List of Wario World media

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This is a list of media files for the game Wario World.


Icon of an audio speaker. Title screen music
File infoMedia:TitleWW.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. File select
File infoMedia:FileSelectWW.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Treasure Square
File infoMedia:TreasureSquare.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Greenhorn Forest
File infoMedia:GreenhornForest.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Greenhorn Ruins
File infoMedia:GreenhornRuins.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Horror Manor (outside)
File infoMedia:HorrorManorOutside.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Horror Manor (inside)
File infoMedia:HorrorManorInside.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Wonky Circus (above ground)
File infoMedia:WonkyCircus1.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Wonky Circus (underground)
File infoMedia:WonkyCircus2.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Shivering Mountains (above ground)
File infoMedia:ShiveringMountains.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Shivering Mountains (ice cave)
File infoMedia:ShiveringMountainsIceCave.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Beanstalk Way 1
File infoMedia:BeanstalkWay1.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Beanstalk Way 2
File infoMedia:BeanstalkWay2.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Mirror Mansion 1
File infoMedia:MirrorMansion1.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Mirror Mansion 2
File infoMedia:MirrorMansion2.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Pecan Sands
File infoMedia:PecanSands.oga
Icon of an audio speaker. Unithorn's Lair
File infoMedia:Unithorn'sLair.oga
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