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*''[[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]]'' - Every partner in this game returns as a Catch Card. Francis also has plush toys of the [[Yoshi Kid]], [[Vivian]], [[Admiral Bobbery]], and [[Pennington]], along with a poster of [[Petuni]]. [[Sir Grodus]] and the [[X-Naut]]s are also referenced by him when he mentioned the TV shows, "''The Grodus Chronicles''" and "''Starship X-Naut''". On Francis' things to buy list, he wants a [[Ms. Mowz]] doll with "real smooching action", as well as the DVD, "''From Bedrawk: The [[Rawk Hawk]] Story''". A [[Magnus von Grapple]] action figure was also on that list. Additionally, Fracktail and Wracktail are homages to [[Hooktail]] and [[Bonetail]], and one of the Sammer Guys is nicknamed "[[List of Sammer Guys#Thousand-Year Roar|Thousand-Year Roar]]". Also, as mentioned above, Mario has a picture of all seven partners from this game (with [[Flurrie]] being the most noticeable), as well as the partners from the first game.
*''[[Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door]]'' - Every partner in this game returns as a Catch Card. Francis also has plush toys of the [[Yoshi Kid]], [[Vivian]], [[Admiral Bobbery]], and [[Pennington]], along with a poster of [[Petuni]]. [[Sir Grodus]] and the [[X-Naut]]s are also referenced by him when he mentioned the TV shows, "''The Grodus Chronicles''" and "''Starship X-Naut''". On Francis' things to buy list, he wants a [[Ms. Mowz]] doll with "real smooching action", as well as the DVD, "''From Bedrawk: The [[Rawk Hawk]] Story''". A [[Magnus von Grapple]] action figure was also on that list. Additionally, Fracktail and Wracktail are homages to [[Hooktail]] and [[Bonetail]], and one of the Sammer Guys is nicknamed "[[List of Sammer Guys#Thousand-Year Roar|Thousand-Year Roar]]". Also, as mentioned above, Mario has a picture of all seven partners from this game (with [[Flurrie]] being the most noticeable), as well as the partners from the first game.
*''[[Luigi's Mansion]]'' - The Mini-Game [[Mansion Patrol]] takes place in the foyer of the mansion from this game.
*''[[Luigi's Mansion]]'' - The Mini-Game [[Mansion Patrol]] takes place in the foyer of the mansion from this game.
*[ Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney]: Francis talks about a "Pink Princess" signed poster, while using [[Swoon.exe]], the "Pink Princess" is the protagonist of a TV show for kids in the Ace Attorney series, which was developed in the first game. To notice: this game's story develops in year 2016, this meaning that Super Paper Mario's story develops at least in late 2016, almost ten years after the game was released.

==References in later games==
==References in later games==

Revision as of 17:19, September 12, 2014

Template:Infobox Super Paper Mario is an action-adventure RPG game for the Wii. Unlike other Paper Mario games, Super Paper Mario is a platformer and doesn't use a turn-based battle system, but rather incorporates RPG elements with platforming much in the vein of games such as Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. The game fuses elements of 2D and 3D gameplay together, shifting back and forth between dimensions, once being described as a "2.5D" sidescroller by Nintendo Power magazine. In addition to the regular Paper Mario aesthetics, the game also uses many novel character, enemy and background designs, including a fully pixelated world and the use of sprites from the classic Super Mario Bros. for certain techniques.

The story focuses on Mario, Princess Peach, Luigi and Bowser journeying across various dimensions to stop a villain named Count Bleck from destroying all of existence. In addition to the four playable characters are fairy-like Pixls that grant the main party members various extra abilities, such as hammering objects or calling up a temporary shield. As the players defeat enemies, they accumulate points and level up, making their own attacks stronger. While the plot is considered dark by Mario standards, as in earlier Paper Mario titles, humorous dialogue and references to other games, nerd culture and even mythology are abound.

The game was originally planned for a 2006 release on the Nintendo GameCube, but was moved to the newer Wii console. Motion controls were added to certain gameplay features, pushing the release date back to April 2007 for North America and Japan, and September of that year for the PAL region.


The inter-dimensional wedding, where the Chaos Heart is created.

The story opens with Mario and Luigi being informed by Toad about Princess Peach's latest kidnapping. Believing Bowser to be the culprit once again, the brothers immediately head off to his castle, only to find him preparing to attack. A villain named Count Bleck then appears with his assistant, Nastasia and Princess Peach, who is his prisoner. He announces his plans to use Peach "to destroy all worlds", renders Mario unconscious with his dark powers and kidnaps Bowser as well, with Luigi and the Koopa Troop being sucked away too.

Mario in Chapter 1-1, flipped to the 3-D dimension.

Elsewhere, Peach regains consciousness to find that she and Bowser are dressed in wedding outfits and sanding at an alter, with Count Bleck officiating. Nastasia uses mind control powers to force Peach to say "I do", and the marriage between her and Bowser calls forth the Chaos Heart. Luigi awakens in the Koopa crowd watching the ceremony and attempts to intervene, but he is too late as Bleck uses the Chaos Heart to open a dimensional rift known as The Void, fulfilling a prophesy he read in an ancient book known as the Dark Prognosticus in which all worlds are destroyed.

Back at Bowser's Castle, Mario is awakened by a Pixl named Tippi, who brings him to the town of Flipside and introduces him to Merlon. He owns the benevolent counterpart of Bleck's book, the Light Prognosticus, which indicates that a hero fitting Mario's description can stop the Void, which is visible in the sky above Flipside and slowly growing. Merlon gives Mario the first of eight Pure Hearts that he will need to counteract the Chaos Heart, which he places into the first Heart Pillar to cause a door to appear on the top of Flipside Tower leading straight to Lineland, where the next Pure Heart is. Merlon also tells Mario that he must also learn the "dimensional technique" from his friend Bestovius there in order to find the rest of the Pure Hearts.

Meanwhile, in Castle Bleck, the Count and Nastasia meet with the other three minions, Dimentio, O'Chunks and the shape-shifting Mimi. Count Bleck promises to replace the destroyed worlds with a perfect world where all his minions' dreams will come true, and when Nastasia mentions that the hero of prophesy may be active, O'Chunks volunteers to take care of him, with Dimentio tagging along to watch the show.

Chapter 1: Lineland

Mario proceeding in Lineland.

In Lineland, Mario first seeks out Bestovius and gains the ability to flip into the third dimension, allowing him to progress through the world. After climbing Mount Lineland, Mario and Tippi reach Yold Town, where they find another Pixl named Thoreau, who assists them as they cross the puzzle-filled Yold Desert and are forced to fight O'Chunks before reaching Yold Ruins. The next Pure Heart is guarded by the robotic dragon, Fracktail, but while he recognizes Mario as the legendary hero, before he can let the plumber pass, Dimentio appears and corrupts the dragon's mind, causing him to attack. Mario is forced to defeat him before proceding inside the sanctum of the ruins, where he is given a Pure Heart by Merlumina, one of the ancients who wrote the Light Prognosticus and lingered after death to await the hero.


Meanwhile, O'Chunks reports back to Castle Bleck in shame, so the Count sends Mimi to deal with the hero, while Nastasia goes to look for any "goons" in the castle who still aren't under the Bleck's control.

Soon after, Peach (now in her usual pink dress) wakes up in Castle Bleck and joins two Koopas in search of an exit, but they are soon cornered by Nastasia, who brainwashes Bowser's minions. Peach, however, is teleported away before she can be hypnotised.

Far away, Mario returns to Flipside to bring the Pure Heart to Merlon, and the group learns from panicking citizen that a girl has fallen from the sky, They go to investigate and discover that the girl is Peach, whom they revive with Spicy Soup. Feeling responsible for the opening of the Void, Peach insists on joining Mario in his quest and helps him reach the next Heart Pillar, and Merlon sends them through the new orange door to the next world, Gloam Valley.

Chapter 2: Gloam Valley

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Peach traveling in Gloam Valley.

Mario and Peach cross Gloam Valley to reach Merlee's Mansion, meeting an explosive Pixl named Boomer on the way. At the mansion, Mimi is waiting in disguise as Merlee's maid and uses various tricks and traps to try and stop Mario and Peach from getting deeper into the building, including forcing them to work in the mansion's power plant to work off a phony dept she levied on them for the apparent breaking of a vase. With help from another new Pixl, Slim, the heroes outwit Mimi and enter the mansion's basement, where a spectral Merlee appears and warns them to be careful as they search for her. Mimi shape-shifts into Merlee to try and trick Mario and Peach once more but when the truth is discovered she reverts to het true spider-like form and chases them around the basement as they seek out the real Merlee, who had hidden in a bathroom. After more attempted trickery, Mimi fights the heroes, but Merlee weakens her with magical chanting and she is defeated and forced to flee. Merlee then gives the third Pure Heart and Mario and Peach and informs them that there are a total of four heroes needed to stop the Void.


With Mimi defeated, Count Bleck decides to send Dimentio to go after the hero of prophecy, while Nastasia resumes her hunt for non-hypnotized stragglers around the castle.

Meanwhile, Luigi wakes up and is manipulated by two Goombas into helping them find a way out, but they run into Nastasia. One of the Goombas is hypnotized and the other Goomba joins the winning team, and they restrain Luigi so that Nastasia can brainwash him as well.

The Void grows over Flipside when Mario, Peach and their Pixl friends return. After finding the third Heart Pillar, a yellow door to The Bitlands appears on the tower.

Chapter 3: The Bitlands

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The Bitlands.

Upon the heroes' arrival in the pixelated Bitlands, Tippi is kidnapped by the geeky, butterfly-collecting chameleon, Francis. Another Pixl named Barry witnessed the scene from behind a bush and tells the heroes how to reach Fort Francis. After passing through an underground area just like level 1-2 in Super Mario Bros., Mario and Peach come across some castles occupied by Koopas, Hammer Bros., Bullet Bills and Bowser himself, who proceeds to lose a one-on-one fight with Mario. Bowser explains that he was locked up in Bleck's Castle and doesn't know how he appeared in the Bitlands, and with some persuasion, agrees to join Peach and Mario on their journey. The three swim across the Tile Pool, where they meet a new Pixl, Thudley, and use him to defeat a monstrous Big Blooper. Beyond the pool, the heroes climb The Dotwood Tree in order to use the winds at the top to float over a gorge and reach Fort Francis. Along the way, they battle Dimentio, who brushes off his defeat as a mere amusement, and was in fact using it to gauge the heroes' strength in order to ensure they can defeat Count Bleck when the time comes. Unaware of Dimentio's plotting, Mario, Peach and Bowser continue on to Fort Francis, where they find another trapped Pixl named Carrie and navigate their way through a sea of puzzles, MeowMaid robots and nerdy memorabilia to get to Francis, who immediately develops a crush on Peach and attempts to flirt with her using an electronic chat interface Swoon.exe. She rebuffs him and he is defeated in battle, and the surge of trust and happiness from the newly-freed Tippi calls forth the next Pure Heart from the castle itself, which Merlon later explains used to belong to the Tribe of Ancients.


Back at Castle Bleck, Dimentio muses that the heroes might be able to defy the prophesy, but Bleck is confident in his plan and calls for an unnamed new minion to take care of his foes. Nastasia lingers after the other minions leave and tries to get Bleck to reconsider, but while he won't give up after coming as far as he has, he kindly gives her a chance to leave with his blessing, which she declines out of loyalty and love for Bleck. Unbeknownst to both of them, Dimentio eavesdropped on the entire exchange, but decides not to worry about it, since he has his own "projects" to attend to.

When the heroes return to Flipside, Merlon explains about the castle and decides that Bowser is the third hero of the prophecy. After returning to the Bitlands to collect Barry, who's impressed that they managed to save Tippi, the heroes open a new green door and continue on their quest.

Chapter 4: Outer Space

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Mario, Tippi, and Squirps check out something unusual.

The realm beyond the green door turns out to be Outer Space, and the heroes are forced to return immediately to Flipside and procure a Goldfish Bowl to use as a helmet in order to breathe in space. They soon meet an alien named Squirps who serves them as both a guide and a living ray gun for attacking enemies. They made a pit stop on Planet Blobule so that Squirps could go to the bathroom, but the outhouse is occupied by the Pixl Fleep, who doesn't exit until the heroes find him some makeshift toiler paper. He then joins them and they all proceed through the Outer Limits to the warped, maze-like Whoa Zone. Here they are confronted by another one of Bleck's minions, Mr. L, who seems familiar to them. They defeat him in hand-to-hand combat, and defeat him again in space using Squirps' lasers when he summons his massive Brobot robot for a second round. Squirps then brings the gang to the Pure Heart and a statue of his mother, where he remains behind as they return to Flipside.


Back at Castle Bleck, Nastasia introduces Mr. L to the other minions and after he leaves, Bleck identifies him as the "man in green" that is destined to bring destruction to all, although the other minions are unenthusiastic about the newcomer. After they leave too, Nastasia voices her concerns that the heroes will come for Bleck and once again appeals to him to call off the plan. She reasons that he used to cheris the world and muses that if she had been "that girl", things would be different, but Bleck says the girl couldn't be defeated, especially by Nastasia, and leaves.

Upon returning to Flipside, Tippi faints and is left at Merlon's as the group finds their way across a three-dimensional bridge to Flopside, the mirror counterpart to Flipside. They find the next Heart Pillar and meet Merlon's counterpart, Nolrem, before returning to Flipside, collecting Tippi, and entering the next world.

Chapter 5: Land of the Cragnons

Mario runs from a raging Muth.

The heroes drop into Downtown of Crag and are tasked with saving Cragnon citizens who had been kidnapped by Floro Sapiens. They fight O'Chunks again, but even with Dimentio's help, he is defeated. The heroes then collect another Pixl, Cudge, and enter the Floro Caverns, where they meet up with the famous Cragnon journalist, Flint Cragley and his crew, and discover that the Floro Sapiens had been using Floro Sprouts to brainwash their captured Cragnons into doing manual labour for them. They meet yet another Pixl, Dottie, and fight O'Chunks once again, although this time he has been dumbed-down and powered-up by Dimentio through the use of a Floro Sprout. Upon O'Chunks's defeat, the Floro Sprout falls off dead, and the heroes use it to trick the Floro Sapiens into letting them gain access to their leader, King Croacus IV. They battle and defeat him too, and only then learn that pollution caused by the Cragnons had driven him mad and led to the kidnappings. Flint Cragley vows to spread the word and make his fellow Cragnons curtail their pollution in a first step towards peace between the two nations, and the three heroes are given the Pure Heart that had been in King Croacus's possession.


Back at Castle Bleck, Nastasia punishes O'Chunks for his repeated failures while Mimi complains about being bored and Mr. L picks fights with the others. Dimentio appears and quietly coaxes Mimi and Mr. L to attack the heroes, and they steal away from the castle.

Meanwhile, Mario uses his two new Pixls to unlock the next door to the next world, Sammer's Kingdom, and is informed by Nolrem that the Void will destroy all soon.

Chapter 6: Sammer's Kingdom

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Sammer's Kingdom.

In the Sammer's Kingdom, the Void is almost at full size. After defeating the first Sammer Guy, King Sammer arrives with 99 more combatants and explains that the heroes have to defeat all of them to get the next Pure Heart, as per the laws of the land. After the heroes defeat twenty Sammer Guys, Count Bleck himself appears to inform them that the Sammer Kingdom is about to be destroyed, but when Tippi confronts him, he beats a hasty withdrawal. The next five Sammer Guys recognize the direness of the situation and let the heroes pass for free, at which point the King returns and appears to present them with the Pure Heart, but is it just a bomb in a treasure chest, and the King turns out to be Mimi in disguise. She fights them in her spider form and is defeated, but she had only intended to stall the heroes. They hurry, but are unable to get farther than the 30th door before the world is demolished and they are forced to flee back to Flipside. The door to the Sammer Kingdom remains so they go through, but all they find is an endless expanse of whiteness, and a deadened Pure Heart, now turned to stone. Mr. L appears with Brobot L-Type to try to stop the heroes from getting the dead Pure Heart, but loses the fight and the Heart.


After Mario, Peach and Bowser leave with the stone-like Pure Heart, Dimentio shows up and appears to destroy Mr. L.

Meanwhile, at Castle Bleck, Nastasia reports to Bleck about Mimi and Mr. L's disobedient hero-fighting and leaves Bleck to his ponderings about whether Tippi the Pixl was really Timpani, although he pushes the thought aside and reaffirms to himself that no one can stop the prophesy now anyway.

Back at Flipside, the heroes are despondent over the now-useless Pure Heart, when Dimentio shows up at Merlon's house and before anyone can stop him, he appears to destroy Mario, Luigi and Bowser just as he had dispatched Mr. L. Mario wakes up to find himself alone in The Underwhere, the video-game Underworld. He wanders around the area, breezily meeting Luvbi before finding his way to her mother, Queen Jaydes, the queen of the underworld. She tasks him with collecting Luvbi for her, and in return, she agrees to revive the Pure Heart. Along the way back to Luvbi, Mario tracks down Luigi, who can't remember how he was sent to the Underwhere at all. After Luvbi is back with her mom and the Pure Heart is restored, Jaydes revives Mario and Luigi, sending them back to Flipside, where they meet up with Tippi again and open the next door.

Chapter 7: The Underwhere

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Mario hanging around in some type of fountain that can refill his HP when touched.

The door takes them right back to the Underwhere, where Jaydes gives them a new task of escorting Luvbi to The Overthere, where her father Grambi lives. They make their way past Underwhere Road, where they find Bowser, get past three Door Guardians (Dorguys the First, Second, and Third), and fight the three-headed Underchomp. They then ascend the Overthere Stair, finding Peach en-route, once more in need of revival, although this time it is because she took bite of a forbidden Golden Apple, and must eat another apple to recover. When they reach The Overthere, they find it already overrun with evil Skellobits, while their leader, Bonechill, had already frozen Grambi as part if his bid to take over the Overthere. He reveals that Luvbi is the final Pure Heart, having been given Nimbi form by Grambi, and intends to use her for his evil purposes, but the four heroes defeat him and his skeleton army falls to the Nimbis. After a fierce argument with her parents and a final, tearful goodbye, Luvbi transforms back to her Pure Heart form and is taken back to Flipside by Mario and the gang.


Back at Castle Bleck, Dimentio lets the others now that the heroes are alive and the other minions scramble to get ready to fight him when he comes to the castle. Before he leaves himself, he then asks Bleck if the name "Blumiere" rings a bell, saying Mario's Pixl mentioned the name. Nastasia once more tries to get Bleck to call off the prophecy, calling him Blumiere, but he denies his old name and identity and refuses to back down.

Chapter 8: Castle Bleck

Castle Bleck
The entrance to the castle.

After the heroes insert the final Pure Heart into the final Heart Pillar, the final door to Castle Bleck appears on Flopside Tower and Merlon and Nolrem see them off. The castle is large and filled with enemies, and the heroes are soon confronted by O'Chunks, whom Bowser battles and defeats on his own. After the fight, the roof collapses, but O'Chunks catches it and holds it aloft to let his worthy opponents pass. Bowser also stays behind, and after Mario, Luigi and Peach exit the room, they hear a crash and find that the door won't open up again. Now one hero short, they carry on and are confronted by Mimi in the guises of Merlon and Merlee, trying in vain to pry information on their weaknesses from them. She and Peach get in an argument and fight, with Mimi once more taking her "true" spider form, but still being defeated. The heroes turn to go, but Peach lingers to try and talk Mimi into leaving too; the floor then crumbles beneath the girl but Peach dives forward and tries to save her, only to fall in herself.

Mario, Luigi and Tippi carry on, coming up against Dimentio, who forces them to chase him through portals to the various other worlds, before ending up back in the castle. Dimentio then tells them that he had actually been helping them all along, such as by saving Peach from Nastasia and by sending everyone to the Underwhere to undo Luigi's brainwashing and get the Pure Heart fixed. He explains that he wanted the four heroes to unite and defeat Bleck, claiming that the Count had no intention of creating a new world once the old one was destroyed, but that he didn't have enough strength to stop him on his own. Tippi warns Mario and Luigi not to accept Dimentio's offer of an alliance, and when rejected, he proceeds to goad Luigi into a one-on-one fight. Mario, Tippi and the Pixls go on ahead while Luigi remains behind and defeats Dimentio, who responds by trapping them both in a forcefield in order to destroy himself and Luigi, rather than letting Bleck get his hands on the "man in green" from the prophesy.

Mario and Tippi hear the blast and fear the worst, but know they have no choice but to continue to the castle's inner sanctum, where they are greeted by Bleck and Nastasia. Tippi and Bleck acknowledge each other as the star-crossed lovers Timpani and Blumiere, but Bleck still holds fast to his plan to destroy all the worlds and Tippi knows she and Mario have no choice but to defeat him. Bleck sends Nastasia away and Mario tries to fight him, but Bleck is completely shielded by the Chaos Heart. Fortunately, Bowser (who fell through the floor before the ceiling collapsed), Peach (who landed on Bowser), and Luigi (who was simply found unconscious by Peach and can't remember what happened) arrive to help Mario, with the uniting of the four heroes shattering Bleck's shield and leading to his defeat in the subsequent battle. As Bleck pleads for death and Tippi pleads for Bleck to live, Dimentio emerges and tries to finish off the Count, but Nastasia dives in front of the blast to shield him.

Knowing it doesn't really matter if the Count's alive or dead, Dimentio simply takes control of the Chaos Heart himself, thanking the heroes for using their Pure Hearts to defeat Bleck and pave the way for his own evil plan. He activates a Floro Sprout he had implanted in Luigi's head earlier and turns him back into Mr. L, before fusing him and the Chaos Heart together into the monstrous Super Dimentio. After sending Bleck, Tippi and Nastasia away to deal with later, he adds himself to Super Dimentio and attacks the remaining heroes, who are unable to damage their new foe. All hope seems lost until O'Chunks and Mimi rejoin Bleck and help Tippi convince him to not give up, with the love and hope shared between them all conjuring up a new set of Pure Hearts, which Tippi brings to the heroes. Breaking through Super Dimentio's defences, they defeat the enemy, but while Luigi is released unharmed, Dimentio leaves a portion of his power behind to continue controlling the Chaos Heart fuelling the Void. Bleck quickly brings the group to the alter from the start of the story and he and Tippi renew their vows of love and commitment to each other, creating another set of Pure Hearts which cancel out the Chaos Heart, make the Void disappear and restore all the destruction it had caused.

The four heroes and Bleck's minions, including Nastasia, all awaken on Flipside Tower and are greeted by Merlon, who tells them the world is saved and invites them to a celebratory dinner. They wonder what happened to Bleck and Tippi, but believe them to be alive, and at the end of the credits, two distant figures, implied to be Timpani and Blumiere, are seen on top of a tranquil grassy hill.


Playable characters

The title screen with the playable characters.

Super Paper Mario has four playable characters, excluding the Pixls. They can be switched to at any time via the One Button + Two Button menu.

  • Mario - Mario has the ability to flip between dimensions using A Button. When Mario flips, everything shifts between 2-D and 3-D, revealing interesting secrets, hidden enemies, and a whole new perspective on the world. Most enemies appear only in one dimension, but some can flip between them.
  • Peach - Peach can float through the sky with her parasol using Two Button. She can also shield herself with her parasol by pressing +Control Pad down.
  • Bowser - Bowser can incinerate enemies with his fire breath by pressing +Control Pad down, Bowser will breathe fire on anything in his path. Also, note that when enemies jump on Bowser's spikes, Bowser is harmed.
  • Luigi - Luigi is the last hero recruited, and is recruited deep into the game (Chapter 7). Prior to Chapter 2's interlude, he spends his time in Castle Bleck. Then, until Chapter 7, he is brainwashed and believes he is Mr. L, and he fights Mario twice. After finding Luigi in the The Underwhere, Luigi pridefully joins Mario. Press the +Control Pad down key to activate his Super Jump to reach enemies and high places.


Pixls are new creatures in the game that give Mario and crew new abilities. There are thirteen in total, four are optional. However, only twelve can be carried, since Tiptron is only available after Tippi disappears. They replace the partners from the previous Paper Mario games, and set the record for the most allies in the series. Also, an odd ladder pixl was seen in beta versions of the game, but was cut out from the final version for unknown reasons.

Tippi Tippi Tippi is the first Pixl that Mario will find. She resembles a butterfly, and can find secrets and areas previously inaccessible without her. She will also give information on characters and give the crew hints. Tippi is unique because she is always active, so Mario will always have two Pixls out at once (one of which is usually Tippi except in certain parts in the game). Tiptron will get this power at the end of the game when Tippi permanently leaves the player.
Thoreau Thoreau Use One Button to grab objects and enemies and press One Button again to throw them. Just remember, you can't pick up spiky enemies. You can also press One Button to throw Thoreau and activate switches at a distance.
Boomer File:BoomerPixl.PNG Press One Button to set down Boomer, and press One Button again to detonate him. You can do this to attack enemies or break blocks. If you wait long enough, Boomer will explode even if you don't press One Button.
Slim File:Slim.PNG Slim will allow Mario and crew to turn sideways, and squeeze through tight spaces such as rails. Also, if the player stands still he'll become invisible.
Thudley File:Thudley.PNG Thudley resembles a weight. Thudley will give Mario and friends the ability to Ground Pound. It deals double damage with Mario, Peach and Luigi, and four times the regular damage with Bowser
Carrie File:Carrie.PNG Carrie is able to turn into a platform that can carry Mario and Co. through dangerous places, to safety. She can travel over spikes and take no damage. She can also jump on spiked enemies without sustaining damage.
Fleep File:Fleep.PNG Fleep can flip objects caught in a different dimension back to its original one. Mario and co. should look for shining objects that resemble a lightning bolt. He can also make enemies dizzy so the player can pass them by. Fleep is also the only Pixl that cannot be used in 3D, and is the least used of all the required Pixls in the game.
Cudge File:Cudge.PNG Cudge resembles a mallet. Cudge lets Mario use a hammer like in previous Paper Mario titles. It can slam down posts, break open areas, and does double damage.
Dottie File:Dottie.PNG Dottie has the ability to shrink the main character. The player can then go into little red doors. (They are shops with hard to find items) Enemies will not notice the player, but if Mario and co. touch them they will still take damage.
Barry File:Barry.PNG Barry can surround the main character with a strong barrier that can destroy enemies in its way. He can also shoot sound waves that can hurt enemies when he turns into a barrier. He is obtained by visiting The Bitlands after rescuing Tippi and talking to him. (optional)
Dashell Dashell Dashell provides a speed boost for the party. It is best useful when traveling from place to place. He is obtained by completing the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials. (optional)
Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo plays music (different styles with each character) that can cure Mario and his team from any status problems, excluding poison. Using music, she can break blocks with her outline carved in it and can also put the Underchomp to sleep. She is obtained by completing a side quest from Merlee after Chapter 5 and unlocking the door in the alleyway of the first floor of Flopside. (optional)
Tiptron Tiptron Although not a Pixl, Tiptron can be bought off of Francis for 999 coins as an additional partner. It replaces Tippi at the end of the game and has all of the same powers as her, even her consciousness. (optional)


Template:Seealso Attack Items

  • Bone-In Cut - Temporarily doubles the player's Attack.
  • Fire Burst - Broils enemies with searing flames.
  • Ghost Shroom - Summons a Ghost Shroom to damage enemies.
  • Hot Sauce - Temporarily doubles the player's Attack.
  • Ice Storm - Pelts enemies with frigid shards of ice and freezes them.
  • Mighty Tonic - Briefly doubles the player's attack.
  • POW Block - Rattles enemies on the ground and ceiling.
  • Shell Shock - Rams into enemies when the player kicks the shell.
  • Shooting Star - Showers enemies with a flurry of shooting stars.
  • Thunder Rage - Strikes enemies with lightning.
  • Volt Shroom - Briefly paralyzes enemies the player touches.

Damaging Items

  • Poison Shroom - Poisons the player and makes them lose HP, so the item should be sold rather than used.
  • Dangerous Delight - Blocks the player's abilities, including jumping, reverses the controls and makes the characters move slowly.

Defense Items

Recovery Items

Miscellaneous Items

  • Catch Card - Catches an enemy's soul (if it works).
  • Catch Card SP - Catches an enemy's soul (almost always works).
  • Gold Bar - A bar worth around 100 coins.
  • Gold Bar x3 - A trio of gold bars; worth around 300 coins.
  • Gold Medal - A medal worth 10,000 points.
  • HP Plus - Raises HP by 5 permanently.
  • Mega Star - Makes the player huge and invincible for a short time.
  • Mystery Box - Becomes a random item when used.
  • Pal Pill - Summons little buddies to surround and defend the player.
  • Power Plus - Raises Attack by 1 permanently.
  • Sleepy Sheep - Briefly puts enemies to sleep.
  • Slow Flower - Temporarily slows down time; triples value of coins and points.
  • Speed Flower - Temporarily speeds up time; triples value of coins and points.
  • Star Medal - A medal worth 1,000 points.
  • Stop Watch - Stop enemies in their tracks.

Important Items


File:SPM Audience.jpg
Super Paper Mario's audience.

The Audience is a group of generic creatures who will appear whenever Mario, Peach, Bowser or Luigi attacks an enemy and does a stylish move, which is done by shaking the Wii Remote when stomping on an enemy. They appear on the sides of the screen and say "Nice", "Good", "Great", "Wonderful", and "Excellent". This approval of the Crowd gives the player a higher score than if they had just jumped on the enemy. The audience in this game consists of Toads, Goombas, Koopa Troopas, and Shy Guys, only has a handful of species from the previous game. By doing this, the player can get more points faster.

Boss Battles

Yellow signifies Chapter Bosses.

Chapter Name HP Attack Defense Location Notes
Chapter 1 O'Chunks 20 1 0 Yold Desert Fought as the first boss in the game.
Fracktail ?? 1 0 Yold Ruins Chapter Boss
Chapter 2 Mimi ?? 1 0 Merlee's Basement Chapter Boss as well as the only boss in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 Bowser 20 2 1 The Bitlands Bowser joins Mario's party at this point.
Big Blooper ?? 2 ?? Tile Pool No definitive HP; the red tentacle must be hit.
Dimentio 30 2 0 The Dotwood Tree Fought in Dimension D
Francis 40 1 0 Fort Francis Chapter Boss
Chapter 4 Mr.L 40 3 0 Whoa Zone Chapter Boss as well as the only boss in Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 O'Chunks (second and third times) 40 2 0 Gap of Crag Fought in Dimension D
60 3 0 Floro Caverns Brainwashed with a Floro Sprout
King Croacus 50 2 0 Chapter Boss
Chapter 6 Mimi (second time) 25 2 0 Sammer's Kingdom Fought as a delay for the heroes to get the Pure Heart.
Mr. L (Brobot L Type) 64 5 4 (8 against fire) World of Nothing Chapter Boss
Chapter 7 Bowser (final time) 80 8 2 Underwhere Road Bowser rejoins the party.
Underchomp 16 each 3 each 4 each Underwhere Road Fought when confronting Dorguy the Third.
Bonechill 80 4 ?? The Overthere Chapter Boss
Chapter 8 O'Chunks (final time) 100 4 0 Castle Bleck Entry Fought one-on-one with Bowser.
Mimi (final time) ?? 4 0 Castle Bleck Foyer Fought one-on-one with Peach.
Dimentio (second time) 80 4 0 Castle Bleck Interior Fought one-on-one with Luigi.
Count Bleck 150 8 0 Castle Bleck Inner Sanctum Temporarily invincible.
Super Dimentio 200 6 0 (head), 4 (body) Temporarily invincible as well as being the story's Final Boss.
Optional/Other Wracktail ?? 10 0 Flipside Pit of 100 Trials Defeating Wracktail allows Mario to obtain Dashell.
Shadoo 100 each 10 each 0, 4 (Bowser) Flopside Pit of 100 Trials The game's superboss.
End Boss 99 10 4 Sammer's Kingdom The one-hundredth and final Sammer Guy.

Extra minigames and options

Duel of 100

  • After the player beats the game, they can also do the Duel of 100, this time being able to do the entire 100 gates, without the kingdom being destroyed again.

The Pits of 100 Trials

The Flipside Arcade

  • Forget Me Not - A card matching game with familiar characters from the game. Missing three times in one round is a game over.
  • Mansion Patrol - A shooting game that involves the character shooting Boos to get points. This game marks one of the only appearances of Toads in the entire game, other than at the start of the game, where Toad himself appears.
  • Tilt Island - The player uses the Wii Remote to tilt a small "island" of sorts while collecting food items and dodging enemies. The more items collected, the higher the player's score is.
  • Hammer Whacker (Unlockable with Golden Card) -The player holds a large hammer and whacks giant shells back at the Koopa Striker, who hits the shells towards the player.

Similarities to previous Paper Mario games

As with Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, this game contained many similarities and reused elements from the previous games, such as:

  • All three intros in the Paper Mario series began at at the Mario brothers' house.
  • All three games featured interludes where the player had to maneuver Peach through the enemy base.
  • Both games feature interludes in which the player can control a character who was captured by the main villain in the beginning of the game. However, in Super Paper Mario, there are only two such interludes, instead of one after every chapter and the characters in the interludes later become playable, unlike in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, where the interlude characters could only be played during the interludes.
  • Peach plays an integral role in each of the first three games. In the first, she is captured and helps Mario on his quest through Twink. In the second, Peach is captured and is used as a vessel for the Shadow Queen. In this game, she is a main playable character and one of the Heroes of Light.
  • All four games had a small, peaceful town within Chapter 1, as well as a fortress/dungeon-like area as the final area of the chapter. And just like in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, a large dragon was a boss that was fought at the end.
  • A red palm tree was seen in the desert, just as it was in the first Paper Mario. As with that one, something had to be done near it in order to trigger something.
  • Like Paper Mario this game has a chapter that involves climbing a mountain and crossing a desert to reach a ruin.
  • This game, too, had its own versions of Merlon, Merlee, and Merluvlee.
  • As with Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Paper Mario also featured a partner that was used to blow up cracks in walls and reveal hidden areas.
  • This game also contained a partner with the power to evade enemy attacks, as well as getting past floors with rising spikes.
  • Super Paper Mario also contained a partner that could get Mario over spikes and other dangerous terrain.
  • All three games include a reptile as a Chapter 3 boss.
  • In both Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario, the boss of Chapter 2 is chased by a creature with dog-like qualities. In Paper Mario, Tutankoopa is chased by a Chain Chomp. In Super Paper Mario, Mimi is chased by a Gnaw.
  • In all three, the second and fourth chapter bosses work for the main villain (although Doopliss does not join Grodus until after he is defeated in Chapter 4). If Smorg was working for Grodus, then this applies to the sixth boss as well.
  • In both Paper Mario and Super Paper Mario, Mario has to run away from a chapter boss who chases him because they are invincible and cannot be defeated until the end of the chapter. In Paper Mario, Mario has to run away from Tubba Blubba. In Super Paper Mario, Mario and Peach have to run away from Mimi in her spider form.
  • Also, all three games have a chapter boss that is invincible until the end of the chapter. Paper Mario being Tubba Blubba, Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door being Doopliss, and Super Paper Mario being Mimi. However, unlike Tubba Blubba and Mimi, Doopliss never actually chases the player, although they must run away from him in battle if they guess his name wrong when he asks them.
  • This game featured a plant boss at the end of Chapter 5, just as the first Paper Mario did.
  • Lady Bow and Parakarry made cameos in this game, just as they did in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
  • As with the first and second Paper Mario games, Mario had an ally that knows how to use the Tattle ability.
  • As with Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, this game, too, contained a main villain that was being used as a pawn the entire time by one of his minions, and an ally to get possessed by the game's final boss.
  • In both Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Super Paper Mario, the main villain's name resembles an expression of disgust, and his minion who is using him has a name resembling a word related to insanity.
  • In all three games, a character says "Still your tongue" to a character whose name starts with B. Bow says "Still your tongue, Bootler", Grodus says "Still your tongue, Beldam", and Blumiere's father says "Still your tongue, Blumiere". This may have been intentional.
  • Super Paper Mario, just like the first game, featured a cutscene where an enemy asked questions about Mario and company's weakpoints, and the kinds of things they hate.
  • Super Paper Mario has a childish shapeshifting character, just like the previous game.
  • As with first two games, this game had its own Jr. Troopa and Lord Crump, (meaning the most frequently fought boss).
  • Bowser is fought in all of the first three Paper Mario games.
  • All three Paper Mario games had at least one party member that had to be fought first before they become playable.
  • Super Paper Mario contains a Pit of 100 Trials, as well; and just as it is in the second game, it is entirely optional, and contains a boss that is supposedly more difficult than this game's final boss, and, in the case of the Flipside pit, is very similar to the first boss.
  • In Chapter 8-2, Mario and company are lured into a trap by Mimi, where she tricks them into hitting a blue ! Block, similar to how Yellow Ninjakoopa set a trap for Mario, where he would hit a fake ? Block that caused him to fall through a trap door, as well as the trap that Lord Crump set in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, which was activated by placing the Puni Orb in a fake pedestal.
  • The final stages of all three games involve a shapeshifting villain masquerading as a familiar character: a Duplighost impersonates Princess Peach in Bowser's Castle in the first game, Doopliss impersonates Professor Frankly at the Palace of Shadow entrance in the second and Mimi mimics Merlon within Castle Bleck in this game.
  • The final battles of all three Paper Mario games involve a villain becoming invincible, where the items that were collected throughout the game have to be used against them to remove their invincibility barriers.
  • The final bosses of both Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door and Super Paper Mario offered Mario and his allies a chance to join them, and if "yes" is chosen, then the player's game will be over.
  • In addition, the final bosses in both of these games had the goal of ending the world, and before both of the final battles, some of the previous worlds are shown about to end.
  • In both Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, there is a new character that is the main antagonist for most of the game, but ends up getting betrayed/injured by the true final boss. Also, the final bosses of each of these games were Mario's friends who were forced to fuse with the main villain.
  • Although Chapter 7 didn't take place in a snowy region like it did in the first two Paper Mario games, it did contain a boss with power over the ice element, just like the first Paper Mario.
  • As with the previous game, Super Paper Mario had an ordinary enemy by the name of "Johnson", as well.
  • Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door both have legends involving four heroes.
  • All three Paper Mario titles involve battling a giant Blooper at some point in the game.
  • All three chapter 5 bosses have more than 1 form.
  • Each Chapter 5 features a non-partner character that goes along with Mario to the chapter's location, and at least one point enters the "dungeon" with him (Professor Kolorado, Flavio, and Flint Cragley). All three have a significant part to play near the end; Kolorado gives Mario an item needed to enter the sixth chapter in return for the treasure, Flavio negotiates with Cortez to fight off an attack by Crump, and Cragley informs the Cragnons of the reason behind the Floro Sapiens' invasion and tells them to stop throwing trash into the river.
  • All of Mario's partners in this game were a final boss in at least one of each of the 3 released Paper Mario titles, Bowser in Paper Mario, Peach in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (possessed by the Shadow Queen), and Luigi in Super Paper Mario (hypnotized and combined with Dimentio).
  • In this and the previous game, there is a segment where the floor is flooded with a swarm of enemies. In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, this happens with Dull Bones in Hooktail's Castle, and in Super Paper Mario, this happens with copies of Dimentios in Count Bleck's castle.
  • Also, in both games, there is a major battle between armies of the enemies, one side being the good guys and one side being the bad. The two sides fight each other and the good side wins. In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, it is Grodus' army vs. the capsized civilians. In this game, it is the Skellobit army vs. the Nimbis.
  • In this and the second game, there is a segment where the player has to help Peach in some way using an item. In Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Peach herself creates a potion, and if it is made incorrectly, she can turn either big or small. In this game, she is asleep and the player has to bring her a fruit that can wake her up. If the player brings her the wrong fruit, she will turn either big or small as well. The smoke effect when Peach is given said item is similar as well.
  • All three games require the player to be in at least the fourth chapter to cook two things together.
  • All three titles required Mario to go through a fortress to progress though the game. Koopa Bros. Fortress in the first, X-Naut Fortress in the second, and Francis's Fort in Super Paper Mario.
  • Like Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door the Chapter 5 boss is located in a cave.

Differences from other Paper Mario games

  • This game is a side-scroller, unlike the other Paper Mario games.
    • As such, this is the first RPG to lack turn-based battles.
  • A score system is used for leveling up, rather than Star Points.
  • For the first time in the series, Peach's design uses her current main dress.
  • This is the only game in the series that isn't centered around Princess Peach getting kidnapped.
  • This is the first game in the Paper Mario series to not feature Kammy Koopa.
  • For the first time in the series, damage cannot be inflicted on Bowser with a standard jump attack.
  • The trend of Mario gaining a special attack from the game's key objects was broken, starting with this game.
  • This is the only game in the Paper Mario series to be alluded to in its predecessor.
  • Unlike the first two (as well as its successor), the fifth chapter does not take place on a tropical island.
  • This is the only Paper Mario game that does not have an ice-themed locale.
  • There is no parade (or anything similar to one) during the credits.
  • Starting with this game, Mario's house was not shown during the ending.
  • This is the only game in the series with Luigi as a playable character.
  • This is the only game in the series where the final boss theme does not change after the intermission.

References to other games

  • Game & Watch - The Flopside Pit of 100 Trials design is based on the design of Game & Watch games.
  • Super Mario Bros. - When Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser or a Koopa Troopa gets a Mega Star they grow big and look identical to how they do in this game; the Shell Shock item sprite, as well as the ? Block sprites have also been recycled, and when Piccolo is in use, she causes the characters to have the same sound effects as in the original Super Mario Bros. World 1-1 has been recreated in Chapter 1-1 (which also has a remix of the main theme), World 1-2 has been recreated in Chapter 3-1, World 2-1 was recreated in Chapter 5-3, and World 2-2 was recreated in Chapter 3-2. Underground rooms filled completely with coins (called coin rooms by some) reappear, and Bowser's castle in the Bitlands is based on the castle designs of Super Mario Bros. One of the Sammer Guys says "Sorry, but your prize is in another castle", referring what the Toads say after being rescued from False Bowsers ("Sorry Mario, but our princess is in another castle!"), and when Mario is sent to the Underwhere, there is a reference to the Minus World. The Pal Pills can go out, which are eight little Mario, Luigi, Peach or Bowser sprites from this game. In Outer Space, there are constellations of Fire Flowers and Super Mushrooms at the background.
  • Zelda II:The Adventure of Link - When Fracktail malfunctions, he mentions a line from a character named Error in this game: "I AM ERROR".
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 - Francis' to-buy list includes something called Cyborg Wart, a reference to Wart, the final boss of this game.
  • Super Mario Bros. 3 - The theme song that plays when the Big Blooper appears in Chapter 3-2 is a remix of the underwater background music that plays in this game. At the start of the Yold Ruins, there is a place where Mario must avoid bottomless pits and a fire bar in order to get to a door. There is a ? Block above where the Firebar is. Additionally, if Mario climbs the platforms to the area above the exit, he can find a secret treasure chest. This is an allusion to the first fortress in World 1 of Super Mario Bros. 3, where the secret was found by flying above where the door was and the secret was the Warp Whistle. Bowser's battle theme is a remix of the music playing before Mario selects a level in Dark Land.
  • Super Mario World - When the player hits the blue switch at Chapter 1-2, it shows the first part of Yoshi's Island 3. Part of the main theme is remixed into Chapter 1-1's music.
  • Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - The Mine Cart theme is re-used during a mine cart scene in Chapter 5-3.
  • Paper Mario - Every partner in this game returns as a Catch Card. Francis also has posters of Lady Bow and Bootler. Tubba Blubba was also mentioned by Francis, stating that there's a TV show called "The Blubbening", which stars him. Also, Mimi makes two direct references to this game. The first part is when she shapeshifts into Bowser and yells at Dimentio for reading her diary (which was a reference to Peach and Twink reading Bowser's diary), and the second part is when Mimi shapeshifts into Merlee, asking Mario and company about their weakpoints, just as Bowser and Kammy did to Peach. Also, at the beginning of the game, Mario has a picture with all eight partners from both Paper Mario and its sequel. Also, the noise that plays when an enemy is defeated (when it disappears) is the noise that plays in Paper Mario when an enemy disappears, only sped up. The song that plays after the character completes a chapter (while a piece of paper at the mid of the screen is telling the chapter's story) is the Paper Mario's plain music.
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door - Every partner in this game returns as a Catch Card. Francis also has plush toys of the Yoshi Kid, Vivian, Admiral Bobbery, and Pennington, along with a poster of Petuni. Sir Grodus and the X-Nauts are also referenced by him when he mentioned the TV shows, "The Grodus Chronicles" and "Starship X-Naut". On Francis' things to buy list, he wants a Ms. Mowz doll with "real smooching action", as well as the DVD, "From Bedrawk: The Rawk Hawk Story". A Magnus von Grapple action figure was also on that list. Additionally, Fracktail and Wracktail are homages to Hooktail and Bonetail, and one of the Sammer Guys is nicknamed "Thousand-Year Roar". Also, as mentioned above, Mario has a picture of all seven partners from this game (with Flurrie being the most noticeable), as well as the partners from the first game.
  • Luigi's Mansion - The Mini-Game Mansion Patrol takes place in the foyer of the mansion from this game.
  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Francis talks about a "Pink Princess" signed poster, while using Swoon.exe, the "Pink Princess" is the protagonist of a TV show for kids in the Ace Attorney series, which was developed in the first game. To notice: this game's story develops in year 2016, this meaning that Super Paper Mario's story develops at least in late 2016, almost ten years after the game was released.

References in later games

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl - The trophies, Paper Mario, Paper Luigi, Paper Bowser, Paper Peach, Wedding Bowser, Wedding Peach and Fracktail all reference the story of this game in the description. Count Bleck, Tippi, and O'Chunks also appear as Stickers.
  • Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Guliver asks if he has woken up in the Overthere in one of his lines.

Possible film adaptation

Seth Gordon, director of The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, has considered adapting Super Paper Mario into a film. The movie, he feels, would play off of the popularity of 3D film, using three-dimensional segments to represent flipping. Despite his enthusiasm and experience, however, it is unknown if Gordon, who last mentioned the idea in late 2007, was ever able to contact Nintendo on the possibility.[1] On the subject of an animated Mario in general, Charles Martinet doubts such a project would be greenlighted, although he would support any possibility.[2]


Main article: List of quotes in Super Paper Mario

Beta elements

Main article: List of Super Paper Mario beta elements

Super Paper Mario was originally developed as a title for the Nintendo GameCube, under the same name. The game was also at one point considered for release on both the GameCube and Wii consoles. The Pixls were also initially named "Fairens," and all but Tippi seemed to have initially been one single Fairen that would have morphed into different forms depending on the ability used.


Main article: List of glitches in Super Paper Mario


The player must be Luigi and must be under a platform moving down. To start the glitch, Luigi must high jump and hit the platform moving down. The platform will keep moving, and when Luigi starts falling, he should jump immediately. Luigi should be on the platform.


The player should use Mario and Thudley. The player should ground-pound with him, and just as Thudley's ground pound reaches maximum height, flip to 3-D, and ground-pound again and flip again, and keep repeating it.


Main article: List of Super Paper Mario staff





  • A Gold Fuzzy made an appearance on the back cover of the guidebook, but no Gold Fuzzies appear in-game.
  • There was a change in the game's script between the two English localizations of Super Paper Mario: In North America, Dimentio insults Luigi by calling his mustache a "shag", but as this doubles as a vulgar slang term in British English, it was changed to "pushover" in the PAL region.
    • Also, every instance of "spanking" was changed to "yelling" in the PAL version.
  • Super Paper Mario is so far the only game in the Paper Mario series where Mario's (and co.) max. Attack does not cap at 99.[3]



  1. ^ Gameworld Network (Accessed on 6-9-09)
  2. ^ Kotaku (Accessed on 6-9-09)
  3. ^ [1]

