on my way. Ciao, my count."

Chapter 3

  • "Ah ha ha. Finally, you arrive!"
  • "You don't wear tardiness well."
  • "At last, the hero... I know of you from the festival of hair that dances upon your lip!"
  • "Well met, lady. Your beauty is as fresh as a slap to the face on a crisp winter day!"
  • "You must be Bowser. I knew the moment I saw the flailing nubbins you call arms."
  • "I am a humble servant of Count Bleck..."
  • "Master of dimensions... Pleaser of crowds... I am...Dimentio!"
  • "It is truly enchanting to finally meet my hapless victims."
  • "I have prepared a special morsel of a treat for you!"
  • "How about some... MAGIC!"
  • "And...voila! You are now in Dimension D, a dimension of my own creation. In this mind-bending realm, my attacks are 256 times more potent!"
  • "I am now far more powerful! I could obliterate you with the raise of an eyebrow!"
  • "Now we must duel, like two gleaming banjos on a moonlit stoop!"
  • "Can you pierce this...illusion?"
  • "Your blows are like tiny jackhammers wielded by tiny, angry road workers!"
  • "How is this possible? This dimension makes me 256 times more powerful...
  • "What? You say that this place also makes YOU more powerful?"
  • "...Aha...ha...ha..."
  • "Of course! This was simply an amusement that played out exactly as planned!"
  • "Were you amused? That was just an hors d'oeuvre!"
  • "The next time we meet, we will feast on a deadly eight-course meal!"
  • "Ciao for now, my mustachioed foe!"
  • "Sadly, fair princess, I must now say... Ciao!"
  • "And with that, my diminutive-limbed foe, I must say... Ciao!"
  • "Ah, a little more, perhaps?"
  • "They are strong, but they must be stronger yet to defeat Bleck."
  • "I must make sure they can face him when the time comes at last..."
  • "...And that is how the ruffians managed to best me."
  • "Ah ha ha. They are strong, to be sure... Very strong. Dare I say... They might be strong enough to defy the prophecy!"
  • "Oh my. That's the first time that morsel of information has touched my ears. Do tell!"
  • "As you command, Count! HAIL BLECK!"
  • "My my my! How interesting! Nastasia and the count have such DEEP conversations!"
  • "Mm... Just what is our dear count playing at?"
  • "Ah, well. I'll let him worry about that. I must attend to my own...projects."

Chapter 4

  • "So what you're saying is... The 'man in green' is our minion in training, Mr. L?"
  • "My, aren't we hot-blooded? Well, well... I suppose that's to be admired."
  • "Now, if you excuse me, I've got to be on my way as well. Ciao!"

Chapter 5

  • "Salutations, O'Chunks!"
  • "Ah! Once again we meet, like two large, hairy vikings on a storm-tossed schooner!"
  • "Ah! Once again we meet, like two magical, savage unicorns in a twilit forest clearing!"
  • "Ah! Once again we meet, like two angry, burly dinosaurs with terrible indigestion!"
  • "Ah, a quadrillion pardons! Far be it from me to be a hindrance. Far, FAR be it!"
  • "As it happens, I merely have an acquaintance in this land. I was just saying hello!"
  • "Yes, truly! And I saw you, and I thought, 'Perhaps my magic can aid in this fight!'"
  • "Ah, rest assured, I'll hardly be underfoot! You fight to your heart's content! Ciao!"
  • "Well, salutations, O'Chunks! How are things, hmmm?"
  • "Yes, yes, of course, I understand. Your honor must be satisfied..."
  • "But, O'Chunks, before you let your game be over, humor poor little me for a bit."
  • "I have something I'd rather think you'll enjoy. I DO wish you would try it out for me."
  • "Oh...It's not the time, hmm? Not the time for something that will aid Count Bleck?
  • "Ah, it is time to part... Ciao!"
  • "Ah ha ha. So! At long last, you’ve come to play, like late-sleeping toddlers!"
  • "Ahhhhhhhh... Do you not tire of collecting those worn-out, tiresome Pure Hearts?"
  • "I am not violent by nature, you know. I'd prefer to settle this peacefully, in fact."
  • "Say, for instance, you wished to go back to your world. I could do that for you..."
  • "Ah ha ha. So it must be... shall we begin?"
  • "My, my. Aren't you plucky? Same fight, same outcome... You are precisely correct."
  • "And... that... is... why..."
  • "Lovely green hat, wouldn't you say?"
  • "Dear O'Chunks! So strong, yet so very dim! A child could learn his attack patterns."
  • "As such, I requested a few sprouts from my acquaintance to liven him up a touch."
  • "I call this boy 'O'Cabbage'! Don't be shy, O'Cabbage! Introduce yourself!"
  • "Ah ha ha. Simply adorable. Now remember, kids: eat your vegetables to grow big! Except in this case, a veggie will eat YOU! Have fun, now! Ciao!"
  • "Mm...if they could beat that model of O'Chunks...then they are coming along quite nicely."
  • "Perhaps they really are the ones I have waited for all this time."
  • "I should prepare myself as well! So much to do, so precious little time..."
  • "Ah ha ha. Hard to stay still when you pine for sweet vengeance, isn't it?"
  • "The count's orders are all absolute...completely without exception, yes?"
  • "We shouldn't even dare to think about a secret sneak attack. Perish the thought!"
  • "Defeating the hero would please the count greatly...but we MUST follow orders!"
  • "My, my, isn't that something? I do believe I should be moving on as well."

Chapter 6

  • "Ah ha ha. Did they wound your fragile pride, Mr. L? Demolish your robot again?"
  • "Perhaps that is for the best."
  • "You said it yourself. You can't go back to the count now. So get lost."
  • "Such temper! Your nostrils, they flare out like the hood of a hissing cobra!"
  • "I can't have you around the count. If I am rid of you here, I won't be found out."
  • "And the others will never find you. Yes, this is my moment to grasp."
  • "It's time for you to take your final bow, Mr. L..."
  • "Ah ha ha ha ha. Shhhhh. Don't worry. It won't be so bad, I promise."
  • "I'll send those heroes your way soon, so you'll have someone to play with. Ciao... Mr. L!"
  • "The forlorn group of heroes, how they cry! The tears flow like sad chowder!"
  • "Oh, bad news for you! There is no way in this world to restore the Pure Heart...
  • "Yes, sadly, your hard work was all... in... vain."
  • "Ah ha ha. Yes, it does, and that's why I decided to give you a consolation prize..."
  • "It's quite simple... I fulfilled their wishes! I sent them to the next world! Ah ha ha."
  • "You do know who I am, right? I am your enemy, Dimentio! I serve Count Bleck!"
  • "Well, as pleasant as this has been, I must leave. Ciao!"

Chapter 7

  • "Ah ha ha. Oh, I'm afraid so, my count. In fact, they will be here before long. ♪"
  • "Well, I'm not one to miss a party..."
  • "Oh, but wait one moment... Dear Count... Does the name Blumiere ring a bell?"
  • "Oh, the mustache man's Pixl went on and on... She said, 'I must stop Blumiere.' But I suppose there's no reason to pay any mind to the ramblings of a Pixl..."

Chapter 8

  • "Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha. So... You've made it here at last."
  • "Oh, but...what's this? You seem to be missing the ravishing princess and the arm-flailer."
  • "Ahhh, I see. You're in a hurry. Allow me to get out of your way, then... ...Just as soon as you defeat me! Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha."
  • "You've proven to be worthy foes in the past, so I'm not going to make it easy."
  • "You'll have to come get me first. It'll be like a game of tag...with magic!"
  • "Enjoying my game of tag?"
  • "Messing around? Oh, no. Magic is no laughing matter. I am always deadly serious."
  • "I have been watching you. You are the only ones who can stand up to Count Bleck."
  • "So...I have a favor to ask. Will you help me...destroy the count?"
  • "Betray him? Ah ha ha ha. Oh, no. It is Count Bleck who has betrayed ME!"
  • "He said he would destroy all worlds and create a new, perfect world in their place. But he was lying! He plans to obliterate every world, and then keep them all in ruin. I have always known about his nefarious goal, but I could never hope to stop him on my own. I feigned loyalty to him as I searched for someone who could defeat him with me!"
  • "Well, you see... That is why... I rescued the princess from certain brainwashing."
  • "It's also why I sent you to The Underwhere to fix the broken Pure Heart."
  • "And why I freed a man to be reunited with his brother... Now do you see?"
  • "Ahhh, you've got me pegged. Now, how about you return the favor?"
  • "I'll give you the power you need to crush Count Bleck... Just fight by my side!"
  • "...Don’t believe me? But trust, it is the tasty paste that holds civilization together! How does this strike you? Defeat the count and I will give you a very rare card. Does that entice you?"
  • "You are like a sad, meager sack that has deflated and lost all of it’s trust! Perhaps a signed bottle of my fragrance, 'Demented by Dimentio', will sway you? People will stand in ovation whenever you enter a room! Now will you fight with me?"
  • "You're the hero! Are you going to let little butterfly minds influence your decision? What will it be? Will you help me face Count Bleck?"
  • "AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Excellent choice, Mario! You are wiser than you look."
  • "Now, let me give you a taste of my scrumptious power, just as I promised."
  • "That sucking sound is your free will being plunged from the toilet of your mind! Now, you are my slave, and you will do my bidding. You will be…fearless! Go and defeat the count! And when he is gone, I will create a new world!"
  • "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Again, for dramatic effect! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA."
  • "Still you refuse? But this offer, it drips of generosity!"
  • "With the Chaos Heart in our hands, we can rule every world! Do you still refuse?"
  • "So you spit upon my offer? You have wasted my time. For that, your game ends."
  • "I think I'll start with the green one. The shag upon his lip will make a fine trophy!" (American version)
  • "I think I'll start with the green one, he looks like a pushover." (British version)
  • "Ah ha ha. How tender. I just squeezed out a tear. Yes... Mario can run along."
  • "And if he somehow manages to defeat Count Bleck on his own...all the better!"
  • "And so I strike, like an unseen dodgeball in an echoing gymnasium!"
  • "NOOOOO!"
  • "I... I cry uncle! Mercy! UNCLE, I SAY!"
  • "I-I see that now... Your power is formidable..."
  • "Which is why I can't let you fall into Count Bleck's velvet-lined gloves..."
  • "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha. I have you now! Luigi!"
  • "We will both taste the agony of magic!"
  • "Silly assistant! Absorbing my attack to protect him? What an adorably hopeless gesture."
  • "I was about to give him the everlasting peace he so desperately wants!"
  • "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Of course. This is my moment."
  • "Even if the count dies, the Chaos Heart won't disappear if I continue to control it!"
  • "But I needed the power of the Pure Hearts to beat him. I couldn't do that on my own. So I had you do all the sweaty labor for me."
  • "And you even used your Pure Hearts to defeat Count Bleck!"
  • "If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one."
  • "I'm saying that you no longer have value to me, so I'm ending your games."
  • "They're all yours, Mr. L!"
  • "When I sent Luigi here, I planted a seed in the fertile soil of his subconscious..."
  • "And that seed has sprouted spectacularly!"
  • "Mr. L... Run along now and get ready for your big entrance."
  • "Now... Ladies and gentlemen... Get ready for the greatest magic show you'll ever see!"
  • "The Dark Prognosticus says he's the ideal host for the power of the Chaos Heart."
  • "And now I'm going to add my own power to this spicy little concoction."
  • "Count Bleck! You looked so tattered and pathetic, I nearly forgot about you."
  • "I'll squeeze the life out of you later. Just wait over in that dimension, OK? Great."
  • (Super Dimentio)
    • "Now the Chaos Heart is mine!"
    • "I will use it to destroy all worlds...and create perfect new ones!"
    • "So, shall we get started? Now I have all I become the king of all worlds!"
    • "Ah ha ha ha. I am now invincible! There is nothing you can do!"
    • "And now it is time for the destruction to begin..."
    • "Let it begin with you, as you wallow in helplessness like upside-down turtles!"
    • "L-POWER!"
    • "Hmph... Let's stop wasting time and finish this, shall we?"
    • "Ciao!"
    • "What?! What's going on?!"
    • "NO! The Pure Hearts?! I thought you wasted them all fighting Count Bleck!"
    • "What's... happening?! I'm not invincible anymore..."
    • "Urgh-GAH?!"
    • "How did you do it..."
    • "How could I have lost with the power of Luigi and the Chaos Heart..."
    • "And the prophecy... Has it been undone?!"
    • "Urrrrrrk... Unngghhhh... You think this is the end? This isn't finished..."
    • "You can't...stop this now... You can't escape..."
    • "I've been saving one last surprise... Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Ciao!"


  • "Huh? What do you want?"
  • "Look, we'd love to chit-chat, but we're crunch-time busy over here, can't you tell?"
  • "The Overthere, huh... See that door on your left? it'll head you up there. But we can't open it right now."
  • "We've gotta guard this door. we trapped a raging beast from The Underwhere inside."
  • "Yup, this thing in here is DEFINITELY the one that escaped its prison. Can't have it breaching security, so we locked both doors just in case."
  • "This thing's a BEAST, lemme tell you... Real nasty. If it starts rampaging again, I don't wanna be the D-Man who has to stop it."
  • "Problem is, until someone subdues it, we can't use the door to The Overthere..."
  • "So...if YOU can tame it, we can open that door for you. ...Wanna give it a shot?"
  • "Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I was just messing with you. seriously, no one would ever be dumb enough to..."
  • "Wait... Did you just say 'yes'?"
  • "Are you NUTS?!"
  • "Y-Y-Y-You're SERIOUS?! You actually think you can tame that beast?!"
  • "Well, hey, yeah, great idea. Sounds like a smart plan..."
  • "Tell you what... You head on in...and I'll mail your mustache to your next of kin!"
  • "Look, my prediction? Your game's about to end. If not, we'll help you on your way."
  • "Give it a shot, champ!"
  • "Hey, it's you! And your game isn't over... Did you run away or something?"
  • "WHAT?! You BEAT it?!"
  • "Man, I can't believe it... Wow, uh... Thanks! You're a prime go-getter, pal!"
  • "This key'll open the door that connects to The Overthere."
  • "Cool, cool, problem solved. Way to think outside the box there, people."
  • "I'll just stay on watch here. You two go find the rest of the monsters out there!"
  • "WE'RE ON IT!"
  • "Oh, hey, and lemme give you a little tip. Lots of dark areas around here, right? Solution: put a little flame to the torch sconces you see on the walls! That'll light up the place for awhile. Careful, though, they'll eventually go out. if you know someone who can use fire, get 'em on torch duty ASAP!"
  • "Return the book? Oh, you mean the one I borrowed from that hag? Yeah, no prob, no prob. Just finished reading that bad boy, actually."
  • "Gotta say, that weight-loss plan seems kinda dubious. Yeah, probably a fad."
  • "But hey, thank that hag for me anyway, OK?"
  • "Huh? A message for me?"
  • "Oh, from that hag who wants me to check on her show? What show was it again?"
  • "Hagtime Mystery Hour?"
  • "River Twygz Trim Swim?"
  • "Oh, You Crone!?"
  • "OK, thanks for the reminder. Tell that hag I've got it covered. I'll check in on it, no prob. Later!"


Dorguy the First

  • "Halt! What's this, then? Travelers have come?"
  • "Now! Queen Jaydes demands I guard this door, people! I'm Dorguy the First."
  • "Lotsa monsters around, folks. Lotsa monsters. So I've gotta do routine checks, OK?"
  • "Sorry for the trouble folks, but I need to make sure you're trustworthy."
  • "Just a couple questions. Answer them all correctly, and we're done here! Then you can head on through."
  • "Here's the first one!"
  • "I'm warning you, though, these are pretty tough questions, so use those noggins."
  • "D-Man A goes to the store and buys an equal number of tomatoes and eggplants. Eggplants cost 7 coins apiece and tomatoes cost 10 coins apiece, OK? D-Man A has 50 coins when he goes into the store. He comes out with 5 coins."
  • "Those are the facts. Now!"
  • "Who is the most powerful person in The Underwhere?"
  • "Shayde B buys 667 pens for 13 coins each and buys 108 notebooks for 42 coins each. He needs more money, so he takes out 3,756 coins from the bank and spends it all."
  • "What is my name?"
  • "Now for the last question."
  • "Panda A and Bear B go to Apple Mountain for a day of apple picking, right? there are 120 apple trees on the mountain, and each has a 20-apple yield. A takes 10 seconds to pick each apple, while B takes 20 seconds to pick each apple."
  • "How many times did I just say the word 'apple'?"
  • (Correct answers)
  • "DING-O! Correct!"
  • "Next question!"
  • "You folks seem OK to me. Head on through."
  • (Incorrect answers)
  • "WRONG-O! Sorry, folks, but that's not what I needed to hear."
  • "Oh, you folks again? Guess you really need to get through here, huh?"
  • "Be as that may, you're still gonna have to answer the security questions."

Dorguy the Second

  • "Halt! What's this, then? Travelers have come?"
  • "Now! Queen Jaydes demands I guard this dorr, folks! I'm Dorguy the Second."
  • "Look, I apologize for the intrusion, but I've gotta run a quick security check, here."
  • "I've got a few questions. Answer them all correctly, and I'll wave you on through."
  • "Activate screen!"
  • "All right, Question One!"
  • "Look closely at the objects on the screen, OK, folks?"
  • "Now, answer me this..."
  • "How many red objects were there?"
  • "Hmm... Sorry, folks, but I'm not gonna tell you if you're right or not just yet."
  • "Question Two!"
  • "Watch that screen, now."
  • "How many triangles were there, folks?"
  • "Hoo hoo ha..."
  • "Question Three!"
  • "Eyes at the screen, folks."
  • "What color were the moving objects?"
  • "That's your answer, eh?"
  • "Now, next question!"
  • "Off the top of your head, what number question is this?"
  • "Getting tired yet, folks? Don't give up!"
  • "This is the last question..."
  • "Look closely at the screen."
  • "What shape was the most plentiful, folks?"
  • "DONE!"
  • "Lemme just analyze your responses real quick..."
  • (Correct)
  • "Hoo hoo HA!"
  • "P-P-P-Perfect! Amazing... I'm...impressed."
  • "Your brain ages must be very young, folks! Well, with brains that young, you must be good people! Head on in!"
  • (Incorrect)
  • "Hoo hoo ha!"
  • "You answered 40 percent of the questions correctly. That's a tired brain score! Are you resting your brain properly? Eating right?"
  • "You answered 80 percent of the questions correctly. Were you thinking too hard? Try counting floss strokes at night! It sharpens the brain!"
  • "Yeah, well, with a score like that, I can't let you pass. Try again, OK, folks?"

Dorguy the Third

  • "Oh, no... Travelers have come?"
  • "Halt! Queen Jaydes demands I guard this door, people. I am Dorguy the Third."
  • "I gotta take a sec and see if you folks are worthy to pass through."
  • "Can I get a little... UNDERCHOMP!"
  • "If you folks are worthy of passing through, you should be able to beat this guy. So, if you wanna head on through, you've gotta fight!"
  • "Ready?! GOOOOOO!"
  • "So... Didn't defeat the Underchomp, I see... Well, can't let you pass, sorry. If you wanna try again sometime, well, I'll be right here waiting."
  • "Hey, check you folks out! You beat the Underchomp... Good work. Head on in!"


  • "Yes, this is unexpected... But so is a storm of rain... Such is the way of things. There are no absolutes..."
  • "Come, come, be at peace. Calm your raging inner sea. Let us meditate on this..."
  • "Come, now, ease your mind. Let me muffle the wails of your frightened soul..."
  • "Do not be hasty in fear! Look closer! That is not one of the Floro Sapien!"
  • "Well, isn't that welcome news! Why don't you go find Flint? For I must bid you farewell."
  • "Humans and Pixls...or Cragnons and Pixls for that matter...shouldn't linger too long together. Only heroes who know how to utilize Pixls properly can travel with them..."
  • "Come now, let me assist you in your departure from here. Let your aura shrink... When it diminishes, you can return to the village where the one you seek awaits."
  • "Farewell, weeping Cragnon! Go frolic beneath the sun, where you are meant to live."
  • "Rain still falls in my heart. The taken souls cry out... Why do they cry such tears?"
  • "You must stop this torrent. Fate brought us together. Great hero of 1,500 years... Now you must take me there... To the deep, dark underbelly of the earth..."
  • "Let us go! Before the rain of tears becomes a flood... Before disaster breaks..."


  • "You vill eat NOW, schnitzel!"
  • "This is cooking laboratory called Hot Fraun! Here vee grab flavor und vee SPANK it!"
  • "You bring two ingredients! Und then, vee make treat so tasty, you cry like baby!"
  • "Und now, vee cook for you! First ingredient! NOW!"
    • (Insufficient ingredients)
    • "Ach... You don't even haff two ingredients, do you, you impudent little sauerbraten!"
    • "I vill make you NOTHING! You come back vith TWO ingredients! TWO!"
  • "Second ingredient! NOW!"
  • "You vant I should cook vith a(n) *item* und a(n) *item*?"
  • "You WAIT!, I COOK, schnitzel!"
  • "SLICE UND SIMMER! NOW! ♪ VEE MUST MAKE CHOW! ♪ Vait one second und..."
  • "Completion! Now you vill EAT, little bratwurst!"
  • "Ach... Shameful cooking... My oven is very naughty..."
  • "This is first time you make dish! Und so vee vill add this to recipe list!" (American version)
  • "This is first time I make this dish for you! Und so vee vill add this to recipe list!" (British version)
  • "Remember this, schnitzel... You find new ingredients, you vill bring them HERE!"
  • "That is Dining Specializer! It gives ingredient lists for favorite recipes. You also use it to get hint on where to find tasty ingredients, schnitzel. But it is not loaded vith all the recipes it can hold, I do not think... You bring new recipe data! It vill update! You vill do this right NOW! You find this cooking data und return, schnitzel!"


  • "Sniff... Oh, woe is meeee... My darling man hath been frozen by brute monsters!"
  • "I need him so... I am Fallbi, a helpless kitten compared to them! Oh, what shall I do?"
  • "Thou! Art thou a kitten too, or art thou a grand lion? Prithee, lion, help mine man!"
  • "Darling dear!"
  • "Sniff... Thank heavens..."
  • "Yon person helped thee."
  • "Yea, verily, darling dear! Perhaps if thou wouldst move the thou-knowest-what?"
  • "Oh, darling dear... 'Tis true, but how thou goest on!"
  • "Let us away!"
  • "Thou wantest to ride my darling's Overvator? Hold a moment... He descendeth."


  • "Hi there! I'm Flamm, the Map Chap! I sell the hidden mysteries of the world here!"
  • "And you came at a great time! This chap got a map in today."
  • "Which map for you today?"
  • "Oh yeah, Map *number*... That'll run you *number* coins... You really want that one?"
  • "Thanks a lot! Want to buy another map from this chap?"
  • "Thanks a lot! I'd offer to sell you another, but that was our last map... And I can't exactly say when I'll get fresh stock, either. But come again, OK?"


  • "Heeeere I seeeeeet, amore! ♪ Awaiting youuuuuu, amore! ♪ No more, no more, amore! ♪"
  • "100 years agoooooo, amore! ♪ I came in here to go, amore! ♪ So bored, so bored, amore! ♪"
  • "No toilet paper here, amore! ♪ I wait 100 yeeeears, amore! ♪ What for, what for, amore? ♪"
  • "Any paaaaper, please, amore? ♪ Just a sheet for me, amore! ♪ Implore, implore, amore! ♪"
  • "Paaapes, paaapes, amore! ♪ Looove the paaapes, amore! ♪ Oh more, oh more, amore! ♪"
  • "Fleep has a-waited for you! At last we meeeet, mi amore! My sweeeet, sweeeet paper!"
  • "And now we do part, amore! ♪ For down you depart, amore! ♪ No more, no more, amore! ♪"
  • "RELIEF!"
  • "Eeet's a paper miiiracle! Fleep is a-feeeeeling good! You bring Fleep the happy?"
  • "Fleep has been a-waiting so long for you, amore! Si, for this momento!"
  • "We Pixls are helpful tools, si? But we no choose masters, be they goood or baaaaad!"
  • "Still, Fleep has the passion to be used for something, so... Fleep waited here, amore! ♪"
  • "And you found Fleep, amore! ♪ Oh, thank you deep, amore! ♪"
  • "From this momento, you and Fleep are as one! we shall never paaaaart!"
  • "Fleep follows you, amore! ♪ Companion true, amore! ♪"
  • "On the back side of the sad is the happy! We will find it! You and Fleep, amore! ♪"


  • "Greetings! Name's Flimm. Freelance Sales Freak, owner and proprietor of this shirt."
  • "Sell anything. Sell to anyone. Sell big. Sell often. SELL NOW! So... Look then BUY!"
  • "Oh, boy. That is a fine eye you have there. Do you have a master's in buying stuff?"
  • "That's a(n) *item* And it's yours for only *number* coins! Selling madness!"
  • "I've got bundles of bargains! But you've got no room! Can't carry, can't buy."
  • "Here's a little business tip from a pro: try not to carry YOUR ENTIRE HOUSE."
  • "Wow. Talk about a win for you. You're going to love that li'l baby. LOVE it."
  • "Well, inventory changes like THAT! Yeah, that quick. So come back soon."

Flint Cragley

  • "'Coming to you live...from the foul darkness; the home of the Floro Sapien.'"
  • "'Lesser Cragnons would weep softly. No one has set foot in this cave and emerged alive.'"
  • "'But some make history with sheer gall and will power...and Flint Cragley is such a man!'"
  • "'Into the Floro Sapien Cave of Doom! A Flint Cragley Cragtrotting Adventure!'"
  • "...No, no, wait a second. That'll never play well in the sticks. How about..."
  • "'Taste Danger! Flint Cragley Vs. a Recragginated Mummy in Floro Sapien Central!'"
  • "I wonder if that'll test well with the weekend audience... Those Cragnons are fickle..."
  • "'Suddenly...out of the cave mists...mysterious, slavering creatures lurched into view! Did they hope to dine on fillet of Cragley? Would our hero meet their mandibles? Tune in after this brief commercial break to witness the torrid conclusion!'"
  • "...Great, cut, print, wrap it. Now what do you dolts want? What are you doing here?"
  • "Huh? You're on a quest to find a treasure called the Pure Heart? Spectacular. Just fabulous! All-time coincidence, that's what this is!"
  • "Just great to meet fellow adventurers, really, it is. I'm ecstatic about this."
  • "Listen, call me Flint. I'm a heck of a guy to know! Best cragtrotter of our time!" You may know me from 'Flint Cragley, Cragtrotter,' which airs weekly on crag-vision.
  • "That's why I pretended to be kidnapped! I'm filming another epic show!"
  • "Unfortunately, my idiot crew wandered off somewhere... So unprofessional. I turned away for a second, and they vanished into the foul blackness of this cave..."
  • "The worst part is, they have the key that'll get me deeper into this infernal abyss!"
  • "You there! If you run into my crew, tell them I'm waiting and stomping impatiently!"
  • "Pure adventure personified thanks you kindly!"
  • '"In a miraculous turn of events, I was reunited with my faithful camera Cragnons.'"
  • "'But there was no time for celebration! We had to swoop to the aid of the kidnapped!'"
  • "'With danger nibbling our heels, we ventured deeper into the forbidding cave... To do so, we used the key to the last unopened door in the forsaken labyrinth!'"
  • "So, um... You do have the key, right? Lemme grab that."
  • "Yes, genius, a key. Wait... Don't tell me you don't have it either!"
  • "Ah, yes, so you DO have it! Good show, good show, yes. Give it here. Quickly, now."
  • "You... You LOST it?!"
  • "'A tragic crew blunder ruins Cragley! Had the gods of adventures forsaken us?!'"
  • "Preposterous! If such a claim were true, there would be evidence in my pocket, which there ISN'T."
  • "'A miracle struck! As if by magic, the long-lost key had returned to my pocket!'"
  • "The cave defied Cragnon comprehension! It was a place of purest miracles!"
  • "Lucky turn of events, finding that key... I'm sure everyone contributed somehow."
  • "Now, onward! We must make our way to the last unopened door to the horrid depths... If my research is correct, and it always is, then this door key should open that door."
  • "Of course, through the door may lie a trap that will devour us all... Ho ho HO!"
  • "What's that? You say you want to open the door no matter what may lie in wait?! Tremendous! Such bravery! I was planning on opening it myself, of course, but since you seem so passionate..."
  • "Not that I'm afraid or anything. Don't be ridiculous. I mean, that's laughable."
  • "As a fellow cragtrotter, I know the heady thrill of the hunt! I'll yield to your lead!"
  • "See you in two ticks!"
  • "'We plodded on, traipsing over all manner of beasts that gnashed fangs at us!'"
  • "'But then...NOOO! A sight to horrible to believe appeared before our eyes!'"
  • "I know that, you cretin! The 'sight too horrible to believe' is still up ahead! We're going to look for it now! Come on, MOVE!"
  • "Of course! I knew it all along!"
  • "'Emergency special report from the Floro front lines! Environmental pollution drives Floro Spaiens mad! Whither will they rampage?"
  • "So the villagers throwing garbage in the river was the reason for this whole thing? Well... I tried to tell those guys, but my thoughts were too far ahead of their time..."
  • "Yes, once my fellow villagers see this, they'll surely realize the error of their ways. Once the words of Flint Cragley reach them, they'll throw garbage no more!"
  • "Sounds like a fine way to keep the peace in the land... Keep those promises, folks!"

Floro Sapiens

  • "Hey, check it out, man! Haven't seen that one before, have we?"
  • "Yeah, for sure, must be some sorta rare breed or something, right?"
  • "Yeah, rare breed, totally! Sweet timing, too! We need a Pure Heart polisher!"
  • "Score!"
  • "What... WHOA! what did you guys DO, huh?"
  • "Hey, shut up! You don't get it at all!"
  • "King Croacus was awesome! He totally thought of his people first, man! And you... You wilted him!"
  • "WATER, man! I'm talking about WATER! The Cragnons were polluting our water!"
  • "Those dudes were tossing trash into the river! we had to DRINK that crud!"
  • "The dirty water was what drove our king bonkers, don'tcha get it?"
  • "Yeah, water, man... I mean, it's EASILY our most precious treasure, know what I mean?"
  • "You promise not to dirty our water and we'll just chill down here and be cool."
  • "And we'll totally take those sprouts off your villagers' noggins too, man."
  • "Whaling on our king aside, you guys are totally heroes... You should take this."
  • "One of our earliest kings received this to safeguard until the heroes' arrival. Our people have kept that promise for, like, 1,500 years or something crazy like that... I'm sure our wilted king here would be stoked that this duty got done."


  • "WARNING!"
  • "'404 computer hamsters not found.'"
  • "C:/ run query identification"
  • "C:/ run insult generator"
  • "C:/ results: go away yeti-lip!"
  • "AGH-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G-G."
  • "PLEASE... YOU MUST... SAVE... OUR... WORLD..."


Chapter 3

  • "Ner-herrrr herrrr herrr herr!"
  • "HI-TECHNICAAAAAAAL! I caught a super-rare pixelated butterfly!"
  • "My friends at digibutter.nerr are going to freak when they get word of this find!"
  • "I must bring it home. I can't miss this week's episode of 'The Grodus Chronicles'!"
  • "No way am I going to entrust my digital Recordomeow to tape an episode so epic."
  • "This is so hi-technicaaaaal!"
  • "It's a totally undiscovered digibutterfly species! Nerr! I must document it!"
  • "Yessss! Shake that thorax!"
  • "Nerrrrr! Who are YOU?!"
  • "H-Hey! What are you doing sneaking into my room, huh? Ever heard of p-privacy?"
  • "O-O-Oh... O-Oh my gosh... It's... It's a h-hot babe..."
  • "Wha-What do I... Oh man... A REAL girl in my room! This is so hi-technicaaaal!"
  • "N-Neeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr... down... I'm get-get-get-get... Getting w-way too excited... Sweatles...forming..."
  • "Can't talk to...girls... Must Bum bag..."
  • "Booting up Swoon.exe! Activating Nerr2Babe interface mod with real-time wooing!"
  • "Welcome to my castle. How do you do? ...Nerrr."
  • "Nerrherr... I boot this baby up whenever it's time to talk to the...heh...laaadies."
  • "Schweeeeet. Time for my Swoon.exe program to work its magic!"
  • "(Where should I start...?)"
  • "(Oh, man. What do I do next?)"
  • "(What's my next move?)"
  • "(Nerrr ...what's my next move?)"
  • "What is your name?"
  • "You're so a princess straight out of an anime or video game!"
  • "As a token of my affection, I'd like to give you a special present."
  • "Wow, we are like, so perfect for each other. it's destiny! we should get married!"
  • "Tippi? Hmm... Tippi... Tippi... There's no Tippi command here! What is she talking about?!"
  • "That was the only copy of the Nerr2Babe patch and now it's gone forever!"
  • "Nerrr... Real babes are scary!"
  • "So... So you've come to raid my fort and steal Francine?"
  • "B-By the way, I came up with the name Francine on my own! Isn't it schweeet?"
  • "At first I thought it was a little weird that you could talk and everything. But the digibutter.nerr forum reaction convinced me you were hi-technicaaal! You're my only...sniff...offline friend, no one will take you away from me!"
  • "Nerrr! Can't see me? That's 'cause my invisibility powers are totally hi-technicaaaaal! "
  • "Little Francine is hidden, so you can't take her!"
  • "Feel the wrath of the jilted X-Naut in the season finale of 'The Grodus Chronicles'!"
  • "MERCY!"

Chapter 8

  • "Nerrrrrr... What's going on?'s my schweet, schweeeeeet Francine!"
  • "I don't know! I was in my comfy chair watching 'Starship X-Naut', then I warped here! Maybe my Reclinotron 4500 extrapolated my dreams and couch-warped me to you!"
  • "Nothing is gonna take you away from me this time, Francine!"
  • "NERRRR!"
  • "That's impossible... My hi-technicaaaal battle moves failed me!"
  • "That's IT! I'm going to run a simulation on my computer to figure out what went wrong!"


  • "When I see something super-rare, I must own it!"
  • "But trying to hold a digital butterfly against her will landed me in the hospital. So I'm, umm... I think I'm done with that stuff."
  • "This time, I harnessed my inner nerr to create something beyond hi-technicaaal!"
  • "Dying to see it, a-aren't you? BEHOLD!"
  • "My masterpiece! A 1:1-scale replica of Tippi with real fluttering action! I like to call her... Tiptron!"
  • "D-Did you hear that? She can perfectly replicate Tippi's voice!"
  • "Tiptron can even flutter! She's pretty much the pinnacle of hi-technicality!"
  • "Tiptron earned me the coveted Elite Nerr status on the Digibutter.nerr forums."
  • "Oh! Would you by any chance be interested in buying her?"
  • "I'm saving for 'Starship X-Naut' Issue One, so I'll sell for just 999 coins."
  • "This is a schweeet deal on a super-rare collectible! What do you say?"
  • (No)
    • "Whaaaat?! How could you not want to buy this super-rare robotic butterfly?!"
    • "F-Fine, then! You're so going to change your mind, and I'll be here when you do. Nerr..."
  • "Did you come back to buy my hi-technical Tiptron?!"
  • "It's from one fan to another, so I'll still give you a super deal: 999 coins! Interested?!
  • (Yes)
  • (if coin total is less than 999)
    • "W-What?! It seems you do not have sufficient funds!"
    • "If you can't afford Tiptron, stop breathing on her. You will ruin her resale value!"
  • (if coin total is 999)
    • "NERRRRRR! I knew you couldn't resist something this hi-technicaaaal!"
    • "You are now the owner of the only Tiptron in the entire univerrrrrrse!"
  • "Nerrrr! I can feel my creative juices inflating my brain! I have inspiration... Look out, world! Hi-technical will have a new name...and it shall be Tiptron Mk. II! This time, oh man, I'll make her twice as rare and collectible! Meowmaids! Master requires cheesy Nibble-Ums in the robotics lab, now! NERRRR!"


  • "EEEEEEK! F-F-Found us!"
  • "Gabbro thought this was good hiding spot, since key was lost, brah!"
  • "Wh-Wh-What we do, brah?!"
  • "E-Evil brahs! You take Gabbro. Gabbro give up... But her... Do not hurt Pixl!"
  • "No. Let Gabbro speak, brah... You kept Gabbro company... You helped Gabbro hide... Gabbro owe you big, brah... Big debt for Pixl!"
  • "Gabbro's time ending, but Gabbro really want you to live free..."
  • "What? Who are you brahs? Could you... You come to save Gabbro?"
  • "What?! Flint here, too?! Gabbro HUGE Cragley fan! Cragley do something, brah! Cragley save us all!"
  • "Thank you, great Pixl brah... Gabbro not forget you!"


  • "Luvbi... Thou should not... have come. Flee...from here..."
  • "Thou hast done a fine job... Thou hast saved our realm...
  • "The Pure Heart doth struggle against the Luvbi identity... It seeketh its true form."
  • "It doth sense someone nearby worthy of possessing it. It must be these fair folk..."
  • "Thou art certain? If thou turnest back into the Pure Heart, the Nimbi known as Luvbi... will cease to exist."
  • "Sayest thou what thou wilt to me, but talketh not to thy mother in that way!"
  • "Perhaps thy sass shall end once thou changeth forms! What dost thou wait for?"
  • "Thou art an ungrateful brat! Dost thou not recall when I lingered by thy ill bedside?"
  • "What madness doth spew from thy lips?! Who GAVETH thee that allowance?!"
  • "And thou didst lie to get the money, too! Thou didst pretend to buy schoolbooks!"
  • "Now, ye prophesied ones... Destined heroes... Takest our dear daughter... Takest the Pure Heart."
  • "And sweareth to me... Thou must prevail!"
  • "Let no one else in the universe feel this sadness!
  • "Very well. Then I am satisfied..."
  • "Now, Luvbi, Thou must go...
  • "Saveth the worlds, heroes. Maketh a new day for the future children. Such is my only wish."
  • "Thou hast done such an amazing job... Such truly amazing work..."
  • "Thou hast saved all worlds! Now all doth smile again... And Luvbi hath returned!"
  • "Thou hast fulfilled thy promise... I knew thou wouldst. I owe thee so much."
  • "Thou and thy friends are heroes indeed! Thank thee..."


  • "Heya, Mr. Red Shirt. You want me to flip the bridge down for you? Can't do that. Nope. You need special permission from high up. It's the law. No way am I doing hard time."
  • "You need the OK from Old Man Watchitt. Good luck with that. That Yold-timer is more crab than man."
  • "I got a call from Old Man Watchitt. So you're that hero guy, huh? Right on! I'll put the bridge across for you straight away!"
  • "Mind if I ask you a question? Red or green. What's better?"
  • (Green!)
  • "Hey... You're wearing red! I'm onto your lie, buddy!"
  • (Red!)
  • "RED?! Get out of here with your ugly red cap! I said GET OUT!"
  • (Both!)
  • "Wh-What?! Both of 'em?! Grow a spine! And when you do, you can use it to get out of my house!"
  • "My house. Why are you in it? Why don't you help yourself right out the front door, eh?"
  • "You're a hero...whoooopeeee. It doesn't mean I've got to look at your gaudy clothes."


Chapter 2

  • "You smell of bombs... You are dangerous, I deem. I am Heronicus! I, too, was once a man who reeked of the heady musk of danger."
  • "You smell of the house of Merlee! Did you go there? I, Heronicus, also used to be like a migrating bird, always traveling here and there!"

Chapter 3

  • "Hm. You smell of Meowmaid. You are a nerd, I deem. I was once like you. I would line up for hours to get treasure. I was a fanatic!"

Chapter 4

  • "You smell of space, I deem! Did you visit outer space?! I, Heronicus, was once a special agent who chased asteroids in a spaceship."

Chapter 5

  • "You smell of flowers, I deem! Dangerous flowers... I, Heronicus, used to venture forth in search of dangerous flowers as well."

Chapter 6

  • "I YIELD!"
  • "I AM SHAMED!"
  • "You smell of Sammer Guy! Incredible! You competed? I, Heronicus, get fired up when I hear word of battle! For I am a beast in combat! But I am so out of practice! My skills are not what they once were... I, Heronicus, am a completely different person than before. That part of me is no more."

Chapter 7

  • "What smell is this? It brings me no memories. I, Heronicus, used to be fearless. I dove headfirst into danger."

Chapter 8

  • "You smell of...evil, perhaps? I have not smelled that in an age. Who are you?! I, Heronicus, used to travel about defeating evil."


  • "I, Heronicus, used to travel to dangerous places in search of a legendary Pixl."
  • "Once, I found one, and just as I was about to get it, a rockslide crashed down..."
  • "I chose the life of my partner over that Pixl."
  • "I do not regret that choice. The incident opened my eyes, and I stopped exploring."
  • "If I was a stauncher man... I wonder what my life would be like right now?"


  • "Sniff sniff snooooooooorf..."
  • "But I tired of that... I do not wish to bore you. If it pleases you, come and visit me another time."


  • "Whoa! Where in Crag you guys come from?"
  • "...Serious. Who are you, brah?"
  • "Whuh? You know where director is?!"
  • "Oh, that where he is... Thanks. Hornfels head back now."
  • "But first... You see other crew Cragnons? With little sprout on top of head? Floro Sapien using sprouts to mind-control Cragnons..."
  • "They see you, they attack! Don't let guard down, brah! Crag you later!"
  • "Whuh? What? Key?"
  • "No, brah... HAD key, but not HAVE key..."
  • "Nah, brah! See... Cragley says, 'You lose this, so Cragley hold on to it.' Cragley got key, brah..."
  • "Yah, totally. Right in pocket."
  • "Yah, serious. Big surprise."
  • "Boss... Nothing happen yet, brah..."
  • "This play well with green Cragnon crowd..."



  • "Goooooooood day!"
  • "How's it, howaya, goooooood."
  • "Lucky you, finding Howzit's shop here in Flipside."
  • "I see you've found my fine shop here in Yold Town."
  • "First time here, eh?"
  • "I oughta tell you, we offer shop here for our regular customers. You earn shop points with every purchase. Limit of one point for every purchase. Earn enough, and you win a FREE GIFT! Free stuff. FOR FREE! That's goooooood. Want to know just how many points you've saved up? Just ask me!"
  • "Got that? Or do you wanna hear my spiel again?"
  • (No)
    • "Didn't get it? No goooooood. One more time!"
  • "Whatcha need?"
  • (Buy)
  • "Go ahead and grab the item you want! They're all goooood."
  • "That'll run you *number* coins. Sound goooooooood?"
  • "Oh, SO gooooooooooooood! Looks like that pushes you up to *number* shop point(s)!"
  • "Anything else look goooood?"
  • "Your pockets are stuffed, but gooooooood! Live a little! Use some stuff and come back when you've got room."
  • "Oh. Not goooooooood news... This is a little awkward... See, you're short on coins. Come back when times aren't so tough for you."
  • "Appreciate the business! Goooooooodbye!"
  • (Sell)
  • "Whatcha selling?"
  • "I'll buy that *item* for *number* coins. Whatcha say?"
  • "Oh, SO GOOOOOOOOOOOD! Anything else you want to unload?"
  • "Thanks a mile. If there's anything you want to sell me, bring it on in!"
  • "I'm a nice guy and all, but you can't sell me air. Come back with some gooooooods!"
  • (Store)
  • "I can hold *number* more items for you. What can I take off your hands?"
  • "OK, I'll hold on to this for you until you want it back."
  • "Any more gooooooods?"
  • "All right. I'll hold on to this for you. But that's it for goooods you can put in storage. Goooooodbye!"
  • "All right. Let's store some gooooooods! don't have anything on you to store! Come on back once you do!"
  • "You've got nothing for me to keep for you! Come back when you've got some goooooods for me to store for you!"
  • (Pick up)
  • "Whatcha wanna pick up?"
  • "There you go then."
  • "Here it is, then!"
  • "Anything else you want to pick up while you're here?"
  • "That's all I'm hanging on to for you right now. But feel free to stop on by if you want to store something else. Or chat. Or whatever! Goooooodbye!"
  • "I'm not hanging on to any of your goooooooods right now."
  • (Check points)
  • "Thanks a mile, bub. Looks like you're up to *number* shop points now."
  • "Gooooood-bye!"

Twinkle Mart

  • "HAVE A TWINKLY DAY! Welcome to Twinkle Mart! If we're not closed, we're open!"
  • "WAAAAAAA! I was SO lonely! Since our grand opening, you're our first customer!"
  • "I think I should have thought about location more when I bought this place..."
  • "Whatcha looking for today? Just grab whatever grabs your eye, Twinkle shoppers!"
  • "The *Sweet/Shroom/Golden* Choco-bar, huh? That'll be *number* coins! Does it twinkle your fancy?"
  • "Need anything else?"
  • "Color me twinkled pink! It gets lonely here, so promise to come again, OK?!"


  • "IIIIIIIT'S the 66th Annual... "That's My Merlee!" show! How're you folks doing?"
  • "Let's get going! You're gonna ask these two Merlees a total of FIVE questions! Listen closely to those answers, 'cause at the end, you gotta pick the real one! Oh, but that's not all! Pick wrong, and there could be some di-SAS-trous results! Now, for our first question!"
  • "Ooh, VERRRRRY interesting! Now for the next question!"
  • "Oh, indeed, indeed! Time for another question!"
  • "Well, what do you know? Next question, please!"
  • "Now! Time for our final question, folks! Excitement! Which will it be?"
    • "Let's make with the asking! Drrrrrrrrumroll, please! When is your birthday?"
    • "Oh! A crucial question! What is your favourite food?"
    • "We'd all like to know this next one, am I right, fellas? Drrrrrrrumroll, please! What kind of guy's your type?"
    • "What a CUTE question! What is your favourite kind of animal?"
    • "Hmm, this one is sort of off the beaten path... What is your favourite smell?"
    • "This one's about hobbies! What are you into lately?"
    • "What a great QUESTION! What do you want most right now?"
    • "This question might stir up some childhood trauma! What was your nickname as a kid?"
    • "Whoo! This question is a little risque, folks! What is the first thing you wash in the bathtub?"
    • "Now here's one for the ages! What is your best feature?"
  • "Well, folks, those were all five questions! So... Which one is the real Merlee?! Search your minds! LET'S HAVE A GUESS!"
  • "Are you suuuuure about that? Think good and hard, folks!"
  • (Yes)
    • "Well, enough suspense! Let's see if the one you picked is the real Merlee... A fateful moment, folks! I'm on pins and needles!"
    • (Merlee)
      • "DING! RIGHT!"
    • (Mimi)
      • "BZZ! WRONG!"


  • "Oh! Cragga wagga woo! ♪"
  • "Brah! Big Rock Who Watches! Cragnons just little rocks! Cragnons need help! You hook Cragnons up, brah! Or Cragnons go CRONCH and the no more Cragnons!"
  • "Criggly craggly CROOOOOO! ♪"
  • "OH, CRAG!"
  • "Whoa... Skarn! You see person drop out of sky, brah?"
  • "This hairface, brah? But...huh. Thought that Big Rock Who Watches would send someone...cooler."
  • "Whoa... Face kind of weird, but...this girl look GOOD, brah. She come to save Cragnons!"
  • "Brah, this thing look mad. If it starts cragging out, I run! Serious. But...huh. Thought that Big Rock Who Watches would send someone...less ugly."
  • "Point well cragged, brah."
  • "This is land of Cragnons. Me Cragnon, him Cragnon, this land of Cragnons."
  • "Bummer, brah!"
  • "You no care for plight of Cragnons? Cold, brah."
  • "You rock, serious!"
  • "Face look real sad, brah. You not enjoy life? Heh... Here secret of life: find stuff that 'interest' you. Then you get your crag on."
  • "Stuff of 'interest' all over! Jasperoid tell you about one to start you up, brah."
  • "You see three blocks in a row? You bonk them like this: left, right, middle. Something of 'interest' really happen then, brah. Jasperoid crag you not."
  • "Still looking bummed, brah. That not face of person getting their crag on."
  • "Jasperoid know what you need. It put smile on your face, crag you not."
  • "You hear it?"
  • "Heh... Jasperoid not tell you for free... But hey, be chill, brah... Jasperoid not want money. Jasperoid just want you to... say 'please' real quick. Then Jasperoid tell you."
  • "Mmm... Jasperoid not sure that one time is enough, brah. How about one more time? Say 'please' one more time..."
  • "Mmmm... Jasperoid not feeling it, brah. Maybe you not giving it 'oomph.'"
  • "You say it three times! And put some crag into it, brah! Now! 'Please' three times!"
  • "Two more times!"
  • "One more time!"
  • "Yah... Niiiiiice, brah... Jasperoid can tell you really want to hear big secret. Jasperoid feeling it, brah!"
  • "So here information nug for you. It kind of long, though... You maybe write it down so you not forget, brah. ...You got tool for writing within crag's reach? You make sure to get this all down, brah."
  • "Next time you find three blocks lined up, you bonk like this..."
  • "Middle... Right... Left... Left... Right... Middle... Right... Left... Right... Right... Middle right right left middle middle left left left right left left left middle middle!"
  • "That it! You write it down? You do it right, something 'interesting' happen, brah..."
  • "This been good time, brah. Have a nice crag."