List of Mario Tennis Aces quotes

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This is a list of quotes and dialogue the player can read and hear in Mario Tennis Aces.



  • "First/Second/Third/Fourth/Final set."
  • "Love-15."
  • "Love-30."
  • "Love-40."
  • "15-love."
  • "15-all."
  • "15-30."
  • "15-40."
  • "30-love."
  • "30-15."
  • "30-all."
  • "30-40."
  • "40-love."
  • "40-15."
  • "40-30."
  • "Tiebreaker"
  • "1-0"
  • "1-All"
  • "2-0"
  • "2-1"
  • "2-All"
  • "3-0"
  • "3-1"
  • "3-2"
  • "3-All"
  • "4-0"
  • "4-1"
  • "4-2"
  • "4-3"
  • "4-All"
  • "5-0"
  • "5-1"
  • "5-2"
  • "5-3"
  • "5-4"
  • "5-All"
  • "6-0"
  • "6-1"
  • "6-2"
  • "6-3"
  • "6-4"
  • "6-5"
  • "Deuce."
  • "Advantage, server/receiver."
  • "Game point."
  • "Break point."
  • "Game, server/receiver."
  • "Set point."
  • "Game and set, server/receiver."
  • "Match point."
  • "Championship point."
  • "Game, set and match, server/receiver."


  • "Ha ha! Woo-hoo! Oh, yeah!" (Entrance)
  • "Ya!" (Vault)
  • "Ya ha!" (Hand Spin)


  • "Hello! Hi! Oh, hi!" (Entrance)
  • "Hah!" (Ribbon Fling)
  • "Ha!" (Twirl)


  • "Ha! Oh yeah! Whoo! Whoaaah! Yay, ha!" (Entrance)
  • "Hah!" (Sabre)
  • "Yay!" (Parry)


  • "(giggles) Whoa. Yeah!" (Entrance)
  • "Hoo!" (Satelite Shift)
  • "Oh!" (Galaxy Warp)

Story Mode


  • "Visitors to the Temple of Bask... Before all else, I require a display of skill."
  • "I sense strength and honor, as well as great potential. I believe you have what it takes to overcome this trial."
  • "Use the different shots you know of to solve the mystery and open up the Gate of Trials."
  • "Master Mario! I have been awaiting your most fated of arrivals!"
  • "I am Aster, humble guardian of the noble King Bask. It is my duty to watch over the one called Lucien."
  • "Lucien, as you most certainly already know, is the name of an almighty racket. It is a dangerous being with the power to control people!"
  • "King Bask, who once ruled this kingdom, was awed by the racket's power and took it as his own. In the destroyed the entire kingdom."
  • "But with the last of his power, our king somehow managed to seal Lucien away."
  • "King Bask stripped the racket of its power. Then he divided said power between five Power Stones, which he hid in different areas of this island."
  • "To ensure that no one could ever restore Lucien's power to control people against their will, he hid the racket away in a secret room in this very temple."
  • "Since then, many ages have passed. Time took its toll, and that room fell into ruin, breaking the seal. That's when the racket fell into new hands."
  • "Lucien had no trouble at all controlling two men so wholly motivated by greed."
  • "I am certain that fell racket will try to gather the five Power Stones and reclaim its original power."
  • "Our only hope is for you to gather the five Power Stones before Lucien does!"
  • "It can surely sense where its power resides. At some point in your journey, I am afraid you will have to face those who wield Lucien's might."
  • "You must master the powerful tennis move called the Special Shot, which has been passed down for countless ages. Do that, and you may just prevail."
  • "There is a contraption in this temple that allowed the ancient people of the Kingdom of Bask to train. Here you may discover new powers hidden within."
  • "In order to use the Special Shot, you must first master a new power called the Zone Shot."
  • "With your natural prowess, I'm sure you'll have no trouble detecting the star point, where easy-to-hit balls fall."
  • "If you jump high at a star point, you'll be able to hit the ball to various spots on the court."
  • "Fantastic!"
  • "The power of the Zone Shot will damage your opponent's racket."
  • "An opponent whose last racket breaks from excessive damage will be unable to continue, which means they will lose the match."
  • "Perfect the Zone Shot, and the way you approach tennis will be forever changed. That is no exaggeration – merely fact."
  • "If you think of a Zone Shot as an attack technique, there is also a defensive technique that can counter it."
  • "It's called Zone Speed, and it sharpens your focus to the extreme, seemingly slowing the flow of time so that you can easily chase down the ball."
  • "When your opponent sends a ball flying, allow all distractions to melt away! Get in the zone!"
  • "Exceptional!"
  • "Zone Speed is a great way to catch up to the ball And don't worry – using it won't reduce the power of your Zone Shot."
  • "It's also advisable to work on your block timing so you can protect your racket from your opponent's Zone Shots."
  • "Are you weary, Master Mario?"
  • "Zone Shots and Zone Speed are both new to you, so try to keep in mind that they take a heavy toll on your energy."
  • "To pull off such powerful moves, you'll need to find some way to increase your energy."
  • "Your energy will increase gradually as you continue rallies and pull off Charge Shots."
  • "There's also an incredibly powerful move called a Max Charge Shot that will build up your energy even more."
  • "Fantastic!"
  • "One really effective way of increasing your energy is with a Trick Shot."
  • "A Trick Shot makes use of your own particular skill set to help you reach balls that are far away."
  • "You can up your own enthusiasm or that of the crowd by making your opponent think they have the advantage and then easily returning the ball."
  • "You should know that Trick Shots are risky, though. If your timing is off, you'll end up losing energy instead of earning it. It's all about timing!"
  • "Your reaction time is fantastic!"
  • "What a wonderful Trick Shot!"
  • "OK then, I believe it's finally time for you to unleash a Special Shot."
  • "You can increase your energy in various ways. Try to max it out so you can pull off your very own Special Shot!"
  • "A Special Shot is a powerful move that can potentially change the momentum of an entire match."
  • "When you unleash your stored-up energy, the mighty Special Shot that's unleashed will be something that's uniquely you!"
  • "Mesmerizing!"
  • "You have learned all I have to teach you. You are truly a first-rate tennis hero, Mario."
  • "The five sacred stones are hidden in the forest, the mansion, the snow, the sea, and the flames. I beg of you... Please stop Lucien's return to power!"
  • "Fear not, milady!"
  • "Lucien thrives on taking advantage of weak minds. There is no reason for the strong willed to fear."
  • "The only way to defeat the fell racket and free Luigi and the others is to face its power on the court and prevail."
  • "Luigi with the power of Lucien... That will be something to behold. It's up to you, Mario. Show us all how much you've grown!"
  • "Princess Peach and Princess Daisy... It's up to you to defeat Wario and Waluigi."
  • "I told you not to fear! For my part, I'll divide King Bask's power and share it with all of you."
  • "Before King Bask fell into his eternal slumber, he sealed Lucien away and entrusted that power to me, the rightful guardian of this island."
  • "I have only a small bit of that power left... It is temporary, but now you, too, can share in that power."
  • "Please... Find a way to defeat Lucien and restore peace to this island."
  • "Mario... Marioooo..."
  • "There isn't a moment to spare... You must find Bowser right away..."
  • "Bowser is in the deepest part of the ruins. He intends to return the Power Stones to Lucien and take its power for his own..."
  • "Mario... This world faces total devastation unless we stop him. The only person who stands a you... Please, Mario..."
  • "You did it, Mario! You beat Bowser and Lucien!"
  • "Now peace will return to this island and the spirit of King Bask can finally rest in peace!"
  • "Thank you, Mario..."


  • "I have a bad feeling about this. Wario and Waluigi were more suspicious than usual."
  • "Toad... You know something, don't you? That winning smile can't fool me!"
  • "Wait a minute! Are you suggesting that Luigi and the others are being controlled by an almighty tennis racket?!"
  • "You're no stranger to adventure, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Please... just bring Luigi back safely!"
  • "You're right! Let's go right now!"


  • "A racket with mind-control powers? Oh goodness!"
  • "It sounds crazy, but I believe it was the racket's grip tape that wrapped up poor Luigi. How unsettling."
  • "Oh, of course! Bask Ruins in the desert is a relic of that once great kingdom. I hear archaeologists went there recently to research it."
  • "Please don't put yourselves in danger. We'll be awaiting for your safe return!"
  • "Yes, that's true. In that case, we leave this important task to you, dear friends."


  • "A legendary racket from the Temple of Bask? Could it be..."
  • "Among those wall paintings is one that's... very strange, to say the least."
  • "Besides, it's possible Luigi and the others will turn up while we're gone."
  • "Congratulations, champs! What amazing teamwork!"
  • "Hey! What's going on here? You two are acting mighty sketchy."
  • "It's of a spooky racket floating in the sky with people bowing down before it. It almost looks like the racket is controlling them..."
  • "Princess Peach and Princess Daisy, please allow Mario and me to go investigate on your behalf."
  • "NO! Luigi!!"
  • "Now for the best part! Let's take a look at that shiny trophy, and... Uh oh. Looks like we have some visitors."
  • "Tennis was very popular in the Kingdom of Bask. The ruin walls are filled with paintings of people playing.
  • "Wait, wait, wait! That sounds dangerous! Too dangerous for important diplomats like you two."
  • "We can't rule it out! For now, maybe we can find out more at Bask Ruins."
  • "We won't let you down. Come on, Mario! Let's head for that desert right away!"
  • "Well... It's just a rumor, but they say this island was once home to the prosperous Kingdom of Bask."


  • "It's only suitable for the best of the best..."
  • "We knew you'd steal another win."
  • "No kidding! We could've been the best players in the world with that thing!"


  • "And nice guys that we are, we have a little gift to honor the new champions."
  • "Congratulations, whahaha!"
  • "Don't you like your gift, Mario? It's none other than the legendary racket from the Temple of Bask!"
  • "This is the most powerful racket in the world."
  • "Ugh, did we really have to break it? What a waste!"


Toad commentary

  • "Behold the [Trick Shot]!"
  • "Can the tides be turned?"
  • "Oh no! His/Her racket broke!"
  • "Point acquired!"
  • "His/Her last racket broke! What a shame!"
  • "That's an ace!"
  • "Whoa! Returned at the very last minute!"