List of Mario Party: Island Tour quotes

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This is a list of quotes from Mario Party: Island Tour.

Blue Toad

Time Attack

American English version

  • "Welcome to Time Attack, where the only thing better than speed is MORE SPEED!"
  • "We're going to play some minigames as fast as possible. I'll be keeping track of your time!"
  • "Are you ready to get started, or do you want more information?"
  • "All right, let's party!"
  • "Here comes your first minigame. Good luck!"
  • "Wow, that's an amazing time, [character]!"
  • "Well done, [character]! Keep up the good work!"
  • "Get ready for your next minigame!"
  • "This is your last minigame! Giddyup!"
  • "Whew! That's it! Thanks for playing Time Attack. Now let's see how you did."
  • "Hey, you got some Party Stars!"
  • "I'll lower your overall time by 3 seconds for each Party Star you collected."
  • "Let's take a look at your time..."'

British English version

  • "Welcome to Time Attack!"
  • "Complete 10 minigames as fast as you can. I'll be keeping track of your time!"
  • "Shall we get going?"
  • "Let's start Time Attack!"
  • "This is the first minigame in line to attack!"
  • "Amazing! That record was smashed, [character]!"
  • "Don't give up now, [character]!"
  • "Come on, [character], you can turn this around!"
  • "This is the next minigame waiting to attack!"
  • "This is the final attack! Here's your minigame!"
  • "And Time Attack is over! Well done!"
  • "You got stars!"
  • "For every star you got, three seconds will be knocked from your clear time total."
  • "Let's take a look at your time..."'


Bowser's Peculiar Peak / Bowser's Bizarre Volcano

American English version

  • "Welcome to Bowser's Peculiar Peak, where reaching the goal first means you lose!"
  • "Along the way, you'll battle each other in minigames for the right to go LAST!"
  • "Don't keep me waiting at the goal! Let's..."party." BWAHAHA!"
  • "If you make it to the goal, you'll have the honor of playing a wonderfully terrifying game with ME!"
  • "So get moving! BWAHAHA!"
  • "Oh, I almost forgot. I command you to battle it out in a minigame to determine the turn order!"
  • "(4th place player's name)! You got last place, so here's a 1-6 Bowser Dice Block. Enjoy! Can't wait to see ya!"
  • "(3rd place player's name)! You came in third, so you get a 1-3 Bowser Dice Block. It's Bowserrific! BWAHAHA!"
  • "(2nd place player's name), you're our runner-up, so here's a 1-2 Bowser Dice Block. Think of it as a consolation prize!"
  • "Well, well, well. Fancy (1st place player's name) got first place. No Bowser Dice Blocks for you. Yet..."
  • "(1st place player's name), in first place? BAH! You still get a 1-2 Bowser Dice Block, so don't get too excited." (2 or 3 player game)
  • "So let's get moving! (4th place player's name), you're up first. Can't wait to see you, friend!"
  • "Bah, enough fun and games! Now we know who has to go first...and who has the "best" Bowser Dice Blocks!"
  • "You rolled doubles? UGH. Well, whatever. I guess you can stay where you are. FOR NOW."
  • "GAH, I hate it when this happens. You rolled doubles, so you can stay where you are. RARGH!"
  • "What's this? You rolled doubles? I can't believe it! That means you get to stay put."
  • "Hah! Bet you wish you could have that roll back. TOO BAD! So you moved (number) spaces forward... deal with it!"
  • "Oh, too bad! You just jumped an extra (number) spaces forward. I'll see you soon!"
  • "Sorry. Looks like you had to move (number) spaces forward. Wait. What am I saying? I'm not sorry! BWAHAHA!"
  • "OH HO HO! An extra (number) spaces means you're closer than ever to the goal!"
  • "Meh. You went back (1-3) space(s). Like I care!"
  • "What? You got to go back 4 spaces? I didn't think you'd be THAT lucky."
  • "You went back 6 spaces? What is going on around here? I demand answers!"
  • "Ah, welcome to the Bowser Blockade. I set this barrier up to give poor souls like you a sporting chance! Ah, but there's a catch..."
  • "You must press one of these two detonators!"
  • "One of them will do nothing. The other will BLAST THE BLOCKADE TO DUST! BWAHAHA!"
  • "Good luck figuring out which one to press!"
  • "Alright, let's see what happens!"
  • "Let's try this again. Choose a button! I might have switched them around. Then again, maybe I didn't! BWAHAHA!"
  • "Argh! The wall is still standing! I can't believe it!"
  • "BWAHAHA! That wasn't the right one! On you go!"
  • "Oh, cheer up! It's not all bad news! Why, look at this! It's a Warp Space! But which way will it warp you? Your guess is as good as mine! Give it a try, won't you? BWAHAHA!"
  • "Don't forget - I'm waiting for you at the goal. We'll meet again...SOON!"
  • "It is decided! Time to play (selected minigame)!"
  • "What? We have a tie for last place? Well, leave it to me to break the tie!"
  • "All right, time for another minigame! There are Bowser Dice Blocks on the line!"
  • "BWAHAHAHA! The goal is just around the corner! So let's see who's in first...I mean, LAST place!" (Showing the current standings)
  • "I feel like this area isn't dangerous enough... Ah! I know! How about some new Bowser Spaces! HA HA!"
  • "Oh, and from now on, the player in last place will select which minigames to play. That should spice things up! Now hurry up and get to the goal, everyone. I'm waiting!"
  • "Ah, what's this? You landed on an Event Space! Let's see what happens."
  • "ARGH! You were almost at my doorstep. Never mind! This only delays the inevitable. BWAHAHA!"
  • "BWAHAHA! Look how far you went! Now there are only 8 spaces between you and the goal!"
  • "What? It says that your fate is to go back (number) spaces. This can't be right!" (When the player goes back spaces)
  • "GAH! Well, no matter. I'm sure you'll be knocking on my door before long. Off you go!"
  • "Well, what do we have here? It looks like the player in first place is almost at the goal. BWAHAHA! It won't be long now, but I'm still impatient. Hurry up!"
  • "Feeling nervous, (player's name)? You're only (number) space(s) away from me now!"
  • "With any luck, you'll make it to the goal right now! Come on. Roll the dice and see what happens!"
  • "BWAHAHA! I've been waiting for this, (player's name)!"
  • "It's time for the Bowser Challenge! Lose this, and you lose the game!"
  • "Here's how it works. You step on the platforms and roll. The number you roll is the number I knock away."
  • "So if you roll 1-3, you'll be safe for a little while. Roll 4 or higher, and you're going for a ride. BWAHAHA!"
  • "It's fiendish isn't it? Go on-admit it! I want to hear your honest feedback. And your yelps of despair!"
  • "Unbelievable! You rolled doubles just like that? Perhaps I underestimated you."
  • "What? You rolled doubles? NOOO!"
  • "You rolled doubles here? Just when you needed it? THIS CAN'T BE!"
  • "All right, here we go again!"
  • "BOOM. Here I go!"
  • "I'll stop there... for now. Enjoy your brief respite from doom!" (When rolling three or below)
  • "Sayonara! BWAHAHA!" (When rolling four or higher)
  • "And THAT is the game! (4th place player's name) got last place. BWAHAHA! Let's see how everyone else did."
  • "The winner is (1st place player's name), who was the farthest from my clutches when the game ended."
  • "It looks like we have more than one winner! How is that possible? BAH!"
  • "Nevertheless, (one of 1st place) and (other of 1st place) both managed to stay far, far away from me, so they both win!" (tie for 1st at game's end)
  • "I can't believe it. (first player in 1st place), (second player in 1st place) and (third player in 1st place) all tied for first? Bowser demands a rematch! But seriously, you are all winners. I grant you my grudging congratulations. ARGH!" (When 3 players tie for 1st)

British English version

  • "You're in Bowser's Bizarre Volcano, where reaching the goal means you lose!"
  • "Every turn, you have to play a minigame to determine the order of play!"
  • "Don't make me wait at the goal! Let's party!"
  • "Come to the goal and experience the most terrifying game of your life!"
  • "Just creep towards me! GA HA HA HA!"
  • "All right! Let's decide the order of play with a minigame!"
  • "(4th place player's name)! You came in last place, so have a 1-6 Bowser Dice Block to use with your normal dice block!"
  • "(3rd place player's name)! You came in third place, so have this 1-3 Bowser Dice Block to use with your normal dice block!"
  • "(2nd place player's name)! You came in second place, so have this 1-2 Bowser Dice Block to use with your normal dice block!"
  • "(1st place player's name)! You came in first, so no Bowser Dice Block for you. Hmph!"
  • "It looks like (4th place player's name) lost, so go ahead, losers first!"
  • "So now we know the play order and you've got your Bowser Dice Blocks!"
  • "Gah! I see you have luck on your side! You rolled a double, so you can stay where you are."
  • "You rolled a double, so you can stay where you are. This is no fun!"
  • "...You rolled a double? Then, as much as this pains me, you can stay where you are!"
  • "Oh no! You landed on a Lucky Space! Now you get to go back the number of spaces displayed on the spin wheel."
  • "Fine, go back (1-3) spaces. See if I care."
  • "You moved (number) spaces! GA HA HA! How wonderful!"
  • "Leaping (number) spaces in a single bound! You'll be at the goal in no time!"
  • "You've reached the Bowser Blockade! You can't go past this point! How lucky for you! ...But!"
  • "Press one of these two plungers and..."
  • "BOOM! The bomb explodes, the wall comes down, and you can proceed!"
  • "You'll never know which plunger is the right one until you press it! Go on, push a plunger!"
  • "The wall! It's still standing! Luck was with you this time!"
  • "Which plunger will blow things up? Go ahead and pick one!"
  • "GA HA HA! You brought down the wall! On you go! Go on!"
  • "Here's some good news for you! Look at this interesting space ahead!"
  • "Stop here and you'll be flung to another space! It's a fearsome space! GA HA HA!"
  • "I'm waiting for you at the goal! We'll meet again! GA HA HA!"
  • "Ohhh! You've landed on an Event Space!"
  • "Oh, and you were so close to the goal! You should thank your lucky stars."
  • "GA HA HA HA! You're getting close to the goal! Let's see how everyone's doing!"
  • "Have a gift, courtesy of me! Some Bowser Spaces to keep you busy!"
  • "There's more! From now on, the losing player chooses the minigame! Now it's 100 times the fun! Hurry over here to the goal!"
  • "What? There's more than one of you in last place? In that case, I'll choose."
  • "(4th place player's name)! Give it your best shot!"
  • "What?! Your fate is to go back (number) spaces!" (When the player goes back spaces)
  • "Gah! Lucky... Well, off you trot, (number) spaces back..."
  • "GA HA HA! Come on, just a little further to the goal! Hurry! Come on! Hurry to the goal to face your defeat!"
  • "If you're lucky, you'll reach the goal! Don't be scared of what your next dice roll will bring you!"
  • "GA HA HA! It was only a matter of time, (player's name)!"
  • "If you lose the Bowser Challenge, you've lost the game!"
  • "Here's how it works. You roll the dice block from the platform. The number you roll is the number I knock away!"
  • "Pretty scary, right? So go on - roll the dice block!"
  • "So, that's the number of hits I get! I hope you're ready!"
  • "I didn't get enough hitting in, but I'll stop here. You lucky fool, you."
  • "Go on, get rolling!"
  • "Feel my wrath! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
  • "(4th place player's name) has left us, which means this game is over!"
  • "The winner is the player furthest from the goal. Good for you, (1st place player's name)!"
  • "The winners are the players who are the furthest away from the goal!" (If two or three players win)
  • "(one of 1st place) and (other of 1st place) are in the same space, so they win! Ugh!" (If 2 players are tied)
  • "What's this? (first player in 1st place), (second player in 1st place) AND (third player in 1st place) are on the same space? Then you're all winners! Even I have to congratulate you on that. Well done!" (When 3 players tie for 1st)

Bowser's Tower

American English version

  • "What's this? Why wasn't I invited to the party? BAH! I'll make my own party! A party fit for Bowser. BWAHAHA!"
  • "You're ALL invited to join me at this party! BWAHAHA!"
  • "I've got some great ideas for party favors! Oh ho ho..."
  • "What? We have a visitor? It looks like [character]! Here to try and stop me from making more bubbles, no doubt."
  • "Oh, but it's far too late. Nothing can stop me now! BWAHAHA!"
  • "I hope you don't think I'm going to go easy on you or anything." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Minions! Head out and stop the trespasser!"
  • "Not so fast! Before I allow you to play another minigame, I've got a surprise for you..."
  • "It's a random punishment! BWAHAHA! Because climbing the tower isn't hard enough already."
  • "So we'll just take a quick look at Bowser's List and see what delightful penalty I get to inflict! FUN!"
  • "All right, it is decided. You are hereby invited to the top floor. Wait, WHAT?"
  • "I can't allow that! What kind of boss would I be if I just let heroes visit my fortress without a fight?"
  • "BWAHAHA! Sorry to get your hopes up, but you'll still have to reach the top all by yourself."
  • "All right, hand over all your Mario Party Points!"
  • "(What am I going to do with all these things, anyway?)"
  • " know what? I'm feeling benevolent. You can keep your precious points... FOR NOW."
  • "There you have it. Get ready to fall down 1 floor!"
  • "That's such a weak punishment, it's practically a reward! Go on–celebrate your good fortune!"
  • "You'll even have a chance to play more minigames. This is way better than you deserve!"
  • "Aww, you knocked over my Goomba Tower. BOO HOO–I have a million of those!"
  • "It's called TOUGH LOVE, and it makes you tough! How do you think I got so tough?" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Besides, I have other ways of keeping you out. More formidable guards, with FANGS and scary noises! Just you wait!"
  • "You won't make it much farther! BWAHAHA!"
  • "Grr! I should have spent more time training that Chain Chomp!"
  • "Aw, who am I kidding? There's a special place in my black heart for you, Son." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "BAH, never mind. I have a feeling my next guard will give you a perfectly chilly reception!"
  • "So good luck with that. I'll just keep cranking out my evil bubbles! BWAHAHA!"
  • "Really? You defeated Mr. Blizzard? That's...actually kind of impressive."
  • "You're really a chip off the old block! I'm so proud... Sniff!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I mean...HA! IT MEANS NOTHING. My next guard has an even more formidable mustache than Mario!"
  • "There's simply no way you're going to make it all the way to the top of my tower! It's inconceivable!"
  • "UGH. Poor King Bob-omb. Up in smoke. What's next, [character]? WHO ARE YOU?"
  • "You''re almost as strong as ME!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Meh, WHATEVER! The next guard is a close family friend. BWAHAHA!"
  • "Everything up until now has been child's play compared to what you're about to face! Good luck! OH HO HO!"
  • "I can't believe it. Dry Bowser failed me? ARGH! Well, [character], you leave me no choice..."
  • "I should be mad...but I'm just so proud! Good job, Son!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I'll just have to stop you myself!"
  • "If you make it this prepared to face Bowser! I'll show you the full extent of my power! BWAHAHA!"
  • "Welcome! How do you like the place? I hope my associates have made you feel welcome. BWAHAHA!"
  • "But enough chitchat! I'm busy sucking the fun out of the Party Islands and trapping it in tiny bubbles..."
  • "And you're the only person in my way! So, let's see if you've got what it takes."
  • "BWAHAHA! A little father-son rivalry never hurt anyone. Bring it on, Son!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Bring it on!"
  • "BWAHAHA! You celebrate too soon! That wasn't even my final form!"
  • "BWAHAHA! Did you think I'd let my own son defeat me like that? I hope you had fun playing the hero, kiddo!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "That thing you defeated was merely a bubble decoy. Now I'll show you the real me!"
  • "Well, Junior always said he wanted to be a hero, so I gave him the opportunity." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I can do anything! Take this!"
  • "Hey, Junior! Take Toad with you, and go back to the first floor!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "If you really want to stop me, you must challenge me again!"
  • "You should come back and visit me again soon, Junior! I'll be waiting." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Because this isn't over! I welcome you back to Bowser's Tower anytime! BWAHAHA!"

British English version

  • "GA HA HA HA! What's stopping me from having my own party on Party Island? Nothing, that's what!"
  • "I hereby name this Bowser's Tower!"
  • "I'll make my own bubbles in this tower!"
  • "Is that a visitor at the door of my tower? Come in, [character]!"
  • "Try to get to the top floor if you can, but you can't stop me creating my bubbles!"
  • "Not even you, my son!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Go, my minions! Go!"
  • "Gosh, look at the time! It's Bowser Spin Wheel 'o clock!"
  • "Let's find out what new wonder my beautiful tower has in store for you, [character]!"
  • "Spin that Bowser Spin Wheel!"
  • "I hope you're ready to lose all of your Mario Party Points! ...Er." (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "Lose all your Mario Party Points!")
  • "Wow, even I'd feel mean doing that. This is a strange and uncomfortable feeling and I don't like it."
  • "Let's just pretend this never happened! You can thank me later."
  • "Are you ready? Your doom is to start again from the ground floor! ...Hmm." (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "Start again from the ground floor!")
  • "All right, even I think that would be too much."
  • "I'll let it go this time and we'll say no more about it. You'd better be grateful!"
  • "All right! You're cordially invited to the top floor! ...Wait, that can't be right." (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "You're invited to the top floor!")
  • "If I did that, then how would you enjoy all the hard work I put into my beautiful tower?"
  • "Sorry. Nice try, but you're just going to have to climb up like everyone else!"
  • "Good, then it's settled. My underlings will get way stronger!" (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "Underlings get much stronger")
  • "What great news! Don't you think so? Your enemies will be super strong!"
  • "What's wrong? Personally, I think this is a great way to boost the fun factor of the minigames! Right?"
  • "Oh, this is priceless! You have to fall down a floor!" (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "Fall one floor down")
  • "I don't think you appreciate how happy this makes me! Down you go!"
  • "Look on the bright side! At least you get to play more minigames this way!"
  • "Let's see! My underlings get a little strength boost, eh?" (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "Underlings get slightly stronger")
  • "Isn't that great? Don't forget that when you next face them they'll be stronger than you're used to!"
  • "Don't look like that. This way the minigames will be even more fun! You should be thanking me!"
  • "Your punishment receive 1,000,000 Mario Party Points! Wait, no! I think I read it wrong!" (if the Bowser Spin Wheel lands on "Get 1,000,000 free Mario Party Points!")
  • "Nope, that's definitely what it says. I can't allow it, of course. You'll miss out on the fun of collecting them!"
  • "You'll have to learn the value of hard work and earn them yourself!"
  • "Hey, what do you think you're doing?! You just ruined a perfectly good Goomba Tower!"
  • "Although you are my son. I guess I'm a little proud..." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "No matter, I've got surprises in wait for you! Think fangs. BIG fangs!"
  • "This is the end of the tour! GA HA HA HA!"
  • "Chain Chomp, no! What did Chain Chomp ever do to you?! Why would you do that?"
  • "...That was some pretty good work, though. Following in your old dad's footsteps, I see." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I'm not done yet! You'd better watch out for a great white guard crossing your path!"
  • "If you think you can stop me from creating more bubbles, you're wrong! GA HA HA HA!"
  • "Come on, did Mr. Blizzard really deserve that? I've got my eye on you, [character]!"
  • "That's my boy, all right!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "But I still have some tricks up my sleeve! My next guard will go out with a bang!"
  • "Surely you can't think that you'll get any further up this tower! You need a reality check! GA HA HA HA!"
  • "N-not King Bob-omb! How could this be?! Just who are you, anyway?"
  • "I guess you must have learned it from watching your dad! You're a good kid." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I'm not finished just yet! You can tell that my next guard has been drinking his milk, from his big, strong bones!"
  • "And that'll be the end of you! You can't stand against him! GA HA HA HA!"
  • "Y-you just knocked over Dry Bowser like he was nothing! Whatever...! I'm... I'm not scared of you!"
  • "Wow, though, I didn't realise you'd got this strong!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "You've forced my hand. I have no other choice. It's time for you to face your ultimate opponent: ME!"
  • "You want to get up here? I'd like to see you try, [character]!"
  • "Ah, you came! How do you like my penthouse suite?"
  • "I'm going to fill Party Island with my bubble creations!"
  • "I'll put a stop to your delusions of grandeur! It's time to face me!"
  • "...I don't care if you are my son! I'll still take you down if you try to stop me!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "[character]! Come at me! Show me what you've got! GA HA HA HA HA!"
  • "GA HA HA! Don't celebrate just yet!"
  • "GA HA HA! Did you have fun playing hero[sic], son?" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "That was a mere bubble copy of yours truly! GA HA HA HA HA!"
  • "My boy here says he wants to be a hero, so I've whipped up some more fun for the two of us!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I can do anything! Take this!"
  • "Bowser Jr., bring Toad with you and we'll have fun playing over again from the ground floor!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "I'll be back with a bigger, better plan to ruin your fun next time!"
  • "Don't forget, I'll always be waiting at the top of my tower, if you want to spend some quality time with your dad!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Your tour of Bowser's Tower isn't over yet! We'll meet again! GA HA HA!"
  • "I'm looking forward to seeing you again! GA HA HA HA HA!" (to Bowser Jr.)


American English version

  • "Oh, hello. Don't mind me! I'll just slip a Bowser Card into the deck and be on my way. BWAHAHAHAHA!" (Handing out the Bowser Card in Shy Guy's Shuffle City)
  • "BAH! Nobody apologizes on my behalf! I'll be back in 3 rounds with a fiendish surprise for the player with my card!"
  • "Well, hello! I do believe it's penalty time! Let's see who has my precious Bowser Card..." (Determining who gets the Bowser Penalty in Shy Guy's Shuffle City)
  • "Ooh, one of my favorite penalties! You get to warp all the way back to last place, YES!"
  • "Wait a second... You're already IN last place! GAH. That's not very satisfying."
  • "Oh, this is GREAT! You have to go back a whole 6 spaces! What a penalty!"
  • "Whoops! You have the Bowser Card, and that means you can't participate in the Final Challenge. BWAHAHA!"
  • "That must be so disappointing. Like I care! Hurry up and go back 3 spaces. I command it!"

British English version

  • "GA HA HA! Here's a Bowser Card to slip in the deck!" (Handing out the Bowser Card in Shy Guy's Shuffle City)
  • "I'll be back in three turns, and whoever has the Bowser Card will be sorry!"
  • "GA HA HA! Time for a penalty! Let's see which of you is holding the Bowser Card..." (Determining who gets the Bowser Penalty in Shy Guy's Shuffle City)
  • "You! (character)! Come here and let me give you a penalty!"
  • "What kind of penalty should I give you? Time to spin the Bowser Spin Wheel and find out!"
  • "Tch! What kind of punishment is that? That's not even that far!"
  • "Go on, then, toodle back 1 space. I guess."
  • "GA HA HA! You have to go back 6 spaces! This is the greatest penalty ever!"
  • "Enjoy your trip 6 spaces backwards, (character)! GA HA HA HA!"
  • "And that's all the Bowser Penalty you're going to get! ...Until next time! GA HA HA!"

Bowser Jr.

  • "Alright!"
  • "Yahoo! I'm the best!"
  • "Ouch!"

Green Toad

Bowser's Tower

American English version

  • "Hey! [character]! Wait for me!"
  • "Whew! I heard that you were going to try climbing Bowser's Tower, and I thought I might be able to help you!"
  • "What do you think? Want me to tag along?"
  • "All right! I'll do my best! Now let's go tackle the tower!"
  • "Thank you!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Wait a second. Isn't Bowser your father, Bowser Jr.? This could make the holidays really awkward." (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Aw, never mind. I know you'll do your best. Good luck!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Now, let's take that tower by storm!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Hmm. It looks like these doors lead to different minigame battles."
  • "Aaah! Look at those! They're like...weird bubble clones of Mario! They must be Bowser's creations."
  • "Oh my goodness. Those look just like Daisy. I'm kind of creeped out!"
  • "Gah! It's ME! And there are 3 of me! Well, this might sound weird, but do your worst to me!"
  • "Hey, look! It's Luigi. Wait. No, it's Bowser's 3 weird Luigi clones! Well, don't be fooled by their friendly demeanor... Take 'em out!"
  • "Ahh! Not Peach! This is no way to treat a princess..."
  • "And here are some bizarro Waluigis. To be honest, they're not that different from the real Waluigi. You know what to do..."
  • "Oh man, Bowser even made copies of Wario. Though I really doubt they could be more mischievous than the real Wario!"
  • "Eek! It's Bowser's strange copies of Bowser Jr.! Make 'em go away!"
  • "These Yoshis are just a They must be more of Bowser's awful creations. Well, don't panic–I know you can beat them!"
  • "Boo...who? Those aren't the Boos I know. Let's take 'em down!"
  • "I could be wrong, but I think you'll need to win a minigame to get past one of these doors."
  • "Watch out, [character]! Bowser wasn't kidding when he said his underlings would be getting tougher."
  • "Hey, check it out...a Roulette Block!"
  • "Somebody must have left it here for us! How thoughtful."
  • "Well, I'll just give it a bump..."
  • "Nice! The Mini Star made 1 of Bowser's underlings disappear!"
  • "Amazing! Looks like the Mini Stars made 2 of Bowser's underlings disappear!"
  • "It's your lucky day! The Mini Stars just made ALL of Bowser's underlings disappear!"
  • "[character], are you OK? Don't let that little setback get you down. You can still defeat Bowser!"
  • "Whoops. Someone forgot to turn on the lights in here."
  • "Well, that's OK. I'm not scared."
  • "Gah! Correction: I am now scared. There's a massive Goomba Tower straight ahead!"
  • "Wow, you did it, [character]! Of course. I totally knew you could do it."
  • "Hey, who turned out the lights in here?"
  • " that what I think it is?"
  • "Ahhh! It's a Chain Chomp!"
  • "Whew! That was an epic battle, but you made it! Great job, [character]!"
  • "Hmm. More darkness. I'm sensing a theme here..."
  • "Except this time, it seems a bit colder than usual."
  • "Brrr! No wonder–that's Mr. Blizzard!"
  • "Thank goodness you're here, [character]! That last boss would have iced me for sure!"
  • "Hmm. Dark room, ominous shadows..."
  • "This usually means we're in trouble!"
  • "Oh dear. I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was THIS bad. That's King Bob-omb!"
  • "Oh, thank you for saving me, [character]! I'm allergic to bombs, you see."
  • "At this point, I would be surprised if the lights were on."
  • "It sure is dusty in here. COUGH!"
  • "Oh! Maybe that Dry Bowser over there has something to do with it!"
  • "Wow, not even that boss could rattle you. Way to go, [character]!"
  • "This is it, [character]! It's time to face your strongest opponent yet..."
  • "Well, this is what I warned you about. Are you ready to face off against dear old Dad?" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "This is it! You've made it this far–I just know you can win!"
  • "Woo-hoo! You really did it, [character]! You took on Bowser and beat him at his own game."
  • "Hmm. It looks like Bowser is making his bubbles up on the roof. Let's go put a stop to his madness!"
  • "Ah! This must be the machine he's using. Let's destroy it!"
  • "Uh-oh. I should have known Bowser would employ some of his toughest underlings to guard the place."

British English version

  • "Waaait! [character], wait for meeeeeee!"
  • "I heard that you were going to Bowser's Tower, so I came chasing after you!"
  • "I thought maybe I could help you..."
  • "Thank you so much! All right, let's show that tower what's what! In we go!"
  • "Thank you!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "But Bowser Jr., isn't Bowser your dad?" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "Sorry, I guess it's not really any of my business... I've got your back, Bowser Jr.!"
  • "Let's go into the tower!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "What's that by the doors? Are those minigames?"
  • "M-Mario? Could they all be...? Ack, nope! They're Bowser's cheap knock-offs!"
  • "These ones look like Daisy! The similarity is so astonishing, it's creepy!"
  • "Oh no! These ones look like me! They may be as cute as can be, but you have to beat them!"
  • "They...look like Luigi, but there's something strange... They're just copies!"
  • "No! Not Peach! This is going to be hard for me to watch...but you have to defeat them!"
  • "Ahh, it's Waluigi! They're even the right height!"
  • "Are they supposed to be Wario? They even look as mischievous as the real thing..."
  • "Eek! It's Bowser's strange copies of Bowser Jr.! Make 'em go away!"
  • "Ack! Yoshi? They're not real, remember! It's all right to defeat them!"
  • "Eek! One Boo is enough, I think! I can't be doing with these creepy fakes!"
  • "If you don't win the minigame, I don't think you'll be able to go through the door."
  • "Please be careful, [character]! Those underlings are going to be stronger than they used to be!"
  • "Oh, what's that? A Roulette Block!"
  • "I guess a friend must have left it here for us!"
  • "Let me just... KA-POW!"
  • "Yay! One of Bowser's underlings has vanished! All thanks to that Mini Star!"
  • "Whoa! Those Mini Stars made two of Bowser's underlings disappear! Small but mighty!"
  • "Amazing! Those Mini Stars made all of Bowser's underlings disappear! Yay!"
  • "Are you all right, [character]? There's no time to feel sorry for ourselves. Let's get back on the horse and get going!"
  • "I can't see anything ahead. Sorry, I just have really bad night vision..."
  • "That's...!"
  • "My goodness! A Goomba Tower! Knock it down before it can get us!"
  • "You did it, [character]! That was amazing! I was rooting for you the whole time!"
  • "Hey, I can't see anything! Why is it so dark?"
  • "Wait... No way..."
  • "Ahhh! It's a Chain Chomp!"
  • "Hey, well done [character]! You showed them what for!"
  • "More darkness. I'm sensing a pattern here. ...Is it just me, or is it cold in here?"
  • "Is that who I think it is...?"
  • "Say it isn't true! It's Mr. Blizzard!"
  • "[character], you did it! That was the coolest thing I've ever seen!"
  • "Oh no, not this again! Hmm, I wonder where that rumbling is coming from. Probably nowhere good..."
  • "Oh no, this can't be happening!"
  • "It's K-K-King Bob-omb!"
  • "Phew, I'm so glad you won, [character]! You're really good at this!"
  • "Please tell me I'm not looking at another dark room... I have a really bad feeling about this."
  • "Something's there!"
  • "Dry Bowser! Is this a nightmare?!"
  • "You defeat him, [character]! I wish I was as strong as you!"
  • "[character], we finally made it. Ahead lies your strongest opponent yet!"
  • "Our strongest opponent... And your dad! Are you sure you're mentally prepared for this?! It's like a movie!" (to Bowser Jr.)
  • "This is what everything's been leading up to! You'll need all your strength and all your skill to win!"
  • "I can't believe it! [character], you did it! You defeated Bowser!"
  • "If I'm right, Bowser's making those bubbles from the roof! We have to stop him!"
  • "Hey, do you see that machine? That's got to be where the bubbles are coming from. Let's smash it!"
  • "Oh no, there are too many of Bowser's underlings here! What can we do?"

Minigame Announcer


Note: The following below are all from Mario Party 9.

  • "Start!"
  • "Finish!"
  • "Ready? Go!"
  • "New Record!" (When Player 1 breaks the record)
  • "Goal!" (Rocket Road only)


American English version

  • "We have a tie! Let's roll the dice to break it."
  • "All right! Here are the final results."

British English version

  • "It looks like we have a draw, so let's determine the result with a dice roll!"
  • "All right! This is the final result."

Princess Daisy

  • "Aw man!"

Princess Peach

  • "Oh well, next time."


  • "No!"
  • "Wa ha ha wah!"

Yellow Toad

Main Menu

  • "Welcome to Mario Party: Island Tour!"
  • "Oh, by the way...happy birthday! What, you don't think I remembered? I hope you have a great day!" (If it's the player's birthday)

Board Introductions

Perilous Palace Path

  • American English version: "Welcome to the Perilous Palace Path, where you must overcome obstacles and use items to reach the goal!"
  • British English version: "Welcome to Perilous Palace Path, where the castle is your goal!"

Banzai Bill's Mad Mountain

  • "Welcome to Banzai Bill's Mad Mountain, a test of luck and courage!"

Star-Crossed Skyway

  • American English version: "Welcome to the Star-Crossed Skyway, where your fate can change faster than you can say "Star Stage"!"
  • British English version: "Welcome to the Star-Crossed Skyway, the land of the four Star Stages!"

Rocket Road

  • American English version: "Welcome to Rocket Road, a space race that you'll need plenty of Boosters to win!"
  • British English version: "Welcome to the Rocket Road through outer space!"

Kamek's Carpet Ride

  • American English version: "Welcome to Kamek's Carpet Ride, where the ride doesn't end until you reach the goal perfectly."
  • British English version: "Welcome to Kamek's Carpet Ride, where everything has to be just right!"

Shy Guy's Shuffle City

  • American English version: "Welcome to Shy Guy's Shuffle City, where you'll need the luck of the draw to win the game!"
  • British English version: "Welcome to Shy Guy's Shuffle City, where you use cards to move!"


American English version

  • "Let's decide the turn order!"
  • "The player who rolled the highest number goes first.
  • "First/Second/Third, (character)!"
  • "Fourth, (character)! And we're all set."
  • "Here we go!"
  • "(slowest character) is in last place again? We don't have all day!"
  • "We have a winner! Please make your way to the podium!"
  • "GUYS! (character) will land perfectly on the goal in 1 turn! Unless someone does something about it..."
  • "(character)! There are only (number of spaces) between you and the goal!"
  • "Great work, (character)! You're almost there! Just watch out for Warp Spaces. They won't help you now."
  • "Wow, (character), you got the best of Bowser on that one! Although, you ARE in last place..."
  • "This is it...the Final Challenge! If you draw the Champion Card, you'll win the game!"
  • "The cat's out of the bag, everyone! Looks like (Bowser Card holder) was the one holding the Bowser Card."
  • "Huh. Well, they say the third time's the charm. So how can you NOT draw the Champion Card this time?"
  • "Oh, man. That's not the right card. And that means you'll have to go back 3 spaces."
  • "Gee, I wonder if the Champion Card is even in this deck..."
  • "Woo-hoo! (1st place player's name) is the winner! Congratulations!"
  • "And (Bowser Card holder) had the Bowser Card. Sorry, (Bowser Card holder), but that means you automatically get last place." (Shy Guy's Shuffle City)

British English version

  • "Let's decide the order of play!"
  • "The order of play has been settled!"
  • "(character) plays first/second/third."
  • "And finally, (character) plays fourth."
  • "Now let's party!"
  • "Someone has the Bowser Card! Check the lower screen to see if it's you!"
  • "Oh dear! Whoever's holding the Bowser Card right now, watch out for the penalty coming in three turns!"
  • "Don't feel too bad, (character). It's not that far. You can walk it off!"
  • "Dear, oh dear, (character)! That penalty was painful to watch!"
  • "Wow, you did it! (1st place player's name), you're the winner! Congratulations!"
  • "Unfortunately, (Bowser Card holder), you came in last place because you were holding the Bowser Card." (Shy Guy's Shuffle City)