List of Wario Land 4 quotes

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The Newspaper article seen in the game's opening cut-scene.
The Newspaper article seen in the game's ending cut-scene.

This is a list of quotes found in the Game Boy Advance game Wario Land 4.

Quotes in the game

  • "Legendary Pyramid discovered deep in Jungle!! Legendary Treasure nearly found, but accidents hindered findings."Newspaper article seen in the game's opening cut-scene.
  • "Owww!"Dr. Arewo Stein, when Wario hurts him.
  • "Stop that, please!" – Dr. Arewo Stein, when Wario hurts him repeatedly.
  • "Win medals in mini-games." – The Game Bots in the Mini-Game Shop.
  • "Want to play some more?" – The Game Bots, after Wario finishes playing a mini-game.
  • "Don't you want to play?" – The Game Bots, when Wario leaves the Mini-Game Shop without playing a mini-game.
  • "Welcome to the Item Shop."Princess Game & Watch welcoming Wario to the Item Shop.
  • "Here's a Smile for you!" – Princess Game & Watch, when Wario selects the Smile item in the Item Shop.
  • "Leaving without buying?" – Princess Game & Watch, when Wario exits the Item Shop without buying anything.
  • "Meow!" – The Black Cat in the corridor before a boss battle.
  • "Oh no, no! Hurry up!" – Wario, when he hits the Frog Switch in a level.
  • "Oh sorry!" – Wario saying sorry to the player when no buttons are pressed in a while, and he starts working out.
  • "Hello there!" – English introduction to the Japanese vocal-covered Karaoke.
  • "Thank you, Wario…♥" – Princess Shokora, after Wario rescues her from the Golden Diva and brings her to safety outside the Pyramid.
  • "Steaks! Eat as much as you can!!"Newspaper article seen in the game's ending cut-scene.
  • "If you continue with this saved data, every boss will be revived!" – Wario explaining to the player at the end of the game.

Quotes in the manual

  • "So these are my basic controls! You got a problem with that? Pretty easy, huh? What?! You say it’s hard? Stop complaining and just learn it! If you can’t hold it in your brain, write it down on your hand!"Wario describing his in-game controls.
  • "I ain’t normal! And I don’t mean that I’m stupid! I can do aaalllll kinds o’ stuff that normal humans can’t, you know what I mean? How ‘bout that? Amazing, huh?" – Wario informs the reader of his skills.
  • "My brain is amazing! It’s full of wrinkles, and… Uh… Wait… What am I trying to say?" – Wario messing up his words.
  • "Rumour has it that no one who’s entered the Golden Passage have ever come out alive! Scary!"– Wario warning the player of the dangers found in the Golden Passage.
  • "HEY! Open up the vortex for me, you warty little frog!" – Wario urging the Frog Switch to open the vortex, in order to escape the level.
  • "Yeahhhhh, that’s ME!!! More gorgeous than any Hollywood star! Get a good look at me while you can!!" – Wario describing himself.
  • "Have some fun, why don’t cha! Play mini-games!" – Wario showing his love for the Mini-Game Shop.
  • "This game is perfect for empty-headed dunces that don’t like to think much!! Of course, I’m a genius… I wonder why I’m so good at it?!" – Wario describing his skills for the mini-game The Wario Hop.
  • "My game has a lot of action in high places, but to tell you the truth, I’m afraid of heights!! Waaah! Scary! I’m wigging out!!!" – Wario admits his fear of heights.
  • "I don’t always speak so crudely, you know. I’m just worried about you because you play so badly!! Why do I care? Because I’m the one that feels it when you screw up, that’s why!!! So just try to get better at this game, OK?! I’m begging you!" – Wario, worried that the player will lead Wario into some danger.
  • "For some reason, coins appear when you smash enemies! For some other reason, crystals float around the stages! Don’t think about it too hard, Einstein! There are some supernatural phenomena in the world that just can’t be explained!!" – Wario informing the reader about the Coins.
  • "Haven’t you kids ever done something that made you look stupid? Oh, is that right? Well, FINE then! But even the powerful Wario gets into some embarrassing situations in this game! I eat too much and get all chubby, a bee stings my face and makes it swell like a balloon, my body catches fire, and all kinds of other bad things happen to me!! But I’m a tough guy, so I keep coming back for more! You wimps could learn something from me!" – Wario gives examples of his tough times.
  • "Burp! Grunt! Wheeze! I sweat buckets with every step and I can hardly breathe! How could my slim, gorgeous body get like THIS? I shouldn’t have gotten so greedy and eaten all those apples!! I guess you really are what you eat!!" – Wario, just transformed into Fat Wario.
  • "Those pesky bees!! They’ve made my beautiful face swell up like a balloon! What?! You say I look better this way? I won’t even be able to star in my own commercials looking like this!!" – Wario, just getting stung by a Beezley.
  • "When that twerpy little bat Minicula bites me and sucks my blood, I turn into a bat! My big, macho arms turn into puny little wings!! By the way, what’s my blood type? You sucked my blood, the least you can do is tell me that!! What a pest!!" – Wario, getting a little fired up after transforming into Vampire Bat Wario.
  • "I’ve been smashed flat by a weight!! You’d expect my guts to be all squished and squashed, but wait! What’s this?! How mysterious! How could this be! Now I feel very light and I can squeeze into thin passageways!!" – Wario, just made Flat.
  • "When a mallet hits my head, my long, toned legs turn into a spring! Not great, but it lets me jump amazingly high!" – Wario, just transformed into Bouncy Wario.
  • "Hey!! Wait a sec! What’s happened to me!? I’ve got a fork sticking out of me, but I’m no piece of meat! Who stuck this in me? I’ll get you!" – Wario, just transformed into a Zombie
  • "Somebody! Give me some tissues! It’s not that I need to go to the bathroom or anything, but a lump of snow just fell from the ceiling, and I’ve become a big snowman! Now my nose is running like crazy! What’ll Nintendo do if their BIG STAR gets a cold?!" – Wario, overreacting about transforming into Snowman Wario.
  • "Uh oh! Trouble! I can’t get out of here! I’ve been trapped inside a big bubble!! I’m in bubble trouble! That’s just a little joke of mine, heh heh!! How ‘bout it? Funny huh? You should write that one down!" – Wario, just transformed into Bubble Wario.
  • "Goo-waaah!! Help! I’m on fire! Somebody! Help! In the time it’s taken me to say this, my whole body’s been covered in flames! Don’t you think this is just too much?! I blame the game programmers! I’ll remember this! GRRR!!" – Wario holding grudges when transformed into Flaming Wario.
  • "Hey! After burning, I have to freeze?!! Aaah! What’s going on with this game?! Is this some kind of cruel experiment? Anyone else would’ve given up by now!!" – Wario, Frozen and fed up.
  • "Taking care of most of my enemies is easier than taking candy from babies – which I highly recommend, by the way!! What enemies, you ask? All those stupid little creatures, of course!! Still, there are some enemies that can give me trouble… but I just power through ‘em anyway! Wham! Pow! Blam!" – Wario, explaining how he handles his enemies.
  • "He brags about being a great painter, but trust me - his personality is anything but great! I know, because I'm so charming, right?! Whatever!! I just wish he'd wear pants!! It's only polite, don't you think?!" – Wario describing Hoggus.
  • "He looks like a pushover... Too bad he's not an enemy! I'm out here risking my life and he just sleeps all day! Hey! Keyzer! You'd better wake up and smell the coffee or I'm to smack you one real nice!!" – Wario giving his opinions on Keyzer.
  • "You guys know what CDs are right? That's right, those little shiny record-things! I still listen to records, but maybe you kids don't know anything but CDs these days... Whatever!!" – Wario explaining to the reader what CDs are.
