User:Green Star/sandbox
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This is a list of quotes by Olivia in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
Paper Mario: The Origami King
Peach's Castle
- " that you?"
- "I need your help! I'm...I'm...I'm in a very strange place."
- "It's cramped and dark...almost like I'm in between dimensions or something."
- "I'm not sure if I should be amazed or scared, but I'm kinda both?"
- "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to get out now, please. Is there any way you can help?"
- "Are you leaving? It sounds like you're leaving! Please help me..."
- "What was that? Did something light up at your feet? Is it a Magic Circle?"
- "That's good...I think. I mean, I'm not really sure what you're supposed to do with it..."
- "Can you try to use it somehow?"
- "That...that sounded good! Are your arms all big and foldy now?"
- "I've heard about this! I think those are called 1,000-Fold Arms."
- "Try feeling around a bit...maybe you can help me escape from this strange dimension."
- "If it feels like the arms are off-center and out of control, maybe try pressing
to reset them."
- "A little to the left..."
- "Yes! You're right there!"
- "Wow! I'm free from that weird in-between dimension!"
- "...Oh, was I just stuck in that wall?"
- "You must be Mario!"
- "My name's Olivia! You'd probably like to know a lot more about me and why I was trapped like that, huh?"
- "But...I don't think we really have time for that now. Maybe we should just get out of here."
- "There's just one thing...I'm not exactly fleet of foot. Mind if I hitch a ride?"
- "You know, I feel like I just had a pretty good idea..."
- "I don't know if they'll always be good ideas, but I'm always happy to share 'em with you!"
- "Why don't you try pressing
if you're stuck, and I'll see if I can think of something useful?"
- "Who knows? Maybe we'll get to know each other and make a great team! Is that how these things go?"
- "Ooh! Thank you for calling on me with
. It's my first hint! Now for an actual hint. Umm..."
- "That hole in the wall looks like it might be a way to sneak out!"
- "OK, I'm getting my bearings... I think we might be in the castle dungeon."
- "Dungeons smell like...this place smells, right?"
- "What did you see? Nothing terrifying, I hope..."
- "OK, maybe I have time to explain one little thing. Those stiff-looking guys are called Folded Soldiers."
- "I don't want to alarm you, but they're unbelievably dangerous. I think we should try to avoid them."
- "What do you think they meant by That was the last of them... anyway? The last what?"
- "Royalty? Ooh, nice to meet you! Is everyone in your kingdom also a face?"
- "You're really getting the hang of those 1,000-Fold Arms, Mario!"
- "Save complete, huh? Guess that means your adventure up to this point has been saved. Phew!"
- "Let's make a habit of saving every time we see another one of these shiny blocks, OK?"
- "Oh! And you'll find all sorts of helpful stuff if you open the menu with ."
- "If you want to try out some other options or need some help, check the [options] section of the menu!"
- "I've never seen a Folded Soldier like that, Mario. Does it look like one of your flat paper friends?"
- "Oh no! I'm guessing this is your first time facing Folded Soldiers, Mario..."
- "Once these flat paper folks have been turned into Folded Soldiers, we can't turn them back!"
- "It seems cruel to fight them, but if we don't, they'll try to fold you into origami too!"
- "I'd help you attack, but my tiny arms don't pack much of a punch. I don't want to get in your way..."
- "So I'll cheer you on, but you'll have to do the heavy lifting yourself!"
- "And hey, did you catch that first message? It said something about a "WAVE BATTLE!" Are we in some kind of splash zone?"
- "I guess we'll worry about that when we get to it. Let's just focus on these enemies for now, Mario."
- "Speaking of, you're surrounded by FOUR Folded Soldiers! Huh. Where did the other three come from?"
- "If they all attack at once, you'll get a real pummeling. This looks rough..."
This is a list of quotes by Professor Elvin Gadd in Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and Luigi's Mansion 3, respectively.
Luigi's Mansion
- "Ouch..."
- "Ooof... I sure take a lot of knocks in this line of work."
- "I'm getting too old for this ghost-catching tomfoolery."
- "Anyway, nice to meet you. I'm Professor E. Gadd."
- "This house... I swear it seems to have more ghosts every day!"
- "What's a young feller like you doing around here, anyhoo?"
- "Uh-oh! This looks ugly."
- "All right, youngster, look lively! Follow me, posthaste!"
- "So your name's Luigi? I think our paths were destined to cross. Well met, Luigi."
- "Hmm? Where's this, you ask?"
- "Why, these cozy quarters are where I do my ghost-studying. Professor E. Gadd's Ghost research laboratory! The Lab, if you're of a shortening mind."
- "You won this mansion in a contest you didn't even enter? Sounds pretty fishy to me..."
- "So, you believe the mansion actually exists, then... Strange."
- "I've been living here since I was a lad of twenty or so, and I'll tell you: that mansion appeared just a few days ago! The spirits have fooled you!"
- "I don't know if it's a dream, an illusion, or what-all, but I surely wouldn't be too happy winning a haunted house!"
- "Now that I get a look at you, I just recalled... A guy with a red hat kind of like yours went up to the mansion without even stopping to chat...and he never returned. Was he a dream, too?"
- "What?"
- "That guy was your brother? Oh no! That's horrible!"
- "He wouldn't stand a chance against those ghosts without my help! You have to go after him!"
- "Here's the plan: I'll teach you to deal with ghosts so you can rescue your brother, Luigi."
- "That's the vacuum cleaner I engineered to catch ghosts. I call it...this is genius...the Poltergust 3000! It can suck up all kinds of things. Let 'er rip!"
- "Use the R Button to vacuum and the C Stick to change your direction."
- "No matter how strong you think your brother is..."
- "Ghosts are mysterious beings... They can't be caught using conventional means."
- "So you'd better use this! It's the only way to foil 'em! This is the only thing they fear!"
- "Or something to that effect... Ahem! Well, how's about we start your training?"
- "Ghosts seem to like darkness, and they avoid the light."
- "So if you hit 'em with a flashlight beam all of a sudden, you can stun 'em momentarily! Then it's vacuuming time!"
- "When you see your chance, hold down the R Button and tilt the Control Stick in the opposite direction!"
- "Just give it a try. You'll learn more that way than just listening to me yap about it."
- "Ghosts love to hide in dark places. Isn't that a hoot?"
- "There! Here they come!"
- "Catching ghosts means using the flashlight and the Poltergust 3000 as a team, you get me, young feller?"
- "That'll do!"
- "Well, how many did you get?"
- "Only two? That's no good."
- "Tilt the Control Stick in the direction opposite the ghost."
- "Fine, fine. Looks like you worked up quite a sweat there."
- "How about a little cool-down in the gallery? I'm quite proud of it, you know..."
- "Really? You're not interested?"
- "Where will you go, Luigi?"
- "Careful now, Luigi!"
- "Hold up a sec, Luigi!"
- "It's me, Professor E. Gadd!"
- "I detect spirit stronger than we've yet seen lurking ahead. I must be some of those escaped gallery ghosts!"
- "You should know that they're really different from the other ghosts you've seen so far."
- "They don't show their hearts very easily. Nope, not at all."
- "When you find one, you should first use the X Button to search its heart for clues."
- "Sometimes you can learn the best way to surprise 'em!"
- "Well, Luigi, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you."
- ", can you hear me?"
- "Oh, thank goodness you're OK! I lost contact with you all of a sudden... I was a tad worried."
- "Hmmm. You seem to be a bit tuckered out after that long battle, don't you?"
- "Why don't you come on back to the lab?"
- "When you vacuum a Boss ghost, your Poltergust 3000 gets pretty much full to bursting."
- "But...ho ho...I guess you showed that boss ghost who's boss!"
- "Good job, Luigi! You made it back in one piece!"
- "Take a gander at this. This fine piece of work took nearly twenty years to develop! I call it the Ghost Portrificationizer!"
- "This machine lets us turn the ghosts you catch into paintings. Not only that, it works in reverse, too!"
- "Hm? How do we use it, you ask? Well, it's simple. Just plug that Poltergust 3000 into that slot and enjoy the ride, my boy!"
- "The ghosts are we need 'em into visible forms...and presto! Turn 'em into beautiful ghost portraits!"
- "Hmmm..."
- "Well, we managed to turn those ghosts back into paintings. Thanks for your help, Luigi!"
- "Heh heh heh! Looks like you've run into a bit of trouble there. Maybe you need more training!"
- "There are some ghosts who'll try to grab and hold you..."
- "When that happens, try moving your Control Stick back and forth to shake 'em off!"
- "It's the age-old struggle for survival, my boy! Don't lose heart, Luigi!"
- "Luigi! Are you OK?"
- "That was them! Those were the ones who released all of the ghosts from the paintings my gallery! Those fiends!"
- "I wondered where King Boo and his gang had gone. So, they were hiding in the mansion all along... Thanks for flushing 'em out, Luigi!"
- "I'm tickled you found 'em, but...perhaps it would've been better if you hadn't well...let every single one escape. Just a thought."
- "Ah, well, water under the bridge. Anyway, you should probably come back to the Lab for a sec."