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'''''Super Mario World''''' is the video game soundtrack for ''[[Super Mario World]]'' and a compilation of nearly all original music from ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' and ''[[Super Mario Bros. 3]]''. It is a two-disc soundtrack released on 25 February 1991 exclusively in Japan. The first disc contains original jazz arrangements by Soichi Noriki and performed by the Mario Club Band. The second contains the original games' music. All pieces were composed by [[Koji Kondo]]. This list will use the localized names for the characters and areas mentioned.
'''''Super Mario World''''' is the video game soundtrack for ''[[Super Mario World]]'' and a compilation of nearly all original music from ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' and ''[[Super Mario Bros. 3]]''. It is a two-disc soundtrack released on 25 February 1991 exclusively in Japan. The first disc contains original jazz arrangements by Soichi Noriki and performed by the Mario Club Band. The second contains the original games' music. All pieces were composed by [[Koji Kondo]]. This list will use the localized names for the characters and areas mentioned.

==Track listing==
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! style="width:20em; text-align:left" |'''Disc one'''
! style="width:20em; text-align:left" |'''Disc one'''

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Super Mario World
Japanese box artwork
Composed by:
Koji Kondo
Original arrangements by Soichi Noriki and performed by the Mario Club Band
Publisher(s) Warner-Pioneer
Release date Template:Release[?]
Track(s) 107
Length 56:42
Catalog number(s) WPCL-233~4

Super Mario World is the video game soundtrack for Super Mario World and a compilation of nearly all original music from Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3. It is a two-disc soundtrack released on 25 February 1991 exclusively in Japan. The first disc contains original jazz arrangements by Soichi Noriki and performed by the Mario Club Band. The second contains the original games' music. All pieces were composed by Koji Kondo. This list will use the localized names for the characters and areas mentioned.


Disc one
# Japanese title Translated English title Source Length
1. Welcome to Mario World Welcome to Mario World Title Theme (Super Mario World) 5:20
2. Super Mario World Super Mario World Ground Theme (Super Mario World) 5:11
3. Morning of Yoster Island Morning of Yoshi's Island Underwater Theme (Super Mario World) 4:41
4. Mario! Stay Alert! Mario! Stay Alert! Underground Theme / Obake Yashiki BGM / Castle (Super Mario World) 4:59
5. Thank You, Mario! Thank You, Mario! Ending (Super Mario World) 5:38
6. Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros. Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros.) 4:24
7. Shining Coral Shining Coral Underwater Theme (Super Mario Bros.) 3:08
8. Go! Go! Raccoon Mario Go! Go! Raccoon Mario Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3) 5:06
9. Mario Club Band Mario Club Band Athletic Theme (Super Mario Bros. 3) 1:29
10. Peaceful Kinoko-World Peaceful Mushroom World Ending (Super Mario Bros. 3) 5:33
11. Good Night, Mario Good Night, Mario Ending (Super Mario Bros.) 1:14
Disc two
# Japanese title Translated English title Source Length
1. 地上BGM
Chijō BGM
Ground BGM Super Mario Bros. 1:41
2. 地下BGM
Chika BGM
Underground BGM Super Mario Bros. 0:36
3. 水中BGM
Suichū BGM
Underwater BGM Super Mario Bros. 1:01
4. 城BGM
Shiro BGM
Castle BGM Super Mario Bros. 0:27
5. 無敵BGM
Muteki BGM
Invincible BGM Super Mario Bros. 0:21
6. コースクリア ファンファーレ
Kōsu Kuria Fanfāre
Course Clear Fanfare Super Mario Bros. 0:07
7. ワールドクリア ファンファーレ
Wārudo Kuria Fanfāre
World Clear Fanfare Super Mario Bros. 0:08
8. タイムアップ警告音
Taimu Appu Keikoku-on
Time Up Warning Sound Super Mario Bros. 0:05
9. プレイヤーダウン
Pureiyā Daun
Player Down Super Mario Bros. 0:04
10. ゲームオーバー
Gēmu Ōbā
Game Over Super Mario Bros. 0:06
11. エンディング
Ending Super Mario Bros. 0:29
12. 業務用マリオ 名前入れ
Gyōmu-yō Mario Namae-ire
Worker Mario Name Entry VS. Super Mario Bros. 0:30
13. エンディング
Ending Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels 1:01
14. マップ 1ワールド
Mappu 1 Wārudo
Map 1 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:39
15. マップ 2ワールド
Mappu 2 Wārudo
Map 2 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:27
16. マップ 3ワールド
Mappu 3 Wārudo
Map 3 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:37
17. マップ 4ワールド
Mappu 4 Wārudo
Map 4 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:42
18. マップ 5ワールド
Mappu 5 Wārudo
Map 5 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:30
19. マップ 5ワールドの空
Mappu 5 Wārudo no Sora
Map 5 World Sky Super Mario Bros. 3 0:31
20. マップ 6ワールド
Mappu 6 Wārudo
Map 6 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:26
21. マップ 7ワールド
Mappu 7 Wārudo
Map 7 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:28
22. マップ 8ワールド
Mappu 8 Wārudo
Map 8 World Super Mario Bros. 3 0:29
23. 笛の音+ワープマップ
Fuenone + Wāpu Mappu
Whistle Sound + Warp Map Super Mario Bros. 3 0:22
24. 地上BGM
Chijō BGM
Ground BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 0:55
25. アスレチックBGM
Asurechikku BGM
Athletic BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 1:01
26. 地下BGM
Chika BGM
Underground BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 0:47
27. 水中BGM
Suichū BGM
Underwater BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 0:59
28. 砦BGM
Toride BGM
Fort BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 0:45
29. 王様の部屋
Ōsama no Heya
King's Chamber Super Mario Bros. 3 0:24
30. 飛行船BGM
Hikōsen BGM
Airship BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 1:08
31. 無敵BGM
Muteki BGM
Invincible BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 0:25
32. 敵バトル
Teki Batoru
Enemy Battle Super Mario Bros. 3 0:41
33. 砦のボス
Toride no Bosu
Fort Boss Super Mario Bros. 3 0:49
34. 魔王クッパ
Maō Kuppa
Demon King Bowser Super Mario Bros. 3 0:48
35. キノピオの家
Kinopio no Ie
Toad's House Super Mario Bros. 3 0:34
36. スロット面BGM
Surotto-men BGM
Slot Screen BGM Super Mario Bros. 3 0:18
37. オルゴール
Music Box Super Mario Bros. 3 0:42
38. コースクリア ファンファーレ
Kōsu Kuria Fanfāre
Course Clear Fanfare Super Mario Bros. 3 0:06
39. 花火ファンファーレ
Hanabi Fanfāre
Fireworks Fanfare Super Mario Bros. 3 0:06
40. ワールドクリア ファンファーレ
Wārudo Kuria Fanfāre
World Clear Fanfare Super Mario Bros. 3 0:09
41. プレイヤーダウン
Pureiyā Daun
Player Down Super Mario Bros. 3 0:06
42. ゲームオーバー
Gēmu Ōbā
Game Over Super Mario Bros. 3 0:06
43. エンディング
Ending Super Mario Bros. 3 1:56
44. タイトルBGM
Taitoru BGM
Title BGM Super Mario World 1:01
45. MAP1(ヨースター島)
Mappu 1 (Yōsutā Shima)
MAP 1 (Yoshi's Island) Super Mario World 0:32
46. MAP2(地上)
Mappu 2 (Chijō)
MAP 2 (Ground) Super Mario World 0:38
47. MAP3(バニラドーム)
Mappu 3 (Banira Dōmu)
MAP 3 (Vanilla Dome) Super Mario World 0:47
48. MAP4(ネイティブスター)
Mappu 4 (Neitibu Sutā)
MAP 4 (Native Star) Super Mario World 0:33
49. MAP5(迷いの森)
Mappu 5 (Mayoi no Mori)
MAP 5 (Lost Forest) Super Mario World 0:42
50. クッパ城出現
Kuppa-jō Shutsugen
Bowser Castle Appears Super Mario World 0:09
51. MAP6(クッパ城)
Mappu 6 (Kuppa-jō)
MAP 6 (Bowser Castle) Super Mario World 0:36
52. MAP7(スペシャル)
Mappu 7 (Supesharu)
MAP 7 (Special) Super Mario World 2:15
53. 地上BGM
Chijō BGM
Ground BGM Super Mario World 1:32
54. アスレチックBGM
Asurechikku BGM
Athletic BGM Super Mario World 1:26
55. 地下BGM
Chika BGM
Underground BGM Super Mario World 1:33
56. 水中BGM
Suichū BGM
Underwater BGM Super Mario World 1:48
57. おばけ屋敷BGM
Obake Yashiki BGM
Haunted House BGM Super Mario World 1:44
58. お城BGM
O-jō BGM
Castle BGM Super Mario World 2:09
59. スイッチBGM
Suitchi BGM
Switch BGM Super Mario World 0:20
60. 無敵BGM
Muteki BGM
Invincible BGM Super Mario World 0:23
61. ボーナス面BGM
Bōnasu Men BGM
Bonus Screen BGM Super Mario World 0:56
62. ボーナス面クリアファンファーレ
Bōnasu-Men Kuria Fanfāre
Bonus Screen Clear Fanfare Super Mario World 0:05
63. コクッパBGM
Kokuppa BGM
Koopaling BGM Super Mario World 1:06
64. コクッパ城クリアデモ 卵を助けた時
Kokuppa-jō Kuria Demo Tamago o Tasuketa Toki
Koopaling Castle Clear Demo When Saving an Egg Super Mario World 0:06
65. コクッパ城クリアデモ BGM
Kokuppa-jō Kuria Demo BGM
Koopaling Castle Clear Demo BGM Super Mario World 0:15
66. コースクリア ファンファーレ
Kōsu Kuria Fanfāre
Course Clear Fanfare Super Mario World 0:09
67. お城クリア ファンファーレ
O-jō Kuria Fanfāre
Castle Clear Fanfare Super Mario World 0:10
68. プレイヤーダウン
Pureiyā Daun
Player Down Super Mario World 0:05
69. ゲームオーバー
Gēmu Ōbā
Game Over Super Mario World 0:08
70. 魔王クッパBGM
Maō Kuppa BGM
Demon King Bowser BGM Super Mario World 1:21
71. ピーチ姫を助けた時
Pīchi Hime o Tasuketa Toki
When I Saved Princess Peach Super Mario World 0:18
72. エンディング
Ending Super Mario World 4:10
73. 小マリオ ジャンプ~大マリオ ジャンプ~大マリオ・ファイアマリオに変身した時~小マリオになった時~ファイアボール
Ko Mario janpu ~ dai Mario janpu ~ dai Mario faiamario ni henshin shita toki ~ ko Mario ni natta toki ~ faiabōru
Small Mario Jump ~ Large Mario Jump ~ When transformed into Large Mario and Fire Mario ~ When transformed into Small Mario ~ Fireball Super Mario Bros. 0:13
74. カメを踏んだ時~カメを蹴った時~壁に当たった時~コイン~花、キノコが出た時
Kame o funda toki ~ kame o ketta toki ~ kabe ni atatta toki ~ koin ~ hana, kinoko ga deta toki
When you step on a turtle ~ When you kick a turtle ~ When you hit a wall ~ When you hit a coin ~ When you see a flower or mushroom Super Mario Bros. 0:12
75. ツルがのびる時~レンガがくずれる時~1UP音~旗の得点が上がる時~タイマーカウントアップ音
Tsuru ga nobiru toki ~ renga ga kuzureru toki ~ 1 UP-on ~ hata no tokuten ga agaru toki ~ taimākauntoappu-on
When the vine grows ~ When the bricks crumble ~ 1UP sound ~ When the flag score goes up ~ Timer count up sound Super Mario Bros. 0:15
76. 大砲の音~クッパが火を吹く音~クッパが落ちる音
Taihō no oto ~ kuppa ga hiwofuku-on ~ kuppa ga ochiru oto
Sound of cannon ~ Sound of Bowser breathing fire ~ Sound of Bowser falling Super Mario Bros. 0:08
77. 風の音~スリップ音
Kazenooto ~ surippu-on
Wind Sound ~ Slip Sound Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels 0:09
78. シッポ振る時~カエルジャンプ~シッポマリオに変身~服がとれる時~マリオが手をひろげて走る時
Shippo furu toki ~ kaerujanpu ~ shippomario ni henshin ~-fuku ga toreru toki ~ Mario ga te o hirogete hashiru toki
When you swing your tail ~ Frog Jump ~ Transform into Tail Mario ~ When your clothes come off ~ When Mario runs with his arms outstretched Super Mario Bros. 3 0:14
79. マップで星が集結する時~マップ移動音~パネルうらがえる音~アイテム正解音~アイテム不正解音
Mappu de hoshi ga shūketsu suru toki ~ mappu idō-on ~ paneru uragaeru oto ~ aitemu seikai-on ~ aitemu fu seikai-on
When stars gather on the map ~ Map moving sound ~ Panel backing sound ~ Item correct sound ~ Item incorrect answer sound Super Mario Bros. 3 0:12
80. ワイプ音~ブーメランの飛ぶ音~コクッパのビーム音~コクッパまわる音~コクッパが飛ぶ音
Waipu-on ~ būmeran no tobu oto ~ kokuppa no bīmu-on ~ kokuppa mawaru oto ~ kokuppa ga tobu oto
Wipe sound ~ Boomerang flying sound ~ Koopaling beam sound ~ Koopaling spinning sound ~ Koopaling flying sound Super Mario Bros. 3 0:15
81. 魔王クッパが落ちる時
Maō kuppa ga ochiru toki
When the Demon King Bowser falls Super Mario Bros. 3 0:06
82. ジャンプ~クルクルジャンプ~ジャンプ台で飛んだ時~大マリオ・ファイアマリオに変身~マントマリオに変身
Janpu ~ kurukurujanpu ~ janpu-dai de tonda toki ~ dai Mario faiamario ni henshin ~ mantomario ni henshin
Jumping ~ Cruise Jump ~ When flying on the jump platform ~ Transform into Large Mario and Fire Mario - Transform into Cape Mario Super Mario World 0:14
83. 小マリオになった時~上の枠内にアイテムがセットされた時~上の枠からアイテムがおちる時~泳ぐ時~マントで上昇する時
Ko Mario ni natta toki ~-jō no wakunai ni aitemu ga setto sa reta toki ~-jō no waku kara aitemu ga ochiru toki ~ oyogu toki ~ manto de jōshō suru toki
When you become a small Mario ~ When an item is set in the upper frame ~ When an item falls from the upper frame ~ When you swim ~ When you rise with your cape Super Mario World 0:13
84. 風船を取った時~タマゴ割れる時~ヨッシーに乗る時~ヨッシーをたたく時~ヨッシーが物をのみこむ時
Fūsen o totta toki ~ tamago wareru toki ~ yosshī ni noru toki ~ yosshī o tataku toki ~ yosshī ga mono o nomikomu toki
When you take out a balloon ~ When an egg breaks ~ When you ride Yoshi ~ When you hit Yoshi ~ When Yoshi swallows an object Super Mario World 0:13
85. ヨッシーの色が変わる時~ヨッシーが敵に当たった時~ヨッシーが火を吹く時~黄ヨッシーが踏む音~ファイアボール
Yosshī no iro ga kawaru toki ~ yosshī ga teki ni atatta toki ~ yosshī ga hiwofuku-ji ~ ki yosshī ga fumu oto ~ faiabōru
When Yoshi's color changes ~ When Yoshi hits an enemy ~ When Yoshi breathes fire ~ Yellow Yoshi stepping sound~Fireball Super Mario World 0:12
86. カメを踏んだ時~クルクルジャンプで敵を踏んだ時~ホネガメを踏んだ時~コクッパ踏んだ時~カメを蹴った時
Kame o funda toki ~ kurukurujanpu de teki o funda toki ~ honegame o funda toki ~ kokuppa funda toki ~ kame o ketta toki
When you step on a turtle ~ When you step on an enemy in a cruise jump ~ When you step on a horned turtle ~ When you step on a Koopaling ~ When you kick a turtle Super Mario World 0:12
87. カメとカメが当たった時~壁にあたった時~コイン~ドラゴンコイン~花・キノコが出た時
Kame to kame ga atatta toki ~ kabe ni atatta toki ~ koin ~ doragonkoin ~ hana kinoko ga deta toki
When a turtle hits a turtle ~ When it hits a wall ~ Coin ~ Dragon Coin ~ When a Flower/Mushroom appears Super Mario World 0:11
88. ツルがのびる時~ブロックくずれる音~1UP音~ゲートを切った時~スイッチ踏んだ時
Tsuru ga nobiru toki ~ burokku kuzureru oto ~ 1 UP-on ~ gēto o kitta toki ~ suitchi funda toki
When the vine grows ~ Sound of blocks collapsing ~ 1UP sound ~ When the gate is cut ~ When the switch is stepped on Super Mario World 0:13
89. スイッチのタイマーが切れる時~メッセージウィンドウが出る時~L・Rボタン音~TIMER精算音~ドア開く音
Suitchi no taimā ga kireru toki ~ messējiu~indou ga deru toki ~ L ārubotan-on ~ TIMER seisan-on ~ doa hiraku oto
When the switch timer runs out ~ When the message window appears ~ L/R button sound ~ TIMER settlement sound ~ Door opening sound Super Mario World 0:17
90. ドア閉じる音~鍵をさしこんだ時~GOALワイプ~魔法ビーム音~溶岩バブルが出る時
Doa tojiru oto ~ kagi o sashikonda toki ~ gōru waipu ~ mahō bīmu-on ~ yōgan baburu ga deru toki
Door closing sound ~ when the key is inserted ~ GOAL wipe ~ magic beam sound ~ when the lava bubble appears. Super Mario World 0:14
91. 溶岩のドラゴンが飛びだす時~ロープリフトが動いている時~コウモリが飛びたつ時~ブルが口笛吹く時~風船割れる音
Yōgan no doragon ga tobidasu toki ~ rōpurifuto ga ugoite iru toki ~ kōmori ga tobitatsu toki ~ buru ga kuchibue fuku toki ~ fūsen wareru oto
When the lava dragon jumps out ~ When the rope lift is moving ~ When the bat flies ~ When the bull whistles ~ The sound of the balloon popping Super Mario World 0:12
92. マップの道、出現~マップのポイント通過音~マップ中 スイッチの魔法が消える時~マップ中 小クッパ城崩れる音~稲妻の音
Mappu no michi, shutsugen ~ mappu no pointo tsūka-on ~ mappu-chū suitchi no mahō ga kieru toki ~ mappu-chū ko kuppa-jō kuzureru oto ~ inazuma no oto
Map road, appearance ~ Map point passing sound ~ Mid-map When the magic of the switch disappears ~ Mid-map Sound of Koopaling Castle crumbling ~ Sound of lightning Super Mario World 0:15
93. 地震の音~導火線の音~デモ中 城が崩れる音~ボーナス面 不正解音~ウェンディ 正解音
Jishin no oto ~ dōka-sen no oto ~ demo-chū shiro ga kuzureru oto ~ bōnasu-men fu seikai-on ~ u~endi seikai-on
Sound of earthquake ~ Sound of fuse ~ Demo sound of castle collapsing ~ Bonus Screen Incorrect sound - Wendy Correct sound Super Mario World 0:17
94. コクッパが上から落ちる音~コクッパが球を吐く時~コクッパが火の中に落ちる音~コクッパやられて消える時~魔王クッパが逃げる時
Kokuppa ga ue kara ochiru oto ~ kokuppa ga kyū o haku toki ~ kokuppa ga hi no naka ni ochiru oto ~ kokuppa yara rete kieru toki ~ maō kuppa ga nigeru toki
Sound of Koopaling falling from above ~ When Koopaling throws a ball ~ Sound of Koopaling falling into the fire ~ When Koopaling is killed and disappears ~ When Demon King Bowser runs away Super Mario World 0:20
95. 魔王クッパの火の攻撃音~魔王クッパが再び攻撃に来た時~ピーチ姫がHELPと叫んでいる時~魔王クッパが最後にやられて逃げる時~花火あがる音
Maō kuppa no hi no kōgeki-on ~ maō kuppa ga futatabi kōgeki ni kita toki ~ pīchi hime ga HELP to sakende iru toki ~ maō kuppa ga saigo ni yara rete nigeru toki ~ hanabi agaru oto
Demon King Bowser's fire attack sound ~ When Demon King Bowser comes to attack again ~ When Princess Peach is shouting HELP ~ When Demon King Bowser is finally defeated and runs away ~ Sound of fireworks Super Mario World 0:21
96. 花火の音
Hanabi no Oto
Sound of Fireworks Super Mario World 0:04


Mario World Band

  • Sadao Watanabe – alto saxophone, sopranino saxophone
  • Soichi Noriki – keyboards
  • Tsunehide Matsuki – electric guitar, acoustic and gut guitar
  • Jun Kajiwara – electric guitar
  • Kenji Takamizu – electric bass
  • Yuichi Togashiki – drums
  • Motoya Hamaguchi – percussion
  • Keiji Toriyama – synthesizer operate


  • Produced by Koichi Sugiyama
  • Sound production by Sadao Watanabe
  • Recorded and mixed by Yoshihiro Suzuki
  • Assistant engineering by Yasuhiro Itoh

Music credits

  • Soichi Noriki – arrangement (1:1 – 11)
  • Koji Kondo – composition

External links