List of Wario: Master of Disguise quotes
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This is a list of quotes from Wario: Master of Disguise.
Count Cannoli
- "I blow through like the gentlest breeze, then steal in with the greatest of ease!"
- "Think I'm a threat? I'd have to concur! Lock your doors! I'm the Silver Zephyr!"
- " business! What a luxurious ship! I shall steal its most dazzling treasures!"
- "Oh, my aching... Who...who are you?"
- "Oh! And that's MY wand! Give it back! Relinquish it NOW!"
- "Star? No! You're nobody! Hey! Don't wave that!"
- "P-Purple Wind?! You're a thief, too?"
- "HA! I'm superior to you! Even without that wand!"
- "Wait, no! Oh, my wand! Come back! I really didn't mean it!"
- "H-Hey! What a foul man! Bring back my wand!"
- "Oh, I'll strike when you least expect it...thief!"
- "Last warning! Give that wand back!"
- "The wand you hold in your filthy hand..."
- "It's served my family for generations!"
- "I'd be shamed beyond belief if I lost it! So give it back to me! Immediately!"
- "Without it, I can't turn into the Silver Zephyr, a thief feared by all!"
- "And I'll be stuck as myself...the utterly boring Count Cannoli...forever and ever!"
- "You musn't steal my wand! Or steal my FAME!"
- "I've got you now!"
- "Hoodlum! Return my wand!"
- "You're a slippery one..."
- "But I'll get you soon!"
- "Hmmm. Maybe you do have the heart of a thief."
- "But, Wario, you're no Silver Zephyr!"
- "Are you kidding? It reeks of inelegance!"
- "And YOU'RE the dumb one! Just try to survive!"
- "I've booby-trapped this whole ship already!"
- "Give me back my wand and I'll let you escape."
- "Well then, I shall dog your heels, you amateur."
- "Well, Wario... You've survived a few traps."
- "That's the last straw! No one insults Cannoli!"
- "It's time to take back my wand. And my honor!"
- "No, it can't be..."
- "W-w-wait! You just want treasure, right?!"
- "I can help you steal every bit of it from this ship!"
- "You have my word! Just give me my wand back!"
- "My family honor depends on keeping that wand!"
- "It goes WAY back in my my great-, great-, great..."
- "So I hear. But I can tell that you're...not interested."
- "You're kidding?! I mean...thank you."
- "What a fool. That wand is priceless."
- "I'll just string him along for now."
- "Purple Wind, you'll soon breathe your last..."
- "Ah, not so hard, sir! Old Goodstyle begs you!"
- "Oh, my! A NEW master! At your service, sir!"
- "AH, yes, my new master! And I am known as...Goodstyle!"
- "With merely a wave and a flourish, I've remade all of my masters!"
- "Oh, I've changed paupers into princes! And I've turned zeroes into heroes!"
- "I've even helped many former masters, such as HIM, turn into a master thief!"
- "So whoever you really want to be... Goodstyle is at your service!"
- "Ah, but I've jabbered so. Let me simply show you!"
- "Good day, sir! Care to learn the secrets of thievery? Check out how to suit up. Oh! Check! So funny!"
- "When disguised as Thief Wario, you can leap to tremendous heights, much like a cat burglar!"
- "You should leap at every opportunity that comes your way! Your acrobatics are as quick as my puns!"
- "You also possess a power that's rare among thieves: assault and battery! Fits you well, sir!"
- "Bash anything that gets in your way! Put the "break" into breaking and entering!"
- "If you ever need me to explain this all again, simply pause the action! I'll be delighted to assist!"
- "But do you know how to open it?"
- "What a novel way for a thief to open chests!"
- "But it won't work, sir. They're too tough."
- "Go get a closer look. I'll help pry it open."
- "Indeed! I'll always tell you when we can begin."
- "I'll use a picture to keep it short and sweet!"
- "See? We're ready! Touch it to start!"
- "Give it a try, sir! But first..."
- "Hear me out, just a moment longer!"
- "No, sir. I want every gem you find!"
- "They're... They' delectable!"
- "But more importantly, they're all Guise Gems!"
- "Yes! The more I eat, the more disguises I make!"
- "I can tell you're not going to like this..."
- "Sir! If I may explain! If I eat those gems..."
- "I can disguise you in ways that will help!"
- "You can go more places with more disguises!"
- "While your Thief Wario disguise will help..."
- "More disguises will give you many more powers!"
- "Think of it as an investment, sir!"
- "I'll note your disguises on the upper screen."
- "Eventually, you'll have quite a few of them!"
- "Each gives you powers to start with..."
- "Then superpowers after I get the right Mastery Gem."
- "The Thief Wario outfit never upgrades, however!"
- "Whew! Now go pry open that chest..."
- "I think there's a tasty Guise Gem inside!"
- "Cosmic Wario, low gravity awaits you! To suit up for service, draw a helmet on your head!"
- "Cosmic Wario has the power of laser fire! Isn't technology magnificent? Try it! What straight shots!"
- "Ah, and may I shoot from the hips with more ideas? Fire the laser at ropes and switches, too!"
- "Spot on, sir! Attack the bag to get its coins!"
- "Use different attacks to see which work best!"
- "Ah, let me fill you in on a little detail about Count Cannoli, sir!"
- "The Cannoli family also has access to a stockpile of high-tech trickery!"
- "Good thing all of the machines have serious weaknesses!"
- "Use your disguises and attacks to take advantage of the flaws!"
- "I'll give you hints in the lower-left corner. Now good luck! I'm rooting for you, sir!"
- "It appears the she-demon has fled to the underworld."
- "Terrormisu met her match, thanks to you! She has fled our world at long last!"
- "So perhaps...after all these job is finally done."
- "We join Wario as he's searching, mind...for ways to get rich."
- "Our unlikely hero is about to be struck by inspiration from TV..."
- "Ah, poor guy. And isn't that just the problem! Wario still isn't rich."
- "A popular TV show about a master thief comes on the air..."
- "In this show, a somewhat ordinary fellow walks up to a luxury liner..."
- "Though Wario was trash-talking the TV thief, he really was insanely jealous."
- "Wario keeps watching, drooling at the thought of being a master thief."
- "And then it happened! The thief transformed! Wario drooled even more!"
- "Yes, Wario had come up with one of, brilliant ideas."
- "Wario enters his secret, back room, to make something."
- "What a racket! What in the world is this idea Wario's come up with?"
- "Bah! No treasure leads on the news!"
- "Hmmm? What's this?"
- "Who's this thief? This show looks good! Good way to kill an hour, at least!"
- "This chump is a thief?"
- "How's he gonna steal anything if he's dressed like such a bonehead?"
- "Bah! I want in on the action! This guy ain't worthy!"
- "Blech! What is this?! Amateur hour? If only... Yeah!! I got an idea!"
- "I'm a genius! I'm so good I scare myself!"
- "Yeah! It's done!!"
- "Ta-dah!"
- "If that moron can be on TV, so can I! I was born to be on the boob tube!"
- "Behold the Telmet!"
- "Television! Teleportin'! And, uh, it's a helmet."
- "Let's fire this baby up!"
- "It's meeee! On TeeeVeeee!"
- "Whadda entrance! And for my big break in TV, too!"
- "It worked! I'm a genius! I'm on that dork's show!"
- "Hey, and ain't THAT extra-lucky! That Silver Heifer guy dropped his wand!"
- "Don't know what this wand is good for, but at least I can scratch my back with it!"
- "Or's good for somethin', right, shmancy-pants?"
- "Who am I? ME?! I'm the star of this here show now...Wario!"
- "Do I gotta beat it into your head? I'm Wario!"
- "Wow! A talking wand! And it calls ME sir?!"
- "Check out these duds! Now all's I need is a fancy name like the Silver Zipper..."
- "Umm... Lemme see, I could be... No, that's not it. Maybe... Ha! Got it!!"
- "The Purple Wind! Yes! Silent but deadly!"
- "Good! Cuz you're not getting Goodstyle back!"
- "Ah, bug off already! OK, Goodstyle..."
- "Now that I'm all geared up, let's bust this ship open!"
- "My first chest!"
- "This Purple Wind stuff is already paying off!"
- "Wha-! Oh, Goodstyle... It's you."
- "These puny chests? I'll smash 'em open!"
- "Then what do I gotta do?"
- "Close enough for ya?"
- "Spit it out! You want my autograph?"
- "Guise Gems?"
- "Who cares?!! This thief getup is good enough!"
- "I'm keepin' all gems for myself. For ME!"
- "Help Wario find MORE treasure?"
- "I don't like the idea of losing treasure. But..."
- "Count Cannoli? What a dumb name! Look who's a nobody now!"
- "You're not getting this wand back!"
- "Not gonna happen, chump!"
- "What have we here?! A sack of cash!"
- "What a dumb thief name! Purple Wind is better!"
- "LET ME?!"
- "I'll LET YOU keep that fancy hat, how's that?!"
- "Traps? Those explosions? Thought I had gas? HA!"
- "You fancy-pants freak! Just try it, Cannoli!"
- "Silent but deadly! Smell the Purple Wind!"
- "Bye, loser! I'm off to get rich!"
- "This wand...instead of ALL the treasure?"
- "Can it, Cannoli! Boo-hoo! Cry me a river! I don't care how great your family is!"
- "I just want treasure! And lots of it! think there's a ton of it here?"
- "Trying to read my mind, Cannoli? Don't bother! You'll find NOTHING!"
- "But you got a deal. You help me get treasure. I give you the wand."
- "Another piece of the Wishstone! About time that thing showed up!"
- "What the... Whaaaaa! My tablet!"
- "Hey, fertilizer-breath, that's mine! Give it back!"
- "What is that jerk doing?!"
- "Now, you second-rate demon! Grant my wish!"
- "Come back here, coward! Grant my wish!!"
- "Boo-hoo-hoo! Waaaah! You're so mean! I hurt all over!"
- "You trip up a lady AND you want me to grant your wish?!"
- "Who's the mean one NOW?!"