List of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate quotes

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For the Smash Taunts, see List of Smash Taunt characters § Conversations.

This is a list of quotes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.


(*) - Used twice in the Sound Test due to having gender-specified announcements in the French, Spanish and Italian versions


Many of the voice clips and the sounds effects for returning fighters are carried over from either Brawl or for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U, with these exceptions:

  • Marth and Roy using new English voices rather than their Japanese voices. For Marth, his Japanese voices are also re-recorded.
  • All of The Legend of Zelda characters (except Toon Link), Star Fox characters, Ike and Pokémon Trainer's (with their Pokémons) voice clips are re-recorded from Brawl / for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U.
  • Some characters using both of the new voices and recycled voices due to using new Final Smash (Pit), new copy abilities (Kirby), etc. Kirby's primary Blast/Stamina KO voice is also re-recorded; Pit received new Star KO voices for international releases (the same with that of for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U in Japanese, Chinese and Korean versions), as well.
  • Sound effects for Duck Hunt and Mr. Game & Watch has slightly changed from previous titles.


  • "If you need to learn to talk to a lady, ask your mum."
  • "New 'do, dead you."
  • "That all you got?"
  • "You're making it easy."
  • "Dreadful."
  • "Don't make me beg!"
  • "Miss me, baby?"
  • ''Smashing!"
  • "Avavago!"
  • "Fire!"
  • "Boom!"
  • "Get out!"
  • "Bingo!"
  • "See you!"
  • "Jūnen hayandayo!" (You're ten years early!)
  • "So close."
  • "Almost."
  • "Gotcha."
  • "Goodbye!"

Bowser Jr.

  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Yowch!"


  • "Hahahaha!"
  • "Ha-ha!"


  • "Ahahahaha!"
  • "Ha-ha!"


  • "Uh-huh?"
  • "Wee-wee, woo-hoo!"
  • "Re-hee-hee-hee!"


  • "Agahahaha!"
  • "Wa-ha-ha!"
  • "Hee-hahahaha!"
  • "A-gweheheheheheheheh!" (Shadow Mario Paint)
  • "DAAAAAAAHHHH!!" (Star KO)


  • "Hehe-hohoho!"
  • "Gwah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah...!" (Star KO)


  • "Haa ha!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Whee!"
  • "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" (Star KO)


  • "Gwahaha!"
  • "Gwa hah!" (Shadow Mario Paint)
  • "Whoa!"

Captain Falcon


  • "On my mark!"
  • "We're not done yet!"
  • "My strength is yours."
  • "Come on."
  • "Come at me!"
  • "I will not fail!"
  • "The training paid off."
  • "Anything can change!"
  • "I will cut a path!"
  • "Our bond is stronger than steel."
  • "Here!"
  • "Out of my way!"
  • "How about this?"
  • "I'll end you!"
  • "No way!"
  • "Not today!"
  • "Now I'm mad."
  • "Your end has come!"
  • "Aether!"
  • "Sorry!"

Corrin (female)

  • "How... can this..."
  • "This ends here!"
  • "Let's do this!"
  • "Your fate is clear!"
  • "You ready for this?"
  • "That was great."
  • "Good!"

Corrin (male)

  • "How... can this...?"
  • "Out of the way!"
  • "My path is clear!"
  • "I've made my choice."
  • "Are you ready?"
  • "That went well."
  • "I win!"


Dark Pit

  • "Electroshock!"
  • "No way!"
  • "Goodbye!"
  • "It's time!"
  • "Who wants some?"
  • "Watch out!"
  • "Game on!"
  • "Can't help but feel sorry for ya."
  • "Looks like I'm the last man standing."
  • "Nice try."
  • "Where's your goddess now?"

Dr. Mario

  • "Oh yeah! HEEEYAAHH!"
  • "Woohoo."
  • "Ow!"


  • "Fire!"
  • "Piece of cake!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "Hands off my prey!"
  • "Had enough already?"
  • "You're off your game, Fox!"
  • "Sorry. Gotta jet."
  • "Showtime!"
  • "We've got multiple bogies inbound!"
  • "Time for a little payback!"


  • "Don't let a single one get away!" (World of Light)
  • "Fire!"
  • "It's go time!"
  • "Star Fox—fire at will!"
  • "This is the end for you, Wolf!"
  • "Come at me."
  • "Let's go!"
  • "This is Fox. Returning to base."
  • "Better luck next time, Falco!"
  • "Mission complete!"


  • "Greninja!"
  • "Ninja!"
  • "Nin. Nin."


  • "Gotcha!"
  • "Amateur!"
  • "Aether!"
  • "Great Aether!"
  • "Prepare yourself."
  • "Hmph."
  • "I submit to no one."
  • "I must move forward."
  • "Your skills were... remarkable."
  • "Don't stand in my way."
  • "You'll get no sympathy from me."
  • "I fight for my friends."


  • "Incineroar!"
  • "Incina! Incina!"
  • "Roar!"


  • "Ivysaur!"
  • "Ivy!"
  • "Ivy! Ivy!"
  • "Saur!"


  • ''Jigglypuff!"
  • "Puff!''
  • "Jiggly!"


  • "This is Joker. I've infiltrated the theater." (Joker's reveal trailer at The Game Awards 2018)
  • "This is Joker. The mission is go." (Joker's reveal trailer)
  • "Persona!"
  • "Arsene!"
  • "Return!"
  • "Enough."
  • "You're mine!"
  • "There!"
  • "Eiha!"
  • "Eigaon!"
  • "Tetrakarn!"
  • "Makarakarn!"
  • "Ravage them!"
  • "Nice."
  • "Begone."
  • "Got it!"


  • "So, you wanna fight fire with fire, huh?" (Ken's and Incineroar's reveal trailer)
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Get serious!"
  • "Bring it on!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "I'm ready for ya! Bring it on!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "I knew I'd win! Hah!"
  • "Challenge me after some practice!"
  • "Hadoken!"
  • "Tatsumaki Senpakyakyu!"
  • "Tatsumaki!"
  • "Shoryuken!"
  • "There ya go!"
  • "Uh-oh."
  • "Take this!"
  • "Shinryuken!"
  • "Got you!"
  • "Gotcha! Shippu Jinraikyaku!"




  • "Weak!"
  • "Max aura!"
  • "The aura is with me!"
  • "Behold, the power of aura."


  • "You're mine!"
  • "My turn!"
  • "Come at me!"
  • "I cannot lose."
  • "Father... I won."
  • "And they call you the Radiant Hero?" (Not available in Sound Test)
  • "The future is not written!"
  • "You'll never defeat me!"
  • "This is the Hero King?"


  • "Let's-a go."
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Pow, pow!"
  • "Bang bang!"


  • "Let's-a go!"
  • "Woohoo."
  • "Yahoo!"
  • "Ow!"
  • "Oh yeah! HEEEYAAHH!!"


  • "We'll each need to take down about ten." (World of Light)
  • "My turn!"
  • "Nice try!"
  • "Predictable!"
  • "This is it!"
  • "I won't lose!"
  • "Keep your eyes open!"
  • "The day is mine!"
  • "I cannot afford to lose."
  • "I live to fight again!"

Meta Knight

  • "Fool!"
  • "Fight me!"
  • "Come."
  • "Know my power!"
  • "Behold..."
  • "Come back when you can put up a fight."
  • "You've much yet to learn."
  • "Victory... is my destiny."



  • "Autoreticle!"
  • "Explosive Flame!"
  • "Warp!"
  • "Counter!"
  • "Reflect Barrier!"
  • "Watch this!"
  • "Black Hole!"
  • "And Mega Laser!"
  • "Goddess Wings!"
  • "You shall be purified!"
  • "Ready when you are."
  • "No one can hide from the light."
  • "Oh. So sorry about that, Pit." (Not available in Sound Test)
  • "Too bad for you."
  • "Poor little Pittoo."


  • "Hi!"
  • "Sweet!"
  • "Uh-huh."
  • "Peachy!"
  • "This is fun!"
  • "Aw, did I win?"
  • "Noooooo!"


  • "Pichu."
  • "PICHU!"
  • "Pika. Pika."
  • "Chu!"


  • "Pikachu!"
  • "PIKA!!"
  • "Pika. Pika."
  • "Chu!"


  • "We'll win this, I know we will!" (Adventure Mode: World of Light)
  • "Upperdash!"
  • "Stay back!"
  • "Lightning Chariot!"
  • "Phos! Lux! Let's go!"
  • "C'mon!"
  • "That all you got?"
  • "It's game over for you!"
  • "That was easy."
  • "What's up now?"
  • "Victory!"
  • "I'm finished..."
  • "I never learned how to read!" (Star KO)


Both genders

  • "Thunder!"
  • "Elthunder!"
  • "Arcthunder!"
  • "Thoron!"
  • "Arcfire!"
  • "Elwind!"
  • "Bolganone!"
  • "Prepare yourself!"


  • "I was careless!"
  • "Time to tip the scales!"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "A good tactician has nothing to fear."
  • "Ha! Checkmate."
  • "I've got your back."
  • "How can you protect Chrom if you can't protect yourself?"


  • "Reckless fool..."
  • "Let's tip the scales!"
  • "You're not ready."
  • "I'm always three steps ahead."
  • "The key to victory lies within."
  • "Lucina, I hope I didn't hurt you."
  • "It seems our fates are joined."


  • "Begone! You don't belong in this world, monster!" (Simon's and Richter's reveal trailer)
  • "Grand Cross!"
  • "Take this!"
  • "It's time!"
  • "Prepare yourself!"
  • "Why!?"
  • "Farewell."
  • "You don't belong in this world!"


  • "All right!"
  • "Whoo!"
  • "Yeah!"


  • "I won't lose!"
  • "That was a fierce battle."
  • "Failure is not an option!"
  • "Now the true battle begins."



  • "Kept you waiting, huh?"
  • "Tasty!"
  • "Good!"
  • "Now!"
  • "There!"
  • "It's showtime."
  • "Not even close."
  • "Colonel, mission accomplished."
  • "This is Snake. I'm done here."


  • "Super Sonic style!"
  • "Sonic speed!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "Piece of cake!"
  • "Let's do that again sometime!"
  • "That was almost too easy!"


  • "Not good!"
  • "Jump!"
  • "Speed!"
  • "Shield!"
  • "Buster!"
  • "Smash!"
  • "Back Slash!"
  • "Air Slash!"
  • "A vision...!"
  • "I see it...!"
  • "Now it's Shulk time!"
  • "I'm really feeling it!"
  • "This is the Monado's power!"
  • "I can change the future!"
  • "The future is ours to decide!"
  • "I've got a good rhythm going!"
  • "I got through that pretty good!"
  • "This is a good result!"
  • "I can feel the power!"
  • "Riki!"
  • "Dunban!"
  • "Fiora!"
  • "Time for a chain attack!"
  • "Let's go, everyone!"


  • "Away!"
  • "Grand Cross!"
  • "Come!"
  • "Begone!"
  • "I vanquish the darkness!"
  • "The darkness!"
  • "Curses!"


  • "Squirtle!"
  • "Squirtle! Squirtle!"
  • "Squirt! Squirt!"


  • "Yes!"
  • "Oooh..."
  • "Wah!"
  • "All right!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Excellent!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Yahoo!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Okay!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "No! NO!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Aieee..." (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Whaaa-?!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Heeyyy!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Oh my! (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)
  • "Wah! Waaah!" (Exclusive to WarioWare, Inc. stage)

Wii Fit Trainer (female)

  • "Salute the sun!"
  • "High energy, move that body!"
  • "That's it, feel the burn!"
  • "Let's step up the intensity!"
  • "Let's work on your balance!"
  • "Now, let's try it together!"
  • "Let's get fired up!"
  • "Let's get a good stretch."
  • "Stretch those shoulders."
  • "Let's stretch our legs."
  • "The key is to focus on your balance."
  • "Work hard to tone that tummy!"
  • "Let's tone up those legs."
  • "Good posture begins with a strong base."
  • "Feel the burn in your thighs and glutes!"
  • "Don't forget to exhale when exerting yourself."
  • "How about some deep breathing?"
  • "Watch your posture. Keep those glutes tucked in!"
  • "Tuck in those glutes!"
  • "Now that was a great workout!"
  • "Work towards strong, firm abs!"
  • "Your lower body is key for support."
  • "When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."
  • "Firm up those abs!"
  • "You're wobbling! Try to keep your balance."

Wii Fit Trainer (male)

  • "Salute the sun!"
  • "Let's get a good stretch."
  • "Stretch those shoulders."
  • "Let's stretch our legs."
  • "Feel the stretch through your arm and leg."
  • "Let's work on building a stronger upper body."
  • "Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body."
  • "Time to firm up your thighs and back muscles!"
  • "This pose strengthens the back and improves posture."
  • "Stabilize your upper body."
  • "Let's work on your coordination."
  • "This exercise works your core muscles."
  • "Keep at it every day to improve your posture!"
  • "Let's do some jackknife exercises!"
  • "Follow my lead as we do these poses together!"
  • "That was a great workout!"
  • "Work towards strong, firm abs!"
  • "Your lower body is key for support."
  • "When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."
  • "Firm up those abs!"
  • "You're wobbling! Try to keep your balance."
  • "Now, let's try it together!"
  • "Let's get fired up!"


  • "Are you scared?"
  • "Wolf pack!"
  • "Grahaha! The hunt is on, boys!"
  • "I've got you now, Star Fox!"
  • "You're good, but I'm better."
  • "Weaklings, the lot of you!"
  • "Playtime's over, Star Fox!"


  • "Yoshi!"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi!"


  • "Stow your fear! It's now, or never!" (World of Light)
  • "Otto." (Oops.)
  • "Iya!" (No!) (Blast/Stamina Battle KO)

Zero Suit Samus

  • "No!"
  • "Is that all?"
  • "Try me."
  • "You're mine."
  • "Be still."

Assist Trophies


  • "Ikuzo!" ("Let's go!")
  • "Jū'nen hayai'n da yo!" ("You're ten years early!")


  • "Out of my way."
  • "Suffer me."

Black Knight

  • "Here I go."
  • "Know your place!"
  • "Can't move..."

Gray Fox

  • "Make me feel alive again."
  • "Like old times, Snake."
  • "That's it! I've been waiting for this pain."
  • "You can't defeat me with a weapon like that."
  • "Hand to hand... is the basis of all combat."


  • "Sonic Boom!"
  • "Flash Kick!"
  • "That was nothing."

Knuckle Joe

  • "Leave it to me!"
  • "Vulcan Jab!"
  • "Rising Break!"
  • "Smash Punch!"


  • "Yo!"
  • "Later!"


  • "Try me!"
  • "You're not ready yet!"


  • "Prepare yourself."
  • "I'll handle this."
  • "Taste my blade!"


  • "Yes, you called?"

Prince of Sablé

  • "Teuchi ni itasu!" ("I'll beat you!")
  • "Saraba da!" ("Farewell!")
  • "Kaeru!" ("Frog!")
  • "Hebi!" ("Snake!")


  • "Riki leave that one for Dundun!"
  • "Crash-pow!"
  • "Here Riki go!"
  • "Get them, Shulk! Smash-pow!"
  • "Leave it to Heropon!"
  • "You Can... Do It!"
  • "F-F-F-Freezinate!"
  • "Happy Happy Time!"
  • "Roly-poly, keep on rolling!"
  • "Hehe! Yoink!"
  • "Sleepy... Sleepy... Bedtime!"
  • "All go to plan."


  • "Let the games begin!"
  • "Out of the way!"
  • "Drink's on the house!"


  • "Iizo, omae!" ("Well, it's you!")
  • "Ushouken!"
  • "Gomen!" ("Sorry!")
  • "Munen..." ("Regrettable...")


  • "Chaos Control!"
  • "Hmph."

Spring Man

  • "Hyah!"
  • "Hah!"
  • "Oh, yeah!"
  • "Boyoyoing, yeah!"

Squid Sisters

  • "Stay fresh!"


  • "This might get unpleasant."
  • "Sleep well!"

Yuri Kozukata

  • "Nani?" ("What?")


  • "The fight's on!"
  • "Back to base!"

Master spirits


  • "Oh my! Hello hello!"
  • "That's a good price for a spirit. Primaries are a big deal!"
  • "That's a good price for a spirit. Like items? Then I recommend this."
  • "That's a pretty swell spirit! Nice if you love to run and jump!"
  • "Would you like to buy this spirit?"
  • "Feed this tasty little guy to a spirit to increase its level a little bit."
  • "Feed this delectable delicacy to a spirit to increase its level."
  • "YUM! These things are sooooo tasty! They increase a spirits [sic] level A LOT."
  • "Would you like to buy this item?"
  • "Thank you! You're my favorite!"
  • "I'm going to get new things! Hold on tight!"
  • "Come again!"

Cap'n Cuttlefish

  • "Oho! Been waitin' for ya, bucko!"
  • "So, what's the plan?"
  • "Heave ho!"
  • "What's your plan with that spirit?"
  • "You wanna take this spirit back?"
  • "Come back anytime!"
  • "I'll teach ya Land Style instantly for a small fee. Say...[number]00SP?"
  • "This spirit's looking mighty fresh if I do say so myself!"
  • "Done for the day? I squid you farewell!"

Captain Charlie

  • "The name's Captain Charlie. Are you here for the research mission?"
  • "Select the team members."
  • "Are you aborting the mission?"
  • "Maybe another day..."
  • "All right, let's head out!"
  • "Oh, do you want to withdraw?"
  • "End of day already?"
  • "Mission complete!"
  • "Ready to continue our research?"

Doc Louis

  • "Hit 'em, baby!"
  • "Let 'em have it, Mac!"
  • "Show 'em what you've got, Mac baby!"
  • "And the winner is... Little Mac! Hahaha!"
  • "Ya got what it takes, Mac!"
  • "World Circuit's all yours, Mac!"
  • "Y'know, that belt looks good on you, son."
  • "You win, Mac!"
  • "Was that a little too easy for ya, son?"
  • "Way to go, Mac! You're the champion, baby!"
  • "Nice work, Mac. You got it all figured out."
  • "All right! I think I hear a chocolate bar callin'!"
  • "Ah, winnin' feels good, don't it?"
  • "Nice moves, Mac. I could barely keep my eyes on ya, son."
  • "Ain't you flashy? You making my eyes water, son."
  • "You're lookin' mighty good, son. Just like old times, huh?"
  • "Lookin' good, baby!"
  • "Now, what'll it be?"
  • "That's it. You the real deal, kid!"
  • "Dance like a fly, sting like a mosquito."
  • "Done already? We'll see ya."


  • "Wha ha ha ho ho! Why, hello there!"
  • "Now, what'll it be?"
  • "Now then, let's see what kind of power you've got..."
  • "What'll you have me do with this one?"
  • "What? Stop the training?"
  • "Come back again."
  • "I can teach you my Equipment Style for [number]00SP."
  • "Oh ho ho ho ho. Not bad."
  • "I'll be waiting."

Funky Kong

  • "Hey, hey! Come kick it Kong-style!"
  • "This spirit's the real deal! Feelin' funky? This one's for you!"
  • "This spirit's the real deal! This one's a red-hot primary."
  • "You wanna get your hands on this spirit?"
  • "This tasty little dude can increase a spirit's level a bit!"
  • "Oh yeah, sweet pick! That'll level up a spirit real nice."
  • "This crunchy munchy has that power! It can level up a spirit A CRAZY amount!"
  • "Decided you want some Adventure Skills? This item is your best friend!"
  • "You wanna get your hands on this item?"
  • "Nice choice!"
  • "Sorry, I'm out of stock right now. Come back later—it'll be EPIC!"
  • "Come back again! I'll be here!"

Honey Queen

  • "My my! Welcome."
  • "These are the kinds of things you can expect from our style."
  • "Whomever will you choose?"
  • "That's the ticket!"
  • "What shall you do?"
  • "Oh my... Is it time to stop?"
  • "What a pity..."
  • "For a mere [number]00SP, we can teach Big-Bee Style right away!"
  • "Ah, marvelous. Really quite perfect."
  • "Come visit again! Ohoho!"

Kat and Ana

  • "Surprise! Kat & Ana make their appearance!"
  • "Train together with us!"
  • "Yaaaay! Exciting!"
  • "If we teach our style, theeeeese are the effects!"
  • "What's wrong?"
  • "Wanna quit training?"
  • "All right, that's it!"
  • "For [number]00SP, we can teach Ninja Style right away!"
  • "Amazing. We did it!"
  • "Bye byyye!"


  • "ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! (That's probably a greeting.)"
  • "Gwoooh! Guruoo... (He's explaining what the style does.)"
  • "Grruurrr... (He seems to be waiting for you to choose.)"
  • "Gaaaaahhh! (That's a...happy noise?)"
  • "Ga-rurr... (That's basically "what now?")"
  • "Gurru... (He isn't listening. Quit training?)"
  • "Gy-aon! (That must be "come back soon!")"
  • "Guwaaa [number]SP GRAAAAH! (Likely the price of learning the style.)"
  • "Guuuuooon!! (He seems pleased.)"
  • "Gug yaaah! ("


  • "Ah, you're here! Great fortune awaits!"
  • "Hurry and assemble your party!"
  • "That's a shame... come back soon!"
  • "I suppose I'll dismiss the party then. You're sure about this?"
  • "Full speed ahead!"

Peppy Hare

  • "Hello there!"
  • "This is what'll happen if the spirit masters the Air Style."
  • "What would ya like to do?"
  • "Never give up! Trust your instincts!"
  • "What did ya want to do with this spirit?"
  • "Ya want to take this spirit back?"
  • "All right, keep it up!"
  • "Do you want to spend [number]00 SP to learn Air Style?"
  • "All right! I have nothin' more to teach!"
  • "Mission complete! Come back later."


  • "Slowpoke is standing in the middle of a dojo."
  • "Slowpoke looks like it wants to say something...but it doesn't."
  • "Slowpoke stares at you blankly with its mouth open."
  • "Slowpoke used Amnesia!"
  • "Your spirit forgot [style]."
  • "Slowpoke stares at you blankly as you leave."

Timmy and Tommy

  • "Welcome! Come on in!"
  • "That spirit is nicely priced. Movement is key, ya know!"
  • "That spirit is nicely priced. Especially for defensive types!"
  • "This spirit is a real winner. Never underestimate a good item."
  • "This spirit is a real winner. You can never have too many primaries!"
  • "Are you interested in purchasing this spirit?"
  • "This item will increase a spirit's level by a little bit."
  • "This item will increase a spirit's level quite a bit."
  • "This item will increase a spirit's level by a WHOLE LOT! So much!"
  • "This one deals 50% damage to any opponent on the Spirit Board."
  • "Are you interested in purchasing this item?"
  • "Thank you kindly! Thanks!"
  • "We'll be restocked in a bit. Please come back later! You're always welcome!"
  • "Thank you very much! So much!"


  • "Welcome! Let's hurry off—to adventure!"
  • "Choose up to four treasure trackers!"
  • "Done adventuring already?"
  • "Let's move out!"
  • "So, did you find anything?"
  • "Awww. You want to cancel the expedition?"
  • "That's it for today! Job well done."
  • "Oh! Welcome back! Find anything?"
  • "Ready to go on another adventure?"
  • "I'll be waiting for you!"

Wii Balance Board

  • "Who's ready to get fit? Wii are!"
  • "Who would you like me to train?"
  • "What'll you do?"
  • "End your training?"
  • "Good hustle. We'll continue later."
  • "Let's give it our all!"
  • "With [number]00SP, I can teach the Lightweight Style right away."
  • "Congratulations! Your spirit reached its goal!"
  • "Please come back sometime."


  • "I thank you for coming. I will toughen up spirit!"
  • "Show me muscle power!"
  • "If I teach style, you will notice powerful, strong-arm effects!"
  • "Come! Get in close! MUSCLE POWER!"
  • "Hm. What is wrong?"
  • "With [number]00SP, you learn Overthrow Style now!"
  • "Nwaahaha! Come back later!"


Ann Takamaki

  • "But... it's so far away! Why is he there?" (Joker's reveal trailer)
  • "WHAAAAT?!" (Joker's reveal trailer)
  • "Feels great, huh?"
  • "Aren't we the best?"
  • "Done and done!"

Futaba Sakura

  • "Time for an All-Out Attack!"
  • "Here comes the pain!"
  • "Beat 'em up!"
  • "Heh heh heh! They're done for!"
  • "Impressive!"
  • "Okay! Moving right along!"

Haru Okumura

  • "That was graceful!"
  • "Onto the next battle!"
  • "So much for them!"

Makoto Niijima

  • "No time to waste!"
  • "Don't forget this feeling!"
  • "Done and done!"


  • "There's only one thing the Phantom Thieves of Hearts specialize in..." (Joker's reveal trailer)
  • "We're not the ones sending a card this time. In fact, we've been invited. Invited to steal the greatest treasure of all!" (Joker's reveal trailer)
  • "Looking cool, Joker!"
  • "He-hey!"
  • "Time for some brutality!"
  • "Quiver in fear!"
  • "It's too late for apologies!"
  • "Smash is as wild as ever, eh, Joker?"
  • "A brilliant victory!"
  • "Alright! Victory!"
  • "Mm-mm! Good work!"

Ryuji Sakamoto

  • "... Hah! Losers!"
  • "Yeah-hah! Nice!"
  • "Ha ha! Who's next?"

Yusuke Kitagawa

  • "And the curtain... falls."
  • "We've done it!"
  • "Well... onto the next triumph!"