Gallery:Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars: Difference between revisions

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mNo edit summary
(a couple gallery improvments)
(35 intermediate revisions by 10 users not shown)
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{{italic title}}
{{italic title}}
This is a gallery of images for the game ''[[Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars]]''. For images related to its remake, see [[Gallery:Super Mario RPG (Nintendo Switch)|here]].
This is a gallery of images for the game ''[[Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars]]''. For images related to its remake, see [[Gallery:Super Mario RPG (Nintendo Switch)|Gallery:''Super Mario RPG'' (Nintendo Switch)]].
<gallery widths="300">
<gallery widths="300">
Line 6: Line 6:
SMRPG Logo JP.png|Japanese logo
SMRPG Logo JP.png|Japanese logo
<gallery widths="300"caption=In-game>
<gallery widths="300" caption=In-game>
SMRPG In-game Logo.png|English logo
SMRPG In-game Logo.png|English logo
SMRPG In-game JP Logo.png|Japanese logo
SMRPG In-game JP Logo.png|Japanese logo
Line 20: Line 20:
Smrpg mario 2.gif|Mario
Smrpg mario 2.gif|Mario
SMRPG Peach.gif|[[Princess Peach|Princess Toadstool]]
SMRPG Peach Artwork.png|[[Princess Peach|Princess Toadstool]]

Line 27: Line 27:
Mario RPG Chancellor.png|[[Chancellor]]
Mario RPG Chancellor.png|[[Chancellor]]
Dyna and Mite.png|[[Dyna & Mite]]
Dyna and Mite.png|[[Dyna and Mite|Dyna & Mite]]
Frogfucius.jpg|[[Frog Sage|Frogfucius]]
SMRPG Frogfucius' Student Artwork.png|[[Frogfucius' Student]]
SMRPG Frogfucius' Student Artwork.png|[[Frogfucius' Student]]
Gaz SMRPG.png|[[Gaz]]
Gaz SMRPG.png|[[Gaz]]
Line 34: Line 34:
KingQueenNimbus.png|[[King Nimbus]] and [[Queen Nimbus]]
KingQueenNimbus.png|[[King Nimbus]] and [[Queen Nimbus]]
Magikoopa SMRPG.png|[[Magikoopa]]
Magikoopa SMRPG.png|[[Magikoopa]]
SMRPG Mamole Artwork.png|[[Mole (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)|Mole]] woman
SMRPG Mamole Artwork.png|[[Mole (Super Mario RPG)|Mole]] woman
SMRPG Sergeant Flutter Artwork.png|[[Sergeant Flutter]]
SMRPG Sergeant Flutter Artwork.png|[[Sergeant Flutter]]
Line 41: Line 41:
Toadofsky SMRPG.png|[[Toadofsky]]
Toadofsky SMRPG.png|[[Toadofsky]]
BigYoshi.png|Big [[Baby Yoshi#Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars|Baby Fat]]
BigYoshi.png|Big [[Baby Fat]]

{{more images|Many more enemies, including at least Spikester and Stinger, have artwork that cannot be obtained from current online scans}}
{{image|more=yes|Many more enemies, including at least Spikester and Stinger, have artwork that cannot be obtained from current online scans}}
Line 57: Line 57:
BANDANA RED.png|[[Bandana Red]]
BANDANA RED.png|[[Bandana Red]]
SMRPG Big Boo Artwork.png|[[Boo|The Big Boo]]
SMRPG Big Boo Artwork.png|[[Boo|The Big Boo]]
Blaster SMRPG art.jpg|[[Blaster]] / [[Big Blaster|Big Bertha]]
Blaster SMRPG art.jpg|[[Bill Blaster|Blaster]] / [[Big Blaster|Big Bertha]]
Birdy SMRPG art.jpg|[[Birdy]]
Birdy SMRPG art.jpg|[[Birdy]]
Blooper SMRPG art.jpg|[[Blooper|Bloober]]
Blooper SMRPG art.jpg|[[Blooper|Bloober]]
Line 121: Line 121:
SMRPG Sackit art.jpg|[[Sackit]]
SMRPG Sackit art.jpg|[[Sackit]]
Shadow RPG.jpg|[[Shadow]]
Shadow RPG.jpg|[[Shadow (enemy)|Shadow]]
SMRPG Shaman.png|[[Shaman]]
SMRPG Shaman.png|[[Shaman]]
Line 152: Line 152:
Mario RPG Birdo.png|[[Birdo]]
Mario RPG Birdo.png|[[Birdo]]
Blade.jpg|[[The Blade]]
Blade.jpg|[[The Blade]]
Boomerrpg.png|[[Boomer (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)|Boomer]]
Boomerrpg.png|[[Boomer (Super Mario RPG)|Boomer]]
Smrpg booster.gif|[[Booster]]
SMRPG Booster Artwork.png|[[Booster]]
Bundt.jpg|[[Cake (boss)|Cake]]
Bundt.jpg|[[Cake (boss)|Cake]]
Line 162: Line 162:
SMRPG Domino.png|[[Domino]]
SMRPG Domino.png|[[Domino]]
SMRPG Exor Artwork.png|[[Exor]]
SMRPG GrateGuy.png|[[Grate Guy]]
SMRPG GrateGuy.png|[[Grate Guy]]
SMRPG Gunyolk.png|[[Gunyolk]]
SMRPG Gunyolk.png|[[Gunyolk]]
Hammer Bro SMRPG art.jpg|[[Hammer Bro]]
Hammer Bro SMRPG art.jpg|[[Hammer Bro]]
Jinx SMRPG art.jpg|[[Jinx]]
Jinx SMRPG art.jpg|[[Jinx]]
SMRPG Jonathan Jones Artwork.png|[[Jonathan Jones]]
SMRPG Jonathan Jones Artwork.png|[[Johnny]]
KingCalamari.gif|[[King Calamari]]
KingCalamari.gif|[[King Calamari]]
SMRPG KnifeGuy.png|[[Knife Guy]]
SMRPG KnifeGuy.png|[[Knife Guy]]
Line 173: Line 173:
EARTH LINK.png|[[Mad Adder]]
EARTH LINK.png|[[Mad Adder]]
RMagikoopa SMRPG.jpg|[[Wizakoopa|Magikoopa]]
RMagikoopa SMRPG.jpg|[[Wizakoopa|Magikoopa]]
SMRPG Megasmilax.png|[[Megasmilax]] with [[Smilax]]es
SMRPG Megasmilax.png|[[Smilax|Megasmilax]] with Smilaxes
SMRPG Punchinello Artwork.png|[[Punchinello]]
Smithy Alternate Render.png|Smithy
Smithy Alternate Render.png|Smithy
SMRPG Chef Torte Artwork.png|[[Torte]]
SMRPG Chef Torte Artwork.png|[[Torte]]
SMRPG Valentina Artwork.png|[[Valentina]]
Line 237: Line 237:
Star Egg SMRPG artwork.png|[[Star Egg]]
Star Egg SMRPG artwork.png|[[Star Egg]]
SMRPG Wallet.PNG|[[Wallet]]
SMRPG Wallet.PNG|[[Wallet]]
WiltshroomSMRPG.png|[[Dried Shroom|Wilt Shroom]]
WiltshroomSMRPG.png|[[Dried Mushroom|Wilt Shroom]]
SMRPG YoshiAde.PNG|[[Yoshi-Ade]]
SMRPG YoshiAde.PNG|[[Yoshi-Ade]]
SMRPG YoshiCandy.png|[[Yoshi Candy]]
SMRPG YoshiCandy.png|[[Yoshi Candy]]
Line 248: Line 248:
SMRPG BambinoBomb.PNG|[[Microbomb|Bambino Bomb]]
SMRPG BambinoBomb.PNG|[[Microbomb|Bambino Bomb]]
SMRPG BeetleBox.PNG|[[Beetle Box]]
SMRPG BeetleBox.PNG|[[Beetle Box]]
Bigboo.png|[[Big Boo Flag]]
SMRPG MustyFearsFlags.PNG|[[Boo Flag|Big Boo Flag]], [[Dry Bones Flag|Dry Bones' Flag]] and [[Greaper Flag]]
Bigboo.png|Big Boo Flag
SMRPG CastleKey1.PNG|[[Castle Key 1]]
SMRPG CastleKey1.PNG|[[Castle Key 1]]
SMRPG CastleKey2.PNG|[[Castle Key 2]]
SMRPG CastleKey2.PNG|[[Castle Key 2]]
SMRPG CricketJam.PNG|[[Cricket Jam]]
SMRPG CricketJam.PNG|[[Cricket Jam]]
SMRPG CricketPie.PNG|[[Cricket Pie]]
SMRPG CricketPie.PNG|[[Cricket Pie]]
SMRPG MustyFearsFlags.PNG|[[Dry Bones Flag]]
SMRPG ElderKey.PNG|[[Elder Key]]
SMRPG ElderKey.PNG|[[Elder Key]]
SMRPG MustyFearsFlags.PNG|[[Greaper Flag]]
SMRPG FrogCoin.png|[[Special Frog Coin|Rare Frog Coin]]
SMRPG FrogCoin.png|[[Special Frog Coin|Rare Frog Coin]]
SMRPG RoomKey.PNG|[[Room Key]]
SMRPG RoomKey.PNG|[[Room Key]]
Line 265: Line 264:
SMRPG Board.png|[[Block (Super Mario RPG)|Block]]
SMRPG Board.png|[[Tile|Board]]
Donut Block SMRPG art.jpg|[[Donut Block]]
Donut Block SMRPG art.jpg|[[Donut Block]]
SMRPG PotCannon.png|[[Pot cannon]]
SMRPG PotCannon.png|[[Pot cannon]]
Line 274: Line 273:
SMRPG Chomp.png|[[Chain Chomp|Chomp]]
SMRPG Chomp.png|[[Chain Chomp (weapon)|Chomp]]
SMRPG ChompShell.png|[[Fake Chomp|Chomp Shell]]
SMRPG ChompShell.png|[[Fake Chomp|Chomp Shell]]
SMRPG Cymbals.png|[[Cymbals]]
SMRPG Cymbals.png|[[Cymbals]]
Line 281: Line 280:
SMRPG FingerShot.png|[[Finger Shot]]
SMRPG FingerShot.png|[[Finger Shot]]
SMRPG FroggieStick.png|[[Froggie Stick]]
SMRPG FroggieStick.png|[[Froggie Stick]]
SMRPG FryingPan.png|[[Peach's frying pan|Frying Pan]]
SMRPG FryingPan.png|[[Frying Pan]]
SMRPG Hammer.png|[[Hammer]]
SMRPG Hammer.png|[[Hammer]]
SMRPG HandCannon.png|[[Hand Cannon]]
SMRPG HandCannon.png|[[Hand Cannon]]
Line 300: Line 299:
SMRPG Super Hammer.png|[[Super Hammer]]
SMRPG Super Hammer.png|[[Super Hammer]]
SMRPG SuperSlap.png|[[Super Slap]]
SMRPG SuperSlap.png|[[Super Slap]]
SMRPG TroopaShell.png|[[Troopa Shell]]
SMRPG TroopaShell.png|[[Paratroopa Shell|Troopa Shell]]
SMRPGUltra Hammer.png|[[Ultra Hammer]]
SMRPGUltra Hammer.png|[[Ultra Hammer]]
SMRPG WarFan.png|[[War Fan]]
SMRPG WarFan.png|[[War Fan]]
Line 341: Line 340:
ThickPants.png|[[Thick Pants]]
ThickPants.png|[[Thick Pants]]
ThickShirt.png|[[Thick Shirt]]
ThickShirt.png|[[Thick Shirt]]
SMRPG WorkPants.PNG|[[Work Pants (Super Mario RPG)|Work Pants]]
SMRPG WorkPants.PNG|[[Work Pants]]

Line 349: Line 348:
SMRPG AntidotePin.PNG|[[Antidote Pin]]
SMRPG AntidotePin.PNG|[[Antidote Pin]]
SMRPG AttackScarf.PNG|[[Attack Scarf]]
SMRPG AttackScarf.PNG|[[Attack Scarf]]
SMRPG BTubRing.PNG|[[B'tub Ring]]
SMRPG BTubRing.PNG|[[Nurture Ring|B'tub Ring]]
SMRPG CoinTrick.PNG|[[Coin Trick]]
SMRPG CoinTrick.PNG|[[Coin Trick]]
SMRPG ExpBooster.PNG|[[Exp. Booster]]
SMRPG ExpBooster.PNG|[[Exp. Booster]]
Line 407: Line 406:
SMRPG Guerrilla Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Guerrilla]]
SMRPG Guerrilla Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Guerrilla]]
SMRPG Bowyer Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Bowyer]]
SMRPG Bowyer Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Bowyer]]
SMRPG Jonathan Jones Concept Artwork 2.jpg|[[Jonathan Jones]]
SMRPG Jonathan Jones Concept Artwork 2.jpg|[[Johnny]]
SMRPG Jonathan Jones Concept Artwork.jpg|Jonathan Jones
SMRPG Jonathan Jones Concept Artwork.jpg|Johnny
SMRPG Culex Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Culex]]
SMRPG Culex Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Culex]]
SMRPG Valentina Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Valentina]]
SMRPG Valentina Concept Artwork.jpg|[[Valentina]]
Line 453: Line 452:
Amanita Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Amanita]]
Amanita Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Amanita]]
Torte Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Apprentice (Torte)|Apprentice]]
Torte Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Apprentice (Torte)|Apprentice]]
BabyYoshiSMRPG.PNG|[[Baby Yoshi#Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars|Baby Fat]]
BabyYoshiSMRPG.PNG|[[Baby Fat]]
Fat Baby Yoshi Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|Baby Fat
Fat Baby Yoshi Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|Baby Fat
SMRPG Mushroom gamer.png|[[Beetle Mania Toad]]
SMRPG Belome statue.png|[[Belome]] (bedtime)
SMRPG Belome statue.png|[[Belome]] statue
SMRPG Big Boo.png|[[Big Boo]] (attack)
SMRPG Big Boo.png|[[Big Boo]] (attack)
Boshi Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Boshi]]
Boshi Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Boshi]]
Line 463: Line 461:
Torte Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Chef Torte]]
Torte Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Chef Torte]]
Chester Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Comeon|Chester]]
Chester Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Comeon|Chester]]
SMRPG Chomp friendly.png|[[Chain Chomp|Chomp]]
SMRPG Chomp friendly.png|[[Chain Chomp (weapon)|Chomp]]
Chow Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Chow]]
Chow Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Chow]]
DrTopper SMRPG.PNG|[[Dr. Topper]]
DrTopper SMRPG.png|[[Dr. Topper]]
Drill Bit.png|[[Drill Bit]]
Drill Bit.png|[[Drill Bit]]
SMRPG Dyna and Mite.png|[[Dyna & Mite]]
SMRPG Dyna and Mite.png|[[Dyna and Mite|Dyna & Mite]]
SMRPG Seaside mayor.png|[[Elder]]
SMRPG Seaside mayor.png|[[Elder]]
SMRPG Frogfucius.png|[[Frog Sage|Frogfucius]]
SMRPG Frogfucius.png|[[Frog Sage|Frogfucius]]
SMRPG Frog student.png|[[Frogfucius' Student]]
SMRPG Frog student.png|[[Frogfucius' Student]]
SMRPG Mushroom gamer.png|[[Game Boy Toad]]
SMRPG Seed guy.png|[[Gardener]]
SMRPG Seed guy.png|[[Gardener]]
SMRPG Garro.png|[[Garro]]
SMRPG Garro.png|[[Garro]]
Line 482: Line 481:
SMRPG Mole woman.png|[[Ma Mole and Pa Mole|Ma'Mole]]
SMRPG Mole woman.png|[[Ma Mole and Pa Mole|Ma'Mole]]
SMRPG Magikoopa field blue.png|[[Wizakoopa|Magikoopa]] (field)
SMRPG Magikoopa field blue.png|[[Magikoopa]] (field)
SMRPG Magikoopa field blue.png|[[Magikoopa]]s
SMRPG Magikoopa field blue.png|[[Magikoopa]]
SMRPG Mechakoopa shaders.png|[[Mechakoopa]] (attack)
SMRPG Mechakoopa shaders.png|[[Mechakoopa]] (attack)
SMRPG Mechakoopa shaderless.png|Mechakoopa (attack)
SMRPG Mechakoopa shaderless.png|Mechakoopa (attack)
Line 527: Line 526:
SMRPG Mushroom man.png|[[Raz]]
SMRPG Mushroom man.png|[[Raz]]
SMRPG-Royal-Bus-Driver.gif|[[Royal bus driver]]
SMRPG-Royal-Bus-Driver.gif|[[Royal bus driver]]
SMRPG Samus.png|[[Samus Aran]]
SMRPG Samus.png|[[Samus|Samus Aran]]
SMRPG Sgt Flutter.png|[[Sergeant Flutter]]
SMRPG Sgt Flutter.png|[[Sergeant Flutter]]
Line 561: Line 560:
Red Bandana.png|[[Bandana Red]]
Red Bandana.png|[[Bandana Red]]
Blaster Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Big Blaster|Big Bertha]] / [[Blaster]]
SMRPG Big Thwomp.png|[[Big Thwomp]] (field enemy)
SMRPG Big Thwomp.png|[[Big Thwomp]] (field enemy)
Birdy Red.png|[[Birdy]]
Birdy Red.png|[[Birdy]]
Blaster Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Bill Blaster|Blaster]] / [[Big Blaster|Big Bertha]]
SMRPG Blazer Magnum.png|[[Blazer]] (attack)
SMRPG Blazer Magnum.png|[[Blazer]] (attack)
Line 666: Line 665:
Rob-omb Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Rob-omb]]
Rob-omb Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Rob-omb]]
Shadow Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Shadow]]
Shadow Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Shadow (enemy)|Shadow]]
Shogun Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Shogun]]
Shogun Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Shogun]]
Line 706: Line 705:
Axem Green Sprite.png|[[Axem Green]]
Axem Green Sprite.png|[[Axem Green]]
Axem Pink Sprite.png|[[Axem Pink]]
Axem Pink Sprite.png|[[Axem Pink]]
Axem Rangers Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Blade|Axem Rangers]]
Axem Rangers Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[The Blade|Axem Rangers]]
Axem Red Sprite.png|[[Axem Red]]
Axem Red Sprite.png|[[Axem Red]]
Axem Yellow Sprite.png|[[Axem Yellow]]
Axem Yellow Sprite.png|[[Axem Yellow]]
Line 750: Line 749:
Hammer Bro SMRPG.png|[[Hammer Bro]]
Hammer Bro SMRPG.png|[[Hammer Bro]]
SMRPG Johnny field.png|[[Jonathan Jones]] (field)
SMRPG Johnny field.png|[[Johnny]] (field)
Jonny Jones.png|Jonathan Jones
Jonny Jones.png|Johnny
Johnny Solo Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|Jonathan Jones ([[Get Tough|red palette]])
Johnny Solo Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|Johnny ([[Get Tough|red palette]])
King Calamari.png|[[King Calamari]]
King Calamari.png|[[King Calamari]]
SMRPG Knife Guy field.png|[[Knife Guy]] (field)
SMRPG Knife Guy field.png|[[Knife Guy]] (field)
Line 763: Line 762:
SMRPG Manager field.png|[[Manager]] (field)
SMRPG Manager field.png|[[Manager]] (field)
Manager Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|Manager
Manager Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|Manager
SMRPG Megasmilax sprite.png|[[Megasmilax]]
SMRPG Megasmilax sprite.png|[[Smilax|Megasmilax]]
Megasmileyax.png|Megasmilax with [[Smilax]]es
Megasmileyax.png|Megasmilax with Smilaxes
SMRPG-Mokura Sprite.png|[[Gassox|Mokura]]
SMRPG-Mokura Sprite.png|[[Gassox|Mokura]]
SMRPG Exor Neosquid.png|[[Exor|Neosquid]]
SMRPG Exor Neosquid.png|[[Exor|Neosquid]]
Line 798: Line 797:
Shyster Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Bodyguard]]
Shyster Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Bodyguard]]
Bowser Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Belome|Bowser Clone]]
Bowser Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Belome|Bowser Clone]]
Ding-A-Ling Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Ring-a-Ding|Ding-A-Ling]]
Ding-A-Ling Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Count Down|Ding-A-Ling]]
Earth Crystal Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Earth Crystal]]
Earth Crystal Sprite - Super Mario RPG.png|[[Earth Crystal]]
Line 850: Line 849:
Czar Dragon.png|[[Czar Dragon|Magidragon]] (intro only)
Czar Dragon.png|[[Czar Dragon|Magidragon]] (intro only)
SMRPG Merlin unused.png|[[Magikoopa|Merlin]] (intro only)
SMRPG Merlin unused.png|[[Magikoopa|Merlin]] (intro only)
SMRPG Thrax 3.png|[[Megasmilax|Thrax]]
SMRPG Thrax 1.png|[[Smilax|Thrax]]

Line 887: Line 886:
SMRPG Reacher pink unused.png|[[Reacher]]
SMRPG Reacher pink unused.png|[[Reacher]]
SMRPG Remo Con black unused.png|[[Dollox|Remo Con]]
SMRPG Remo Con black unused.png|[[Dollox|Remo Con]]
SMRPG Shadow purple unused.png|[[Shadow]]
SMRPG Shadow purple unused.png|[[Shadow (enemy)|Shadow]]
SMRPG Shaman orange unused.png|[[Shaman]]
SMRPG Shaman orange unused.png|[[Shaman]]
SMRPG Shaman magenta unused.png|Shaman
SMRPG Shaman magenta unused.png|Shaman
Line 906: Line 905:
Red Mushroom.png|[[Poison Mushroom|Bad Mushroom]]
Red Mushroom.png|[[Poison Mushroom|Bad Mushroom]]
BBomb.png|[[Microbomb|Bambino Bomb]]
BBomb.png|[[Microbomb|Bambino Bomb]]
SMRPG Barrel.png|[[Barrel]]
SMRPG Bonus Flower item.png|[[Bonus Flower]]
SMRPG Bonus Flower item.png|[[Bonus Flower]]
Yellow D Drink.png|[[Bracer]]
Yellow D Drink.png|[[Bracer]]
Line 922: Line 922:
RPG Bag.png|[[Cricket Jam]]
RPG Bag.png|[[Cricket Jam]]
Yellow D Drink.png|[[Party Bracer|Crystalline]]
Yellow D Drink.png|[[Party Bracer|Crystalline]]
SMRPG Donut Block.png|[[Donut Block]]
SMRPG Chest dud.png|Dud "item" from chest monster
SMRPG Chest dud.png|Dud "item" from chest monster
RPG Rare.png|[[Earlier Times]]
RPG Rare.png|[[Earlier Times]]
Line 956: Line 957:
Red Star Drink.png|[[Pick Me Up]]
Red Star Drink.png|[[Pick Me Up]]
Green P Drink.png|[[Party Energizer|Power Blast]]
Green P Drink.png|[[Party Energizer|Power Blast]]
SMRPG Pot Cannon.png|[[Pot cannon]]
Blue Liquid.png|[[Pure Water]]
Blue Liquid.png|[[Pure Water]]
Red Essence.png|[[Red Essence]]
Red Essence.png|[[Red Essence]]
Line 967: Line 969:
RPG Rare.png|[[Sheep Attack]]
RPG Rare.png|[[Sheep Attack]]
Green Bomb.png|[[Sleepy Bomb]]
Green Bomb.png|[[Sleepy Bomb]]
SMRPG Smile Trampoline.png||[[Trampoline|Smile trampoline]]
SMRPG Spinning Flower.png||[[Spinning Flower]]
SMRPG Star box.png|[[Super Star|Star]]
SMRPG Star box.png|[[Super Star|Star]]
Lucky Jewel.png|[[Star Egg]]
Lucky Jewel.png|[[Star Egg]]
RPG Key.png|[[Temple Key]]
RPG Key.png|[[Temple Key]]
SMRPG Block.png|[[Tile]]
RPG Pin.png|[[Princess Peach|Toadstool]]'s brooch
RPG Pin.png|[[Princess Peach|Toadstool]]'s brooch
RPG Ring.png|Toadstool's necklace
RPG Ring.png|Toadstool's necklace
SMRPG Treasure Box.png|[[Treasure chest|Treasure box]]
SMRPG Ultra Hammer box.png|[[Ultra Hammer]]
SMRPG Ultra Hammer box.png|[[Ultra Hammer]]
SMRPG Valentina statue.png|[[Valentina]] statue
SMRPG Valentina statue.png|[[Valentina]] statue
SMRPG Warp Trampoline.png||Warp trampoline
Green Candy.png|[[Yoshi Candy]]
Green Candy.png|[[Yoshi Candy]]
Line 994: Line 1,001:
PeachSMRPG.png|Mario battling Bowser
PeachSMRPG.png|Mario battling Bowser
VistaHillSMRPG.png|Mario sees the [[Bowser's Castle|castle]]
VistaHillSMRPG.png|Mario sees the [[Bowser's Castle|castle]]
KoopaTroopRPG.png|Bowser with his remaining [[Koopa Troop]]
KoopaTroopRPG.png|Bowser with his remaining [[Bowser's Minions|Koopa Troop]]
File:Grandmatoadstool.png|[[Granny|Grandma]] and Mario
File:Grandmatoadstool.png|[[Granny|Grandma]] and Mario
Bowser in moleville.png|Bowser in [[Moleville]]
Bowser in moleville.png|Bowser in [[Moleville]]
Line 1,010: Line 1,017:
==Box art==
==Box art==
Super Mario RPG Box.png|North American box art (front)
Super Mario RPG Box.png|North American box art
SMRPGBackAmerica.jpg|North American box art (back)
SMRPGBackAmerica.jpg|North American box art (back)
SMRPG SuperFamicomBox.jpg|Japanese box art (front)
Super Mario RPG Box BRA.jpg|Brazilian box art
SMRPG SuperFamicomBox.jpg|Japanese box art
SMRPGBackJapan.jpg|Japanese box art (back)
SMRPGBackJapan.jpg|Japanese box art (back)
Super mario rpg reward.png|Wii [[Virtual Console]]
Super Mario RPG Box KOR.jpg|Korean box art
SMRPG_VCicon.png|Wii U Virtual Console
Super mario rpg reward.png|Wii [[Virtual Console]] icon
SMRPG_VCicon.png|Wii U Virtual Console icon

Line 1,023: Line 1,032:
SMRPG SFC magazine ad.jpg|Japanese magazine ad
SMRPG SFC magazine ad.jpg|Japanese magazine ad
Super Mario RPG Player's Guide.jpg|[[Nintendo Player's Guide]]
Super Mario RPG Player's Guide.jpg|[[Nintendo Player's Guide]]
Exor's Keep.png|Exor on Bowser's Keep.
Exor's Keep.png|Exor on [[Bowser's Keep]].
SMRPG AlbumCover.jpg|''[[Super Mario RPG Original Sound Version]]''
SMRPG AlbumCover.jpg|''[[Super Mario RPG Original Sound Version]]''
SMRPG AlbumStickers.jpg|Sticker sheet included with the soundtrack
SMRPG AlbumStickers.jpg|Sticker sheet included with the soundtrack

Latest revision as of 11:30, February 28, 2025

This is a gallery of images for the game Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. For images related to its remake, see Gallery:Super Mario RPG (Nintendo Switch).



Main characters[edit]



It has been requested that more images be uploaded for this article. Remove this notice only after the additional images have been added. Specifics: Many more enemies, including at least Spikester and Stinger, have artwork that cannot be obtained from current online scans



Special items[edit]





World map[edit]

Group artwork[edit]

Concept art[edit]



Player characters[edit]




Boss helpers[edit]

Unused coded enemies[edit]

Unused attack targets[edit]

Unused enemy palettes[edit]

Items and objects[edit]

Menus and Level Up[edit]


Box art[edit]
