List of Mario Super Sluggers quotes: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Baby Luigi: What he says after you unlock him)
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*''"Waaaaa! Goobity bloo!"''
*''"Waaaaa! Goobity bloo!"''
*''"Baby Luigi!"''


Revision as of 18:56, October 4, 2011

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The following is a list of quotes in the game Mario Super Sluggers; the quotes are listed by character.

Baby Luigi

  • "Goo goo! Whaaaaaaa!"
  • "Boogle goo! Grabble gibble wa wa!"
  • "Waaaaa! Goobity bloo!"
  • "GOO!"
  • "Baby Luigi!"


  • "Finally! I've waited so long my feet have frozen!"
  • "You say I don't have feet?"
  • "..."
  • "Laugh already! Having no sense of humor's gonna get you punished!"
  • "Booooo! Bowser's minions, it's punishment time! Hoo hoo hoo!"

Boomerang Bro

  • "Ha ha ha! You're just now noticing?"
  • "This ballpark is under the control of Bowser's minions!"
  • "What's wrong with you dodos? You WANT to get hit with my boomerang?"
  • "Well, all right! Don't say I didn't warn you!"
  • "Drafty diapers! How did you nobodies beat me?!"
  • "Doesn't matter, I went in and fiddled with the electrical circuits."
  • "I see a plumber with you guys, but not an electrician! Har har!"

Blue Dry Bones

  • "Clackety clack! Clack clack clacky clacky clark clurk clank clank clank clink! (Stop.)"
  • "Clackety. Clk clk clk... (This park is now the dominion of Bowser's minions! Ha ha ha...)"
  • "Clacker clack... (We won't give it up without a fight...)"
  • "Clackey clunk... (Defeat...stinks...)"

Blue Noki

  • "Yeee-ikes! Boy, did you ever put a scare into little ol' me!"
  • "There was a huge crash just a second ago, so I decided to lay low until the danger passed."
  • "What? Bowser Jr.? Here? On the island? Trying to take over? With minions? ...Well, crud!"
  • "So you're recruiting baseball teammates to take him down, eh?"
  • "Well, maybe I should test you first! ...You know. Just *in case.*
  • "If you can pass my test. I'll help you out!"
  • "Oh, wow. You're a total pro. I'd love to join your team!"
  • "Let's go stomp that Bowser Jr.! I know you can do it!"
  • "In that case, consider me interested! But first you have to prove yourself."
  • "Well done! I'd be happy to join up with you!"
  • "Um...say. Can I ask you for a favor?"
  • "There's a baby crying out on the pier. Do you think you can help him?"
  • "His crying is drowning out the relaxing ocean surf, and I'm starting to get stressed out."

Blue Pianta

  • "Aw, blessed sunshine! You've come to free me!"
  • "Bowser Jr. done locked me in here! Can one'a you get the key and lemme out?"
  • "Hu-yuh! Garsh, thanks a million, pal!"
  • "I'm Blue Pianta, and this is muh shop."
  • "You can buy items and such here. They'll help ya in Baseball games!"
  • "Hey! Howzabout lettin' me join your team? Since I owe ya for the rescue and all."

Blue Yoshi

  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I've been waiting for you guys!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Bowser Jr. got Wiggler all upset, and now he's on a rampage!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (You should be able to switch the rails and get Wiggler down, but..."
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Green Magikoopa changed the password on the controller.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I don't have a clue what to do. I'm hoping you'll know.)"
  • "What's the maximum number of stars the Star Gauge can hold?"
  • "What's the total number of playes on both teams in a baseball game?"
  • "On Wiggler's head is...1.A hat 2.A flower 3.A teakettle"
  • "How many gondolas are on the Ferris Wheel?"
  • "How many tentacles does Blooper have?"
  • "Yoshi! (Fantastic! Thanks! The rails have been switched back!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Now we just have to wait for Wiggler to come down!)"
  • "Yooooooshiiiiii! (I'm going with you! Let's teach these guys a thing or two!)"

Dark Bones

  • Clack Clack. (Calling in backup? That's not very fair.)
  • "Clackety clack. (You're not getting past me. I will stop you.)
  • "Clack...clack...clunk. (I've... been... beaten.)

Dry Bones

  • "Clackety clack...(Must get diamonds... BASEBALL diamonds!)"

Fire Bro

  • "Stuff it, surfer boy! I know you're looking for the stone tablet! You'll never get it!"
  • "Aw toothaches! Where did you come from? You looking for the stone tablet, too?"
  • "I will never give up the stone tablet! Do you hear me?! Never!"
  • "Man! You're really tough! Why didn't you just say so and save me all this hassle?"
  • "Listen up! Don't search the statue behind me! There's no stone table anywhere around it!"

Green Noki

  • "Great jumpin' starfish! You scared the salt water out of me!"
  • "I'm hiding from Bowser Jr.! Don't scare me like that! ...And don't tell him where I am!"
  • "...Wha? Really? You want me to join you?"
  • "I dunno... Maybe if you had some other Nokis with you..."
  • "Sweet stinky tide pools! Blue Noki is with you!"

Green Toad

  • "GYAWAAAAH! D-d-don't eat me, please! Huh?"
  • "Seriously?! You're going to take on Bowser's minions? ...That's CRAZY TALK!"
  • "This seems like a riskly plan. I have to make sure you can really pull it off."
  • "Whew! Boy, was I ever wrong to doubt you! Count me in!"

Hammer Bro.

  • "I'm going this way!"
  • "Outta the way, bub! I wanna get this moved before Mario and his crew show."
  • "Slug butter! Here comes trouble!"
  • "Looks like it's up to me. I'm gonna stomp you chumps into last week!"
  • "Worm germs! You... you weren't supposed to beat me..."
  • "You won't get away with this!"


  • "Hold it! Don't you dare touch this here lever!"
  • "This here Koopa is in charge of watching over this here lever! ...See?!"
  • "You're going to pull my beautiful...lever... I just knows it!"

Petey Piranha


Purple Toad

  • "EEEEK! Somebody help me! EEEE... Huh? You're not Bowser Jr.!"
  • "How's that? You're going to try and stop him? And you need my help?"
  • "OK. Well. I have to make sure you're not just fooling around. So take my test!"
  • Holy cow! You're really good! I can't wait to join your team!"

Red Magikoopa

  • "Hold it, hold it! Stop riiiiight there."
  • "Y'all think you can stop ol' Bowser, eh? Well, you're putting the cart before the horse, pal!"
  • "Carts can't pull horses, see? And you can't fight Bowser 'cause I'm the way."
  • "See. Bowser's a cart, and I'm me. Now the horse is riding... Wait, that's not it..."
  • "Never mind! All that matters is that I, Red Magikoopa, am going to destroy you!"
  • "Baloney burritos! How in the heck did I lose to twerps like you?"
  • "Maybe the cart can pull the horse if the cart's motorized or something..."
  • "This isn't over yet!"

Red Noki

  • "Heya hi! I'm Red Noki!"
  • "How's that again? You want me on your team? Oh, I don't know. I'm pretty shy..."
  • "If there were some other Nokis with you..."
  • "Oh, how nice! You have 2 Nokis on your team! Well then, count me in!"
  • "The contents of this shell are a gift from all the Nokis!"
  • "Enjoy!"

Red Yoshi

  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (NOOO! Don't eat me! Oh, I thought you were a Piranha Plant.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (You're looking for Green Yoshi? He came by a while back.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Bowser Jr.. eh? Well, in that case...)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Say, if you find a brush would you bring it to me?)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Bowser Jr. surprised me so bad I dropped it somewhere.)"

Shy Guy

  • "I was going to take a ride on the Ferris Wheel, but the Piranha Plant got in my way!"
  • "You're like professional baseball players, right? Well, throw some balls at those things!"
  • "Nice work! You got rid of all the Piranha Plants!"
  • "Yoshi left us on our own and went off after Magikoopa."
  • "If you're looking for Yoshi, take me with you! I want to play some ball!"


  • "Please! You have to help us! Stop Bowser Jr. as soon as you can!"
  • "You can get to the back of the garden from here, but..."
  • "Hmmm... Toad Flower Garden has been rearranged! Can you fix the path, please?"
  • "Thank you so much! Now you can see what's happening back there!"
  • "Maybe we can fix the flooded fountain, too."
  • "Please! Take me with you!"
  • "I want to do my part to protect this island and all the ballparks Princess Peach built!"
  • "You need me! I won't take no for an answer!"
  • "Princess... I... This is difficult to say, but..."

Yellow Magikoopa

  • "Hoo ha! That's far enough! This light house is off-limits!"
  • "Hurr hurr...Have you come to light a candle and curse the darkness?"
  • "There will be no cursing the darkness when I'm around, and we're out of candles"
  • "Shut up! I'm the keeper of this light house and I can make candle jokes if I want to!"
  • "Greasy goulash! I can't believe you bench warmers beat me."
  • "Don't look at me like that! Save those guppy-dog eyes for some other loser!"
  • "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man angry and hungry for pies!"
  • "You haven't heard the last of me!"

Yellow Shy Guy

  • "Hold it right there! You wanna know what's in this chest? Well, tough beans!"
  • "I ain't saying! And I sure ain't telling you it's a brush!...Aw, nuts."
  • "Forget this! You ain't getting my brush! I challenge you!"


  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Thanks a bundle, everyone!)"
  • "Yoshiii! (I chased Magikoopa here and then got trapped by this manhole!)"
  • "Yoooooshi Yoshi! (I think the ballpark is in danger.)"
  • "YOSHI! (Work together to defeat Bowser Jr.? That's a great idea.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (The manhole over there leads to the ballpark.)"
  • "Yoshi Yooooshi! (My special move is a ground pound. It lets me use manholes.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Yay! Time for me to take charge!)"
  • "Yoshiiiiii Yoshi Yoshi! (Switch to me, stand on the manhole, and press A Button.)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (I did it! That's my special move!)"
  • "Yoshiiiiiii! (I can use it to find hidden teammates, too!)"
  • "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Try it in all kinds of places!)"