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[[File:PM Paper Bowser Sequel.png|thumb|Quote]]
*"''Gah ha ha ha!!!! I've been waiting for you, [[Mario]]! Bwa ha ha ha har!''"
*"''Gah ha ha ha!!!! I've been waiting for you, [[Mario]]! Bwa ha ha ha har!''"
*"''The strongest! And the coolest! Behold the glory that is the great Evil [[Bowser|King Bowser]]!! It's time for me to beat these foolish ideas out of you! Saving [[Princess Peach|Peach]]? Please!! Watch this and weep!!''"
*"''The strongest! And the coolest! Behold the glory that is the great Evil [[Bowser|King Bowser]]!! It's time for me to beat these foolish ideas out of you! Saving [[Princess Peach|Peach]]? Please!! Watch this and weep!!''"

Revision as of 15:37, July 22, 2024

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes from the game Paper Mario, listed by character, alphabetically.

Albino Dino

  • "You can't go through here unless you solve the puzzle."
  • "Once you solve the puzzle, we'll let you through."

Anti Guy

  • "Hm? What do you want?"
  • "Get away from that Treasure Chest, pal!"
  • "It's mine, see? Don't mess with me!♥"
  • "Good. You're a smart boy!♥" (When choosing not to fight)
  • "You wanna fight? Are you nuts? You don't wanna mess with me!♥ Are you sure ya wanna fight?" (When choosing to fight)
  • "What?! Well, all right... I do love a challenge!♥" (When confirming to fight)
  • "Here it comes, pal! Don't say I didn't warn you!"
  • "Sniff sniff.. Sniff? Do I smell Lemon Candy?" (Walking with Lemon Candy in inventory)
  • "Hey! Pal! You have Lemon Candy, and you didn't tell me?"
  • "Please! I love that stuff!♥ Lemme have some Lemon Candy! Please! C'mon, pal!"
  • "Take the treasure--just gimme the Lemon Candy, will ya?!"
  • "Grrrrr!!! You stingy, candy-hogging punk!" (When refusing to give Lemon Candy)
  • "Well, you can forget about getting my treasure now! You want it? You're going to have to fight me for it."
  • "Yeeeaaaah!♥" (When giving Lemon Candy)
  • "I got some Lemon Candy!♥"
  • " good...tart... So yummy...♥♥♥"

Big Lantern Ghost

  • "Wee hee hee hee...Someone...has come..."
  • "Someone is here in the dark..."
  • "Wee hee hee...Oh...Could it be...? Wee hee hee hee... It's Mario!!"
  • "Looks like you're mine, Mario! Wee hee...I won't let you go...anywhere..."
  • "Wee hee hee...I'll take care of you quickly, then return to my darkness."
  • "I hate the light..."
  • "So...I'll take you with me... the deep dark..."
  • "I hate light!!!"
  • "I'll make it darker...then even darker than that..."


  • "If you help us… I promise I'll return the favor."
  • "Oh, you…won't… We're really hurting here, Mario. And you won't help us? I guess I was wrong about you."
  • "You changed your mind, Mario?"
  • "Oh…how depressing…"
  • "I've got a score to settle with those Koopa Bros.!"
  • "Mario rescued me. So I figured the least I could do was help him even the score with Bowser, King of the Koopas!"
  • "Who's this kid...? Let me get this straight... He wants to challenge you? He's got to be kidding!"
  • "You’re Luigi, huh? I’m Bombette. Nice to meet you!♥"
  • "Oh, finally! I couldn't stand being in that spooky forest for another minute!"
  • "Hm? Mario! I'm positive that's the mansion the creepy old ghost was telling us about..."
  • "Mario, they'll throw us out of the castle if they catch us."
  • "Can we use a party member's ability so we don't get caught?"
  • "Tubba Blubba's up! Let's get away!"
  • "No,no! That's crazy! If he gets through, he'll eat all of you!"
  • "This little boy is filthy! What happended to him? Is he a lost child or something?"
  • "Don't be ridiculous! Mario didn't do it!"
  • "Oh! Mario! You're terrible! You don't even recognize me! Oh, I can't bear it!"
  • "If you'd hit me with that Hammer, Mario, I was going to bomb you the next time you napped. But you didn't! I'm so happy that you knew I was the real Bombette!"
  • "Think about something else for two seconds, will you?"
  • "The material's weak. The material here is MUCH weaker than the one at Koopa Bros. Fortress!"
  • "Ohh... How totally weird! The lava cooled off and became hard as rock! Neat!"
  • "It seems cool enough for us to walk on, Mario! We can go now!"
  • "What's the matter? Why won't the Star Beam work?"

Boo's Portrait

  • "Phew... Ah, that feels better! It's nice to be back inside my frame after so long!"
  • "But I didn't even tell you to go find the drawing! You solved the riddle on your own!"
  • "Are you just lucky or what? Mweh heh heh... Maybe it's just a coincidence..."
  • "In any case, you've managed to stumble on the secret way to the upper floor."
  • "Jump toward the drawing and I'll take care of the rest. You've earned your way up to the third floor."
  • "Say hello to Bow for me."


  • "Pardon me, sir... Would you happen to be Mario? How do you do, sir? My master wishes to see you. If you would, please call on us at the mansion on the far side of Forever Forest. My master would also like me to add that she has in her possession important news regarding the Star Spirits."
  • "Please make haste! We shall await your arrival with a warm welcome. And if you don't come...WE'LL GET YOU!"
  • "Welcome, sirs and madam! I'm pleased you made it through Forever Forest. My master awaits you in the room highest up in this lovely mansion. Please go to the third floor. There you will hear all the news of the Star Spirits... I'll see you there..."
  • "Lady Bow, please come back to us as soon as possible."
  • "Dear sir... Lady Bow is very, very, very important to us Boos. Please don't let her get in any dangerous situations."
  • "If harm befalls our lady, the Boo ancestors will be horribly displeased. I shudder to ask this, but I must beg you to protect her whenever danger arises!"
  • "Sigh...sigh......"


Pre-title cutscene

  • "Ha ha ha! Yeah! I did! Gwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! So I can, at long last, beat my archenemy, Mario, I'll take this Star Rod!" - The first line of character dialogue in the game.
  • "Do it, Kammy Koopa!!"
  • "Yeah! Now let's try using it!"
  • "Bwa ha ha ha ha... We did it! That was a piece o' cake!! Gwaa ha ha!"

Opening cutscene

  • "Gwaa ha ha ha ha ha! Long time no see, Princess Peach!"
  • "I've lifted your castle way up into the sky! It's sitting on my castle now! Weren't expecting that, huh?"
  • "Ha! This castle's under my control now, my dear! Now you will obey ME!"
  • "Huh... What?! It's... Mario?! What a shock!!"
  • "Ha! Not really! I expected you to turn up, right on cue. You're just as annoying as ever."
  • "Unfortunately for you, there's nothing you can do this time."
  • "True, I have had my problems in the past... But this time is different! This time I'm gonna win! Okay, tough guy... Let's go!"
  • "Good old Mario... always fighting. You're a thorn in my side. But today, your pathetic little attacks won't beat me!"
  • "Gwa ha ha ha ha ha! Is that all you've got? How sad! You'd best take some vitamins, 'cause that didn't hurt at all!"
  • "The Star Rod is a fine piece of work that has the power to grant any wish in the whole world. And when I use the Star Rod to increase my strength, even you can't beat me, Mario!"
  • "Yup, just as I expected: you're no match for the new me. It's not even worth my time to toy with you anymore, Mario. It's time to end this! Here we go, Mario! Good night!"
  • "Yes! Oh yeah! I did it! I finally did it!! I beat up my old rival Mario! Yessss!!!"
  • "As long as I have the Star Rod, everything I wish will come true! Nobody can stop me now!"
  • "Well now, I guess I might as well get rid of Mario. He's no good to anyone now, that's for sure."

Prologue cutscenes

  • "I used the Star Rod to make that Goomba a king because he begged me. And Mario whips him up so easily!?! What a wimp!!"
  • "Uh... Kammy Koopa, you ARE sure that Mario can never defeat us, right?"
  • "Those Star Spirits we captured don't have any way of giving Mario their power!"
  • "I'm not easily impressed! Mario won't have a chance if you Koopa Bros. finish him!"
  • "With the power of the Star Rod, I can't be touched by anyone in the Mushroom Kingdom. You know, Princess, the power that grants everyone's wishes... is mine! Isn't that just wonderful?"
  • "If you, you know, want anything, all you need to do is ask me, and I'll grant your wishes. But only as long as the request is something I like... so think about it, Princess."

Cutscene after Chapter 1

  • "Oh no! I can't believe I left my secret diary lying out! It would be totally embarrassing if someone read that thing... Wuh... wuh... WHAAAT?!! What's the princess doing here?"
  • "AAAAHHHH!!! You little sneak! You read my diary!!!
  • (to two Koopatrols) You’re the worst guards ever! Take Princess Peach back to her room! Immediately!"

Cutscene after Chapter 2

  • "Princess Peach, how are you doing this fine day? Nothing makes me happier than a smile from you, Peach."
  • "That jerk, Mario, just beat the Koopa Bros. and Tutankoopa. Sure, they were complete wimps, but they were still loyal to me. I can't forgive Mario for disrespecting me!"
  • "I'm nipping this in the bud right now: I'm going to use the Invincible Tubba Blubba on Mario. He's the strongest creature I know, after myself... so you should just forget about Mario."

Cutscene after Chapter 3

  • "Well, that's strange! YOU TOLD ME HE WAS INVINCIBLE! How can you beat someone who's invincible?"
  • "Did that stupid Mario just find out the secret that made Tubba Blubba invincible, and then beat him!? Gah!!! I despise Mario, really!"
  • "I won't be satisfied just having Mario beaten up anymore! What we need to do is find his weak point, and then completely humiliate him."
  • "For the love of... Why... Why is Princess Peach here?! What's wrong with those guards?"
  • "Now now, hang on. This is actually good timing, my mischievous princess. We're just discussing the weak points of our mutual friend, Mario."
  • "So... Princess Peach... What do you know about Mario's weaknesses? Huh?"
  • "Perfect choices, Princess. Gwa ha ha ha!! Be sure Mario can't avoid those things that he hates! We'll beat him for sure!"
  • "My tactics are brilliant! They're pure art! Finally, we will witness the end of Mario! At last! Gwaa ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Cutscene after Chapter 7

  • "Oh, Princess Peach! Your cuddly old Bowser's here!"
  • "Can't we have a friendly conversation for a change? C'mon! Lemme see a smile!"
  • "Oh, don't be such a pill. You're stuck with me for a long, long time, beautiful. You'd better get used to it."
  • "Gwaa ha ha ha!! Oh, you poor, silly girl! I'm invincible with this Star Rod, didn't you know? Mario's no match for me! He's history. Get over it."
  • "Grr! It'd better be important! I'm right in the middle of a friendly chat with the princess."
  • "What! Gah! Mar-i-ooooo! OK. Listen, Kammy Koopa. Send everyone to their posts! We'll ambush him the second he enters my castle!!"
  • "Princess Peach, why don't you come with me to watch... You can have a front-row seat to see Mario get crushed."
  • "You! Yeah, you! Tie her up immediately! If she gets out this time, heads will roll!"
  • "What is this whining little glittering thing? Confetti? Gah! Buzz off!"
  • (to his guards) "Take the princess! Now! Let's move!"

First encounter in Chapter 8

  • "Gwa ha ha ha ha!! If it isn't my old pal, Mario! I've been waiting for you... I'm amazed that you managed to come this far."
  • "You've been a distraction for waaaaaay too long, little man! It'll be a pleasure to squash you personally!"
  • "Fool! You can't beat me! I'm invincible!!!"
  • "Gwa ha ha! All right, Mario, let's see your so-called power!"
  • "Gosh, you're not bad! How'd you get so strong?! Still, you're just an annoyance. That was like a warm-up for me."

Final battle and defeat

  • "Gwa ha ha ha ha!! Welcome to your nightmare!"
  • "You should thank me, Mario. Since you've been my rival for so long, I've arranged a special arena for your defeat!"
  • "Gwa ha ha! Like it?!! You're completely trapped! How does it feel, huh?"
  • "Ooooohhhh, YES!!! Kammy Koopa! That was incredible! I feel like I'm exploding with power! Now, I'll be able to squash this cheeky plumber!"
  • "Hey, Mario! It's not gonna be like before, you mustachioed loser! Prepare to be beaten!!"
  • "Gwah ha ha ha! Time to increase my power with my good old Star Rod!"
  • "You idiot!! That weak little attack doesn't affect me anymore!"
  • "What's the matter, Mario!?! Feeling a bit under the weather?"
  • "Mario, if you're still standing, you should just give up! You'll never defeat me!"
  • "Ohhhhhhh, NOOO!!!!"
  • "Mario defeated me...again...he always defeats me... This time I became invincible! And I STILL couldn't beat him!"
  • "Darn it!!!!!"
  • "Huh?! What's going on?!! This isn't part of my plan!"
  • (before the Power Platform is destroyed) "Are you serious? That's a big problem! Let's get outta here right now!"

Bowser's Diary

  • Day O/O Month:☆
Today I went to Star Haven and stole the Star Rod. Now I'm invincible! Cool! I also captured those seven Star Spirits, so they won't annoy me anymore. It was a hard day's work and I'm feeling pretty bushed. Dinner was nice but a bit bland.
  • Day O/X Month:☆
Cloudy then sunny
Today was great, diary! I used my castle to lift Princess Peach's Castle way up into the sky! Then I barged into Peach's Castle and beat up Mario! Yeah! Unbelievable, I know! So fun! And there's more! After that, I kidnapped Princess Peach! I couldn't be happier, diary! I hope she likes me...
  • Day X/X Month:☆
Well, the Koopa Bros. got beaten by Mario, diary. He even set free that stupid Star Spirit I kept there. I'm so mad I can barely write! "Ohh, I'm Mario, I'm so big and strong and good and helpful..." I hate him! But I'm not worried. There's no way Mario can save the Star Spirit being held in Dry Dry Ruins. To do that, he'd have to solve the mystery of the sands and then find Dry Dry Ruins in Dry Dry Desert. How would he even know to go to the desert, anyway? So I'm not worried at all. In fact, I'm so calm I'm gonna go to bed now.


  • "Bombette!! Oh, Bombette! Where have you been, Bombette?"
  • "I followed you, but in vain!! What a coldhearted, cruel girl you are..."
  • "You left me behind...! How could you!?"


  • "Gah ha ha ha!!!! I've been waiting for you, Mario! Bwa ha ha ha har!"
  • "The strongest! And the coolest! Behold the glory that is the great Evil King Bowser!! It's time for me to beat these foolish ideas out of you! Saving Peach? Please!! Watch this and weep!!"
  • "Gah ha ha ha!! I am invincible! You are powerless before me!"
  • "What's the matter with you?! This isn't even funny! You can't even touch me!?"
  • "Gah ha ha ha!!! Oh…ha ha…you're so weak…ho ho…I can't stop laughing…"
  • "Ugh, you're pathetic! Are you always this weak? The sequel should be called 'Paper Bowser'!"
  • "Uhh... I've got rips in a lot of different places here!"
  • "Oh, no!! That costume was perfect!! Bowser loved it!"

Bubble Plant

  • "You don't have a Bubble Berry? Not even one? That's too bad. You're really missing out!"


  • "Wow, this castle is absolutely breathtaking, don't you think? I wish I could stay here at Princess Peach's Castle forever." - Bumpty at Princess Peach's Castle
  • "Oh, we have a guest! Welcome! You poor man, you must be freezing! If you'd like to see my husband, he's in the other room. Please, go right in." - Mayor Penguin's wife
  • "Ha! I'm not going to help you. I don't socialize with murderers. Get away from me!" - Bumpty outside Mayor Penguin's house
  • "You! Penguin killer!!!! You just keep your distance! What's that gleam in your eye?! Noooo!!! AIIIIGH! I'm gonna be a murder victim! Please, somebody help me!!!" - Bumpty outside entrance to Attack FX E badge
  • "There's a rumor that you murdered Mayor Penguin. Did you really do it? I don't think you did. I bet it was that crazy guy I saw running around here the other day. He was weird. You don't look so weird." - Bumpty outside Shiver City Toad House
  • "Uh, hello? You're the number one suspect in the Mayor's murder! You can't leave the city! Not until you prove you're innocent!" - Bumpty blocking the road to Shiver Snowfield
  • "… I SAID, '…'! I don't talk to penguin-killers." Bumpty near dock for the Warehouse Key
  • "You'd better show some evidence if you're really not the one who murdered Mayor Penguin! Until you do, I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave the city. I won't budge from this spot, oh no sirree! I'm serious, now! There's no use trying to move me! …Am I being too rude? Sorry." - Bumpty blocking the pipe to Toad Town Tunnels

Third-Degree Bumpty

  • "Did you know that there's a Dojo in Toad Town?"
  • "I go there all the time. I finally got my Third-Degree Card the other day."
  • "I'm sure you have a much higher ranking than I do, though."
  • "What? You don't have anything?"
  • "Hey… You have… …a First-Degree Card!"
  • "Heh heh heh. A beginner, huh? I've got a Third-Degree Card."
  • "Looks like I'm stronger than you."
  • "Hey… You have… …a Second-Degree Card!"
  • "Heh heh heh. It's a start. I've got a Third-Degree Card."
  • "I must be tougher than you."
  • "Hey… You have… …a Third-Degree Card!"
  • "I've got a Third-Degree Card, too!! Cool!"
  • "We have the same ranking! We're equals!"
  • "Hey… You have… …a Fourth-Degree Card!"
  • "Wow, you're strong!"
  • "I wish I were that strong… I'd better train harder!"
  • "Hey… You have… …a Diploma…"
  • "Wooow! I mean, woooooow! You beat The Master!!"
  • "How'd you manage that? You're the strongest guy ever!"


  • "Hey there!"
  • "Hold up a sec, pardner!"
  • "Jest a dern minute...I've seen you somewhere..."
  • "Yep, verrrry similar!"
  • "You look a lot like this feller Mario who's on Bowser's wanted poster..."
  • "Now give! What's yer name?"
  • "Mario?!!! Well, I'll be!" (when selecting Mario)
  • "If yer Mario, I reckon I've got to bust you up!"
  • "Hmm... Well... Luigi, eh, pard..? You do look like this dude..." (when selecting Luigi)
  • "Well, yer not Mario, I guess. I reckon you can pass."
  • "What's that?! Princess Peach?!" (when selecting Princess Peach)
  • "You take me fer a fool?"
  • "Princess Peach is captured up there in Bowser's Castle!"
  • "You reckon I don't know that? Yer askin' fer it, you big fibber!"
  • "I'm thinkin' yer Mario! Prepare fer yer whuppin'!"
  • "Yow! I got whupped!"

Chuck Quizmo

  • "Kaaaa-wiiiizzz! It's everyone's favorite quizmaster, Chuck Quizmo!"
  • "I know it's a pity, but this is our final quiz show. Time for the grand finale!" (when getting to 64th question)
  • "I'm a man of a million questions, but this is the last one!"
  • "Want to try the quiz?"
  • "Then let's go to the question!" (when choosing "Yes")
  • "Correct!"
  • "Congratulations! Here's your Star Piece!" (when answering 1st-63rd questions correctly)
  • "Congratulations! This is my last prize!" (when answering 64th question correctly)
  • "A final Star Piece for you! Thanks for playing!"
  • "You've managed to correctly answer all 64 questions. Incredible!!"
  • "Never in all my years did I think I'd find someone who had all the answers!"
  • "This is truly a momentous and exciting day!"
  • "I no longer have any regrets. I've reached my peak. I can now retire as quizmaster."
  • "Hee hee! Really? You flatter me!"
  • "Perhaps our paths will cross again someday."
  • "'Well, well... so long, farewell. 'Til we meet again!" (end of 1st-63rd question)
  • "'Til then... so long, farewell. Bye!" (end of 64th question)
  • "'Oops! Tough luck, pal! Wrong answer!"
  • "'Better luck next time."


  • "Uh…huh? How long was I asleep? Where is everyone? ……Oh well."
  • "Oh, it's Mario! See this fine club I have? I'm gonna introduce you to it. Club…meet Mario!!!"
  • "So sleepy… So very sleepy… Just lemme catch a quick nap… but don't tell anyone… Zzz… mumble… mumbe…"
  • "Uh…nnnn… …Princess Peach…somewhere around here…close by… Zzz… mumble… mumble…"
  • "Hey, it's you! Oh no, it's just me. Hello me! Zzz… mumble… mumble…"

Crystal King

  • "Who comes to my palace!?"
  • "Mario...You finally arrived! I know you believe you can save the Star Spirit, but I'm afraid I won't let you. First I shall defeat you, then I shall present Bowser with an iced Mario gift!"
  • "Oh no! The last Star Spirit!! King Bowser, forgive meeeeee!!"


  • "I come from a desert town called Dry Dry Outpost. This castle is truly lovely, isn't it? Truly gorgeous. So cool and comfortable... I even got a chance to talk to the beautiful Princess Peach. What an honor! When I return to Dry Dry Outpost, I'm going to tell everyone about it."
  • "I'm out of new songs."
  • "I can't sing a song some composer wrote, either. I have to rock in my own style!"
  • "I made a wish to the Stars that I'd be inspired to write a ripping tune but so far, zilch. Nothing."

Second-Degree Dryite

  • "Are you aware there's a Dojo in Toad Town? There is!"
  • "A while ago I took one of the Dojo challenges and did pretty well, I must say. I got a Second-Degree Card."
  • "You look pretty strong, so... Huh? You haven't earned any Cards?"
  • "Sayyyyy… Is that… …a First-Degree Card?"
  • "Hee hee! I just so happens that I have in my possession a Second-Degree Card!"
  • "Know what that means? I'm stronger than Mario! Yeah!"
  • "Sayyyyy… Is that… …a Second-Degree Card?"
  • "Hey, I have a Second-Degree Card, too!"
  • "Oh, awesome! I can't believe that I'm as strong as you are, Mario!"
  • "Sayyyyy… Is that… …a Third-Degree Card?"
  • "Whooa! That's great! Seriously, that's great, Mario. You must be a powerhouse!"
  • "Sayyyyy… Is that… …a Fourth-Degree Card?"
  • "Whooa! I wouldn't want to tangle with you, Mario!"
  • "Sayyyyy...Is that... ...a Diploma...!?"
  • "Whoa! WHOOOAAA! You defeated The Master!!"
  • "That's unbelievable, Mario! Great! Seriously great! I mean, really great!!"


  • "Baaa ha ha ha ha! You simpleton, Mario! I completely fooled you! Ha!"
  • "What're you gonna do about it?"


  • "Everybody just calm down. As long as we keep it together there's always hope. Now... Our fates are in Mario's hands. We must try to revive him. Gather round, everyone. Send Mario your power!"
  • "Phew...that's it. That's all we can do right now. Mario... Please get up... Please..."
  • "Mario, we need you to come to Shooting Star Summit."
  • "Welcome, Mario! We've been waiting for you."
  • "We're the 7 Star Spirits. Our job is to grant the wishes of good people from our home in Star Haven, a place high beyond the sky. We're going to tell you something incredibly important. Please listen carefully."
  • "The other day, Bowser and his followers invaded our peaceful Star Haven. They stole our prized treasure, the Star Rod, which we've cared for since the beginning of time."
  • "In order to take the Star Rod back from Bowser...and save Princess Peach... we need your help... Please, Mario... you are our last hope... and we will..."
  • "Mario, I believe you'll save us all... From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all you've done. Thank you. Since you have freed me from my prison, the seal on my power is broken, and I will recover it little by little. As long as an ounce of power remains in me, I shall help you."
  • "Mario, you must save the other Star Spirits quickly! If the seven of us come together, we'll be able to bestow upon you a power called the Star Beam. The Star Beam is the only thing that can counteract the Star Rod, which Bowser wields."
  • "I have to go back now... back to Star Haven. I must leave immediately. But I'll always be watching you! Save us all, Mario!"
  • "Mario, can you hear me? I'm going to open the entrance to Star Way. Enter this path without fear! The Star Way continues all the way up here to Star Haven. We 7 Star Spirits will be waiting for you here. We wish to give you our remaining power. With this power, you will be able to stand up to the Star Rod that Bowser holds. We anxiously await you! Make haste, Mario, to Star Haven!"
  • "Mario, you finally made it. The time has come to take the fight to Bowser's turf. Now... hold still while we 7 join together to bestow upon you our final power."
  • "If you use this power, you can drain the power of the Star Rod whenever Bowser uses it. And one more thing: I have one final gift which should come in handy."
  • "This is the legendary Star Ship of Star Haven. Bowser is keeping his castle way up in the sky. With this ship, however, you can reach it. Climb aboard! On to Bowser's Castle! We will be with you whenever you are in need, so use our powers to help you."
  • "What a surprise! I feel... The wishes of all the Stars and everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom are giving us power! Perhaps now we can match Bowser's strength!"
  • "Now, Mario! Don't give up! Everyone's behind you! Receive our power and do your very best!"
  • "Power up the Star Beam!!!"
  • "Thank you, Mario! You did it! You brought back our precious Star Rod! I thank you from the bottom of my heart. We will use it to bring peace back to this kingdom."
  • "I think it's time we returned to Star Haven. All of the Stars are waiting for us there, no doubt. Good-bye, Mario! May the stars forever shine brightly upon you!"

Fice T.

  • "Beyond here lies dark and gloomy Forever Forest. You’ll get lost for sure, so I advice you not to enter."
  • "Brrrrrrrr... Juh...Just now, a ghost passed right in front of me... Uhhh...You saw it, didn't you?"
  • "No…You must have!!"
  • "I...I'm not the only one!!"
  • "Over there----!!!!!"
  • "No, no, the other way---!!!"
  • "It went into the forest!"
  • "Ma... Mario, this madness has to end. Will you go into the forest and see what's going on? I'm ashamed to say it's my job, but I just can't go. I'm too frightened of ghosts! Puh... Please, I'm begging you."
  • [if talked to while Lady Bow is active] "Ma... Mario, behind you!!! Aaaaauuuuugggghhhh!!! Gh... Gh... Ghost!!!"
  • "Mario, I hear that you're finally going to take on Bowser! You're so brave. I wish I could find courage as deep as yours..."


  • "'Tis no use, tryin' ter fish with no caterpillar..."
  • "Gar, what a fix I be in! Well, there's nothin', for it but to find me diff'rent bait."
  • "I'd love ter sail the seven seas fishin' fer diff'rent fish."


  • "Our lady is joining Mario to defeat Tubba Blubba... Such courage... Such brave beauty... You will need help to beat Tubba Blubba, so please use the shop beneath the mansion."
  • "Lady Bow is the very definition of grace, beauty and dignity! No other Boo could fill her shoes as master of the mansion. If she wore shoes, that is. When I behold the lady, my heart goes pit-a-pat!♥"
  • "While Lady Bow is absent, it's our duty as Boos to keep scaring people. How would it look if the Boo mansion stopped being spooky?"
  • (Upon letter delivery) "Oh, thank you! ... Oh, great, it's finally in! This is from a guy I know who deals in useful items from all over the world. He has a great eye for items. He just got something in that I've wanted for a long time. Oh, it's the coolest thing! Oh, wow, I almost forgot! Could you deliver this for me? Sorry if it's a bother... There's a Toad child in Toad Town named Dane T. Please deliver it to him. He always seems to be playing by the station with his pals. He must like trains. Thanks a Boo!"
  • (During Koopa Koot's favor) "Hey, what can I Boo for you? An errand for Koopa Koot, huh? Too bad for you. Koopa Koot's been known to use people, you know. His motto is, 'If it moves, use it until it drops.' He got in a couple fights over his personality way back when. After one really bad one, he started traveling a lot. This is a photo of us from when he passed through these parts. Take this and say hello to Koopa Koot for me..."

Frost T.

  • "Princess Peach is such a generous and wonderful lady, just as I was told. It was worth coming to visit."
  • "Mario, please come visit us in the Shiver region someday!"
  • "One of the Star Kids seems to be playing hide-and-seek. You haven't seen him, have you?"
  • "I swear, the second I take my eyes off him he always runs off somewhere... What a naughty little Star Kid."


  • "Waaaah! Who dat!!"
  • "What d'you think you're doin' with that light?"
  • "Ouch! That hurt! What are you doing!?"
  • "Hey, fella! You wanna piece o' this?"
  • "You got it! I'm ornery as all get out! Prepare for some pain!"
  • "Shucks! First I think I get away from that ol' fishin' man... and then I get all swallowed up by some huge fish... and then this fella with the mustache goes upside my head."
  • "I've just been fallin' outta fryin' pans into fires since I was just a grub. Talk about a lousy lot of life."
  • "Hey, it's you, boy! You're that dumb ol' fish that ate me all up and such!"
  • "You plumb idiot! You know, I thought I was a goner for sure!"
  • "Well, I suppose I can see my way to forgivin' you this time, but you just watch it."
  • "Er... I reckon I owe you some thanks, after all, Mr. Mustache.Y'all take care, now."


  • "!!!!!!!! Meeeoork! Mario! This'll be fun!"

General Guy

  • "So, you came, did you? I'm General Guy. We're following the orders of King Bowser by guarding a Star Spirit. As long as we keep it secure, we have permission to do what ever we want. You hear!? I don't care for you, sir. You are rude, and furthermore, you're trespassing in here. Our Toy Box is off limits for the likes of you! The treasures inside this box are for Shy Guys only! And that Star Spirit's fate is none of your business! Prepare to fight me, sir! TASTE DEFEAT! CHARGE!!"
  • "Grrr! My high-tech tank defenses don't seem to stand up to that electric attack! Quit doing that! It's... it's too powerful! You're breaking the rules of war!"
  • "You beat my infantry, but that's ALL you'll do!"
  • "Stand your ground, men!"
  • "You men make me sick!"


  • "Oh… Mario!? I have to fight Mario?! By myself? Why me? I'm toast…but I have to try! Feel my, uh…wrath, I guess!"

Goomba King

  • "So, Mario, it's true! You've made it this far."
  • "I respect you for that."
  • "Unfortunately, this is as far as you'll ever get."
  • "Because I, the great and powerful King Goomba, will see to it that you advance no farther!"
  • "Ready to meet my wrath, Mario? You'd better be!!"
  • "Leave him to me!"
  • "Wh...wh...what!? How could I lose?"
  • "Red Goomba, you're positive that you hid the switch well, right?"
  • "Outside the...You idiot! You didn't hide it in here? Mario will find it for sure!"
  • "Mario! Good fight and all that! I must warn you, however, if you happen to find a switch, you definitely should not press it. It's very dangerous! what? You already pressed it!?"
  • "Oh nooo!!!"


  • "It really sounded like something fell somewhere around here..."
  • "Oh... Who could that be?"
  • "This red shirt, this hat, and this mustache... You know, this really looks like the one and only Mario! It couldn't be...could it? The real Mario?"
  • "Hey! Hey! Wake up! C'mon!! Up and at 'em!! Oh no! He won't wake up!!! Oh, oh, what am I gonna do!?"
  • "Dad!! Goom-pa!! Goom-ba-rio!!!"
  • "Best of luck, Mario."
  • "Whuh...what? What's that, Daddy!? What's that weird flying thing"
  • "Dad, we've just gotta do something, right? Mario's gotta save the princess! Nobody else can do it!"
  • "Goompa, I was very, very worried about you! Really worried!"
  • "It's my dolly! Dolly, dolly! You're back!! Thank you so much!♥ I'm so happy… My sweet dolly! Don't you ever get lose again!"
  • "Here's a present from me! Look at the pretty glitter!"
  • "And take this, too!"
  • "Yeah, Goombario's head is hard as a rock now! Tee hee! When he does his Headbonk move, it really, really hurts!"
  • "Me too!!"
  • "Way to go, Goombario!"
  • "Hey, Goombario! What did Princess Peach write in her letter? Lemme see!"


  • "Hey Mario! I'm Goombario. I'm your biggest fan!"
  • "Huh? Hey… That dolly you've got… That's the one Goombaria lost! She was looking all over for it. Would you give it back to her?"
  • "Aw, that's just mean, Mario… I guess you can just give it back when you're done with it."
  • "Mario, I know all about your adventures around the world. You've been everywhere! And you always get the best of the bad guys. Everytime! You're the coolest! I wanna be just like you!"
  • "Seriously, you don't know what this means for me to meet you."
  • "I study self-defense by reading books from the masters...."
  • "Be quiet, Goombaria! You're embarrassing me! Of course, it IS true..."
  • "Mario could beat Bowser with one arm tied behind his back!"
  • "She's incredible! I think I'm in love! Pinch me, will you, Mario?"
  • "Mario... It looks like things are a lot more serious than I thought... Do you think the princess is going to be all right? I'm really worried about her."
  • "There he goes again. What a brave little guy."
  • "'re Jr. Troopa! Are you following us? You need to mellow out!"
  • [to Luigi] "I'm Goombario. Nice to meet you!"
  • "Hey, we made it, Mario! We got out of the forest!"
  • "It's about time... Say, don't you think that's the mansion the old Boo was talking about?"
  • "Mario...If they catch you, they'll carry you out of the castle."
  • "Don't you think you can hide from them by using one of our party member's abilities?"
  • "Tubba Blubba's waking up! Let's get outta here!"
  • "No! You'll all be eaten when he comes through that door!"
  • "Why, it's Jr. Troopa! Have you been crying? Did you get lost in there?"
  • "What's your problem? You don't actually think Mario did it, do you?"
  • "Hey, what do you know? It looks like the lava cooled off."
  • "It looks like it hardened enough to walk on, too."
  • "Awesome! You rule, Mario!"
  • "Oh, we're hurting, Mario! The Star Beam doesn't work!"
  • "Hey Parakarry, what's up? I thought you were back at work delivering letters."
  • " Huh? From Princess Peach!? Whoa! What's she writing to me for?"
  • "See you later, Parakarry! Keep working hard, buddy!"
  • "Jeepers! This is an invitation to a party at Princess Peach's castle!"
  • "You always seem to beat up your enemies... Do you work out?"


  • "Oh! Well now! I believe that's the dolly that Goombaria said she lost! She'll no doubt be overjoyed if you give it back to her."
  • "So many people lose things all over the place, you know. It almost makes one feel like looking around everywhere…"


  • "Howdy, Mario! Feeling better? Feel free to rest in our house. You what? You have to leave right now? ...Oh, Shooting Star Summit. Something important, no doubt. Well, I believe that the summit is near Toad Town. You'll have to wait a bit. I have to fix this gate before you can head out to the east. That earthquake the other day really did a job on it. Did you feel that quake? Shoot! I thought the sky was falling. Just relax and don't worry. I'll have this fixed in a jiffy."
  • "Hoo! What a job! Sorry to have kept you waiting. The gate is finally fixed. If you take this road straight ahead, you'll eventually reach Toad Town, the home of Princess Peach's Castle. I believe that Shooting Star Summit is just beyond there. It's too bad you can't stay... I feel like I just met you! But duty calls, I know. Come back and visit if you can."
  • "I just fixed that gate...Nobody say 'gate' to me..."
  • "Kammy Koopa, that fiend! Did you hear what she said about the princess? It didn't sound good. I hope nothing's happened to her..."
  • "Ummmmmmm... Oh, here's an idea! Maybe we can break this block with Goompa's big Hammer! I think he's using it now to fix the veranda. Go ask him for it, will you?"
  • "If it's at all possible for you, could you deliver this to a Toad named Muss T.? He hangs around the castle garden."
  • "I'd really appreciate it."

Gourmet Guy

  • "Nooooooo! Haaaaackpth! Aw, disgusting! This is awful!"
  • "Where'd you learn to cook, Truck Driving School? Go back to the kitchen and follow a recipe or something!"
  • "What ingredients did you use in that monstrosity?"
  • "Whatever they were, I think they were seriously wrong!"
  • "I'll never eat such a nasty creation again, I tell you! I swear... trying to poison me..."
  • "Go back down there and make something good, will you?"

Guard Door

  • "Bloooaaahhhhhhh!!!! Welcome, worm! I'm called the Guard Door of Bowser's Castle. It's my job to keep suspicious types from entering. You must be Mario. Let me guess... Do you want to go through here? Hmm? You want to get to the other side of this wall, right?"
  • "Well, if you don't want to go through here, then you're wasting my time. Go away! Now!"
  • "What's the matter with you? You want to go through here, don't you?"
  • "OK then… Heh heh heh… Stand in front of me."
  • "Are you standing squarely in front of me? OK... Then...I'll let you go through."
  • "Gaaaah ha ha ha ha!! You fell for it, worm! You'll never escape from that impenetrable prison! Try all you like! All you'll do is exhaust yourself! I'll tell you what: If you make it back up here, I'll let you go through. How's that? Ahhh ha ha ha! I know you'll never make it! I hope you have a good time shaking and crying down there! Gah ha ha ha ha ha!!!"
  • "Grooaaahhhhh!!! Who would've thought you could make it this far?"
  • "You won't make it any further. Because, unfortunately for you, I won't let you pass."
  • "Graaa ha ha ha ha ha!!!"
  • "But…… I guess, if you really want, I'll give you one chance."
  • "Because I know there's no way you'll make it anyway. Want to give it a shot?"
  • "I see… Not up to it… That's a smart choice, because you and I both know you wouldn't be up to my challenge. You just be a good little boy and run along, now…"
  • "Huh? Why're you still here? Did you change your mind? Have you decided to stop being a baby and challenge me?"
  • "Grrooaaa ha ha ha ha ha!! This is completely pointless, but I suppose I'll let you try, because, of course, I have such a kind and generous heart… Just joking, worm! Grooahh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"
  • "Now! Mario! Do you want to know what I've got in store for you?"
  • "OK, smart guy, let's get going!"

Hammer Bro

  • "Nyuck yuck yuck… What took you so long, Mario? Ready to taste my hammer? Here it comes!!!"
  • "What are you doing here? Get back to your station! Kammy Koopa will chew us both out if she finds you here instead of at your post!"
  • "Why do we bother patrolling? I mean, don't you agree? Sure, I know, Princess Peach got out a couple of times... But this castle is hovering in the middle of the sky! Where's she gonna go? Huh? I think King Bowser's nervous. He hides it well, though."
  • "Wha... What're you looking at? I... I'm not looking for the book you think I'm looking for! I swear! No fooling! I'm trying to study... something! Here, take this and go away!"
  • "Seriously, leave me alone. I'm really trying to study. I always get this killer headache when I open a book..."


  • "Why, Mario! Is… Isn't that… my Storeroom Key?"


  • "Let's get to the bottom of this case right now!"

Huff N. Puff

  • "Are you a man named Mario? And did you or did you not break one Puff Puff Machine? What possessed you to do that? You completely ruined my plan to cover Flower Fields in clouds! You see, I was going to turn this sunlight-blasted place into a cloud-covered paradise! But I can't expect a man of your intellect to understand…"
  • "Is that you, Spike!? So! You have betrayed me! You will be punished. I was given this Star Spirit by King Bowser. I'll never give up to the likes of you! You will both pay dearly for your crimes!"
  • "I must tell you, King Bowser ordered me to defeat you if you showed your face…but I'd take you down even if it weren't a direct order! You cloud-destroying pest! You can't save the Star Spirit! Gahh ha ha ha ha ha!!! Here comes the storm!"
  • "Yes, take him!"
  • "You asked for it...Now you'll witness the full power of my storm!"
  • "I've got a surprise attack. Just give me a little time to prepare."
  • "We seem to be in trouble. Hmm… I guess I'd better stop messing around and fight hard!"
  • "We're not finished yet!!! Here I come!!!!"
  • "No!! I cannot lose!!"


  • "Lady Bow told me not to sell any items to Mario. You're him."
  • "Welcome to Boo's Shop. How can I scare you today?"
  • "Boo you very much."
  • "Say what? We aren't keeping anything for you, so...BOO!"
  • "A letter? Oh, right, an order list. Weird. This order's from ...Gusty Gulch. That's right around the corner! Can't they just come here? Oh, well. My motto is, 'From Boo to you with a smile.' Take this for your trouble."

Jr. Troopa

First encounter

  • "Who are you guys!? This is my playground, idiots!"
  • "Nobody sets foot in here without my permission! Nobody!"
  • "Prepare to start crying at the feet of Master Jr. Troopa!"
  • "Grrrr!! I'm just getting warmed up!"
  • "All right, you asked for it! Say hello to Jr. Troopa's special attack!"
  • "Full power!!"
  • "Shoooooot!! I was winning, too! I'll be back, Mario!"
  • "I mean it, I'll be back!!"

Second encounter

  • "Hold it right there, Mario! I've been waiting for you!!"
  • "I told you I'd be back! Now I'll get my revenge! Here it comes, baby!"
  • "Check this out!"
  • "Dwaaaahhhhhh!"
  • "Mario! I'm talking to you! I promise you, this fight will be much different from before!"
  • "Shut up!!!!!"
  • "You! Mario!! Of course you remember me!?"
  • "That's right! Darn tootin'! I'm Jr. Troopa!" (When selecting Yes)
  • "This time, you're really gonna see some fireworks!"
  • "Whaaaat! Darn it! You don't remember me?!" (When selecting No)
  • "Listen, big lug! My name is Jr. Troopa! Remember it and tremble!"
  • "After this beating, you'll definitely remember it!"
  • "Get ready to hurt, Mario! I'm gonna show you a new skill I just picked up!"
  • "Yeah! Check that out! You've never seen anything like it before, have you?"
  • "Your attacks are useless now!!"
  • "Yeeowch!! Who knew that Mario had such battle skills?"
  • "'s not over yet, though! Yaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!"
  • "Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" (When attacking a defeated Jr. Troopa)

Third encounter

  • "Nooooo! Waaahh! Bugs! Get 'em off me!"
  • "I'm lost in a freaky forest! S-s-so s-scared..."
  • "Eeeek!"
  • "Oh, Mario! Oh, thank... ...I mean, ah HA!"
  • "Boy, are you unlucky to run into me again!"
  • "Shut up! Shut uuuuuupp! I'm not a lost child! I'm your worst nightmare!"
  • "Here comes the pain!"
  • "Don't think I'm as vulnerable as I was before."
  • "Check this out! More power!!"
  • "Ha ha! Yeah, that's right! Let's see how you like the new, improved Jr. Koopa!"
  • "Nooooo! Darn it! Darn it!! Darn iiiiiit!!!" (Defeated)
  • "Oh! I made it out of the forest! I could kiss this ground!" (At Forever Forest edge)
  • "Yaaaaahoo!"

Fourth encounter

  • "Wooooooooooooooooooooooh!!"
  • "Wheez Wheez Wheez…"
  • "Yes! I…cough…did it! I swam…all the way!"
  • "All right Mario! Now I’m going to give you a beating you’ll never…"
  • "What!? Wait! Where are you going? Wait! Mario, wait up!!"
  • "Come back here, you chicken!"
  • "Shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  • "Wooooooooooooooooooo!!"
  • "I'll... never... go... swimming... again... for the rest... of my life!"
  • "Now, Mario! You’re mine this time!"
  • "Ayaaaaaaaaah!"
  • "Here it comes! You… you’d better be ready!"
  • "Gasp! Oh, no! All that swimming! My HP is almost gone!"
  • "Well, I’ll make up for my low HP by using my new skills!"
  • "Check this out! More power!!"
  • "I know all your fighting powers by now, Mario."
  • "See my gear? The spike, the wings… You can’t attack me now! I’m the smartest fighter alive!"
  • "I can’t be defeated! Wa ha ha!"

Fifth encounter

  • "Brrrraaah ha ha ha! Brrr! I've been waiting for you, Mariooooooooo!"
  • "I've been here forever! I was getting desperate! I thought I was gonna freeze! This place is freezing, and cold, and nasty and icy! I hate it!"
  • "I can't take it anymore!!"
  • "I gotta get out of here!"
  • "I'm going to beat you up in record time and head back to some place warm."
  • "You ready, ice-boy? Let's do it!!"
  • "Oh, I've been busy, Mario! I learned cooool techniques! Check this out! Aah hahhhhhhh!"
  • "Look at that piece of work! I've been taking a little magic course on the side! And now, you're gonna be my final exam! Yeah! I've gotta win this time!"
  • "Ha ha ha ha!! That felt fantastic! I just keep on getting better!"
  • "Nooooo!!"

Sixth encounter

  • "Uaaaaaaghhhh!!! I found you, Mario!!!!!"
  • "Dwahhhhhhhhh!!! At last! You're mine! It was a pain find you, you know? Today, at long last, I'll settle my score with you!"
  • "Here it comes, Mario!! This is the final fight!!! Only one of us is walking away from this battle!"
  • "Darn it!!!!! OK, try this on for size!! Ultimate Power!"
  • "Shoooot!!!!!!!!!!! OK, maybe something else... How about this!!!???"
  • "Aaaargh!!! You've still got some skills!!"
  • "Darn it!! Darn it, darn it! Don't think you've won, Mario! I swear to you, I'm gonna beat you so bad next time!!"


  • "But Bowser has the Star Rod! Now he's mightier than Mario! It's hopeless! All is lost!"
  • "Alas... We've nearly exhausted our power to talk to you. Although it looks like we're there beside you, it is only an illusion. We're using all of our strength to communicate with you over a great distance. But even now, our strength is fading..."
  • "We've been caught and are being held by Bowser's followers in different places throughout the Mushroom Kingdom. Please, Mario, first of all, you must rescue us!"
  • "Well done, Mario. My name is Kalmar. Thank you for coming. You have successfully rescued all of us Star Spirits. We are in your debt. Now all that is left is for you to challenge Bowser. My power should help you to beat him, to bring back the Star Rod, to restore peace to the Mushroom Kingdom, and... to save Princess Peach."
  • "Mario, you must make your way back to Shooting Star Summit. From Shooting Star Summit, we'll prepare the route to Star Haven. The name of this route is Star Way. Once you travel Star Way, you'll finally reach Star Haven."
  • "My only wish is for you to save this precious world. You can do it, Mario. Good-bye for now."
  • "No words can express completely how grateful we are for all that you've done. Hope has returned, both to Star Haven and to all of the Mushroom Kingdom. We're in your debt, Mario."

Kammy Koopa

  • "Congratulations on your victory, Your Viciousness! That's why you're the king!"
  • "Weird? Why you little... I am a beautiful Koopa with a beautiful name, Kammy Koopa!"
  • "Mario! Hear this! It is useless for you to try to save Princess Peach now. Ridiculous! Laughable! As you have seen, King Bowser is more powerful than even you can deal with this time."
  • "You will kneel and weep when you see all the wonderful changes that King Bowser's made! Your world is ours now!!"
  • "The Goomba King was small-time. I had a feeling he'd fail."
  • "As long as you hold the Star Rod in your hands, you could defeat Mario with one claw tied behind your back!"
  • "Sell it, Koopa Bros.! Show our king that technique you do so well!"
  • "I'm not sure we can entirely trust what the princess tells us about Mario's weak points, but I'll do as you say."
  • "Guards! Attention! Take Princess Peach back to her room at once!"
  • "Nyeah heh heh...Perfect. Mario hates this thing, so he'll surely turn back."
  • "Uh...I think...That doesn't look like the sort of thing that'd bother Mario."
  • "I wonder if I should really trust what Peach says.."
  • "Nyeah heh heh… Perfect. Mario hates this thing, so he'll surely turn back. Uh… I think… That doesn't look like the sort of thing that'd bother Mario. I wonder if I should really trust what Peach says…"
  • ""Perfect… Mario really hates these guys so he'll run. Will they really scare him? They seem pretty weak… I'm getting a little suspicious of what Peach tells us…"
  • " doesn't matter. King Bowser ordered it and he's the boss!"
  • "Nyeah heh heh heh!!! Ooh, I can't wait until Mario gets here! He's gonna get beaten so bad! He'll probably start crying! Then King Bowser and I will laugh and laugh! Come and get it, Mario! Nyeah heh heh ha!!!!!"
  • "And you call yourself a hero? Did you think we were foolish enough to sit back while you save all the Star Spirits? I have constructed a device that increases Bowser's power, where even the power of the Star Spirits can't compare! Now, King Bowser will truly be invincible, thanks to my wisdom! Are you ready, my king? Then power up!"
  • "You insolent little Star Kid! How dare you!!"
  • "You little whippersnapper... You're too young to fight me!"
  • "Nyeah heh ho ha... Did I just feel a breeze? Or was that really your attack?"
  • "Why does it seem like this Star Kid is getting stronger!?"
  • "Wait, I remember now! The Stars get all their power from ordinary peoples' wishes! Peach's wishes must be making that Star Kid stronger! Oh... Oh, no!!"
  • "Forgive me, Lord Bowser... for I have failed you..."
  • "Your Kingship, the battle with Mario was so intense that my device for increasing your power must have started malfunctioning. It's entirely screwed up, and its power appears to be heading back into your castle."
  • "I hate to tell you this, but both your castle and this platform are about to explode. We must flee, my evil king! We have no other choice!"

Kent C. Koopa

  • "I've come back! I'm sure you missed me! I've got a foolproof plan for coins. See you on the road! Kent C. Koopa" (Message on sign)
  • "Hey, you in the hat! Wait!"
  • "It's fine weather, isn't it? My name is Kent C. Koopa. Please remember it, OK?"
  • "If you want to use this road, you need to pay me 100 coins. So sorry, but that's how it is. You don't pay, you don't pass."
  • "Coins make the world go round. It's all about the money!"
  • "Oh, you don't have any coins? Then you can't go through." (Not enough coins)
  • "Bring some coins next time."
  • "Then you can't go through here. Tough luck. Take off." (Refusing to pay)
  • "Oh, you changed your mind, and now you'll pay the coins?" (When talking after refusing)
  • "Good doing business with you! Oh, the jingle of coins is so very beautiful." (When paying)
  • "Here, go ahead. See you again sometime!"
  • "You want to fight? You're nuts! Look at me! I'll cream you!" (When challenging Kent)
  • "Because, to be frank, I'm very, very, very strong. Are you sure you want to fight?"
  • "Well, I have no choice... I warned you, though. This may hurt a little bit..." (When confirming fight)
  • "Wow. You must be really strong. I mean, beating a guy my size?" (Defeated)
  • "I guess I have to give up. See you later..."


  • "Once we 7 Star Spirits are reunited in Star Haven, we can give you the power to fight Bowser even with his newfound strength. With our help, you can prevail!"
  • "What a pleasure meeting you. My name is Klevar, and I thank you for saving me. Huff N. Puff is gone, so the flowers in Flower Fields can live peacefully once more. I feel that if you hadn't come, Flower Fields would have never seen the light again. Now there is only one of us Star Spirits still trapped. Just one more, Mario! Here... Please use my power as you continue your fight."
  • "Now, you are able to use powers from six out of seven Star Spirits. Mine, if you use it well, should prove to be extremely helpful in battle. Don't become overconfident, though -- you must be careful. Bowser has power as well. Remember that even stronger enemies await you. I hope our powers may help you so that you may help us... We're all depending on you!"
  • "I'll go back to Star Haven now. I can't wait to get there! I've been terribly worried about everyone!"
  • "I hope Bowser learned something from all of this. Maybe he'll behave himself now... But I suppose the chances of that are very slim."


  • "Well, what ill luck! No clues about the ruins! I'm getting so frustrated I just might have to give up the excavation for now… How very sad…"
  • "I say…? Mario, that artifact you hold in your hand… It looks like… It looks quite important! Do my eyes deceive me, or is that a clue to Dry Dry Ruins? Mario! Old chum! I beg of you! Could you possibly part with it?"
  • "Hmmm… Hmmm… Are you quite sure? Oh, bother. Well, I can't force you. I'll just suffer…"
  • "Mario, if you could see to it to have a change of heart, please give me that artifact!"
  • "Cheers, Mario! Smashing, really, old boy! Soon now, the mysterious Dry Dry Ruins will rise from the sands that conceal them! As a brilliant archaeologist, I say it must be so! I suppose a thank-you gift is in order, eh, old boy? Here you go, then!"
  • "You now know a bit of the magic of the desert. Cherish the memory, old boy!"
  • "Hmmm... Who am I, you say? Why, my dear chap, I am none other than Kolorado, famed adventurer and archaeologist. I'm touring the world! And you're Mario, yes? What are you doing here?"
  • "Well, I for one am traveling bravely to Lavalava Island in the southern sea to solve a diabolical mystery. It would seem that there are ancient treasures waiting in a volcanic cave. I'm in a bit of a fix, though. No way to get there, you see. Hmmm... Think now, Kolorado! How to cross the sea..."
  • "Oh, good heavens! I was wondering what this was. It seems to be a huge tuna!
  • "Hmm... I say... Old boy, this great tuna seems to have a bit of a bellyache. Mario, what say you lend the fish a hand, hm?"
  • "Now, now, you really should help out, dear boy."
  • "Me...? In there? Poppycock! My grandmother's last words, and I quote, were: "Do not go inside a giant tuna." I wouldn't hesitate, of course, being a fearless explorer, but dear boy, one simply can't ignore one's grandmother."
  • "Pardon the eavesdropping, but did you just say "anywhere"? Mario! You old tuna tamer! Accompany me to the shores of Lavalava Island! What a trip it'll be! The island will be wonderful! You must trust my instincts!"
  • "Yaaah! Get off! Aaaaaah!!"
  • "Ow! Mario! You’re supposed to attack the other guy, old bean! Do you have issues with me? A bit of jealousy, perhaps?"
  • "Dear me! I barely got away… That was rather rude, Mario! Leaving me like that! Hmph! Well, we can't all be heroes… Let's press on, hm?"
  • "Phew… You saved me! Many thanks, old chum. Well, enough of that! Let's pull ourselves together and press on, what say?"
  • "Yow! Off me, you brute! Aargh!"
  • "Ow! Get ahold of yourself! What do you say you attack the enemies instead of me, hmm?"
  • "That was frightful… Have you no manners, Mario?! Going on without me!! You boor! …Well, not everyone is noble. It would seem that our goal, the volcano, is quite near. Let's press on, hm?"
  • "Phew… You saved me once more. You're top notch, Mario! Now, I feel that our destination, the volcano, is quite near. Let's press on while our spirits are high, eh?"
  • "Barely knicked me, old boy..."
  • "What's that sound? Kids with fireworks, no doubt!"
  • "By the Stars, I'll risk my life for that treasure!"
  • "Ah-ha! Treasure! No, wait... Some sort of starfish??"
  • "Oh, woe is me...My beautiful treasure..."
  • "But...Sigh..."
  • "Oh...I was so close...The treasure...right there..."
  • "And then to get saved and yelled at by some sort of blooming great starfish..."
  • "Hm? You know, dear boy, I couldn't help but notice you holding something resembling treasure."
  • "Mario! Good heavens! It's the treasure! How on earth did you..."
  • "...well, I suppose that's of no consequence right now. You're giving it to me?"
  • " are giving it to me?! Oh. glory! Marvelous!!"
  • "Yes, hm! I suppose... It's only proper that I give this to you as thanks."
  • "Dear man, you are simply the cat's meow!"
  • "I hereby declare this adventure to be a complete success!"
  • "This tuna-ferring experience, I shan't do again. I'm in your debt, though.*"
  • "Well, I'm back in the village. It's rather nice, eh, old boy? Adventure is all well and good, but one's home is really tops!*"
  • "Psssst... To tell the truth, old bean, I'm itching to search for the lost palace in the north. But tut-tut! Mum's the word as far as the wife's concerned!*"
  • "Oh, what poppycock! Balderdash! Don't be daft, dear boy! It would be terribly impolite to turn down such an invitation! It would ruin the party if the hero of Koopa Village, nay, the Mushroom Kingdom weren't there! Go to that party this instant, and don't spare me another thought!"
  • "Puh...Puh... Parakarry! Why didn't you tell me this sooner!? This is a crisis, old boy! I must away with all due speed!"

Kolorado's wife

  • "These Fuzzies! Will their mischief never end? My husband is never here when there's trouble."
  • "My husband? Oh, his name is Kolorado. You've heard of him. He claims to be a famous explorer. Who knows if it's true or not... He runs his mouth a lot."
  • "My husband hasn't come back since he left to find some ruins. If you see him somewhere out there in your travels, tell him to come home once in a while!"
  • "Oh, little Kooper is going to go on Mario's adventure? How cute... Take care!"
  • "I think my husband went to Dry Dry Desert, but who knows? I wonder what he's doing now. I swear! I send him letters, but has he written back even once? Of course not!"
  • "Oh, Mario, you won't believe it! My husband...! He came home out of the blue the other day... and he's already left again! Off on some other fool's errand! That infuriating Koopa... I just can't believe him!"
  • "My husband? Oh, I think he went to some southern island this time. He heard something about lots of treasure stashed in a volcano on the island and left shortly thereafter. Pffff... He's obsessed! He's like a spoiled little kid. He always does what he wants. Well... I suppose... that's why I fell in love with him."
  • "My husband... Where is he now? What's he thinking about...? I just hope he's doing OK. That's my only wish."
  • "So stay here for a change! I've had just about enough of sitting around worrying and waiting for your return!"
  • "Oh, Mario, my husband came home! He sits around the house and reads books about all the treasures out there waiting... It's so nice to have him home, I can't even tell you. Phew. My husband... What a difficult man... But I still love him!"
  • "Oh, do you need something? You're doing an errand for the elder, are you? Mmmm... right, "Koopa Legends." Yes, my husband owns that one. Of course you can borrow it! Don't let that old Koot work you too hard, OK, Mario? He's known to do that. He's also a bit short-tempered. Well, anyway. Wait here for just a moment. I'll go poke around my husband's bookshelf."
  • "Found it! You're talking about this book, right? It's all yours. It was behind the bookshelf."
  • "It's strange... That book... it has all these pictures of shells and exercises... "Firmer shells in 30 days"?"

Koopa Bros.

Black Ninjakoopa

  • "Mario's here already!? Uh oh... We're in a world of hurt. I'd better go tell the leader! Red Koopaaaaa!"

Green Ninjakoopa

  • "Most of all, though, you shouldn't go ask old man Merlon for help. That would be really bad news for us... I mean, for you! Don't even think about it!"
  • "Yeah, what gives? Ask anyone! We're just cute, ordinary Toads hanging out."
  • "Ha! Let's see the great Mario get any further, now!"
  • "Looks like there's gonna be some fighting here... see ya!"

Red Ninjakoopa

  • "Oh yeah! We're the coolest of the cool!"
  • "Well, well, well! If it isn't Mario! I wouldn't have bet you'd make it this far. Pfffft... Don't get smug, pal! You just caught us off guard! Trust me, we'll mop the floor with you if we get serious! We're as cool as they come!"
  • "Yeah, boys!! Open fire!"
  • "Oh, for the love of... What are you DOING, Yellow? That does NOT look cool at all!"
  • "Remember to look cool, guys!"
  • "Hi-yaaaaaa!"
  • "OK, Mario! Have a taste of this!"
  • "The Koopa Bros. special: super spinning attack!"
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Hey! Helloooooo? Somebody, let us outta here!"
  • "A lasting impression, yeah! We were too cool to forget!"
  • "Don't think we're like before! We've increased our power beyond our wildest dreams! After you trounced us the other day, we trained all day, every day, and we learned a cool new technique! We're not just the Koopa Bros... We're the Super Ultra Mighty Koopa Bros. the Great!! Check out our coolness!"
  • "Yow!"

Yellow Ninjakoopa

  • "Bah ha ha ha ha! Loser! Serves you right! You fell for it!"
  • "Here come the Koopa Bros.!"
  • "Okay, Red. I'm ready now!"


  • "Yes!! I thought you'd come! Now I get to defeat you and win admiration from King Bowser. I'm gonna be famous!"
  • "Yes, sir! Straight away! Forgive us, sir!"
  • "Yes, ma'am!"


  • "I don't even care that I have no shell on! I'm gonna show those Fuzzies what's what!"
  • "I swear that I, Kooper, will follow you anywhere, even to the ends of the earth!"
  • "What? You have my shell, but you won't give it back? What's the matter with you?"
  • "That's just plain cruel. Please give it back to me! A Koopa without a shell is like… a really unhappy Koopa!"
  • "What do you think, Mario?"
  • "Oh, c'mon! You gotta! I have lots of skills! I work well with others! Really, please take me along!"
  • "Who is this crazed guy? What a nut..."
  • "You're Luigi, right? My name's Kooper. Pleasure meeting you!"
  • "Phew! Well, it looks like we finally made it out of that spooky forest."
  • "Heyyy... Mario... What do you bet that's the mansion that the old Boo was talking about before?"
  • "Can't we do something so these things don't chuck us out of the castle?"
  • "Doesn't anyone in our party have an ability that'll help us avoid them?"
  • "Oh-oh. We're in trouble! Tubba Blubba woke up! Let's go!"
  • "Are you nuts! That Tubba Blubba will make a meal out of you guys!"
  • "Hey, Mario. It looks like this kid is lost."
  • "Are you crazy? Do you really think Mario would do something like that!?"
  • "Who are you? Tell me your name!"
  • "Why, that's ridiculous! I'm the genuine Kooper!"
  • "That's fine with me!"
  • "I'm not worried… I believe in you, Mario. We go away back..."
  • "Ow! Unbelievable! You don't even recognize me?"
  • "You deceitful monster! How dare you try to trick Mario!"
  • "Don't be such a crybaby! You lost! What were you thinking, trying to trick Mario like that!?"
  • "Mario! Ow! You did that on purpose, didn't you!? That's just plain mean!"
  • "I knew you'd get it right, Mario! Those were some of the worst disguises ever!"
  • "Thanks. I knew you'd say that, Prof. Kolorado! You're so kind and generous!"
  • "Hey! That lava hardened when it cooled off! Now we can walk across it."
  • "Let's go, Mario!"
  • "Oh no, Mario! The Star Beam isn't working!"

Lady Bow

  • "You would have had to fight Tubba Blubba to save this Star Spirit anyway, right?"
  • "You! Switch with me!"
  • "These things will try to catch us and throw us out."
  • "Use my ability to turn invisible and we'll fool them."
  • "Oh no, he's awake! We have to run!"
  • "It's too dangerous! He's a madman! He'll eat every last one of you!"
  • "Blech! You wish! You don't have a chance, you ghost-gobbling freak!"
  • "Mario! Now I'm really mad! Let's beat this thing up!"
  • "Gwaah ha ha ha!"
  • "Is that OK, Mario? Of course it's OK, right?"
  • "Done. You're so lucky to be able to travel with me."
  • "You don't have to be polite. You won't have to worry about anything anymore as long as I'm with you."
  • "Gweaah heh ha!"
  • "Hush up, Bootler! You be quiet and take care of the mansion while I'm gone!"
  • "Who is this kid? What a dirty little urchin..."
  • "He must be lost..."
  • "I was with him the whole time. I swear on my own grave! Mario's innocent!"
  • "Phew... Finally, that hot lava cooled off."
  • "Now you can walk on it, Mario!"
  • "All the difficult obstacles in this castle are really starting to irritate me, you know."
  • "Whatever. Let's get a move on. Time for some lava-walking!"
  • "Well, don't just stand there staring at the sky, Mario! The Star Beam doesn't work! Think of something!"


  • "Hey hey hey! Hold up! Wait, man!"
  • "Hey, man! I don't think we've ever met, have we? I mean, you're Mario, right?"
  • "My name is Lakilester... Er, no, it's Michael... No, um... Oh yeah... Spike. Yeah yeah, I'm Spike... Well whatever. Never mind."
  • "Look, I don't have a problem with you personally, but I've got orders from Huff N. Puff"
  • "Sorry, man, but I have to give you a bit of a beat down. Like I said, man, sorry!"
  • "(...Did I sound cool?)"
  • "(Yeah, totally cool!)"
  • "Here it comes, man!!"
  • "Uuurgh!! Man, you're tough as nails! I give up, man!"
  • "Go your worst. I'm not afraid of it."
  • "Do whatever you do to guys you've defeated...Fire Flower in the eye...POW Block..."
  • "Aw no, Lakilulu!!"
  • "Ah, no! Don't call me Lakilester! That's not my name. It's Spike, see? I told you I changed my name last month! Come on!"
  • "Stop calling me Lakilester! It's such a stupid name! My name is Spike! SPIKE! Are you even listening to me!?"
  • "Hey, I've got a question, man. What in the world are you doing all this fighting for?"
  • "….Huh. Yeah…fighting for yourself… That's the way to go, man. Walkin' your own path with honor. I can get behind an ideal like that! I'll go with you! I'm completely fed up with the pointless jobs that Huff N. Puff threw my way, anyway. With you, I can improve my skills by taking on the enemies that challenge us along the way!" (For myself)
  • "World peace? Isn't that a bit melodramatic? Still, I must admit that there's a certain manly charm to having such a noble purpose… Yeah! That's the way to go! I'm going with you, man!" (For world peace)
  • "Man, you're a cool customer. You're out there every day risking life and limb just because you feel like it? Wow. Talk about a tough guy. You know what? I wanna fight just because I feel like it! I'm going with you!" (No reason)
  • "Why? Because Spike is a million times cooler! Lakilester is the dumbest name ever! It just doesn't fit the image of a dangerous rebel like me. The name doesn't matter, man! What matters is this… I've decided I'm going with you! You're the real deal! Travelling around with you has gotta be as cool as it gets!" (Why Spike?)
  • "You're so much cuter when you show me those pearly whites."
  • "Bwa ha ha! Look at those chumps run away!"
  • "Helping people... I could get used to this, man."
  • "Darn it, I told you not to call me Lakilester! Gah! You never listen to me! ...But that's why you're so cute.
  • "What! Are you nuts, man? Mario's not a murderer! That's completely ridiculous!"
  • "Awww.rad! The lava totally cooled off and hardened! We can walk across it now, right, man?"
  • "Yeah. Way to use the old brain! That's why you're The Man!"
  • "Every day, man, I learn something new from you!"
  • "Oh man, just what we need!! The Star Beam's broken! What're we gonna do, man?"


  • "Wait!!!!!"
  • "Please have mercy on my poor, sweet Lakilester!"
  • "He was just following Huff N. Puff's orders! Will you forgive him?"
  • "He's really sweet! Please don't take my Lakilester away from me!!"
  • "Oh, you'll forgive him? Oh, thank you!"
  • "I swear, if you make me worry, I'll take a Spiny and..."
  • "How are you doing, Lakilester? Are you becoming a better Lakitu by helping people?"


  • "Hey! What're you doing! The Puff Puff Machine's delicate, man. Didn't you know?"
  • "If you break it, we're gonna be in a world of hurt!"
  • "Didn't you hear me? Stop it!"
  • "If you break that machine, how are we supposed to keep filling the sky with clouds, huh? You ever think of that, genius?"
  • "You think clouds just appear out of thin air or something?"
  • "…Wait a minute… You're… Ma… Ma… Mario!!!"

Lava Piranha

  • "GOOD DEAL!"


  • "Could you please get my Water Stone back from that horrible cloud creature?"
  • "Oh, how awful… You weren't my prince… Well…I knew you must not be. …After all, you don't look anything like a prince…💎In case you care, the Water Stone looks like this. If you find it somewhere, please bring it to me! I'm withering as we speak!"
  • "What? Why won't you put the Water Stone back and fix the spring? Huh? You're a…flower hater! I hope you dry up! I hope your petals all fall off!"


  • "Hey, Mario! We got a letter from Princess Peach!"
  • "I'll read it to you, OK?'""
  • "All right, let's see...'""
  • "Well, Mario, I guess you better get going."
  • "What a magnificent castle! I never get used to this place. It looks like lots of guests are already here."
  • "Say, Mario, why don't you go see Princess Peach? I'll go later. I'm thinking I'll mingle for now."
  • "If you press A Button in front of the door up there, you can open it."
  • "I wonder what my brother Mario is doing right now..."
  • "Mario! It's you! It's great to see you!"
  • "Oh? And who are you?"
  • "I see. Great, just great. You're on an exciting adventure with Mario. Talk about unfair. See, someone has to look after this house, so I can't leave. Oh well. Take care of Mario, OK?"
  • "Good luck, Mario! You just have to save that princess!"
  • "Princess Peach, still stuck up there in the sky... C'mon, Mario! You're a hero, bro! You have to go up there to rescue her!"
  • "Ohhh... so that's it, huh? So that's how you took the Star Rod back from Bowser. It looks like another wild adventure's in the books, bro. The castle's back in its proper place and everyone's returned home safely. You came through in the end, just like you always do!"
  • "I know you've been back for days now, but you still kinda feel like you're on an adventure."
  • "Huh? Did you hear something outside? I think I'll go take a look."
  • "Well, Mario... Parakarry stopped by to deliver us a party invitation from Princess Peach. He said he's also invited, so he took off and said he'd see us at the castle when we arrived. Now, we'd better go, too!"
  • "All right, Mario. I'm just gonna go on ahead. There's something important that I have to do. What is it? Sorry, bro... It's top secret!"


  • "Oh, thank heavens! He's been gravely injured, but I think he'll recover."
  • "The Star Rod... is powerful beyond belief. It can grant any wish. For as long as we can remember, Bowser has been making wishes like, for instance... 'I'd like to trounce Mario' or 'I want Princess Peach to like me.' Of course, Stars ignore such selfish wishes. As a result, his wishes were never granted."
  • "Thank you, Mario. At last I can head home to Star Haven. So nice to meet you in person! You've still got a long way to go, but I just know you can save Princess Peach! I'll do my best to help you!"
  • "Call on me when times are bad. Believe in this, Mario: My powers are strong... I'm a Star Spirit, after all! Our powers are growing all the time. Keep up the good work, Mario! You must save the other Star Spirits as soon as possible!"
  • "For now, I'm going back to recover in Star Haven. Who knows how my dear old Star Haven is faring without the Star Rod? Goodbye, Mario! I'm off!"
  • "Now we'll be able to grant everyone's wishes again! All of this is thanks to you, Mario!"

Master Poet

  • "Please! It's time to sing. Come on, now, don't be so mean! You don't want to cause a scene!"

Mayor Penguin

  • "Uuhhh..."
  • "Oh, my aching... Ouch..."
  • "Oh, good gracious! Hello, everyone. What's going on here?"
  • "Huh...? What are you talking about? Umm.... I think... I seem to remember going to the shelf to get this souvenir for Herringway. Oh, yes, of course! I reached up, slipped, and then whacked my head on the floor. Yes, that's what happened!"
  • "Here you are, Herringway. This is what I was reaching for. Toad Town was great fun. So many interesting sights... Wish youcould've been there. Some time after all this hubbub settles down, I'll give you a full account of the big city."
  • "Ah... Yes. So sorry."
  • "Ummm... I have the best intentions, but for some reason I always end up causing a ruckus. Hello. Sorry about all that. I must apologize... ... Say! You're Mario, aren't you? Well, let me welcome you to Shiver City, jewel of the north! ...What's the matter? Oh, you want to hike over to Starborn Valley, do you? I see... Of course. I'll tell the gatekeeper to allow you out of the city. You'd better bundle up!"
  • "I'm here on behalf of lovely Shiver City. I'm the mayor there, you know! My goodness, look at the time! I have to go shopping with Frost T.!"

Mayor Penguin's wife

  • "Darling, would you like a cup of tea? ....... Hmm? Oh... Dear, you know you'll catch a cold if you sleep there!"
  • "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!"
  • "Help! Somebody! Anybody! My husband is dead! He's been murdered! It's a penguin murder mystery!"
  • "My husband is dead! Look at him lying there! Oh, my darling husband!!! Somebody clipped his flippers!!"
  • "Him! Right there! That man with the suspicious mustache! I told him not to come in the house, but he barged right in! My husband was alive right up until this man showed up! He must be the murderer!"
  • "Eeeeeeek! My husband's returned! He's a ghost!!! Eeeeek!"


  • "Merlon is out!"
  • "Why do you keep knocking!? I said Merlon is out!"
  • "Where to begin...? My Merlon. I am a wizard. When I was reading the stars the other day, an oracle came to me. What I discovered is very important, and it concerns you. But, before I tell you about it, there are other things of which I must speak. It is a very long story, but I'll try to shorten it. Where should I start...? It was in the old days. One of my ancestors was up on Shooting Star Summit and as usual... ......but one day it happened. ...suddenly...a great... ...appeared and I... ...standing face to face... Then, the faraway.... the pious... was....raised me up... .....was amazing.. ..I was still so young then... I believed in ......... But....our hearts were..... ........... and........... .....then...."
  • "Reveal your true selves!"
  • "If you want me to predict your future, talk to me from across the table."
  • "Hm? Who's it from?"
  • "Hmmmmm... Oh, my granddaughter, Merlee! She recently entered the family business."
  • "Umph... Is that so? Oh, I see. Interesting..."
  • "She opened up her business at Dry Dry Outpost, deep in the desert."
  • "It's located somewhere quite off the main drag."
  • "She seems to be keeping busy. That's good to hear."
  • "Thanks so much for bringing this letter. I'll give you this."


  • "Have you seen my sister yet? I'm sorry…but I simply can't give you an autograph until you fulfill your promise."

Minh T.

  • "Shy Guys are trampling all over my flower garden! Oh! The poor flowers... They were so beautiful... It was my dream to fill Toad Town with beautiful flowers... I'm so sad..."
  • "Oh, thank you! The flowers give you their thanks as well, Mario!"

Mini T.

  • "Yeah! Some are kiddie sized, but there are also huge ones that launch you way out! I wanna go there again!"
  • "Yeah, let's go beat him up! ...No, maybe he's too tough. Hey! Hey! Mario! How about you go beat him up instead of us?"
  • "You're so tough, Mario!! I'm going to get stronger 'til I can beat up Shy Guys, too!"
  • "How could something that looks like a flower be scary? Will the flowers Minh T. is growing also turn into scary monsters someday? That won't happen, will it?"
  • "I guess mysteries are all right, but I think that funny and exciting stories are better. I'd rather read a story about one of your adventures, Mario. That'd be the best!"
  • "We're all rooting for you! Yeah, Mario! Yeah!"
Upon delivering the first letter
  • "Uhhhh... You know, I'm really kind of busy and... Oh! Yeah! I just had the greatest idea! Let's ask that Yoshi Kid from Yoshi's Village to come. You just got a letter from that kid last week, didn't you? You know! That letter you got from the island? Let's send a letter back to him and tell him about the scary adventure we're gonna have. Hey! Mr. Postman! Take this letter to the red Yoshi Kid in Yoshi's Village!"
Upon delivering the second letter
  • Hmmmm... I don't know. Let's think about it later. By the way, I wanna ask you for a favor, Mr. Parakarry. Can you deliver this? It's a letter for Uncle Frost T. of Starborn Valley. He's my uncle. He's up there taking care of lots of Star Kids. It sounds like a hard job. He has to chase 'em around all the time. At least that's what he says in the letters he sends. Anyway, I wrote him a letter to take his mind off work. I know it's far from here, but I'd really appreciate it."


  • "Sadly... right now, you are not strong enough to challenge Bowser... he has made himself all-powerful by making wishes with the Star Rod. He is terrible to behold!"
  • [to Kolorado] "Listen to you! No treasure in the world is more valuable than life! Be thankful you escaped!"
  • "To think! This island was put into terrible peril because of the meddling of Bowser's henchmen. I think it will work out okay: the eruption will subside, and Lavalava Island will be just the same as it used to be."
  • "Dear Mario! You have saved five of us Star Spirits now! Just a couple more to go! My name is Misstar. Let me grant you power that will help you along!"
  • "I have to go back to Star Haven for now, but if you need me, please call on me at any time. I will be watching you and wishing for your success. I know you'll see the Princess soon enough, Mario. Have faith. Thank you again for saving me. See you soon!"
  • "Mario... Don't think we don't know how hard you worked for all of us. It must have been very difficult. We won't forget your efforts."


  • "Tuuuuurn back."
  • "Cooooome no farther."
  • "Tuuuurn away, or I'll eat you!"
  • "Whaaaaat do you think?"
  • "Scaaaary monster, aren't I?"
  • "Youuu know you want to run..."
  • "Yeeeeees. Veeeerrrry good. Veeeeerrry smart."
  • "Whaaat! Youuuu will regret this!"
  • "Are you scaaaaared yet?"
  • "Ho ho ho ho! Your puuuuny attack doesn't hurt me at all!"
  • "Giiiiive up or suffer!"
  • "Thiiiis is your only chance!"
  • "Noooo! Ruuuuun away!"

Mort T.

  • "Where are your manners, Mario? You shouldn't climb on the table."
  • "A letter? For me? Oh, it's from my wife! How sweet! I love her so..."
  • ".......... Phew... Oh, pardon me. I got really wrapped up there."
  • "That wife of mine! She's so cute! She makes me crazy! Thanks for bringing me joy! Here, take this, OK?"


  • "Hey, nice guy. We meet again. I'm glad you found me."
  • "I'm Moustafa. I'm the one you've been seeking all this time."
  • "When I'm out and about in Dry Dry Outpost, I use the name Sheek."
  • "It's always good to meet a genuinely nice guy."
  • "I meet people all the time, but you are by far the nicest guy I've met so far."
  • "If I do not keep evil folk out of the ruins, who will?"
  • "Hey, wanderer! I have heard many stories about your deeds. People speak very well of you."
  • "Please drop by the village whenever you like. Anytime. It'd be our honor."
  • "Hey, are you a nice guy? If you're a nice guy, then give me something nice."
  • "You are a nice guy. Your dream will come true. Moustafa believes this."

Mr. Hammer

  • "I don't know. Nobody knows. That's why it's a secret, you half-wit!"
  • "Sorry, Princess Peach!"
  • "Wha… What're you looking at? I… I'm not looking for the book you think I'm looking for! I swear! No fooling! I'm trying to study…something! Here, take this and go away!"


  • "It is the responsibility of the 7 Star Spirits to keep the Star Rod safe and use it properly. We must get the Star Rod back from Bowser and return it to its rightful place! In order to do this, Mario, we need your help!"
  • "Phew! Ahhh... fresh air! After being cooped up in there for so long, I could really use some outdoor exercise."
  • "Mario, I must thank you for saving me. Now it's my turn to help you."
  • "Call on me whenever you find yourself in trouble. I'll always come quickly to aid you in battle. Now... I'm going back to my dear old Star Haven..."
  • "Hi! Hmm, I believe you are... Twink, no? You're that youngster who recently ascended from Starborn Valley into Star Haven. You could say, heh, we're like family!"
  • "Don't make such a fuss, lad! I'm sure you'll go on to do great things! I must take my leave now. Good-bye, both of you!"
  • "You took it to Bowser, Mario! You really socked it to him! What impressive strength! I knew you could do it!"

Muss T.

  • "I can't believe that Princess Peach's Castle was here just a little while ago. Wow! I was in the castle when it started to shake, but my lightning-quick feet got me out. "
  • "I know Luigi made it out along with maybe a few others... But everyone else was taken."
  • "How depressing... Nothing but a big hole where there was once a beautiful castle. The garden... Ruined."
  • "Why do I torture myself by coming here all the time? I just can't help it."
  • "Sometimes I feel confident that the castle will be back here soon and that these days will seem like a dark dream."
  • "Even now, I still take walks to Shooting Star Summit. I have so many beautiful memories of trekking up there to see the Stars. Now, though... Now we can't see any stars at all. How I miss them..."
  • "I beg of you, Mario! Save all those poor captives in the castle!"
  • "Oh, it's from Mr. Goompapa. That old codger! We think alike, he and I."
  • "It's been ages since I saw him. Too long, indeed!"
  • "This reminds me... I was just thinking about sending a letter to one of my friends."
  • "Your timing is perfect. This Letter is to my friend."
  • "His name is Koover, and he lives in Koopa Village. I'd like you to deliver this to him."
  • "I'll bet he's near the entrance to the village."
  • "He usually hangs out in front of the Toad House that's right on the edge of town."
  • "No big rush, but it would be nice if he got it soon."


  • "Hmm... Where do you think you're going?"
  • "This is Forever Forest... The path ahead of here is extremely dangerous."
  • "Didn't you know that? You'd better go back."
  • "I’m called Oaklie. This forest is my home."
  • "I try to keep unprepared people from wandering into the forest and getting lost."
  • "The path ahead of here is extremely dangerous. Didn't you know that? You'd better go back."
  • "Um-kay. So that's your story. You're invited to Boo's Mansion."
  • "You may pass, then."
  • "Listen carefully..."
  • "If you want to get through this forest, you have to pay really close attention to your surroundings."
  • "If you choose the wrong paths, you'll end up back at the forest edge before you know it."
  • "The areas around the correct paths will always look slightly different from the others. Watch carefully for clues."
  • "For example, in this area, take a good look at the inner trees as you walk around."
  • "In one of them, you'll spot strange, glowing eyes. The exit near that tree is the path you want to take."
  • "These clues will be different in other parts of the forest. Watch the inner forest very, very carefully as you go."
  • "Listen carefully... If you want to get through this forest, you have to pick all the right paths."
  • "You can find your way as long as you keep your wits about you and study the forest."
  • "But remember that the right way is not always in front of you. On occasion, you must remember to look back as well."

Opening narration

  • "Today... I'm going to tell the story of "Star Spirits and Good Wishes.""
  • "Far, far away, beyond the sky, way above the clouds, it's been said that there's a haven where the Stars live."
  • "In the sanctuary of Star Haven there rests a fabled treasure called the Star Rod, which has the power to grant all wishes."
  • "Using this wondrous Star Rod, the seven revered Star Spirits watched over our peaceful world carefully...very carefully."
  • "And then... Oh dear... What the...? Who stuck that weird thing into this story?"
  • "No, you mustn't do that!!"
  • "Stop it! Cut it out, Bowser!! You're changing the story!!"
  • "Now Star Kids may rise to the Haven to deliver people's wishes... ...but those wishes will not come true. Whatever can they do...?"


  • "Mail call!"
  • "The name's Parakarry. I deliver letters."
  • "Uh…? That… looks like the letter I'm looking for… My mistake, perhaps…?"
  • "Thank you so much! Now, I've got all the letters I've lost... today."
  • "In return, I would offer you whatever help I can."
  • "I see. May I ask why not? Please, Mario, I'm in a bind! You'd really save my shell!"
  • "Oh… I understand. I suppose I'm asking too much. You're a big hero with big goals. Sigh… I have to face the music. Of course, if you change your mind let me know. I'll follow you in a heartbeat!"
  • "Hello again! You changed your mind? Can I go with you?"
  • "I'll do my very best to help! You shall not regret this!"
  • "You're [insert name here], correct? I believe I have a letter for you. Hang on..."
  • "Oh…no! Confound it! I seem to have lost it! …I'm terribly sorry."
  • "Another letter, duly delivered. A postman's job is never done."
  • "Another letter, duly delivered. A postman's work is never done."
  • "Another letter duly received. A postman's job is never done." (There is a typo here. Parakarry delivers letters, not receive them.)
  • "You're Luigi, correct? The name's Parakarry. I'm helping Mario out on his adventures."
  • "Ugh... I'm certainly glad we're out of that forest. Talk about creepy..."
  • "What's this? Mario, I have a feeling that this is the mansion we're looking for."
  • "Oh dear. This poor child looks very upset. Was he lost in the forest?"
  • "This is not good. We'll be thrown out of the castle when they catch us."
  • "Can't we get around these creatures by using the ability of one of our party members?"
  • '"'Marioooo! Acckk! Tubba Blubba woke up! We'll never make it if we stay here! Run! Run!"
  • "I can't agree to that! You're all in grave peril of being eaten! You must run with the rest of us!"
  • "Oh dear. This poor child looks very upset. Was he lost in the forest?"
  • "Mario didn't do it! He's obviously innocent!"
  • "The lava seems to have cooled and hardened..."
  • "Maybe we can walk across it..."
  • "Oh, excellent. Even I couldn't fly across here."
  • "Uh-oh, this is a problem! The Star Beam's ineffective!"
  • "I sure am! This isn't a social call!"
  • "Oh, and Kolorado. I have a message for you, as well. 'Don't bother coming home, you wandering buffoon! What a no-good husband!' That... was a message from your wife. You set off on this expedition again without telling her, didn't you? She was SOOOO furious."

Penguin Patrol Guard

  • "What's going on here, madam? Just calm down, now. You need to speak slowly so I can get to the bottom of this."
  • "By puffin, you're right! The Mayor's been murdered! This is like a mystery novel! Except it's real! How tragic! But madam, if I may ask... Who on earth would have reason to put this penguin on ice?"
  • "Hey, you... Mustache! Are you listening? This good woman's accusing you. What do you say for yourself?"
  • "Don't try to play ignorant with me, buddy. I'm a professional. We've got a witness here. Isn't that right, madam?"
  • "So you're sticking to your story, claiming you're not the culprit."
  • "Hmm... If you're telling the truth, then we're dealing with a backroom murder case. Oh, I never trained for this... A backroom murder case... A high-ranking penguin slain... How could such a horrible plot twist hit our peaceful city? You! Mr. Mustache! Once more for the record! You swear you didn't do this?"
  • "OK... I think I believe you. But this means we have to find the true murderer....... Ah! Perfect! I'll give you a chance. Since you claim that you're not the guilty party, then you must bring me the murderer yourself! If you do that, I'll believe you. It's the only way... All right, off with you. You haven't proved that you're innocent yet, so I must forbid you to leave the city."
  • "Oh, you again. Have you come up with anything?"
  • "Hmm...!? Say, isn't that penguin behind you the mystery novel writer named Herringway? What-what!? Mayor Penguin was clutching a piece of paper that had "Herringway" written on it? Bah! If that were true, I most certainly would've noticed it. Hmmm... He definitely does appear to be holding a piece of paper. Yes, of course! It's a message about his death! With his last breath, the Mayor told us the murderer's identity! So... Mr. Herringway... You cold-hearted murderer! It all makes sense now! No wonder your novels are so exciting and suspenseful! You live out your own plots!"
  • "Mmmm... Yes... Yes, you were good friends... Ah ha! But that was just a cover so that no one would suspect you of this heinous crime! That's it, isn't it? I've solved this crafty mystery!"
  • "Hmmmm... This penguin murder mystery is getting more intriguing all the time..."
  • "What-what?! Mayor! We thought you were dead! Our backroom murder mystery is a wash! What a plot twist!"
  • "But Mayor! Here we were thinking that you'd been murdered! The whole city was up in arms! Next time be more careful!"



  • "Look at this Crystal Tree. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful in all the world? ...Oh, excuse me. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Posie. Hm? What's wrong with my mouth? This is my nose! Oh, how rude! Anyway, it was this Fertile Soil that made my nose grow so long. I happen to like it! Hee hee... Your nose is pretty nice, too. It could stand to be a little bit longer, so why don't you take this Fertile Soil with you."
  • "Ouch! Be gentle with this tree! The tree and I are connected at the roots, so it hurts me when you hit the tree."


  • "Was that the stolen mailbag? Oh, I guess I'm mistaken."

Princess Peach

  • "Oh Mario! You came to the party to see me! You're so sweet! Thank you!"
  • "Haven't you learned your lesson by now, Bowser? You can never defeat Mario! Why don't you just give up already?"
  • "Sniffle...Mario's probably hurt...Everyone's in prison...The Mushroom Kingdom will be destroyed if things continue the way they're going. Something must be done...If only somebody could help me..."
  • "Yes, do you like it? This is a mysterious treasure chest that's been passed down through generations of my family here at the castle."
  • "That's right. This chest is connected to another mysterious treasure chest somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom. They say you put things in this chest and take them out of the other chest. Isn't that, well, mysterious?"
  • "Err… Where IS it…? You know, I can't remember!"
  • "You're a Toad from the castle? How long have you been hiding in here?"
  • "Oh, Mario... I wonder what he's doing now? I wish I knew if I was helping him at all..."
  • "Mario is coming, Bowser. And you can't stop him."
  • (when tied up by the Koopatrols) "No! Please!"
  • "No! Leave me alone! Mario, help me!!!"
  • "Oh no... Brave Mario... What can I do for him? The way things are going, Bowser will surely defeat him. Somebody, please help Mario..."
  • "Twink! I'm so glad you're OK!"
  • "Oh yes! We did it, Twink! Now we must save Mario! But... what can I do?"
  • "Okay, Twink... I'll try!"
  • "Mario... I knew you would save me. Thank you, Mario!"
  • "Thank you so much for helping me, Twink. You've always been a stellar friend to me!"
  • "Greetings to all of you! I'm so glad everyone could be here on this special day."
  • "The Star Rod stolen by Bowser has returned to its rightful place in Star Haven, and peace has once again been restored to the Mushroom Kingdom."
  • "Above us, the Stars shine with more beauty and power than ever before. It seems as if they're sending us their thanks."
  • "To Mario, all his companions, and everybody across the lands of the Mushroom Kingdom, I say: we've regained peace because of all your efforts."
  • "Thank you very much, indeed. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I hope that the Mushroom Kingdom will enjoy peace and prosperity for a long time to come, perhaps forever!"
  • (last line of game) "So, let's celebrate! Enjoy the festivities, everyone!"


Red & Blue Goomba Bros.

Blue Goomba

  • "Oh yeah! Let's do it, my red brother!"
  • "Mario! How'd you like some of this?"
  • "Re… Red Goomba, my brother… Noooooo! You meanie, Mario!"
  • "Mario beat us up!"
  • "Bah ha ha!!! Yeah, you're scared, all right. You wanna say you're sorry?"
  • "We've got your back!"

Red Goomba

  • "Aha, you're Mario! I knew it. You can't go past here, Mr. Big Shot. It's a direct order from the Goomba King. That's right! I'm sorry, but the only way by is through the Goomba Bros. That's me, Red Goomba, and my brother, Blue Goomba. Let's get him, Blue Goomba!"
  • "Blue, Blue Goomba!!!!! Gaaah! My little brother! You'll pay for that, Mario!"
  • "Geeaaaah!!! I... I'll let you go for now!"
  • "King Goomba! Help us!"
  • "You hear that, Mario! No farther! Not one step! Are you scared, little man?"
  • "Beat him up, King Goomba!!"


  • "Hey, mister! My dad's opened his shop. Don't you wanna take a look? It's really cool. It's a Badge shop. For Badges. Come on, check it out. We have lots of rare Badges, so take a verrrry close look."


  • "Oh, you don't think so? Tee hee hee… You don't have to be so coy. I can tell you're too shy to compliment me to my face… OK, then praise this instead."
  • "You'd better bring something more beautiful in a hurry, before I change my mind. My beauty may never change, but my mind easily does."


  • "Hey! That wasn't my Calculator? It looked just like mine…"

Russ T.

  • "Ah! Salutations, Mario! Do you know Frost T. here?"
  • "He's come all the way from the Shiver region, which lies far to the north of here."
  • "Are you talking to me because you crave knowledge that only my intellect can provide? Then, how about this…"
  • "If there's anything else you wish to know, please feel free to ask me."
  • "To think of my lovely Dictionary in that Shy Guy's hands… Please get it back for me!"
  • "No? Mario, how could you?!"


Shroom Grocery

  • "You need [#] coin(s) for "[Item]". Want to buy it?" (Buying)
  • "Thank you very much." (Item bought)
  • "You don't have enough coins!" (Not enough coins)
  • "You can't carry any more items right now." (Too many items)
  • "Please come back after selling, checking, or using some items."
  • "Welcome to Shroom Grocery!"
  • "How can I help you today?"
  • "If there's anything you want to buy, stand in front of it and press A Button." (To buy)
  • "You don't appear to have any items." (To sell, no items)
  • "Which item would you like to sell?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Do we have a deal?"
  • "Oh, OK." (Refusing to sell)
  • "Oh, OK. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thank you very much." (Item sold)
  • "Thank you very much. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "You don't seem to have any items." (To check, no items)
  • "I'm sorry, but we can't check any more items." (To check, full storage)
  • "We can check [#] more item(s). What would you like me to check?" (To check)
  • "OK, we'll take good care of it." (Item checked)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like us to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Oh? I'm sorry--we aren't holding anything for you." (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You can't carry any more items right now." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Please come back after selling or using some items."
  • "Which item would you like to claim?" (To claim)
  • "This is the item." (Item claimed)
  • "OK, this is the item." (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like to claim?"
  • "Please come again." (Leaving)

Harry's Shop

  • "You need [#] coin(s) for "[Item]". Want to buy it?" (Buying)
  • "Thank you so much." (Item bought)
  • "You don't have enough coins!" (Not enough coins)
  • "You seem to have too many items." (Too many items)
  • "Please drop by again after selling, checking, or using some items."
  • "Welcome to Harry's Shop."
  • "How can I help you today?"
  • "If there's anything you want to buy, stand in front of it and press A Button." (To buy)
  • "You don't seem to have any items." (To sell, no items)
  • "Which item would you like to sell today?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Is that OK with you?"
  • "Oh, all right." (Refusing to sell)
  • "Oh, all right. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thank you very much." (Item sold)
  • "Thank you very much. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "You don't seem to have any items." (To check, no items)
  • "I am sorry, but we can't check any more items." (To check, full storage)
  • "We can check [#] more item(s). What would you like to check?" (To check)
  • "We'll store it with extra care." (Item checked)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like us to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "You do? But we're not keeping anything for you." (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You can't carry any more items right now." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Please drop by again after selling or using some items."
  • "Which one would you like to claim?" (To claim)
  • "Here's the item." (Item claimed)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like to claim?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Please drop by again." (Leaving)

Koopa's Shop

  • ""[Item]" costs [#] coin(s). Are you buying?" (Buying)
  • "Thank you!!" (Item bought)
  • "Hmmm. Sorry. You don't have enough coins. Come again after saving up a few more coins." (Not enough coins)
  • "I think you have too many items with you." (Too many items)
  • "You need to sell, check, or use some items."
  • "Welcome! This is the reliable and credible Koopa's Shop!"
  • "Well, what do you want?"
  • "If you came here to shop, stand in front of the item you want to buy and press A Button." (To buy)
  • "Hey, you don't have any items at all!" (To sell, no items)
  • "So, which item do you want to sell me?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Do you want to sell it?"
  • "So... are there any other items you want to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thank you!!" (Item sold)
  • "Thank you!! Are there any more items you want to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "Hey, you don't have any items at all!" (To check, no items)
  • "Sorry, but I can't possibly store any more items." (To check, full storage)
  • "I can check [#] more item(s). What do you want to check?" (To check)
  • "OK, I'll hang on to it for you." (Item checked)
  • "Do you want me to store anything else?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Yes? You didn't store anything." (To claim, empty storage)
  • "Hey, you couldn't possibly carry anything else." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Come back after selling or using some items."
  • "What do you want to pick up?" (To claim)
  • "Then here it is." (Item claimed)
  • "Do you want to pick up anything else?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "I hope to see you again." (Leaving)

Little Mouser's Shop

  • ""[Item]" will be [#] coin(s), but are you sure you want it?" (Buying)
  • "All right! Thanks!!" (Item bought)
  • "Hey, hey, hold up. You need a few more coins to buy that one." (Not enough coins)
  • "You're already carrying a full load." (Too many items)
  • "Come back after using, selling, or checking some items."
  • "Welcome, traveler!"
  • "This is the renowned Little Mouser's Shop of Dry Dry Outpost."
  • "What can we interest you in?"
  • "All right! So you want to spend some loot. Stand in front of the item you want to buy, then press A Button." (To buy)
  • "I'm proud to offer quality items at low, low prices! No other shop can compare with my prices!"
  • "What? You can't sell me items that you don't have!" (To sell, no items)
  • "Which one do you want to sell?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Are you sure you want to sell it?"
  • "Okay." (Refusing to sell)
  • "Okay. Is there any other item you want to sell me?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thanks!" (Item sold)
  • "Thanks! Is there any other item you want to sell me?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "What? Hey, I can't check items that don't exist." (To check, no items)
  • "I can't check any more. Sorry. The storeroom's packed." (To check, full storage)
  • "I can check [#] more item(s). What do you want to check?" (To check)
  • "All right. I'll stash it for you." (Item checked)
  • "Do you want to leave anything else?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Hang on there! I'm not holding anything." (To claim, empty storage)
  • "Don't try to claim things you haven't checked."
  • "You're already carrying a full load." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Come to me after selling or using some items."
  • "So, which one do you want back?" (To claim)
  • "Here you are." (Item claimed)
  • "Do you want anything else back?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "I look forward to seeing you again." (Leaving)

Boo's Shop

  • "You need [#] coin(s) for "[Item]", but are you sure?" (Buying)
  • "Boo you very much." (Item bought)
  • "You don't have enough coins!" (Not enough coins)
  • "You're carrying too much as it is." (Too many items)
  • "Why don't you come back after selling, checking, or using some items?"
  • "Welcome to Boo's Shop."
  • "How can I scare you today?"
  • "If there's anything you want to buy, stand in front of it and press A Button." (To buy)
  • "You don't seem to have anything, so...BOO!" (To sell, no items)
  • "Which one would you like to sell?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). How does that sound?"
  • "All right, all right." (Refusing to sell)
  • "All right, all right. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Boo you very much." (Item sold)
  • "Boo you very much. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "You don't seem to have any items so...BOO!" (To check, no items)
  • "I'm sorry, but we can't possibly keep any more items." (To check, full storage)
  • "We can check [#] more item(s). What would you like to check?" (To check)
  • "OK, we will keep it safe." (Item checked)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like us to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Say what? We aren't keeping anything for you, so...BOO!" (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You're carrying too much as it is." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Come on back after selling or using some items."
  • "Which one would you like to claim?" (To claim)
  • "Here you go." (Item claimed)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like to claim?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Come back anytime." (Leaving)

Yoshi's Cabana

  • "You need [#] coin(s) for "[Item]". Sound OK to you?" (Buying)
  • "Thank you very much." (Item bought)
  • "Aw, you need more coins!" (Not enough coins)
  • "You can't carry any more stuff." (Too many items)
  • "Please come again after selling, checking, or using some items."
  • "Welcome to Yoshi's Cabana."
  • "What's your pleasure?"
  • "If there's anything you want to buy, stand in front of it and press A Button." (To buy)
  • " doesn't look like you have any items." (To sell, no items)
  • "Which one would you like to sell?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Sound OK to you?"
  • "OK, fair enough." (Refusing to sell)
  • "OK, fair enough. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thank you very much." (Item sold)
  • "Thank you very much. Is there anything else you'd like to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • " doesn't look like you have any items." (To check, no items)
  • "I am deeply sorry, but we can't keep any more items." (To check, full storage)
  • "We can check [#] more item(s). What would you like to check?" (To check)
  • "OK, we'll store it carefully." (Item checked)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like us to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Oh? You must be mistaken. We don't have anything of yours." (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You can't carry any more stuff." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Please come again after selling or using some items."
  • "Which one would you like to claim?" (To claim)
  • "There you go!" (Item claimed)
  • "Is there anything else you'd like to claim?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Please come back often." (Leaving)

Shiver Shop

  • "You need [#] coin(s) for "[Item]". Is that cool with you?" (Buying)
  • "Many thanks." (Item bought)
  • "Hey! You can't afford that!" (Not enough coins)
  • "You're packed a little heavy." (Too many items)
  • "Please come again after selling, checking, or using some items."
  • "Welcome to Shiver Shop."
  • "How can I help you today?"
  • "If there's anything you want to buy, stand in front of it and press A Button." (To buy)
  • "You need to own items in order to sell them." (To sell, no items)
  • "Which one would you like to sell?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Is that cool with you?"
  • "All right, chill out." (Refusing to sell)
  • "All right, chill out. Is there anything else you want to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thank you very much." (Item sold)
  • "Thank you very much. Is there anything else you want to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "You have to own some items in order to check them." (To check, no items)
  • "I am sorry, but we have no more room for items." (To check, full storage)
  • "We can check [#] more item(s). What would you like to check?" (To check)
  • "OK, we'll put it in deep freeze." (Item checked)
  • "Is there anything else you would like us to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Excuse me? But we aren't keeping anything for you!" (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You're packed a little heavy." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Please come again after selling or using some items."
  • "Which one would you like to claim?" (To claim)
  • "Here it is!" (Item claimed)
  • "Is there anything else you want to claim?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Come chill out anytime!" (Leaving)
  • "Look, I'm not selling anything to Mayor Penguin's killer! Get out of here, would you?" (If visited while Mario is being accused of murder)

Star Haven Shop

  • "You need [#] coin(s) for "[Item]". Is that agreeable?" (Buying)
  • "Thank you kindly." (Item bought)
  • "You lack the funds. I'm sorry." (Not enough coins)
  • "You seem to have too many items." (Too many items)
  • "Please return after selling, checking, or using some items."
  • "Welcome to Star Haven Shop."
  • "What is your wish?"
  • "If there's anything you want to buy, stand in front of it and press A Button." (To buy)
  • "It would appear that you have no items." (To sell, no items)
  • "Which one would you like to sell?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll buy "[Item]" for [#] coin(s). Is that agreeable?"
  • "Oh. I understand." (Refusing to sell)
  • "Oh. I understand. Is there anything else you would like to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Thank you kindly." (Item sold)
  • "Thank you kindly. Is there anything else you would like to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "It appears that you have no items." (To check, no items)
  • "I am sorry, but we have reached our storage capacity." (To check, full storage)
  • "We can check [#] more item(s), but would you like us to do so?" (To check)
  • "OK, we will take special care." (Item checked)
  • "Is there anything else you would like us to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "No, there must be a mistake. We aren't holding anything for you." (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You seem to have too many items." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Please return after selling or using some items."
  • "Which one would you like to claim?" (To claim)
  • "Here you are. Enjoy!" (Item claimed)
  • "Is there anything else you would like to claim?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Please stop in again sometime." (Leaving)

Storehouse of Bowser's Castle

  • "Whuhhh? Who're you, man!?"
  • "I don't know your face. Maybe you're Mario, huh? Heh heh... Just joking."
  • "I'm the guard of this warehouse. I'm really, really bored, man."
  • "Hey, you know... If you've got any coins, I'll sell you stuff."
  • "What? You've got nothing? Lame..." (No)
  • "You think I'm stupid, man? You're a terrible liar." (Yes, no coins)
  • "Oh, you're loaded, man!" (Yes)
  • "Take a look around. I'll sell anything you see."
  • ""[Item]"? I'll give it to you if you give me [#] coin(s)." (Buying)
  • "Heh-heh. Thanks, man." (Item bought)
  • "Hey, man, you don't have the cash!" (Not enough coins)
  • "You're carrying too much, man." (Too many items)
  • "Come on back after selling, checking, or using some items."
  • "Yep. This is the Storehouse of Bowser's Castle."
  • "Why in the world are you here?"
  • "Go on and press A Button in front of the item you want." (To buy)
  • "You can't sell nothing, pal!" (To sell, no items)
  • "So, what do you want to sell, huh?" (To sell, item)
  • "I'll trade "[Item]" for [#] coin(s)."
  • "Fine. I don't care." (Refusing to sell)
  • "Fine. I don't care. Anything else you want to sell?" (Refusing to sell, more items)
  • "Heh-heh. Good deal, man." (Item sold)
  • "Anything else you want to sell?" (Item sold, more items)
  • "Hey! You don't have anything!" (To check, no items)
  • "I ran out of storage space." (To check, full storage)
  • "I can hold on to [#] more item(s). What do you want me to hold?" (To check)
  • "All right, then. I'll keep it." (Item checked)
  • "Anything else to check?" (Item checked, more items)
  • "Don't try to fool me, pal! You know you don't have any items in storage!" (To claim, empty storage)
  • "You're carrying too much, man." (To claim, full inventory)
  • "Come back after selling or using some items."
  • "Which one do you want?" (To claim)
  • "Here you go, man." (Item claimed)
  • "You want anything else?" (Item claimed, more items)
  • "Hey! Don't tell King Bowser about any of this!" (Leaving)

Shy Guys

  • "Tee hee hee hee! Welcome to Shy Guy's Shop."
  • "Oh no...Poor me..."
  • "Run! Run for it!"
  • "Waaah! Help me!"
  • "Ok, guys! All together now! Let's rush him! Chaaaaarge!!!"
  • "We're gonna lose!! Oh, no! We've gotta run!"
  • "Yes, sir!!!!!"


  • "Bowser...that fiend... When he found out that we were ignoring his wishes, he came and stole the Star Rod so he could grant his own wishes."
  • "He seems content right now, mainly because he defeated you and captured the princess. Soon enough, though, I fear he will wish for more...and then terrible things will happen."
  • "Hello again, Mario. I knew you could do it. I don't know how to thank you. I knew it was the right decision to ask you to help us. You're a great man. Now that I'm free, I can help you."
  • "Mario, I have one bit of bad news. Unfortunately, Bowser's life force seems to be getting stronger all the time. Most likely it's the Star Rod that's giving him more power. We're not even sure if he's noticing it or not, but there's no question that it's making him stronger than before. You will have to be much more careful in the coming trials."
  • "Ah, I'm sorry to leave, but I must go back to Star Haven. There are other Star Spirits waiting for me there. Oh, and please keep it a secret that I got lost in Forever Forest, would you? Good-bye, Mario."
  • "When you look at the night sky, you will see that the glittering stars are praising you for your courage. Look upon their bright light, and remember our thanks!"


  • "Get back here this instant!!! You little ingrates!!!"
  • "So, you're looking for those little rascals, as well!"
  • "You must have one heck of a story behind you, Mario."
  • "You'll be roasted to a golden brown! I do NOT approve of this!"
  • "Uh-huh... Oh... Oh! You're going to the volcano, because you want to save the princess, from some bad guys? What...a touching story! Romantic stories like that... just touch a soft spot in this heart of mine. That does it! I can't let you go alone! I, Sushie, will be by your side until the end!"
  • "Hey, use your head! Do you really think Mario is capable of such a thing? Think about it."
  • "What!? What is it!? The lava cooled down and turned hard enough to walk on?"
  • "Oh, how convenient."
  • "I didn't really fancy the idea of becoming a fried fish..."
  • "Oh, this is no good! The Star Beam doesn't work! What'll we do, Mario!?"

Tayce T.

  • "Hey, Mario. I'm Tayce T. I really like to cook."
  • "You may not know this, but I cooked all the food for this big party. I made all of my most delicious dishes!♥ But... Oh dear... I got so into my cooking that I used up all my ingredients! Now I have to go shopping!"
  • "But…you aren't going to give me back my Frying Pan? Mario, how could you…?"
  • "Oh, my… You're carrying too much. You can't possibly take this Cake with you right now. Come back when you have fewer things, OK, hon?♥"
  • "Here's the Cake!"
  • "Oh…OK. Why'd I get my hopes up…? It's your book, after all. You can do what you want."
  • "Oh, hello, hon. You know, I still wouldn't mind having that Cookbook… I could increase my repertoire in an instant with that book. Mario, if it's okay with you… may I have it?"

The Master

  • "For what purpose do you come here today?"
  • "It is time you've fought The Master."
  • "To battle!"
  • "Mario, you will fall!"
  • "Hmm, nice maneuver."
  • "Excellent move."
  • "Hm! You have great hidden strength for one clothed like a plumber."
  • "Kwaaaaa! Behold my fury, Mario!!"
  • " is time I've stopped being so merciful."
  • "You underestimate me, Mario! Did you really think you would win?"
  • "Hmmm! Noble Mario! You have bested me, The Master, the strongest of fighters! Since you have beaten me at my full strength, I give you this with respect."


  • "Nobody's in here! Go away!"
  • "Oh noo! I'm caught for sure! … Huh!? Princess Peach! You're OK! Thank the Stars! ... Well, [I've been hiding in here] since Bowser took over. I was so scared of being caught that I jumped into this closet. I'm hiding here until Mario comes and saves us all. Princess Peach, you ought to hide too! It's risky out there! Please don't take any chances!" - Toad hiding in Princess Peach's Castle
  • "Do you know how to cook, Mario? You really ought to learn how." - Tayce T.'s assistant
  • "Greetings, Mario! I am the Minister of Princess Peach's Castle. It's good to see you here. When you're around, I feel like our kingdom is secure. Yep, our future looks bright!" - the Minister of Princess Peach's Castle
  • "Wait, a star with a mustache? You're telling me a star told you to go to Shooting Star Summit? Uh, actually... It could have been a message from a Star Spirit. They live in Star Haven. Shooting Star Summit is the closest place to Star Haven, so that would make sense." - Toad in the Goomba Village Toad House
  • "The town is in an uproar! The princess has been kidnapped, her castle uprooted! It's bedlam! Please, Mario, save Her Highness!" - Toad at the gates of Toad Town

First-Degree Toad

  • "Oh?...Ha ha ha! You don't have it?"
  • "The Degree, Mario. The Degree shows how strong you are. Ha ha ha… I have it."
  • "I fought at the Dojo over there and got it from The Master. I am one bad Toad!"
  • "Hey, that's… a First-Degree Card!"
  • "I have one, too. See? A First-Degree Card!!"
  • "That means I'm as strong as you! Cool! I'm bad! Yeah!"
  • "Hey, that's… a Second-Degree Card?"
  • "Whoa! Cool! You fought your way to a Second-Degree Card? Mario, you're awesome!"
  • "Hey, that's… a Third-Degree Card?"
  • "Whoa! Wow! Whoop! I knew you were strong!"
  • "Hey, that's… a Fourth-Degree Card!"
  • "Whoa! Amazing! You rule, Mario! You must be crazy strong!"
  • "Whoa! Can it be? That's… a Diploma???"
  • "Whooooopeee! It's real, isn't it?"
  • "You defeated The Master! Wow! You're the best, Mario!"

Tubba Blubba/Tubba's Heart

  • "Mm, I could use a snack."
  • "A little tangy, but good."
  • "I sure don't want to make King Bowser angry. He's scary. I know he made me invincible, but if I screw up, he might change me back to normal."
  • "Five more minutes, mom."
  • "I smell delicious ghosts! Open the dooooooor!"
  • "Who are you?"
  • "What!? Mario!?"
  • "Did someone ... ...tell you that I'm the secret strength of Tubba Blubba!?"
  • "Someone spilled the beans that the Tubba Blubba in the castle is just a shell and..."
  • "...I'm controlling it from here!?"
  • "You can't trust anybody!"
  • "I can't let you out, knowing the secret of my 'invincible' body. I'm sorry, but here we go!"
  • "Hey, you! Lady ghost! You look quite tasty. Stick around after the battle. Fighting makes me hungry."
  • "Heh heh heh heh... I'm gonna go this great attack. It's impossible to avoid. I just have to prepare a bit, so hang on for a second."
  • "Owwwweeee! Oh, I'm hurting! I have to get out of here!"
  • "It's time to reunite!"
  • "Oh, yeah! Now I'm feeling good! With my heart and body united, there's no way to beat me!"
  • "OUCH!"
  • "Oh, nooooo... With my heart and body united, I'm not invincible anymore! I'm back to 'Not Invincible Tubba Blubba'... That's so lame! Look, I give up! I'll free all the ghosts I ate! Forgive me!"
  • "I'm actually a really sensitive guy, trapped in a huge body. I don't wanna be invincible anymore if I have to fight guys like you!"

Tuff Puff

  • "Master Huff N. Puff! I wish to pummel Mario, too! Permission to attack?"
  • "Master Huff N. Puff! Leave him to me!!"
  • "Will you be all right, Master?"


  • "I'm the huge, scary Tutankoopa! Remorseless king of the desert! Who dares set foot in this, my palace of sands? Speak and be known! Begone from this place! Now! Or disaster will befall you!"
  • "Fool! You have ignored my warning, haven't you? You fool! You will fall to my legions and become a mummy of the sands!"
  • "Flee now while you still can! If you continue, you will face a horrible curse!"
  • "Turn back, thief! Your time is running out! If you do not retreat, you'll be in grave trouble! I do not lie! You will regret it!"
  • "This is your final warning! Enough of this foolishness! Leave at once!"
  • "You!! You ignored all those very scary warnings! Don't you have the common sense to get scared and run away? What's wrong with you!? You shouldn't mess with Tutankoopa, a faithful follower of King Bowser! Ooops... I mean... You shall regret this!"
  • "Come, Chomp! Come! Bite this intruder!"
  • "Bleah heh heh heh... I'm a magical genius! Watch, and be amazed!"
  • "Ouch! What are you doing? That hurt! I'm king of the desert! You rude, rude man! Take this!"
  • "Aw... C'mere, Chompy..."
  • "Waah! What're you...ow! Help!"


  • "Hello, Princess Peach! Pleased to meet you! My name is Twink."
  • "I came from Star Haven to grant your wish! It's our job to grant wishes, you know."
  • "Yes, of course!"
  • "Uh...sorry... That's a little much for a novice Star like me... Maybe one of the honorable Star Spirits from Star Haven could grant a wish like that. I'm so sorry. Please, ask for something easy, something a small Star can do."
  • "...Oh...I'm sorry. I can't grant that wish either, I'm afraid. Actually, I just got called up to the sky a day ago, so I can't do big wishes yet... If I were a more splendid Star, maybe I could actually help..."
  • "This is a Lucky Star, isn't it? OK! I'll do it! Princess Peach, I'll fly to the Mushroom Kingdom just as quick as I can!"
  • "Of course! I'll tell him your exact words, Princess Peach! Definitely! Now don't despair... I'll be back soon, so stay safe until I return, OK?"
  • "Ouch!!"
  • "Oh, sorry, sorry, so sorry! I'm in a huge hurry!!'s...!? You're Mario, aren't you!? Thank the Stars I found you! How do you do? I'm Twink. Princess Peach asked me to bring something to you. Ahhh... Yes, here it is! Here, this is it! Take it!"
  • "That's the "Lucky Star" from Princess Peach. Now that it's yours, you can use the "action command." May I take a moment to explain what the action command is?"
  • "Once you understand how to use the action command properly, you'll be even more powerful."
  • "What!? It can't be... Were you following me!?"
  • "Well done, Mario! You're as strong as they say. I know that you'll be able to defeat Bowser! I'm going to return to Princess Peach's side. I'm not strong enough to relaly help her, but at least I can tell her you're OK. Well, Mario... ...see you later!"
  • "Oh dear! I almost forgot to tell you the message from Princess Peach. 'I'm all right, so don't worry about me...' ...that's exactly what she said. I get the feeling, though... ...that she's very lonely. Anyway, I'll do my best to help the both of you! But please be brave! You must save Princess Peach!"
  • "He'll be all right, Princess. Why, I bet he's saving some Star Spirits right now!"
  • "But there are tons of guards just beyond your door... And it's impossible for you to escape through the window..."
  • "Cool! Great idea!"
  • "Oh! Look! There's something behind this drawing! Yes!! Cool!! Now we can get out of this room!"
  • "Where are we...?"
  • "Hey! Look at this! It looks like somebody left a private diary just lying around. Should we read it?"
  • "Ohhh... You like doing this sort of thing, do you? Tsk tsk! OK, then...very quietly... Let's see..."
  • "I feel like I might know the person who wrote this. Should we read more?"
  • "OK, let's continue."
  • "...!! Princess Peach! This is Bowser's diary! Ugh! What'll we do? Should we read more?"
  • "Dry Dry Ruins in the middle of Dry Dry Desert! One of the revered Star Spirits is being held there!"
  • "Yes, of course, Princess Peach! I'll find Mario right away..."
  • "Mario! Mario! It's me, Twink. Remember me?"
  • "I hear you saved the honorable Star Spirit who was captured by the Koopa Bros.! Bowser and his gang are so angry about it! I knew you could do it, Mario! You're on your way!"
  • "But enough celebration for now. I come bearing important information for you. It seems that one of the Star Spirits is being held captive in Dry Dry Desert. Bowser wrote it in his diary. Some place called Dry Dry Ruins. The princess braved the dangers of the castle to get you this clue, Mario! If we find anything else, I'll hurry back to tell you."
  • "I have to go back to Her Highness now. She's so brave! I hope this news helps!"
  • "Oh! Look there! What a beautifully crafted treasure chest!"
  • "Really? How mysterious. A mysterious treasure chest…"
  • "Yeah! Wow, that's really cool. So, where is the other treasure chest, anyway?"
  • "Hello? Is anyone in here?"
  • "You big... Koopa! Show some respect for the princess!"
  • "I... I'm not afraid of you!"
  • "Oh, I know! Princess Peach! Make a wish! Just like you did for me! Make a wish to give more power to the Star Spirits! Think of the Mushroom Kingdom, Star Haven, Mario... Make a wish to the Stars, thinking of all these things!"
  • "If your wish is strong enough, it will reach the Star Spirits and give them strength!"
  • "Honorable Star Spirits, I'll do what I can to help!"
  • "Mario, I'd like to thank you, too. And Princess Peach... it was an honor to help you in your time of need."
  • "From now on, I'll try to be a respectable Star and help make people's wishes come true!"
  • "Thank you very much, Mario! I'll always remember you, Princess Peach!"

Village Leader

  • "Welcome to you, Mario. I am the Village Leader of Yoshi's Village. Ah, you come seeking help. You wish to go to Mt. Lavalava, do you?"
  • "The entrance to the volcano is in the jungle, but it's very difficult to get to it. The volcano has awakened, as well. I think it may be too dangerous for you to go there."
  • "Oh, such ill fortune! The children are missing! They seem to have secretly slipped off to the jungle. They don't know its dangers! We must get them back here to safety!"
  • "Mario, could I ask you to look for these lost children? As you can see, the Yoshis of my village are panicking. They aren't thinking straight. I'll try to calm them down. You just find those kids!"
  • "Mario, I can't tell you how dangerous the jungle is. It's even dangerous for us adult Yoshis if we aren't extremely careful. To imagine the boys in such a place...Brr...Please, you must find them."
  • "You've found them! Oh, happiness! Oh, joy! But...there are still boys stuck out there in the jungle. Please find them! Five children in all disappeared into the jungle. Save all of them, please!"
  • "Mario! Just one more remains! Please find him right away! You seem to be an expert at finding lost children, Mario! We're counting on you!"
  • "Mario, I must thank you. You have saved the children of the village. I feel that no expression of our gratitude can be enough. You truly are a hero. We deeply appreciate your valor. At least I can do this...You still wish to go to Mt. Lavalava don't you? I have remembered a good way to reach the volcano. Please come this way."
  • "Huh...? I thought it was...somewhere around here..."
  • "Oh yes. I found it. Here it is. Take it, please."
  • "Whenever events beyond our control occur on this island, we ask the help of Raphael the Raven, the island's master. If anyone can help you reach the volcano, it's definitely Raphael the Raven. He lives in the depths of this island."
  • "If you place that Jade Raven into the statue of Raphael, the way into the depths of the jungle will appear."
  • "I haven't been to see Raphael since I was but a young Yoshi. I remember that it was incredibly difficult to find him because the jungle's trees and shrubs covered the way. I'm sure you'll find the path. May all your wishes come true."
  • "Since trees and bushes have grown over the path, you might get lost. If you do, just be sure to scout the area carefully. You might have to do something unexpected to find your way."
  • "Mt. Lavalava just started erupting, Mario! It's my belief that the volcano got angry because Bowser's men were fiddling about inside. I'm glad you made it out!"


  • "Hi, mister! I'm Watt. Can I, um, get out of here?"
  • "Wait, wait! Don't leave me, please! Let me out, mister, OK?"
  • "Hm hm hee hee...Yay! I got out! Yay for me! Thanks, mister!"
  • "Cough cough... You're crazy, mister! Did ya have to, um, blow it up to get me out? Jeepers!" (If Bombette is used to open the lantern)
  • "Hey! Aren't you, um, Mario!?"
  • "You just saved me like a hero! You're a hero, aren't ya? You're the coolest!!!"
  • "You saved me from the mean guy who laughed like, "Wee hee hee!" "
  • "I gotta make it up to you! I'll go with you, Mario, OK?"
  • "I heard the, um, Shy Guys saying that you're trying to save the princess from Bowser."
  • "You're super great! You're the greatest great guy! I think you're the best!"
  • "So, um, I really want to help. I'll be good, really!"
  • "Ooh, it's pretty dark, huh? I kinda like the dark..."
  • "But, um, now I can show you how helpful I can be, OK?"
  • "Wow, pretty cool, huh! Look! It's so bright now! Tee hee hee..."
  • "I bet nobody else can help out like that, huh? Can they?"
  • "Nope! Now! Let's go! Hm hee hee hee..."
  • "Use my power, OK?"
  • "Yay! Yippeeee!! We beat the Shy Guys! Hm hm hee hee hee!!! You weren't so tough, you silly old Shy Guys! I beat 'em up! … Didn't I, Mario?"
  • "Big whale give us a ride! Wheeee!"
  • "Mario, um, didn't do it!"
  • "It's mean that you're treating him like he's a bad guy, even though there's no, um, evidence!"
  • "The lava, um, got all hard. We can walk on it now, huh? Can't we?"
  • "That tricky old Bowser! He can't fool us, huh?"
  • "Oh no!! We're in trouble! The Star Beam doesn't work? Oh, that bad monster is gonna beat us up now for sure..."


  • "Whaaack-hoo! I'm Whacka!! Just another picture-perfect day atop Mt. Rugged! Wooo!"
  • "The sunshine! The fresh air! So refreshing, whack-a-do!"
  • "Of course, yesterday was also pretty nice!"
  • "Whack-OW! Don't hit me!"
  • "Whack-huh-ooo? I'm Whacka... Aren't I?"
  • "I feel like I'm getting a touch forgetful nowadays."
  • "Did I remember to eat breakfast this morning?"
  • "Whack-a-waaaaaaaaa.... I can't take this abuse!"


White Clubbas

  • "Who're you?"
  • "The great and honorable Crystal King said that I can't let anyone pass!"
  • "You're up to no good! I'm going to have to hurt you!"
  • "I won't let you!"
  • "I won't and I won't and I won't!"
  • "You can't!"
  • "You'll have to go through me if you wanna get past!"
  • "Hey, didn't you hear me?"
  • "I said I'm not budging, you got that?"
  • "Do you have any idea how mad the Crystal King will get if I let you pass here?"
  • "I don't want him mad at me, so I have to teach you a lesson!"

Wise Wisterwood

  • "What ho...? Now who might that be?"
  • "Ho ho ho ho! Up here, son! They call me Wise Wisterwood. I am the oldest tree here in Flower Fields, the land of trees, flowers, grasses and plants. And you must be Mario. I've heard a lot about you, son. You're trying your best to save the Star Spirits and the rest of your world, aren't you?"
  • "Very noble. If that is true, then your arrival means a Star Spirit is here in our land. I would help you in your quest, but alas... I cannot right now. Flower Fields is in trouble. A creature named Huff N. Puff and his followers invaded our fair land not long ago. These creatures brought clouds to our sunny sky. It has been dark and cloudy ever since. The sun doesn't even bother to rise in the sky anymore. We are all weak and fading... Oh! I remember something! The rumor is that Huff N. Puff is holding somebody captive... Of course! It must be the Star Spirit that you're searching for!"
  • "...Oh ho? You're going to defeat the wicked Huff N. Puff, then? Well, that would make the wishes of Flower Fields come true... But it's not that easy. Huff N. Puff is up in the sky, on what we call the Cloudy Climb. There's no way up there now."
  • "Well, ...You might be able to reach it if you find a Magical Bean or something that grows high... Now, wait a minute... I think there IS a flower that has a Magical Bean...somewhere. Umm... I believe... Her name is Petunia. Perhaps she is off to the east. It wouldn't hurt to go visit her and ask about it. The other flowers and Bub-ulbs around here might have some useful information, as well. I'd say talk to everyone!"
  • "Ho now! What are you doing? Haven't you ever grown a plant? When you're planting something, the order is soil, then the bean, then water."


  • "Hi there! I'm Yakkey..."
  • "...a faithful and chatty follower of Master Tubba Blubba! My very important job is to guard his valuables!"
  • "But...? You don't look like Master Tubba Blubba at all!"
  • "...That means you've come here to steal me, the magical key that unlocks the door to Windy Mill at the foot of Gusty Gulch?"
  • "And furthermore, your goal is to find out if there's a secret inside that Windy Mill?"
  • "... You're a very honest person, aren't you?"
  • "……"
  • "... You're a terrible liar."
  • "Heeeeeeelp! Master Tubba Blubba!! A thieeeeeeef!!!"
  • (later in the game) "You know what I need? A new secret to guard. Except this time, I want to guard some happy secret, like a present or something. Wouldn't that be the best? Guarding a gift... That's my new wish."

Yellow Magikoopa

  • "Let's go!! C'mon! We need more clouds! I wanna see this land covered!"
  • "We'll make them fear the power of my Puff Puff Machine."
  • "Hey! Stop that! The Puff Puff Machine is extremely delicate!"
  • "You might break it!"
  • "I said don't hit it!"
  • "Don't you realize that if the Puff Puff Machine breaks, we won't be able to make clouds, and blue skies will return?"
  • "You think it's easy to fill the sky with clouds?"
  • "...Oh, my... You're... Ma...Ma...Mario!!!"

Other Non-Playable Characters

  • "Oh, yes I'm much more comfy inside my shell. Without it, I feel every little breeze!" - A Koopa Troopa
  • "Thanks, Mario! This shell was made to order. That's why it fits me so well. I mean, how cool do I look?" - Another Koopa
  • "I'm filled with hope again! Go! Go and never feel blue! I'll never forget you!" - The blue flower in Flower Fields.