Pleaseno (originally known as Box Boy) is a rare, haunted chest that can be found in Bean Valley in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Pleaseno resemble pudgy ghosts hiding in treasure boxes. When the chest is closed, Pleaseno looks like a regular treasure box; this mimicry allows it to easily prey on adventurers searching for valuable items, such as Mario and his party. It can also be encountered if the player has fought it already and every symbol in a "roulette" treasure box is different. In battle, Pleaseno is a tough opponent: it has high attack, high defense and high HP. It is also unaffected by status ailment-inducing attacks. The best way to defeat Pleaseno is to make good use of its weakness to Jump.
Pleaseno uses a few special attacks, including Scream, a technique that cuts a party member's attack and defense in half, and Carni-Kiss, a powerful bite that causes significant damage. Moreover, Pleaseno often summons Jinnie, another powerful enemy.
Coincidentally, the ghost within the Pleaseno bears a heavy resemblance to a Peepa.
Profiles and statistics
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Names in other languages
Lie Chest