List of Mario Party Advance quotes
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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario Party Advance, listed alphabetically by character.
- "Eek eek eeeeek! This is serious!"
- "Oh, hey! I'm Akiki! Anyway, I need help!"
- "OK, OK, so here's the deal. You listening?"
- "...Who are you?"
- "Yeah? Well, listen up, little mushroom man!"
- "Whatever! Anyway, this is my uncle's house."
- "His name is Ukiki. He's king of the jungle!"
- Well, mayor, really. When I came to visit, he was gone! I found a letter on the floor!"
- "Eek eeek! I knew it!"
- "Oh, Uncle... Where is my uncle!?"
- "Eek! And thank you!"
- "There's a lot of buzz about this game room."
- "I hear you can win a ton here! Shocking!"
- "But listen, I really need some help here."
- "You're going to help me? That's great."
- "See, I've just been playing games here."
- "The thing is, I just keep losing. Really."
- "If you could win once, my luck might change."
- "You sound really amped up about this!"
- "Just play this game until you beat it."
- "If you can pull it off, you can keep the game."
- "Not a bad deal, right?"
- "Great! Beat this game, and I'm ohm free!"
- "Hey, you won! My luck's finally gonna change!"
- "Here, you get to keep this mini-game."
- "And you've helped me out of my bad streak!"
- "One good thing after another, eh?"
- "Say, you're not...the Game Mage, are you?"
- "Hm. Maybe not. Forget I said anything."
Big Bob-omb[edit]
- "Hey, how did you find me down here!?"
- "My name's Big Bob-omb. Howyadoin'?"
- "So now that you're here, whaddaya want?"
- "Well, just relax. I'm not goin' anywhere!"
- "That fiery look in your eyes takes me back."
- "Hey, I know! You wanna play the Dice game?"
- "If you beat me, you can have a Gaddget!"
- "How about it? You wanna play, or what?"
- "Haw haw! I like you, kid! You're honest!"
- "You win if you get the higher number 3 times."
- "All right! Let's roll!"
- "Let's begin."
- "I won't go easy on you!"
- "I haven't even started yet!"
- "Just one more roll..."
- "Haw! Mine's bigger!"
- "One more roll, and I win! Haw!"
- "Wouldja look at that! I'll roll once more."
- "Haw haw! I win!"
- "Haw haw! You're not bad, kid!"
- "Haw haw haw! I lost! That's incredible!"
- "You're something else, kid! Great job!"
- "Like I said, here's a Gaddget!"
- "With someone like you in our gang, that Bowser wouldn't act so tough!"
- "See, this Bowser guy showed up recently."
- "He's been making a real mess in town."
- "Sorry. Crankings comes with old age."
- "Stop by anytime. I'll be hanging out there."
Blooper Battle[edit]
- "Chaaaarge! I'm Blooper!"
- "Duelists are people who battle in Duel games."
- "I'm training to become a duelist myself!"
- "Want to help me train with a quick duel?"
- "Oh, bummer. Back to solo training for me!"
- "...I'm so alone... No one to train with."
- "Thanks! It's so lonely training solo..."
- "Let's start the duel! Chaaaarge!"
- "Man! I'm so nervous..."
- "Oh, you're so confident! Brrr..."
- "I'm trembling with anticipation!"
- "I'm not scared. ...Brrrrr."
- "Win the Duel, and I'll give you a game!"
- "Here we go! Time to put my training to work!"
- "...I wasn't committed enough. I lost..."
- "But I have to fulfill my promise."
- "You're an amazing duelist, you know?"
- "Have you heard about Duel Tower?"
- "That's where all the best duelists train."
- "Come back and duel me again! I'll be better!"
- "...Hey, what's this!? I heard what you said."
- "You're not saying I did it, are you??"
- "Why would you even say something like that!?"
- "Well, you just grab something and tug!"
- "...Oops."
- "... ... ...Oh, my."
- "I'm sorry! I didn't want to hurt you!"
- "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
- "It'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever..."
- "...Ever, ever, ever, ever happen again!"
- "Thank you! Thank you!"
- "...Yo! I'm Bob-omb! Nice to meet ya!!"
- "What? You want to talk to me?"
- "How's about I tell you about my friends?"
- "I hang with the Bob-omb crowd."
- "We look out for our little town."
- "Do you know our password?"
- "If you do, I'll give you a Gaddget!"
- "You know it, right? Don't lie to me!"
- "Don't snap at me now! No Gaddget for you!"
- "..."
- "Hey, now! Don't give me that sad little face!"
- "All right, all right. I can't just tell you, but go to Junk, the item shop."
- "Buy a Bob-omb Figure to learn the password."
- "Now, get going! I'll be right here!"
- "Oh, I see you went to the shop!"
- "So? How about it?"
- "Do you know the correct password?"
- "That's it! You got the password right!"
- "Well, like I promised, here's a Gaddget!"
- "Now you're one of us Bob-ombs!"
- "Now I'll share some info with you..."
- "It's about our boss. He's hiding in town."
- "I think he's in a basement somewhere."
- "Pick the very lowest floor you can."
- "It looks blank, but it takes you down into the basement! Go see the boss man!"
- "Later, man!"
- "I'm Bob-omba. Nice to meetcha!"
- "Listen, I've a favor to ask..."
- "Thanks! It's no biggie, but I'm after a gift."
- "I'm after a flower. A healthy, pretty flower..."
- "Could you go get a flower for me?"
- "Aw, thanks, honey! You're so sweet!"
- "Now, I want a healthy, pretty flower."
- "I bet you'll find one in the desert."
- "Bring me one and I'll give you a Gaddget."
- "...Thanks again for helping."
- "How'd it go? Did you find me a flower?"
- "Wow, not bad! This is just what I wanted!"
- "It's pretty, healthy, cute and deadly!"
- "Thanks! Why don't you take this Gaddget."
- "Let me tell you a secret about Bob-ombs."
- "They're the protectors of this town."
- "The Bob-omb boss hides somewhere in the town."
- "He's in a secret room in Mushroom Condo."
- "He's a great guy. You should track him down!"
- "Ee hee hee! It's ghastly news!"
- "Solve the crime to get a Gaddget!"
- "Here, let me tell you what happened..."
- "...Who are you?"
- ".........Tsk!"
- "Ee hee hee! We could use your help too!"
- "Our precious golden Boo statue is gone!"
- "We keep it hidden in this cemetery."
- "At least, we used to. It's gone missing!"
- "Eee!!! You have to find it! Find our statue!"
- "It's a symbol of our true-Boo friendship!"
- "That's right! We three Boos are best--"
- "Wait... Three Boos!?!"
- "!!!"
- "One, two, three... There are four of us!"
- "When did we pick up a fourth?"
- "...OK then, so who's the faker?"
- "What? Huh?"
- "It wasn't me!"
- "...Tsk!"
- "..."
- "Find who did this!"
- "Ee hee hee! Thanks for helping a Boo out!"
- "You were great! Thanks for helping us..."
- "As a reward, you can have this Gaddget!"
- "A bunch of junk fell from the sky!"
- "I found this just sitting on the ground."
- "If you collect all these things, maybe you can get Party World back to normal."
- "Paaaarty!"
- "Don't even think of starting without me!"
- "...Taste my power!"
- "I call it the Bowser Rampage! Feel it!"
- "Say good-bye to your games and Gaddgets!"
- "Well, looks like I'm headed there, too!"
Yellow Space[edit]
- "Gwa ha ha! This'll be a real BLAST!"
- "You're in for a whole LAVA trouble!"
- "Later, worm!"
- "Gwa ha ha! Show time! Good job, Koopa Kid!"
- "I'll take one of your precious mushrooms!"
- "Just like that. Gwa ha ha ha!"
- "See you later! Hee hee hee!"
Pipe House[edit]
- "Gwahahaha! I knew you'd show up, (character)!"
- "So you complete a quest, eh?"
- "You've got a long way to go!"
- "I've got 10 Gaddgets, and you'll have to do my bidding to get 'em!"
- "Gwaha! You should just give up now!"
- "That's big talk from someone so puny!"
- "I still have 10 Gaddgets!"
- "Complete quests for a chance to earn them!"
- "You have to do 2 more quests!"
- "Then you'll have a shot at getting one."
- "See you later, weakling!"
- "So you completed 3 quests, eh?"
- "Now you get to challenge me!"
- "My quest in an the end of the pipe!"
- "We're going to battle in a sports game!"
- "Come to Bowser Pipe House!"
- "Hurry to the pipe if you want a Gaddget!"
- "Wha--? You don't know where it is?"
- "It's in the middle of Shroom City!"
- "I'll let you get into the next pipe if you complete 7 more quests! See you later!"
- "ARG! You completed 10 quests?"
- "Fine. I'll let you hop into the next pipe."
- "This time, it's a joke quest. Make me laugh!"
- "Complete 5 more quests for the next pipe."
- "See you later, worm!"
- "NOOO! You're done with 15 quests!?"
- "OK. I'll let you hop into the next pipe."
- "My next quest is at the end of this pipe."
- "It's a logic test this time!"
- "Beat 5 more quests to enter the next pipe."
- "See you then, worm!"
- "WHA--? You already finished 20 quests?"
- "Fine. I'll let you into the next pipe!"
- "BOWSER!!!!"
- "It's a romantic quest this time. GWAHA!"
- "Finish 5 more quests to open the next pipe."
- "See you then! GWAHA!"
- "You've done 25 quests! You're halfway there!"
- "FINE! I'll let you into the next pipe!"
- "You'll have to battle the Bowser Gang boss!"
- "Finish this quest to get 2 Gaddgets!"
- "That's right! Two of them! Have fun!"
- "WHAT?! You already finished 30 quests?"
- "This quest is about my favorite cartoon!"
- "See you then, wormy!"
- "You've finished 35 quests? BAH!"
- "OK, into the pipe with you!"
- "It's a game of chance this time! GWAHA!"
Bullet Bill[edit]
A Speeding Bill[edit]
- "Hey, stay outta my way! I'm trainin'!"
- "Or do you have a bone to pick with me?"
- "Don't you know who I am? I'm Bullet Bill!"
- "An' I'm the fastest sprinter around!"
- "Why, I've got more'n a hundred medals!"
- "So don't you just come up and jabber away at me!"
- "You've gotta earn the right to talk to me!"
- "Are you saying you can outrace me?"
- "We'll just see about that, won't we?"
- "An' if you win, I'll give you a Gaddget!"
- "Tap the A Button repeatedly to run!"
- "Now, I'll tell you when to start. Sound fair?"
- "Ready... Set... Go!!!"
- "Hmm... Not bad."
- "Hm. I lost."
- "No... No way! But...I'm the world champ!"
- "... ... ..."
- "Maybe I got a bit carried away, huh?"
- "My ego almost got the best of me..."
- "Thanks! Here, take this Gaddget!"
- "Well, you beat me fair and square."
- "Thanks! I'm gonna take my ego down a notch."
Kamek Krew Live![edit]
- "Hey, stay outta my way! I'm trainin'!"
- "Don't you know who I am? I'm Bullet Bill!"
- "...Hm? What? You got somethin' to say?"
- "Oh, I get it! You want to use my stadium?"
- "Hmph! Who'd want to rent out this place?"
- "What!? Are you kiddin' me? The Kamek Krew!?"
- "I'm a huge fan! I've got all their albums!"
- "They can play here! Free of charge, even!"
- "I'll make all the arrangements."
- "And...wouldja tell 'em I said howdy?"
Chain Chomp[edit]
- "Rarr! Rowf rowf rowf! (I'm Chain Chomp!)"
- "Bow wow wow! Rarrf! (I love Duel games!)"
- "Arf! (Want to duel me?)"
- "Arf arf raft! (Oh, boy!)"
- "Bow wow wow! (Are you all set?)"
- "Arf! Bowwow... (If you beat me...)"
- "...Arf! Arf! ( get a game!)"
- "Arf! Arf! Arf... (Fat chance!)"
- "Bowwow! Arf! (I'm the top dog!)"
- "Arrrf! Arf! (I won!!)"
- "... ... Arf! (I'm a good boy!)"
- "Arrrf! Arrrf... (And that means...)"
- "Arr arr arr! ( game for you!)"
- "Arrrf arf arf arf! (For a rematch...)"
- "Rarrf arf! (...start over again!)"
- "Arrf! Arrf! Arrf! (See you around!)"
- "Bowwow! Arf! Arrrf! (You beat me!?)"
- "Arf!? (And I lost!?)"
- "Bowwow rarf arf... (Like I said...)"
- "Arf! Arf! Arf! ( game is yours!)"
- "Rarrf arf arrrr! (That was tough!)"
- "Arf arrrrrrf! (Are you top dog?)"
- "Arrrf! Arrrf! Arf! (Let's rematch soon!)"
Cheep Cheep[edit]
- "No point in trying, but I'll do my best."
- "Tap the A Button repeatedly to swim!"
- "Ready... Go!"
- "I... won!? No way! I... I can't believe it!"
- "I did it, Coach! I won! I won!"
- "Woo! Yeah!"
- "Oh, I can't wait!"
- "I'm Cheep Cheep's swimming coach."
- "Can you spare an ear for a sad man?"
- "Oh, thanks! I'll tell you all about it."
- "The swim meet is coming up in no time at all, but Cheep Cheep's just not focused..."
- "I think he's lacking the confidence."
- "Do you think you could give him some help?"
- "Thank you, thank you! I'll supply a reward!"
- "OK, I want you to race against Cheep Cheep, but you have to lose. And here's the thing: You have to make your loss look natural!"
- "Well, duh! You're the greatest swimmer ever!"
- "Enough wasting time! Back to practice!"
- "Thank you! He seems so much more confident!"
- "I'm sure he'll do fine in the competition."
- "Here, in thanks, take this Gaddget."
- "Thanks for everything. I'll training hard!"
- "Go for the gold! Am I going overboard?"
- "Oh... Hi. I'm Dolphin."
- "Do you think you could lend me an ear?"
- "See, I'm a stand-up comedian... Or would it be, but I can't get any gigs."
- "It's because nobody laughs at my jokes."
- "I've got no confidence. That's my sob story."
- "Would you...listen to my routine for me?"
- "...Hey, thanks."
- "If I can just make you laugh, I'll be happy."
- "Press the A Button to laugh at punch lines."
- "If you just laugh all the times, well... Let's just say that I won't feel better."
- "If you laugh well, I'll give you a Gaddget."
- "Please, won't you just laugh at my jokes!"
- "Hello, ladies and germs! Enjoy the show!"
- "So, I bought myself the latest portable phone."
- "Right off the bat, the thing goes out on me!"
- "So I went back to the dealer and complained."
- "And so the dealer, he says to me..."
- "Sir, this phone is a precision instrument. You should never, EVER take it outside!"
- "...Yeah! Woo, Dolphin!"
- "I don't look it, but I was a great student."
- "Anyway, there was this girl crying in class..."
- "She said "Boo-hoo! My eyes are so bad... that I can't read the chalkboard!""
- "I read the questions to her, and she cried... "Forget the questions! Give me the answers!""
- "Woo, Dolphin! Go, Dolphin!"
- "You've been a great audience! Thank you!"
- "You laughed! And you sounded sincere!"
- "...I'm a genius! I'm a comic genius!"
- "I'm brimming with confidence! Hooray!"
- "I feel like my old self again!"
- "Here's the Gaddget!"
- "Close the curtain, 'cuz this is OVER!"
- "I've got myself a gig, so I'll see you later."
- "My name's Dorrie, and I'm so lonely..."
- "I want a friend, one who can understand me."
- "One who knows what it's like being a dinosaur."
- "Are you a dinosaur? You look like one to me."
- "My name's Dorrie, and I'm so lonely..."
- "Please tell me you'll be my friend!"
- "Oh, really? My first friend! Hooray!"
- "I thought I was the only dinosaur around!"
- "Here, as a token of our friendship, have this!"
- "I'm glad! You're happy with it!"
- "But don't forget, we're friends forever!"
Hearts A-Flutter[edit]
- "Sigh... Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Flutter."
- "I've just been feeling a little blue lately."
- "Oh, that's so sweet of you to listen!"
- "My problem is that I'm in love..."
- "But there's more... I'm so embarrassed!"
- "It' unrequited love! When I see him, I get butterflies in my stomach! I'm so shy!"
- "Would you mind telling this guy how I feel?"
- "If you do it, I'll give you a Gaddget!"
- "Aw, you'd do that for me? I'm so happy!"
- "I'm afraid I don't even know his name."
- "But nobody's got eyes as big as his..."
- "See, I love guys with big, deep blue eyes."
- "Go find the guy with the big, blue eye!"
- "Oh, you've come back! Did you talk to him?"
- "My heart's fluttering! You have to tell me!"
- "Did my confession of love go over well?"
- "Oh... Is that what he said?"
- "His heart belongs to another?"
- "I had a feeling, but... it's still a shock."
- "Thanks for trying. I want you to have this."
- "Please let me alone for a while. Thanks."
Blossom of My Heart[edit]
- "...Yes? I'm Flutter. You want to talk?"
- "What is it? What are you talking about?"
- "Petal Guy? Who's he? What does he want?"
- "...Who's this guy?"
- "Listen to your what? You're my WHAT!?"
- "... ... ..."
- "... ... ... ..."
- "Uh... Oh, look at the time! I've gotta jet!"
Fly Guy[edit]
- "...Oh, yeah. The UFO... Sure, sure."
- "Here, I'll...summon...the UFO right now!"
- "Sure. Want to call it with me?"
- "Just follow my lead and press the buttons."
- " don't mind."
- "Just follow my lead."
- "Let's begin."
- "Good, good..."
- "There you go..."
- "We did it! The UFO saw our signal!"
- "You did it, (character)! Good work..."
- "I'm going to give you this special Gaddget!"
- ""
- "Howdy! I'm Goomba! Here's the scoop!"
- "All these things fell from the sky!"
- "Everyone got a mini-game or Gaddget!"
- "If you help folks out... They'll give you mini-games and Gaddgets!"
- "Would you help me out?"
- "My quest is easy! It's just a tiny errand."
- "Go to the train station and get me a ticket!"
- "Will you do it?"
- "Great, thanks!"
- "Listen, the station is to the left of here."
- "All you have to do is get me a ticket!"
- "Oh, my ticket!"
- "As a reward, you can have a Gaddget!"
- "That's how to get mini-games and Gaddgets!"
- "So now you're gonna get 'em all, huh?"
- "I'm just sad I can't help you out..."
- "Good luck! I'll be seeing you!"
- "Hello."
- "I just dropped in to see you, Goombob!"
- "Say, what's this? It's so beautiful!"
- "Really? It's so pretty... Thank you!"
- "...On a date? I don't know, it's so sudden!"
- "... ... ... ..."
- "... ...Yeah, OK!"
- "Oh! I'm so nervous, happy, too!"
- " Goombob. Nice to meet you."
- "...Would you do me a little favor?"
- "I need your help to find something."
- "I'm looking for a lovely seashell."
- "It's not for me. It's a gift for...someone."
- "You need to know who it's for?"
- "It's, er, for a cute girl named Goombetty."
- "If I give her a gift, she might like me."
- "Would you do it for a reward?"
- "Thank you! I am forever in your debt!"
- "I'm counting on you. Find me a seashell."
- "You'd do well to look on a beach somewhere."
- "Ah, you've returned! So tell me, did you find me a seashell?"
- "Oh! Look at it! This is the one! Beautiful!"
- "Oh, Goombetty!"
- "It's a seashell. It's a present for you..."
- "A-And if it's OK, could we maybe...go out?"
- "Oh, please! I really like you, and..."
- "Woo-hoo!! Woopity-doo!!!"
- "Yeeeeehaaaa!!!!"
- "Here, I want you to take this Gaddget."
- "Thanks for everything. See you later!"
Probably a Robbery?[edit]
- " Goombob. What can I do for you?"
- "About the roberry? I don't know anything!"
- "It was black as night in there! Truly!"
- "When it went dark, I heard the safe open."
- "But that's all I know! And I didn't do it!"
Hammer Bro[edit]
- "What? Can't you see I'm training here?"
- "What brings you to the Hammer Camp?"
- "Every day, we work to improve our throws."
- "Hammers are my life! I'm a hammer champ!"
- "So, anyway, what did you want again?"
- "Ha! Sure, why not! Let's have a match!"
- "It's real easy to throw the hammer... Just press the A and B buttons really fast!"
- "We'll do it together. You'll see, it's fun!"
- "Let's begin."
- "Just start swingin'!"
- "OK, go!"
- "Nnnnnnnnnnnggg!"
- "Well, dang! I lost!"
- "Hey hey! You beat me! Not too shabby!"
- "Here, let me give you a trophy Gaddget."
- "You've got some real talent, my friend."
- "See you later! I'm gonna train more."
- "This Jungle Game Hut is one wild place!"
- "My name is Hoot, and I'm in need some help."
- "I thought I'd be stuck here forever!"
- "I've been playing games for a while...but I've been on an awful losing streak!"
- "My debt's so heavy I can't even fly!"
- "Beat the game for me, so I can fly again!"
- "OK, so all you need to do is play this game."
- "Beat it to get a mini-game."
- "If you don't, the I'll never get out of here!"
- "Give it your best. I'm counting on you!"
- "Hoo hoot! You did it! I feel so much lighter!"
- "And you were so fast! You made my head spin!"
- "Thank you. The mini-game is all yours."
- "This mini-game fell from the sky."
- "Everyone in Shroom City must have gotten one."
- "Are you going to get them all?"
- "Well, good luck! You've got serious ambition!"
- "Hm? What is it? Do you want to dance?"
- "This is the only dance school in this jungle!"
- "I'm Hulu, the dance instructor. Hi!"
- "Say, do you have any dance experience?"
- "Really? You must be a natural, then!"
- "Let's dance! I'll see if I can keep up!"
- "Just press the buttons I show you, OK?"
- "Are you ready? Then...let's dance!"
- "Can you keep up?"
- "Here we go!"
- "Ha!"
- "Ho!"
- "Ya!"
- "Oh, that was fun!"
- "Wow! What timing! What incredible grace!"
- "You did so well! Here, have this Gaddget!"
- "You should be a dancer! I'm serious!"
- "Come back anytime!"
- "Hm... I didn't expect anyone out here..."
- "Welcome to the Pyramid, an ancient game hall."
- "Me? Why, I'm Kamek, the Game Mage!"
- "You must be talented to come here, but..."
- "Now you've got to play this coin game!"
- "If you beat it, I shall call you "master.""
- "I'll also let you keep the game, by the way."
- "I know you want it!"
- "Now, let's see how good a gamer you are!"
- "Truly, you are a master gamer! Fantastic!"
- "You deserve the title of game king!"
- "I gave Bowser that title long ago... But he lost control and ran wild in our halls."
- "He was not worthy of the title."
- "He needs to be taught a lesson in gaming."
- "But regardless, you're a master now!"
- "Keep on gaming, but never become arrogant!"
- "What are you here for? For-For me?"
- "I am Klepto, protector of treasures galore!"
- "So, you guys hunt for...for treasure?"
- "Could this be what you're looking f-for?"
- "It's got a lock. That's what the code's for!"
- "Now, for-for-for... for you to solve it!"
- "For-For-For... For you to open the lock, you must enter the 4-digit number!"
- "The hint is...also my favorite word."
- "Can't you guess? That's what your brain's for!"
- "...What fo-fo-fo-for?"
- "Well done! You guessed the secret code!"
- "This is the treasure you've worked for."
- "Impressive work! You showed me what-for!"
- "It's no treasure, but take this Gaddget!"
- "Good-bye for now!"
- "G-good heavens! I've been robbed!"
- "Please, won't you help a Koopa out?"
- "Yes! I'll give you a Gaddget if you do it!"
- "I called the police, but they never came."
- "What took you so long? I called ages ago!"
- "Forget about it! Just find the thief!"
- "And please, get my bank's coins back!"
- "Oh, yeah. Well, the power went out..."
- "Yeah, and when they came back on... all the coins in the safe were gone!"
- "Yes, three people... Goombob, Paratroopa, and Mr. I."
- "What!? It was... a customer!?"
- "No, I would have seen the light if if had."
- "They left after the power came back on."
- "Oh, you're back!!"
- "Have you figured out who did it?"
- "What!? Paratroopa? No! He's my cousin!"
- "He...lied?"
- "...Oh!!"
- "...Detective, could you let Paratroopa go?"
- "He's always been a prankster!"
- "He didn't mean it."
- "I a-appreciate it."
- "Take this Gaddget as a reward!"
- "Thanks! You were a big help!"
Koopa Kid[edit]
- "Yeah, let's rock!"
- "Nobody parties without us! Nobody!"
- "Ha! Bowser blew them all to Shroom City!"
- "Wait up, Mister Bowser, sir!"
- "This loser won't dare come to Shroom City!"
- "I'm outta here!"
Yellow Space[edit]
- "Ta-dah! It's me! Koopa Kid! Hooray for me!"
- "Imagine, running into you here! You know..."
- "Bad things happen when you run into me!"
- "Let's see... What bad thing should I do?"
- "You again! You've got miserable luck, huh!?"
- "What should I do to you this time..."
- "Warp time! I'm gonna send you flying!"
- "Or rather, Bowser will! Mister Bowser sir!"
- "Rochambeau! Let's play rock-paper-scissors!"
- "If you win, I won't do a thing to you!"
- "Oh, but if you lose... Heh... OK, here we go!"
- "Rock, paper, scissors, go!"
- "Rock!"
- "Paper!"
- "Scissors!"
- "Ha ha ha ha! I won!"
- "OK, Mr. Bowser, sir! I'm ready!"
Minigame Space[edit]
- "Koopa Kid here!"
- "If you win a mini-game... I'll give you 1 mushroom!"
- "If you don't win... I'll take 1 mushroom away!"
- "You're going to play... (minigame)!"
- "Good luck! Ha ha ha!"
- "...Huh!?"
- "You b-b-beat the mini-game?"
- "Dang! That's my mushroom."
- "...Fine. Take it!"
- "Aaargh! Don't think I'll forget this!"
True-Blue Boo[edit]
- "Eep! You spotted me!? Run away!!"
- "Hi... I'm Lakitu."
- "Would you mind doing me a favor?"
- "Thank you. I'm glad I asked."
- "I wanted to ask you about Toad Force V."
- "I'm a huge fan. I'm a little crazy for it."
- "I love the dialogue. I can quote every line!"
- "...Except for one! I forgot a line!"
- "It's the most famous line in episode 28!"
- "Do you know it? Could you tell me the line?"
- "I can't even begin to thank you!"
- "Now, please... You have to tell me that line!"
- "If you don't know, I'm sure someone does..."
- "Just find someone who's a fan and ask him!"
- "A HUGE fan lives in Mushroom Condo."
- "Remember, it's the big line from episode 28."
- "You're back! Thank goodness!"
- "So, what's the last line of episode 28?"
- "Oh, yeah! That's right! That's Jack's line!"
- ""I'm an iron 'shroom!" Man. That's hard-core."
- "Nothing can beat Toad Force V!!"
- "Thanks! Here, have a Gaddget!"
- "Thanks for the help!"
- "Toad Force V rocks! Want to watch it?"
- "... ...Bzt..."
- "Interesting... Zbrt!"
- "...Hmmm..."
- "...Ah, of course! Zzzzt!"
- "...Can I--bzt--help you?"
- "...Me? ...Zrt."
- "I'm Mechakoopa! I'm a mathematician."
- "In fact, I discovered Mechakoopa's Theorem!"
- "Can I, in theory, help you with something?"
- "Ah, an eager--zrch!--student, eh?"
- "I have--ZRBT!--three questions for you..."
- "If you answer them all correctly... Bzt... I'll give you a Gaddget."
- "Question 1: 10 plus what equals 1000?"
- "You are correct! On to question 2!"
- "Question 2: 10 times what equals 1000?"
- "Correct! Excell-ell-ell-ellent! Bzt!"
- "Question 3: 10 times what equals 0?"
- "...CORRECT!! A perfect score!!"
- "Excellent, excellent!"
- "...Brilliant, even! You deserve praise."
- "You're a genius! A prodigy!"
- "You've earned this Gaddget! Bzt!"
- "This Gaddget fell out of the sky..."
- "Everyone in Shroom City probably has one..."
- "Oh, you're collecting them, are you?"
- "That's great! Maybe you can fix this mess!"
Monty Mole[edit]
- "This game room is the best in town!"
- "You win more here than you can next door."
- "But enough about that. I need your help!"
- "Great! You're such a down-to-earth person!"
- "I've been playing games here for a bit."
- "The thing is, I'm in a terrible slump!"
- "Think you can beat this game and end my slump?"
- "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
- "Here's what I want you to do. Play this game."
- "If you can beat it, you can keep it."
- "Eh? Do you want the mini-game?"
- "Go to it! And have fun, you dig?"
- "Hooray! You won for me! My slump is over!"
- "You get to keep this mini-game!"
- "You're collecting them, right? OK."
- "I have tears of joy going on here!"
- "You might even outgame the Game Mage!"
Duel Tower, 1F[edit]
- "Ah, you've made it to Duel Tower, I see."
- "I am Mouser. I've watching you."
- "This tower is a testing ground for duelists."
- "Do you know the duelist greeting?"
- "That's it! The sound of a battle cry!"
- "You may begin your training! Chaaaarge!"
- "There are 3 levels in this tower."
- "On each, a fierce duelist waits."
- "If you can beat each, your training is done."
- "Once you're done, you will know TRUE power."
- "We shall meet again."
Duel Tower, 2F[edit]
- "So, you've come. I knew you would make it."
- "You have the skills of a master duelist."
- "On this floor awaits another great duelist."
- "If you win this duel, come to the 3rd floor."
- "I'll be waiting there for your arrival."
- "We shall meet again."
Duel Tower, 3F[edit]
- "You've made it to the 3rd floor!"
- "I was right to have faith in you..."
- "All doubt has been erased from my mind!"
- "You've beaten skill and brute strength... but the duelist's mind is the most important!"
- "A true dueist has a strong mind."
- "You are ready for the final duel."
- "Your foe, whose mind is your match, is... me!"
- "The final battle begins! Chaaaarge!"
- "Ah, yes! A true warrior respects his opponent."
- "I expect no less from such a fine duelist!"
- "If you win, you may keep this Duel game."
- "It's the "mind." Be "forceful yet calm!""
- "Prepare yourself! My mind is strong!"
- "You won! Victory was in your mind all along!"
- "You have earned this Duel game."
- "It's the result of your talent and efforts."
- "You're mastered skill, strength, and mind."
- "Use that power for justice. Use it well."
- "Bowser is conspiring to conquer the world."
- "Only you can stop him! I'm counting on you!"
Mr. E[edit]
Hey, UFO![edit]
- "I am Mr. E, seeker of mysteries!"
- "I delve into unknown secrets of the world!"
- "So, care to join me on a mystery?"
- "Mystery awaits!"
- "I hear a UFO lands on this very rooftop!"
- "Let's investigate!"
- "Pardon me, sir! I hear a UFO lands here..."
- "...Tell me, when does the UFO appear?"
- "What? You can do that? Now!? Incredible!"
- "Are you serious!? How could I resist?"
- "What if it's dangerous? Why don't you do it?"
- "That's right! Don't keep mystery waiting!"
- "U-U-U-UFO!!"
- "No mystery is too challenging for us!"
Treasure of Mystery![edit]
- "I am Mr. E, seeker of mysteries!"
- "I heard of mysterious treasures here..."
- "Would you care to join my treasure hunt?"
- "Mystery awaits!"
- "Let's begin the treasure hunt!"
- "Pardon me, sir! Is there treasure here?"
- "You got it!"
- "Oh! Could it be!? Is it...the treasure!"
- "A code? A secret code? Or mystery!?"
- "I think I'll let my apprentice do it..."
- "That's the spirit! Mystery awaits!"
- "Open that treasure! Mystery awaits!"
- "This... This is... Oooooo..."
- "I guess so... But... If I take it, it won't be a mystery anymore!"
- "So, I've lost totally lost interest in it now."
Dino of Mystery![edit]
- "I am Mr. E, seeker of mysteries!"
- "I hear a monster lurks within this lake!"
- "Yaa! Th-Th-There it is! Don't let it eat me!"
Mr. I[edit]
Love That Princess![edit]
- "I say, you're... I mean, are you..."
- "Are you by any chance Princess Peach?"
- "Are you s-s-serious? Oh... Oh, oh, oh!"
- "I'm such a fan! I can't get over it..."
- "I'm actually SEEING you in person!"
- "You've so lovely! Have a Gaddget, please!"
- "Thanks for meeting me!"
- "I'll always treasure this chance meeting!"
Hearts A-Flutter[edit]
- "I see you want to tell me something. What?"
- "Oh... I see... She sent you to tell me that?"
- "Wow, I understand how she feels, but... I hardly know her, so it's a little weird."
- "Besides, I've got my eye on someone else."
- "It wouldn't be right to lead her on..."
- "Tell her I'm...sorry."
- "Don't make fun of me! Besides... I think I might need to get glasses..."
- "Wait, why am I telling you all this? Shoo!"
Probably a Robbery?[edit]
- "Yeah, I'm Mr. I. What do you want?"
- "What? Are you calling me a crook?"
- "I was in the bank, but I saw nothing..."
- "It was dark, so I just stayed where I was."
- "Oh, but I did hear some coins jingling..."
- "And that's all I've got to say to you, see?"
- "Well, I think I might need glasses..."
- "But that's none of your business!"
- "...Oh, hey, what's up? I'm Mushbert!"
- "Dude, Toad Force V rocks!"
- "What brings you here?"
- "Oh, yeah. Episode 28 is a CLASSIC."
- "That last line, it's a total killer."
- "I know it by heart. Jack saves the day... and says, all cool, "I'm an iron 'shroom.""
- "Every fan should commit that line to memory."
- "You have a current game in progress. Resume playing?"
- "If you start over, you'll lose your game. Start a new game?"
- "(location). Would you like to stop here?"
- "What floor do you want?"
- "You got the (gaddget)!"
- "You can save your progress and quit. Save and quit?"
- "Quit game now? You'll have to restart the quest in progress. Are you sure you want to quit the game?"
Kind Goomba[edit]
- "You got a ticket!"
Weeping Thwomp[edit]
- "It's a garbage can. Nothing special. There's some trash inside. Mostly paper."
- "This is the only door into the house. It's small... Smaller than Thwomp, even!"
- "It's a punching bag, for boxing practice. The ball moves when you hit it. It looks new!"
- "It's a sandbag, for karate practice. It's full of sand, and it looks heavy."
- "It's a small and messy stack of books. There's one called "How to Make Friends." Aw!"
Kamek Krew Live![edit]
- "You got a live venue!"
Game Mage[edit]
- "There's an old sign here. It says... This mighty hammer can carry you far. Master the spin, and soar over pyramids."
- "Would you like to give the hammer a spin?"
Vending Machine[edit]
- "Vending machines!"
- "That's weird... They sell only coal!"
- "Would you like to buy some?"
- "...You bought coal!"
Sandy Beach[edit]
- "What a nice beach! And what lovely shells!"
- "Would you like to pick up a lovely seashell?"
- "You picked up a lovely seashell!"
Piranha Plant[edit]
- "Piranha Plants. They're healthy and pretty!"
- "Take a Piranha Plant?"
- "You got bit, but you got a Piranha Plant."
- "You can play in Challenge Land's Game Room!"
Find the Password[edit]
- "Welcome to Junk, the item superstore!"
- "What would you like?"
- "... ... ..."
- "You want this one, eh? You're one of us!"
- "I'm in the Bob-omb club too!"
- "Here, I'll prove it... Here's the password: ...'Baboom.'"
- "Got it? 'Baboom'! Don't forget it!"
- "Oh, so you're into Toad Force V too?"
- "Those toys are just flying off the shelf!"
- "Actually, we're out of stock right now."
- "Don't worry. I'm sure we'll get more soon."
Probably a Robbery?[edit]
- "Welcome to Junk, the item superstore!"
- "Oh, you're not here to shop? What is it?"
- "Oh, the whole incident shocked me! Honestly!"
- "I was so scared that I dropped to the floor!"
- "Oh, but I did see a gleam of coins!"
- "That's all I remember, though. Sorry!"
- "That's right! I stole the coins! I'm guilty!"
- "I just want to mess with him!"
- "It was just a joke. Sorry about that."
- "S-Sorry!"
- "Sorry, Detective! I'll get the coins now!"
Petal Guy[edit]
- "I long! I long! Oh, how I long!"
- "You there! I long for assistance!"
- "Oh! Thank you, thank you! I'm Petal Guy."
- "Cupid's arrow has struck me true!"
- "I've fallen in love, but I know not where my love lies! I've seen her once in town."
- "Find her, and I'll give you a Gaddget!"
- "Oh! Merci! Merci!"
- "Let me describe my dearest in detail!"
- "She is delicate, like a fragile butterfly!"
- "And full of life and color, like a flower!"
- "Look! She is like a butterfly, a blossom."
- "When you see her, give her my poem of love!"
- "Please, my dear! Hold on a moment!"
- "Oh! I made it! After you left... I went off to look for my beloved too!"
- "I am your destiny! Listen to my poem!"
- "Eyes like the ocean, Nose like a mountain, Mouth like the shining Sun, you are my Earth!"
- "And I, a lone spaceman, Crash into your love."
- "So, did you like it? Do you know how I feel?"
- "Did I...not convey my feelings to her?"
- "I will not give up! She will know my heart!"
- "My thanks go out to you. Here, have this."
- "See you later! Keep on sharing the love."
- "Boing!"
- "Pardon me... I'm Pokey, guardian of this desert."
- "Now that you're here, you cannot leave."
- "You must...answer my Riddles of Mystery!"
- "If you can do it, I will give you a Gaddget."
- "So, will you challenge my riddles?"
- "Hmmm... You're a bold one, aren't you?"
- "I will give you a total of 3 riddles in all."
- "All you must do... is answer them!"
- " my first riddle!"
- "What golfs, parties, and rides on a kart?"
- "Impressive... Now, here is your second riddle."
- "What has spikes, fiery breath, and a temper?"
- "Correct again. Here's the last riddle."
- "What is green, but is related to red?"
- "Impressive. You've answered my riddles."
- "You are a master of the desert's riddles!"
- "Now, I will give you what I promised."
- "Now, journey on."
- "May a warm desert wind blow at your back."
- "Chaaaarge!"
- "I'm Salvo, duelist extraordinaire!"
- "Let's have us a little battle!"
- "Don't underestimate me because I'm beefy!"
- "I've got skills you've never even heard of!"
- "If you beat me, you can have the Duel game."
- "Lose, and you get nothing!"
- "Let's begin!"
- "My skills were no match for your own!"
- "Time for you to head to the third floor."
- "You did it! And that means you can go on to level 3!"
- "There, the fiercest duelist awaits you!"
True-Blue Boo[edit]
- "What's all this, then?"
- "I'm Shroomlock, from Toadland Yard."
- "I heard someone shouting just now!"
- "That's what I'm here for. What's happened?"
- "...Golden Boo statue?"
- "Hm... I suspect it was... STOLEN!"
- "Call it a hunch, but one of you did it!"
- "Whoever took the statue is a phony Boo!"
- "(character), would you help me find the fake?"
- "Great, great. Now, just look at the Boos..."
- "See how they move, and you'll spot the fake."
- "Hey, halt! Hooold it!! Well, I'm off!"
Weeping Thwomp[edit]
- "What's all this, then?"
- "I'm Shroomlock, from Toadland Yard!"
- "Did you call for the police?"
- "What? 40 coins!? That's enough for 2 stars!"
- "Tell me, how exactly did it happen?"
- "So, Thwomp, you were out when it happened?"
- "And your house was totally secured?"
- "Hm... Then how did the culprit get in?"
- "This is a tough case, but my hunch tells me that your house holds the clues to solve it!"
- "(character), would you mind looking for clues?"
- "Thanks. That'll be a great help."
- "See if you can find some kind of clue!"
- "Thanks for your work. Show me the clue that reveals the criminal!"
- "It's just as I thought. I agree completely."
- "Look at the door, and you have the answer!"
- "The culprit here... is you, Mr. Thwomp!"
- "You say you were robbed while you were out."
- "But how did you leave? Your door's too small!"
- "You can't fit through your own doorway!"
- "...Hoo, boy. Normally, I'd arrest him now..."
- "But...he was just sad. Sad and lonely..."
- "There's no need to lie. I'll be your friend."
- "I must be going. Crime waits for no man!"
- "We'll meet again!"
Probably a Robbery?[edit]
- "Sorry I'm late..."
- "The name's Shroomlock, from Toadland Yard."
- "Well, I got a flat, ran out of gas, and--"
- "First, you should tell me what happened..."
- "Ah, so the lights had gone out, too, eh?"
- "I see. Was anyone in the bank at the time?"
- "Call it a hunch, but one of them did it!"
- "Let me ask, did you see the door open at all?"
- "That means the criminal was already inside!"
- "Tell me, where are those three now?"
- "(character), would you go question the suspects!"
- "If I talk to them, I'll know who did it!"
- "I'd do it, but my car's a piece of junk."
- "Crooks always lie, so just find the liar!"
- "Go talk to Goombob, Paratroopa, and Mr. I."
- "Thanks for helping. So, what did they say?"
- "...Hm-hum. I see."
- "Ahhh, no. Not yet. But I'm very close..."
- "Please, tell me who you think the culprit is."
- "Hm... Yes, I'd come to the same conclusion."
- "Ah, well...he lied during questioning."
- "Yes, he said he saw the coins gleaming."
- " was totally dark at the time!"
- "You see? He couldn't have seen a thing!"
- "Now you see. Paratroopa is the guilty party."
- "This time, he's gone a bit too far."
- "...Well, if Koopa insists, I suppose."
- "I should be off to the next crime scene."
- "Be seeing you."
- "What's all this, then?"
- "Oh, I'm Shroomlock, from Toadland Yard."
- "I was heading to lunch when I heard an eek!"
- "The name's Shroomlock!"
- "Let's see... "We have your uncle!" Hm..."
- "This looks like a case of...kidnapping!"
- "Why, this letter says where your uncle is!"
- "(character), would you help this little lady out?"
- "Great... I'd love to do it myself, but... I think I twisted my foot just now."
- "Here, read this letter, and find her uncle."
- "His location is hidden in a secret code."
- "I'll show you the letter right now."
- "bIg teAM cAT leaTHEr fLAKE?! blarmpot"
- "Go find him!"
- "Aaaaaagh!!!"
- "Ooof... That stung!"
- "I'm Shroomlock, from Toadland Yard."
- "Yeah, but... I bounced off a sea sponge."
- "I didn't fall. I was PULLED into the sea!"
- "Yes! Someone tried to ruin my suit!"
- "And it was no accident! Did you see anything?"
- "It's just a hunch, but one of them did it!"
- "Crooks like to linger at the crime scene!"
- "Will you help me find the culprit?"
- "Great, great... Thanks for all your help."
- "But all 3 suspects have already left. Hm..."
- "Oh, that's great. You're a big help."
- "Let's talk to Sushi and the culprit."
- "OK? Find out who pulled me into the sea!"
- "Have you figured out who pulled me in?"
- "Ah, excellent work."
- "So...who was it, then?"
- "No doubt about it. I agree with you."
- "There's no point in denying it."
- "You see, I was PULLED into the sea..."
- "Know what it takes to pull something?"
- "Ah, yes. Easy. But only if you have arms!"
- "Yes, no one else has arms to grab with."
- "Uh... You can stop apologizing now."
- "I'll let it slide, but no more pranks, OK?"
- "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going."
- "My wife asked me to get some groceries."
Shy Guy[edit]
- "...Oh, huh-hello. My name is Shy Guy."
- "I'm the stationmaster here."
- "There's a favor I'd like to ask of you..."
- "Oh, thank you! Really and truly!"
- "The train hasn't run since yesterday."
- "You see, we've run out of coal for the train."
- "Would you mind picking up some coal for me?"
- "You're so courteous! A rarity these days!"
- "People these days can be so rude! I swear!"
- "I can't run the station without a train!"
- "You can probably find coal for sale in town."
- "Please, do try to find some coal for me!"
- "I don't believe it's sold in the item shop."
- "Please help. I will reward you!"
- "...Oh! Have you brought me some coal?"
- "Well, thank you. You're a big help. Honestly."
- "Now, I can start the train running again."
- "I want to reward you with a Gaddget."
- "Thank you. I won't forget your kindness!"
- "Thank you. I'm in your debt."
Kind Goomba[edit]
- "...Oh, huh-hello. I'm Shy Guy."
- "I'm the stationmaster!"
- "Oh, oh... So Goomba's get you on an errand?"
- "What did he ask you to do?"
- "All right! One ticket for Mister Goomba!"
Spear Guy[edit]
- "Hoowa! Hoowa! I am being Spear Guy!"
- "I am wanting a duel!"
- "But you are not having mustache of bravery."
- "No mustache, no fight! That the rule!"
- "You have mustache! A sign of bravery!"
- "We are fighting! If I winning, I brave too!"
- "Hoowa! I am having much of the happiness!"
- "Now are we starting! Chaaaarge!"
- "If you are winning, you get my Duel game."
- "Time to fight!"
- "Oho, oho! I'm gonna be the strongest!"
- "The mustache is strong, as is you. Hoowa..."
- "My word is good. You keeping my Duel game."
- "...You great!"
- "You are coming back soon for a rematch!"
- "Hi there!"
- "Welcome to Party World, your floating fun land!"
- "Mini-games and Gaddgets await in Play Land!"
- "Go to Party Land, where friends go to have fun!"
- "Earn coins with games in Challenge Land!"
- "This game's absolutely packed with fun!"
- "Well, c'mon! Let's go check out Party World!"
- "Well, hey there! Are you ready for a party?"
- "Before we start, let's make you a passport!"
- "Pay attention to the questions, OK?"
- "Later, you can collect your pals' passports!"
- "But first, we have to make YOU one!"
- "First, you should tell me your name."
- "Is (name) correct?"
- "What month were you born in?"
- "In (month)?"
- "Now for some fun! Make yourself a face!"
- "Is this OK?"
- "What's your hobby, (name)?"
- "Is that right?"
- "Next, just enter anything you like!"
- "It can be anything at all! Be creative!"
- "Is this correct?"
- "Is this passport OK?"
- "You're good to go!"
- "Well, almost. Just two more questions."
- "What would you say is (name)'s dream?"
- "What's your silliest secret?"
- "Don't worry! I can keep a secret!"
- "All finished! Good job!"
- "Thanks for your patience!"
- "Let's play some games and Gaddgets!"
- "Let's go!"
- "Help! Help! Somebody's fallen off the cliff!"
- "Hey, thanks, pal. By the way, I'm Sushi."
- "That guy should be at the base of the cliff."
- "Whaaaaa!!!"
- "It's you! I thought you fell out the cliff!"
- "So, you're OK? But... what made you fall?"
- "What are you saying? Someone tried to--"
- "No. Oh, but there were 3 witnesss, though!"
- "Don't worry! I stopped to interview them all!"
- "I know each of their stories by heart!"
- "Oh, him? Here's what he said..."
- ""Me? I'm Blooper, an innocent by-swimmer! I didn't do it! Cross my tentacles!""
- ""My name's Dolphin. I was just passing by. I didn't do a thing! Cross my fins!""
- ""My name's Cheep Cheep. Am I a suspect? I didn't do it! I'm not gill-ty!""
- "That's his story."
- "You're amazing! I can't believe you solved it!"
- "I'm impressed! Here, take this Gaddget!"
- "See ya later! Thanks for your help!"
- "I been robbed! You gotta help!"
- "Tank fer da offer, but you don't have ta..."
- "Hey, who're you?"
- "Yeah, dat's me. I got robbed for 40 coins!"
- "Well, when I came home, da coins was gone."
- "Yeah, but I'd locked up all da doors, y'know?"
- "I dunno... Why are you askin' me, anyway?"
- "Didja find anything? Are you done lookin'?"
- "Whuh-what are you sayin'? Who...done it?"
- "What? But dat don't make no sense!"
- "...Duh-dat's right."
- "... ... ... Sniff..."
- "I... I got so lonely! I don't got no friends!"
- "Nobody ever come by ta see me..."
- "I just wanted somebody to care about me!"
- "Aw, gee... Tanks..."
- "Sorry for da trouble. Lemme give you dis."
- "Tanks for everyt'ing. I mean it, buddy."
- "Welcome to Party World!"
- "Have fun with mini-games and Gaddgets!"
- "OK, let's..."
- "Whoa! This is bad!"
- "You can't play without games and Gaddgets!"
- "Go to Shroom City and try to collect... all the stuff Bowser scattered!"
- "Everyone here is rooting for you... with all our hearts!"
- "Good luck!"
Main Menu[edit]
- "Help out the locals and beat all the quests!" (Shroom City)
- "Play with or give mini-games and Gaddgets!" (Play Land)
- "Play Battle games with your friends...or foes!" (Party Land)
- "Earn coins in a variety of mini-games!" (Challenge Land)
- "Toadies in effect, y'all! Big ups!"
- "We the Kamek Krew. Wassup wit'choo?"
- "We got the mad flavor, but we need a favor!"
- "Biggety-big ups, yo! You'll help? Whoa..."
- "We need a gid, bad, but ain't got no pad."
- "So find us a stage where we can RAAAGE!"
- "Oh, SNAP! You rap, too? You're 2 hot 2 B true!"
- "So, we wanna hit the scene, but... We're lookin' fer a venue to host our gig."
- "A stadium will do, if you know where to go!"
- "You can find one in the desert...yo."
- "So kick it up a notch and save our show!"
- "Toadies in the condo, stoic like a hippo!"
- "Yo, man, you got us a stage for us to rage?"
- "You got mad brains for our musical campaigns!"
- "But do you have skills to back those brains?"
- "You get props for all your hard work!"
- "You so cool! You ain't nobody's fool!"
- "Welcome to Shroom City!"
- "My name's Tumble! I'm Shroom City's host!"
- "Which character do you want to play?"
- "Each character starts at a diffirent spot."
- "Are you sure you want to be (character)?"
- "Welcome to Shroom City, (character)."
- "Do you already know this adventure's goal?"
- "Sure thing!"
- "The goal is to collect games and Gaddgets."
- "Collect them all!"
- "The residents of Shroom City have them."
- "Just help people out to get them!"
- "Now, let's cover the basic rules, shall we?"
- "You move by rolling the mushroom dice."
- "The game is over when the mushrooms run out!"
- "That's it for the rules! Got it?"
- "Let's get started!"
- "I'll explain the rules. Use the dice to move."
- "You can move as long as you have mushrooms."
- "There are 4 diffirent spaces on the map."
- "Yellow spaces are just normal spaces."
- "Green Dice Spaces let you roll again."
- "Red Minus Spaces make you lose a turn."
- "Play for mushrooms on Mini-game Spaces."
- "Earn mini-games and Gaddgets as you play."
- "Talk to everyone, and accept their quests!"
- "Please get Party World back to normal!"
- "Stop the dice block by pressing the A Button."
- "Check out Shroom City with the R Button."
- "It comes handy if you ever get lost."
- "Use the + Control Pad to move accordingly."
- "First, solve the quest at (location)."
- "Ah, you stopped on a Minus Space. That's going to cost you a turn..."
- "Press the A Button if you want to stop here."
- "Press the L Button for other useful options."
- "View Quest Data to see what quest you're on."
- "See all the characters on the Character List."
- "Choose Save to save your game and quit."
- "Select Quit to exit the game before it ends."
- "Great work! You got your first Gaddget!"
- "Way to go! You must be a quick learner."
- "Congratulations! You got a mini-game!"
- "Congratulations! You got more mini-games!"
- "I'll take your Gaddget/game to Play Land!"
- "I'll take all of these games to Play Land!"
- "Try to earn every mini-game and Gaddget."
- "Get Party World back the way it should be!"
- "You've got (number) quests to go!"
- "Well, I hope you'll complete them all!"
- "Keep it up and get more stuff!"
- "You've made it halfway! Keep it up!"
- "You may be tired, but you must do it!"
- "When you accept a quest from someone... the quest icon appears!"
- "Fantastic dice combo!"
- "You're moving so quickly now!"
- "Go! Go! Go! And keep on going!"
- "Goomba lives here. He's nicer than he looks. I'm sure he got lots to tell you..."
- "Bob-omba loves flowers. Why don't you go pick her favorite for her?"
- "Amp's having a hard time in the game room. I wonder what happened. Go find out, will you?"
- "The Boos lost something important around here. If you think you can help, lend 'em a hand."
- "Toad Force V fans hang out in the basement. You need something if you want to join them."
- "I once saw a UFO on the roof of the condo. Well, I think it was a UFO..."
- "Watch out if you've got a mustache! Spear Guy's looking for mustached duelists."
- "Petal Guy fell in love at first sight. I wonder who he fell for... Go ask him!"
- "Monty Mole's out of luck in the game room. I wonder what happened. Go find out, will you?"
- "The 2nd floor of this condo is... HAUNTED! I think. It might not be true. I'm not sure."
- "There's Chain Chomp leashed up here. You could help him, but be very careful..."
- "Hm. A swimming coach here seems troubled. If you're a good swimmer, help him out."
- "Oh my! There's a monkey missing! Think you can find out where he's gone?"
- "They say Bob-omb is in a powerful group... Aren't you just dying to know more about it?"
- "Someone in this house was robbed! Won't you help? You're the only one who can!"
- "There was a robbery at the bank! Don't you want to know who pulled the heist?"
- "Toady, on the 2nd floor, is a musician. He's popular, too! But he needs some help."
- "Mr. Blizzard is over at the ballpark. If you like baseball, drop in and say hi!"
- "Rumor has it there's a treasure here... But nobody knows if it's really true."
- "There's a dance school over there."
- "Hoot is at a bit of a loss in the game room. I wonder what's bugging him. Go find out!"
- "Hammer Bro has the best throwing arm in town. He's tough, but why not challenge him, hm?"
- "Someone fell from this cliff! Will he be OK? Was it more than an accident?"
- "Mechakoopa's a master mathematician. If you're good at match, go say hello!"
- "Ninji, on the 1st floor, loves TV. He's looking for a DVD of a TV show."
- "Lakitu's a big fan of Toad Force V on TV. But he can't remember some trivia about it."
- "Duel Tower is a great training ground. It's a rough place, but you'll learn a lot."
- "Blooper's training for Duel games. If you're good, why not help him train?"
- "Mr. I has a crush on certain princess. I bet he'd give her a Gaddget if he could."
- "Penguin's at a bit of a loss in the game room. What happened? Why not see if you can help?"
- "You didn't win! This quest isn't over yet! Please try again!"
- "Aw... You're all out of mushrooms! Sorry, but you'll have to stop right there."
Mushroom Challenge[edit]
- "It's time for a Mushroom Challenge!"
- "This is your chance to get more mushrooms!"
- "You'll get 3 mushrooms if you win this game!"
- "If you lose, you'll get nothing!"
- "Let's spin the wheel!"
- "You get 3 mushrooms!"
- "Too bad. Better luck next time!"
- "Mushroom Challenge time! Spin the wheel!"
- "It's a Special Mushroom Challenge!"
- "If you win, you get 6 mushrooms!"
- "OK, spin the wheel!"
- "You won the mini-game! You won 6 mushrooms!"
- "Too bad... You had a shot, but you blew it!"
Minigame Space[edit]
- "Hello! I'm Tumble!"
- "If you win a mini-game... I'll give you 2 Mushrooms!"
- "Are you ready?"
- "You'll play... (minigame)!"
- "Let's play!"
- "You beat it! Congrats!"
- "As I promised, here are 2 mushrooms."
- "See you later!"
- "Ook! You found me! That's my Akiki!"
- "...Wait, you're not Akiki!"
- "...Who am I? Why, I'm Ukiki!"
- "... ... ... ... ..."
- "Is that what happened? Oh dear, oh dear..."
- "I wanted to surprise my little Akiki..."
- "I never thought it'd become such a mess!"
- "Here, take this Gaddget of mine..."
- "Sorry for all the fuss."
- "I'd better go explain to Akiki, huh?"
- "...Well, good-bye."
- "Chaaaarge!"
- "I'm Whomp. I'm da guard of da first level."
- "I don't got much to say, so let's duel!"
- "Hey, dat's da spirit!"
- "I'm all about da power match."
- "Here, lemme show you in dis Duel game, OK?"
- "Win, and you can go to da second floor. Deal?"
- "OK, let's do dis!"
- "Man, I didn't think you'd be so strong."
- "All right. I keep my word."
- "OK, go on to da second floor."
- "Dere's someone tougher 'n me up dere."
- "I've gotta go start over with da training."