Super Mario 3D World Original Soundtrack

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Super Mario 3D World Original Soundtrack
Japanese soundtrack of Super Mario 3D World.
Composed by:
Mahito Yokota, Toru Minegishi, Koji Kondo, Yasuaki Iwata
Interpreted by the Mario 3D World Big Band
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date Original release:
Japan November 21, 2013[?]
Europe April 10, 2014[?]
Australia April 10, 2014[?]
Europe March 30, 2015[?]
Australia March 30, 2015[?]
Format Compact disc
Track(s) 77
Length Disc one: 57:58
Disc two: 59:37
Catalog number(s) Japanese, European, and Australian Club Nintendo

The Super Mario 3D World Original Soundtrack is a soundtrack album for Super Mario 3D World that was exclusive to Club Nintendo members of Japan, Europe, and Australia. It was released on November 21, 2013, and costs 250 points for members of the Japanese Club Nintendo rewards program or 500 for those who are not in the program, and it was released on April 10, 2014, in Australia for 2,000 stars and Europe for 3,000 stars. It was rereleased in Europe and Australia on March 30, 2015.[1][2] It was never released in North America.

The cover art shows the Cat forms of Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Toad, and Rosalina playing a saxophone, a double bass, a trumpet, a trombone, and an electric guitar, respectively, alongside the green Sprixie Princess, who is holding a conductor's baton.

The case contains a booklet with pictures of the characters and the names of the songs. The picture on Disc 1 depicts each of the Sprixie Princesses playing an instrument, with the instruments played being the maracas, a violin, a drum, a harp, a French horn, a tambourine, and a flute. The picture on Disc 2 depicts Bowser playing a drum kit.

The soundtrack was performed by the Mario 3D World Big Band and composed by Mahito Yokota, Toru Minegishi, Yasuaki Iwata, and Koji Kondo. It features 77 music tracks from Super Mario 3D World over two discs.


In an interview with the website Destructoid on October 31, 2013, Mahito Yokota said there would be many bands playing live. He also said that the songs would be arranged to give the feel of a big band, using a large number of instruments such as trumpets and saxophones.[3] On November 5, 2013, composers Mahito Yokota, Toru Minegishi, Yasuaki Iwata, and Koji Kondo said that there would be new soundtracks for various levels, including athletics and aquatics. They also stated that the sound would have more pace and would have a majestic rhythm similar to the music of Super Mario Galaxy.[4]

The website Nintendo Everything posted a video on YouTube showing the recording of the album, which used accordions, violins, flutes, a live orchestra, and other instruments to play various songs from the game.[5]


Disc 1[edit]

# Japanese title Translated English title Official British English title Length
01. タイトル Title Title Screen 0:43
02. WORLD 1 World 1 World 1 1:10
03. スーパーベルの丘 Super Bell Hill Super Bell Hill 2:08
04. 地下洞窟 Underground Cave Underground Theme 1:15
05. スイッチサーカス Switch Circus Switch Scramble Circus 1:22
06. コースクリア Course Clear Course Clear! 0:08
07. WORLD 2 World 2 World 2 1:08
08. ミステリーハウス入口 Mystery House Entrance Mystery House Entrance 0:49
09. 全力! ミステリーハウス Full Power! Mystery House Going All Out in the Mystery House 0:27
10. オバケ屋敷のうごく床 The Ghost House's Moving Floor Shifty Boo Mansion 3:32
11. キノピオ隊長のさいしょの冒険 The First Adventures of Captain Toad Captain Toad Goes Forth 1:33
12. とおせんぼ! Blocking the Way! Enemy Blockade 0:49
13. WORLD 3 World 3 World 3 1:25
14. アスレチック Athletic Chainlink Charge 1:49
15. ぬりつぶせ! カラーパネル Paint It Out! Color Panels Light the Colour Panels! 1:43
16. カラーパネル de マリオ Color Panels de Mario Mario's Colour Panels 0:23
17. 対決前 Before the Showdown The Showdown Looms 1:00
18. ヘビースネーク Heavy Snake Hisstocrat 2:27
19. ワールドクリア World Clear World Clear! 0:12
20. WORLD 4 World 4 World 4 1:11
21. ワイルドサバンナ Wild Savanna Sprawling Savanna 2:26
22. チカチカブロック Flickering Block / Beat Block Beep Block Skyway 2:50
23. チョロボン炭鉱 Fuzzy Coal Mine Fuzzy Flood Mine 2:09
24. ようせい姫のテーマ Theme of Sprixie Princess Sprixie Princess Theme 1:35
25. ファイアブロスの砦 Fort Fire Bros. Fort Fire Bros. 2:45
26. ハイウェイ・バトル Highway Battle Bowser's Highway Showdown 2:27
27. WORLD 5 World 5 World 5 1:10
28. ダブルチェリー岬 Double Cherry Cape Double Cherry Pass 2:22
29. 人から人へ! スーパースター From Person to Person! Super Star Super Star Sharing 0:30
30. イルミネーションロード Illuminations Road Footlight Lane 2:10
31. キラーエクスプレス The Bullet Bill Express The Bullet Bill Express 2:48
32. スーパータワーへの道 The Super Tower's Road The Great Tower 1:56
33. ネコクッパ Cat Bowser Meowser 0:26
34. スーパータワーの決戦1 Decisive Battle of the Super Tower 1 The Great Tower Showdown 1 1:25
35. スーパータワーの決戦2 Decisive Battle of the Super Tower 2 The Great Tower Showdown 2 2:04
36. ネコクッパの最期 The End of Cat Bowser Final Curtain for Meowser 0:52
37. 大団円 Grand Finale Grand Finale 0:22
38. スタッフロール Staff Roll The Credits Roll 2:09

Disc 2[edit]

# Japanese title Translated English title Official British English title Length
01. ジュンビチュウ・・・(起動画面) Now Loading... Getting Ready 0:35
02. ようせいの国へ To Sprixie Kingdom Sprixie Kingdom 1:29
03. ツッコンドル遺跡 Conkdor Ruins Conkdor Canyon 2:19
04. ダッシュレーシング Dash Racing Mount Must Dash 1:24
05. 次のワールドへ To the Next World On to the Next World 0:20
06. WORLD 6 World 6 World 6 1:36
07. スノーボールパーク Snowball Park Snowball Park 2:01
08. キノピオの家 Toad House Toad House 0:46
09. 謎のからくり城 Mysterious Mechanism Castle Hands-On Hall 2:19
10. キノピオ隊長とオバケ屋敷 Captain Toad and the Ghost House Captain Toad Plays Peek-a-Boo 1:08
11. 集めたよ! Collected! Captain Toad's Complete Collection 0:05
12. サンサンビーチ~水中 Sunshine Beach ~ Underwater Sunshine Seaside 3:26
13. クッパランドのテーマ Theme of Bowser Land A Boss Approaches 1:16
14. WORLD 7 World 7 World 7 1:09
15. キラー戦車 The Bullet Bill Tank Bowser's Bullet Bill Brigade 2:29
16. プンプン Pom Pom Pom Pom's Theme 2:05
17. のびのびパックンの沼 Piranha Creeper Swamp Piranha Creeper Creek 3:02
18. 巨大マリオ Mega Mario Mega Mario 0:23
19. ルーレットハウス Roulette House Slot Machine 1:12
20. 溶岩湖 Lava Lake Simmering Lava Lake 2:50
21. クッパを追いかけろ! Chase Bowser! On Bowser's Tail 0:43
22. WORLD 8 World 8 World 8 1:22
23. クッパの溶岩城 Bowser's Lava Castle Bowser's Lava Lake Keep 2:38
24. ブンブン Boom Boom Bowser's Minions 1:45
25. プレッシー Plessie Plessie 0:44
26. ザブンリバー Splash River Plessie's Plunging Falls 1:34
27. ミス Miss A Misstep 0:06
28. ボスブンレツ Boss Fission Motley Bossblob 2:10
29. 勝利のマーチ Victory March Victory Parade 0:49
30. コースクリア (Short Ver.) Course Clear (Short Ver.) Course Clear! (Short Version) 0:07
31. いざ! 空の彼方へ Let's Go! Beyond the Sky! Up to the Sky 0:22
32. WORLD 9 World 9 World 9 1:22
33. レインボーパーク Rainbow Park Rainbow Run 1:22
34. カラーパネル de リンク Color Panels de Link Link's Colour Panels 0:36
35. ブロックランド Block Land Super Block Land 1:29
36. WORLD 10~11ー World 10 ~ World 11 World 10, World 11 2:22
37. キノピオ隊長のさいごの冒険 The Last Adventures of Captain Toad Captain Toad's Fiery Finale 2:10
38. チャンピオンシップロード Championship Road Champion Road 4:00
39. スーパーマリオ 3Dワールドのテーマ Theme of Super Mario 3D World SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD Theme 1:38


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Music credits[edit]


  • Every song played during a Bowser-related moment is an arrangement of the theme that plays during Bowser's first appearance in the game. These include the first time the player enters a world, the track "A Boss Approaches," the boss fights against Bowser on Bowser's Muscle Car, World Bowser's music, and The Great Tower of Bowser Land's music.
  • On the album, "Beep Block Skyway" differs from how it sounds in-game, as the in-game version is sequenced and played back in real time during gameplay. The album version lacks the sound effects of the Beep Blocks, has slightly different mixing, and features a different bassline during the second loop.


  1. ^ Nintendo of Europe (March 30, 2015). The Super Mario 3D World Soundtrack is back in stock in the #ClubNintendo Stars Catalogue: Twitter (British English). Retrieved June 29, 2024.
  2. ^ Nintendo of Australia (March 30, 2015). The Super Mario 3D World Soundtrack is back in stock in the #ClubNintendo Stars Catalogue: Twitter (Australian English). Retrieved June 29, 2024.
  3. ^ Napolitano, Jayson (October 30, 2013). Super Mario 3D World features a lot of live music. Destructoid (English). Retrieved June 29, 2024.
  4. ^ Napolitano, Jayson (November 6, 2013). Super Mario 3D World composers talk cats, dogs, and more. Destructoid (English). Retrieved June 29, 2024.
  5. ^ NintendoEverything (November 13, 2013). Super Mario 3D World - live music recording footage. YouTube (English). Retrieved June 29, 2024.
  6. ^ a b c SUPER MARIO 3D WORLD ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK. VGMdb (English). Retrieved May 8, 2020.

External links[edit]