Super Mario Galaxy 2 Original Soundtrack

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Super Mario Galaxy 2 Original Soundtrack
Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST.png
Composed by:
Koji Kondo, Mahito Yokota, Ryo Nagamatsu
Performed by the Mario Galaxy Orchestra
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date Japan July 10, 2010[?]
Format Compact disc
Track(s) 70
Length 2:11:39
Super Mario Galaxy 2 Original Soundtrack case and discs
The jewel case and discs

The Super Mario Galaxy 2 Original Soundtrack is a video game soundtrack for Super Mario Galaxy 2. It was released on July 10, 2010, exclusively to Club Nintendo members in Japan. Unlike with the Super Mario Galaxy Original Soundtrack, only a two-disc version is available and it holds all 70 songs from the game. 50 of the songs are original compositions by Mahito Yokota, nine by Ryo Nagamatsu, and five by Koji Kondo. The rest are arrangements of compositions from earlier games, most of them by Mahito Yokota and one by Shigetoshi Gohara.[1] The game's music is performed by the Mario Galaxy Orchestra. It has a combined playing time of 2:11:39.

The cover features a silhouette of Mario waving a baton while riding Yoshi, and each of the discs features a silhouette of Starship Mario with Lumas, Star Bits, a Whittle, a Star Bunny, and Lubba.


Disc one (total time: 65:00)[edit]

# Japanese title[2] Translated English title English title (Official localization)[3] Length
1. Overture Overture Overture 1:26
2. もうひとつの物語 Another Story Another Story 1:31
3. まいご The Lost Child The Lost Luma 0:36
4. 星のチカラ The Power of the Stars The Power of the Stars 0:06
5. 空島 Sky Island Sky Station Galaxy 2:27
6. ディノパックンJr. Dino Piranha Jr. Peewee Piranha 1:17
7. 未知の星 Unknown Star Unknown Star 1:20
8. 星船登場 The Starship Appears The Starship Appears 0:41
9. 星船マリオ、発進! Starship Mario, Take-off! Starship Mario, Launch! 1:27
10. ヨッシー登場 Yoshi Appears Yoshi Appears* 0:08
11. ヨースター Yostar Yoshi Star Galaxy** 2:07
12. 星船マリオ Starship Mario 1 Starship Mario 1** 2:06
13. World 1 & 2 World 1 & 2 World 1 & 2 2:09
14. 星船はゆく The Starship Travels The Starship Travels 2:16
15. ほりほり鉱山 Dig-Dig Mine Spin-Dig Galaxy 2:48
16. ホリホリレッグ Digga-Leg Digga-Leg* 2:25
17. レッドブルー Red-Blue Flip-Swap Galaxy 1:01
18. かくざいもくざい Square Timber Puzzle Plank Galaxy* 2:10
19. ヒントテレビ Hint TV Tip TV 0:35
20. あわわわわわ Ah-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa A-wa-wa-wa-wa-wa 0:38
21. ジャングルグライダー Jungle Glider Wild Glide Galaxy 2:23
22. パワースターゲット Get Power Star You Got a Star! 0:11
23. 星の入り江 Cove of Stars Cosmic Cove Galaxy 3:30
24. ダッシュヨッシー Dash Yoshi Hightail Falls Galaxy**1 1:30
25. World 3 World 3 World 3 1:57
26. 森の住人 Forest Inhabitants Tall Trunk Galaxy 0:50
27. スライダー Slide Slide**1 2:42
28. ホワイトスノー White Snow Freezy Flake Galaxy 2:33
29. 土管部屋 Pipe Room Pipe Room 1:00
30. タマコロ Star Ball Star Ball Rolling 1:02
31. クラウドガーデン Cloud Garden Cloudy Court Galaxy 3:41
32. メガハンマー Megahammer Megahammer 2:15
33. 星船マリオ 2 Starship Mario 2 Starship Mario 2** 2:07
34. World 4 World 4 World 4 2:24
35. ハニービービレッジ Honey Bee Village Honeybloom Galaxy 2:41
36. ワンワンファクトリー Chomp Factory Flipsville Galaxy 2:04
37. ブットンクイーン Pupdozer Queen Glamdozer 2:00
38. チカチカブロック Flickering Blocks Beat Block Galaxy 0:56

Disc two (total time: 66:39)[edit]

# Japanese title [2] Translated English title English title (Official localization) [3] Length
1. スカイビーチ Sky Beach Starshine Beach Galaxy 3:11
2. テレポーター Teleporter Teleporter 0:40
3. スカイビーチ ~水中~ Sky Beach ~Underwater~ Starshine Beach Galaxy ~Underwater~ 1:47
4. クッパの溶岩帝国 Koopa's Lava Empire Bowser's Lava Lair**1 2:16
5. グランドスターゲット Get Grand Star You Got a Grand Star! 0:17
6. World 5 World 5 World 5* 1:59
7. イナズマの雲海 Sea of Lightning Clouds Space Storm Galaxy 3:02
8. はちゃめちゃ引力 Nonsense Gravity Rightside Down Galaxy 1:15
9. ゴーストコンベア Ghost Conveyor Haunty Halls Galaxy**1 1:43
10. 流れる星砂 Flowing Star Sand Slipsand Galaxy 3:07
11. サンドロン Squizzard Squizzard 1:16
12. クッパJr.の砦 Bowser Jr's Fortress Bowser Jr.'s Fiery Flotilla** 1:52
13. 星船マリオ3 Starship Mario 3 Starship Mario 3** 2:06
14. World 6 World 6 World 6 2:08
15. マグマモンスター Melty Monster Melty Monster Galaxy* 2:28
16. なつかしの砦 Nostalgic Fortress Throwback Galaxy**2 2:32
17. スイーツミステリー Sweet Mystery Sweet Mystery Galaxy 1:24
18. チャレンジグライダー Challenge Glider Fleet Glide Galaxy* 2:23
19. ガブリュウ Gobblegut Gobblegut 1:57
20. 地の底の洞窟 Earth Bottom Cave Slimy Spring Galaxy* 1:33
21. キングオブキングス King of Kings Boss Blitz Galaxy 1:29
22. 時計タイムアタック Clock Time Attack Speed Run 3:27
23. World S World S World S 2:49
24. 緊迫 Tension Tension 0:38
25. 新銀河帝国 The New Galactic Empire Bowser's Galaxy Generator 3:12
26. 強大なるクッパ大王 Mighty King Koopa Bowser Battle 2:58
27. 宿命の決戦 Decisive Battle of Fate Fated Battle* 2:47
28. 大切な人 Special One Precious One* 0:37
29. Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Mario Galaxy 2 Super Mario Galaxy 2 3:50
30. チコとぼうし Luma and the Hat The Luma and the Hat 1:52
31. 緑の星 Green Star Green Star**1 2:04
32. Theme of SMG2 Theme of SMG 2 Theme of SMG2 2:00

* - Originally composed by Ryo Nagamatsu.
** - Originally composed by Koji Kondo.
1 - Arrangement by Mahito Yokota.
2 - Arrangement by Shigetoshi Gohara.
