List of Fortune Street quotes

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It has been requested that this article be rewritten. Reason: Proper formatting; some incorrect quotes (dialogue text dump can be found here on the last page)

This is a list of quotes from the game Fortune Street.

The characters from the Super Mario and Dragon Quest franchises are separated by a division. Additionally, the quotes are separated and provided through each board that a character is in.

By franchise[edit]

Character-specific interactions[edit]

This section depicts character quotes for response to specific characters.


  • Opponents close to victory: When a rival reaches the Target Net Worth
  • Swapping shops: When a player swaps shops with a rival
  • Landing on a low-priced shop: Player pays less than 2% of their total net worth
  • Landing on an average shop: Player pays between 9%-20% of their total net worth
  • Landing on an expensive shop: Player pays more than 20% of their total net worth


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "You desire at this instant only to transport to bank, no?"
  • To Luigi: "I did expect you are always in shadow of brother, but you make strong opponent!"
  • To Daisy: "Tsarevna Alena does not lose to wallflower such as you!"
  • To Slime: "If you do continue for victory, I must squash you!"
  • To Princessa: "It is troubling for some to put fist in face of princess, but not for princess herself!"
  • To Kiryl: "Kiryl! Consider future happening if you will take victory over head of Tsarevna!"
  • To Yangus: "Gargh! Royalty of Zamoksva is not with habit of defeat by juvenile!"
  • To Carver: "Halt! If you insist to win, first I make with you a Knuckle Sandwich!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Tsarevna does not lose to grotesque beast! In rules, it is permitted to destroy opponent?"
  • To Stella: "Stella, you must to halt! Await for me to catch up you!"
  • To player: "I persevered very hard, but it seems luck was by your side this time, (player's name). Next time I fight more stronger!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "Kiryl, we make exchange of shops, da?"
  • To Stella: "Stella, we must perform the shop trade! I make good for your shop, this I promise."

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "This shop belongs of you, Kiryl? I see it is very plain, just like owner."
  • To Dragonlord: "Grand master of all monsters is strong only like ant? This brings heaviness in my heart."
  • To Stella: "So this is how is shop from Stella... It is charming, but does it bring sufficient income?"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "Kiryl! I am no longer by your side as comrade!"
  • To Stella: "Hmm... I feel shop from Stella is too costing. This is regular? I am with surprise..."

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Argh! My blood is of boiling temperature! If you again do this, I pull hairs on upper lip off face!"
  • To Princessa: "You must use this gold for renovation of country."
  • To Kiryl: "Kiryl! You are big stupid!"
  • To Yangus: "You... In future, you are with great certainty man of great enterprise."
  • To Bianca: "This is too numerous gold coins! You behave with too much greed here, Bianca."
  • To Stella: "Stella! When have you build shop such like this all so sudden!?"
  • To player: "I hope you utilize such a big money with wisdom, (player's name)."


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Peach: "I've been pursuing the luscious Princess Peach for the entire game, but she hasn't so much as glanced over her shoulder at me. Lady Luck, you are a harsh mistress sometimes!"
  • To Daisy: "But if the intoxicating Princess Daisy wins the game now, when will our paths ever cross again?"
  • To Birdo: "Argh! I can't let Birdo beat me! My male pride is at stake!"
  • To Princessa: "Princess Princessa! Wait! ...Hmph, her loss..."
  • To Yangus: "Hey! Don't steal this game from me, you little thief! ...Grrr, I don't know why, but being beaten by that thug really gets my goat!"
  • To Bianca: "I'd gladly carry on following behind Bianca if only I could!"
  • To Alena: "She's fiery, that Princess Alena. I'd wager nothing ever stops her getting her own way."
  • To Jessica: "That's my Jessica! You always did like trying to impress me, didn't you?"
  • To Stella: "You're leaving me, Stella? You need some space? ...A woman after my own heart no less!"
  • To Patty: "Nobody could say you don't understand business, Patty. Maybe you could take me under your wing me the ropes?"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Peach: "When you and I were born, Princess Peach, the Goddess decided it was our destiny to come together like this. This exchange is fate!"
  • To Daisy: "Two people, both passionate about exchanging property. Any shared passion with you would be more than welcome."
  • To Birdo: "I just want to make this perfectly clear: I'm not doing this to score points with you. Let's keep things purely professional, shall we?"
  • To Princessa: "This would really be good for you, Princess! What do you say? Shall we do the trading tango!?"
  • To Yangus: "Considering your juvenile nature, you've got some rather mature property there. You'd do well to exchange, boy."
  • To Bianca: "I've got something you want, you've got something I want. Let's do this, Bianca. You know it makes sense."
  • To Alena: "I've never really considered that swapping anything with you would be an option, Princess Alena. I suppose it still isn't on the cards?"
  • To Jessica: "Let me paint you a picture, Jessica... You and me. Together. Playing swap shop... Hm?"
  • To Stella: "I'd really like to get to know you better, Stella. How about making a swap with me?"
  • To Patty: "What do you say, Patty? Swap shops with a handsome cavalier?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Peach: "It's my pleasure to hand over cash to someone as delectable as you, Princess Peach."
  • To Daisy: "Princess Daisy, an encounter with you is like no other. You never fail to bring a smile to my lips."
  • To Birdo: "Ah, er... Birdo... This is one of your shops, is it? Well, I've paid my dues. Now I really must be on my way!"
  • To Princessa: "Princess Princessa! A visit to your stores always makes me happy!"
  • To Yangus: "Here's some pocket money for you, boy. Why don't you buy yourself a toy or something?"
  • To Bianca: "Oh yes. This place is Bianca at her very best. Always thinking how to make others happy. Just my kind of girl!"
  • To Alena: "I never expected you to be giving anything away so readily, Princess Alena. I think I'm starting to like you..."
  • To Jessica: "Come now, Jessica. You don't have to cheapen your wares just to impress me, you know."
  • To Stella: "So, this is what it looks like behind Stella's doors, eh? The mystery unfurled."
  • To Patty: "So this is your shop, Patty? I didn't think you were so cheap. But maybe you're on to something with these low prices..."

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Peach: "If it means a moment in your sweet presence, Princess Peach, I'll...gladly very...very...much!"
  • To Daisy: "I'd expect nothing less from someone as high-class as you, Princess Daisy. I could forgive you any price."
  • To Birdo: "Wh-What is this place!? Some kind of malignant magnetism must have sucked me in here... And don't start saying it was the animal kind!"
  • To Princessa: "Very deceptive, Princess Princessa! You act all sweet and innocent, but you're a wildcat! This shop is a veritable mantrap!"
  • To Yangus: "These prices are criminal! What are you, some kind of bandit, boy?"
  • To Bianca: "The prices here pack a punch, but you always manage to soften the blow, Bianca."
  • To Alena: "This couldn't be anyone's shop but yours, Princess Alena. Only tomboys have such a keen eye for quality."
  • To Jessica: "This shop shouts your name, Jessica. Get too close, and you'll get hurt!"
  • To Stella: "The prices certainly match the quality of the enchanting staff. I'm impressed, Stella."
  • To Patty: "This is an impressive setup, Patty. You really are in a class of your own. In every way."

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Peach: "Well, Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom... Stopping at this shop has only piqued my interest in you more..."
  • To Daisy: "I...I hope you're suitably impressed, Princess Daisy. All this I've bought, just for you..."
  • To Birdo: "Look! I've given you a lot there. Now just leave me alone!"
  • To Princessa: "When I think of the waste laid upon your nation, such a sum of money as this seems of precious little value..."
  • To Yangus: "Argh! You've got all the makings of a fine robber, boy!"
  • To Bianca: "...That's fine. It's a small price to pay to please you, Bianca."
  • To Alena: "Ooh. Now I know how those monsters feel when you deliver one of your critical hits, Princess."
  • To Jessica: "Nope. I'm still head over heels for you, Jessica. Even after that."
  • To Stella: "A sudden slap in the face like this is just what I'd expect from a fiery girl like you, Stella. Ha ha ha!"
  • To Patty: "If this is the price to see those dimples when you smile, Patty, then I'll gladly pay. Gladly."
  • To male player: "You're one of those people who can really destroy the mood at the drop of a hat, aren't you, (player's name)?"
  • To female player: "You tempted me in here because you just had to see me, didn't you, (player's name)? ...I need to believe that, otherwise it hurts too much."


Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To male player: "Um, (player's name), I... Nah, forget it."
  • To female player: "I feel like you've gone all distant-like, (player's name)."


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario, you're absolutely amazing! I knew there was a reason I've always had my eye on you..."
  • To Luigi: "Luigi, you are utterly brilliant! Someone find me my smelling salts! I'm about to faint away!"
  • To Peach: "Are you going to leave me behind, Princess Peach? All by my lonesome? Royalty can be so cruel!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Are you really going to leave me behind, Dragonlord? All by my little lonesome?"
  • To Slime: "Are you really going to leave me behind, slimey-wimey? All by my little lonesome?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario, you're too sweet! Did you lower your prices just for me, or was your shop always this cheap?"
  • To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! This shop of yours is precious, but it's never going to earn you any real money!"
  • To Angelo: "Angelo, I'm disappointed in you. This shop of yours is so... Well, I hate to say it, but it's cheap!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario, it's adorable how you're always trying to defeat me. Just like old times!"
  • To Luigi: "Getting serious, are we, Luigi? Well, I guess it's time for me to start playing rough! Tee hee!"
  • To Angelo: "Oh, Angelo! All this animosity can only mean one thing - you must be in love with me!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Ouch! Is this any way to show your love, Mario?"
  • To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! I love to see you get passionate about money! It's enough to make a girl tremble inside!"
  • To Angelo: "Angelo, you are so mean! You're just picking on me because you like me, right?"
  • To male player: "How could you pick on a damsel in distress, (player's name)? Now you've gone and hurt my feelings!"
  • To female player: "This shop is a little bit too pricey, (player's name)! Greed is not an attractive quality."


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Grr! There's no way I'm gonna let you beat me at THIS game, Mario!"
  • To Luigi: "Urgh! Mario's bad enough, but don't tell me I'm gonna get beaten by Luigi now!"
  • To Peach: "Peach, don't you even think about it! Lord Bowser's gonna come out on top today!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi, you may be hungry for victory, but staring at your slobbering face is making me lose my appetite!"
  • To Toad: "Toad's about to win!? THAT guy!? But he's such a little wimp!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Wait a sec! There's no way someone as awesome as me can lose to a banana-crazed Kong like you!"
  • To Wario: "Think you're pretty special, huh, Wario? Well, I'm still the baddest guy on the block!"
  • To Waluigi: "Waluigi, you skinny twerp! I didn't think you had it in you!"
  • To Daisy: "You think you're gonna win, Daisy? I'd expect that kind of attitude from Princess Peach, but not from you!"
  • To Birdo: "Hey, what's the big idea, Birdo!? You're gettin' on my last nerve!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "No fair! The game wasn't supposed to end like this! Who let Diddy Kong get in the lead?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Way to show these folks who's boss, Son!"
  • To Slime: "AUGGGHH! How'd that slimy little goofball do so well for himself?"
  • To Princessa: "Wrong, wrong, WRONG!! The game wasn't supposed to end like this!"
  • To Kiryl: "ARGH! Are you TRYING to make me mad!? I was gonna win this one!"
  • To Yangus: "Wait! Hold the phones! How's THAT guy so close to winning!?"
  • To Angelo: "Huh!? I always thought you had more silver than gold, Angelo! BWAHAHAHA!"
  • To Platypunk: "GRR! Why's that goofy-looking thing about to win? It ain't right, I tell you!"
  • To Bianca: "Whoa, you gotta be joking! Is that little lady really gonna beat the great Bowser!?"
  • To Alena: "Hey, who's pulling the strings around here? How's Alena so close to winning!?"
  • To Carver: "Whoa! Slow down there, muscle man, or I'm gonna send my minions after you!"
  • To Jessica: "GRRR! I won't go down without a fight, Jessica!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Don't think I'm gonna give up without a fight, you big lizard!"
  • To Stella: "STELLLLLLLLLLAAAAAA! Grr. This just ain't right."
  • To Patty: "There's something wrong with this picture. How can SHE be so close to winning!?"
  • To player: "Hold up, (player's name)! No one's supposed to beat me but Mario! I mean - no one's supposed to beat me at all! GRRR!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Mario: "Hey, Mario! Let's forget about our little rivalry for a second and make this trade! Gwah hah hah!"
  • To Luigi: "It's not brain surgery, Luigi! Just swap shops with me!"
  • To Peach: "Hey, Peach, I just want to trade shops! Why do you always assume I'm trying to kidnap you?"
  • To Yoshi: "Trade shops with me, or pay the price! What's it gonna be? Bwah hah!"
  • To Toad: "Hey, Toad! Trade shops with me! That's not a request, that's an order!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Wanna trade shops? I'll throw in a banana if you say yes! How 'bout it!?"
  • To Wario: "You should thank me, Wario! Who else would be willing to trade shops with someone like you?"
  • To Waluigi: "Hey, Waluigi! You wanna win big? Better trade shops with me, then!"
  • To Daisy: "C'mon, Princess Daisy! You know I'm not all that bad! I just wanna trade shops with you!"
  • To Birdo: "Hey, Birdo! It's your lucky day!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Trading time, Diddy Kong! How 'bout I give you a couple of peanuts to sweeten the deal?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Trade shops with me, Son, and we'll take over the world!"
  • To Slime: "Hey, I'm the one doing YOU a favor! You'd be crazy to pass up this trade!"
  • To Princessa: "GRR! You gonna trade shops with me, or am I just wastin' my time!?"
  • To Kiryl: "C'mon - let's trade shops and nail these other guys to the wall!"
  • To Yangus: "You gonna trade shops with me, or do I have to start twisting some arms around here?"
  • To Angelo: "This is the best offer you're gonna get, so you better trade shops with me!"
  • To Platypunk: "Wanna trade shops? C'mon - this is the deal of a lifetime!"
  • To Bianca: "Hey, I'm not gonna ask twice - trade shops with me or else!! Gwah hah hah!"
  • To Alena: "This is me asking NICELY - trade shops with me or pay the price! Bwah hah hah!!"
  • To Carver: "Hey, spikes-for-brains! Trade shops with me or face the consequences!"
  • To Jessica: "I'm the one doing YOU a favor! You'd be crazy to pass up this trade!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Wipe that look off your face, Lizardboss! I don't wanna trade shops, either. But it's in our best interest!"
  • To Stella: "Stella, you seem like a nice gal! How 'bout you trade shops with me?"
  • To Patty: "Bowser knows best, and what's best for ME is trading shops with YOU!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Bwah hah hah! My rival Mario, trying to make money on such a cheap little shop!"
  • To Luigi: "Gwah hah hah! Luigi, this is the crummiest shop I've ever seen in my life! What a joke!!"
  • To Peach: "What an adorable shop! Maybe I'll kidnap the both of you, Peach! Bwah hah hah!"
  • To Yoshi: "Gwah hah hah! Mario's horsey owns a dinky little shop! What am I not surprised it's so cheap?"
  • To Toad: "Don't get all excited, Toad. It's not like you're gonna make a lot of money from this puny shop of yours!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "What's up with the bargain-basement bananas? Hey, Donkey Kong, are you even trying to win!?!"
  • To Wario: "I'm taking pity on your rinky-dink shop just by landing on here, Wario! No need to thank me!"
  • To Waluigi: "Building a cheap shop like this is no way to improve your reputation, buddy! You gotta have some class!!"
  • To Daisy: "Bwah hah hah! You don't know the first thing about makin' money, do you, Princess Daisy??"
  • To Birdo: "Wow, this shop is cheap even by your standards, Birdo!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Bwah hah hah! Your shop's as puny as you are, Diddy Kong!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "C'mon, Son! You need to put a little TLC into this shop. It just makes a good business sense!"
  • To Slime: "Ha! This shop is so tiny, I almost didn't see it till I was standing on top of it!"
  • To Princessa: "Here - take my money. Looks like you need it more than I do!"
  • To Kiryl: "Who put this cheap little shop here!? Get rid of it so someone can build a nice EXPENSIVE shop!"
  • To Yangus: "I thought this was gonna be a challenge! You're makin' it way too easy for me! Bwah hah hah!"
  • To Angelo: "Oh, did I step on your precious little shop? Here's a few bucks - go buy yourself something nice!"
  • To Platypunk: "Gwah hah hah! What kinda shop is this? It's barely worth what you paid for it!"
  • To Bianca: "Is this place even open? I feel like I'm gettin' to shop here for free! HA!"
  • To Alena: "No risk, no reward! One of these days, you're gonna learn how to make REAL money!"
  • To Carver: "Oh, did I almost squish your eensy shop!? Sorry 'bout that! Bwah hah hah!"
  • To Jessica: "BORING! Someone needs to raise the stakes around here!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Bwah hah hah! I'm not scared of you OR your stupid shop, ya big, overgrown lizard!"
  • To Stella: "What a cute little shop, Stella! It's just like you! Gwah hah!"
  • To Patty: "What a cheap place! It's barely worth the trouble to shop here, Patty!"
  • To player: "Gwah hah hah! This shop's pathetic (player's name)! You ever gonna raise the prices around here?"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "GRARRRRGH! This is this is the last place I want to be seen! Don't think I meant to stop here, Mario!"
  • To Luigi: "GWAH! Luigi, you should advertise when you've got a shop this expensive! Gimme a little warning next time!"
  • To Peach: "I come to kidnap Princess Peach, and she's not even here! Definitely NOT worth the price!"
  • To Yoshi: "You've got nothing but junk in this shop, Yoshi! Why's it so expensive!?"
  • To Toad: "This is a pretty nice shop you built here, Toad. Too bad I'm gonna smash it someday!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Quit your chest-beating, Donkey Kong! I only came to this shop by mistake!"
  • To Wario: "Wipe that smug look off your face, Wario, or I'll wipe if off for you!"
  • To Waluigi: "ARGH! Waluigi! Your shop's as rotten as you are!"
  • To Daisy: "Princess Daisy! How can you pick my pockets like this!?"
  • To Birdo: "I bet you think this shop is as precious as that little bow on your head, Birdo. Well, you'd be wrong!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Knock off that hootin' and hollerin'! I'm never coming back to this shop again!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "You're doing pretty well for yourself! Like father, like son, huh?"
  • To Slime: "Why, you slimy little- I'm gonna stomp your shop to bits!"
  • To Princessa: "Grr! Is this some kinda joke!? Why is every princess out to get me!?"
  • To Kiryl: "What a rip-off! This junk shop isn't worth half that price!"
  • To Yangus: "ARGH! Whatcha trying to do, ya big lug!? Bankrupt me!?"
  • To Angelo: "WHAT!? Next time, I'm gonna squish this shop like a little bug! Bwah hah hah!"
  • To Platypunk: "Grr! You're lucky I'm in a good mood today, or I'd stomp this shop into oblivion!"
  • To Bianca: "GRAH! What's the big idea, puttin' a pricey shop right here where I'm standing!?"
  • To Alena: "Whoa, what's with the big bucks!? This some sorta scam!? GRR!"
  • To Carver: "ARGH! I'm gonna squish this shop like a bug! Squish, you little bug!"
  • To Jessica: "ARGH! These prices are way too high! No fair!!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Ugh! This shops stinks likes a stinking lizard! I'm never coming here again!"
  • To Stella: "Hrm... Kind of a fancy shop for such a pip-squeak, Stella!"
  • To Patty: "You're picking my pockets here, lady! ARRRGH!!"
  • To male player: "HEY! You trying to get on my bad side or something, (player's name)!?"
  • To female player: "HUH!? What did I do to deserve this kinda treatment, (player's name)!?"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario! I knew I had a good reason for hating your guts!"
  • To Luigi: "GRRR! LUIGI! One of these days, I'm gonna pluck that 'stache right off your lip!"
  • To Peach: "Huh? Princess Peach was supposed to be here! This was just a big waste of money!"
  • To Yoshi: "Uwagh! What's up with this shop!? I'm gonna get you for this, Yoshi!"
  • To Toad: "You trying to make me lose face, Toad!? I'm gonna make you lose YOUR face! Gwah hah hah!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "NOOO! Donkey Kong, you big hairy lunk! I hope you slip on your own banana peel!"
  • To Wario: "Wario! Get off my back, wouldja!? Take your money and leave me alone!"
  • To Waluigi: "Don't let it go to your head, Waluigi! I bet this shop of yours is gonna fall to pieces one day!"
  • To Daisy: "WHAT!? Where'd my money go!? You'd better explain yourself, Daisy!"
  • To Birdo: "What do you think you're doing, Birdo!? Who gave you the right to charge so much!? GRR!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Diddy Kong! You little goofball! This place is a trap!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Urgh! I hate to give up my money, Son, but it's worth the sacrifice to see you succeed!"
  • To Slime: "Gwah hah! You think this bothers me? Think again, ya squishy little thing!"
  • To Princessa: "If I wasn't stuck here, lady, I'd—well, I don't know what I'd do, but it'd be bad!!"
  • To Kiryl: "GRR! You've got just what it takes to ruffle my feathers, buddy boy!"
  • To Yangus: "Better watch your back, Yangus! You don't wanna get on my bad side! Gwah hah hah!"
  • To Angelo: "GRR! I'm gonna pretend that didn't just happen!"
  • To Platypunk: "Think you're a match for me!? Well, do ya, punk!?"
  • To Bianca: "AUGHH! I'm gonna make you wish you'd never opened up this shop!"
  • To Alena: "What!? Hey, no one treats the king of the Koopas like this! NO ONE!"
  • To Carver: "GRRRRR! Better watch out, Carver. You don't want to see me when I'm REALLY mad!"
  • To Jessica: "When did this stupid shop get so expensive!? I'm gonna pound a hole right through it!!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Don't you get smart with me! I've been an evil overlord a lot longer than you, Dragon-breath!"
  • To Stella: "Urgh... I thought a gal like you would be nicer than this!"
  • To Patty: "I'm taking pity on your ridiculous little shop just by stopping here! Bwah hah hah!"
  • To male player: "You really wanna be my enemy, (player's name)? Just ask Mario how that's worked out for him!"
  • To female player: "You're worse than Peach, (player's name)! You trying to get on my bad side!?"

Bowser Jr.[edit]

Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "GRR! Mario! Why do you always have to be such a thorn in my side?"
  • To Luigi: "When did you scrape together those assets, Luigi!? You must've cheated or something! No one is THAT good!"
  • To Bowser: "Way to go, Dad! I'll try to keep the path clear while you make a dash for the bank! GRR! Stay out of my dad's way!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Diddy Kong is about to win? I'm gonna have to start playing dirty! Now, where did I put my bag of evil tricks...?"
  • To player: "You're not gonna win that easily, (player's name)! I'll rain all over your little victory parade!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Bowser: "Dad! I'm your favorite son, right? So swap shops with me! We'll get rich together!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "One of Mario's shops, huh? You sure are puny! Did you eat a Mini Mushroom or something?"
  • To Luigi: "This place is so cheap, Luigi! Here, take my gold - looks like you need it a lot more than I do!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Ugh! Of all the stupid shops in all the stupid world, I just HAD to land on Mario's!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi! This is YOUR shop? I can't believe you aren't gonna have a 50-percent-off sale in my honor!"
  • To Peach: "Normally I wouldn't spend so much gold. But this is Princess Peach's shop, so I guess can afford it..."
  • To Bowser: "Wow, Dad! You've got the coolest shop in the world! It's worth any price to bask in the glory of the great Bowser!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "URGH! When did this shop get so expensive, Mario? You must be cheating! CHEATER!"
  • To Luigi: "ARGH! You've gotta be kidding! How'd someone as dull as Luigi build himself such a fancy, expensive shop?"
  • To Peach: "Grrrraaargh! I don't care if it's your shop, Princess Peach - those prices are ridiculous!"
  • To Bowser: "Urk! That's some shop you've got here, Dad! I'm gonna work extra hard to live up to your awesomeness!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Ouch! I underestimated you, Diddy Kong! You must be raking in the gold with this place!"
  • To player: "Ow ow ow! That hurts! What goes around comes around, (player's name), and don't you forget it!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Hey, Mario! I ain't about to let you beat me, pal!"
  • To Luigi: "You're a sneaky devil, aren't ya, Luigi, layin' low till you were ready to make your move!?"
  • To Peach: "What!? But there's no way I can lose to somethin' as soft as a peach!"
  • To Toad: "You better not beat me, Toad, or I'm gonna roast you on a spit when we're done here!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Fair enough, we've both got the brawn, but surely I've got more brains than you. ...Haven't I?"
  • To Slime: "Couldn't I just pick you up and chuck you off the board or somethin'? It's sooo temptin'..."
  • To Platypunk: "Where d'ya think you're goin', punk!? ...Eh? Who am I callin' ‘punk’? Who d'ya- ...Oh, right! I see what ya mean! Heh heh!"
  • To Alena: "Sorry, Tsarevna, but if ya wanna win this, you're gonna have to answer to me first!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Hey, Dragonlord! You haven't got a hope of takin' over the world with that sort of cash!"
  • To Patty: "Yeah! Nice goin', Patty! Us real pros know how to sock it to 'em, huh?"
  • To player: "Aw, you're not thinkin' of takin' the title just like that, are ya, (player's name)? Let's have some fun first!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Patty: "Patty, I love it! Cheap feels good!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Patty: "Whoa! Patty, what happened? Did you mess up your price labels or somethin'?"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Patty: "Patty! Are these the kinda prices you charge for your party plannin', too? Phew! Count me out!"
  • To male player: "Oof! Th-That kinda h-hurt, (player's name)..."
  • To female player: "Oof! Th-That didn't h-hurt at all, (player's name)... Hardly f-felt a thing!"

The player leveling up[edit]

  • To female player: "We've gotta have a party to celebrate your big promotion, lady! I'll put on a big spread over at one of my shops. Get yourself over there, fast!"

Diddy Kong[edit]

Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Donkey Kong: "Oookity ookity (I know you reached the goal, Donkey Kong, but you can't just leave me hanging here!)"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Ook ookity ook! (There's no way I'm letting you win without a fight, Bowser Jr.!)"
  • To Carver: "Ookie! Ookity! (You're incredible, Carver! I'm gonna follow your example from now on!)"
  • To others: "Ookity? Ook! Oook! Oookity! (You reached the goal, (1st place player's name)? Wow! But I won't give up! I'll fight even harder!)"
  • To player: "Ookie... Ook ook ookity! (You're almost there, (player's name)... But I'm not gonna give up!)"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Donkey Kong: "Ookie! Ookie ookity! (Hey, Donkey Kong! Let's play co-op and trade shops!)"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Donkey Kong: "Ook oookity ook! Ook! (I expected you to have a bigger shop, Donkey Kong! You're barely making a profit here!)"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Donkey Kong: "Oookity ookie ook! (Guess I shoulda figured your shop'd be all big and expensive, Donkey Kong!)"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Donkey Kong: "Oookity ookie ooook! (I don't need any special treatment, Donkey Kong, but this is ridiculous!)"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Oook! Ookity oookity! (Ugh! This is the last thing I need right now, Bowser Jr.!)"
  • To Carver: "Oookie! Ook ookity! (Whoa, Carver! This is the kind of shop I'd expect to see under Donkey Kong's control!)"
  • To male player: "Oookie ook ookity! (This is a pretty powerful shop you've got here, (player's name)!)"
  • To female player: "Oookity ook ook ookie ook! (I hate spending all this gold, (player's name), but at least it's going to a good cause - you!)"

Donkey Kong[edit]

Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Diddy Kong: "Ook! Ookie ook! (That was pretty sneaky, Diddy Kong! You weren't supposed to get ahead of me like that!)"
  • To Carver: "Oookie ook... OOK! (I underestimated you, Carver... Maybe you really ARE stronger than me!)"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Diddy Kong: "Ooka ooka! OOKA! (This shop of yours has got a long way to go, Diddy Kong. Better make it stronger!)"
  • To Carver: "Ooook Ook hoot! (What a puny little shop! Come on, Carver-you can do better than this!)"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Diddy Kong: "Hoot! Ookie ook! (Guess you know what you're doing, Diddy Kong. Well, don't expect me to hold back anymore!)"
  • To Carver: "Ooka ooo ook! ('Bout time I found a worthy competitor, Carver!)"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Diddy Kong: "Ook! Ook ooka ooo! (Not too shabby, Diddy Kong! I'm proud of you and scared of you at the same time!)"
  • To Carver: "Oookie! Oookie OOK ooooo! (Nope! There is NO way I'm losing to you, Carver!)"
  • To player: "Ook ook? (You trying to break me, (player's name)?)"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Slime: "Know thy station, diminutive minion of my dominion! Thou, Slime, art the lowest of the low!"
  • To Princessa: "Dim kin of Erdrick and his sin! Destroyed, thou shalt be, before thou can see the bank and what lies therein!"
  • To Platypunk: "Erase that crazed grin from your chin, you dim, tail-obsessed jester! If you think you can outsmart me, you are sorely flawed in the head."
  • To Patty: "Th-This can not be! No commoner can domineer o'er I, Lord of Dragons!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Slime: "Underling, quiver and wither with pride! For ooze I choose as my bartering partner."
  • To Princessa: "Dim kin of Erdrick and his sin! That we partner now in trade is as fate hath bade."
  • To Platypunk: "Underling! Bring me the keys, if you please, to your store, and I, furthermore, shall swap you this shop."

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Slime: "Slime, thy nerve is steely to have the nerve to get on my nerves o'er such a puny sum!"
  • To Princessa: "Hmph! A base place for one of Erdrick's kin."
  • To Platypunk: "Know thy place, platypunk! Thou dost not accost me, Lord of Dragons, with a bill!"
  • To Patty: "Wah ha ha hah! A typical, whimsical, hysterical shop of a puny plebian!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Slime: "Irreverent ignoramus! Shameless, thou art! Ne'er shall I forget this mockery!"
  • To Princessa: "There! There in thy shadow! O! Erdrick's form flickering, licking its lips!"
  • To Platypunk: "What!? Thou hast the gall to call me into this hall of overpriced junk!?"
  • To Patty: "Thou darest to rile me with demands of such a pile? Uaaargh!"
  • To player: "Thou wouldst charge me in such large amounts!? Trudge through the depths of this grudge, you will, for year upon year upon year."

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Slime: "Brazen gloop! I sentence thee to an eternity of rigid standing to attention! Not a wobble shalt thou make!"
  • To Princessa: "Waaargh! Dim kin of Erdrick and his sin! Thou trowest me beat by these puny bills!?"
  • To Platypunk: "Lippy lackey! Lacking even a whit of wit! How dare thee demand such a sum!"
  • To Patty: "Thou! Thou art wretched! A pest! Thou deceivest the best of all thy miserable comrades."
  • To player: "I shall ruin thee yet, (player's name)! Thee, thy shops, all of this in rack and ruin!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Yangus: "I don't believe it! For some reason, the thought of you winning is extremely hard to swallow, boy."
  • To Angelo: "No doubt you think it's your charisma that got you so far? Well, congratulations, Angelo."

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Yangus: "If you have any sense, boy, you would swap shops with me before someone else beats you to it."
  • To Angelo: "I suppose you'll have to do...for swapping shops, that is."
  • To Stella: "Stella, do you want to swap shops with me? You know, just to mark the occassion?"
  • To Player: "Looks like the only shop that can be swapped for mine of yours, (Player's name)! Why don't we give it a try?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Yangus: "He he! Well, I'd say that's about right as children's pocket money goes."
  • To Angelo: "This is rather a shoddy-looking shop for someone of your class, Angelo. Is everything alright?"
  • To Stella: "Hmm, I was expecting something a bit more...crazy from one of your shops, Stella. The prices, I mean. Not you!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Yangus: "Hmph! If you can be so greedy as a child, you're bound to turn into a thief when you grow up!"
  • To Angelo: "No! This is your place, Angelo? Hmph! Well, I don't care one bit."
  • To Stella: "Wh-What a great shop! I mean really...great. Just... Just maybe, you know... You can't help feeling, can you,'s a little bit - just a tiny bit - pricey?"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Yangus: "Now look here, boy! Are you sure you want to make me angry?"
  • To Angelo: "Oh! And there I was thinking you were a gentleman, Angelo."
  • To Stella: "Keep calm, Jessica, keep calm. You can't get angry at a faerie..."
  • To male player: "I always try to make allowances for you, (player's name), but this I can't forgive. This is extortionate!"
  • To female player: "I don't like to say it, (player's name), but this price is absolutely ridiculous!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "To achieve victory against formidable odds, I believe is evidence from guiding hand of Goddess."
  • To Alena: "You are to win, Tsarevna? Yoy! I must to make celebration preparations!"
  • To Angelo: "I do not acknowledge such frivolous priest as one like you."

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Alena: "Ts-Tsarevna...I am pondering with possibility for courtshi- Nyet! I mean, for exchange of shops!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "I feel something's familiar about you, Luigi. You are having some similarity to another one, perhaps?"
  • To Alena: "This was shop from Tsarevna!? I pay much more bigger money if I did know this!"
  • To Patty: "You are kind-hearted lady, Patty. Always you consider the needs of humble travelers."

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "L-Luigi! Surely you do not try to steal the advantage from us?"
  • To Alena: "This is most impressing shop. This shop is belonging to Tsarevna!? If I did know this, I pay more!"
  • To Patty: "Ahem. May I suggest you put the price a little more cheaper, Patty?"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Luigi, you have gone to place that I cannot reach. Yoy, yoy, yoy..."
  • To Alena: "Even for Tsarevna's sake, such large price gives me great troubles. Yoy-oy-yoy..."
  • To Patty: "Patty...I do not object to payment of somewhat higher price, but this height is... Yoy!"
  • To player: "Yoy-oy-yoy..."


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Way to go, bro! Scoot on over to the bank as quickly as you can!"
  • To Peach: "Try not to get kidnapped on your way to the bank, Princess Peach!"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! Mario will never forgive me if I lose to Bowser!"
  • To Daisy: "You're an inspiration to us all, Princess Daisy!"
  • To Yoshi: "Slow down, Yoshi! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Toad: "Slow down, Toad! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Slow down, Donkey Kong! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Wario: "Ack! Mario will never forgive me if I lose to Wario!"
  • To Waluigi: "Ack! Mario will never forgive me if I lose to Waluigi!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Slow down, Diddy Kong! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Ack! Mario will never forgive me if I lose to Bowser Jr.!"
  • To Slime: "Slow down, Slime! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Princessa: "Slow down, Princessa! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Kiryl: "Slow down, Kiryl! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Platypunk: "Slow down, Platypunk! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Angelo: "Slow down, Angelo! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Yangus: "Slow down, Yangus! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Alena: "Slow down, Alena! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Bianca: "Slow down, Bianca! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Carver: "Slow down, Carver! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Jessica: "Slow down, Jessica! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Dragonlord: "Ack! Mario will never forgive me if I lose to Dragonlord!"
  • To Stella: "Slow down, Stella! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"
  • To Patty: "Slow down, Patty! Don't you want to keep playing a little while longer?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Peach: "I'm surprised you haven't adorned this shop with rubies and pearls, Princess Peach. Thanks for keeping it cheap!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Nice try, Bowser Jr.! A little hit like that's not enough to shrink me down!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "So much for brotherly love, huh, Mario?"
  • To player: "Eep! Thanks a lot, (player's name). Now my wallet's as empty as Bowser's cold, dark heart!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Great job, Bro! Ha ha! You're my hero!"
  • To Peach: "Looks like I need to start picking some flowers for your victory bouquet, Princess Peach!"
  • To Yoshi: "Hey, Yoshi! You're gonna share all that gold with me if you win, right? C'mon, I thought we were buddies!"
  • To Bowser: "Don't think I'm going to let you win that easily, Bowser!"
  • To Toad: "My good friend! Where's your sportstoadship? How can you make a break for the goal without even helping me?"
  • To Donkey Kong: "You sure know how to roll that die, Donkey Kong! Almost as well as you roll a barrel!"
  • To Wario: "Are those coins I hear ratting around in your pockets, Wario!? Looks like you might win this one!"
  • To Waluigi: "What!? Waluigi's about to win!? I don't think Luigi is going to be too happy about that…"
  • To Daisy: "This is gonna be a big win for you, Princess Daisy! You must be so proud!"
  • To Birdo: "We're all proud of you, Birdo! Get a move on and collect your prize!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Mamma mia! You've got everything you need to win, Diddy Kong! Am I really going to lose?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Bowser Jr.! You're just like your daddy. Always getting in my way!"
  • To Slime: "Hey, that slime is about to win! How did that happen? I thought I was going to come out on top!"
  • To Princessa: "Oh, Princess lady, how did you reach the goal so quickly? You're gonna win if I don't do something to stop you!"
  • To Kiryl: "Mamma mia! I can't believe that fellow is about to win! What can I do to stop him?"
  • To Yangus: "Oh no! Mario was supposed to win this game! Am I really going to lose?"
  • To Angelo: "Oh boy! Looks like Mario isn't going to win this one! How can that be? Mario always wins!"
  • To Platypunk: "Is it game over for Mario? No, no! I'm not giving up till the end!"
  • To Bianca: "Looks like you're about to capture the prize! Mamma mia! I can't lose like this!"
  • To Alena: "It's me, Mario! And I'm about to lose! Wahhhhaaahhh!"
  • To Carver: "You reached the goal already? Oh well! I'll get you next time!"
  • To Jessica: "I was so full of hope at the beginning of this game, but now it looks like I may not win this one!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Don't get ahead of yourself, Dragonlord! It's not game over yet!"
  • To Stella: "Oh boy! I've still got a fighting chance, right? C'mon, it's me, Mario!"
  • To Patty: "How did you reach the goal already, Patty? That's a lot of gold coins!"
  • To male player: "You proved yourself to be a real hero today, (player's name)! Bravo!"
  • To female player: "What an inspirational heroine you turned out to be, (player's name)! Brava!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Luigi: "PSSST! Hey, Bro! You want to get ahead? I've got a plan! Let's trade shops!"
  • To Peach: "Oh, Princess Peach! Trade shops with me, won't you? It's a good deal for both of us!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi, my friend! Trade shops with me, and we'll both come out ahead!"
  • To Bowser: "I don't want to do this…but I think we're going to have to work together! Let's swap shops , enemy of mine!"
  • To Toad: "Let's make a deal, Toad. Swapping shops will give us both a leg up!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Heya! Want to trade shops, Donkey Kong? C'mon, don't make me jump over barrels!!"
  • To Wario: "You're a greedy one, Wario, but maybe that'll come in handy today. Trade shops with me, and we'll both be winners!!"
  • To Waluigi: "I hate to fraternize with my brother's nemesis, but it looks like we're going to have to work together! Let's swap shops, Waluigi!"
  • To Daisy: "Yoo hoo, Princess Daisy! I've got a nice deal for you! Take a look!"
  • To Birdo: "Birdo, have I got a deal for you! We'll both come out ahead if we swap shops!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Don't believe everything Donkey Kong has told you about me, Diddy Kong. I'm a nice guy! I just want to trade shops!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I don't want to do this…but I think we're going to have to work together."
  • To Slime: "Hey, slurpy little slime! What do you say you and I trade shops?"
  • To Princessa: "I've got a soft spot for princesses. How about I let you swap shops with me, Your Highness?"
  • To Kiryl: "Oooh, I've got a great idea! Let's swap shops and we'll both come out on top!"
  • To Yangus: "Hmm... How about we swap shops, my friend? That way, everybody wins!"
  • To Angelo: "You know what would make my day? If you would swap shops with me, Angelo! Pretty please?"
  • To Platypunk: "Don't get angry, Platypunk! I only want to trade shops with you!"
  • To Bianca: "Yoo hoo! Do you want to trade shops with me? C'mon - it'll be fun!"
  • To Alena: "Ooh! Ooh! I've got a great idea! Let's trade shops and beat those other guys at their own game!"
  • To Carver: "It's me, Mario! And I want to swap shops! It must be your lucky day!"
  • To Jessica: "Let's both put our business skills to good use and swap shops! Trust me, I'm Mario!"
  • To Dragonlord: "We should swaps shops! But don't think this makes us friends or anything... It's just a good business decision!"
  • To Stella: "Oh, hey, you! Yes, you! C'mon - let's swap shops!"
  • To Patty: "Swapping shops with me - now, THAT'S the way to win this game! C'mon - give it a try!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Hey, Bro! I'm glad to see your shop isn't too expensive. Now I'm glad I dropped by!"
  • To Peach: "Thanks for not charging me too much for shopping here, Princess Peach! You're one of the good ones!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi! I'm glad I stopped by. Shopping here isn't as expensive as I thought it was going to be!"
  • To Bowser: "Hey, Bowser! Maybe you're not such a bad guy after all! Your shop is cheap, at least!"
  • To Toad: "Whew! I sure am lucky that your shop isn't too pricey, Toad!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Hey, Donkey Kong! Would you mind if I paid you in bananas? Ha ha ha! Oh, I bet you get that joke all the time!"
  • To Wario: "I'm surprised your shop is so cheap, Wario! I guess I should be grateful you're not being too greedy, huh?"
  • To Waluigi: "Oopsy-daisy! I wasn't planning on stopping here. At least I'm not going to have to shell out too many gold coins!"
  • To Daisy: "Uh-oh! Come back, my beautiful gold coins! Ah well… I suppose it could be worse, right?"
  • To Birdo: "Shopping here is a bargain, Birdo!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Ah! This is reasonably priced shop! I'm surprised you're not charging an arm and a banana, Diddy Kong!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I'm grateful that you're not charging too much, Bowser Jr., but I still don't like giving you my hard-earned gold!"
  • To Slime: "I'm lucky I didn't land on a pricey shop! This one isn't so bad!"
  • To Princessa: "Lucky Mario! Shopping here isn't going to be too bad, I guess. It could be worse!"
  • To Kiryl: "Whew! Thank my lucky stars! This shop isn't as expensive as I thought it was gonna be!"
  • To Yangus: "Here's a little gold, Yangus! Thanks for not charging me any more than that!"
  • To Angelo: "Aw, I was going to spend my gold coins on something nice for Princess Peach! But fair is fair - take my money!"
  • To Platypunk: "Oops! I wasn't planning on stopping here! But since I did, I'd better give you some gold!"
  • To Bianca: "Ah, what a charmed life I lead! I could've landed on a much more expensive shop, but I didn't!"
  • To Alena: "Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Your shop could've been a lot pricier, Alena, but it's not! Whew!"
  • To Carver: "Oh, that price isn't all that terrible. Here's my gold! Have fun with it!"
  • To Jessica: "Oh, hey! Your prices aren't too bad, Jessica! This shop is actually pretty cheap!"
  • To Dragonlord: "I suppose the prices here aren't all that bad! Here, take my gold and keep it safe!"
  • To Stella: "Whew! I dodged a Bullet Bill on that one! These prices are actually kinda reasonable!"
  • To Patty: "Just my luck! No, I really mean it - I'm lucky to have landed on such a cheap shop! Yippee!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Hey, Bro! I can't believe you're charging these kinda prices! They're a bit high, don't you think?"
  • To Peach: "Uh-oh! Peach, do you really expect me to pay that much just to shop here? I though we were friends!"
  • To Yoshi: "Oh boy, Yoshi! I hope you're saving up all the money you make from this shop, ‘cause it sure is pricey!"
  • To Bowser: "Oh no! There go my gold coins! I worked hard for those Bowser!"
  • To Toad: "Whoa! What an expensive shop! That's just about the last thing I need today!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Oh boy ! I was saving those coins to buy myself something special. Thanks a bunch of bananas, Donkey Kong!"
  • To Wario: "I sure hate to give you so many of my gold coins, Wario! You won't be too happy until I'm completely bankrupt!"
  • To Waluigi: "Why, Waluigi, why!? You've got no good reason to charge so much just to shop here!"
  • To Daisy: "Oh, Princess Daisy! Why do you need to charge so much to shop here? I'm not sure it's worth it!"
  • To Birdo: "Ouch! Birdo, you're charging me an arm and a mustache! That's precious gold I'm never going to see again!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Boo! That's a bad Kong!! A very bad Kong!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I'm surprised you're charging folks so much to shop here, Bowser Jr. ! Just like your daddy, you are!"
  • To Slime: "What are you going to do with my money, Slime? You can buy yourself a fancy mustache and be handsome like Mario!"
  • To Princessa: "Whoa! I didn't mean to stop here...but since I did, I guess I owe you some serious gold coinage!"
  • To Kiryl: "Oh dear! Where did this place come from? I suppose you want all my gold coins now, don't you? Bye-bye, gold coins!"
  • To Yangus: "Oh boy! I hope I never land here again! I don't think I'll be able to afford it!"
  • To Angelo: "Ouch! That smarts! Here - take my gold coins! Just take them!"
  • To Platypunk: "What kind of big-ticket items are you selling, Platypunk? I'm gonna have to think twice about shopping here next time!"
  • To Bianca: "My oh my! Prices here are nothing to sneeze at! Oh, wait... AH-CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  • To Alena: "This isn't how I wanted to spend my hard-earned gold coins! Look at them fly out of my pockets! Get back in there, coins!"
  • To Carver: "I didn't really budget for this, did I? Oh well! I hope you enjoy all of those gold coins, Carver!"
  • To Jessica: "Why would you charge this simple plumber so many gold coins - just for the privilege of shopping here?"
  • To Dragonlord: "Dragonlord, you're as bad as Bowser! Are you going to take all that gold and do something evil with it?"
  • To Stella: "Hey! Do you think I'm made of gold coins or something?"
  • To Patty: "I hope all of these gold coins are going to a good cause!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! Can't you give me a special discount or something? I thought we were the bestest of buddies!"
  • To Peach: "Not very nice, Princess Peach! Not very nice at all!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi! After everything I've done for you!?"
  • To Bowser: "Mamma mia! This place is way too pricey for a simple plumber!"
  • To Toad: "You need to have a sale, Toad! Your prices are out of this world!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Do you really need to take my gold coins, Donkey Kong? Can't I just write you an I.O.U.?"
  • To Wario: "Getting greedier by the minute, aren't you, Wario?"
  • To Waluigi: "Go on, Waluigi! Take my money and run, you greedy man!"
  • To Daisy: "Why bother earning money if I'm just gonna end up throwing it away like this?"
  • To Birdo: "This is gonna smart, Birdo! Why do you need to charge so much just to shop here?"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Ouch ouch ouch! Why don't you just throw a barrel at me? That would hurt less than giving you so many of my gold coins!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Mamma mia! I don't know if I can afford these prices!"
  • To Slime: "Oh no! How can I afford my fancy mustache wax if I spend all my gold coins here!"
  • To Princessa: "That's gonna put a big dent in my finances, Princess Princessa!"
  • To Kiryl: "Hey, where'd all my gold coins go? I'm gonna need those someday!"
  • To Yangus: "Come back, little gold coins! Get back in my pockets!"
  • To Angelo: "Bye-bye, little gold coins! I'm gonna miss each and every one of you!"
  • To Platypunk: "I spend so many gold coins to shop here, and what do I get for it? Nothing but empty pockets, that's what!"
  • To Bianca: "Mamma mia! Those are some pretty pricey prices!"
  • To Alena: "Bye-bye, gold coins! I hope to see you again someday!"
  • To Carver: "Oh no! There go all my gold coins!! I needed those!"
  • To Jessica: "I hope all of these gold coins of mine are going to a good cause, Jessica!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Mamma mia! Remind me to never shop here ever again!"
  • To Stella: "I suppose it's my fault for shopping here...but these high prices are a little bit silly!"
  • To Patty: "Come back to me one day, little coins! I'll be waiting for you!"
  • To male player: "Very sneaky, (player's name)! Very sneaky indeed!"
  • To female player: "Are you sure you need all of those gold coins, (player's name)? You know, money won't make you happy!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Hey, nice going, Mario! I sure hope you'll sign up on my party planning list after this!"
  • To Luigi: "Wow, look at you go, Luigi! You're a real egg, huh?"
  • To Peach: "I knew you were a cut above the rest right from the start, honey."
  • To Slime: "It's gonna be hard getting used to losing to a slime..."
  • To Kiryl: "Hey, Kiryl, why don't you take a break at one of my places before you head off to victory, huh? Isn't it a day of rest or something anyway?"
  • To Yangus: "Wow! You're a real go-getter, huh, kiddo? I had that kind of edge once myself. I sure wish I could get it back."
  • To Angelo: "Hey, Angelo, honey! You've got time for one last wild party at one of my shops before you leave us all behind, right?"
  • To Carver: "Gee, Carver, you look beat. Why don't you take the load off in one of my shops for a while, huh, honey?"
  • To Stella: "Stella! Hey, Stella! I got a cake with your name on it over here, hon! Come by one of my shops and we'll watch our figures together, huh?"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "Psst, Kiryl, you wanna swap shops with me? Alena's looking the other way!"
  • To Yangus: "Say, Yangus, you wanna swap shops with me? You'd do really well out of it."
  • To Angelo: "Angelo, you're a gentleman, right? You'd help a gal out if she was in trouble? ...I really need to swap this shop, see. Would you be a doll?"
  • To Carver: "Hey, Carver, aren't you looking for the action to pick up a bit? Say, why don't you swap shops with me?"
  • To Stella: "Hey, Stella, you wanna swap shops with me? We'll both come out on top, honey!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "This is your shop, right, Kiryl? You've got a nice place here."
  • To Yangus: "You're pretty smart, honey. This is a great place for a shop."
  • To Angelo: "This is a real cute shop you've got here, Angelo. I guess this is how a gentleman runs a business, right?"
  • To Stella: "This is such a swell shop, Stella! I wish I could pull something like this off."

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "My, this is a pretty expensive shop you've got here, Kiryl! It's not what I'd expect from someone like you."
  • To Yangus: "Gee, Yangus, that's a sneaky place to have such a pricey shop! I stumbled right into it!"
  • To Angelo: "I thought you were a gentleman, Angelo. That you were kind to women. Guess I was wrong."
  • To Stella: "I guess this is what youthful spirit does for you, huh? I remember when I was a young adventurer..."

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Kiryl: "Wow, Kiryl! Behind that gentle face of yours is a real shark, huh? I think it's only fair that I warn Alena..."
  • To Yangus: "I guess it's OK to let you have all this gold now. You'll have to pay your dues like the rest of us when you grow up, kid."
  • To Angelo: "That's it, Angelo! I'm really mad at you now! Just don't talk to me for a while, OK?"
  • To Stella: "Phew! You really mean business, huh, Stella? I've gotta say, I'm envious. I wish I still had that kinda fire in me."
  • To male player: "You're something else, you know that, (player's name)? Have...have our paths crossed before? You remind me of a legendary hero I once knew..."
  • To female player: "You're something else, you know that, (player's name)? Have...have our paths crossed before? You remind me of a legendary heroine I once knew..."


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Slime: "You slimeball! I shoulda known you'd pull a fast one, you sharper!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Hey, Dragonlord! You and me, we're gunnin' for the same side here, huh? Let's hit the finish line together!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Slime: "Hey, squishy! Quit shakin' already and switch stores wid me like a stand-up guy!"
  • To Dragonlord: "I respect you, pops. I'd like to switch stores wid you to mark this historic meetin' of ours."

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Slime: "Ain't no surprise this dive's prices are so low bein' run by a lowlife slime."
  • To Dragonlord: "Ya know, pops, I was expectin' sommat a little more classy from a boss monster like- ...Er, sorry. No disrespect intended..."

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Slime: "A great big fancy joint like this is wasted on a slimeball like you!"
  • To Dragonlord: "You got more clout than the Plobfather, pops!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Slime: "For a slime, you sure got a lot of spine, punk! These prices are outta this woild!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Maybe it's time I considered a change in career, huh? You got any openin's, pops?"
  • To Patty: "I get a kick outta stoppin' in these pricey joints, you know?"
  • To male player: "The larger the bill, the better it feels! These suitcases of kale are weighin' me down, ya know?"
  • To female player: "Yeah, bring it on, doll! You wanna piece of me, huh!? I got all the resoives I need!"

Princess Daisy[edit]

Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Way to flex your muscles, Mario! And here I was thinking I'd finally beat you in a game!"
  • To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! You sure you don't want to let ME win? Hmph! After all we've been through together!"
  • To Peach: "I'm lovin' the girl power, Peach! Win this one for the ladies!"
  • To Yoshi: "How did Yoshi manage to beat me? This has gotta be some kind of fluke! I demand a recount!"
  • To Bowser: "Hmph! I refuse to congratulate Bowser, no matter how awesome he did playing this game."
  • To Toad: "Really nice, Toad. You're gonna leave me behind just so you can go off and win? Princess Peach wouldn't like that at all!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Drat! I didn't think you'd be any good at this sort of thing, Donkey Kong. I stand corrected!"
  • To Wario: "I totally would've won this game if I'd lowered myself to your level, Wario. Remember that!"
  • To Waluigi: "Whoa! If Waluigi wins, he's gonna be all sorts of famous. I can't compete with that!"
  • To Birdo: "I'd give you a blue ribbon for first place, Birdo, but somehow I think you'd prefer a pink ribbon! Hee hee!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game!"
  • To Princessa: "You're really gonna let me lose, Princessa? I thought that was against the princess code or something!"
  • To Platypunk: "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game! Get your tail back here!"
  • To Alena: "I can't believe I'm gonna lose to Alena! I'm more of a princess than she'll ever be!"
  • To Stella: "Whoa! Hold up a sec. I was supposed to win this game!" (in a surprised emotion)
  • To player: "Oh, but you can't win yet, (player's name) - I'm having too much fun! I order you to continue playing this game!

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Mario: "I've got a brilliant idea, Mario. Let's swap shops and teach these guys a lesson on how to play the market!"
  • To Luigi: "You're the only one here I can truly trust, Luigi... Trade shops with me, won't you?"
  • To Peach: "Let's swap shops, Peach. You know as a symbol of friendship between the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland!"
  • To Yoshi: "I shall give you the honor of trading shops with me, Yoshi. You're welcome in advance!"
  • To Bowser: "Oh dear. The unthinkable has finally happened. I'm asking Bowser, of all people, to trade shops with me!"
  • To Toad: "Surely you wouldn't turn me down, would you, Toad?"
  • To Donkey Kong: "It's your lucky day, Donkey Kong. I decided to trade shops with you!"
  • To Wario: "Ew! I hate the idea of owning a shop that once belonged to you, Wario... but I have no choice. Let's trade!"
  • To Waluigi: "You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you, Waluigi? I bet you would! C'mon, let's trade shops!"
  • To Birdo: "Hey, Birdo! After we swap shops, let's go get our nails done! Hee hee!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "C'mon, sweetie, let's make a deal and swap shops!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "C'mon, sweetie, let's make a deal and swap shops!"
  • To Alena: "We're princesses, Alena. It's only logical that we should conduct this trade with a modicum of elegance and grace!"
  • To Stella: "Think you're hot stuff, Stella? Then put your money where your mouth is and swap shops with me!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "This shop is cheap now, but if I know Mario, he's gonna build it up real soon!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi, Luigi, Luigi... I'm disappointed! You could make this shop so much bigger!"
  • To Peach: "Oh, Peach! What a charming little store. Are all shops in the Mushroom Kingdom this...economical?"
  • To Yoshi: "I simply adore cheap shops like this one, Yoshi! The lower the prices, the more stuff I can buy!"
  • To Bowser: "How do you even get inside this shop, Bowser? It's so teensy-tiny!"
  • To Toad: "This shop is just like you, Toad! Simple and modest. That's a compliment, I promise!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Donkey Kong, this is a lovely shop and all, but…how come you don't sell anything but bananas in here?"
  • To Wario: "I…I just saw…something black sk-skittering across the f-floor. This shop is filthy, Wario!"
  • To Waluigi: "What a disappointing little shop! But I shouldn't be surprised. After all, it's yours, Waluigi."
  • To Birdo: "Birdo, you did a fantastic job decorating this place! You made it look like a million bucks!"
  • To Princessa: "Come on, Princessa! Use some of that magic of yours and turn this place into a big, fancy shop!"
  • To Alena: "What a modest shop, Alena! A princess has to be humble, after all!"
  • To Stella: "This shop is so cute, Stella! I want to take the whole shop home with me!"
  • To player "I'd have expected any shop of yours to be way more expensive, (player's name). What gives?"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario! Can I get a princess discount or something? This shop of yours is considerably overpriced!
  • To Luigi: "Hmph! If you think these high prices are gonna impress me, you've got a lot to learn, Luigi!"
  • To Peach: "I should have expected something like this from you, Peach. You're not afraid to fight dirty!"
  • To Yoshi: "Yoshi! I'm absolutely stunned. How did you get the gumption to build such an extravagant shop?"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! This is highway robbery, Bowser, and you know it!"
  • To Toad: "Isn't this shop a little…swank for you, Toad? Remember your place!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Oh, for Pete's sake! Why in the world is this banana-peel-strewn shop so terribly overpriced?"
  • To Wario: "Ugh! If you're going to charge such high prices, Wario, you should clean up a little. This shop is filthy!"
  • To Waluigi: "Why did I have to stop here? Not only is it overpriced, it's run by Waluigi! Icky icky ew!"
  • To Birdo: "Birdo! Are you charging me so much because you're jealous of my good looks? I wouldn't put it past you!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "What is the meaning of these unbelievable prices!? I'm not above throwing a tantrum, you know!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I think I've made some sort of mistake. There's no reason a shop would be this expensive!"
  • To Princessa: "Why, Princessa! You didn't by any chance cast a hex on me to make me stop here, did you?"
  • To Alena: "It's awfully gauche for a princess to charge so much, Alena! Where are your royal manners?"
  • To Stella: "Stella! Are you sure you want to charge me so much? You don't want me on your bad side!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Whoa! What did I ever do to YOU, Mario!?"
  • To Luigi: "You owe me one, Luigi! Take good care of all my gold, ya big galoot!"
  • To Peach: "Such cruelty, Peach! This isn't how royalty is supposed to treat each other!"
  • To Yoshi: "Hmph! I would've expected something like this from Wario, but not from you, Yoshi!"
  • To Bowser: "I know how this scenario goes... First you empty my pockets, and then you kidnap me! No way, Bowser!"
  • To Toad: "I hope this transgression of yours doesn't break the truce between the Mushroom Kingdom and Sarasaland, Toad!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Not cool, Donkey Kong! Are you trying to bankrupt me or something?"
  • To Wario: "Eek! I'll gladly pay the money if you'd just let me leave this pigsty of a shop!"
  • To Waluigi: "Ack! This shop is way too flashy. Almost tacky, wouldn't you say, Waluigi?"
  • To Birdo: "Eek! I thought we were buddies, Birdo! Why would you wring me dry like this?"
  • To Princessa: "You really are a princess, aren't you, Princessa? Only royalty could do something so cruel without flinching!"
  • To Alena: "No no no! Don't you know I'm a princess? I should get a special discount or something just for coming to your silly store!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Ooh, just you wait... you're gonna pay me back in spades!"
  • To Stella: "Hey, Stella! I think your prices are off by a digit or two! Otherwise this is highway robbery!"
  • To male player: "Why would you do this to me, (player's name)!? Hmph! After all I've done for you!"
  • To female player: "I thought we were pals, (player's name)! Is this how you treat your friends?"

Princess Peach[edit]

Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "You wouldn't leave me here all alone, would you, Mario? Let me catch up to you before you get to the bank!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi already has (target net worth)? How embarrassing! I should have beaten him ages ago!
  • To Bowser: "How could you go off and win this game without me, Bowser? And after all we've been through!"
  • To Daisy: "Daisy! I'm shocked that you would run off to win and leave behind your sister-in-arms. Shocked!"
  • To Birdo: "We're all proud of you, Birdo! Get a move on and collect your prize!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Rushing off to win without a backward glance, Bowser Jr.? Didn't your father teach you any manners?"
  • To Other Super Mario Characters: "(1st place player's name)! I'm shocked that you would run off to win and leave your favorite princess behind. Shocked!"
  • To Slime: "Slime already has (target net worth)? How embarrassing! I should have beaten that thing ages ago!"
  • To Other Dragon Quest Characters: "(1st place player's name) already has (target net worth)? How embarrassing! I should have beaten him ages ago!"
  • To Other Female Dragon Quest Characters like Jessica: "Jessica already has (target net worth)? How embarrassing! I should have beaten her ages ago!"
  • To player: "Headed for the finish line, (player's name)? Not without me, you aren't!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario! Would you be so kind as to trade shops with me? I would be forever in your debt!"
  • To Bowser: "I shouldn't be making deals with a baddie like you, Bowser, but I think a shop swap is in order!"
  • To Toad: "You'll trade shops with me, won't you, Toad? It's in both of our interests!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "I know you're scheming to kidnap my shop, Bowser Jr.! Why don't we make it a fair trade instead?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Mario, you should feed this shop more fruits and vegetables. It needs to grow up big and strong!"
  • To Luigi: "What a humble shop, Luigi. It suits you! Tee hee!"
  • To Bowser: "Why is your shop such a weakling, Bowser? I expected more from you!"
  • To Toad: "Whew! I sure am lucky that your shop isn't too pricey, Toad!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "A junior-sized shop for a junior-sized Bowser. How adorable!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "I can't believe you're actually going to charge me full price, Mario!"
  • To Luigi: "I think your shop ate a Super Mushroom, Luigi. How else could it have gotten so big?"
  • To Bowser: "Oh, Bowser! Why must you always build a fortress everywhere you go?"
  • To Wario: "Oh my! Look at these prices! Remind me again why I decided to shop here?"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Nice try, Bowser Jr.! But this pricey shop of yours won't slow me down!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Why, Mario! Have I done something to make you angry?"
  • To Luigi: "I thought we were friends, Luigi. Don't make me start clipping coupons!"
  • To Bowser: "I've never despised you more than I do right now, Bowser. Hmph!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Your father raised you to be too greedy, Bowser Jr.! Avarice is such an unattractive quality."
  • To player: "You can raise your prices all you want, (player's name). But nothing will stop me from winning!"

Player buys stock in her district[edit]

  • To player: "Why did you buy stock in my district, (player's name)? Are you planning on sabotaging me?"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Slime: "How shameful it is to lose to a slime, of all opponents..."
  • To Platypunk: "It may look like a cute little birdie, but it still hurts to lose the game to a monster."
  • To Dragonlord: "Losing to the likes of you will surely anger the ancestors. I beg for your protection, great Rubiss!"
  • To Stella: "Wait! Miss Stella, do wait! I wish to discuss the future of Moonbrooke with you a little more."

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Dragonlord: "Dragonlord! Why don't we let sleeping dogs lie and consider exchanging shops with one another?"
  • To Stella: "Um, Miss Stella, I was wondering if you're feeling inclined towards exchanging shops?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Dragonlord: "It makes my hackles rise to pay anything to certain characters, no matter how small an amount."
  • To Stella: "Ooh, is this your shop, Miss Stella? So this is what you've done with it. I'll bear it in mind!"
  • To player: "This shop of yours is very reasonably priced, (player's name). Would you mind if I popped in again another day?"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Dragonlord: "Oh, how foolish of me! I should never have allowed myself to stop at a shop owned by HIM."
  • To Stella: "Goodness me, Miss Stella. It would appear that you predicted my movements there."

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Dragonlord: "Typical Dragonlord. Perhaps I'm just not strong enough to do this alone."
  • To Stella: "Oh dear... Well, Miss Stella, I suppose I can't blame you for not offering special treatment to a friend. I must weather the good times with the bad."
  • To player: "I can see you're going to be someone who really makes a splash in this world, (player's name)."


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Platypunk: "What!? Platypunk's gooing to win? No! He can't! He's cheating! He's from the Plob!!!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Goo, Dragonlord! The one and only master of monsterkind! ...Hm? Psaro? Goo's Psaro?"
  • To Stella: "Wow! Nice gooing, Stella! It's not like I've been twiddling my thumbs, but you've practically won already!"
  • To Patty: "You're not gooing to win already, are you, Patty? Wait a mo! If I really stretch myself, I might just catch you!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Platypunk: "You probably thought I wouldn't swap a ploperty with a platypunk, didn't you? But I'm very magnanimooze."
  • To Dragonlord: "Excooze me, Mr Dragonlord, would you swap a ploperty with- Eek! N-Never mind! S-Sorry I said anything! (Slurp!)"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Platypunk: "Acgooally, you're a nice little platypunk, aren't you?"
  • To Dragonlord: "Thank goo, Dragonlord, Your Monstrousness! ...Eek! Sorry! Excooze me!"
  • To Stella: "Yay! I like goo value. What a wonderful faerie you are, Stella!"
  • To Patty: "Oh, gooey! Your shops have slime-friendly prices, Patty. I'm glad I plopped in!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Platypunk: "Another example of the Plob being mean to a blob!"
  • To Dragonlord: "Wow! What a plopper, Dragonlord! B-But...why do I...have to p-pay so...?"
  • To Stella: "A-Are you pulling my leg, Stella? Because if you are, I should warn you, I- Eek! Nothing! Sorry!"
  • To Patty: "Oh dear... Everything in here costs an arm and a leg. And I've got neither, Patty!"
  • To player: "You're mean, (player's name)! Just because I'm a super-squishy slime, it doesn't mean I'm flexible with prices!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Platypunk: "You platypunks really hate our guts, don't you?"
  • To Dragonlord: "Boo hoo goo! Dragonlord's picking on me! Dragonlord's— ...Eek! S-Sorry!"
  • To Stella: "I thought you were a nice faerie, Stella. But you give me the blooze!"
  • To Patty: "Y-You've changed, Patty... You make me quake in my— Well, you make me quake!"
  • To player: "You're mean! Goomans are really, really mean!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Come on! A true superstar would never leave everyone else behind and take victory all for himself. No way!"
  • To Luigi: "Blimey. Everyone said you were a pathetic little loser, Luigi. But you're not a loser at least, are you?"
  • To Peach: "Oi! Peachy! What about us, eh? The common people? Ever stop to spare a thought for us, did you?"
  • To Yoshi: "Isn't there any way I could just jump onto his back and ride him to the finish line...?"
  • To Bowser: "Will somebody please cut that annoying flapping turtle thing down to size! Give him a critical hit or something."
  • To Toad: "You, you didn't use Sweet Breath on us to put us all to sleep, did you, you rotten toad?"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Phew! You're a bit of a bruiser, aren't you, eh, hairy?"
  • To Wario: "Urgh! I'm not losing to that freak of fashion!"
  • To Waluigi: "How the flap did you get so much cash!? You've been sneaking around doing things you shouldn't, haven't you?"
  • To Daisy: "Oh, come on, Daisy! Us girls have got to stick together. Let's go shopping or something!"
  • To Birdo: "Birdo! I thought you had more to you than that."
  • To Diddy Kong: "Everyone says how brainy Kongs are. But if I lose to that little thing, I'm gonna go ape!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "Oi! Didn't anyone ever teach you any manners, squirt? Ladies first!"
  • To Slime: "I...I can't be losing to a slime. Old fatguts will go nuts."
  • To Princessa: "Hey, Princessa! There's loads more shops for us to explore before you go skipping off to the bank!"
  • To Kiryl: "I thought you were supposed to play a supportive role, Kiryl? Don't get so full of yourself!"
  • To Yangus: "Yangus, what are you doing? There's loads more treasure around here. How come you're heading for the finish already, eh?"
  • To Angelo: "It doesn't seem very gentlemanly to go off like that and leave a lady behind, Angelo."
  • To Platypunk: "Hey, boys! I got a case full of ice round the back. You wanna come stick your faces in it, huh? ...Hee hee hee!"
  • To Bianca: "I don't know what it is about you, Bianca, but I get the strangest feeling from you. Whitaker... What's it all about, eh?"
  • To Alena: "Don't do it, Alena! Stick with us!"
  • To Carver: "Hmph. I can't match your kind of brawn. I'm just not into all that bodybuilding and stuff. Bit shallow, isn't it?"
  • To Jessica: "Go, Jessica! You've got the ba-boom! Show the world how it's done, girl! ...Ahem."
  • To Dragonlord: "We can't let him win! Doesn't he want to take over the world!?"
  • To Patty: "Nothing keeps you down, does it, Patty? I thought you'd be lost without Erinn around to help you."

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Daisy: "Hey, Daisy! I've got a really quaint little shop here. It's right up your alley. Do you want to swap?"
  • To Princessa: "Er, excuse me, Princessa, but I've got something really, really important to ask you... Let's swap shops!"
  • To Alena: "Listen, Alena, I've got a shop here that's just perfect for you. Want to do a swap with me?"
  • To Jessica: "I want to swap a shop with you, Jessica. Are you game?"
  • To Patty: "What d'you think of this shop, Patty? I'd be willing to swap it with you if you want..."

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Daisy: "You own this shop, don't you, Daisy? You could afford to glam it up a bit, I reckon. You are a princess, after all."
  • To Princessa: "I like this place, Princessa. Very quaint. Very you."
  • To Alena: "This place is charming. You know, like the prince? It's, er, very you, Alena."
  • To Jessica: "I know there's more to this shop than greets the eye. No shop of Jessica ‘ba-boom’ Albert's would be without an explosive surprise!"
  • To Patty: "That's the appeal of your shops, Patty. They don't cost a farm and an egg."
  • To player: "I love your shop, (player's name)! I hope it's always as cheap as chimps!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Princessa: "Ouch. Yup, this is a shop owned by a double princess alright! Classy prices for classy clients."
  • To Alena: "Phew! This shop's like one of your critical hits, Alena. It knocks you for sticks!"
  • To Jessica: "Yikes. The prices here are as swanky as you are, Jessica! Ba-boom!"
  • To Patty: "Uh-oh. Why do I get the feeling you're starting to take this game seriously now, Patty?"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Daisy: "Ugh, no, your idea of money's just in a different league to mine, Daisy. We're like chalk and fleas in that respect."
  • To Princessa: "You don't want to get on the wrong side of you, eh? I bet Moonbrooke's a nice, quiet place with you in charge!"
  • To Alena: "No one ever said even your shops were boyish! ...It's a bit of a shock!"
  • To Jessica: "This is your dynamite personality blowing up in my face, eh, Jessica? Ba-ba-boom!"
  • To Patty: "I haven't upset you, have I, Patty? I don't remember doing anything to get your stoat..."
  • To player: "You, you haven't gone and scoffed a fygg while I wasn't looking, have you, (player's name)? Those things really mess with your head!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Looks like you're about to win, Mario. You're the true hero of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
  • To Luigi: "Look at you go, Luigi! Make the Mushroom Kingdom proud!"
  • To Peach: "You shouldn't be walking around alone with all of that money, Princess Peach. May I escort you to the goal?"
  • To Yoshi: "This game has been a real challenge, Yoshi, but you came out on top! Get yourself to the bank!"
  • To Bowser: "Bowser is going to win? Oh, the humanity!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Looks like your primal instincts paid off, Donkey Kong. I think you're going to win this one!"
  • To Wario: "Is Wario really about to win? Or is he just pulling another one of his dirty tricks!?"
  • To Waluigi: "Waluigi! Please don't win yet! I'm having too much fun to stop playing now."
  • To Daisy: "Princess Daisy is in an all-out dash to the finish line! Better not get in her way!"
  • To Birdo: "Don't start celebrating, Birdo… You haven't reached the finish line yet!"
  • To Diddy Kong: "Looks like Donkey Kong got the brawn and Diddy Kong got the brains! Good for you, little guy!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: "It would be a travesty if Bowser Jr. won this game. Somebody stop him! Don't let him reach the bank!"
  • To Slime: "I underestimated you, Slime, and for that I apologize. Now go on and win this game!"
  • To Princessa: "Your accomplishments are an inspiration to us all, Princessa!"
  • To Kiryl: "We're all rooting for you, Kiryl! You've played a fine game."
  • To Yangus: "Nothing's getting between you and the goal, is it, Yangus? You've got that certain sparkle in your eyes!"
  • To Angelo: "I see you're close to winning, Angelo. Forgive me if I refuse to give up quite so easily!"
  • To Platypunk: "I know I should be jealous that you're close to winning, Platypunk. But I'm just so very proud of you!"
  • To Bianca: "Just a little farther, Bianca! We all know you can win this one!"
  • To Alena: "I'm in awe of your power, Alena! You've taught me a lot during the course of this game."
  • To Carver: "Carver is about to win! Who's going to help me stop him? I can't do it all by myself, people!"
  • To Jessica: "Please don't leave me behind, Jessica! I've been having so much fun playing with you today!"
  • To Dragonlord: "And so we finally witness the true power of the Dragonlord!"
  • To Stella: "Stella, could you do me a favor? I need to borrow a few thousand gold coins from you..."
  • To Patty: "What's the rush, Patty? The bank will be there tomorrow!"
  • To player: "You're not out of the woods yet, (player's name)! Don't let down your guard till you reach the bank!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Mario: "I have an offer that may be worth your while…"
  • To Luigi: "Pardon me, Your Highness... Would you do me the honor of exchanging shops with me?"
  • To Peach: "Pardon me, Your Highness… Would you do the honor of exchanging shops with me?"
  • To Yoshi: "I certainly like that shop of yours, Yoshi. Do you think we can work out a trade?"
  • To Bowser: "Urgh… I have no choice. Would you trade shops with me, pretty please?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "What a delightful little shop you have here, Mario! Don't ever raise the prices!"
  • To Luigi: "This is your shop, isn't it, Luigi? The low prices are much appreciated, especially in this economy!"
  • To Peach: "Your shop is as merciful as you are, Princess Peach. Thank you for keeping the prices so low!"
  • To Yoshi: "You seem to take good care of your customers, Yoshi. I'll definitely shop here again!"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Bowser's store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "This is a nice shop an all, but might I make a suggestion? Add a mushroom cap-roof!"
  • To Wario: "Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Wario's store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Waluigi: "Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Waluigi's store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Daisy: "You seem to take good care of your customers. I'll definitely shop here again!"
  • To Bowser Jr.: " Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Bowser Jr.'s store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"
  • To Dragonlord: " Ack! I hope no one sees me shopping here at Dragonlord's store. It would stir up quite a scandal!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Oh dear! I think I spent too much gold shopping here. Toadsworth will never let me live this down!
  • To Peach: "Your shop is truly regal, Princess Peach! Well worth the price!"
  • To Bowser: "Ack! I feel like I've let the Mushroom Kingdom down by stopping at such an expensive shop."
  • To Donkey Kong: "Ouch! That's going to leave a dent in my wallet."
  • To player: "These prices are definitely outside of my budget! But I suppose that's all right. After all, it's (player's name)'s shop."

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Peach: "Don't I get a loyal-servant discount, Princess Peach?"
  • To player: "You mustn't blame youself... It was my own fault for shopping here!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Hah! You really think you can beat me, Luigi? Keep dreaming, buddy! I'm gonna find a way to stop you!"
  • To Wario: "You think you're such hot stuff, don't you, Wario? Well, you're NOT! So THERE!"
  • To others: "I'm not just going to roll over and let you win without a fight, (1st place player's name)!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Let's put our feelings aside to swap shops, Luigi. Then we can go back to despising each other!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "I should've known this pathetic little shop belonged to Luigi. They've both got that desperate look!"
  • To Wario: "Excellent work, Wario! Keep building cheap shops like this, and no one will see you coming!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "Nyahhh! Luigi, I don't remember giving you permission to build a shop this big!"
  • To Wario: "Drat! You're nothing but a traitor, Wario!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Luigi: "You've won this round, Luigi... But I'm gonna come out on top! Just you wait!"
  • To Wario: "AHH! Our friendship is officially OVER!"
  • To player: "Grrr! So it's funny to watch ol' Waluigi get all steamed up, eh, (player's name)? Enjoy it while you can!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Wario's taking first place today! Anyone who gets in my way is gonna home limping!"
  • To Bowser: "Try not to trip on your way to the bank, Bowser. You'd look pretty dumb stuck on your back with your arms and legs flailing!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Hey, Donkey Kong! Throw the game, and I'll give you this special banana! C'mon-don't you trust me?"
  • To Waluigi: "C'mon, beanpole! Let's work together! Gimme half your money, and I won't sit on you!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Mario: "Normally, I wouldn't swap shops with Mario if he was the last plumber in the universe. But you gotta do what you gotta do to WIN!"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Nyah hah hah! This shop's just as puny as you are, Mario!"
  • To Bowser: "You sure act tough, Bowser. But your pathetic little shop speaks for itself! Nyah hah hah!"

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "What gives, Mario? After all the nice things I've done for you... Well, no more Mr. Nice Wario!!"
  • To Bowser: "You're getting too greedy for your own good, Bowser. I can smell your desperation a mile away!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "I'd rather melt my gold and throw it into a river than give it to Mario...but I gotta do it!"
  • To Luigi: "Luigi! Next time you charge me this much gold to shop here, I'll pluck out your mustache one whisker at a time!"
  • To Peach: "You're robbing me blind, Peach! How about I just give you a kiss and we'll call it even?"
  • To Bowser: "No one's impressed with your overpriced shop, Bowser. Stop trying so hard!"
  • To Toad: "I'm gonna make mushroom stew out of you, Toad!"
  • To Donkey Kong: "That's it, Donkey Kong! I'm selling you to the zoo!"
  • To male player: "GRR! Don't make me mad, little man. I'll send a Wario Waft your way!"
  • To female player: "GRR! Don't make me mad, little lady. I'll send a Wario Waft your way!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Angelo: "I've gotta stop that flash numpty before 'e takes gold!"
  • To Jessica: "Oi oi! She's gonna get over the finish line before everyone else if we don't do nuffin'!"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Angelo: "Oi, fancy-boy! Wanna do a swap?"
  • To Jessica: "Oi! Wanna swap shops wiv me?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To Angelo: "Ain't exactly the kind o' shop I was expectin' from a flash geezer like you!"
  • To Jessica: "I thought, you know, seein' as 'ow you like to flaunt yer dosh, you'd 'ave a bit more on offer in 'ere, lady!"
  • To Patty: "Wot, is this all you got, Patty? Talk about a let-down."

Landing on an average shop[edit]

  • To Angelo: "Hmph! You don't look like you got no muscle, but you don't 'alf know 'ow to pack a punch, flashy!"
  • To Jessica: "Blimey, that was a slap to the face, that was!"
  • To Patty: "Wot!? This is just a loan, alright? I'll be 'avin' me dosh back off ya soon enough!"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Angelo: "You little - Your flashy looks ain't gonna 'elp ya when I come after ya, mate!"
  • To Jessica: "Noooo! She's got it in for me! I'm gonna be broke!"
  • To Patty: "You wot!? These prices ain't cheap, are they? ...Phew! You're a scary woman, Patty."
  • To male player: "That's a low blow, (player's name)! I ain't gonna let this one go, ya know!"
  • To female player: "Yer on me blacklist now, (player's name)! And you really don't wanna be on that, believe me!"


Opponents close to victory[edit]

  • To Mario: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Great job, Mario! I always knew you were a winner!)"
  • To Luigi: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (You're really on the ball today, Luigi!)"
  • To Peach: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (You're the smartest princess I know, Princess Peach! You played great today!)"
  • To Bowser: "Yo Yo! Yoshi! (Uh-oh! We can't let Bowser win!)"
  • To Toad: "Yoshi Yoshi! (Looks like Toad is our hero for the day!)"
  • To Donkey Kong: "Yoshi! ...Yoshi? (You'll be able to afford a lifetime of bananas now, Donkey Kong! ...Can I have one?)"
  • To Wario: "Yoshi Yoshi! (Wario's one tough cookie, 'specially when it comes to money!)"
  • To Waluigi: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Waluigi! Use those long, skinny legs of yours to hop on over to the bank!)"
  • To Daisy: "Yoshi? Yoshi? (Why are you in such a hurry, Princess Daisy? Don't you want to keep playing?)"
  • To Birdo: "Yoshi Yoshi! (You're always full of surprises, Birdo!)"

Swapping shops[edit]

  • To Mario: "Yoshi! (Let's make a deal, Mario!)"
  • To player: "Yoshi Yoshi? (Do you want to trade shops with me, (player's name)?"

Landing on a low-priced shop[edit]

  • To player: "Yoshi! Yoshi... (Whew! I'm glad your shop is reasonably priced, (player's name)...)"

Landing on an expensive shop[edit]

  • To Mario: "Yoshi... Yoshi. YOSHI! (Mario... I thought we were friends. BEST friends!)"
  • To player: "Yoshi Yoshi. (I came to your shop and all I got was an empty wallet, (player's name).)"