Life, Advanced

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The Life, Advanced logo, as shown on the official Game Boy Advance website.
The Life, Advanced logo

Life, Advanced was a section of the official Game Boy Advance website. In this section, the user had the option to either submit a story of their own about how they "escaped life's mundane moments with a Game Boy Advance" or read the stories of others. Multiple stories submitted featured games released on the system that were part of the Super Mario franchise.

Submission guidelines[edit]

Material submitted to Nintendo in connection with these activities (e.g., postings to chat, boards, or contests, creative suggestions, ideas, notes, drawings, concepts, or other information (collectively, the "Submissions") shall be deemed, and shall remain, the property of Nintendo upon submission, including all associated copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights. Submissions will not be returned to you. None of the Submissions shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on our part and we shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submissions. By submitting Submissions to Nintendo, you acknowledge and agree that Nintendo will own all rights to use, modify, reproduce, and display the material forever and throughout the world, in any manner or medium now existing or developed in the future, without any compensation to you or any other person or entity. You also acknowledge and agree that, except where prohibited by law, Nintendo has permission to use your name, address, likeness, photograph, and/or biography without limitation, for promotional purposes without further permission or compensation. You may only submit material that is original and has not been copied from any other work. Any material you submit must not violate, misappropriate or infringe any copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of any other person or entity.

Stories relating to the Super Mario franchise[edit]

  • Over the winter holiday I found myself locked in a cabin for a weeklong skiing vacation with my two nutty little sisters, who think it's utterly hilarious to ask me about ten billion times when am I going to fall in love with some airhead from "Dawson's Creek," and my parents, whose idea of getting wild is cranking up this antediluvian (a great word meaning "ancient") band called "Bad Company." How appropriate. Anyway, I spent every evening for a solid week with earphones plugged into my GBA, mastering Wario Land 4 and Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival. Thanks for keeping me from going totally insane, GBA.

submitted[sic] by John C. from St. Louis

  • My GBA saved me form[sic] Boringsville. I go to New York City a lot and my sisters love going to art places. Since I am 10 and they are 13, I have to go with them. Nothing personal but[sic] I do not want to see a bunch of dead guys. Then to my advantage[sic] my Game Boy Advance saved me. Now I play, no, I live in Golden Sun and Super Mario Advance.


  • Rescued from Family Vacation

Well it all[sic] started when I was going on a trip to Las Vegas, well I took my Platinum Game Boy Advance, as we were driving and driving and driving I was playing Super Mario Advance having a blast while driving through the hot Nevada deserts, even when we got there I still played my Game Boy! Get one now! Boredom is not possible with a Game Boy Advance.

Mark E.

External links[edit]