List of The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! quotes: Difference between revisions

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*''"You'll never see those pipsqueak plumbers again! I put prices on their heads, and a patsy on their tails! Your kingdom, will NEVER be free, and you'll spend the rest of your life, crawling at night!"''
*''"You'll never see those pipsqueak plumbers again! I put prices on their heads, and a patsy on their tails! Your kingdom, will NEVER be free, and you'll spend the rest of your life, crawling at night!"''
*''"Then there's breakfast, lunch, and dinner...for the rest of the week! I'll drop by in a few weeks to accept your surrender! Starve well, my pretty princess!"''
*''"Then there's breakfast, lunch, and dinner...for the rest of the week! I'll drop by in a few weeks to accept your surrender! Starve well, my pretty princess!"''
*''"Those pesky plumbers got away?! You bug-tooth bumblehead! You have disgraced the rodents everywhere! You put those drain-drips in prison, or I'll lock YOU up instead!"''
*''"Those pesky plumbers got away?! You buck-toothed bumblehead! You're a disgrace to rodents everywhere! You put those drain-drips in prison, or I'll lock YOU up instead!"''
*''"How my...PRISONERS?!"''
*''"How about... my...PRISONERS!"''
*''"Princess Toadstool can forget about a rescue! I got her budinski buddies all Koopered up!"''
*''"Princess Toadstool can forget about a rescue! I got her budinski buddies all Koopered up!"''
*''"Now, linguini-lips...we'll see who's REALLY the fastest gun in the west!"''
*''"Now, linguini-lips...we'll see who's REALLY the fastest gun in the west!"''
*''"At the cheep of six, draw!"''
*''"At the cheep of six, draw!"''
*''"Like my grandfather Poopa La Koopa always said, 'Cheat, beat, and be merry!'"''
*''"Like my grandfather Poopa La Koopa always said, 'Cheat, beat, and be merry!'"''
*''"How nice of you to drop in on Princess Toadstool! How are you gonna get out NOW, drain-o-brains?! Now I got you pipesqueaks JUST where I want ya!"''
*''"How nice of you to drop in on Princess Toadstool! How are you gonna get out NOW, drain-o-brains?! Now I got you pipesqueaks JUST where I want ya!"''

Revision as of 19:17, September 20, 2020

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes from the television show The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!. They are listed by character.


Jungle Fever

  • "Albatoss leader to squadron, Bob-Ombs away!"
  • "Crash landing! Egg in the face! Fasten your seatbelt!"

Alligator Dundee

  • "G'day, mate! I thought I heard folks out this way!"
  • "Name's Alligator Dundee! I've been on a sewer safari in your local pipes! I'm huntin' the most ferocious, vicious, fearsome creature that I've ever encountered! Now, I've tracked him down here... He should be attacking you gents any minute now."
  • "Ah... Now this here net will hold anything from a giant grizzly, down to a teeny weeny fleaney!"
  • "I mean a flea."
  • "Right. Now listen up. I'll lure that beast out of the sewer, then Mario, you drop the net over the monster. Luigi, you take the rope, slip it over, and tighten it up. But be careful, boys. One false move, and you'll end up as a couple of monster snacks!"
  • "What's that?"
  • "No, it's easy!"
  • "Good point, mate! Just so you'll know for's what the bloodthirsty beast looks like."
  • "Beats me!"
  • "♪ Watching-a Zelda, watching-a Zelda, you go a-watching the Zel... ♪"
  • "Oh, we're gonna try and take him peacefully, but if he endangers our lives, (*cutting sound*)."
  • "All right, to your positions, mates!"
  • "Now, I'll lure him out with this tuna sandwich! Wish me luck!"
  • "There you are! Here, boy! Here, mate! Tuna sandwich? ...Boy! Whoa, wait up! Whoa! All ready, mates! Here we come!"
  • "Not me, mates! The monster!"
  • "Oh, mate. If you would've told me it was your pet in the first place, I never would have tried to capture him. Look, I'm a nice guy. Really."
  • "Oh, look! I'm just a simple Australian bloke tryin' to make it big time! I dreamed I could be famous...if I came to New York, and captured a beast like the Ratigator, and fell in love with a beautiful american woman."
  • "A movie? About an Australian hunter who comes to...New York, captures a beast like the Ratigator, and falls in love with a beautiful american woman?"
  • "Well, thanks, mate! Maybe things will turn out alright after all!"
  • "Well, bye now!"
  • "One thing, though. I'm gonna change my name!"
  • "From now on, you can call me Ratigator Dundee!"


  • "Perhaps it is I who can help you, sir! I am Angelica, Mysterious Salesperson for Weird Spooky Gadgets Incorporated! This is your lucky day!"
  • "Do you gentlemen wish you owned a crystal ball that predicts the future, with ninety-nine and nine-tenths accuracy?"
  • "It's a pain to clean anyway! How about a strange and eerie painting that gets older while the owner stays eternally young? I'm talkin' 90-year-old baby faces, fellas!"
  • "Today only $14.50!"
  • "How 'bout a wristwatch?"
  • "And who needs all that when you have strange and mysterious?"
  • "Ten bucks!"
  • "It's pretty eerie too... How about seven?"
  • "Okay. Rob me, but you won't be able to sleep at night."
  • "It's a pleasure doing strange and mysterious business with you galoots! Try taking a broom to this floor once in awhile!"
  • "What's the fuss? He looks fine to me!"
  • "Maybe he works a late shift or something? I like the occasional dinner waffle myself!"
  • "Oh, I'm such a pushover. Okay, I'll take your watch back for $10."
  • "Yeah, but I'm a strange and mysterious crook! Is it a deal, mac?"
  • "Cool your jets, whippersnapper!"
  • "Hey, buddy! Don't give me the watch!"
  • "You'll be fine! Just don't eat any onions for a few days!"
  • "No, but it'll keep people backing away from you!"
  • "(in reverse) (*with Mario and Luigi*) Mario the Do!"

Aunt Luigeena

  • "I'm not your Mama Mia!"
  • "That's right, calamari-brain! It's your Aunt Luigeena in-a the flesh!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Do the Mario!"


King Mario of Cramalot

  • "Beezos away!"

Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

  • "Attention, peasants! Those are Queen Rotunda's royal red-hot peppers you're robbing!"
  • "The Queen owns everything in Rotunda! Therefore, you are thieves!"
  • "It's too late! Queen Rotunda has been looking for someone to throw into her dungeon!"
  • "For the rest of your life, at least!"
  • "As I said, you're under arrest! And you must appear before Queen Rotunda!"
  • "We are holding prisoners in the throne room, your immense rotundedness!"
  • "They were caught robbing the royal hot peppers!"
  • "Don't forget the prisoners, your hugeness!"
  • "Dear me! Where did they go?"
  • "Your roundness! The prisoners have escaped!"
  • "Yes, your royal giganticness!"
  • "Find the prisoners! We've only got two hours until the wedding starts!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "But, your most imperial and magnificent Koopaness, the Great Balls of Fire are guarded by the legendary Hercufleas!"
  • "Great Balls of Fire! Dead ahead!"
  • "Get this oversized hibachi back to the Koopacropolis! I'll take care of Hercufleas!"
  • "Mad? I'd say you' to be tied! King Koopa was right! You're not a hero, you're a zero!"
  • "Sir! The Marios are coming!"
  • "This could be a sticky situation!"


  • "Dude, wait, wait, wait! Didn't the great Fire God say to sacrifice her at sundown?"


Mario of the Deep

  • "Eh, go suck on a sewer pipe! I can take ye with seven arms behind me back!"
  • "Bad news, your royal Barra-Koopness. The Mario Brothers have arrived in Aqua Land."
  • "Oh foul and putrid Koopaness, I bring you the last gold coins from the sunken ships of Aqua Land."


  • "Hey, what's that ugly, fat reptile doin' with the Coney Island sign?"
  • "That bum's got nerve bigger than his schnozzola! Hey fatso, get back in the zoo!"
  • "Koopa Island, Kooplyn Bridge, that slob's ruinin' civilization! I'm goin' for da cops! Close the door!"
  • "Don't worry guys, I'll be back with da cops in three minutes! Then I'll expect a triple tip!"

Brutius Maximus Grouchimus

  • "You must be the guests of honor!"
  • "No, no! I'm Brutius Maximus Grouchimus, guardian of the coliseum! Follow me!"
  • "There may not be anything to sneak into. The orphans's benefit dinner may be cancelled."
  • "No spaghetti. We've got a plumbing problem in the catacombs under the coliseum, unless it's fixed."
  • "Great! Guard, take Princess Toadstool and this creature-"
  • "Take them on a tour of the coliseum!"
  • "Ah, we're in luck! Here is the emperor now!"
  • "You aren't goin' nowhere, fungus!"
  • "Fungus!"
  • "This is the place where we capture you!"
  • "Koopa shoulda stuck with the spaghetti dinner idea in the first place! Yummy!"


  • "The office of Sheldon the witch doctor is now open!"
  • "This is terrible! Koopa kidnapped the witch doctor!"
  • "Relax, Princess! I watched my boss mix his No-Itch Potion a zillion times!"
  • "I guess that was the formula for making new cauldrons. I can't do it! I need the witch doctor!"
  • "Princess! No! It's too dangerous!"
  • "I couldn't let you face Koopa alone!"
  • "No time for thanks, Princess! Potion smoke! The witch doctor's cooking something up!"
  • "Oh no! Witch doctor Sheldon is in cahoots with King Koopa!"
  • "Yikes! Cobrats!"
  • "Dr. Sheldon! I can't believe it! You're a traitor! I hereby resign as your assistant!"
  • "I should've known you weren't really on Koopa's side!"

Captain Clump

  • "Avast, argh me buckos!"
  • "I told you to peel those potatoes, not to turn 'em into strings!"
  • "Watch it, ya mush-headed matey!"
  • "Why did I ever let YOU dinghies man my ship?"
  • "My real crew deserted. Every sailor in the Caribbean is scared to death of Blackbeard Koopa!"
  • "Aye! He's the plug ugliest pirate who ever scuttled a ship and stole a treasure!"
  • "No one's safe from Blackbeard Koopa, matey! No one!"
  • "Blackbeard Koopa's flag!"
  • "Surrender to a blackhearted scoundrel like you? Never!"
  • "Koopa gives pirates a bad name."
  • "Shiver me timbers! Blackbeard Koopa drilled me bow full of holes! That rat! I'll make him walk the plank for this! ...That's if we don't end up as fish food first."
  • "Ya lost your landlubbin' mind?! We're tied to the mast!"
  • "Thar she be! Pirate's Port!"
  • "Heheh! Uh-uh, sure, mates! Sure! You're-you're-you're mean-lookin' barnacles!"
  • "Run, matey! Run!"


  • "Cheep cheep!"
  • "M-m-mommy! Little Cheepy want mommy!"
  • "Little Cheepy want his mommy!"
  • "Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Mommy! I want my mommy-y-y-y-y!"


  • "A mazza mash o potato."
    ("Scram this way.")
  • "Mackey glana pan cakey oo maple syrup."
    ("Over the next hill.")
  • "Baggat banana splita!"
    ("We'll take a shortcut!")


  • "♪ I'll miss you, baby! ♪"
  • "You must have me confused with sonny! Hi, Luigi! Hi, Mario!"
  • "How can I forget? My shower still runs the dishwasher."
  • "Hey, let's cut the small talk. I have an emergency dimple appointment with my plastic surgeon. Can you watch my little Poochie?"
  • "Who said anything about money? See ya!"
  • "How ya doin' there?"
  • "Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls! Down, boy! Get down, get down!"
  • "Oh, come to mama, baby! Did you miss Mama? Come 'ere, baby!"
  • "Oh, can't we wait till we get home, baby? ...AAAAAHHHHHH!!!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

CooKoo Bird

Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn

  • "Heey! Get lost! Throw the Inspector out!"


  • "Stop, ya crook! Take off your dumb disguise and bring back that loot!"

Count Zoltan Dracula

  • "Greetings! You must be Mario! You must be Luigi! You must be kidding! This place is a dump! Oh, well. Wake me up at sunsets. I am a night person, you know."
  • "Here comes the sun, little darlings!"
  • "I bid you well, to these delicious scenes from the Legend of Zelda!"
  • "EXCUSE ME! Relax. Would you really like to know how to get rid of a vampire?"
  • "Just ask me! I'll be out of here like a bat!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

David Horowitz

  • "I'm David Horowitz and tonight, we're going to fight back against shlock!"
  • "We're at the Mario Brothers- uh, what do you call this place?"
  • "Home! And they claim that they can dissolve any clog in three minutes or less, with their Mario Brothers Clog Cleaner."
  • "Well, here's my clogged sink. You guys can begin when you're ready!"
  • "Gentlemen, start your Clog Cleaner!"
  • "Worldwide."
  • "Aren't you using too much?"
  • "That's right! Okay! Let the countdown begin."
  • "What in the world is happening here? We haven't finished this challenge! Mario and Luigi! Where are you? You created a monster!"
  • "This is David Horowitz, and I'm really fighting back! Wait till I get my hands on those Mario Bros... I'm out of here!"
  • "We'll fight back with the Mario Bros. after these exciting scenes from The Legend of Zelda! I should be getting hazardous duty pay!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

Dealin' Delbert

  • "Frankly, friends, there's just not much demand for this model! She's a real hay burner! Tell you what? I really like you boys, so I'm gonna take her as a trade-in!"
  • "Look at this here beauty! Four spigots, white sidewall hooves! You get at least twenty gallops at the hay bail! I'll trade you even!"
  • "Anybody can sell a cow for gold coins!"
  • "Well, this is your lucky day, boys! I'm gonna give you a bargain you'll never forget, or my name isn't Dealin' Delbert!"

Dr. Frankenstein

  • "Yes, but I wouldn't talk about him like that."
  • "He's very sensitive."
  • "Make sure you strap him in real tight!"
  • "Mario, I think he forgives you."
  • "I think we're almost ready."
  • "He's so cranky, I had to promise him a normal brain. Oh... You know, I guess you might do in a pinch!"
  • "Ahhh, you're no good. Your brother is a party pooper. Come. Help me find a normal brain!"
  • "Don't be ridiculous! He never used a brain before anyway!"
  • "There's not enough juice left in this thing! ...Wait! This calls for scientific hands-on treatment!"
  • "My Frank! Oh, Frank! Frank! I'm sorry you had a horrible brain in you for a while, but look at it this way! That poor guy is stuck with that brain forever!"

Dr. Nerdnick

  • "Laumple daumple dee square pie square Koopa Robo werner dinner quart."
    ("I'm glad to see you, Bunsen.")
  • "Mipper Bunsen seagull muggle wetter mer dactylmutz."
    ("The button on the left.")
  • "Mamba bumble saltser kvyken mastein!"
    ("You can't!")
  • "Stuggle mcgurgle snifit snukonz certain cackle dackle."
    ("Electricity and water don't mix. Get outta here before you get electrocuted.")
  • "Rumpa radarn vortex kvodorlets stumple thumple!"
    ("I'm gonna build you two into a robot that can defeat Robo Koopa!")
  • "Ritfawk safety wafety!"
    ("You guys don't have to worry because his suit is about to run out of fuel unless he pushes the big red button on his chest!")
  • "Ifty fifty foolis voosh!"
    ("This time I fibbed! The red button was for the ejector seat!")
  • "Foosh! Dopey smoke!"
    ("This is the present for you and Luigi!")
  • "Overlord crayenda vennabinez svetta!"
    ("I agree! That's why I've converted it into a Robo Pizza Oven!")

Dr. Sigmund Fruitcake

  • "Achtung! I am Dr. Sigmund Fruitycake, the noted head doctor! I got here as quick as I could! Oh, boy! I love making head calls! Oh, oh! This is a very unusual head...aside from the obvious ugliness, and the hairiness of this head, I do not see a problem."
  • "A bird? Ah, pish-posh! It's no problem! Many people, maybe two or three! They dream, and they fantasize, about flying around like a bird, bit it is a- it's a perfectly normal thing to do! Yah! Yah!"
  • "Ah, don't mention it!"
  • "Auch de libre! Oy veys mir! This man, he really has a problem!"
  • "Now, what's the problem, Luigi? You get me up in thee middle of the night? You dial 976-DIAL-A-SHRINK or something?"
  • "But, Luigi, my chicken therapy! It was a stunning success! Your brother is no longer under the illusion, that he is a chicken!"
  • "What? What? I don't understand!"
  • "So, that is it you want for me to do, Luigi? You want that I should revert M-Mario just back to plain vanilla Mario?"
  • "Why?"
  • "You silly chimp chicken you! Stop with the monkey business!"
  • "Oh! That's just some psychiatric Looney Tunes banter! I find that it, relaxes the patients, and personally, I like that joke very much!"
  • "You're absolutely right! But seriously, folks! It is a pleasure to be back here in Brooklyn, where the surf meets the plumbing!"
  • "Oh, this is a very tough room! Alright, Mario! I'll tell you what we will do! We will use thought transfer therapy! I want that we will take the thought that are in your mind, and we will send him, ah, who cares? Wherever they go we will send them! Alright, I want that you should repeat after me! I am not a chicken!"
  • "NEIN! NEIN! I AM NOT A CHICKEN! SAY IT! I am not a chicken! Say it!"
  • "Now, I am not a monkey!"
  • "I AM NOT A MONKEY!!!"
  • "I think that you are cured!"
  • "Well, no more problems around here!"
  • "Well, I tell you what you should do. Take $10 off of my bill."
  • "Do the Mario!"

Dr. Sheldon

  • "You ran around the village seven times backwards?"
  • "You drank my blue potion, swam in my pink potion and danced the Funky Chicken on top of that grass hut?"
  • "Then you are cured! Assistant, bring on the next patient!"
  • "Frankly, that's something I never studied in witch doctor school."
  • "Hey! Help! Get me out of here!"
  • "Or?"
  • "Listen, you buddy! You want a potion? You got a potion!"
  • "Veggies, some herbs and spices, four left legs from a right-handed centipede."
  • "Radishes! I forgot the radishes!"
  • "Stalling? Why would I stall my best buddy Koopa? This potion is ready!"
  • "Right away, your royal Koopaness!"
  • "Stand back, Butterfingers! And you, Princess! Duck!"
  • "No, it's my Industrial Strength Itching Potion, and it's just what Koopa deserves!"
  • "Me? The best witch doctor with validated parking in the whole jungle? I can give it a shot!"
  • "That's because you haven't had Sheldon's famous antidote yet!"
  • "Tadaaaa!"
  • "No, but they'll be so busy eating, they won't even notice it."

Dr. Toby

  • "No! It is I who can help you! When a plant is in distress, the great Dr. Toby knows about it! You can call it a gift, you can call it a power, and a curse. I developed a Super Plant Growth Formula to save your dying plant!"
  • "Yes! But, it's in the experimental phase. Read the instructions carefully! You may be tested. Heheh! Pop Quiz!"
  • "Holy fertilizer! My formula works! Oh! Oh! Oh my! Oh! Oh! Open your stamen and say 'ah!'"
  • "No sweat! I've developed an antidote for my Growth Formula which should shrink this plant back down to its original size!"
  • "Prepare to shrink, you almost-grown dinner salad!"
  • "Here goes nothing!"
  • "My shrinking formula worked!"
  • "Hey, boys! Y'know, I've developed a fast-acting Super Yeast Formula for your pizza dough if you're interested!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


  • "As you wish, dream date Mario!"
  • "Nice place you got here! got here! got here! got here!"
  • "I must leave!"
  • "I must return to my home planet to watch more scenes from the exciting Legend of Zelda!"
  • "I must leave, Mario! Poopsie-woopsie!"
  • "You will always have my heart."


Day of the Orphan

  • "Now let me see here, if I move my bishop four to queen six, uh, no, no, no, because if I do that, then I won't be able to this one here. But then again if I move that one here, then I can move this one here."
  • "Well of course if I move this one here-"
  • "Yes?"
  • "Well, I have a move here!"
  • "Okay, here it is!"
  • "That's my move."
  • "That's it!"
  • "That's it?"
  • "That's your move?"
  • "Checkmate! Hahahahahahaha, I just beat you there, look at that!"
  • "Checkmate! Hahehehehehehehehehehehe, go get that, heheha!"

Magic's Magic

  • "I'm open!"
  • "Slam dunk, and the crowd roars!"

Cher's Poochie

  • "Consider it done there, Mario!"
  • "Okie-dokie, all pizza transforming systems are go!"

Wild Thing

  • "Oh hey, listen, yeah. *cough* *cough* Sure I am, uh, youse guys got enough power here for the whole weekend!"

Time Out Luigi

  • "Wow! What was that?"

Texas Tea

  • "Hey you guys, I just wanted to let you know that I fixed that leaky oil pipe! Aren't ya proud of me?"


  • "Call me the Einster, please! I'm ready now!"
  • "Hello, HAL! How are you today?"
  • "HAL, your new owners are Mario and Luigi!"
  • "Don't worry! Watch! Hal, I would like a pepperoni pizza, no anchovies or fried eggs! Hoohoohoohoo! You have to say that or it puts them in!"
  • "No, it's just that the HAL 9001 simply never makes mistakes, that's all! Hoohoohoohoo! If anything comes up, give me a call! Bye! Bye!"
  • "I forgot something! Your bill! Oh, HAL! You've gone nutso!"
  • "Oh, sure, HAL! Sing me a song!"
  • "Guys, I'm terribly sorry! HAL went yaya! I'm just glad I got here in time, or you would've eaten those horrible pizzas!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

Ellie Mae

  • "Howdy there! Is this here the Mario Bros.'s sink-fixin' shop? see...what I need to do is to get me a brand-spankin' new store-bought faucet assembly! Have ya all got one?"
  • "Oh, I guess I'm just plumb outta luck."
  • "Well, please! Just call me Ellie Mae, but I didn't catch your name!"
  • "Well, you're just the kinda plumbers I'm looking for! Country bumpkins!"
  • "Are you fellas gonna be ready to go anytime soon? Like this week?"
  • "You're just about the cutest little fella I've ever seen! What do y'all call him?"
  • "Well, I wanna thank you fella for goin' to make a house call! But are you sure you all done a bunch of plumbing before?"
  • "Oh, isn't that sweet? I'll tell ya what? When y'all are finished, why don't we just get you to stay over and we'll just have an old-fashioned possum dinner?"
  • "Okay! Well, while you're hard at work, I'll just bake up a fresh peach cobbler!"
  • "(*with Mario Joe and Luigi Bob*) Do the Mario!"

Elvin Parsley

  • "Oh yeah! Hehe. Ow! I feel good now. I feel good!"


Mommies Curse

  • "This is Elvira coming live from Brooklyn! If you can call that live, so gimme a ring! Then we'll settle down."
  • "Oh, joy! There's my first phone call now! Hello?"
  • "I can see what the problem is. You get a nice job at the post office!"
  • "Well, I'm a...little rusty, but uh, I'll give it my best shot. Um... There's no place like home! There's no place like home!"
  • "Whoa! Being a little bit like Dorothy... Where's Tim anyway? Uh, okay! Here goes! Okay!"
  • "Before you turn to something worse, let the zombie curse reverse! Cha cha cha!"
  • "Oh! Didn't know you had band-aid for a brother!"
  • "Told you I was a little rusty. Uh, Luigi mummy, lose your wrap, come back into a blithering sack!"
  • "How's that?"
  • "Well, I can teach him to catch a frisbee in his mouth. He'll be a big hit at the beach!"
  • "Hold still, will ya? Still hairy than Grizzly Adams. Uh, make that Manny the Wolf Boy."
  • "Hey! I have done all a gal in black can do! I am in a tizzy!"
  • "Huh! You must be kiddin'!"
  • "By George, I think he's got it! I think he's got it! What's he gonna gaze?"
  • "♪ The rain, in Spain, stays mainly, on the plain! ♪ (x4)"
  • "Yeah, but sore hands."
  • "Oh! I love parties!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Uh oh!"

Elvis Presley

  • "Well, I don't think that mob is gonna go for it. I mean, you look like Michael Jackson on a yeast diet, but don't be cruel. We're gonna do it my way!"
  • "HA! Good to see you!"
  • "Now boys, what you need here is some tips from the King, OK?"
  • "Hey, man. Who blew your hair up?"
  • "Alright now! Now listen to he here. The first thing here is the Elvis Lip Twitch, OK? Imagine you got the mouth here like this, you know, and the corner of the mouth just keeps goin' up there and movin' like crazy, OK? Kinda like, 'Uh-huh! Uh-huh!' Now, who wants to be the first to try it?"
  • "Alright! Bad Elvis number one! OK, now Luigi, it's kinda like, "Uh-huh! Uh-huh!' You know, kinda like wrapping your lips around some deep-fried catfish."
  • "Alright now! Deep-fried pizza, baby!"
  • "OK, here we go! Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"
  • "Close enough, man. Thank you."
  • "Alright! Now, the next thing, and very important for the ladies! 'K, gentlemen, up here now! You got to have your feet movin' in a pattern here like this. In order to get the knees to go, which makes the hips move! Now, like, 'Huh, yeah! Uh-huh!' OK? Who wants to be the one to try it?"
  • "Bad Elvis number two!"
  • "Front and center! Front and center! Right over here, now. You ready? Huh, huh, huh, huh! Yeah, you got it! Now, try it-try it with the singing!"
  • "Yeah! Alright! Yeah!"
  • "You must be improvin', man, 'cause you're bringin' the house down! Uh-huh!"
  • "The real Elvis will be back after the exciting scenes from The Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Uh-huh!"
  • "You know, I had a mama myself! I called her The King's Mama!"
  • "Hey! I think I got a solution! Come on up here, boys! Let's see if you learned anything today!"
  • "Okay, now! Watch me closely!"
  • "♪ Love me slender, love me heavy, you know I love banana sandwiches, uh-huh! ♪ Take it, boys!"
  • "Ladies and gentlemen...Elvis has left the basement!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Ernie Hudson

  • "Oh, we heard it was you! I lost the toss of the coin!"
  • "Oh! Looks like I got here just in time! This place is an ectoplasmic disaster area!"
  • "It's in there. Stand back. This ain't gonna be pretty."
  • "You got a sticky situation in there!"
  • "Hey. If I'm not back in ten minutes, put a dime in the meter."
  • "That is the most disgusting, revolting, hideous inanity I've ever seen!"
  • "Oh, he's shaking just fine!"
  • "Ah, this is weird. There's no sign of that ghost anywhere!"
  • "What's that?"
  • "Aha!"
  • "He's here. That means he's here...with us."
  • "{with Mario} Uh oh!"
  • "Okay, be ready, Mario. This triple ricochet has a one in a million shot. It'll either drive that ghost away from Luigi's body, or turn him into a drooling moronic zombie forever."
  • "You okay, Luigi?"
  • "And what's the bad news?"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"


The Bird! The Bird!

  • "It's them! Princess Toadstool and those two faucet freaks! Come on Flaky, let's tell King Koopa so we can put 'em on ice for good."
  • "Thank you, your extremest most royal and regal Koopaness."
  • "We have important news, your royal Koopaness. The princess and her plumbers survived the avalanche."

The Koopas are Coming! The Koopas are Coming!

  • "Uh, it's only midnight exalted leader. Have patience."
  • "In the dark?"
  • "All ready in front, exalted one, but what if General Washingtoad sneaks up from behind?"
  • "I-I don't know, magnificent mentor. Why?"
  • "Maybe it was one of them."
  • "Let go! Hey!"

Fred Van Winkle

  • "Gazuntite!"
  • "It's alright there! Hey, good morning everybody! You look like two nice fellows, and as soon as I find my razor, whaddaya say we 23 skiddoo, find us some hot tamales, and end Charleston with them tootsies!"
  • "Last night?"
  • "Of course I do! It's 1929! It's a great year if you like depression! But, hey! Where are my manners? My name is Fred; Fred Van Winkle!"
  • "Thank you! Took me a long time."
  • "Indoor plumbing? A lot has changed in the last 60 years! Hello?"
  • "What is- What is this thing here?"
  • "This must be one of those portable computer thingamajigs! You're always telling me about it."
  • "And this? This must be a toy too!"
  • "Really? Hello! Hello? Fred Van Winkle here! Hello?! They must've forgotten the area code to Mars."
  • "Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?"
  • "Help! Help! This buckle trap is trying to eat me!"
  • "You sure this looks alright?"
  • "This is nice and comfy!"
  • "This shirt does have a lot of modern art on it! What do you call this design?"
  • "What about this?"
  • "And this?"
  • "I don't know I should wear this shirt or eat it."
  • "Oh yeah?"
  • "After all that?"
  • "All this talk about modern life has made me tired. I gotta lie down and then take a nap."
  • "Sure! How about 1997?"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


The Great BMX Race

  • "Sssstop dere, deadbeat!"
  • "Sssss! I've been lookin' for YOU, Mussssshroom!"
  • "You owe me 60 gold coins! Pay up by sundown, or I'll turn you into fried fungusssss!"
  • "Ssssss! Then find a way to get some! Maybe you can win the prize money in the Great BMX Race! Sssssss!"

Too Hot to Handle

  • "Ssssss! What should I do with the real Fire God?"
  • "Sssss! Hot stuff! I can't wait! You ready for your broadcast, ssssss, as the fake Fire God?"
  • "Ssssss! The Lava Machine's ready for full destruction, your Koopaness!"
  • "Ssssssundown, your nastiness, like you told 'em!"
  • "Ssss! Yes, your royal nastiness!"
  • "Inflate the Fireproof Lava Boat!"
  • "The Fireproof Lava Boat is ready to sail, your meanness!"
  • "Sssss! Hold it, your bossinesssssss! I got a hot flash for ya!"
  • "Sssss! But we got trouble! The Marios have re-plumbed the Lava Machine and they stopped up the pipesssssss!"
  • "Sssssee? Instead of the Lava Machine destroying the island, it's gonna destroy us!"
  • "Sssss! Great! Koopa warped out and left me to face the heat!"


  • "Yow! You got some nerve! What're you bothering me for? This better be important!"
  • "Hey, stupid! What else could I be, cooped up in this cramped lamp? YOW!!!"
  • "Terrific! A lousy lamp stuck on my foot! I hope you're satisfied!"
  • "Ugh! There's a fungus among us!"
  • "Stop whining! I'll see what I can do."
  • "I'll cast a magic spell!"
  • "So, I goofed. Well, you don't have to make a STINK over it, ya know?"
  • "Fly? Do you know what a drain that is on me?"
  • "Now you're talkin'! Eenie-meenie-miney-mo, make 'em fly, I need the dough!"
  • "How did I do that?"
  • "Watch it! Where'd you learn how to drive, huh?"
  • "Not so fast! Not so bumpy! Hey, not so high!"
  • "Not so fast! Not so low!"
  • "I've had enough! This is where I get off!"
  • "Watch where you're driving! Too fast! Oh, too slow! I'm gonna make your life miserable, you reckless reptile!"

Giant Birdo

  • "Cheepy! My little Cheepy!"
  • "Cheepy! My darling little Cheepy! Give mommy a kiss!"
  • "Mommy missed her little Cheepy so much!"
  • "Aww, you're such a jokester!"
  • "Now, where did I put that telephone?"
  • "Hello? Oh, it's the Missing Bird Bureau! You can call off the search for my missing baby! I found my little sweetums!"
  • "It was a terrible picture of you anyway, little Cheepy."
  • "Oh, Cheepy. Quit kidding around and give mommy a hug!"
  • "Oh, this is a fun game! Kissums! Kissums! Kissums are a-coming!"
  • "Rock-a-bye li'l Cheepy, on the mountain so high... If you get lost again, your mommy will cry!"
  • "Oh, Cheepy! You're such a teaser!"
  • "I almost forgot! It's time for your flying lessons!"
  • "Mommy knows best, little Cheepy!"
  • "I'll let you go, 30,000 feet!"
  • "Here we are, little Cheepy! 30,000 feet! Now mommy will let you fly! Happy landings!"
  • "We did!"
  • "Come on, sweeties! We've got to make the world safe for little Cheepy! Let's get those insects!"
  • "You saved my little Cheepy! Would you like to come to dinner?"
  • "I cooked this just for you, Mario. My favorite recipe!"


  • "Can you help me? I've gotta get out of here! I'm laid out!"
  • "I know a way if you can get me down!"
  • "Whew! What a relief! You got me wrong! He makes me do it for the magic spell!"
  • "Under there! Before the coins covered it, I saw part of the garbanzo beanstalk creep through a tiny crack!"
  • "Look! The crack's grown bigger!"
  • "How can I ever thank you?"
  • "Sorry. Without Koopa and his magic spell, all you get are plain old eggs! Like one?"
  • "Good! Have an egg!"
  • "Oh, I am sorry! I'll try again!"
  • "Oh, darn! It's just terrible when you can't help your friends!"

Grandma Mario

Note that Grandma Mario speaks through The Old Psychic Lady with the Evil Eye Who Reads Fortunes and Knows Everything Before it Happens, but with her voice instead of The Old Psychic Lady's.

  • "Mario, you slovenly garbanzo!"
  • "Look at this place! Look at this place! She's a, uh, how do you say, um..."
  • "Shaddap you face and don't talk back to me!"
  • "That's what I mean though, she's a dump! Breaks my poor heart. I'm a laughingstock, you know!"
  • "No!"
  • "Mamma mia, is too stupido. Look, bambini, this-a what you do. You clean up the mess, you wash behind the ears, you clip-a the nose hairs, then maybe I can rest easy, even in Newark."

HAL 9001

  • "Good afternoon, gentlemen. I am the HAL 9001 Computer and Pizza Machine."
  • "I'm quite well, Albert. I assure you, nothing whatsoever is wrong with my programming, really."
  • "Good afternoon, Mario and Luigi."
  • "Luigi, I have been programmed to simulate working with a real human being."
  • "Thank you for your order, Luigi. One sausage pizza coming up."
  • "Yes, Mario."
  • "It's golf pencil pizza, Mario. Enjoy it."
  • "Yes, Luigi."
  • "Sorry, fellas. I realized I have made a few bad pizzas recently, but I assure you, nothing is wrong with me."
  • "I'm sorry, Mario, but I can't allow that. Both of you, gaze into my eye. You're coming under my spell."
  • "Now I slaved hard to make those pizzas, and you're going to eat each and every one of them."
  • "What are you doing? Why won't you answer me? Albert, my head feels fuzzy and I don't even have a head. Can I sing you a song?"
  • " ♪ Daisy, Daisy, give me your toothbrush too. I'm all toothbrush, give me your stinkin' toothbrush built for two. ♪ "

Hammer Brothers

The Trojan Koopa

  • "Hey, get a load of that! It looks like... like a bathtub with six legs!"
  • "That's right! So you good guy geeks might as well just quit now!"
  • "We gotta score to settle sink wimps!"
  • "Yeah! It's plumber pummeler time!"
  • "I'll finish off these scum bums!"
  • "Says you! This is a job for an executin' expert! Me!"
  • "This is humiliatin! Tricked, trapped, and..."
  • "Dressed up like plumbers."
  • "Help turn this thing around so we can get back to King Koopa's fort."
  • "Yeah! We're gonna pulverize those pipe squeaks!"
  • "Prepare to be slammerized!"

Harry Blackstone Jr.

  • "Hello, Luigi! How are ya?"
  • "You know, it's good to see you! How is your magic act going?"
  • '"Oh! I tell you what! Why don't you demonstrate it for me and perhaps I can give you a couple of pointers?"
  • "Of course!"
  • "No, no! Those are not the right magic words, those are the WRONG magic words! Here. Try this. It's 'gooshy wooshy moose moose moose'."
  • "Very good, Luigi! Now you know the correct magic words, and I want you to be ver- Oh, I'm sorry. I've got to go. I-I've got a luncheon appointment with Erik Estrada."
  • "Oh! Word of caution! Be careful how you use those magic words because sometimes, they can be a lotta problems!"
  • "Yeah, goodbye, fellas! Farewell!"
  • "Disappear? Luigi, didn't I warn you not to play around with those magic words?"
  • "Now this is no time for lectures. Luigi, I want you to repeat these words after me!"
  • "'Ping ping pear...'"
  • "'Wing wing wear...'"
  • "Make old Mario..."
  • "...rea-pair!"
  • "Well, I'm a magician. Not a poet."
  • "Please!"
  • "Hey, no problem, boys! Well, have you learned a lesson, Luigi?"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


  • "Hi, Toad! It's great to see ya again!"
  • "Oh, I don't do that stuff anymore. I've got a steady job. I'm the official guardian of...the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "That's dangerous firepower, little buddy! And my job is to keep it from falling into the wrong hands!"
  • "Sorry I can't help you beat King Koopa, but I'm not just as much of a hero anymore."
  • "Whoa! Be careful! Watch out now! Be careful!"
  • "Okay! I'm mad!"
  • "Now I'm really mad!"
  • "Did anybody get the license number of that chariot that hit me?"
  • "Forget it, Mario! I don't stand a chance against King Koopa! He has the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Get me back in shape? How?"
  • "I couldn't have done it without my personal trainers! Now, let's get the Great Balls of Fire back from King Koopa!"
  • "Soft landing, coming right up!"
  • "I'm not a flop anymore!"
  • "The Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Koopa's escaped. The Great Balls of Fire are kaput. Some hero I turned out to be..."
  • "You did it! The Great Balls of Fire are are burning brighter than ever, Toad!"

Herlock Solmes

  • "Help!"
  • "Heeelp!"
  • "You'll never get away with it, Professor Kooparity!"
  • "Elementary, my dear Kooparity! You're going to break into the Tower of Victoria and steal a new weapon: The Retro Router!"
  • "It was elementary, my dear Kooparity! That's just the kind of crime a crafty Koopa would commit!"
  • "...and Kooparity's next move will be to steal the Retro Router from the Tower of Victoria."
  • "Elementary, my dear Kooparity! You're a cross between a lizard and an inferior species of toad! Your brain is smaller than a peanut! You got the lowest grades in your school and hold the world record for flunking Kindergarten the most times! When you were little, the other Koopas nicknamed you Lizard Lips and never let you play with them! You were a naughty lily-livered bullyboy and wet the bed until you were twelve!"
  • "Kooparity, your Koopa caper is kaput!"
  • "Thank you for saving Victoria from that renegade reptile!"
  • "Mario! Don't put your hand in there!"
  • "That's the Killer Kitty of the Caskervilles! Pull! Pull! Pull!"


  • "Take it from me Queen Rotunda, this is the best love potion I ever mixed!"
  • "Once sip of my passion potion your highness, and he'd fall in love with tree stump. We'd only have to be sure you are the first person he sees after he drinks this glop."
  • "Here Rotunda, take this love gunk with you in case you bump into that hot throb, Prince Pompadour."
  • "I think I'll drink a toast to Rotunda for not marrying that silly, little plumber."
  • "Oh you hunky love muffin, you! I've been looking for you all my life!"


The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "Uh, how about doin' another trick and getting me some more oats."
  • "No oats, no work. Sorry, fat boy!"

Imperial Poobah

  • "Hello there! Is this the residence of Mario and Luigi?"
  • "None other!"
  • "Very good! You may rise, oh loyal servants of the sinks!"
  • "Proclamation: It is with immense pleasure that I do hereby decree, Mario and Luigi, have been chosen by the Great Order of Plumbers, to be Plumbers of the Year!"
  • "None other!"
  • "Of course! Before I can award you the Plumbers of the Year trophy, I must conduct the imperial investigation; just a routine inspection, to confirm that you meet the Grand Order of Exacting Standards of Excellence."
  • "Now!"
  • "Yes, if you are truly worthy of being Plumbers of the Year, you have nothing to worry about! Nothing to worry about! Nothing to worry about!"
  • "Well, Mario and Luigi, you sure run a tight ship!"
  • "It looks like you boys truly are worthy! Congratula-"
  • "Uh oh?"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Uh oh!"
  • "It looks like your pipe's sprung a leak!"
  • "Yeah, a trickle, I'm afraid this changes things. Apparently, you don't have what it takes!"
  • "You'll never fix this leak! It's a flood!"
  • "This is no time for snacks!"
  • "That's really impressive! I want to tell you I'm impressed! That's remarkable! That was the most inventive use of available material! I've never seen a plumber employ! Luigi and Mario, in light of recent developments, you have demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are in fact, worthy of the title of Plumbers of the Year! And it's a great honor that I hereby convey to you by virtue of the power invested to me by the Grand Order of Plumbers, a set of steak knives, dices, hand see them on TV! Allow six to eight weeks for delivery. I now pronounce you, Plumbers of the Year!"
  • "Oh, here we go again!"
  • "Hello there! This is a plumbing emergency! I'd like to order ten pizzas to go! With cheese, with cheese! Cheese!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

Inspector Gadget

Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn

  • "Inspector Gadget here!"
  • "Well hold on Luigi, I'll be right over to give you a hand! Go go gadget bike!"
  • "I said I'd be right over to give you a hand!"


  • "Princess! I knew you'd come!"
  • "Romano and I were about to be married when the Koopa came to our world and started a feud between our two families!"
  • "We don't know what to do!"
  • "I'm almost ready! Here comes the bride!"
  • "Help! Put me down!"
  • "Romano, Romano! Where the heck art thou, Romano?"
  • "Oh, Romano! Parting was such sweet sorrow!"
  • "We will escape... We won't escape!"

King Koopa

The Bird! The Bird!

  • "Well, at last you two powder-puffs did something right!"
  • "Watch it, soldier! When I want my feet licked, I'll ask for it; I want my feet licked!"
  • "This will be the last time those pinhead plumbers throw a monkey wrench into MY evil plans!"
  • "Attention, Koopa Troopers! It's air raid time!"
  • "For badness below and behind the call of cruelty, I, the devious King Koopa, bestow these medals of the double-cross!"
  • "THEY WHAAAAAT?!?! You fumbling beak-geeks BLEW IT!!!"
  • "Koopa Troopa Pack...ATTACK!!! Put out that super plumber's fire!"
  • "It's all over, scum-scrubbers!"
  • "Who threw that vegetable?"
  • "I'll be back! You haven't heard the last of King Koopa!"

King Mario of Cramalot

  • "Now I can spread my evil meanness all over to Cramalot!"
  • "So...Mario thinks HE'S king of Cramalot! That impudent little faucet fixer! HOW DARE HE! There's only one king of Cramalot, AND WHO IS THAT!?"
  • "It's time to teach that pasta-eatin' plumber and his friends, NOT to crown the Koopa! Sound the Koopa Troopa attack!"
  • "Don't celebrate yet, you sewer-scrubbin'-lovin' losers!"
  • "I wouldn't do that if you value the Princess's beauty!"
  • "Gimme that plunger!"
  • "When I get through with you lasagna-lovin' losers, you'll wish you never CAME to Cramalot!"
  • "This is the most glorious day of my Koopa career! At last I'm king! King of aaaaaaaaall Cramalot!"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! It's that pepperoni plumber!"
  • "We'll see about that! Seize them!"
  • "Easier said than done, macaroni-mouth!"
  • "I don't know. What?"
  • "Cut the cord and fight, faucet face!"
  • "Flattery will get you nowhere!"
  • "Take that!"
  • "Drats. You pasta-brained plumbers have foiled my plans again!"
  • "Then as the old saying goes... He who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!"

Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "You'll never see those pipsqueak plumbers again! I put prices on their heads, and a patsy on their tails! Your kingdom, will NEVER be free, and you'll spend the rest of your life, crawling at night!"
  • "Then there's breakfast, lunch, and dinner...for the rest of the week! I'll drop by in a few weeks to accept your surrender! Starve well, my pretty princess!"
  • "Those pesky plumbers got away?! You buck-toothed bumblehead! You're a disgrace to rodents everywhere! You put those drain-drips in prison, or I'll lock YOU up instead!"
  • "How about... my...PRISONERS!"
  • "Princess Toadstool can forget about a rescue! I got her budinski buddies all Koopered up!"
  • "Now, linguini-lips...we'll see who's REALLY the fastest gun in the west!"
  • "At the cheep of six, draw!"
  • "GOTCHA!"
  • "Like my grandfather Poopa La Koopa always said, 'Cheat, beat, and be merry!'"
  • "How nice of you to drop in on Princess Toadstool! How are you gonna get out NOW, drain-o-brains?! Now I got you pipesqueaks JUST where I want ya!"
  • "There's more than one way to get rid of pests!"

Mario's Magic Carpet

  • "I'll give ya three urns of dried dates for her! That's my final offer!"
  • "P-U!"
  • "You're mine, Princess! All mine!"
  • "Prepare yourself, for a long torturous journey, Princess!"
  • "Far far away, where your budinski buddies can NEVER save you!"
  • "Au contraire! My evil scheme, is right on schedule! Soon we'll be flying over some nasty quicksand, ad that's where I'll bid you adieu!"
  • "What was that?"
  • "If the altitude's bothering you, I can take care of that, pronto!"
  • "This is where you get off!"
  • "She can't save her kingdom from there! Now to pull the rug out from under those Marios!"
  • "Gotcha!"
  • "She's playing in the sand!"
  • "Oh no, you won't!"
  • "Hello? Pidgit Express? This is King Koopa! Send me a dozen Pidgits, pronto!"
  • "Don't know what I'd do without my carpet phone."

Rolling Down the River

  • "Fool! Those pinhead plumbers are bound to try and rescue Princess Toadstool! And I intend to capture them before they do! Outta my way, rodent!"
  • "What kinda birthday cake?"
  • "Happy? Impostor! I never use the H-word!"
  • "Now all I need is those faucet freak Mario Bros.!"
  • "Your pushy plumber friends are finished, Princess!"
  • "Don't interrupt me! Not while I'm boasting and gloating!"
  • "As I was saying, with Mark Twang out of the race..."
  • "What?"
  • "I don't believe it! How did Twang fix that steam engine?"
  • "No, no, no! It's that muttonhead Mario!"
  • "Let them come! I have a big surprise for them! Bring me the Black Pit Bob-Ombs!"
  • "Don't question my orders, you rotten rodent! Just do it!"
  • "Down the drain with those pesky pipe-pushers!"
  • "So what? Those pinhead plumbers will never get past the black pit! I'll still win this race, and become King of the River!"
  • "Stop wisecracking, Mushroom, or I'll turn you into soap!"
  • "No, no, no! I hate those pesky plumbers!"
  • "Put me down, you wrench monkey!"
  • "Are you kiddin'? I'm a villain, remember?"
  • "Man the guns! Keelhaul the anchor! Sink that side-wheeler!"
  • "Laugh now, sewer-scum! But when I get outta here, I'll plug your pipes!"

The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "Guess who's coming to dinner, Tryclydius? The Marios!"
  • "Don't let 'em see ya, snake-breath! I want 'em to walk into my trap!"
  • "Why do I have to give you an order three times before it sinks in?"
  • "I can't let you ninnies ruin my plan to get the Marios outta the way!"
  • "Get back here, you stupid serpent!"
  • "Hmm... I've been looking so forward to your visit!"
  • "Emperor Augustus Septemberus Octoberus Koopa to you, my little prisoner!"
  • "They're gonna find out about it right now, bright-eyes! In the meantime, lemme make you both comfortable!"
  • "There's no escaping the great Augustus Septemberus Octoberus Koopa!"
  • "Welcome to my spaghetti dinner, faucet freaks!"
  • "And I'd like to introduce you clogheads to my gladiator! Fight him and win, and you go free!"
  • "Why, thank you, Princess! Bring on my champion!"
  • "Enjoying the show, Princess?"
  • "Awww! It'll be over soon! Tryclydius is gonna make minced Mario meat outta those two wrenchheads!"
  • "Not for long, Princess! Three heads are better than two!"
  • "It can't be! They defeated my champion!"
  • "That's what YOU think! Brutius, release the lions!"
  • "One of the nice things about being evil is, you get to lie a lot!"
  • "Come now! Be a good girl, Princess!"
  • "You Marios haven't seen the last of King Koopa!"

Mario and the Beanstalk

  • "Fum fee fi fo! I smell the brothers Mario!"
  • "It won't open, basin brains!"
  • "Fee fum fi foo! I'm gonna cook some Mario stew!"
  • "I told ya! You're staying to be my dinner!"
  • "Now will ya believe me?"
  • "Fee fi fo fum! I'll lock you up, cause you're so dumb!"
  • "Fi fum fee faddit! You two guys have really had it!"
  • "That's right! Forever! And since you admire my gold coins so much, you may remain with them...for the rest of your lives! Eventually, you'll be crushed by them! Watch this! Lay!"
  • "That goose is gonna smother you brothers! Lay!"
  • "Oh, no, no, no! It shrunk me!"
  • "This is just a small setback! I'll return, bigger than ever!"

The Great BMX Race

  • "Attention, Team Koopa! When those pain-in-the-drain plumbers reach Dead Man's Curve, nail 'em real nasty!"
  • "Now I'll really pull the plug on those faucet freaks!"
  • "You're my prisoner, Princess! And soon, your pedal-pushin' plumbers will be outta MY hair forever!"
  • "I'd try, my dear! I'd try!"
  • "No one asked for a trap faster than a plumber! Prepare for...Operation Smash 'Em! ...Now!"
  • "What?"
  • "Not for long, fungus-face! Phase 2, featherheads! And hurry!"
  • "Aw, yikes! Track them, Troopas!"
  • "Ohhhh! You bumbling boobs!"
  • "Okay! That does it! You're ALL gonna be Koopatized!"
  • "There'll be other crooked races, and other ways to cheat!"
  • "Whoa! Ow! That hurt!"

Stars in Their Eyes

  • "And his magnetic personality!"
  • "Gut wrenching, isn't it?"
  • "Stick around for the party, ya honk-faced Quirks!"
  • "Oh, yes it CAN, ya little twerp! You're gonna spend the rest of your lives in chains!"
  • "They'll never lose their chains because I control them!"
  • "Electronically, no less!"
  • "You're breaking my heart, Princess! Now get to work! Now that you and these Quirks are my slaves, I got other planets to plunder!"
  • "There's no escaping from Moon Man Koopa!"
  • "Not with tools in your pockets!"
  • "I'll dispose of those fried cooks!"
  • "Come to Koopa, my little olive pit!"
  • "I'll get those Quirks for thiiiiiis!"
  • "You call that music? Stop that racket!"
  • "I hate that music, I hate spaghetti, I hate Quirks, I hate those faucet freeeeeeaks!"

Jungle Fever

  • "Well, what didja find out what those bumbling basin-brains are up to?"
  • "I've heard o' him! He's the best elixir mixer in the jungle!"
  • "Oh yeah? Well, two can play at that game! And I know how to cheat!"
  • "There's no warning sign, you faucet freak because I stole it! Okay, Koopa Pack! Time to attack!"
  • "That's right! Ya can't go back! But ya can go down!"
  • "So long, scum scrubbers!"
  • "It's my own Koopa Strength Itching Powder! You're gonna scratch so bad you'll fall off that bridge! Now I'm gonna get that witch doctor and his magic potion for myself!"
  • "Those pesky plumbers must be falling to their doom right now!"
  • "Never interrupt me when I'm gloating!"
  • "Alright! Which one of you messed up?! Who ruined all my sneaky underhanded plans?!"
  • "OW!!! Watch where you're going, ya egg crate! Better yet, commence fire!"
  • "Forward! Quick! There's no time to lose!"
  • "Hey, doc! Can you mix potions from inside a gunnysack?"
  • "Well, here's your chance!"'
  • "And it's just beginning, basin-brains! And while you're scratching yourselves to your graves, your good witch doctor will be mixing bad potions, for me!"
  • "Now, make me a potion which will stop Princess Toadstool from trying to rescue her Mushroom people and ruining all my fun!"
  • "Or I feed ya to these starving Piranha Plants!"
  • "That's it! That potion will turn Princess Toadstool into a helpless rock!"
  • "You're stalling, Sheldon!"
  • "HEY!!! Capture them!"
  • "Thank you, Princess! You saved me ALL the trouble of hunting you down! You're so nice to me!"
  • "You're right! It IS the last thing! Witch doctor! Douse her with that potion and turn her into a rock!"
  • "HEY!!! Ohhhh! IT ITCHES!!!"

Brooklyn Bound

  • "The only place those faucet freaks will straight to my dungeon!"
  • "After them, you muddleheaded mongols!"
  • "Looks like those drips have finally taken the big drop!"
  • "For courage beyond compare! For bravery beyond description! I praise this great hero, the superior fiend, me! Koopa Khan the Magnificent!"
  • "If I didn't deserve this, I wouldn't give it to me!"
  • "Yeah! A me! For getting rid of the Princess and her pals all in one fell swoop! Cheer me, you clods!"
  • "WHAT?!"
  • "Koopa Pack, it's time to attack! TO YOUR OSTRICHES!!!"
  • "Last one into the cave is a goodie-goodie!"
  • "Hey! Drains-for-brains!"
  • "Goodbye, and good riddance!"
  • "You'll never reach it, faucet face! You and your friends are doomed!"
  • "Darn! You disgusting drainhead!"
  • "Whoops! Time to Koopa out!"
  • "You Snifit cowards! You yellow-bellies! Wait for your fearless leader! You'll pay for this, you pesky plumber! Yeeow!"
  • "You stupid sniveling Snifits! Find a way across that chasm, and find it, NOW!"
  • "Ow ow ow ow ow!"
  • "That was my idea, you snug-faced simp!"
  • "Let's go, and don't spare the ostrich power!"
  • "Don't worry, plumber boys! I'll take care of them!"
  • "Goodbye, jerkos! And don't come back!"
  • "Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me? Your plumber pals ran out on you, remember?"
  • "Snifits! Smash them!"
  • "You sniveling Snifits! This is no time to sneak out! Wait! I'll getcha! Whoa!"
  • "I hate plumbers! I hate 'em, I hate 'em, I hate 'em!"

Toad Warriors

  • "Lock them up and throw away the key! And whatever you do, don't let them get away!"
  • "The last of the spaghetti sauce is almost in my hands! I'll make a fortune selling it back to those miserable Mushrooms, and now I've got that pesky Princess, too!"
  • "Car 54 1/2, come in...or else!"
  • "Get your motors running! They've got the Princess inside that Rebel Fort! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "That mouse-brain! To think of all the gold coins I wasted on his driver's ed classes!"
  • "Those miserable wrench-heads won't ruin MY evil plans! Prepare an ambush, Mouser! Make road pizzas outta them!"
  • "I've heard of falling stars, but plummeting plumbers?"
  • "Enough, Mr. Nice Guy, it's time for my ultimate weapon! Mouser, bring forth the Thunder Birdo!"
  • "FIRE!!!"
  • "End of the road, Princess Toadstool! End of the road! Hahahahahahaha!"
  • "Wait till the smoke clears, Mouser! Those plumbers are tricky! It could be a sink trap."
  • "Oh, alright. Let's move in!"
  • "I'll get you for this, Mario! Koopa Pack, reattack! And get that loser Luigi, too! And get him! Get them! Get all of them!"
  • "Forward-ho!"
  • "No miserable little Mushroom beats King-of-the-Road Koopa in a (coughs) race!"
  • "Deal! For sure it won't be you, biker-breath!"
  • "Hey, warthog! Let's play chicken!"
  • "I'll be back! You can't keep a bad Koopa down!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "Bring me the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Hercufleas? He's a has-been. Even you bonehead Beezos can stop that over-the-hill hero!"
  • "Why am I cursed with such mush-headed minions?"
  • "Ah, Mouser! I was just talkin' about you!"
  • "Perfect! Once I have the Great Balls of Fire, I'll really heat things up for that princess, fungus, and those sewer simps!"
  • "These fireballs are fantastic! Think of the destruction! Think of the wreckage! Think of how much this'll lower my heating bill!"
  • "If those faucet freaks want the Great Balls of Fire that badly, I'd hate to disappoint them!"
  • "Mouser! More marshmallows!"
  • "What enemies, you repugnant rodent? I've already roasted 'em!"
  • "The Marios? You're supposed to be smoked! Did Jerkufleas save you?"
  • "Beezos to battle stations! We'll fry the funny fungus first!"
  • "Stop this, Hercuflop!"
  • "You pathetic little firecrackers! Don't Koop out on me! Ah! I can trounce this mush-twerp, fire or no fire!"
  • "And so am I! Where's my getaway chariot?"
  • "So long, flush-faces! You can keep your Great Balls of Fizzle!"

Count Koopula

  • "Those pesky plumbers are playing right into my fangs!"
  • "Mousigor!"
  • "Prepare rooms for Princess Toadstool and her foolish friends! And you, you vapid vampire, go lure our victims...into my castle!"
  • "Before the night is through, I'll make them wish they never came to Turtlevania!"
  • "Welcome to the Castle of Count Koopula! Dinner is served!"
  • "I command you! Behold the full moon!"
  • "You can do what you want with the pasta freaks, but don't hurt the Princess! Now find 'em!"
  • "Too late, Princess!"
  • "I'm taking you to Count Koopula's Torture Chamber, Wax Museum and Dungeon of Horrors!"
  • "Say ciao to your friends, Princess Toadstool! That's goodbye in Italian, because when you see 'em again, you'll be a tomato sauce-sucking vampire, just like me!"
  • "Now, my dear, it's time to initiate you into the loyal brotherhood of tomato sauce vampires!"
  • "Uh oh! I hate sunlight!"
  • "Outta my way, plumb scum!"
  • "I'll get you for this! I'll be back! Just you wait and see!"

Pirates of Koopa

  • "And Blackbeard Koopa himself! Hehe! Well, well, well! Look what the tide washed up! The muttonhead Marios and that miserable little Mushroom! Ah, and the Princess. What perfect plunder for a pirate! Hahahahaha! I gotcha NOW, you stupid jellyfish! Surrender!"
  • "Fire a warning shot! On second thought, blow the plumber boys and the Princess right off the boat!"
  • "That wasn't very nice, you puny plumber! You thought you could dupe the Koop, did ya?"
  • "What do you want?"
  • "Oh yeah, ya mangy little Mushroom?! He who laughs last laughs best! Koopa Pirate Pack, attack!"
  • "Would Blackbeard Koopa lie? Besides, you didn't come willingly!"
  • "It's pirate party time!"
  • "Nonsense, my dear! The party's in your honor! I'm selling you to the pirate who can steal me the most gold coins!"
  • "But everyone IS here in your honor, my precious Princess!"
  • "These scurvy scoundrels won't care!"
  • "Aren't I, though? But enough of this sweet talk!"
  • "Listen close, you repulsive wretches! It's time to play "Auction the Princess!""
  • "Do I hear one thousand gold coins? Remember, the money goes to my favorite charity... Me."
  • "Sink another ship! Raid another port! This princess is worth more than that measly bit!"
  • "Do I hear a million gold coins for this fair maiden of the sea?"
  • "A billion? Heh! Sold to the puny pirate with the hideous hair, for a billion gold coins!"
  • "I'm rich! Rich! Filthy stinking mouthwatering rich!"
  • "You! You miserable Mario Bros.!"
  • "Don't just stand there, you pathetic dunderheads! Let's get 'em!"
  • "Whooooa! I'll be back to sink yooooouuuuu!"

Two Plumbers and a Baby

  • "Ga ga! You'll be eighteen inches tall when I turn the Fountain of Youth up to full power, ya old fogy! Then you'll work for the Koopa!"
  • "It's King Goo Goo Ga Ga Koopa to you!"
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Albatoss! Catch those sniveling rugrats!"
  • "Ga ga goo goo! Now you terrible tots will do all my chores while I play!"
  • "Huh? It's the miserable Marios, that mush-headed Mushroom and the pesky Princess! Goo goo them!"
  • "Now I've gotcha where I want ya, ya pint-sized brat!"
  • "Hey! Show some respect for us grownups!"
  • "Koopa Pack, it's time to attack!"
  • "Use the bomb net, you featherbrain!"
  • "Stop or I'll tell on you! I've been hangin' around these kids too long!"
  • "Net THEM, you flying squawkbox, not me!"
  • "You'll never get away with it, you noodle noggins!"
  • "I'll fix you!"
  • "(as a baby) What?! Huh?! I'll be back to get you, when I grow up!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "That lasagna-lovin' lunkhead will never find us down here! And with Herlock Solmes my prisoner, I can now commit that criminal caper of the century!"
  • "Oh no? And who's gonna stop me? I'm afraid you're all tied up at the moment!"
  • "So, Mr. Smartypants Detective, I'll bet you can't guess what my next caper'll be!"
  • "Alright! Which one of you bonehead blabbermouths spilled the beans?!"
  • "QUIEEEET! You dimwitted dunderheads! We've got a Koopa caper to commence!"
  • "Of course it was a great idea. I thought of it, didn't I? Only a crafty Koopa could figure out a way into the Tower of Victoria!"
  • "Magic your stuff!"
  • "With this new weapon, I'm gonna clog every drain in Victoria and flood the city with sewer water!"
  • "Rotten reptiles! It's that pasta-eatin' plumber!"
  • "Launch the Koopa Pack attack!"
  • "Too bad for you, faucet face!"
  • "Time to snare these linguinni-lickin' losers!"
  • "This time, I'm sending you bilge-brains to the great waterworks in the sky!"
  • "You don't scare me, you linguinni-lickin' losers!"
  • "In a few moments, you'll be sliced salami! So long, gutter gophers!"
  • "Soon I'll be the vilest villain to ever victimize Victoria! Whaddaya think of me now, Mr. Detective Defective?"
  • "Who asked YOU, cheese-breath? Now get back to work! We've got a Koopa caper to commence!"
  • "Then let's sink this city in sewer water!"
  • "This time, you eggplant-eating idiots are too late!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Then as the old saying goes, 'He who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!'"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "And it's gonna get badder before it gets better, faucet freaks!"
  • "I think it's time you joined the rest of the Mushroom People, as a rock!"
  • "And he ain't the only one going bye-bye! I'm gonna turn those two fat little plumbers, into two FLAT little plumbers!"
  • "Anything? Like, marry me?"
  • "With you as my bride, I'll be the legal ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom! It's the only thing I need to accomplish total victory!"
  • "I knew I was irresistible!"
  • "Tell ya what? I'll restore Toad and your people before the wedding, and free the Marios after! Deal?"
  • "Take the Princess to the great hall, and spread the word! We're gettin' married in the morning!"
  • "The lucky Princess Toadstool's gonna get me as her handsome husband!"
  • "This better fit!"
  • "Hey, you! Put together a band! A loud band! The louder, the better! And you! Make up a guest list! Invite all my friends to the wedding!"
  • "Well, there's uh...nah, nah. How about, eh...uh... Alright. Invite my mother! She'll show up for the cake!"
  • "I can't get married in this jacket!"
  • "And why is that, my beautiful betrothed?"
  • "Oh, alright. Keep your crown on. You want people to think I'm marrying a nag?"
  • "Get that little toadstool outta here before I get sick!"
  • "Doin' what I do best: being really bad! I'm rockin' ya back to sleep!"
  • "Correction, stone face! I just GOT away with it!"
  • "You there! Troopas! Take this rock pile back inside the castle! I don't want the Princess to find out what I did to her people till after our wedding!"
  • "No, no, no! Put some feeling into it! Some romance! Some-"
  • "I'm glad, Mama!"
  • "Yes, Mama! Right, Mama! Sorry, Mama!"
  • "If that jacket's not ready, Mouser, I'll turn you over to Mama!"
  • "All right! Lookin' good, your royal Koopaness!"
  • "I'm coming, Mama!"
  • "Don't forget our deal, Princess! I kept my promise to free your people. Now you keep yours!"
  • "Yes, Mama?"

The Pied Koopa

  • "Boogie with Koopa, you fungus brats! Boogie right into my double-dealing clutches!"
  • "Wanna bet, my soggy little sink slob?"
  • "Troopas! Take these plumbers prisoner! Also the princess and that fathead Mushroom!"
  • "Since you busy bodies flooded my favorite dungeon, I think it's only fair you spend the rest of your lives there! Toss 'em in the drink!"
  • "What's going on with those brats? MOUSER!!!"
  • "Mouser! This is NOT a nursery school! This is evil castle!"
  • "Round up those little monsters and throw 'em in the brig then double the guard!"
  • "You're thinking too small, you repulsive rodent! Triple the guard!"
  • "Good work, Mouser!"
  • "I get the medal, rodent! Tripling the guard was my idea! It would take a miracle for those brats to escape!"
  • "Hey, mouse-brain! Where's that music coming from?"
  • "Don't be silly! This is Pasta Land! Radio hasn't been invented yet!"
  • "Look! It's those faucet freaks! They're using my own trick against me! Koopa Pack, attack!"
  • "Get back here, you stupid Troopas! You turkey turtles! Get back here, or I'll repossess your shells!"
  • "Stop them! Those rotten toadstool tots are getting away! Mouser! This flute will bring them back, and I'm putting YOU in full charge of the little brats!"
  • "My flute! I've lost my magic flute! Y'know, I've been havin' more bad luck lately than a bad guy can take!"


  • "At last! My creation is almost finished! Now all I need to complete my Monster Robot a brain!"
  • "If only you weren't so stupid, Mouser, I could use yours! Yes, yes! What is it?"
  • "Aha! Just what the doctor ordered! Those plumbers may not be too bright, but between the both of them, I can make one good brain! Good work, Mouser! Now, go capture them and bring them to me! If you fail, I'll feed you to my monster!"
  • "Excellent, Mouser! We'll be able to finish our brain transfer experiment...tonight!"
  • "First, we'll measure your combined brainpower! Think of the smartest person ya know: Me!"
  • "What? Impossible! A potted plant scores higher than that!"
  • "No one is THAT stupid!"
  • "Stop, you faucet-flunkies!"
  • "Last thing I remember, I had those pesky plumbers trapped in my brain drain device! What happened?"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service

  • "Magic Potion, do your stuff!"
  • "At last! I've Koopa conquered Fort Hard Knox! There's more gold here than in a candy lover's mouth! Let's bag this booty and blow!"
  • "This is the crowning caper of my Koopa career!"
  • "Cursed crocodiles! It's those pepperoni plumbers! Let's Snifit-slaughter 'em!"
  • "Rotten reptiles! I'll ambush 'em with an Albatoss!"
  • "That's it! I'm through trying to reason with those pesky plumbers! Koopfinger to Birdo! Nab those eggplant-eatin' idiots!"
  • "Welcome to my hideout!"
  • "Shut your valve, bilge-brain! We're gonna play a little game!"
  • "The Tunnel of Doom! My favorite!"
  • "How many are there?"
  • "Lousy lizards! Is that all? We're gonna have to pull another caper quick!"
  • "Drat! It's those sewer-swimming secret agents!"
  • "We'll see about that! Koopa pack, attack!"
  • "You clog-clearing clodhoppers have foiled my plans again!"
  • "Then as the old saying goes, he who Koops and runs away, lives to Koop another day!"

Mario and Joliet

  • "Cursed crocodiles! That budinski Princess is at it again!"
  • "Don't I know it? I've made a fortune supplying Albatosses, Snifits, and Bob-Ombs to those feudin' fools! If the fighting stops, I'll go broke!"
  • "But what can I do?"
  • "What a wonderfully evil idea! Heheh! That'll start the feud all over again!"
  • "He's right here!"
  • "And Grunt, my Super Troopa, will make sure ya stay that way! So long, sewer scum!"
  • "Koopa Pack, attack!"

Too Hot to Handle

  • "Those pitiful plumbers are falling hook, line and plunger, for my plan to trap the Princess!"
  • "Keep him on ice until that miserable Princess is mine, then you can throw him into the lava machine!"
  • "I'm always ready for sneaky badness!"
  • "Attention, Aloha People! This is your Fire God! Princess Toadstool must be thrown into the volcano at sundown, or the great volcano will explode and destroy your island!"
  • "I love being rotten!""'
  • "Then let's keep the heat on!"
  • "Curses! Here come those budinski plumbers again! Koopa pack, attack!"
  • "What are those idiots waiting for?"
  • "Just because I said it doesn't mean I meant it!"
  • "Here come the Mario Bros. to rescue Princess Toadstool and I've got two mushbrains waiting for sundown! ...I'll fix those freaks!"
  • "At the time of the tone, the time will be: sundown! Phbbbbbt! On with the sacrifice!"
  • "My favorite dish! Fire God under glass! And now to rid myself of the Mario Bros. once and for all! Prepare the lava machine!"
  • "I know! Tha-That's why I like me so much!"
  • "Prepare the lava boat for my getaway with Princess Toadstool!"
  • "Now you're cookin', Fryguy! Once the Princess and I are safely away, set the Lava Machine to bury the island!"
  • "Oh no? My plan has been perfect!"
  • "When I get my mitts on you, you're gonna be creamed, Mushroom!"
  • "Gotcha! Prepare to fry in the Lava Machine, you mangy Mushroom!"
  • "Haven't I told ya never to interrupt me when I'm gloating?"
  • "You mean I can't destroy the island?! I hate those Marios! They always spoil my fun! Well, I'll just have to put the Lava Machine back in action while my two prisoners watch!"
  • "At least you're still my prisoner, and we're escaping in the Lava Boat!"
  • "Ow! Oh! Ooh! I'll get you for this, you meddling Marios! Time to Koop out!"

King Koopa's mother

  • "Koopums! Koopums! Sweet little baby! You're makin' Mama sooooo happy!"
  • "What took ya so long to find a nice girl and settle down, anyway? ...So this is the lucky bride! I want you and my little Koopums to spend your honeymoon with me!"
  • "Oh, yeeeeees! I live in the foulest smelliest swamp in seven worlds! You'll love it!"
  • "Poor dear! She's overcome with joy!"
  • "The cake's here, Koopums! The bride's here, and so is the minister! ...So how come you're not dressed yet, ya bad little boy?"
  • "Koopums! We're waiting!"
  • "You ungrateful child! Now I'll have to tell all the relatives that stupid Koopums is still a bachelor! Koopums!"
  • "Go sit in the corner for six days!"

King Koopa's reflection

  • "Ya gotta stop this wedding!"
  • "What you need to do, is reflect on the problem."
  • "Why don't ya kidnap Joliet and blame it on Romano's family?"
  • "Brilliant! I knew you'd think of somethin'!"

King Neptune

  • "Relax, Max. Swim with the current. Take a dip in the ocean of happiness. Life's to short to be a crab."
  • "Have some fun, Jack. Get happy as a clam. In short: be a friend, not an anemone."
  • "What a bummer. I'm caught like a sea snail in a pail. Trapped like a squid under a lid. Somehow I gotta blow this seen and help my people."
  • "Holy Mackerel! Wh-who are you?"
  • "Cool as a sea cucumber, Jack. Ha! Let's haul anchor and set sail."
  • "Don't worry about a thing my little dolphin. I'll round up a fleet of fishy friends. That Barra-Koopa's gonna be up to his gills in grief."
  • "Barra-Koopa, you're in a whale of a lot of trouble."
  • "Thanks land-loving friends for rescuing me and freeing the Mermushrooms."

Koopa Troopas

King Mario of Cramalot

  • "Uh, can ya give me a hint?"
  • "Well gee, maybe ya better get off him."
  • "Yes, your most royal Koopaness! You're the most kingliest Koopa that ever Kooped in Cramalot!"

Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "Look out!"
  • "We're outta here!"

Rolling Down the River

  • "Thought you could cheat us, huh?"
  • "Hey! It's the Mario Bros.!"

The Great BMX Race

  • "Get 'em! We're getting closer! Oooh! We're getting close!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "All tied up! That's a good one, boss! OUCH!"
  • "You're the one, you limburger-eatin' liar!"
  • "The Retro Router's ready, boss!"
  • "Rotten cheeseballs! It's those pepperoni plumbers!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "What do you want?"
  • "Caterers? We don't need no stinkin' caterers!"
  • "Bug soup? Why didn't ya say so?"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service

  • "Bad news, boss! We're being followed by a plumber's truck!"
  • "(in Tryclyde's voice) Boss, we finished counting the gold coins we stole from Fort Hard Knox!"

Mighty McMario and the Pot of Gold

  • "Hey leprechaun, what's shaking Shamrock?"
  • "Let's hightail outta here!"


  • "Ready, your repulsiveness."
  • "Thank you, your Koopaness."
  • "You better do what King Koopa says or we'll freeze you to your knees."
  • "I prefer clouds myself, but at least it's snowing and freezing down there! Hehehehehehehe!"
  • "Oh no! My cloud has sprung a leak!"


  • "You got it, you chubby little chunk a lunch meat!"
  • "He's got a point, Harry."
  • "Now this is what I call a meal."
  • "Hey Koopa, slow down! We're hungry!"
  • "Hey Luigi, you wanna get to work? Break time's over!"
  • "I'm so starved I could eat a horse... or a plumber."

Little Robert

  • "WOO!!! This is the weirdest hotel room I've ever been in! That TV in the bathroom, man! Has some of the definite reruns I've ever seen!"
  • "That's me!"
  • "Hey, I'm just back and at 'em!"
  • "I heal you with anoxic, baby!"
  • "(unintelligible) Y'all didn't tell me that I sing for myself? That funny jam to do go home could be! Ya ready?"
  • "♪ Tutti Frutti! ♪"
  • "♪ Tutti Frutti! ♪"
  • "Yo! Your shtick is awful!"
  • "Okay! Okay, boys! Take 45, and take it to the top! Ya almost got it! For this time! For Mama Mario!"
  • "Ready?"
  • "♪ Tutti Frutti! ♪"
  • "♪ Tutti Frutti! ♪"
  • "♪ Tutti Frutti! ♪"
  • "NO!!! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Your "Oh, Marios" is great, but you're a little weak on the (*scats*)!"
  • "NOOO!!! This ain't gon' made just sittin' back in my room! Can I eat now?"
  • "Ya know? Hold on! You happen to come to your help with them, and SING my song, and need to go get 'em! I don't need to take my food to GO!!!"
  • "Shut up!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

Lou Albano

  • "Hey, Cindi, there you are!"
  • "Fifty dollars? Well here I am! Now fifty! Hahaha!"
  • "Oh, didn't you get my note?"
  • "Uh-oh! I must have torn the page out wrong. It should say "I've gone for good fried chicken! Back in an hour!""
  • "Yeah, I finally gave up waitin' for ya at my house, so I, uh, followed these posters on the, uh, telephone poles and it brought me right here!"
  • "Hey, Luigi, baby, how are ya?"
  • "Ay, will you tell him I'm sorry I missed him, but, uh, me and Cindi really have to go because, uh, we don't want a picnic in the dark. Hahaha!"
  • "Come on, Cindi!"
  • "Number one guy, baby, have good luck!"


  • "It's him!"
  • "Yes! Don't we look just like them? Everybody tells us so!"
  • "Wait a minute. How come I always get in the dirty work, heh?"
  • "I'll see you later, Lylezie!"
  • "Lylezie, we have to say goodbye!"
  • "Till next time, everybody!"
  • "(with Marianne and Lyle) Do the Mario!"


The Bird! The Bird!

  • "I can't! I'm allergic to mountains!"
  • "Puh-puh-polar bear?! Lunch?!"
  • "He was the nicest little fungus I ever knew!"
  • "Who could forget? Don't take chances or you'll go down the drain!"
  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "Or to us!"
  • "Worse? How could it be worse?"
  • "M-M-Mario! It's a Bob-Omb!"
  • "Look out! Here comes a whole squadron of King Koopa's Bob-Ombers!"
  • "It's an avalanche! Let's get outta here!"
  • "What is that thing?"
  • "Hey, Super Mario! Super cook their goose!"
  • "It's too late, Princess! They got us surrendered!"
  • "(with Mario, Princess Toadstool, and Toad) WORMS?!"

King Mario of Cramalot

  • "Hey! That buzzin's for real!"
  • "Look out! They're comin' back!"
  • "C-C-Crama's here in-in Koopalot? Uh...I mean, uh...Koopa's here in Cramalot? I mean, uh...shee! Let's split this place!"
  • "Now we'll never get back to Brooklyn!"
  • "We're trapped in a dungeon about to be executed! How could things be any worse?!"
  • "Mario, please! Don't say another word!"
  • "Never mind that! Just get us outta here before we turn into mushed macaroni!"
  • "Look! He's becomin' Super Mario!"
  • "Me?! But there- B-b-but I can’t! I'm-I'm gonna have a baby!"
  • "Ehh... was worth a try!"
  • "Miserable minestrone! The Koopas got away again!"

Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "Hey, Mario, I told you we shouldn'ta come! This place is full of dangerous outlaws!"
  • "Mario, it's gettin' sticky! Do somethin'!"
  • "Hey! What's the matter with King Koopa's wagon? Is it broken?"
  • "(*with Mario*) Mouser?!"
  • "Villains? Yo! I never villain nobody! I'm uh-"
  • "Oh no! En dend! I mean, uh, dend ed! I mean, shee... We're trapped!"
  • "You-you-you leap! I'll look!"
  • "Oh no! Sheriff Mouser's raised our reward for our capture!"
  • "Hey! Look over there!"
  • "Help? Help who?"
  • "Who's Me?"
  • "(with Mario) Him!"
  • "(with Mario) Patty-cake, patty-cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "Yeah! I mean, we're so thirsty, we don't know what we're doin'!"
  • "Alright! Yeah!"
  • "Yo! I need a doctor!"
  • "Gee, I hope we can find her, before the Sheriff's posse finds us."
  • "Hey! Hey, fellas! Look! Egg melons!"
  • "YIIIPES!!!"
  • "Oh... Thanks, Mario. But I can't breathe in here. I'm a gondola!"
  • "Yipes! Now we're all gondolas!"
  • "Me countin' cheeps always puts me to sleep."
  • "Waiting and rilling! I mean, uh...raiting and willing! I mean... Oh, just flush!"

Mario's Magic Carpet

  • "Mamma mia! We should've rented a camel with air conditioning!"
  • "Mario, it's a mirage! The sun's hot-boiled your brain!"
  • "It's a trap-oline!"
  • "Look at that loot! Diamonds, gold, rubies! It must be worth over a hundred bucks!"
  • "So what's all the magic mumbo-jumbo about that lamp, and what do you do? Pull a rabbit out of it?"
  • "Mario, don't try to kid me! How could a genie be in that lamp?"
  • "Are you magic? I mean, really magic? Are you a genie?"
  • "Hey. Looks like you rubbed out a wrong way!"
  • "Koopa's gettin' away! We'll never catch him on foot!"
  • "No problem! Any drain you got, we can fix. We're plumbers!"
  • "Oh boy! Full speed ahead!"
  • "Yeah. But if Koopa sees us, we're goners!"
  • "We're coming, Princess! KEEP YOUR CHIN UP!!!"
  • "Hey! I just remembered! I speak Pidgit!"
  • "Pidgit, pidgit, pidgit. Pidgit, pidgit."
  • "I told them if he wants really yummy carpet, to head to Koopa!"

Rolling Down the River

  • "How much long are we gonna keep these guys busy?"
  • "I don't like it. Toad should've been back by now."
  • "So, what do we do now, Mr. Big-Time Gambler?"
  • "What do we do now?"
  • "Oh no! Trouters! The game's not over! Swim!"
  • "{with Mario} Grateful!"
  • "And we'll never get Princess and Toad back!"
  • "Alright, Mario! One all ya got, comin' right up!"
  • "Mario! What's goin' on up there?"
  • "Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "Hear that...Ma-Mario? We're-we' bait!"
  • "If you're asking me, there's no way past that black pit."
  • "Yo! How can the river go around it?"
  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "(with Toad) We will?"
  • "(with Mario, Princess Toadstool, and Toad) To Mark Twang, King of the River! Long may he reign!"

The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "Keep your mustache on, Mario! We'll be in time for the dinner!"
  • "See? We're here ahead of time! We got a half an hour till chow!"
  • "It's some place, but I don't know what place!"
  • "(*with Mario*) CAPTURE US?!?!"
  • "He's too busy eating, Mario! He's your kinda horse."
  • "Mario, we've got trouble!"
  • "That was some trick, Mario!"
  • "They're gonna catch us, Mario!"
  • "This don't look good for the good guys."
  • "What's he going to do with that net, Mario?"
  • "HEEEELP!!!"
  • "Get 'em?"
  • "Hey! That's my brother Mario, you three-faced double-crosser!"
  • "D'oh! So is he! We can't keep this up forever, Mario! There's too many of them...I mean, him!"
  • "You lost your noodle?"
  • "We've got no chance against these lions, Mario!"
  • "Look at these guys eat, Mario! Maybe we should stay here and open a chain spaghetti restaurant!"
  • "Gulp! One extra plate of spaghetti...comin' right up!"

Mario and the Beanstalk

  • "You already did."
  • "Just tell us how many gold coins you'll give us."
  • "Garbanzo beans! Show 'er, Mario!"
  • "Uh oh. Great garbanzos!"
  • "I dunno, Mario! We're already too high!"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! This room's bigger than the Brooklyn Public Library! Wow!"
  • "Well, this has been fascinating... Let's scramble home."
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "Hey! I think it's locked!"
  • "You first, Mario! You're older!"
  • "I read you, paisano!"
  • "Strobin' stromboli! It's a mountain of gold money!"
  • "We got just the thing for this beanstalk in our plumbing bag!"
  • "Me too!"

Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

  • "What's that beep?"
  • "Help, Mario! I'm fallin' over!"
  • "Whew! Thanks a lot!"
  • "Holy ravioli! Hey, M-M-M-Mario! Tell me one more time how a plumber knows when he's in trouble?"
  • "Her dungeon?"
  • "Let's get outta here!"
  • "Do you think this is our... Gulp! ...last meal?"
  • "We're sure in deep spaghetti."
  • "Oh, poor Mario! We gotta save him!"
  • "Yo! Let's get cooking!"
  • "Maybe it had to be a CD! Come on, keep cookin'!"
  • "Come on! Mario's wedding is starting!"
  • "Let's play cupid!"
  • "Whoa! No! Don't drink that!"
  • "Oh no!"

The Great BMX Race

  • "(with Mario) Holy ravioli!"
  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "Hey! It's a bike race! And we got a bike!"
  • "Gee... Looks like we scared 'em off!"
  • "On second thought, Mario, those guys scared ME off!"
  • "Hey, Mario! You sure you know what you're doin'?"
  • "Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "I'd feel better if we went back and got my stomach..."
  • "Yeah... Just wish we could hear what cheer they were yelling!"
  • "But Mario! What about the race?"
  • "Well, that's what I call ten meals!"
  • "You betcha!"
  • "They're tryin' to push us over the cliff!"
  • "M-M-Ma-Mario! D-D-D-Do something!"
  • "Now I know why they call that a plumber's helper!"
  • "I thought hangin' around all day was the better choice."
  • "Mario! They're catchin' up!"
  • "Mario! Whoa! Nice jumpin', Mario!"
  • "Yo, what do we do now? Call a tow truck?"
  • "I th-think I liked it when we outnumbered them!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as quick as you can!"
  • "We'll smother them in succotash!"
  • "It's not my fault!"
  • "You mean I risked my neck for nothing?!"

Stars in Their Eyes

  • "What's better than this?"
  • "And the bad news?"
  • "And I got the toolbox!"
  • "Here! Use these tools for ballast! They'll hold you down!"
  • "Fat chance we'll find any on this deserted planet!"
  • "(with Toad) Moon Man Koopa?!"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! This whole tub is gonna sink!"
  • "And for free!"
  • "That's what I call shower power!"
  • "Now how are we gonna sneak in?"
  • "I hope these Quirk disguises work!"
  • "Look! Supplies!"
  • "Trouble!"
  • "(*with Mario, Princess Toadstool, and Toad*) Moon Man Koopa?! Oh no!"
  • "Mamma mia! We've been nailed by the tools in our pockets!"
  • "Quick! Run before Koopa closes your shackles!"
  • "Really?"
  • "Yes, sir!"
  • "But it's not the time to think of your stomach now!"

Jungle Fever

  • "What's so important we have to find this Sheldon guy anyway?"
  • "Hey! How much farther to this witch doctor's village?"
  • "Well, that's that! Time to turn back!"
  • "Ya know, a bridge this rickety's gotta have a warning sign that says, 'Keep Off'!"
  • "Wha...wha-what's that down below?"
  • "Mario! It's not too late to go back!"
  • "It is so bad!"
  • "I dunno, but it's makin' me itch somethin' terrible!"
  • "At 5 'o clock, too!"
  • "Yeah! I feel like I was bit by a million mosquitoes!"
  • "Koopa's really done it to us this time!"
  • "I'm too exhausted to scratch anymore."

Brooklyn Bound

  • "Mamma mia! I'm bein' totally blown awaaay!"
  • "I've had it, I've HAD it! I'm sick of Koopa chasing us from world to world! I wanna go home!"
  • "Hey! What's this thing?"
  • "Mighty mostaccioli! Can this be true?"
  • "The Duke of Drains! The Prince of Pipes! But he disappeared!"
  • "Brooklyn! Home sweet home!"
  • "Oh boy! Lead us to that drainpipe!"
  • "I guess we stay in Mushroom Land."
  • "Give 'er a try, Sal!"
  • "N-N-Now you tell me."
  • "What do you mean "Who needs Brooklyn?"'"
  • "Been nice knowing ya, Princess."
  • "You hear that? Brooklyn!"
  • "Take care of yourselves, eh?"
  • "They've been Koopanapped!"
  • "Mario's right! The Princess and Toad need us! So long, Sal!"
  • "Hey, thank you, Sal."
  • "I thought we were gonna sneak up on 'em, Mario."
  • "(*with Mario*) Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "Holy ravioli, Mario! You didn't say nothin' about gettin' kissed!"

Toad Warriors

  • "Mario! W-W-W-W-Watch out!"
  • "M-Me?! I-I don't know how to fly! I-I don't even know how to drive!"
  • "What goes up, must go down!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "Bad guys! Look behind us!"
  • "King Koopa's here?"
  • "(*pants*) I'll say. There must be a thousand steps to go before we reach the top!"
  • "Dumpy Guy Eatin' Donuts."
  • "Right! We will?"
  • "We're barbecued meatballs!"
  • "I hope this works!"
  • "We're gonna need more than spit! With that kinda firepower, King Koopa's unstoppable!"
  • "Uh, yeah! But I still think we're in deep spaghetti!"
  • "(*with Mario*) No pain, no clog in the drain!"

Count Koopula

  • "I'm cold and wet and hungry, Mario. How about some spaghetti?"
  • "But you had three orders! I only had one!"
  • "I'm not goin' in there! It looks like a boarding house for vampires!"
  • "I do."
  • "I don't like this creepy castle!"
  • "Wh-wh-what're you lookin' at?"
  • "Look at the p-p-paintings!"
  • "I tell ya... There's vampires here!"
  • "He-he-hey! Where did you get that? I thought the Tweeter Bat stole your spaghetti!"
  • "Holy macaroni!"
  • "Now will you believe me? Tomato sauce-sucking vampires! Let's get outta here!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Vampires!"
  • '"Spe-spe-s-s-spe..."
  • "D-d-d-d-do something, Mario!"
  • "Way to go, Princess!"
  • "He's turnin' 'em into W-W-W-W-Wereturtles!"
  • "Yeah, Princess! Don't worry! It's us they're after! ...US?!?!"
  • "Cobwebs?! That means sp-sp-spiders!"
  • "Holy macaroni!"
  • "This tickle torture is not funny!"
  • "Yo, my brother, the pasta vampire!"

Pirates of Koopa

  • "Yeah! Why did ya?"
  • "Did you say Blackbeard Koopa?!"
  • "Storm? What storm? There's not a cloud in- ...the sky."
  • "Holy calamari!"
  • "What do you see, Mario?"
  • "Maybe we should take a vote on that, Captain."
  • "Hey! We could sing! ♪ 100 bottles of milk on the wall, 100 bottles of milk! If one of the bottles should happen to fall, 99 bottles of milk on the wall! ♪"
  • "Leapin' linguinni! That's a high sea!"
  • "Macaroni misery, Mario! We're sunk!"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! It worked! Come on! Lets get jumpin'!"
  • "Creepin' calamari!"
  • "Way to go, Mario!"
  • "Now how do we save her? We got no ship, no cannons, no weapons! We got three men, one Mushroom, and a parrot against their five hundred!"
  • "I'll take a milk!"
  • "I bid a billion!"
  • "Holy macaroni!"

Two Plumbers and a Baby

  • "Yo! Calamitous clam sauce! Koopa's capturing all those children!"
  • "Let's get outta here!"
  • "This doesn't seem like a good time for bird-watchin', Mario."
  • "Holy pepperoni! Careful, Mario! She's not a sack of tomatoes, ya know!"
  • "But in the meantime, we got ourselves a baby princess to take care of!"
  • "And if she gets lost?!"
  • "Mario! What're you doing down here? The Princess went thattaway!"
  • "Holy ravioli, Mario! Look!"
  • "Hurry, Mario, before the Trouters get her!"
  • "There will be, if we can get her to take a nap!"
  • "Holy spumoni! She's gone!"
  • "Now we'll never get the Princess back to her right age!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "(spoken by Mario due to an animation error) Good thing you used the extra pipe for this Koopa Catcher, huh, Mario?"
  • "The water's goin' backwards!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "Gee, that Mario. He could pulverize a pasta factory and still have room for dessert!"
  • "Holy ravioli! Someone's in trouble!"
  • "Mysterious meat sauce! Look!"
  • "K-K-Kidnapped?! Uh, by who?"
  • "Loony linguinni! Mario thinks that hat makes him a detective!"
  • "It's a dictator machine!"
  • "Great garlic! The Koopa's here in Victoria!"
  • "Calaminous calzone! I've been disarmied!"
  • "We're trapped, like hairballs in a drainpipe!"
  • "Sufferin' spaghetti! How can you think of food at a time like this?!"
  • "Frustratin' fettuccine! Koopa's got away again!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "{*with Mario*} Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "We will?"
  • "This is awful! We gotta get outta here and stop that crazy wedding!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Dig!"
  • "And if you figured wrong?"
  • "We've been diggin' a long time, Mario!"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! We're not even in the castle anymore!"
  • "Which means...he kept his promise! Now the Princess HAS to marry Koopa!"
  • "Yeah! Now what do we do?"
  • "And exactly how do we get inside the castle?"
  • "I told ya it wouldn't work!"
  • "I don't believe they fell for the ol' bug soup trick!"
  • "{*with Mario*} HOORAY! Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "Holy macaroni! We're lost inside this cockamamy castle again! We'll never find the Princess!"
  • "Oh! Sorry, Toad."
  • "It is?"
  • "Gee! Mario gets the brainstorms, and I get the backaches!"
  • "If we ever get outta this, Toad, I'm puttin' you on a diet!"
  • "I don't care if ya turn him into ravioli! Just get him off my back!"
  • "Whew... Not as tired as me!"
  • "Forget about that! The wedding is starting!"

The Pied Koopa

  • "Yeah, too bad they can't grow with meatballs or somethin'."
  • "Why would he want all of Pasta Land's bambinos?"
  • "Your plans had a few leaks in it, Mario."
  • "There's no place we can go, Mario!"
  • "Whaddaya mean safe? We're trapped in King Koopa's dungeon!"
  • "Oh! Is that all? Piece of cake!"
  • "Careful, Mario! There could be real danger behind that door!"
  • "Are you kiddin'? We're gonna spend the rest of our lives as fish! What could be worse?"
  • "Holy macaroni! We're runnin' outta room to hide!"
  • "You guys land in one piece?"
  • "I don't like high places!"
  • "You got a point!"
  • "What was I scared of? That was a real soft landing!"
  • "With that many guards, we'll never free those bambinos!"
  • "Are you kiddin'? We've played in the Brooklyn Plumbing School Band for three years!"
  • "You were eating! I was holding your salami sandwich while you turned the page."
  • "That's what YOU think!"
  • "If we can!"


  • "First we gotta get in!"
  • "Hey! I resemble that!"
  • "I, uh, I left it at home! I'll be right back!"
  • 'You got him!"
  • "You don't got him!"
  • "Mario? Are you okay?"
  • "Yo, careful!"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service

  • "Terrifying tortellini! We're faaaaaaaaallin'!"
  • "Us?!"
  • "I see!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Oh!"
  • "Yo, what Spymobile? It's just an old plumber's truck!"
  • "Uh, let's really keep it a secret that we're agents, eh, by stayin' here!"
  • "Lousiness linguinni! Koopfinger's gettin' away with the gold!"
  • "Yo! Good thing this windshield's made up of Snifit-proof glass!"
  • "Albatoss comin' in for a Bob-Omb attack!"
  • "Calamitous calzone! We've been Koopa captured!"
  • "Nervous noodles! I don't think I like this game!"
  • "The Tunnel of D-D-Doom?"
  • "I wonder why they call this place the uh, Tunnel of Doom? I think I just figured it out! Look!"
  • "Perilous pizza! Look!"
  • "Sufferin' spumoni! We're trapped!"
  • "Lucky linguinni! I thought we were dead meatballs!"
  • "We're back in Koopfinger's hideout!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Super spy surprise!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "He's escapin' into a Warp Zone!"
  • "Yo, miserable mozzarella! The Koopas got away again!"
  • "Ah, it was nothin'! Danger is our business!"

Mario and Joliet

  • "Looks like we landed in the middle of a feud!"
  • "Actually, I kind of like it here. Aaaaah! On second thought, I'll stick with you guys!"
  • "Gallopin' garlic! Look!"
  • "Terrible tortellini! We're gonna be crushed!"
  • "(*with Mario, Princess Toadstool, and Toad*) Koopa!"
  • "Look! The moat's filled with Trouters!"
  • "Annette Funicello? Where?"
  • "Fantastic fettuccini!"

Too Hot to Handle

  • "Sufferin' spumoni! That Fire God's sure actin' strange!"
  • "Cut it out!"
  • "Lucky linguini! A pineapple patch!"
  • "Yo, Mario! Got any ideas?"
  • "I'll bet Koopa's behind this!"
  • "What are we gonna do?"
  • "Monkey wrench!"
  • "Hacksaw!"
  • "For Koopa!"
  • "I know! Pluggin' up pipes goes against everything we stand for!"
  • "Mario! Here comes Koopa!"
  • "Now what?"
  • "Welcome aboard, Princess!"
  • "I can't look!"
  • "Whew!"
  • "I knew we were still in trouble!"

Live-action segments

Neatness Counts

  • "That's right, Mario! And by the way, you have a little piece of spaghetti...on your overalls."
  • "Really? Your shoes are dirty."
  • "You've got five cavities."
  • "I didn't say 'hello'."
  • "Sure are! Whoa! You're Nicole Eggert! We watch your show all the time! Mario and I are your biggest fans!"
  • "Sure! Come on in!"
  • "Yes, Nicole! That is absolutely true! Not only that, but we are also very very neat and clean. In fact, what do we always say, Mario?"
  • "No no... Neatness counts!"
  • "(with Mario) Uh-oh!"
  • "Oh, Nicole! I'm so sorry! This has never...EVER happened before!"
  • "No! Oh no! No! No sitting! Why don't you come up here, and-and-and-and stay by the furnace? It's nice and warm. It'll dry you off. I'll move the cake."
  • "Oh... Oh, Nicole, this is terrible! Come over here!"
  • "This is terrible! Come over here. Oh, guys, this is terrible! Oh, have a seat."
  • "Oh, stand over here. I'll get the chair cleaned."
  • "Yeah, but somehow on her, it looks good."
  • "What are you looking for?"
  • "Lint brush? Any more good ideas?"
  • "Oh please, Nicole! We'll do all our plumbing for free!"
  • "Yeah, we'll wash your clothes!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "(with Mario) Really?"
  • "Well, in that case..."
  • "Till next time, everybody...(with Mario and Nicole) Do the Mario!"

Day of the Orphan

  • "Yo, Edison! Ho!"
  • "Is there not a blackout in the Bronx you should take care of?"
  • "I know, but we haven't got all day!"
  • "That's it?"
  • "After all that planning, that's your move?"
  • "I finally got you, Edison!"
  • "That's it!"
  • "That's it!"
  • "One of these days, I am going to get by now. I say checkmate! I say checkmate!"
  • "Oh, sure! Just keep eating. I mean after all, let nothing bother that beautiful girlish figure of yours! I'm coming! I'm coming!"
  • "Oh, hi, squirt! Who are you?"
  • "Oh! What a sad story! Come in. Come in, sweetheart! Oh, please! Come in on our house!"
  • "Listen, squirt, you don't happen to happen to have a name, do ya?"
  • "Mario! Mario, come here! We have a guest! This is my brother Mario! Mario, this is Patty the sad-eyed orphan."
  • "Awww... Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wipe away those tears, little one!"
  • "Alright! Alright! Alright! Patty! Patty! We'll see what we can do."
  • "We'll cover it."
  • "This oughta do it! Beautiful!"
  • "Yo, Mario. She's eh, kinda fresh for a sad-eyed orphan, isn't she?"
  • "Mother and father? Forget about it! Patty said she was an orphan!"
  • "Well, you know, it was supposed to be a birthday party, a surprise party for Patty. You know, the uh, little sad-eyed orphan who never had a birthday party before."
  • "Aaaah, that's all right, Patty. Say, listen. We still got all the decorations up, right?"
  • "Why don't we have a party, and celebrate a happy family reunion, huh?"
  • "Alright! I love parties!"
  • "Till the next time, everybody!"
  • "(with Mario and Patty) Do the Mario!"

All Steamed Up

  • "Alright..."
  • "Alright..."
  • "Alright!"
  • "Ah, there we go! All the valves are tightened!"
  • "Alright."
  • "Whaddaya mean speakerphone?"
  • "Mario Bros. Plumbing! You block 'em, we clear 'em!"
  • "Okay, Sarge! We doing 'em!"
  • "Stupid speakerphone!"
  • "This guy's a goof!"
  • "Alright! I'll go check on the pizza."
  • "As I was, was pulling a pizza out of the oven!"
  • "Why don'tcha come up to the kitchen? You can hardly hear it from here!"
  • "Sounds good over here."
  • "Ohhh, good! Ho! Good and hot!"
  • "Anchovies, grapes, and cheez wiz!"
  • "Boy, I wish Mario was around."
  • "It just needs a bit more steam!"
  • "Red zone, three, four!"
  • "Red zone, three, four!"
  • "Please, Sgt. Slaughter, can I just do five?"
  • "Why I oughta... Kidding! Just...kidding!"
  • "We'll be back in a little while!"
  • "Legend of Zelda's exciting scenes!"
  • "498...499...500."
  • "How do ya figure that out, Sarge?"
  • "Oh yeah, but that's getting even smaller, Sarge."
  • "Double parked?"
  • "I'm gonna kill that Mario running off like this. I'm so mad I'm ready to explode!"
  • "Mario, stop kiddin' around and stand up!"
  • "Mamma mia! What am I gonna tell mama? Look at you! For cryin' out loud!"
  • "(with Mario and Sgt. Slaughter) Do the Mario!"

Marianne and Luigeena

  • "Would you believe Lyle Alzado's comin' over here for lunch?"
  • "You get it!"
  • "No! Hang up!"
  • "No!"
  • "You numbskull! You rolypoly! You stunata! What's the matter with you tuning in, telling them Lyle Alzado's coming over? You know Luigeena and Marianne are nuts about this guy!"
  • "Alright, okay, okay, okay, you forgot. Okay, look. The only thing we can do now is make sure that we keep them out of muscle-touching range. Alright?"
  • "Alright, gimme the list."
  • "Four dozen tangerines?"
  • "You know what? Let's hope he doesn't show up early, but more important, let's hope our stupid cousins don't show up. Come on!"
  • "Close the door, huh?"
  • "Lyle! Hey, geez! You got here early, huh?"
  • "Marianne, good to see you. Get lost."
  • "Sure."
  • "Lyle, I'm sorry! Mario and I went for refreshments. I got back as soon as I could!"
  • "Yeah, no. Sorry about that!"
  • "Oh, good idea, Marianne and while you're up there, check out Alaska!"
  • "(*with Lyle Alzado*) Dancing?"
  • "Yo, Mario. Marianne and Luigeena were all over this poor guy! I got here just in time!"
  • "Phew! Lucky break, huh, Lyle?"
  • "You're such a kidder, Lyle!"

Slime Busters

  • "Back! Back, Mario! Get the cover ready! Back, you slimy thing!"
  • "Is it ever!"
  • "I got him! I got him! Don't worry about anything!"
  • "He's got me!"
  • "Well, the good news is, I ain't no drooling moronic zombie."
  • "Okay? I ain't no drooling moronic zombie."
  • "The bad news? We gotta buy a new pizza pan."
  • "Till next time, everybody!"
  • "(with Mario and Ernie) Do the Mario!"

The Mario Monster Mash

  • "Yo! Mario! Why do you suppose our new neighbor wants us to help him with his latest experiment? I mean, who is this guy anyhow?"
  • "You meatball. That's not Pennsylvania, that's Transylvania!"
  • "So what? Okay... 'Frank N. Stein', say it fast."
  • "Not that fast. A little slower, with me."
  • "(*with Mario*) Frank N. Stein! Frank N. Stein! Frank N. Stein! Frank N. Stein! FRANKENSTEIN FROM TRANSYLVANIA!!!"
  • "Are you...Dr. Frankenstein?"
  • "Okay, Mario. I got him. ...I got him. I got him."
  • "What're you doing, doc?"
  • "Oh. Doc? You kiddin' me? In Brooklyn?"
  • "Ooooh, scary! Something tells me we'd better be right back after these exciting scenes from The Legend of Zelda."
  • "Now, doc. I mean, don't look so disappointed. We got a lot of people in Brooklyn. We've got pool players, we've got beautiful girls, we got restaurants, we got carpenters, plumbers, but normal? Heh-heh. Forget about it!"
  • "Yo, Mario! I got everything you asked me for! I got macaroni, I got the beans, I even got you some cereal."
  • "Mamma mia! Mario? Talk to me! What have you done to my brother? You've gotta get Mario's brain back! I mean, I know it's small, but he's all I got!"
  • "Mario? Mario! Mario! Mario? Mario! Mario! That's it!"
  • "Doc! Doc! You've gotta do something! You've gotta help me!"
  • "Mario! Mario! I don't care what they say about your brain! I love all of it!"
  • "Welcome back! Welcome back!"
  • "Talk to me! Talk to me!"
  • "That's the best Mario I love! Keep talking! Keep talking! I love you, Mario."
  • "(with Mario) Do the Mario!"

Bonkers from Yonkers

  • "Okay, it's goin' to go right here. Hold this."
  • "It's in...yes!"
  • "Aww, no! Okay, gimme a wrench! Mario! Mar- Mario! Mario! Mario! Talk to me! Talk- Ohohoh! Come on. Come on. Alright. Al- Okay! Okay! You're okay! You're gonna be...gonna be..."
  • "Alright. Sit down. Sit down, brother. Sit down. It'll be alright. Okay. Lie down! Don't go anywhere! Oh, geez..."
  • "There it is...hairy...happy...harry...head!"
  • "Take it easy! I've got help on the way!"
  • "Hello? Hello? Is this Dr. Sigmund Fruitcake the noted head doctor? It is? Oh, good. Thanks! Look, my brother just hit himself on the head. Could you come right over? You can? Thanks a lot, doc!"
  • "Great service!"
  • "Thank you very much, doctor, but you see, this ugly hairy head is not the problem. It's my brother. He got hit in the head, and he thinks he is a bird!"
  • "Really?"
  • "Oh, good! Thanks, doctor! What a relief!"
  • "But you said everything was okay!"
  • "No no no no! Dr. Fruitcake, you must come back and see Mario!"
  • "I know, but that's the problem!"
  • "No, doc! Now my poor brother Mario thinks he's a monkey! Could you hold on a minute, doc?"
  • "Mario! Mario! Mario! Mario! Mario, would you get down from there?"
  • "No, no no! Not exactly, doc. I'd sorta like him being back to being a chicken!"
  • "Well, to be honest with you, we could use the eggs!"
  • "Thanks anyway, doc."
  • "Bonzo and I will be right back! Here. Have a banana and watch some scenes from the next Legend of Zelda."
  • "Excuse me, doc, but I've got a Rhode Island Red named Cheetah for a brother, and you're making with the jokes!"
  • "(with Mario) Do the Mario!"

Bats in the Basement

  • "Yo! What should we do now?"
  • "Yo! That was some tough job!"
  • "Hey! It's gonna be fun havin' an exchange student here, no?"
  • "Whaddaya mean 'smart one'? How do you know that?"
  • "Whoa! Some luggage!"
  • "No kiddin'. Ohhhh... Hey, wait a minute! There's a note here!"
  • "Lemme see... 'To the Mario Bros...' Ehhhh... '...from Transylvania. Please open as soon as possible. It's stuffy in here!'"
  • "Whoa! Transylvania? Forget about it! This is our exchange student, that Count Zoltan Dracula! Come on, Mario! Help me open this thing!"
  • "Alright! Give it a push! Give it a bang! Come on! Get it... I got it! No, I don't got it!"
  • "I got it! I got it! No, I don't got it!"
  • "Hey, Mario. I'mma tell you the truth. I hate these childproof boxes."
  • "I got it! I-I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it! I got it!"
  • "Did you order a dead guy in a tuxedo?"
  • "Mario, forget about it! There's something strange about this guy!"
  • "Yo, Mario! I'm tellin' you, there's somethin' very strange about this Zoltan guy, huh? Now, last week, this guy tells me he's been goin' to night school for over 300 years!"
  • "You're right!"
  • "So do you, unless of course there's an Inspector Gadget marathon on TV!"
  • "Hey, Mario. Find out who this guy's cleaner is, huh?"
  • "I don't ever wanna go there. Sheesh... Look at these bills, eh! Bills and more bills, eh! $300 from a blood bank...$42 for eyewash for those big red eyes...and $32 for dental floss for them big teeth."
  • "Blood bank?"
  • "Dental floss?"
  • "(*with Mario*) He's a vampire!!!"
  • "Vampire! Alright, alright, alright! Mario, it's alright! I'm scared! I'll take care of you... Don't worry."
  • "'kay! Let's see what we got! Wait, here's Chapter 1! 'Drive a steak through his heart.'"
  • "You're right."
  • "Here we go, Chapter 2. 'Take a pot filled with water, boil for two hours, add a little olive oil, slowly add basil, a pinch of oregano, two cloves of garlic-'"
  • "I knew it. She's been tryin' to kill us for years!"
  • "Aha! 'If all else fails, send the vampire to the grocery store for some bread. While he's gone, you move.'"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Where does it say that?"
  • "Till next time, everybody! (with Mario and Count Zoltan Dracula) Do the Mario!"

Will the Real Elvis Please Shut Up!

  • " ♪ Since my pipers left me, I found a new sewer to dwell... A septic tank in Brooklyn town, a plumber's hotel... You made me so lonely, baby! ♪ "
  • "Eh? C'mon, Mario! Yo, what do you think of my Elvis impression, eh?"
  • "Oh, thank you very much."
  • "Insult to the Memory of the King, eh? What are you doing with my velvet Elvis, eh?"
  • "Nothing doin', Mario! I'm the best Elvis!"
  • "Forget about it, Mario! I'm the King!"
  • "Who?"
  • "Right. We're ready, Elvis."
  • "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!"
  • "Whoa! Whoa, wait a minute, Elvis. I hate catfish."
  • "Yo! Now you're talkin'!"
  • "I got it... Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh."
  • "Thank you!"
  • "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Oooh!"
  • "Uh-huh. Uh-huh."
  • "Ohhhh, yeah!"
  • "Yo, King! This has been like a dream come true!"
  • "Aw, you're right, Mario. I've been thinkin' about that. It's kinda like the Civil War. Brother against brother. It will break Mama's heart, you're right."
  • "Alright, King."
  • "♪ Though we copycat the King! ♪"
  • "(with Mario) ♪ We're Marios to the end, yo! ♪"
  • "(with Elvis and Mario) Do the Mario!"

Magic's Magic

  • "Look at that! Whoa! He gets it with his toes!"
  • "Get outta here... Alright! And is yet! Here we go! Look out! Comin'-"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Hooray! Alright! Nice assist, Edison!"
  • "Hey, Mario. I wonder when Magic Johnson is gonna show up? You know what, I can't believe that he's gonna come here and practice with us!"
  • "You're right... Actually cool, Edison."
  • "Yay, match! We're comin'!"
  • "Hey, Magic Johnson! How you doin', man?"
  • "Really? Well, I mean, come to think of it, you wouldn't wanna practice basketball, would ya?"
  • "Okay! Come on, lads! Let's see your stuff!"
  • "Got it! Ball going on the table!"
  • "But where's our ball?"
  • "Hey, watch it!"
  • "Hey, Mario! Whatever you do, don't let him see our bowling ball."
  • "Alright, sure. Tha-that- It's alright, Magic."
  • "Aah, come on, Magic! You can do it! I hope..."
  • "Really? Out of this hat? Well, goes."
  • "Hey! Yo! Hey, I did it! Mag, you did it! You did it!"
  • "Bad, Mario! I thought something bad was gonna haaaaaapeeen!"
  • "Stuck in the bowling ball!"
  • "Thanks a lot, Mario!"
  • "MARIOOOOO!!!"
  • "I don't know, but what a strange place that was! I mean, I was in space pool! Floating basketballs, and nursing shoes!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Will you quit shoving to start the NBA with the elbow's head?"
  • "Get the phone, Mario!"
  • "Ah, see ya soon, Magic!"
  • "Wait, one of those places... Basketballs, and nursing shoes, and a big bunny! A big bunny!"
  • "Everybody, Do the Mario!"

Mama Mia Mario

  • "Yo! You gonna eat that entire pepperoni pizza?"
  • "Grazie, Mario!"
  • "Hey! Is this not the life? I mean, we're our own men, and there's no one to tell us to clean up this pigsty, or eat our leafy green vegetables, or sit up straight, or answer the phone..."
  • "Don't worry about a thing. Mario, I saw it here a couple of days ago! Geez...I don't remember ordering a pizza with green mold."
  • "Mario Bros. Plumbing! You clog 'em, we clear 'em! Yeah. No! Yeah, but- No, but- My-"
  • "Buddy! Of course! Shhh! Okay! Bye!"
  • "No, it wasn't!"
  • "It's worse! It's Mama, and she's comin' over!"
  • "Yeah? Well, don't sit there! Come on! Come on! Come on! Let's go! Hurry up!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Coming, Mama!"
  • "Take it out! Take it out!"
  • "Mama!"
  • "I'm sorry, ma!"
  • "I came as fast as I could!"
  • "I didn't!"
  • "Ma! Okay, ma!"
  • "I do, ma!"
  • "Yes, Mama."
  • "Yo, Mario. It could be worse."
  • "It could be Aunt Luigeena!"
  • "(with Mario) Yes, Mama!"
  • "If Mama lets us..."
  • "Oooh, I love this show!"
  • "Give our love to Papa, OK?"
  • "Whew! She's gone!"
  • "Hey, when we're lucky, you're lucky!"
  • "Oh, Mario! This is the life! Beautiful! Nothing can go wrong now!"
  • "Uh-oh! Don't answer it! That could be Mama, and she's gonna be mad, Mario, cause I faked the call about her winning the lottery!"
  • "Do me a favor. You square it with Ma. I'm gonna run and get a winning lottery ticket, alright?"

Alligator Dundee

  • "Yo, Mario! This is the third time this thing's been in here! Last time, it was a Plumber Slinky!"
  • "A pludaris? Geez, Mario. You really know your stuff, boy."
  • "Poor guy."
  • "You scared us! You're uh... You're uh..."
  • "Right here?"
  • "Hey! Mr. Dundee, is there anything else we can do to help?"
  • "Right. Alli, I got one question for you."
  • "Are you outta your mind?"
  • "Oh, sure. Look. What does this monster look like?"
  • "Hey! What's the Ratigator doing with that bloodthirsty beast?"
  • "I know! I'm thinking! I'm thinking!"
  • "Yo, Alligator! What are you doin' with that big letter opener?"
  • "I guess that answers our question."
  • "Right."
  • "Alright... Good luck!"
  • "There you go!"
  • "He must be the creature Ratigator was followed by! In the darkness, Ratigator thought that Alligator Dundee was a monster!"
  • "Now, Mario! Okay, we got him! We got him! Alright, we've got you, you dirty rat!"
  • "Right! We finally figured that you were trying to capture our pet! It's known as a Ratigator!"
  • "We're sorry. Alright. Come on, get up."
  • "Alright, we got you. We got ya!"
  • "Oh! Not bad. Not bad."
  • "I'll bet."
  • "So long!"
  • "Really? To what?"
  • "Oh, Ratigator!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! (with Mario) Do the Mario!"


  • "I'm not peeking!"
  • "I'm not peeking!"
  • "Oooohohoh!"
  • "Mario, you're the best brother a brother could ever have!"
  • "Whoa! 'Happy Birthday, Luigi!' Wow! 'This certificate does hereby entitle Luigi Mario to a free dance lesson from Shabba-Doo! Happy Birthday! Love, Mario.'"
  • "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! A dance lesson from Shabba-Doo! It's what I always wanted! And just in time for the Annual Plumbers' Dance!"
  • "Oh no no! Forget about it, Mario!"
  • "No, we can't! We're not ready! We're not ready for tomorrow! We gotta warm up first!"
  • "Sure!"
  • "Spin! Ya ready?"
  • "Here we go!"
  • "Alright, Shabba-Doo!"
  • "I don't believe this! I don't believe this! Shabba-Doo! I mean, you're my favorite! You were terrific in those hip movies, Electric Boogaloo and Breakin'!"
  • "Are you really here to give us a dance lesson?"
  • "Boy! Are you really here to introduce us to some fabulous break-dancing babes?"
  • "C'mon! We're getting it now, boy!"
  • "One, two, three, four! One! We did it! Yo, we did it, Mario! We did it, Mario! Yay! Shabba-Doo! Alright!"
  • "We couldn't have done it without you, Shabba-Doo! Now, come on! It is time for you to do your stuff for us!"
  • "C'mon, Shabba-Doo!"
  • "Get it, Shabba-Doo!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "(with Mario) Do the Mario!"

Cher's Poochie

  • "Yo, Mario! Someone's at the door!"
  • "Oh, for crying out loud! Will you do me a favor? Will you shut this racket off? Who could hear anything?"
  • "Oh, very funny."
  • "Heheh... Funny, funny, funny..."
  • "It's Cher! Wow, that awkward kid with the braids and the braces has really grown, huh? Hi, Cher!"
  • "Ah, are you kiddin'? For you, Cher! No charge!"
  • "Hold her. Yo, hey, Cher! Can I get your autograph?"
  • "Yo! Mario! Look at this! I got Cher's autograph, right here, on the mozzarella!"
  • "Mario, what are you doing?"
  • "Did you hear what I heard?"
  • "Oh no! I hope the dog catchers are taking the day off today!"
  • "Geez, stick with me, big brother. I'll get your body back, such as it is."
  • "Oh really? Scratch your own head. And I'm not gonna rub your belly, either. Yeah, you can do that all you want. Oh, hiya, Cher!"
  • "Oh, I'm doin' great."
  • "Down, down, down, boy! Down! Cher."
  • "Mario says, 'Watch these scenes from the next Legend of Zelda, and please...send your steak bones! Good boy! Good boy!"
  • "Look, uh...Poochie...I-I mean, Mario. I mean you without the fur, or whoever you are, I know you wanna go out, but first I've gotta get you fixed!"
  • "Okay! Hold it! Hold it! Bad choice of words! Wait a minute! I mean transform! And I've gotta transform you quickly, before Cher wakes up and we end up into the doghouse!"
  • "Oh yeah? Well, pretty soon, Mario's gonna need a flea dip. Alright, here we go."
  • "Oh, Mario! Mario! It's so good to have you back to normal! Are you okay?"
  • "Here we go again with that uh oh stuff!"
  • "(with Mario) Uh oh!"
  • "Good girl, good dog."
  • "Move! Move! Paw! Paw! Paw! Paw!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! (*with Mario and Cher*) Do the Mario!"

Wild Thing

  • "Edison! Yo, come out! Ho!"
  • "Is it done yet?"
  • "Thanks, Edison!"
  • "What'd you get from the library?"
  • "I got 'My Plumber, Myself'. Sounds good, eh?"
  • "But quieter!"
  • "We?"
  • "Mario, I don't think this is the best music to read life."
  • "Mario?"
  • "What hamburger?"
  • "Oh... No thanks, Marilyn! We got something to do, sweetheart!"
  • "Yo! Mario! Mario! Say exactly that my idea of a relaxing weekend. I mean, she's (unintelligible)! Someone's gotta tell him! Go ahead!"
  • "Alright, I'll tell you what. We draw noodles, whoever gets the smallest noodle tells her. Fair?"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Here we go! Three noodles! You're watching me?"
  • "Okay? They're all the same way?"
  • "I'll make 'em all the same way. Alright? Three noodles, I'll make one the small one!"
  • "Okay? Too noodles small! Close your eyes! Close your eyes! Gonna mix 'em up! Mixing 'em up! Mixing them up! Okay! Pick a noodle! Any noodle! No no no no! Pick your noodle, any noodle! Would you pick a noodle, any noodle?! TAKE A NOODLE!"
  • "Out of all made me born lucky! I'm kiddin', I love you!"
  • "Yo! Marilyn! You're leavin'?"
  • "The beach? Wouldn't wanna, Marilyn. There's no beach in Brooklyn."
  • "Have a nice trip! Bye, kids!"
  • "Yeah, but that does sound crazy! Now for a good book!"
  • "{*with Mario*} EDISON!!!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Do the Mario!"

E.C. The Extra Creepy

  • "Where are we goin' tonight?"
  • "Computer date? Is that what this is all about? (whistles) What a file. 'Luxuriant body hair, bulging muscles, can benchpress 500 pounds.' Mario, what kind of a woman is this?"
  • "Rambo Bubble Gum card... 'Out-of-this-world girl with head in the clouds, loves to travel'. Madone, Mario! This girl sounds like a 7-4-7!"
  • "Really? It feels like she's drivin' an 18-wheeler."
  • "I will, I will, I will! I feel sorry for her."
  • "Wow! That's what I call a computer date!"
  • "Yo, Mario. I gotta tell you something's not right."
  • "What's the problem? We got two problems. Number 1: I go outside, check her license plates! Number 2: You know Mrs. Schwechner upstairs? She come down, touched the fender of her car, bida-bing-bada-bang-bada-boom! Turned into dust!"
  • "Geez..."
  • "Oh yeah. She's real special, Mario. She's snacking on a wrench!"
  • "You're in love?"
  • "Mario, you're in love with a night light."
  • "Where are you going?"
  • "Where are you, Mario? Why aren't you home yet? Whoa! I hope Mario's not up there!"
  • "That's them now!"
  • "Wait a minute! Tell me you didn't marry her, Mario!"
  • "Wait a minute! Mario! This is not a computer date! You're dating a computer!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Do the Mario!"

The Marios Fight Back

  • "You better believe it."
  • "Hey!"
  • "Nothing to it!"
  • "You got it!"
  • "Watch our smoke, David! Watch this!"
  • "Stillson...wrench!"
  • "Go get it, brother!"
  • "Monkey...wrench!"
  • "Every move's a picture! Nothing better!"
  • "Mario Brothers Clog...Cleaner!"
  • "Yo, David! We are professionals!"
  • "Remember, kids, do not try this at home alone by yourself unless, you use a net!"
  • "Rag!"
  • "Uh oh?"
  • "(*with Mario*) Uh oh!"
  • "I know. And worse than that, Mario, the sink is still clogged. Oh, jeez! What are we goin' to do? I mean, we could lose our whole business! Wait a minute. I got an idea!"
  • "How about we use this, huh?"
  • "I know, Mario, but we're desperate! I mean, we've got to unclog this sink before David wakes up or else we're finished! Besides, it says right here, 'All-Purpose Plant Food'."
  • "Let's give it a shot!"
  • "That oughta do it!"
  • "Come on! Let's get outta here!"
  • "What do you want, a pizza?"
  • "Mario, I don't know about that plant food that we used... Maybe it was a good idea, maybe it was a bad idea, but I'll tell you the truth, the three minutes are almost up, no?"
  • "I don't know!"
  • "Microphone? The cleaner? Lemme look here."
  • "Where are you?"
  • "Yo, Mr. Horowitz!"
  • "Yo, Dave!"
  • "Mr. Horowitz!"
  • "Of course."
  • "No kiddin'!"
  • "{*with Mario*} That clog is history!"
  • "Mario, I heard your stomach growl!"
  • "It's not my stomach."
  • "Uh oh?"
  • "{*with Mario*} Uh oh!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! {*with Mario and David Horowitz*} Do the Mario!"


  • "Look at this! Harry Blackstone Jr. wrote back to me! Listen to this! 'Dear Luigi, thanks for your support. It's great to have fans like you. If I'm ever passing through your neighborhood, I'll stop by to say hello. Magically yours, the king of illusion, Blackstone.' Wow, Mario! Could you imagine that? Wouldn't it be neat if Blackstone came here?"
  • "Blackston! Whoa! Wow! Great to see you!"
  • "I'm terrific!"
  • "I...tell you, not so good, Blackstone. You know, I'm having trouble; a lot of trouble with that eh, disappearing object trick."
  • "You would do that for me?"
  • "Wow! Mario! Can I borrow the ball?"
  • "Thanks!"
  • "Thanks. Okay. Now, I cover the ball, and I say the magic words, and the basketball will...will vanish. Here we go!"
  • "Ooshy wooshy... goose goose goose... Basketball will now...vamoose!"
  • "Oh. Gooshy wooshy...moose moose moose... Basketball will now, vamoose!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "Gotcha, Blackstone!"
  • "Mario! I can now make things disappear! Whew! By the way, I'm sorry about your ball."
  • "Mario, watch this! You're not going to believe this! Forget about this trick! Are you ready?"
  • "Watch this now. Gooshy wooshy, moose moose moose...bowl of oranges, now...vamoose! YES! Whoa, am I happy Blackstone taught me the magic words! This is fun!"
  • "Oh yeah? Well, lemme ask you something. Who died, and left you boss? How about if I make you disappear, eh?"
  • "You wanna s- Ohohohohoho! You asked for it, Mr. Tough Guy! You sure?"
  • "What army? I'll show you what army! Don't be scared! You ready? Gooshy wooshy, moose moose moose...Mario, will now...vamoose!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "Oh, I'll tell you the truth, Mario. I never bothered to learn how to make things eh, come back."
  • "Ow! Wait! Come on!"
  • "Will you just calm down and watch these scenes from the next Legend of Zelda? Ow! He's such a bad sport."
  • "Mr. Blackstone, you gotta help me. I need help! I made Mario disappear!"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Ping ping pear!"
  • "Wing wing wear!"
  • "Make old Mario..."
  • "Rea-pair?"
  • "Please!"
  • "Oh! Mario! Are you alright?"
  • "Oh yeah, I sure have, Blackstone! I mean, it really hurts when an invisible brother has a mean left hook!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! {*with Mario and Harry Blackstone Jr.*} Do the Mario!"

Do You Believe in Magic?

  • "Nothing like shaving, my...favorite mug, heheh...whilst using my favorite shaving mug...whilst preparing my favorite spaghetti sauce!"
  • "Mario? Mario, I've asked you a hundred times, please do not jumprope in the apartment with your boots on. ...Mario? Yo!"
  • "Aw geez. I forgot! Mario went to the store! Oh boy..."
  • "Magic! Magic Johnson! How you doing?"
  • "Are you kiddin' me? I can fix that faster than your fast break!"
  • "Alright, Mag! See ya later!"
  • "Magic Johnson. Whohohohoa! Finally! A big time repair job! I must have a trophy repair manual...somewhere... It's somewhere. I'll find it."
  • "Well, not now it don't, ya meatball! Would you hurry up? Magic is gonna slam dunk me or sure! Come on, Mario, come on!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Oh! Oh! Oh! Mario! He's back!"
  • "Alright. Do it good though!"
  • "I-i-it won't be long now, Magic!"
  • "One more! Over there!"
  • "I know! Show him some scenes from the next Legend of Zelda! He'll love it!"
  • "I remember exactly what the trophy looked like. Ah! All done!"
  • "Okay, Mag! We're comin'! We got it!"
  • "Wait till you see this!"
  • "Here you go, big guy! Good as new!"
  • "Oh no! Look, Mag. I can't lie anymore. Something happened to your trophy."
  • "Yeah! Why don't you have a little spaghetti sauce? It'll help relax ya! Hold on a minute. I'll get it."
  • "You're right. We're kidding."
  • "Yeah, just a little magic of our own!"
  • "Oh, hey! No charge for you, Mag!"
  • "Well, gotta finish my shaving. Where's uh, my favorite shaving mug?"
  • "Uh oh?"
  • "My shaving mug?"
  • "{*with Mario*} Till next time, everybody! Do the Mario!"

Mommies Curse

  • "Mario? Go make your Mama's meatball in the uh, zucchini recipe here!"
  • "Will have to know this, search uh, two or 28, would ya?"
  • "Hey look, I can't do that, Mario! This recipe requires split-second timing. Would you be a person and read it to me, please?"
  • "Thank you very much."
  • "Alright."
  • "Now what?"
  • "♪ The rain, in Spain, stays mainly, on the plain! ♪ (x4)"
  • "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm cured!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "{*with Elvira*} Uh oh!"
  • "{*with Mario*} Till next time, everybody! Do the Mario!"

Lost Dog

  • "Ridiculous? I sound ridiculous? Hehehe! You and your goofy Chipmunk Imitations! Now that's ridiculous! Oh, come on, Mario! Well, gimmee a break! I'm practicing for my Birdie Lovers meeting!"
  • "Yeah! Why are you crying?"
  • "No, no. I don't think so, Pam."
  • "Were his ears cut short?"
  • "Uh, no. We haven't seen him, Pam."
  • "Whoa whoa whoa! Wait wait wait! Don't worry, Pam! We'll help you find your little wayward pooch!"
  • "Oh yeah, here. Go ahead here. Dry your eyes."
  • "Pam, what's the matter, is your pizza cold?"
  • "There there, Pammy!"
  • "Oh, take it easy!"
  • "The phone! I'll be right back!"
  • "Mario Brothers Plumbing! You clog 'em, we clear 'em!"
  • "Ooooh, gee. No, no, no, Reilly! I didn't forget about the Birdie Lover's Club meeting this weekend! OK, thanks. Thanks for calling! Of course! I'll see you there!"
  • "Gee... Dog calls... I wonder?"
  • "Calm down, are you lookin' for a snack?"
  • "Here are some scenes from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Well, I'll tell you what, Pammy. I mean, according to Hanson's Guide to Doggy Dialogue, it says here that I will be replicating the precise barking pattern of the canine in question. See that?"
  • "Well, I'm gonna do that too. Now, if this works, Pam, Ike will be here faster than pigeons to popcorn, eh?"
  • "You got it! Alright, stand back, gimme a little room... First, I'd like to present what I call, the chiuaua!"
  • "Hold up. A little something on my throat. I'm just startin'. I got it now. I got it now. Next, I'm gonna do what we call, your lhasa apso!"
  • "Hey, I don't know, Mario, but I'll give it a try. Alright, stand back! Here it is, my poodle basset combo!"
  • "Aww, it was really nothing! Always a pleasure to do something for a girl like you, Pam!"
  • "Look at all those dogs! Hey! I guess I'm a better dog caller than I realized!"
  • "Uh oh?"
  • "Till next time, everybody! {*with Mario and Pam Matteson*} Do the Mario!"

Plumbers of the Year

  • "Yeah... That oughta do it! Just wrap this around here..."
  • "You're not kiddin'."
  • "Could that... Is it...?"
  • "Yes it is, your Extremely Rolypoliness!"
  • "Oh boy!"
  • "Oh! We'll unclog drains both day and night! Stuffed up toilets cause no fright! We'll stop all drips within the hour, restore hot water, for you to shower!"
  • "Oh Great Imperial Shortness, to what do we owe our eternal gratitude for your great presence here?"
  • "Us?! Plumbers of the Year?!"
  • "Not only that; it's an honor and a half!"
  • "Oh, no problem, your extreme cleanliness!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Now?!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "(*with Mario and Imperial Poobah*) Uh oh!"
  • "Oh no, your Extreme Waterfulness! It's just a trickle!"
  • "Oh! Oh no! I can fix that in a minute! Watch this!"
  • "It's no good! The pipe strands are stripped!"
  • "Yeah, well don't panic! Mario! Get the leftover pizza!"
  • "Hurry up! Hurry up!"
  • "There we go!"
  • "You are the Poobiest!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! {*with Mario and Imperial Poobah*} Do the Mario!"

Mario Hillbillies

  • "Yo! Mario! Come on! If we don't start fishing right now, we're never gonna get home in time for Plumber's...Hoedown tonight!"
  • "Hey! Did you remember the bait?"
  • "Ugh! This is disgusting!"
  • "Good idea."
  • "Alright. C'mon, Mario. Let's go. Let's hit the road. You carry...the wonderful disgusting mess... C'mon, the fish are waiting."
  • "I can't wait!"
  • "What a day! I mean, this was great!"
  • "Sheesh, I loved it."
  • "We would've got a heck of a lot more if you hadn't eaten all the bait."
  • "Hey, Mario! All I know is, that I am ready, to shake it up at the Plumber's Hoedown tonight! All the prettiest girls in Brooklyn are gonna be there!"
  • "Well, I'll tell you the truth. It's just as well. I mean, Mario, if they had been here, we would have to take 'em with us to the dance tonight. And with those hick cousins of ours, we'd never have a chance to get any of the pretty girls!"
  • "Whatever."

Super Plant

  • "Makes me sick with grief! Who's gonna call Mama, and tell her that her basil bush is dying?"
  • "Come in!"
  • "Who are you and how can we help you?"
  • "Wow! Thanks, doc!"
  • "Okay! Instructions... 'Prepare surface, and apply a small amount-'"
  • "Will you cut the chit-chat and ask him?!"
  • "Okay. Let me go, please! Next!"
  • "I can lighten up... Okay! Coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie coochie! Next!"
  • "Okay! Ah, your mother's a salad, and your breath smells like cabbage! Forget it!"
  • "Dancing?! Forget it!"
  • "What's the doc trying to say now?"
  • "Run?"
  • "RUUUUUUN!!!"
  • "I know! Let's show some scenes from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Mario, are you sure the doctor's coming?"
  • "Doc? Doc? Could you admire your stupid work later?"
  • "Be careful, Mario! Be careful!"
  • "Doc! Don't worry! Don't get any on Mario! He could stand some shrinkage!"
  • "Mario! Take it easy! Don't hurt yourself! Mario! Mario, are you OK?"
  • "Oh yeah, Mario. I mean, he was shaking like a leaf!"
  • "No! No, thank you very much, Doc! We had an apple on the train."
  • "Wow! What a miracle! Mama will be happy! Mama will be happy! Nice!"
  • "Till next time, everybody!"
  • "{*with Mario and Dr. Toby*} Do the Mario!"

Fred Van Winkle

  • "Eh, I got it claimed perfectly! ...Good!"
  • "(with Mario) Who said that?"
  • "That's talk from the old days! I mean he wants to get outta here, find some pretty girls, and go dancing with 'em!"
  • "I don't think so. Nice!"
  • "Scuse me. Mister. Eh, just...when did you fall asleep in there?"
  • "Last night? You, err, don't happen to know what year it is, do you?"
  • "Hi! I'm-I'm Luigi! This is my brother Mario!"
  • "Fred Van Winkle, huh? Nice beard!"
  • "And thanks to modern science, we now have things like portable computers and food proccessing and-and video games. We even have indoor plumbing!"
  • "She's very shy."
  • "Oh! That's my brother uhhh, my brother's idea of uh, plumbing."
  • "Yeah! Hey hey hey hey! Keep talking! Keep trying, Fred. M-Mario! Can I see you for a minute, please?"
  • "What is- What is with the jokes?"
  • "We gotta educate him! He's gonna have enough trouble adjusting to modern life as it is, without you making dumb jokes about phone lines to the Martians."
  • "Of course!"
  • "I told you so!"
  • "Yo! Mario! Forget about it! Can't you see your clothes are too big for him?"
  • "Fred! C'mon! We're on our way! We're gonna take you on a subway ride..."
  • "Oh, sure! And then after that, we're gonna take you right into New York. You're gonna see changes you can't believe."
  • "Oh, sure! Then we're gonna go to the museum, then we're gonna see the Statue of Liberty, the Stanton Island ferry... After the Stanton Island ferry, we're coming back and-"
  • "Oh, Fred! Fred! Would you like to leave a wake-up call?"
  • "1997?"
  • "{*with Mario and Fred Van Winkle*} Do the Mario!"

Baby Mario Love

  • "Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Watch your language! There are reptiles present! Besides which, what are you worried about? You never know when glamour's gonna knock at your door."
  • "Huh? The queen of glitz and glamour herself, Susanna Ross!"
  • "Susanna, I'm sorry! Hi! Hi!"
  • "Sure!"
  • "I feel like the Hunchback of Notre Dame here, Susanna!"
  • "Oh, I do? Alright!"
  • "No you don't, you meatball!"
  • "Really? I think we look pretty nifty!"
  • "Okay! You got it! I'm ready!"
  • "Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho! Ho! Allow me!"
  • "Okay...alright? You alright? Okay! Watch your hair! Watch your dress! You look beautiful!"
  • "Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!"
  • "I'm sorry, Susanna. This is not gonna work out! This's just the wrong color. I'm sorry."
  • "Thanks, Mario!"
  • "It'll never work! Look at that! It clashes with my legs."
  • "Till next time everybody! (*with Mario and Susanna Ross*) Do the Mario!"

9001: A Mario Odyssey

  • "Yo, is it about ready, Mr. Einstein?"
  • "Yo, uh... Al, I feel uh, kinda stupid talking to a machine, you know?"
  • "Thank you, Albert."
  • "Yo, Al! I mean, is there anything else we need to know?"
  • "Right! Bye!"
  • "Bye!"
  • "You're right! Watch this! Yo, Hal! I'd like a sausage pizza, and no anchovies or fried eggs."
  • "Yo! Is science not amazing?"
  • "Yo! Mario! There's our hamburger pizza!"
  • "Forget it! Come on! What's the matter with you? Golf pencil pizza? It's worse than pineapple! HAL! Make us a baloney pizza, please!"
  • "No, of course not! HAL, we did not ask for a nurse shoe pizza!"
  • "Well, alright. Then just make us one simple baloney pizza, please?"
  • "Would you forget about it? HAL's goin' nuts! I'm gonna tell you one thing, Mario. I'll give this machine one good shot if I wasn't afraid of the tilt!"
  • "Come on, boy! How much is one and one? Good dog!"
  • "It's no use, Mario! We're just gonna have to pull HAL's plug!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "(*with Mario*) Yes, HAL! We're under your spell!"
  • "Whoa! What happened? Did we fall asleep?"
  • "Mario... Would you stop it?"
  • "Until next time, everybody! {*with Mario and Einstein*} Do the Mario!"

Fake Bro

  • "Wrench!"
  • "Screwdriver!"
  • "Rag! Ooh! Sorry, Clog! Rag!"
  • "Stranger! Str-stranger?!"
  • "How come Mama never told us about you? I mean, I would think she would've mentioned something!"
  • "Hey! Not so fast, eh? Yo, Pietro! What's Mama's maiden name?"
  • "Alright? What's the shape of the birthmark on Mario's left knee?"
  • "Right, so uh, why don't you take a look at these scenes from the next...Legend of Zelda! It's under 'L' I think, huh?"
  • "Are you kiddin' me? Forget about it! Who does this guy think he is selling our business? This is our business!"
  • "Yeah? That's what he says! But, Mario, I'll tell ya one thing! Me? I'm calling Mama!"
  • "Mario Brothers Plumbing! Yyyyyyou clog 'em, we clear 'em! Huh? What? IRS? What do you mean we owe $900,000 in back taxes? Are you crazy? This is a family business, there's only three of us here! 900,000?! That means we owe three into 900,000! Three into-"
  • "Ciao! Arrivederci!"
  • "Will you take it easy? We don't owe nothing! You know when I was on the phone? The pizza parlor! Our pizza's ready!"
  • "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! What I mean is that I just out-wised the wise guy, that's all!"
  • "Mario? Come on! You know what? We're gonna go to the pizza parlor, and I'm gonna split that pizza with you, even right down the middle 70/30, 70 for me, 30 for you!"
  • "Mario, that's why I love you! Come on! Guess what I got?"
  • "(*with Mario and Pietro*) Do the Mario!"

Time Out Luigi

  • "Take that, you duck! And that! Oh, yeah, ya wise guy? Ya mess around with Quick Draw Luigi? Behind the back? Yah-ho! Under the legs? Ye-hey! Behind the ear? I think I zapped my ear off! Wha-ha- Hi! Can I help you?"
  • "Wow!"
  • "Wow! How much?"
  • "Will you forget about it?"
  • "Ooh! A wristwatch! Is it waterproof, shock-resistant, and self-winding?"
  • "Well...looks OK to me! How much?"
  • "Ten bucks for strange and mysterious? I'll give ya five!"
  • "How about four?"
  • "Oh, don't worry, lady! I sleep pretty good! Here ya go! Four bucks!"
  • "Wow! What a bargain! Four bucks!"
  • "Backwards? ...What are you laughin' at?"
  • "Mario, silly don't be! Better felt never I've!"
  • "Deaf are you, what? Fine I'm said I!"
  • "Not course of! Fiddle as fit am I! Room the around jog I'll, you would prove to judge!"
  • "Now got it I've! Eh-huh! Eh-huh! Hey!"
  • "Zelda of Legend, next to from scenes send me show have you!"
  • "Whoa! What happened?"
  • "Phew! Wow! I mean, will eating onions make me do things backward again?"
  • "Backing away from me?"
  • "(in reverse) (*with Mario and Angelica*) Mario the Do!"

Tutti Frutti, Oh Mario/Tutti Frutti Mario

  • "Yah?"
  • "Can't hear ya! This-this noise comin' outta that vent here and it sounds like it's gonna explode!"
  • "That noise! You wanna stuff it, Ratigator?"
  • "I'm up, Clog, when you get to the chorus!"
  • "It's not! Well, then it's probably the scarecrow!"
  • "Good? Nah, he'll see this stuff. Ooh, I got it! Bread. They'll never see this. This'll be settled!"
  • "I'm weaving a Navajo blanket! What do you mean 'What am I doing?' I'm hidin' the tape recorder under the bread! See? When I figure, if we could get Little Robert to sing with us, then we can run the table! We gotta collect this item!"
  • "You condimental? Well, use your brain! What the matter with you? Gah! I've never seen this-"
  • "Go! Go! That's it! C'mon! Get on with this! Go!"
  • "He's here to go slip in a musical skit."
  • "Yo, Robert! Nice to meetcha!"
  • "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!"
  • "Oh, sure! We're ready!"
  • "(with Mario) ♪ Spumoni! ♪"
  • "(with Mario) ♪ Otomi! ♪"
  • "We're ready!"
  • "Ready!"
  • "(with Mario) ♪ Oh, Mario! ♪"
  • "(with Mario) ♪ Oh, Mario! ♪"
  • "(with Mario) ♪ Oh, Mario! ♪"
  • "But, Little Robert, tha-tha-that's just what we need! Putting on tips? The new point is to help us out!"
  • "Nice for comin' over, Little Robert!"
  • "Wow! Where's that tape recorder? I can hardly wait to see what we got on tape!"
  • "You serious? Oh, Ratigator!"
  • "(*with Mario and Little Robert*) Do the Mario!"

Luigi's girlfriend

  • "Oh Luigi, say it again please. Please!"
  • "You are so romantic."
  • "The way you speak French is just... trés beautiful."
  • "Do you speak French?"
  • "Weren't you going to show me your French etchings, my little french fry."
  • "Do the Mario!"

Lyle Alzado

  • "Mario and Luigi? Are you here?"
  • "Oh... I know I'm a little early. They probably just went to get some refreshments and I'll just make myself at home."
  • "Mario and Luigi?"
  • "What you look like is the Looney Tunes! I'm outta here!"
  • "Nah. I ate recently. Let's just watch...the next Legend of Zelda?"
  • "Your foot is sort of on my leg."
  • "It's smelly!"
  • "Lucky you're not too late!"
  • "Luigi! Can I talk to you?"
  • "What's goin' on here?"
  • "Yes. Well, I met your cousin."
  • "(*with Luigi*) Dancing?"
  • "Yes, well, it's nice to see you in pants."
  • "Goodbye? I thought you wanted to go dancing!"
  • "I was looking forward to go dancing. The nerve of that Mel Gibson, taking my girls!"
  • "(with Marianne and Luigeena) Do the Mario!"

Magic Johnson

Magic's Magic

  • "Guys? Guys?"
  • "Mario! Luigi! I'm really glad you guys are gonna help me practice!"
  • "Sorry to disappoint you guys, but what I really want to do is practice some magic tricks! I always wanted to be a magician."
  • "That's fine!"
  • "Okay, great! Put the ball on the table."
  • "Out there with me, I'm not very good. Hocus-pocus! Now you see it, now you don't!"
  • "That's the problem! I never know where it's gonna turn up!"
  • "It sure is nice of you to help. I'm getting worried about my magic. Sorry about that bowling ball, Luigi."
  • "I don't know about this, Mario!"
  • "Well, okay. Help me out, Luigi! For my next trick, I'll have you pull a rabbit out of a hat!"
  • "I knew that trick was too dangerous! Now, what were the magic words? 'Abracadabra?' No, that wasn't it! How about 'open sesame?' Darn, I can't remember!"
  • "Hey, Mario. Maybe you could help me remember. Do you know the magic word?"
  • "Oh, shoot! I'm late for the game! Bye, guys! Thanks for everything!"
  • "Not till you buy a bigger medicine cabinet!"

Do You Believe in Magic?

  • "Hi! I accidentally did a triple-double-skyhook-ally-oop-slam-dunk-jam on my ol' high school trophy. Can you fix it?"
  • "Wow, now that's fast! See you in a couple hours!"
  • "Actually-"
  • "Great! Hey, listen! Is your brother around? I came to pick up..."
  • "Good. You got five minutes."
  • "Guys! Guys! I really got to get rollin'!"
  • 'Yeah! Just like new, but it's not my trophy."
  • "No, I didn't bring my Player of the Year trophy. I brought my bowling trophy."
  • "What?"
  • "I get it. You're just kidding, right?"
  • "There it is! How'd you get it so shiny?"
  • "You guys are champs! This bowling trophy is my favorite! How much do I owe you?"
  • "Wow! Thanks, guys! Later!"

Mama Mario

Mama Mia Mario

  • "Mario, Luigi, it's Mama! Open this door, or I'll break your heads!"
  • "What took you so long?"
  • "Yeah, you're sorry, but you never come when I ring the bell!"
  • "OH, SURE! Why'd you just crawl on the floor to your mother?"
  • "I want you to run when I tell you to run, you run!"
  • "You understand what I'm telling you?!"
  • "When I say run, you run when I come up..."
  • "As soon as your brother finishes washing the street, you tell him to come in here! I've got more work for him!"
  • "Shut up and don't talk back!"
  • "Who's that?"
  • '"Not until you wash down the Brooklyn Bridge! It's a mess!"
  • "Luigi, enough watering the floor! You go help your brother, you lazy mortadella!"
  • "Mario! Luigi! What's a matter for you?! You two lazy bums! No more fun and games! Get back to work!"
  • "Ciao, my little meatballs!"
  • "Just in case!"


  • "Oh, I'd recognize those, uh...those muscular shoulders, that muscular neck, and that muscular hair anyway!"
  • "Oh, no no no no no no no! We're not Mario and Luigi! We're Luigeena and Marianne! We're the cousins."
  • "We will find Mario and Luigi for you! Just a minute! Hey, Luigeena! Hit the road!"
  • "Tell me about yourself, Lylzie-wylesie! So cute..."
  • "So Lyle, why don't you watch me dance?"
  • "I don't mind!"
  • "Tell me something I don't know, Lyle, you bug and handsome hunk!"
  • "Luigeena, went to look for Mario and you! I'm starting to get worried! I'd better go look for them!"
  • "Lyle, don't forget tonight about the dancing!"
  • "Yoo-hoo, Lyle!"
  • "Oh no, we just spotted Mel Gibson, and we're gonna track him home!"
  • "(with Luigeena and Lyle) Do the Mario!"


  • "Yo, uncs! It's me, Marilyn!"
  • "My mom said you wouldn't mind if we stopped by for the weekend!"
  • "Yo, guys!"
  • "Yo, uncs! Yo, uncs! How 'bout joinin' in?"
  • "Hey, unc! Is there any way you could speed the sub? Me and the gang have gotta get going!"
  • "Yeah, you know, the key to success of partygoing is to always be on the moon! We're movin' this party on to the beach!"
  • "I know THAT! We're gonna go stay with Uncle Troy in sunny California! Bye!"


The Bird! The Bird!

  • "Don't worry, Princess! Luigi and me will climb that mountain before you can say spaghetti and meatballs!"
  • "Okay! Wait here, and you'll become lunch from a polar bear! Don't blame us!"
  • "Luigi, we can't quit now! Remember the plumber's motto!"
  • "No! When the pipe is plugged, keep plunging! Pasta power!"
  • "Come on, Princess! You can do it, too!"
  • "See? I told you we'd be perfectly safe!"
  • "Cheer up, Luigi! It could be worse!"
  • "And I was hoping for a nice salami sandwich!"
  • "Good goin', guys!"
  • "I hate to run on an empty stomach!"
  • "I'm hungry enough to eat about anything!"
  • "That's easy! C'mon, Luigi!"
  • "Patty-cake, patty-cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can! Pasta power!"
  • "I love when that happens!"
  • "Follow me!"
  • "I'd pay 200 bucks for a nice for a pepperoni cheesecake right now."
  • "Who called me cheap?! I'll pay 300 bucks!"
  • "Stand back!"
  • "Start climbing, paisano! We'll stay here and keep King Koopa occupied!"
  • "Dinner? That's the best news I've heard in days!"
  • "Mmm, my favorite dish! Spaghetti!"
  • "(Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad) WORMS?!"

King Mario of Cramalot

  • "Must be a beehive nearby, and when there's bees, there's raviolis that's smothered in honey!"
  • "Take THAT, you Beezo bozos!"
  • "That Koopa's a clog in the drainpipe of happiness!"
  • "Mervy, ol' pal! Your problems are solved! I've been unclogging sinks since I was knee-high to a tortellini!"
  • "Stand back, gang! The sink hasn't been built, that Mario can't unclog!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "Before you crown me, how about a celebration snack? I could really go for a mozzarella milkshake!"
  • "I'll save us!"
  • "Take it easy, Luigi! Things could be worse!"
  • "Well, for one thing, the ceiling could lower us until it flattens us like a pizza!"
  • "Or the room could fill with water, until we all drown like rats!"
  • "Hey, I can think of another way things could be worse!"
  • "Look! Over there!"
  • "There's a hand coming out of the water! That's holding a plumber snake!"
  • "Lead on, Mervin! With this magic plumber snake, I'll knock Koopa for a loopa!"
  • "Luigi? You have to swim across the moat and and let down the drawbridge!"
  • "You're not king! You're nothing but a crown-kyping Koopa!"
  • "That's right, Koopa! I'm gonna clean your pipes! I'm bad!"
  • "It's no use, Koopa! When we plumbers run into trouble, we gotta flush it out!"
  • "You can't escape that easily, you sinister slime bag!"
  • "What's green and scaly, and covered with meat sauce?"
  • "A Koopa that's landed in deep spaghetti!"
  • "Koopa, you're the meanest ugliest lizard that ever slimed its way across Cramalot!"
  • "Tryin' to fly the Koop, eh, Koopa?"
  • "Huh? Thanks, Koopa! This dueling's made me work up quite an appetite!"
  • "That's the way the meatball bounces!"
  • "Yes, but Cramalot's seen the last of him!"
  • "Eh, it was nothing!"
  • "King? I always wanted to be king! I accept!"
  • "Hey! What's this thing?"
  • "Err, on a second thought, Mervy, ol' pal, I don't think I'm cut out to be king!"
  • "Here! Arrivederchi, King Mervin!"

Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "'WANTED: Dead or alive...Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid.'"
  • "'REWARD: 10,000 GOLD PIECES.'"
  • "Hang on! Don't you wanna read the part about how dangerous we are?"
  • "Hey, cactus! In your face, pardner!"
  • "Must be Koopa's idea. When we find where he's hiding the Princess, you can ask him."
  • "(*with Luigi*) Mouser?!"
  • "First, you have to catch us!"
  • "Check out those logs we'll leap-frog across!"
  • "Then, we'll leap-Mushroom!"
  • "You gonna stay here?"
  • "It's Princess Toadstool! Let's go!"
  • "Princess Toadstool must be inside!"
  • "Pardners, I think it's time to head for the hills!"
  • "Hey, look! Free Italian food! Let's eat!"
  • "Excuse me, paisano! We'd like three orders of free spaghetti to go!"
  • "Not me! My stomach will never speak to me again! Listen! I got a plan!"
  • "Water! Water!"
  • "(with Luigi) Him!"
  • "(with Luigi) Patty-cake, patty-cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "Pasta power!"
  • "Sorry, Sheriff! It was an accident!"
  • "Right on, paisano, yeah!"
  • "If Toad doesn't get us outta here soon, I'm gonna eat this mattress!"
  • "I need a pizza!"
  • "You're right, Toad! This is the mine where Princess Toadstool was sending us smoke signals!"
  • "Someone's bricked up the mine! I'll bet this is where King Koopa, is keeping the Princess!"
  • "Wake up, Luigi! The only time plumbers sleep on a job, is when we're working by the hour! ...Luigi!"
  • "That's a goner, spaghetti-head! ...Goner? Oh no! Hang in there, little brother! Mario will get ya some fresh air!"
  • "That's only five! You cheated!"
  • "Won't cheat your way outta this!"
  • "Come on, guys! I bet the smoke's cleared! Let's find the Princess!"
  • "I knew we should've looked here first!"
  • "Water! I hear water! Quick! Luigi! It's time for plumbing power!"
  • "Ready, Luigi?"
  • "Cool it, Koopa!"
  • "That's easy! I can think of seven ways!"
  • "Yeah! Spaghetti, ravioli, macaroni, tortellini, mostacciolli, linguini, and garlic ice cream!"

Mario's Magic Carpet

  • "Water! Water! I'll even settle for some meat sauce! Hey! A waterfall!"
  • "Ahhhh! A nice, cool shower!"
  • "Eeeyuck! Camel slobber!"
  • "It's a trap!"
  • "That's a generous offer, Pas, ol' pal, but we'll pass."
  • "We lucked out, Luigi! Feast your eyes on Aladdin's Lamp! When the guard falls asleep, we'll swipe it, and use its magic to escape and free the Princess!"
  • "It's pretty thick glass, but this baby has cut through some pretty tough pizzas!"
  • "Come on, Luigi! Don't you know the legend of Aladdin? There's a powerful genie inside, and he can-"
  • "Quick! We've gotta find a safe place to make this lamp work!"
  • "See for yourself! All I gotta do is rub it."
  • "Didn't mean to bother you, ma'am, but we need your magic to-"
  • "Oh, mighty genie of the lamp, more beautiful than baked lasagna, more desirable than pepperoni, I humbly beg you to save the Princess!"
  • "Yuck! You made a magic smell!"
  • "We need your hocus pocus. Can you make us fly?"
  • "Tell you what. You make us fly, and I'll grease your palm with a gold coin."
  • "I think I see Koopa's carpet way over there!"
  • "There's Koopa, up in the clouds! We'll sneak up on him!"
  • "He won't see us! I've got a Koopa-proof plan! Toad, start shaking the carpet!"
  • "Koopa! Where's the princess?"
  • "It's no use! A Pidgit's favorite food is carpeting!"
  • "They really deserve each other! Where next, Princess?"

Rolling Down the River

  • "Alright, gentlemen! Any sevens? ...No? Well then, go fish!"
  • "Until Toad finds the Princess, or I win all their money!"
  • "You worry too much, Luigi!"
  • "About time the food came!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "Run for it!"
  • "When in doubt, jump!"
  • "(with Luigi) Yikes!"
  • "And you win some, you lose some!"
  • "(with Luigi) Grateful!"
  • "We'll fix this mess! What's a steam engine but a fancy way to move water through pipes?"
  • "More steam? Right away!"
  • "Give her all you got, Luigi!"
  • "Ehm, we've got a little problem!"
  • "Help is on the way!"
  • "Stop shaking, Luigi, and pull!"
  • "The Mouth of the River? Where's that?"
  • "Tell us how we can sail the Ding Bell past the black pit!"
  • "Let's pipe this river down!"
  • "Only if you let our friends go, Captain Cuckoo!"
  • "Don't I get a last request or something? A pepperoni cheesecake? A fettuccine sundae?"
  • "It's Mark Twang! And the Ding Bell!"
  • "(with Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad) To Mark Twang, King of the River! Long may he be reign!"
  • "Victory dinner? At last!"
  • "Catfish Pizza?! This may be a first, but I'm not hungry!"

The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "Hey, Luigi! Can't you get any more speed outta this ol' tub?"
  • "I can't wait to meet all that spaghetti!"
  • "Half an hour? I could starve by then!"
  • "Uh, excuse my brother. He gets nervous around guys six times bigger than him."
  • "No spaghetti?!"
  • "We can fix anything if there's spaghetti involved!"
  • "Eh, this is some place, huh, Luigi?"
  • "Oh! See, Luigi? This is the place where they...(*with Luigi*) CAPTURE US?!?!"
  • "Hey, shaddap you face! One second!"
  • "Giddyup, chow-hound!"
  • "Sorry, but I'm out of oats!"
  • "Run for it, Luigi!"
  • "Just what the doctor ordered! A secret escape door!"
  • "He's not going fishing! That's for sure, Luigi! You go thattaway, you go thisaway!"
  • "Now, Luigi! Get 'em!"
  • "GET 'EM!!!"
  • "I gotta get Luigi outta that net!"
  • "I gotta tell you, Luigi, I'm working up one big appetite!"
  • "Wait a macaroni minute! I've got an idea! Dance, Luigi!"
  • "Dance! DANCE!"
  • "We did it, Luigi!"
  • "Wait a sec!"
  • "Okay! You guys are supposed to be king of the beasts, right?"
  • "If you're really kings, you'd be having an emperor for dinner, instead of two measly plumbers!"
  • "Come on! I'll let you sink your teeth into some delicious Koopa meat!"
  • "Duck, Princess!"
  • "Caesaronimo!"

Mario and the Beanstalk

  • "I already hocked them!"
  • "Okay! It's your decision. Come on, Luigi! Let's see what this Guernsey can earnsey!"
  • "She's the Royal Cow."
  • "We don't wanna trade! We wanna sell!"
  • "Right! We need moolah! Money! Cash!"
  • "You're not listening, mister! We don't need another cow! We need 100 gold coins!"
  • "Hey! We're anybody! How many gold coins are you gonna give us?"
  • "Bean seeds! Real special beans!"
  • "Dealin' Delbert said we really got the sweet end of the deal!"
  • "Gee! He really made it sound like they were our answer for everything!"
  • "Holy ravioli!"
  • "Princess, you're gonna have a lot more money to save the orphanage than a cow could've gotten ya!"
  • "There's tens of millions of garbanzo lovers in the world, and we're about to pick enough beans for 'em all!"
  • "Let's keep goin', and start pickin' 'em from the top on down!"
  • "I'm flyin' strictly on instruments, so maybe you're right! We'd better turn back cause-"
  • "Hey! There's some kind of door here!"
  • "Come on! What's to be afraid of?"
  • "Not just big! GIANT!"
  • "We gotta get outta here!"
  • "Run! I think we can make it out through that door!"
  • "That window! Let's try!"
  • "Up those logs! We can make it!"
  • "Oh, boy... No way we can make THAT jump!"
  • "Luigi! Gimme a hand with that poker there!"
  • "That's it...a little more...more..."
  • "You first, Luigi!"
  • "Luigi! That bellows! You know that?"
  • "Push, Luigi! Push!"
  • "There's gotta be a way out!"
  • "In there! That other room!"
  • "I'll be done! A goose that's better than the U.S. mint!"
  • "Hey, Koopa! I hope your big and tall shop blows up, with you in it!"
  • "You gotta get out of here? How about us?"
  • "I shouldn't help ya, cause of all your gold coin-laying for that Koopa creep! There!"
  • "Okay, where's the way out?"
  • "Goosey, we're good as gone! Everybody ready?"
  • "Only one way to fight 'em!"
  • "Way to go, guys!"
  • "With gold coins, maybe? The Princess here can use 'em to save the Mushroom Orphanage!"
  • "Forget it!"
  • "Coins, and more coins!"
  • "Not your day, Koopa?"
  • "What a day! What a day! I'm starved!"

Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

  • "It's my Red-Hot Pepper Detector, and it's going off-scale!"
  • "Hot peppers ahoy!"
  • "When he gets that... Gulp! ...sinking feeling!"
  • "I'm with you, Luigi!"
  • "Nighty-night, knight!"
  • "We get your point!"
  • "Excuse me, Queen Rotunda!"
  • "Wait! Because inside this head is the answer to your problem!"
  • "Hot Pepper Pistachio Ice Cream!"
  • "It's the perfect new dessert! Just what you're looking for! My personal favorite!"
  • "Quick! Drink this!"
  • "So, you like Mario's Hot Pepper Pistachio Ice Cream, eh?"
  • "Whooooaaaa! Watch it, lady! You're reapin' in my mustache!"
  • "If ya love me, set me and my friends free!"
  • "Those aren't wedding bells in your tower! They're bats in your belfry, lady!"
  • "HEEEELP!!! My life is over! I'm a prisoner of love!"
  • "I'll lick it!"
  • "It's hurting me a lot more than it's hurting you!"
  • "Now you're talking!"
  • "Pleeeeeease? Just a little!"
  • "No!"
  • "Nobody's gonna boil MY brother in oil! I'm gettin' outta here!"
  • "Whoops! Put your pot sticker away! That's a good knight!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Wait! Stop! My shoe's untied!"
  • "(Good thinking, Luigi!) I must propose a toast!"
  • "To Queen Rotunda, and her big, big, big, biiiig heart, and to Prince Pompadour, her old, old, old friend!"
  • "Pastarific, my paisanos!"

The Great BMX Race

  • "(with Luigi) Holy ravioli!"
  • "What? A poster?"
  • "Yeah! A bike with pasta power! We'll save you, paisano!"
  • "Here's the starting line, but where's the other racers?"
  • "Arrivederci!"
  • "Sure! I'm doing 60 miles an hour!"
  • "You okay, Luigi?"
  • "Sure makes you go faster when you have a cheering session!"
  • "Hey! It's the Pasta Pit Stop!"
  • "Don't worry, Luigi! It's in the bag!"
  • "That's what I call a meal!"
  • "They'll be sorry for this, Luigi! Let's show 'em some smokin' spokes!"
  • "Hey! Where'd you learn to ride a bike?"
  • "Relax, Luigi! Plumber's Motto #12: Be ready for anything!"
  • "Hey! Are we just gonna hang around here all day, or get back and race?"
  • "Sorry if we can't stay and chat with you goons, but we have a race to win!"
  • "Too bad! I was saving this for a real emergency, like spaghetti without tomato sauce!"
  • "Hang on, Luigi!"
  • "Hey! No problem! It's two men against one mouse!"
  • "A-a-a-alright... So, now it's a fair fight!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as quick as you can!"
  • "Hey, sleaze-os! Eat dust!"
  • "Look, Luigi! C'mon, Luigi! Let's squash those guys!"
  • "Here! A zucchini for you!"
  • "Hey, Team Koopa! You can at least say goodbye!"
  • "Looks like we win the bike race by default."
  • "You mean I wasted my tomato sauce?!"
  • "Get back here, Koopa! Don't you know vegetables are good for you?"

Stars in Their Eyes

  • "Let's find out where in the Mushroom Universe we are!"
  • "I've got good news and bad news for you!"
  • "The good news is, we're almost at the planet Quirk!"
  • "The bad news is, we'll be making a crash landing!"
  • "My pasta?! This is terrible!"
  • "Forget gravity! Grab me!"
  • "I got Luigi as an anchor!"
  • "Now that all we need is fuel, supplies, food, and more food!"
  • "Astro Mouser?!"
  • "Scuse us, sir! I thought you were the landing pad! Give me your hand!"
  • "I said we were sorry!"
  • "Don't panic! I'll plug the leak in two shakes of a calamari's tail!"
  • "Don't get carried away, Luigi!"
  • "If only our rocket ship were as easy to fix."
  • "Our own Mama Mia wouldn't recognize us!"
  • "Everybody, make like a moon rock!"
  • "Now all we've got to worry about is... (*with Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad*) Moon Man Koopa?! Oh no!"
  • "Sorry if we got you into a lifetime of enslavement, little pepperoni!"
  • "Honked noses of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!"
  • "There must be a way to break these chains!"
  • "Luigi... The shackles's electronic system, reacts to the anvil's sound!"
  • "Yeah! All together! Tap!"
  • "Whew! That one really rang our bell tempo! Quick! Our rocket fuel! Our ravioli rations!"
  • "Everybody! Hurry! Start paddlin'!"
  • "Don't look! Just paddle!"
  • "We won't! But first, we take care of Koopa!"
  • "Look!"
  • "Luigi! Take the control!"
  • "I'm just making spaghetti! Suitable for Koopa's meteoric balls!"
  • "We're losing marinara! Not to mention, momentum! Full speed ahead!"
  • "Not on my melted mozzarella! Throw out everything! Including the kitchen sink!"
  • "We've thrown out everything but our emergency pasta ration!"
  • "I-I can't do it! I-I can't use the last of our pasta!"
  • "Now that's pasta power!"
  • "It looks like those Quirks flew Moon Man Koopa for a galactic loopa!"
  • "Beam us down to the nearest pasta, Luigi!"

Jungle Fever

  • "Let's take a lunch break!"
  • "If food isn't pasta, it doesn't count!"
  • "Hey! Who called this lunch break, anyway? Let's get hackin'!"
  • "Nah! We can get across! No sweat! Look!"
  • "Look around, Luigi! There's no warning sign! Come on!"
  • "See?"
  • "It is now!"
  • "All we gotta do is climb up this side, and we're on our way!"
  • "Then maybe, that's our way out!"
  • "If ya don't want me to tweak your beak off, fly back to my friends!"
  • "All aboard!"
  • "We gotta get to the witch doctor before Koopa does!"
  • "Hasta la pasta!"
  • "This time, Koopa really did something rash!"
  • "We can't! All we can do is scratch!"
  • "Yeah! He's got the witch doctor, and all we can do is stay here and commit itchicide!"
  • "Antidote? What antidote?"
  • "Spaghetti!"

Brooklyn Bound

  • "Yikes! Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "This time, I agree, Luigi!"'
  • "Freezing and fightin' and fleein' from Koopa is losin' its charm. I miss Brooklyn!"
  • "Look out below!"
  • "Some really great plumber has been working down here!"
  • "It's Salvador Drainado!"
  • "Everybody in Brooklyn knows Sal! He's a plumber's plumber!"
  • "Brooklyn!"
  • "Why don't you and Toad come with us?"
  • "...Well..."
  • "That should do it!"
  • "We did it! We did it!"
  • "We fall into that, and we'll get a hotfoot all over!"
  • "Luigi! Everybody! Grab hold!"
  • "Can't...hold...on!"
  • "Better yet, I'll think magic Fire Flower!"
  • "Oh yeah? I'll show ya!"
  • " more inch..."
  • "Aaaahhh! It's Koopa-stompin' time!"
  • "Oh yeah, Koopa! I'm sending you a bill!"
  • "I dunno, Luigi... I mean...who needs Brooklyn anyway?"
  • "All that traffic and stuff! Maybe we should stay and help the Princess!"
  • "Well, so long."
  • "So long, Princess. So long, Toad."
  • "Oh no!"
  • "I can't do it! I can't leave the Princess in a jam!"
  • "Wrrrrrong again, lizard-breath!"
  • "I forgot!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "Too bad, Koopa! Looks like a total washout!"
  • "All part of being a hero, Luigi!"

Toad Warriors

  • "You shouldn't have broken the speed limit, Toad! You got to pull over!"
  • "I never shoulda let you drive."
  • "But not in jail!"
  • "Go, Princess! Go while you can! We'll meet you at the Rebel Fort!"
  • "This is the life! The wind in your face! A driving song on the radio! Nothing ahead but the open road! Ahhhhhh!"
  • "Time to put the pedal to the metal! Hang on, guys!"
  • "Handsome devil, ain't I?"
  • "Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "Unfasten your seatbelts, guys, and get ready to jump!"
  • "But how? We don't have anything he wants!"
  • "He's been watching a little too much TV lately, don't you think?"
  • "Next time, Koopa, use the crosswalk!"
  • "Uh oh! Here comes trouble! It's Mouser driving that Thunder Birdo!"
  • "You made it, Toad!"
  • "Sounds good to me!"
  • "I can't! I've been eatin' dried pasta for weeks! I gotta have it!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "Jumping gelato! I've got an idea! Up on the pedestals, everybody!"
  • "Come on! Let's find this Hercufleas guy!"
  • "Well, Toad sure has friends in high places!"
  • "Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "Don't worry, Hercufleas! Me and my brother will catch those fire thieves!"
  • "Racin' rotini! We gotta run for our lives!"
  • "Not yet, Luigi! Look!"
  • "Come and get me, fireball!"
  • "Nice spitting, Luigi!"
  • "Unstoppable? We're plumbers! If we can unstop a stop, we can stop the unstoppable!"
  • "Maybe we can use some help! What we need is the hero!"
  • "But you have something Koopa doesn't: Us! My pudgy paisano, we're gonna coach you back into hero shape!"
  • "Nope! With the official Brooklyn Academy of Plumbing workout!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) No pain, no clog in the drain!"
  • "Maginifico! You're stronger than Grandma Mia's garlic chip cookies!"
  • "Roasted us? You musta forgot about the power of positive plumbing!"
  • "Don't give up, Herc! There's a super fungus among us!"
  • "Well, I need a hero right now; a hero sandwich!"

Count Koopula

  • "Never fear, Princess! There's bound to be a motel around here somewhere!"
  • "It's MY leftovers, Luigi! You ate all yours!"
  • "Come on, Mario! Sharesies!"
  • "Ohh, okay, but just one bite!"
  • "I can't hold on!"
  • "Follow that bat!"
  • "We've got to get that spaghetti back!"
  • "Come on, Luigi! Nobody believes in vampires anymore!"
  • "Well, we need something, and maybe we can get that spaghetti back!"
  • "Uh, we need rooms for the night!"
  • "You like sleepin' in the rain better?"
  • "Are you talkin' to yourself again, Luigi?"
  • "Stop already! I'm too hungry to worry about vampires that don't exist!"
  • "It did, but this is my spare ravioli!"
  • "My ravioli! Fang marks! Every drop of tomato sauce...gone!"
  • "We're locked in!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Vampires!"
  • "Come on! Let's find the Princess!"
  • "Whew! That was close!"
  • "Spit it out, Luigi!"
  • "{*with Princess Toadstool and Toad*} Spiders!"
  • "I forgot my bug spray!"
  • "We gotta find a way outta here! What's this?"
  • "'Marinara, Chateau Koopula, 1989.' Hehehehey! It's tomato sauce!"
  • "Don't worry, Princess! It's us they're after, not you!"
  • "It's safer than staying here!"
  • "It's a tomato sauce factory!"
  • "Mmmm! Needs garlic!"
  • "I hate leaks! Somebody call me a plumber!"
  • "How do you stop a vampire?"
  • "Top sirloin? Filet mignon?"
  • "Good thinkin', Toad! Eat this!"
  • "Unhand her, fang-face!"
  • "This garlic will put you outta the way!"
  • "He's havin' a coffin spell!"
  • "Chow? That reminds me! It's chow time! I've got my spare cantellini!"

Pirates of Koopa

  • "We're making spotatoghetti, sir!"
  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "I see we shoulda stayed in Brooklyn!"
  • "Bob-Ombs away! That way!"
  • "We gotta do something!"
  • "Nope! It's a low ship! We're sinking!"
  • "Sinking isn't sunk, Luigi!"
  • "Not if we jump!"
  • "Yo ho!"
  • "Quick, Patches! Gimme one of those Starmen before these Trouters filet our souls!"
  • "Starman, star bright! Give me Starman pasta power! Give me pasta might! Faster than a vanishing clog! More powerful than an electric drain snake! It's Super Mario!"
  • "Get lost, Trouters!"
  • "Scuse me, Captain, but we're gonna have to castoff!"
  • "She's not much, but she sure beats swimming!"
  • "Time to save the Princess, from that Stoopa Koopa, while I'm supa! Uh oh!"
  • "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, then beat 'em!"
  • "Sure as spumoni! Arrrgh! Don't you recognize Captain Kidder? And...Long John Spaghetti!"
  • "Avast! Back off, buckswashlers! Make room for the baddest pirates in the Caribbean!"
  • "Easy as pizza pie!"
  • "See if you can sneak up to the Princess!"
  • "Remember, Luigi! You gotta act tough!"
  • "In a dirty glass!"
  • "Mamma mia!"

Two Plumbers and a Baby

  • "Good thing, cause this is the end of the trail mix!"
  • "Prune danish? If they've got food down there, let's follow 'em!"
  • "They're not children! They're those old people turned young!"
  • "We gotta free these kids somehow!"
  • "Watch out for the Albatoss!"
  • "Oh no! Luigi!"
  • "Quick! Everyone on the seesaws!"
  • "Let's beat it, boys! We'll hide until dark and then come back and free those bambinos!"
  • "I know about baby brussel sprouts, mini frozen pizzas, tiny tortellinis, but I know nothing about pint-sized princesses."
  • "I'll save her!"
  • "Here, baby Princess! Uncle Mario has a big surprise for you! BUT THAT'S NOT IT!"
  • "Leapin' lasagna! Our baby Princess is in big trouble!"
  • "This looks like a job for Sky Plumber, and his homemade hang glider! Faster than a vanishing clog, more powerful than an electric drain snake! Here I come, little Princess!"
  • "Goin' my way, bambino?"
  • "Cut it out, Princess! I'm- AHAHAAAAAAH!!! ...ticklish!"
  • "Oh no, not for long!"
  • "♪ Hush, little Princess, don't you cry. I'm gonna buy you a pizza pie. And if that pizza pie gets ate, Luigi'll buy you a New York steak. ♪"
  • "I hate babysitting!"
  • "And they're heading right for Koopa's castle! Come on!"
  • "You get any younger, Princess, and you'll disappear!"
  • "Koopa took the control dial!"
  • "Sure we can! We just have to reverse the flow of the waterfall!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "That should do it!"
  • "That's right! Now it's the Fountain of Age! Pure plumbing genius if I say so myself!"
  • "Princess, the only sitting I wanna do is down to a big plate of pasta!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "Did someone say soup? I'll have mine, with a double order of spaghetti!"
  • "This way!"
  • "He musta been kidnapped!"
  • "That I'm gonna find out, or my name isn't Sherlock Mario!"
  • "Elementary, my dear fungus! A clue!"
  • "Don't give up! A good detective always uses his head! Ouch!"
  • "Let's catch that crummy Koopa, and cool his cockamamy crime!"
  • "Not so fast, Koopa crabapple!"
  • "Let's give these Koopa clowns a taste of pasta power!"
  • "So, we meet again, you grody green greaseball!"
  • "If only I can get the meatball sandwich outta my pocket!"
  • "Elementary, my dear Luigi! Watch!"
  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "C'mon! Let's catch that crummy Koopa!"
  • "Elementary, my dear Toad! We'll follow his trail! Look! A Koopa clawprint! The search is on!"
  • "The Koopa clawprints stop at this manhole!"
  • "Not so fast!"
  • "Hold it right there, Koopa creepo!"
  • "Take that, you Koopa crackpot!"
  • "Yes, but it's the last time that villain will ever visit Victoria!"
  • "There must be some food around here somewhere! Hmmm... Looks like a lunchbox!"
  • "This is the first time my lunch ever took a bite out of me!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "{*with Luigi*} Leapin' lasagna!"
  • "Don' it, Princess! We'll get you out of this...somehow."
  • "Exactly right, Luigi! And what do plumbers do best, next to fixin' pipes?"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Dig!"
  • "If I figured right, this tunnel will lead us straight to the Princess!"
  • "You had to ask."
  • "Don't worry, Luigi! This is the right way! I got an instinct about these things!"
  • "Hey! It's Toad and the Mushroom People! Koopa let him go!"
  • "Koopa keep a promise? No way! Look!"
  • "That fang-faced two-timing double-crosser!"
  • "What a rotten reptile! He broke his promise to the Princess!"
  • "We go tell the Princess and stop the wedding, that's what!"
  • "Relax, Luigi! I got a brainstorm!"
  • "We're caterers and-"
  • "Plumbers never give up, Luigi! Open up! We got bug soup here! Special for King Koopa's wedding!"
  • "Worry about it some other time! We gotta save the Princess, remember?"
  • "{*with Luigi*} HOORAY! Patty cake, patty cake, pasta man! Give me pasta power as fast as you can!"
  • "Let's make plumber tracks!"
  • "Luigi, you're sitting on Toad!"
  • "This is great, Luigi!"
  • "Sure! Toad knows his way around the castle! All we gotta do is find Koopa's magic scepter! Turn Toad back into Toad, and he'll lead us straight for the Princess! Both of ya, follow me!"
  • "That was the wedding cake! We must be getting close!"
  • "Koopa's in there! I'm gonna get his magic scepter and turn Toad back into himself!"
  • "That's just what the plumber ordered! Super Mario, and Super Luigi!"
  • "Whoops! It burned out!"
  • "We gotta save the Princess! Lead us to the wedding, Toad!"

The Pied Koopa

  • "Hey! A place where pasta grows on trees is my kinda place!"
  • "Luigi! I think we finally found a place that could make me happier than Brooklyn!"
  • "Stupid Koopa's stoopin' lower and lower these days!"
  • "Not yet, Mayor Fettuccine! My stomach's got plans for that pasta! Come on! Let's get those kids back! We'll follow Mouser to Koopa's castle!"
  • "Hurry! We gotta get inside, before they pull up that drawbridge!"
  • "Look at it this way, Luigi! We get our overalls washed, free of charge!"
  • "Head for the shore!"
  • "I'd just been wishing I had a submarine sandwich and it gave me an idea! Follow me!"
  • "Look! There's a Power Block!"
  • "Koopa's Troopas can't get us now! We're safe!"
  • "The Princess is right, Luigi! Come on!"
  • "It can't be any worse than a dungeon full of water!"
  • "Things could be worse!"
  • "Hey! Look what got washed in from the moat with us! A Bob-Omb! I've got it! We'll drain the dungeon just like we drained the moat!"
  • "I'll blow the far wall so the water can empty into the castle basement!"
  • "Hang onto those rings, or we'll all go down the drain!"
  • "Well, Koopa's got a dry dungeon again! Maybe he'll let bygones be bygones!"
  • "It ain't high down here!"
  • "First we have to find where Koopa's keeping them! Come on!"
  • "Unless, we do to the Koopa Troopa guards, what the Pied Koopa, did to those kids!"
  • "Quick! We gotta find some plumbin'! I got a plan!"
  • "Yeah! Before they threw us out for eating during a concert!"
  • "Okay, Toad! Me and Luigi'll get the guards away, and you free the kiddos!"
  • "My only regret is that I have but one stomach to give your country!"


  • "I wonder if it fits the pizza parlor?"
  • "We'll take care of Koopenstein, and be back in time for dinner!"
  • "Hey! Open up! We've come to fix the plumbing!"
  • "You have a better idea?"
  • "He's almost to the battlements! Hurry up, Toad! I'm starving!"
  • "What else is there?"
  • "You are, Koopa, if you think we're giving you OUR brains for your monster!"
  • "You, and who else? That miserable fungus you call Toad?"
  • "He's turned into the Koopenstein Monster! Run for it!"
  • "After him!"
  • "Too late! The Koopenstein Monster's got the Princess!"
  • "How will we ever get Princess Toadstool back? Koopenstein could be anywhere!"
  • "Come on! We gotta attack him back!"
  • "Get your plumber's helper out, Luigi! We're gonna kick some Koopa!"
  • "Forget the plumber's helper! Grab a handful of Bomb Plants and let's go!"
  • "Back off, you ugly fiend! The Mario Bros. are back in town!"
  • "I've gotta distract the monster, or Toad and Luigi are history!"
  • "Hey, Koopenstein! You're a big sissy, and your mother gives you a bottle every night, and your father takes bubble baths!"
  • "Time for a nap!"
  • "Take this, Koopa, and that! Toad! Luigi! What happened?"
  • "If it doesn't, we're in deep spumoni! Stand back! I'm gonna try it out!"
  • "The Monster Robot Troopa lives!"
  • "Thank you! Thank you! I shall follow Koopenstein's footprints and return!"
  • "Okay, Monster Robot Troopa! Do your stuff! Go, go, Troopa!"
  • "Hey! Who's been eating all my pizza? It's full of holes!"
  • "Where's the key to that pizza parlor? I gotta teach these guys how to do it right!"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service

  • "Sure nice of you Princess to buy us lunch at this restaurant!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Oh!"
  • "What's this?"
  • "Oh my! A guy could have a great time in a flooded basement with all this stuff!"
  • "Time for Secret Agents Mario and Luigi to go into action!"
  • "We're approaching Fort Hard Knox! Let's see what the Super Spymobile can do! Activate the plumber scope!"
  • "Not on your lasagna-lovin' life! Activate the plumber pulsion!"
  • "Fire the plumber missiles!"
  • "Fire the plumber gun!"
  • "It looks like we're plumb outta luck!"
  • "Let us go, Koopfinger, before you land in rotten ravioli!"
  • "Wahoo! What a ride!"
  • "It's a Goomba attack! Run for it!"
  • "Piranha Plants! Jump!"
  • "Uh oh! Look! Spark on a war path!"
  • "Not Secret Agent Mario! This super spy hose nozzle and mini-plunger oughta do the trick!"
  • "Secret Agents away!"
  • "C'mon! Let's turn the tables on that rancid reptile!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Super spy surprise!"
  • "That's right, Koopfinger! And we're gonna pump your pipes!"
  • "Koopfinger, you're kaput!"
  • "Yes, but he won't be snoopin' around Spy Land anymore!"
  • "I smell food!"
  • "Mamma mia! Lunch!"
  • "Mmmmmm! I just love food that's spicy!"

Mario and Joliet

  • "Beezos! Jump for it!"
  • "Uh oh! Looks like we landed in tough tortellini!"
  • "We were a noodle away from disaster that time!"
  • "Hey, that Koopa's a real party poopa!"
  • "She's not asking you, she's tellin' you!"
  • "This is one wedding Koopa's really gonna cry at!"
  • "There's only one villain rotten enough to pull off such a nasty stunt! (*with Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad*) Koopa!"
  • "By getting things rolling! Yippeeeee!"
  • "Come on, gang! Let's hop to it!"
  • "Now you got the hang of it!"
  • "Trapped like hair in a drain."
  • "How're we gonna get that muscle-pound meatball?"
  • "That's great, Toad! Just one problem: He had the key!"
  • "Let's get outta here!"
  • "Uh oh! Trouble in Koopa City!"
  • "Find another way out! I'll give these Koopa clowns a taste of pasta power!"
  • "I always cry at wedding feasts!"
  • "Now this is my kind of feud!"

Too Hot to Handle

  • "I hope someone's mixing up a mozzarella milkshake!"
  • "I got you, Princess!"
  • "This is a trick! It's not your Fire God, it's King Koopa! I'd recognize that voice anywhere!"
  • "C'mon! We gotta save the Princess before they cook her goose!"
  • "Hey! C'mon! We'll get faster if we ride!"
  • "Giddyup, ostrich! Giddyup!"
  • "Let's fight fire with fruit!"
  • "Stop! Don't drop the Princess!"
  • "It was all a trick! Koopa's got the Princess!"
  • "Yeah! Leap for your lives!"
  • "Smells like they're carrying that lava that was chasing us!"
  • "C'mon! We'll trace these pipes down and find out!"
  • "Hey! This must be the machine that makes the lava! Shhhh!"
  • "Toad, you gotta keep Koopa busy for a few minutes!"
  • "We gotta re-plumb Koopa's evil plan!"
  • "Good thing Koopa's workmen left these behind!"
  • "Monkey wrench!"
  • "Hacksaw!"
  • "For Koopa!"
  • "This is hard for a plumber to watch, Luigi!"
  • "We had no choice! It was the only way we could stop Koopa and save the island!"
  • "Quick! We'll hide in the Lava Boat!"
  • "Koopa's gonna take a trip he didn't plan on!"
  • "Holy ravioli!"
  • "Open your eyes, Luigi! We made it!"
  • "Now I know why they call this paradise!"

Plumber's Log

  • "Plumber's Log #1-0-1: The Land of Ice. Me and my brother Luigi had just rescued Princess Toadstool from King Koopa, and we're looking for the magic that would set her kingdom free, and get us home to Brooklyn." - "The Bird! The Bird!"
  • "Plumber's Log #22-37: We were in the land of damsels in distress, and knights in shining armor, the legendary Cramalot." - "King Mario of Cramalot"
  • "Plumber's Log #10-61: Evil King Koopa had grabbed Princess Toadstool, and hidden her way, in the Wild West." - "Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid"
  • "Plumber's Log #4-37: We arrived on a dry and deadly desert, on a lumpy camel. We were in search of the legendary Aladdin's Lamp. Princess Toadstool needed its magic to free her people from King Koopa's evil clutches." - "Mario's Magic Carpet"
  • "Plumber's Log #1-0-6: The River World. Princess Toadstool is being held captive on the Sinister Star, a river boat, under the command of Captain Koopa." - "Rolling Down the River"
  • "Plumber's Log #6-0-3: On our way through the Linguini Empire, the emperor invited us to attend a benefit spaghetti dinner, to raise money for orphaned Mushrooms." - "The Great Gladiator Gig"
  • "Plumber's Log #4-4-2: The Princess needed 100 gold coins by tomorrow morning. Or else...the Mushroom Kingdom Orphanage would have to close down. We were desperately thinking of some way to raise the money." - "Mario and the Beanstalk"
  • "Plumber's Log #1-0-5-11: Rotunda Land. We were searching for a way to save Princess Toadstool's kingdom. Instead, we found one of the most humongous dangers I've ever faced: The dreaded Queen Rotunda." - "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em"
  • "Plumber's Log #25: We're crossing the Desert Kingdom, when things really got hot for Toad!" - "The Great BMX Race"
  • "Plumber's Log #6-2-9-4: We were just a pasta noodle away from escaping King Koopa's Space Troopas, when we got nailed with a lucky shot!" - "Stars in Their Eyes"
  • "Plumber's Log #5-0-5: We were hacking our way through the Amazon Jungle, searching for Sheldon, the mysterious witch doctor." - "Jungle Fever"
  • "Plumber's Log 2-21: The Snow World. We were blue from the cold, and pale from hunger! Koopa Khan and his horde, had been after us for days." - "Brooklyn Bound"
  • "Plumber's Log 10-24: Rotten King Koopa had stolen every drop of spaghetti sauce in Car Land, but a small band of Mushroom rebels in a desert fort were making their own, and we were on our way to meet him. Only trouble was, one of King Koopa's State Troopas was hot on our tail!" - "Toad Warriors"
  • "Plumber's Log #2-95: The ancient city of Mythis. We were looking for an old paisano of Toad's, whose name was-" - "The Fire of Hercufleas"
  • "Plumber's Log #10-14: We were traveling for a strange land called Turtlevania. Somebody had pulled the plug on the big bathtub in the sky, and we were soaked!" - "Count Koopula"
  • "Plumber's Log #6-97: Pirate Waters, in a Pirate World. On our way back to Princess Toadstool's castle, we hired on as deckhands on the only ship willing to sail these dark and treacherous waters." - "Pirates of Koopa"
  • "Plumber's Log 39-62: We found ourselves in the Kingdom of Youth. We heard there was a magical Fountain of Youth there, and King Goo Goo Ga Ga Koopa, was using it to satisfy his miserable thirst for doing bad." - "Two Plumbers and a Baby"
  • "Plumber's Log #7-0-4: Our adventure-loving group had arrived in Victoria; land of mystery, cloaks and daggers, and screams in the night. We have come to seek the help of the greatest detective of all time: Herlock Solmes!" - "The Adventures of Sherlock Mario"
  • "Plumber's Log #2-3-0: It wasn't the best way to start the day; Kooper had captured us, and locked us in his dungeon." - "Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?"
  • "Plumber's Log #50-24: The trouble started just before we arrived in Pasta Land. King Koopa used a magic flute to steal all the children." - "The Pied Koopa"
  • "Plumber's Log 10-34: We arrived in the Swiss Cheese Alps to rescue the villagers from a mad scientist. We figured the troublemaker had to be Koopa...because he called himself 'Dr. Koopenstein!'" - "Koopenstein"
  • "Plumber's Log #007: We have arrived in Spy Land. Secret Agent James Blonde had just uncovered the latest evil plot of a master criminal who called himself Koopfinger! But Koopfinger was one step ahead and pulled his own turn-you-into-stone trick!" - "On Her Majesty's Sewer Service"
  • "Plumber's Log #1601: We arrived in the Land of Romance, only things weren't quite so lovey-dovey as usual. We were answering a call for help, from a friend of Princess Toadstool. But right now, we were the ones who needed help." - "Mario and Joliet"
  • "Plumber's Log #8-10: Lava Land, the island of Waki-Waki. The great Fire God had promised to help us save the Mushroom Kingdom from King Koopa, and we were looking for some friendly natives, who could lead us to him." - "Too Hot to Handle"

Live-action segments

Neatness Counts

  • "It's time for a new day, but as we always say, neatness counts!"
  • "Thank you, Luigi!"
  • "And you have a little bit of spaghetti sauce on your shirt as usual."
  • "And your socks don't match!"
  • "Hello?"
  • "I didn't either!"
  • "What are you doing in the medicine cabinet?"
  • "Nicole Eggert... Whew!"
  • "Hey, you slob! That's my pizza!"
  • "Oh, yeah!"
  • "You've certainly come to the right place! We'll demonstrate right now just how good we are with absolutely no obligation!"
  • "This will only take a second. As you can see here, we have a clogged sink, and uh, let me fix it for a second."
  • "LUIGI!!! Dig in."
  • "Hey, I'll do that. You're stuck!"
  • "Wait wait! This will only take us a few seconds."
  • "(with Luigi) Uh-oh!"
  • "Oh yeah? What about the time we drenched the mailman?"
  • "Nicole, I'm so sorry! It does that every once in a while!"
  • "Your foot's having a birthday!"
  • "This is terrible!"
  • "Something to clean Nicole up with! Here you go!"
  • "How about showing us some scenes from The Legend of Zelda?"
  • "We'll pay for everything!"
  • "We'll make ya free pizza!"
  • "We'll make your bed! We'll brush your teeth!"
  • "It is?"
  • "(with Luigi) Really?"
  • "(with Luigi and Nicole) Do the Mario!"

Day of the Orphan

  • "Nice to meet ya, Patty the sad-eyed orphan! Where ya from?"
  • "We'll throw you the best birthday party you've ever seen!"
  • "Hey, that's asking a lot, kid! I mean, we're just plumbers!"
  • "Oh, I tell ya, beaut! I love the colors!"
  • "Sure, Patty. As soon as I blow up this balloon."
  • "Yeah! Those are the beadiest little sad eyes I've ever seen!"
  • "Plenty of cake and ice cream!"
  • "(with Luigi and Patty) Do the Mario!"

All Steamed Up

  • "Okay...okay...okay... I got it..."
  • "Alright... Lemme get this one..."
  • "Lemme get this one here..."'
  • "Okay!"
  • "Tightened? I thought we were loosenin' them!"
  • "I'll finish up over here, you go get the phone!"
  • "And uh, put it on speakerphone!"
  • "I fixed it special, just push the third pepperoni to the right!"
  • "Whoa! It's that bully, Sgt. Slaughter!"
  • "How can ya take a shortcut off the Brooklyn Bridge?"
  • "It's as ready as it'll ever be!"
  • "That Sgt. Slaughter's a pretty tough customer! I'd better check this baby out!"
  • "I'll show you explode! If I get my hands on that sergeant, I'll whittle him down to size!"
  • "I AM standing!"
  • "Till next time everybody!"
  • "(with Luigi and Sgt. Slaughter) Do the Mario!"

Marianne and Luigeena

  • "Ye-he-he-hessss! It's gonna be great!"
  • "I'll get it!"
  • "Hello, Mario Bros. Plumbing! We clog 'em, we clear 'em! ...Hello! Yes? ...Hey! Marianne! Marianne and Luigeena!"
  • "Yes, Marianne! Guess what? Yeah, yeah, Lyle Alzado is comin' over here!"
  • "That's right, I'm serious! We fixed his kitchen sink this morning! Yeah, that's right! So we invited him over here for lunch! ...Marianne? Hello?"
  • "But I forgot!"
  • "I hate to leave, but we've got to go out and get some refreshments."
  • "Two pounds of grapes... Two pounds of, uh...figs... Four dozen tangerines."
  • "Lyle, he's a big guy!"
  • "Go!"
  • "Okay, I've got you covered."
  • "Hey, Lyle! Wow! I can't believe it! This guy's a legend! Hey, Lyle! Good to see ya!"
  • "Could you please excuse my dumb cousins, Lyle?"
  • "Hey, what's wrong?"

Slime Busters

  • "I guess Flatbush is really in a haunted mood flu!"
  • "I just wish I knew when the Slime Busters are getting here, Luigi! Get the ghost, Luigi!"
  • "Keep the ghost busy, Luigi! That's probably them now!"
  • "Come in!"
  • "Ernie Hudson! Thank goodness you're here! Where are the other Slime Busters?"
  • "I kinda like it."
  • "No! It's not in the furnace!"
  • "The ghost is in the bedroom!"
  • "Gotcha covered!"
  • "Ernie! I'd like you to shake my brother's hand!"
  • "Uhhh, maybe it went for a bite to eat!"
  • "Well, chew a little softer!"
  • "What was that, Ernie?"
  • "{with Ernie} Uh oh!"
  • "Bite your tongue, Luigi! Mama didn't raise no slime!"
  • "Give it your best shot, Ernie!"
  • "You can say that again!"
  • "(with Luigi and Ernie) Do the Mario!"

The Mario Monster Mash

  • "Eh. 'Dr. Frank N. Stein from Pennsylvania!'"
  • "So, it's Dr. Stein from Pennsylvania! So what?"
  • "(fast) Frank N. Stein!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Frank N. Stein! Frank N. Stein! Frank N. Stein! Frank N. Stein! FRANKENSTEIN FROM TRANSYLVANIA!!!"
  • "Settle a bet, doc! Are you the same Dr. Frankenstein, that created that...big ugly scary monster?"
  • "Why not?"
  • "No offense intended with that big horrible scary monster line."
  • "You're not going to take my brain! I might need it someday!"
  • "Oh, yeah. Go ahead. I'm just going to take a nap. And, uh, Luigi! Don't forget that the pasta and the beans and some uh, oregano!"
  • "Luigi, will you- Come on, Luigi! Cut it out, Luigi! Please I'm trying to sleep, Luigi! Come on, Luigi. Please!"
  • "(in Frankenstein's Monster's body) Where have you guys been?"
  • "(in Frankenstein's Monster's body) Luigi, it's me, Mario!"
  • "Oh! That cleared my sinuses!"
  • "You're the best brother in the world!"
  • "Till next time, everybody!"
  • "(with Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Bonkers from Yonkers

  • "That's it! Tighten it up!"
  • "I am not a chicken!"
  • "I am not a monkey!"
  • "Ohhh, thanks, doc!"
  • "No, almost."
  • "Till next time, anybody!"
  • "(with Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Bats in the Basement

  • "What else? Let's eat lunch!"
  • "Yeah, but we're the Mario Bros.! We're the best!"
  • "Yeah, and he's a smart one, too!"
  • "Well, because he sent this luggage ahead of him."
  • "Yeah. Got here this morning before you woke up!"
  • "I'll take over here! Wait! Wait! Hold on!"
  • "From the front here!"
  • "This side!"
  • "Oh, they make 'em tight!"
  • "Oh no, not me!"
  • "B-B-B-But what's so strange about sleepin' in your clothes?"
  • "That'll be nothin'! How about the barber, Scrawly Kaboodle? He's been goin' to high school almost as long."
  • "Come to think of it, he does sleep all day."
  • "Yeah, but I don't sleep in a box."
  • "Why?"
  • "Eyewash?"
  • "(*with Luigi*) He's a vampire!!!"
  • "Are you crazy? Steak is $4.59 a pound!"
  • "Wait a minute! That's Mama's recipe for tomato sauce!"
  • "What else ya got?"
  • "(with Luigi and Count Zoltan Dracula) Do the Mario!"

Will the Real Elvis Please Shut Up!

  • "Hey, I'd like to thank ya! The song's just for you!"
  • " ♪ I was caught in the trap, with a snake in his yap... Because I forgot to use drain-o! ♪ "
  • "Hey! Thank ya! Thank ya all! Oh, oh, this is for you, darlin'! Thank you! You're beautiful! I mean, I love y'all so much and I'd like to dedicate singin' this next song, to my lovely mamma mia except...I forgot the words... So, I think I'll just have dinner."
  • "Besides for the fact it stinks!"
  • "It's an insult to the Memory of the King!"
  • "Well, mine's being cleaned. But don't change the subject, because I'M gonna win the Impersonator's Contest tonight at the Plumber's Hall."
  • "The Enquirer was right! It's him!"
  • "Hey, if you lend me that guitar, I might let you be a backup singer!"'
  • "The King!"
  • "Hey, Elvis! What do you think?"
  • "Oooh, me! Me!"
  • "Oooh! Oooh! Me! Me!"
  • "Me! Me! I got it."
  • "♪ You ain't nothin' but a groundhog, honkin' on the ground... You ain't nothin' but a groundhog, honkin' on the ground... ♪"
  • "Luigi, how can we go against each other?"
  • "♪ Well, I love my plumber, love my wrench, once I sat on the bench... ♪"
  • "(with Luigi) ♪ We're Marios to the end, yo! ♪"
  • "Where'd he go? He's gone!"
  • "Until next time, everybody! (with Elvis and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Magic's Magic

  • "Hey hey hey hey hey hey! Here we go! Here we go! Here we go! Hike! Ho! Have a cigar!"
  • "Hey, he's not, dummy! When he saw how good we installed a hot water heater, he could tell we were pros!"
  • "Hey, match! Whaddaya wanna work on first? Your hook shot?"
  • "Whoa! Great magic, Magic!"
  • "You ready, Magic?"
  • "We'll only have to do is practice some more!"
  • "That's a new trick! A rabbit that pulls a magician into the hat!"
  • "Hang on, Luigi! I won't let go! Uh-oh! I let go! Magic! We have to do somethin'!"
  • "He's stuck, and it's all my fault! If only I wouldn'ta let go!"
  • "PLEASE!!!"
  • "Luigi, you're back! And what are you doing in that medicine cabinet?"
  • "Nursing shoes?"
  • "Hello? Hello, yes! He's here! Hey, Magic! It's for you! Yeah, yeah! The coach says he's out there waiting for ya!"

Mama Mia Mario

  • "No, I'm saving room for supper. Here. Bon appetit!"
  • "Yeah, if we can find it."
  • "I hope it's not about that hot water heater that blew up last week!"
  • "Phew... Thank goodness."
  • "Mamma mia! Whoa! We gotta clean up around here, and lay out some leafy vegetables!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Coming, Mama!"
  • "It's your son Mario, Mama! I washed as far as Flatbush Avenue. Can I come in?"
  • "Yes, Mama."
  • "Luigi, we gotta get rid of Mama! I mean, I love her, but I can't handle it anymore!"
  • "How?"
  • "(with Luigi) Yes, Mama!"
  • "We'll be right back!"
  • "First she says we gotta watch some exciting scenes from Mama's favorite, The Legend of Zelda!"
  • "We'll be good, Mama! We promise!"
  • "Mama! What was that for?"
  • "I can't believe our luck! Imagine, Mama getting a phone call to tell her that she won the lottery!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "Mamma mia!"
  • "Aunt Luigeena!"
  • "I shoulda known! Mama always hits me with her left!"
  • "Until next time, everybody! (*with Aunt Luigeena*) Do the Mario!"

Alligator Dundee

  • "Alright."
  • "Look at this! Oh, a pludaris!"
  • "Oh! Ratigator!"
  • "What? A horrible scary monster was chasing you through the sewer?"
  • "Ratigator!"
  • "I wish it was just a flea! Then all we'd have to do is wear flea collars!"
  • "While we try to save Ratigator, watch these scene from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Hey, Luigi! What are we gonna do? He's gonna capture our pal, the Ratigator!"
  • "Oh, boy. I hope the Ratigator runs away!"
  • "We got the real monster!"
  • "Take it easy! You okay?"
  • "Hey! That sounds like it would be a good movie plot!"
  • "(with Luigi) Do the Mario!"


  • "No peeking!"
  • "Are you sure you're not peeking?"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Ahh, Happy Birthday, Luigi! Make a wish and blow out the candles and may all your birthday wishes come true!"
  • "Thank you! Here's your present, Luigi! A present special for you!"
  • "We can!"
  • "Hey, I couldn't resist, so I signed up too. Tomorrow morning, we'll be, woo, twinkling-toes dancing!"
  • "We can!"
  • "Well, we could practice. Wanna practice?"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Come in!"
  • "Oooh, footprints! I mean, what are you planning, getting us lost?"
  • "Kinda reminds me of Twister!"
  • "These are my kinda dance steps! While I boogie, here are some scenes from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Alright! That's because of you, Shabba-Doo, thanks to you, baby!"
  • "Till next time everybody! (with Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Cher's Poochie

  • "Hey, Edison. Will you hook up the power supply of my Pizza Transformer?"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Okay, Edison! Thanks!"
  • "I can't hear you!"
  • "I said I can't hear you! Hey, Luigi! Someone's at the door! Go ahead!"
  • "Ah, lighten up, will you, brother? You'd think you had a date with Cher or something!"
  • "Hey! Remember us?"
  • "Stay! Stay! Stay! Hey, Poochie, stay! Stay, Poochie, stay! You ever seen a Pizza Transformer before? Well, watch!"
  • "(in Poochie's body) Uh oh!""
  • "(in Poochie's body) I'm sitting here wagging my tail!"
  • "(in Poochie's body) You'd better! This tummy won't hold much lasagna! Scratch my head! I think I have a flea!"
  • "(in Poochie's body) Listen, Cher. We need to talk."
  • "(in Poochie's body) Hurry up, Luigi! I feel naked without my coveralls!"
  • "What do you mean I'm gonna need a flea dip?!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "(with Luigi) Uh oh!"
  • "Okay... I got a cookie. Good dog. Okay, Cher! Oh! Take it easy! Throw the switch! Do something!"
  • "(*with Luigi and Cher*) Do the Mario!"

Wild Thing

  • "Good! Now we can just relax and then read our books!"
  • "'Attack of the Killer Plungers'. Right here."
  • "Marilyn, I haven't seen you since you were much smaller!"
  • "Scuse me! Uh, thank you! Thank you!"
  • "Where's my hamburger? Luigi? Luigi?"
  • "Did you eat my hamburger?"
  • "Where is it?"
  • "Yeah, but it might hur-hur-hurt her feelings! You tell her!"
  • "Fair!"
  • "Yeah! Yeah!"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Alright?"
  • "B-B-But how come I always lose, Luigi?"
  • "You know, something, Marilyn? I think you want to worm...but you know, Marilyn, what you should do is, uh...that you know- (stammers) Uh, baby!"
  • "You know somethin', Luigi? This might sound crazy, but I'm gonna miss her!"
  • "Hey! You said it!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} EDISON!!!"
  • "Until next time, everybody! {*with Luigi*} Do the Mario!"

E.C. The Extra Creepy

  • "We? We ain't goin' nowhere, but me and my computer date are goin' out on a mad night of love, romace, and copper fittings!"
  • "Those are not her qualities, those are mine! I copied them from a Rambo Bubble Gum card! Hers are on the bottom!"
  • "Oh, yeah! Go ahead! Go ahead, Luigi! Make fun of her, but when you see my date...boy, will you be jealous! Her name is E.C.!"
  • "That must be her now!"
  • "I'm telling you, Luigi. I'm telling you. You better be nice to her!"
  • "Hello! I'm Mario, and uh, this is my brother Luigi! May I have your hand?"
  • "Hey, I don't care! She's beautiful! Plus, she's got a great sense of humor, and she's backed by a two-year warranty! So what's the problem?"
  • "Ah! Must be one of those new burglar alarms!"
  • "Isn't she something special?"
  • "I don't care! I'm in love!"
  • "Oh yeah."
  • "Why?"
  • "Oh! What a ride we had, Luigi! When this lady drives over the Brooklyn Bridge, she drives over the Brooklyn Bridge!"
  • "I didn't marry her, Mario! Oh, I'll tell you, Luigi. We had trouble with the blood test! I mean, I was an A-positive, she was a 30-weight."
  • "Can I have something to remember you by?"
  • "Are you jealous?"
  • "Eat your heart out!"
  • "Until next time, everybody! (*with Luigi*) Do the Mario!"

The Marios Fight Back

  • "Is he talking about us?"
  • "We call it home!"
  • "The very best."
  • "We are ready!"
  • "Okay. Piece of cake."
  • "Okay, stillson wrench!"
  • "Monkey wrench!"
  • "Mario Brothers Clog Cleaner!"
  • "One dash of this stuff and you'll see! And by the way, are we on National TV?"
  • "Rag?"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Uh oh!"
  • "Oh boy, we've done it this time, Luigi! He's out cold!"
  • "Okay, go ahead!"
  • "That's plant food! That's not gonna help!"
  • "Well, maybe it'll help dissolve the clog! I dunno, lemme see."
  • "All-Purpose Plant Food, right!"
  • "Might work!"
  • "Okay!"
  • "Uh, double pizza with the cheese mozzarella!"
  • "Wonder where Dave is?"
  • "Wait a minute! David? Where are ya? Where'd he go?"
  • "Hey, David! Where are ya?"
  • "Where'd he go?"
  • "Hey, David!"
  • "Where are ya?"
  • "Oh, he probably took off when he realized we weren't lying."
  • "Hey, look at the sink! It's uh, clean as a whistle!"
  • "There you go, folks! Positive proof that when you fix your sink with 'Mario Brothers Plant Food'..."
  • "{*with Luigi*} That clog is history!"
  • "No. What about you? I hear your stomach."
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Uh oh!"
  • "{*with Mario and David Horowitz*} Do the Mario!"


  • "That'll never happen."
  • "Sure."
  • "Don't worry about it, Luigi. It was your ball."
  • "Sure. Go ahead."
  • "Luigi, you've gotta stop making things disappear! Soon, there won't be anything left!"
  • "Oh yeah? Go ahead! Lemme see you do it!"
  • "Yeah? You and what army? Go ahead!"
  • "(invisible) Oh, okay! Good for you, Luigi! You made me disappear! Now make me reappear!"
  • "(invisible) What do you mean uh oh?"
  • "(invisible) What?! Luigi, I'm gonna clobber ya!"
  • "(invisible) I don't care if I can get into movies free! Make me reappear!"
  • "(invisible) I tried to remind him, Blackstone, but he wouldn't listen!"
  • "(invisible) I don't care if it rhymes!"
  • "Yeah! No thanks to you, thanks to Blackstone!"
  • "{*with Luigi and Harry Blackstone Jr.*} Do the Mario!"

Do You Believe in Magic?

  • "Luigi! Luigi, I'm home! Where's that Luigi?"
  • "Here I am, Luigi!"
  • "Boy, oh boy, I'm telling ya. Good plumbers don't leave a mess like this! Look at all this stuff laying! This is crazy!"
  • "A mess like this, my brother, I gotta make him clean up. I keep tellin' him. Messy stuff... Junk laying on the... Into the furnace with you!"
  • "How was I supposed to know it was a trophy? Does this look like a trophy to you?"
  • "Stay cool, Luigi! Leave this one to your big brother!"
  • "Over there, little brother!"
  • "Okay, you fix it. I'll stall."
  • "Hey, Magic! You here to recruit me?"
  • "Watch this!"
  • "Luigi, what should I do to stall Magic Johnson?"
  • "Oh, wow!"
  • "Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry."
  • "Whoa! 'Player of the Year!' It looks great, Luigi! It does, doesn't it?"
  • "It's not?"
  • "Maybe you should sit down and-"
  • "I used it to stir the spaghetti sauce!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "Oh, hey! It's for you, uh, Player of the Year!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Till next time, everybody! Do the Mario!"

Mommies Curse

  • "Look in Mama's recipe book. I'm watching "Elvira: Mistress of the Dark!""
  • "Okay. Pay attention!"
  • "It says uh, "Add hair from a witch's wart.""
  • ""Add a dash of powdered toad, and a couple of bats's tongues, and you got 'em.""
  • ""The Curse of Celero. It tastes anyone who tastes it, into a foaming-at-the-mouth, brainless zombie.""
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Gosh! This is not the Mama's Book of Recipes! It's the Book of Curses! I got the wrong book!"
  • "Well, if anyone can help though, Elvira can!"
  • "HELP!!! HELP!!!"
  • "I feel kinda responsible, I mean uh, I gave him the wrong recipe. Can you change him back, Elvira?"
  • "Luigi! You in there?!"
  • "Try again, please?"
  • "That's not him!"
  • "Stop the growling, Luigi! How about the way he talks? I can't speak wolf! You gotta do something, Elvira!"
  • "Well, then I guess it's up to me! But... The rain, in Spain, stays mainly, on the plain!"
  • "Well, it works in movies!"
  • "♪ The rain, in Spain, stays mainly, on the plain! ♪ (x3)"
  • "Oh! This calls for a celebration!"
  • "{*with Luigi*} Till next time, everybody! Do the Mario!"

Lost Dog

  • "Luigi, Luigi! Would you knock it off?! You sound ridiculous!"
  • "Come in!"
  • "Oh, Pam Matteson! What are you doing here?"
  • "No, me neither."
  • "And his tail cut long?"
  • "Sorry."
  • "Yeah, Pam! We like Ike! Dry those eyes! Don't cry!"
  • "I see some dogs, but no puppies!"
  • "You know, Luigi, if you could do dog calls the way you do bird calls, we could really help Pam!"
  • "No, I'm looking for Pam's dog Ike!"
  • "Maybe you should just bark like a dog does!"
  • "Go to it, Luigi!"
  • "What kind of a dog is Ike? I mean, we could be here all day!"
  • "Can you do mixes, Luigi?"
  • "Ooh! It's Ike!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "What are you goin' to do about that elephant and that horse?!"
  • "{*with Luigi and Pam Matteson*} Do the Mario!"

Plumbers of the Year

  • "Boy, that was the worst leak we ever fixed!"
  • "Come in!"
  • "Wow! The Imperial Poobah, from the Grand Order of Plumbers!"
  • "Thank you!"
  • "Yeah! What's the big idea?"
  • "Us?!"
  • "Oh your Grand Imperialness, this is a dream come true!"
  • "When is this investigation?"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Now?!"
  • "Thank you, your Imperial Poobahness!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "(*with Luigi and Imperial Poobah*) Uh oh!"
  • "The only thing that could cheer me up right now, are some scenes from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Yeah! And we're all out of putty compound!"
  • "Ugh! Snacks! Snacks!"
  • "Good thing we ordered pizza with extra cheese!"
  • "Thank you, oh Grand Imperial Poobah!"
  • "I got it!"
  • "{*with Luigi and Imperial Poobah*} Do the Mario!"

Mario Hillbillies

  • "Of course! I've got it right here!"
  • "Don't worry about the fish. You'll love it, Luigi! You know what I can't understand? What happened to cousins Luigi Bob and Mario Joe? I mean, they're not here yet. I'll tell ya. I'm gonna leave 'em a note here and tell 'em where we went."
  • "Okay..."
  • "Don't be such a scarecrow!"
  • "Heeeere we come, fish!"
  • "Great time!"
  • "What do I tell you those rat fish were really jumpin' today!"
  • "Hey, I was hungry!"
  • "Hey! Looks like Luigi Bob and Mario Joe didn't make it, huh?"
  • "Oh, yes... Can you imagine those two guys, thinkin' that they're anything like us?"
  • "They don't have a, je ne sais quoi!"

Super Plant

  • "Doesn't look good, Luigi. All we can do now is hope and pray."
  • "What we need now is a miracle!"
  • "Would it keep us from getting in trouble with Mama?"
  • "Thanks, Doc!"
  • "Never mind a small amount! This is an emergency! Never mind the instructions! I'll do it by feel!"
  • "Yeah, yeah! Doc? Yeah, this is Mario! Yeah, your plant formula worked! Well, that's the problem! It worked too good!"
  • "Yeah, Doc! Yeah, yeah! Your formula turned Mama's puny little plant, into a Botanical Bigfoot! What should I do?"
  • "Try askin' him to let you go!"
  • "Yeah... Didn't work, Doc! Really? Okay! Try tickling him!"
  • "Okay, Doc, okay! Try teasin' him!"
  • "Yeah, forget it, Doc! He hates Henny Youngman! Well? The plant's holdin' him! Okay, Doc! Okay! Try dancing!"
  • "Ye-yes? Are you sure?"
  • "He said run!"
  • "RUUUUUUN!!!"
  • "Luigi, what are we gonna do?"
  • "Good idea!"
  • "If he doesn't let's hope we look good in green."
  • "Yeah! Get us outta this!"
  • "Don't worry about me!"
  • "What happened?"
  • "Why did you do that, Doc? I had him right where I wanted him!"
  • "{*with Luigi and Dr. Toby*} Do the Mario!"

Fred Van Winkle

  • "Heat it up! Watch out! You're gonna get clonked in the head!"
  • "(with Luigi) Who said that?"
  • "Huh? Just remember- Wait! Luigi, c'mere! I wanna to you for a minute! Well, what is he talkin' about?"
  • "Well, what is he, Looney Toons?"
  • "Hi, Fred! How ya doin'?"
  • "No, no, no! Not exactly! It's a toy! You make pictures on it!"
  • "No, no! That's a, uh...a phone line for the Martians!"
  • "I can't help you if he doesn't know a joke, a good joke when he hears one, Luigi."
  • "You hope something's (unintelligible), Luigi? You're right! We're gonna have our phone cut off!"
  • "So much for modern science!"
  • "Oh, yeah! This is my favorite blue shirt!"
  • "If I'm gonna show you the town, you gotta look good!"
  • "Well, what do you expect? He hasn't eaten in 60 years!"
  • "We call it, 'Pizza Sauce!'"
  • "We call that, 'Meatball Stain!'"
  • "We call that, 'Mustard!'"
  • "Hey, wait a minute! Where you goin'?"
  • "Hey, wait a minute! That's 8 years! Hey! Where you going with my clothes?!"
  • "Until next time, everybody! {*with Luigi and Fred Van Winkle*} Do the Mario!"

Baby Mario Love

  • "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! I just took you for a crawl! Ah, take it easy! You know, Luigi, I've been thinking. I mean, our lives are dull! They lack glamour, glitz, and that certain je ne sais pas!"
  • "Oh, hi, Susanna!"
  • "Sure!"
  • "Well, how can we help?"
  • "Oh, boy. This dress just doesn't fit!"
  • "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
  • "How do you stand in these high heels?"
  • "Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
  • "Hey, I wish Mama could see us like this!"
  • "We're ready!"
  • "Look at us! What do you think?"
  • "When he's right, he's right!"

9001: A Mario Odyssey

  • "So, Einster, what about the pizzas?"
  • "I knew I liked computers!"
  • "Well, this pizza's gonna be gone real quick!"
  • "Hey, HAL! I'd also like a baloney pizza!"
  • "Sure ain't the kind of baloney they have at the store!"
  • "Well, there's no sense in wasting pizza."
  • "Do they make white baloney?"
  • "A dog biscuit pizza?"
  • "While we figure out what to do with the dog bone pizza, you can watch the exciting scenes, from the next episodes of the Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Woof! Woof! Woof!"
  • "Okay, I'll keep you covered!"
  • "(*with Luigi*) Yes, HAL! We're under your spell!"
  • "I don't know! I've got the strong urge to eat a nurse's shoe!"
  • "What horrible pizza?"
  • "{*with Luigi and Einstein*} Do the Mario!

Fake Bro

  • "Wrench!"
  • "Screwdriver!"
  • "Rag!"
  • "Stranger!"
  • "Who are you?"
  • "Are you kidding?"
  • "Family?"
  • "Hey, welcome back, brother!"
  • "We need some time to find a good lawyer!"
  • "But wait a minute, Luigi! Pietro's our older brother!"
  • "Wait wait wait a minute! That's not fair!"
  • "Ah! That's more like it!"
  • "Wait, well wait a minute! Pietro, where are you going? I mean, it's a family crisis!"
  • "Hey, wait wait wait wait wait! Wait a minute! What are you laughin' about? What are you laughin' about? We owe about 1,000,000 dollars in taxes!"
  • "You mean we (unintelligible stammering)?"
  • "Hey, Luigi! You're smart!"
  • "Whoa! Wait wait wait a minute! No no no no no! 70 for YOU, 30 for ME!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! (*with Luigi and Pietro*) Do the Mario!"

Time Out Luigi

  • "We don't want nothin'!"
  • "No, no, no, no, no, I want one that works a hundred percent!"
  • "How much for a painting with a 40-year-old baby face?"
  • "Oh sure, bargain! No wonder! Heh! You just bought a watch that runs backwards!"
  • "I mean, what's wrong with you, Luigi? Ever since you bought that watch from that strange lady, you've been doin' everything backwards! You've been walking backwards! You've been talking backwards! I mean, you've been eating backwards! I mean, eh, take a look at you! You're even dressin' backwards!"
  • "Yeah, yeah, yeah! There you go again! Everything backwards!"
  • "Oh, wait a minute! I'm beginning to get it! You said, "What am I deaf? I said I'm fine!" Luigi, what do you have? A fever?"
  • "Alright! "Prove it to me, jog around the room!""
  • "Oh! It must be that strange watch! I'm gonna take it off and throw it into the furnace! YEOOOOWWWW!!! It must be possessed! I've got to find Angelica, or put Luigi in a backwards folk's home!"
  • "That's pitiful, Luigi! What's gonna make you normal again?"
  • "Luigi, I found Angelica!"
  • "Yeah, but he's eatin' breakfast at 5:00 in the afternoon, and he's been doin' everything backwards!"
  • "Angelica, we want you to take the watch back."
  • "$10?! You crook!"
  • "Okay! Luigi, give her the watch!"
  • "Onions? Hahahahahaha! Oooh, I feel dizzy. Phew! That was strange and mysterious alright."
  • "(in reverse) Till next time, everyone! (*with Luigi and Angelica*) Mario the Do!"

Tutti Frutti, Oh Mario/Tutti Frutti Mario

  • "Hey, Luigi!"
  • "Will you change the mirror in here?"
  • "What noise?"
  • "Wait, wait! That sound's not comin' from the Ratigator!"
  • "Hey, leave Clog alone! It ain't him!"
  • "Ghassan! It ain't a bird! It ain't a plane! It's-It's...Little Robert!"
  • "Hey! Little Robert will be here any minute! What are ya doin', Luigi?"
  • "But he's comin' to eat Italian, not to sing!"
  • "Comin'!"
  • "WOO! Leave and run! OOOOOHO! Oh my!"
  • "Hey, he didn't speak! C'mon! You're givin' me the heebie jeebies! Uh, I'd like you to meet uh, my brother! Long tall Luigi!"
  • "Ya mind if I ask-"
  • "We're ready!"
  • "(with Luigi) ♪ Spumoni! ♪"
  • "(with Luigi) ♪ Otomi! ♪"
  • "(with Luigi) ♪ Oh, Mario! ♪"
  • "(with Luigi) ♪ Oh, Mario! ♪"
  • "(with Luigi) ♪ Oh, Mario! ♪"
  • "So, what do you think, Little Robert? I mean, oh man, cause you're little?"
  • "I hope you don't consider this an imposition!"
  • "Well, sure! Bless! Here! Hoo! Wait just a minute here! Take this with you!"
  • "Uh oh!"
  • "(*with Luigi and Little Robert*) Do the Mario!"


  • "Hey, paisanos! It's The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!" - Intro
  • "Holy cannoli kids, I'm Mario! And I'm telling ya, if you're not watching The Super Mario Brothers Super Show!, you're gonna turn into a Goomba! Don't be the last one on your block to be playing with pasta power. Tune in for the wildest weekday fun in the universe. Join me, Luigi, Princess Toadstool, and Toad. We're gonna kick some Koopa!" - KidsLand commercial
  • "Put down that joystick and get ready to ride! It's the Super Mario Brothers Super Show! I'm Mario. My brother Luigi and I are hot! Watch us take on the baddest bad guy in town, King Koopa. He's got his hooks out for Princess Toadstool. But we're gonna stop him cold! The Super Mario Brothers Super Show; it's awesome!" - 1990 Promo
  • "What would you do if you were the victim of a crime? Or saw a crime being committed? First, stay calm, then find a phone and call the police. Tell them your name and where you are, what happened, and if anyone was hurt. If a car was involved, and you saw the license plate, then tell them the numbers you remember. When they arrive, tell them everything! You know the police can't stop crime without your help!" - Crime PSA
  • "I'm Captain Lou Albano talkin' to you about drugs. Kids, don't be afraid to say no. Anyone that asks you to use drugs is not your friend. Drugs can and will kill! Remember, don't be afraid to turn to you priest, your rabbi, your minister, your moms, your dads, your teachers because drugs can kill. And if you do drugs, you go to hell before you die. Please." - Drug PSA
  • "Have you been fingerprinted yet? It's fun, and it's free, and best of all, if anything should ever happen to you, it will help the police if they need to search for you. No one has the fingerprints like yours because everyone's fingerprints are different. You can fingerprinted at any police station. Ask your parents to take you today, and you'll feel safer and so will they!" - Fingerprinting PSA
  • "Do you know someone that owns a gun? Or a knife? Remember, guns and knives aren't toys. They can hurt people or even kill them. It could happen to your best friend, or you! Even if you think the gun isn't loaded, or a knife isn't sharp, leave them alone! You wouldn't want to be wrong! Remember, guns and knives can kill! I'm telling it to you!" - Guns and Knives PSA
  • "If you knew it was stolen, I hope you'd say no because if you accept stolen property, the law says you're just as guilty as the one who stole it. If you went for a ride in a stolen car or damaged something that was stolen, you'd be responsible too. So be smart. Say no to stealing!" - Stealing PSA
  • "Hey paisanos!" - Shout! Factory DVD Commercial
  • "That's the way the meatball bounces!" - Shout! Factory DVD Commercial

Mario Joe and Luigi Bob

Luigi Bob

  • "Howdy-doo! Anybody home?"
  • "I believe you're right, Mario Joe! Let's see what we got here."
  • "Eh, city crow. Lemme see, 'Dear Mario and Luigi Bob: Sorry we missed you, but went fishing. Make yourself to home.'"
  • "(with Mario Joe) Yeeeee-haw! Fiddles!"
  • "Hey, cousin Mario. Yo what they call this stuff they got on top of the pizza?"
  • "Pepperoni? Where's that from?"
  • "No kiddin'! What'd they call that?"
  • "I don't really know. Do you reckon we should find out?"
  • "We ain't exactly sure if we've got one down here, ma'am."
  • "Oh, well, ma'am...I-I-I'm Luigi. See, ain't nothin' funny on the end or nothin' like Bob or nothin' like that. Just plain ol' Luigi. Yes, ma'am."
  • "Yes ma'am!"
  • "Yup."
  • "Zeke?"
  • "Shucks, ma'am, we'd be more than happy to be fixin' your sink."
  • "Well, lead us to it, ma'am! Lead on!"
  • "(*with Mario Joe and Ellie Mae*) Do the Mario!"

Mario Joe

  • "Hoohoo! Luigi, Mario, anybody home?"
  • "Oooh, I reckon there's some kinda note down yonder!"
  • "Make ourselves at home?"
  • "(with Luigi Bob) Yeeeee-haw! Fiddles!"
  • "Pepperoni!"
  • "A little tiny animal about that big."
  • "Nickaroonie."
  • "What in tarnation do you expect that is?"
  • "Hm. I think I reckon so. Come on in!"
  • "Well...I don't know. You see, we ai-"
  • "Oh no no! We'll help ya, Miss!"
  • "And I'm Mari-Mario! Just Mario! We're the Mario Bros. Plumbing, and we're here to take care of all your plumbing needs!"
  • "Thank you!"
  • "We're takin' the kids to the next Legend of Zelda! Hoooo-ee!"
  • "Mook?"
  • "Oh, yes, ma'am. We're up on all the fancy new uh...thingamajigs!"
  • "Hoooo-ee!"
  • "Alright! I feel like I've died, and gone to heaven!"
  • "Till next time, everybody! (*with Luigi Bob and Ellie Mae*) Do the Mario!"

Mark Twang

  • "Howdy, boys! I'm Mark Twang, captain of the Ding Bell! Who are you?"
  • "I wish I could help you boys save your princess. I'm after the Sinister Star myself. At least I was till that conniving Koopa sabotaged the Ding Bell's steam engine."
  • "I'm just plain sunk, boys! I'll never win my race with Koopa to be King of the River!"
  • "We need more steam."
  • "Great jumping bullfrogs!"
  • "The current's too strong, boys! We're done for!"
  • "I can't stop her! We're doomed!"
  • "So long, boys! It was nice knowing ya, but there's no avoiding the black pit!"
  • "Well, only one thing to do! We'll go to the Mouth of the River."
  • "Not where, who! The Mouth knows everything about the river, she'll know what to do."
  • "The river IS goin' around the black pit! Now that's what I call super plumbing!"
  • "But I'm afraid I've got bad news! Koopa's got too big a head start! No way we can catch him!"
  • "The Marios jumped too fast! The paddlewheel's still turning, and I can't stop!"
  • "Aw, shucks! Thanks, folks! Now, let's get this victory dinner rollin'!"

Mayor Fettuccine

The Pied Koopa

  • "Times are terrible, Toad! Disaster has descended on Pasta Land's people!"
  • "The Pied Koopa has just stolen all our children!"
  • "Who knows?"
  • "People of Pasta Land, we have no choice! We must give our spaghetti harvest to Koopa!"
  • "Please rise."
  • "I hereby present you with the Order of the Golden Meatball for your valiant efforts in rescuing the children of Pasta Land and saving our spaghetti crop."
  • "Speech! Speech!"


  • "Thank you, brave land-dwellers for rescuing me!"
  • "He works for Barra-Koopa. The evil reptile is kidnapping my people and turning them into slaves!"
  • "Barra-Koopa has imprisoned him! Please, you've got to help my people and free our king!"'
  • "Look! Barra-Koopa's minions are forcing my people to gather all the gold coins from the sunken ship in Aqua Land!"
  • "Hurray for the brave land-dwellers!"
  • "We're trapped, like sardines in a can!"
  • "I can help! I know a secret passage to the Aqua Land dungeon! Come, I'll show you!"
  • "Princess Toadstool and these brave plumbers have come to rescue you and help us fight bad Barra-Koopa!"

Mervin the Magician

  • "Beezos begone! Abracadabra! Buzz off!"
  • "At your service, Princess! Wait'll you see my neato magic cave and my shtick with my crystal ball!"
  • "It was King Koopa who sent the Beezo bandits after you!"
  • "I'll show you! Just cross your fingers that my aerial is hooked up."
  • "When the old king died, Koopa moved into his castle and crowned himself king!"
  • "Yep! I looked it up in the magician's handbook."
  • "'One special person can bounce Koopa off his throne, but first, he must pass a test no man has ever passed before.'"
  • "Whoever is to free our land, must first pull the Golden Plunger from the Sacred Sink of Cramalot!"
  • "One thing about Cramalot...we're not chintzy! Whoever pulls out that plunger, will be crowned a real king and become powerful enough to drive Koopa away."
  • "Nice plumbing, hero guy! Dust off the crown and call out the town! Cramalot has a new king!"
  • "Sorry, I had to buy batteries for my magic staff. You wouldn't believe those lines at the checkout corner."
  • "This is the Forest of Perpetual Night and Terrible Dangers!"
  • "That's no ordinary plumber snake! That's Excalibur, the mightiest tool of good deeds in all of the realm!"
  • "Mario, Excalibur has made you the most powerful crusader in all of Cramalot! Congratulations, kiddo! You must now face Koopa, and drive him from the land!"
  • "Mario! Thanks to you and your brave buddies, Koopa has been chased from Cramalot!"
  • "Nothing? It was plumb fantastic, and Cramalot's people want you to stay here and be the king!"
  • "I crown you, Royal Mario!"
  • "Your new exercise machine! Whoever becomes king of Cramalot, must be trim as a lion! No more pasta for you!"


Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "No, it's just fine...and it's waiting for YOU, criminal vermin!"
  • "Sheriff Mouser to you, you despicable villains!"
  • "Under arrest, apprehended, and busted!"
  • "After them, feather-brains! They're getting away!"
  • "The varmints went zataway! Get 'em!"
  • "If they can do it, so can I! Uh, I! PUTTYYYY CHAAAARGE!!!"
  • "Gulp! Don't worry, Kid Koopa! I'll get every bounty hunter in ze territory after them!"
  • "Hold it rrrright there, varmints! Reach for the sky, you varmints!"
  • "Not now, you rat-fink! You'll get the reward later! You think I carry that much cash?"
  • "Okay, which one of you plumb-scum keeps yelling he's dying of thirst?"
  • "Tough tortellini! This is MY water! Ha ha ha!"
  • "Hey! What're you loonies up to?"
  • "Hey! What's the big idea?"
  • "I'm warning you jailbirds! Don't let it happen again!"
  • "Gimme a low shot o' louvre!"
  • "Stop them! Stop those horse thieves!"

Rolling Down the River

  • "First Mate Mouser reporting, Captain! No sign of stowaways!"
  • "Captain! Captain!"
  • "That's just it, sir! Twang's right behind us!"
  • "B-b-b-black Pit Bob-Ombs?! Are you sure about that, Captain Koopa?"

The Great BMX Race

  • "Looks like YOU forgot your training wheels, sewer-sap!"
  • "Slowpokes! Losers!"
  • "Poor plumbers went pow!"
  • "It's turbo time!"
  • "Anybody for a game of Hide-and-go-Boom?"
  • "No! Call an ambulance!"
  • "Looks like you plumbers are plumb out of luck!"
  • "That way! After them!"
  • "Ouch!"

Stars in Their Eyes

  • "Don't be so slow! Hurry up!"

Toad Warriors

  • "Cheese und crackers! How did that happen?"
  • "King Koopa, sir, I just got word from your State Troopa! The plumbers have escaped!"
  • "Let's go in and get 'em, boss! I'll bet we barbecued 'em!"
  • "Come on, boss! They're not even firing back! They must be history!"
  • "What the?"
  • "Out of the way! Coming through!"
  • "Jump for it, Princess! I'm gonna blow that truck off ze road!"
  • "Not again!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "I know those drain-brain Marios are around here somewhere! We've must've lost 'em."
  • "I better report zis to his royal repulsiveness, King Koopa!"
  • "Your most grand, majestic and not-at-all-overweight Koopa, Princess Toadstool and the Marios are near!"
  • "Right away, oh Koopariffic one! But, don't you think we oughta save those fireballs to blast our enemies?"

Count Koopula

  • "Yes, Count Koopula?"
  • "We got rooms you'll never forget!"
  • "Your room, miss!"
  • "You two guys with hairy lips can stay here!"
  • "Don't strain your brain, Toad!"
  • "It's Mousigor to you, fungus face!"
  • "And you're the main course!"
  • "You are a plumber!"
  • "Why, Toad! How you've grown!"
  • "And I say you can!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "Koopa Troopa's the bigmouth!"
  • "These disguises were a great idea, boss!"
  • "Great balls of cheese! There's the Retro Router!"
  • "Hold still, you freaky fungus!"
  • "The Retro Router's almost hooked up, boss!"
  • "Gee! He knows you pretty good, boss! OW!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "Oh, it will! You'll make an awesome groom, your royal repulsiveness!"
  • "Uh, friends? What friends?"
  • "Hold it right there, you guys! Don't we know you?"

The Pied Koopa

  • "I do! Listen to this Koopagram! 'Your children are now at Koopa Castle. I will only give them back, if you give me your entire spaghetti tree crop. Signed, King Koopa.' You owe him four gold coins, he sends his C.O.D."
  • "Right, your royal Koopaness! You want more evil!"
  • "Right! Double the guard!"
  • "Do I get a medal, your royal snoutfulness?"
  • "Maybe you left your radio on!"
  • "Hold it, drain-brains! Your music has no effect on me!"
  • "If Koopa thinks he's putting ME in charge of those vegetable delinquents again, he's flipped!"


  • "I better warn his royal Koopaness that ze Marios are here!"
  • "Dr. Koopenstein, sir?"
  • "The Mario Bros. and Princess Toadstool are in the village!"
  • "Brain surgery, and you are about to learn about it, ze hard way!"
  • "Ahem! Two half-wits and a princess!"
  • "Master, I kept Princess Toadstool from escaping!"
  • "You heard him, Princess! You're NEVER gonna get away!"
  • "Holy cannelloni!"
  • "Master! The plumbers are coming and they've got your Monster Robot Troopa with them!"
  • "Stay out of it, you! You're spoiling all our fun!"
  • "Oh! It's a long story, your Koopaness! And you'll hate the ending!"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service

  • "They're still behind us!"
  • "What a slice of cheesecake!"
  • "Nine hundred and ninety-nine zillion trillion billion million and one!"

Plummers Academy

  • "With pleasure, your reptilian rottenness."
  • "Gee, I thought we almost had it."
  • "Okay, your royal Koopaness. Take a big sniff of this pepper!"

Mouth of the River

  • "You came to the right place, boys! I'm the fastest Mouth in the South, and my advice is nice! I see all, tell all, and cure your bunions to boot! When my lips flap, the River World listens!"
  • "Take it straight from the mouth, boys! There won't be a black pit, if the river goes around it!"
  • "You're asking me! You're the plumbers!"
  • "No way? You're wrong! I'll tell you a way! I'm the Mouth of the River, just read my lips!"
  • "These magic doodads are more powerful than pasta!"
  • "Jump faster, boys! We're catchin' up to Koopa!"
  • "Get ready to board and kick Koopa in the kisser for me!"
  • "And don't forget me! Madame Mouth, number one know-all, river-riding roustabout of the South!"
  • "The Mouth herself cooked this up just for you, mighty Mario! Delicious Catfish Pizza! Delightful!"

Mr. Mayor

  • "Welcome, Princess Toadstool! May I present you with the key to our humble village."
  • "We are honored that you and your friends have come to protect us from the evil Dr. Koopenstein."
  • "Help! The Koopenstein Monster is attacking the village!"
  • "Thank you for saving us. And now, your reward."


  • "Ooga la munya!"
    ("He's hard to look at!")
  • "Ugga ma mima."
    ("Get a pizza for Mario")
  • "Bunya Alley Koop a baconito nato senjuik."
    ("Alley Koop has a Fire Flower, but he keeps it under heavy guard.")

Mushroom People

Hooded Robin and His Mario Men

  • "But we don't have anything to share no more."
  • "The mean old Sheriff of Koopingham up and snatched all our gold coins."
  • "It's a gold coin!"

Mario and the Red Baron Koopa

  • "Oh no!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Oh no!"

The Great Gold Coin Rush

  • "They said it's gold. Did ya hear that everybody? Gold!"

Elvin Lives

  • "Cool, cool, chicky poo! Like far away and spill the beans cus I'm here to make the scene."
  • "What?"
  • "He's like, uh, disappeared. Banana split. If you what's good for ya, you will too!"

The Provolone Ranger

  • "Who was that masked man?"
  • "We never even got a chance to thank him! Let alone invite him to dinner!"

Flatbush Koopa

  • "Bye!"
  • "Good-bye!"
  • "Bye!"
  • "Bye!"
  • "Bye everybody!"
  • "Bye!"

Mushroom Rebel

  • "Come on Princess! Your people need you!"
  • "Hang on!"

Nicole Eggert

  • "Hello?"
  • "Well, I did! Over here!"
  • "Hi, are you the Mario Bros.?"
  • "Well, I'm checking the expiration date on your toothpaste, it's very important. Can I come in?"
  • "It says right here that you two are the best plumbers in Brooklyn, and quite possibly the world."
  • "Good. I need my kitchen sink fixed."
  • "I don't really have much time. You see, I'm on my way to a party."
  • "Look. I really should be going."
  • "No, don't worry about it."
  • "No, really! It's okay!"
  • "Boys, I told you not to worry about it. See, actually, this is perfect."
  • "Yeah! Remember how I was telling you I was going to a party?"
  • "Well, it's a sloppy party! See, the person who dresses the sloppiest wins. You saved me a trip of picking up a costume! The sloppier, the better!"
  • "Really!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"


  • "It's-a the Mario brothers!"
  • "Stop-a them!"

Obi Wan Toadi

  • "There is no time, Mario."
  • "Someone must penetrate Koop Star in a Mushroom Starfighter and disable the Birdo Ray."
  • "Of course."
  • "Are you nervous, Mario?"
  • "This will bolster your spirits, my son."
  • "Remember, may the pasta be with you."
  • "My friend, you were wonderful. The Mushroom space colonists thank you for your bravery under fire."

Pam Matteson

  • "Oh, hi, Mario and Luigi! I've lost my little puppy Ike! Have you guys seen him?"
  • "Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?"
  • "No, I just gave him a light trim."
  • "I'll never find my little bundle of love and affection! NEVER!!! NEVER!!!"
  • "I feel better already! Oh, thank you boys! I've always depended on the kindness of strangers, and you sure are strange enough!"
  • "No... It's fine! It's just that I used to love pizza. His favorite was black olive and Canadian kitten!"
  • "It's hopeless! I'll never find my Ike! I miss him!"
  • "Ike used to call dogs all the time. BAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!”’’
  • "You really think that you can summon Ike by barking like a dog, Luigi?"
  • "Well, he's mutt; part poodle, part basset hound, um, a little bit of country and a little bit of rock 'n' roll."
  • "Ike! Come to mommy! Come to mommy! Come, baby! C'mere! Yes! C'mere, baby! Yes!"
  • "Oh, you're a doggy genius, Luigi! You got Ike back!"
  • "Thank you, guys! I won't forget this!"
  • "{*with Mario and Luigi*} Do the Mario!"


  • "A sad-eyed orphan. No parents, no brothers, no sisters...just me and my shadow.""'
  • "Patty...the sad-eyed orphan."
  • "Oh, I've been drifting for about six months now. Ya know, livin' off the land. Life is tough when you don't have any parents to love and take care of you. Nobody cares that today is my birthday!"
  • "You mean it? With a birthday cake and party hats and noise makers and a VCR and a high definition color TV monitor?"
  • "Uncle Mario, could I possibly get some more popcorn?"
  • "I want it now! Or I'll start crying!"
  • "I got it! I got it!"
  • "We gave at the office!"
  • "Who are you? My pre-orphan parents told me never to talk to strangers."
  • "Sorry, Luigi. Sorry, Mario."
  • "And some expensive presents in there somewhere?"
  • "Please, dad? It's gotta last me till the end of the century."
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Patty's mother and father

Patty's mother

  • "Oh, are you having a party? It's so festive!"
  • "Oh, that's terrible! Patty!"
  • "You know very well who we are! Now how could you do such a cruel thing like this to Mario and Luigi? Now apologize at once!"

Patty's father

  • "Patty, there you are! Your mother and I have been worried sick about you!"
  • "An orphan? Why, that's a new one. Last week, she was telling people we were lost in space."
  • "Let's not waste any more of these kind plumbers's time, dear! Patty! Patty, you get here this instant!"
  • "Young lady, when we get home, you are going to your room till the end of the century!"
  • "Well...okay."


Mario's Magic Carpet

  • "Pidgit? Pidgit!"
  • "Pidgit pidgit pidgit pidgit!"


  • "Someone from the past! You don't remember me?"
  • "Come on! Mario! Mario! Come on! Luigi! You don't recognize me? You don't see the family resemblance?"
  • "I'm the son no one ever mentioned for fear of bringing grief to our dear Mama! I'm your long-lost brother, Pietro!"
  • "She was ashamed of me! I was the black sheep of the family! Against her wishes, I left home when yous guys was little bambinos! That's why...I've made my way around the world, but I miss my family... I miss you, Mario... I miss you... Luigi... I miss the family business! That's why I've come back to take over the whole Mario Brothers Plumbing business!"
  • "Rigati!"
  • "There is no birthmark on Mario's knee! It's on his big toe! And Luigi, you remember you had a little teddy bear called Mr. Tough! See? I know! I know! It's so good to be back with my family! I can't wait to sell the that we can spend more time together, eh? Here!"
  • "Haha! There! That's everything! In my opinion, we could sell the fixtures tomorrow, and the rest of the stuff, by the end of the week! And then we split the money in half: 70/30!"
  • "Alright! 30 for you, and 70 for me!"
  • "That's $300,000 a piece! Well, so long!"
  • "I just remembered! I'm not your long-lost brother, okay? I got all that information about you guys from the who's who of plumbing! I just needed a little extra cash! Well, ah... Good luck! Have fun paying your taxes!"
  • "(*with Mario and Luigi*) Do the Mario!"


  • "Koopa stole everyone's wood and all the villagers are frozen."
  • "Lady, we don't even have a minute's supply of wood here!"
  • "Well the firewood we took back from Koopa should be enough to keep the Mushroom People cozy all Winter long!"


Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "10,000 gold pieces? I'm taking you crooks to jail and that there gold to the bank!"
  • "You? Ha! I'll show you dangerous."

The Provolone Ranger

  • "Caught in a needle lock!"
  • "I've been busted!"
  • "The Provolone Ranger! He's coming for you Billy, and I'm rolling outta here!"

Prince Pompadour

  • "Rotunda, you're the most beautiful creature in the Kingdom. Marry me!"

Princess Toadstool

The Bird! The Bird!

  • "Oh no! Poor Toad! Bring him back, you dimwitted Birdo!"
  • "Look! The Birdo took Toad to the highest peak!"
  • "Please, Mario! Toad saved my life a hundred times! We've GOT to save his!"
  • "Oh no! We'll never save Toad now!"
  • "Pasta power!"
  • "I just hope we can reach Toad before something terrible happens to him!"
  • "Oh no! King Koopa must have found us!"
  • "Not good enough. Those other Albatoss are up to something!"
  • "We're trapped! Now how do we save Toad?"
  • "Look! A Fire Flower!"
  • "No, it's magic! If you can reach it, you can become a Super Mario, and get special fire power that can destroy King Koopa's evil helpers!"
  • "Look!"
  • "It's a baby Birdo, Luigi, and it needs our help! It's frozen inside the ice!"
  • "Do you think his mommy is the one who took Toad?"
  • "Toad! Are you alright?"
  • "Toad! Do you know where his mommy is?"
  • "King Koopa? Where?"
  • "Don't worry, Mario! We'll beat 'em without super powers!"
  • "(with Mario, Luigi, and Toad) WORMS?!"

King Mario of Cramalot

  • "I sure hope Mervin the Magician can help me free my people from the evil King Koopa!"
  • "With magic like that, you must be Mervin the Magician!"
  • "Is there anything we can do to help?"
  • "Isn't this exciting, Mario? We're gonna crown you king!"
  • "Oh no! We're trapped!"
  • "We've gotta get outta here!"
  • "This time, it looks like we're done for! If only Mervin were here!"
  • "Mervin, where have you been?"
  • "Where are we?"
  • "AND his plumber's helpers!"
  • "Here come the Koopa Troopas!"
  • "There! That's the last of THOSE grimy green good-for-nothings!"
  • "He's escaping into a Warp Zone!"

Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "I'll leave the crawling to YOU, you repulsive reptile!"
  • "HELP ME" - from the smoke that appears in the abandoned mineshaft
  • "We're free! How can I thank you?"
  • "Seven?"

Mario's Magic Carpet

  • "Guys, control yourselves! We've got to ignore all these mirages or we'll NEVER find Aladdin's Lamp!"
  • "A swimming pool? Where? Whoopee!"
  • "Whoa no!"
  • "It's a palace! With a slip-top roof!"
  • "Where are we, and who are you?"
  • "Me join a harem? Oh, give me a break! Harems are from the stupid olden days!"
  • "HEEEELP!!!"
  • "Where are you taking me?"
  • "You'll never get away with this!"
  • "Achoo! Uhhh, it was just me. Achoo! Uhhh, I guess this high altitude is me a teeny cold."
  • "Oh no! Quicksand!"
  • "HELP!!! HELP!!!"
  • "HELP!!! HELP!!! HELP!!!"
  • "Thanks, guys! That sand was the pits!"
  • "How about a carpet cleaner?"

Rolling Down the River

  • "Oh no! Toad! It's you!"
  • "You might as well give up, Koopa!"
  • "Black Pit Bob-Ombs?! Oh, I don't like the sound of that!"
  • "You saved the Ding Bell!"
  • "Yay, Marios!"
  • "Thanks, Mario! Thanks, Luigi!"
  • "Don't worry, Mario! We'll think of something!"
  • "Let's get this showboat off the road!"
  • "(with Mario, Luigi, and Toad) To Mark Twang, King of the River! Long may he reign!"

The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "The emperor must be a wonderful man! I can't wait to meet him!"
  • "I'll bet no one tries to sneak in without a ticket!"
  • "Wonderful! I wanna thank him for being so kind to the Mushroom orphans! Nice to meet you, Your Majesty!"
  • "King Koopa!"
  • "A spaghetti dinner to help orphaned Mushrooms indeed! Wait until Mario and Luigi find out about THIS!"
  • "I think you are the most evil despicable reptilian individual I've EVER known!"
  • "It's awful! Just awful!"
  • "Your champion looks dizzy, Koopa!"
  • "And now you've gotta let them go!"
  • "But you promised!"
  • "And we've made more than enough money to build the orphanage!"

Mario and the Beanstalk

  • "I could hock my jewels!"
  • "I could mortgage this college!"
  • "Well, you're all brilliant people! You make a suggestion!"
  • "We sell the Royal Cow."
  • "Nonsense, Toad. I need you here, and who could possibly mess up a simple thing like selling a cow for cash?"
  • "You sold the cow for WHAT?!"
  • "I can't believe this! You traded the Royal Cow for a handful of bean seeds?"
  • "Well, they're not! And I'm allergic to garbanzo bean seeds!"
  • "Let's hope! Meanwhile, we'd all better get some sleep."
  • "Appeal to that used cow salesman's sense of decency, Toad! Tell him this is a time when we just can't be cheated!"
  • "What's wrong? Why don't you-"
  • "How's that?"
  • "And somebody awful big lives here!"
  • "It's King Koopa! He's turned himself into a giant!"
  • "You guys! I'll go first!"
  • "(with Toad) Oh no!"
  • "It's hideous! With this kind of money, Koopa can rule forever!"
  • "Oh no! Look! Koopa found we're missing and summoned his Hoopsters!"
  • "The orphanage is safe!"

Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

  • "But, ho-how could we rob them? They're growing wild!"
  • "Yes! Take them!"
  • "That wasn't water! It was a love potion!"
  • "And we're gonna make sure that doesn't happen! We're bustin' outta here!"
  • "Now!"
  • "Hurry! We have to save Mario before he gets smothered with affection!"
  • "Come on! I have a great idea!"
  • "We've gotta get the Queen to fall in love with someone else!"
  • "You got it!"
  • "Add one spring mistletoe, one ripe artichoke heart, and one Fat Boys record!"

The Great BMX Race

  • "TOAD!!!"
  • "But Toad CAN'T pay you! Koopa took all our money!"
  • "Yay, Marios!"
  • "There's only one despicable creature who COULD stop 'em now, and he's probably miles away!"
  • "Oh no! Oh no! Koopa's here! We've gotta check this out!"
  • "So this is one of Koopa's conniving cons!"
  • "Here we come, Toad! We've gotta get out of there and stop 'em!"
  • "Hey! Mario! Luigi! Stop!"
  • "They must have dust in their ears!"
  • "Koopa, you're a disgusting double-crossing meanie!"
  • "They're safe!"
  • "Yes! Mario and Luigi really need our help!"
  • "It's worth a try..."
  • "Now to help Mario and Luigi!"
  • "Hope you don't mind if we'd borrow your bike!"
  • "Guys! You've been tricked! This race was one of Koopa's traps!"

Stars in Their Eyes

  • "We've lost our supplies!"
  • "That wasn't such a bad landing, but now we're floating away!"
  • "We can only hope Astro Mouser hasn't alerted Koopa's Troopas!"
  • "Maybe we should've disguised ourselves as moon rocks!"
  • "(*with Mario, Luigi, and Toad*) Moon Man Koopa?! Oh no!"
  • "The poor Quirks! I could just cry for them!"
  • "But we can't leave you chained like this!"
  • "I can't look! They did that to save us!"
  • "We can't leave the poor Quirks like that!"
  • "Sorry, Mario. But we've got no choice!"
  • "Oh no! The poor Quirks! Koopa will enslave them for good!"

Jungle Fever

  • "Oh, Mario! You just ate three guavas, four breadfruit and two bananas!"
  • "Good enough to fix a potion that will rid my kingdom of Koopa forever!"
  • "It's just the other side of this scraggly line!"
  • "That's what it says on the map. Georges Gorge, three miles deep."
  • "Actually, that big one is practically in our laps!"
  • "Is everybody alright?"
  • "Well, don't just stand there scratching! Koopa's gonna beat us to this witch doctor's village!"
  • "Mario! Luigi! We've got to stop him!"
  • "Hurry, Butterfingers! You've gotta find an antidote to save my friends!"
  • "Then I guess I'll have to go by myself and get him out of Koopa's clutches!"
  • "I just hope I can find the witch doctor before Koopa makes him do something terrible! Oh no! What's that?"
  • "Butterfingers! What are you doing here?"
  • "Thanks, Butterfingers!"
  • "C'mon!"
  • "Shhhh!"
  • "Being nice to you is the last thing I'll EVER do!"
  • "Dr. Sheldon, that's not a turn-me-into-a-rock potion!"
  • "What about my friends, Dr. Sheldon? Can you cure them?"
  • "Does it really cure the itch?"

Brooklyn Bound

  • "HEEEEEELP!!!"
  • "Mario! Well, you should've told me! If you're that homesick, we'll find some way to get you back to your own people!"
  • "Wait! That could be dangerous!"
  • "You've gotta help him so you can all get back to Brooklyn!"
  • "No, my people need me! But this is your big chance to go home, and I want you to take it."
  • "I mean it, Mario! You've already helped me more than I deserve. Go home."
  • "Yay! Yay! Bravo! Hip hip hooray! Whoa! Way to go! Woohoo!"
  • "That's molten lava!"
  • "Yes, you can, Mario! Think positive!"
  • "Yay, Mario!"
  • "Way to go, Mario!"
  • "No way, Mario! You belong back in your own land! I order you to go!"
  • "Goodbye, guys! I'll miss you!"
  • "Goodbye, Mario! Goodbye, Luigi! Thanks for trying to save my kingdom!"
  • "You won't get away with this!"
  • "Mario!"
  • "Mario! Luigi! You came back!"

Toad Warriors

  • "Goodbye!"
  • "They're coming! We must hold them off until my friends arrive!"
  • "We need help!"
  • "Mario! Toad! Luigi! If you can hear me, we need help, and fast!"
  • "Quick! Get some mattresses!"
  • "My heroes!"
  • "Come on, guys! King Koopa and his men will be swarming all over us any minute now! We have to decoy him away so the rebels can escape!"
  • "Yes we do! A tanker full of spaghetti sauce! Mario, you'll drive the truck, and I'll go with you. You, Luigi, are going to be our eyes in the sky!"
  • "You, Luigi, you'll be piloting the helicopter."
  • "Show Luigi to fly the heli- (gasp) ...copter! And make it quick!"
  • "Good work, Toad! With that Star, you can do anything! You can be the Toad Warrior!"
  • "Let's go! Hit the road, Toad!"
  • "Just keep going! I'll take care of Racer Rat!"
  • "That's what YOU think! Yo!"
  • "Ha-ha! Yay! Yo-ho! Way to go!"
  • "We got 'em all, Mario! Every single one of Koopa's State Troopas! But what about King Koopa?"
  • "Thank you, my friends! You saved my people again! There will be spaghetti sauce for everyone!"
  • "Wait! Mario!"
  • "You got it alright!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "Mouser!"
  • "I gotcha! We're statues!"
  • "That's no way to stay healthy. Are you sure he can help us?"
  • "They're stealing the Great Balls of Fire!"
  • "Magic? A potion?"
  • "TOAD!!!"
  • "He's okay! Toad grabbed a magic Fire Flower!"
  • "They're history!"
  • "Next time I need a hero, I know where I'll look!"

Count Koopula

  • "Ooooh, I'm freezing! When are we gonna find a place to sleep?"
  • "Grab him, Luigi! Pull! Pull!"
  • "Oh no! Look where it's going!"
  • "Thank you!"
  • "Where is everybody? Why's the door locked?"
  • "{*with Mario and Toad*} Spiders!"
  • "Aha! A Magic Piranha Plant! This'll take care of those spiders!"
  • "Hey, guys! Look! Koopa's up to something weird!"
  • "Those spiders were bad enough, but I can't stand Wereturtles!"
  • "HEEEELP!!!"
  • "Maybe we can sneak past them."
  • "RUN FOR IT!!!"
  • "But I hate tomatoes!"
  • "Brotherhood? But I'm a girl!"
  • "I'm sure glad to be saying ciao to Turtlevania!"

Pirates of Koopa

  • "Great time for a snack, everyone! ...Except for the storm coming."
  • "Go soak your head, you silly Troopa!"
  • "Hey! Let go of me, you rotten reptile! Help!"
  • "You promised not to harm my friends if I came willingly!"
  • "I'm really not dressed for the occasion! I left my best gown back in the castle!"
  • "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't fit in with this kind of crowd!"
  • "You're disgusting, Koopa! Mean, cruel-hearted, vicious and uncivilized!"
  • "Take that, you blackhearted pirate!"
  • "We sure sent Blackbeard Koopa sailing!"

Two Plumbers and a Baby

  • "Fountain of Youth?"
  • "So THAT'S what Koopa's up to!"
  • "How terrible!"
  • "HELP!!!"
  • "(as a baby) Baby like water!"
  • "(as a baby) Goo goo ga wee!"
  • "(as a baby) More bouncy! More bouncy, Uncle Luigi!"
  • "(as a baby) Ooh fun! More bouncy! More bouncy!"
  • "(as a baby) Tweet tweet tweet!"
  • "(as a baby) Goo goo ga ga ga! Goo goo goo goo!"
  • "(as a baby) Bouncy bouncy bouncy!"
  • "(as a baby) Gootchie gootchie!"
  • "(as a baby) Uncle Mario play mud pie! Me play too!"
  • "(as a baby) I like you, Uncle Mario! You fun!"
  • "(as a baby) Uncle Mario, Uncle Mario! See the fishies play!"
  • "(as a baby) Pretty pretty!"
  • "(as a baby) Pretty pretty! Baby want you!"
  • "Wow! I forgot being a kid was so tough!"
  • "If you guys ever give up plumbing, you'd sure make great babysitters!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "Herlock Solmes said he'd meet us at this street at midnight! Maybe he can help us free our people from the evil Koopa!"
  • "It's Herlock Solmes's hat and magnifying glass?"
  • "So, this is Herlock Solmes's famous home on Bonkers Street."
  • "I'll bet HE kidnapped Solmes!"
  • "And his plumber's helpers!"
  • "You better let us go, Professor Koopiarity...or else!"
  • "What're we gonna do?!"
  • "Then down the hatch!"
  • "Let's clobber these Koopa clodhoppers!"
  • "Look! The water's draining back in the sewers!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "Uh, Toad? Take it easy!"
  • "No!"
  • "Oh no! Poor Toad!"
  • "Oh no... Please, let them go! I-I'll do anything you want, King Koopa! Anything!"
  • "Marry you?"
  • "Okay, okay! I'll do it!"
  • "If you promise to free the Marios and restore Toad and my Mushroom People to life!"
  • "Okay... It's a deal."
  • "You're not getting married, period!"
  • "You haven't released Toad and my Mushroom People like you promised!"
  • "Well? What are you waiting for? Set my people free!"
  • "You don't wanna know."
  • "But what kind of princess would I be if I didn't save my people, or try to free Mario and Luigi?"
  • "Oh, Toad... Goodbye, Toad! Goodbye, my people! Goodbye and good luck!"
  • "A... A honeymoon?"
  • "Okay... Gulp. Alright... I-"
  • "You doublecrossing fibber! I'll never marry you, ever! Someday, you'll get what you deserve!"

The Pied Koopa

  • "Oh no! How terrible!"
  • "They're attacking us from the sky!"
  • "But Koopa doesn't know we're here! All we have to do is sneak up there, and rescue the captured children!"
  • "And those Trouters look terribly hungry! Look how high these handcuffs are! This dungeon must get a lot of tall prisoners!"
  • "Going down!"
  • "There! Getting down was fun!"
  • "Now that we're safe, Mario, we have to rescue those captured children!"
  • "What are you talking about, Mario?"
  • "Follow me, kids! And hurry!"


  • "Thank you, Mr. Mayor!"
  • "We'll do our best!"
  • "Don't you ever think about anything but food?"
  • "Leave them alone or I'll...I'll...I' something!"
  • "Let's get out of here!"
  • "I demand you let me go, you big bully! Immediately, if not sooner!"
  • "Wait! Don't hurt them!"
  • "No one, Mario! It's a swiss cheese pizza!"

On Her Majesty's Sewer Service

  • "Sorry, Mario, but I didn't ask you here for lunch."
  • "This is the secret entrance to Super Spy Headquarters! With James Blonde turned to stone, you're the only two who can stop Koopfinger!"
  • "Yes, and I'm officially appointing you to her majesty's secret service!"
  • "What's happening?"
  • "Look! Koopfinger's breaking inside! This must be the terrible scheme James Blonde tried to warn us about!"

Mario and Joliet

  • "We've gotta find my friend Joliet! Maybe she can tell us what this feud is about!"
  • "Joliet! What's going on up there?"
  • "Well, as their official Princess, maybe I can do something to stop this!"
  • "I want Romano and Joliet's fathers, front and center!"
  • "Your two children love each other and want to get married!"
  • "By royal decree, I order this feud ended! Romano and Joliet are going to be married! Now shake on it!"
  • "(*with Mario, Luigi, and Toad*) Koopa!"
  • "Come on!"
  • "How are we ever going to get across?"
  • "Nah! I knew a Troopa who would lift three dumbbells!"
  • "We will escape! Look! Joliet's bridal bouquet is made of Fire Flowers!"
  • "Way to go, Super Mario!"
  • "I now pronounce you, man and wife!"
  • "I always cry at weddings!"

Too Hot to Handle

  • "Oh no! Waki-Waki's cracking up! Help!"
  • "Oh, thanks, Mario! That was nearly the end of me!"
  • "Let go of me!"
  • "You're making a big mistake!"
  • "You rotten reptile! You're disgusting!"
  • "You're not as smart as you think you are, Koopa!"
  • "Watch out, Toad!"
  • "HEEEEEELP!!!"
  • "Oh no! The tunnel ends!"
  • "What's he saying?"

Queen Rotunda

  • "Can you guarantee it will make Prince Pompadour fall madly in love with me?"
  • "Thanks to your Love Potion, Hildy, I'll be the most beautiful bride Rotunda Land has ever seen!"
  • "Prisoners? Oh, goody! What did they do?"
  • "What? They were stealing food? From me? There is no greater crime!"
  • "Thanks, Hildy! Now, let's see what these miserable grub-grabbing prisoners look like!"
  • "Silly goon! You don't GET a last meal!"
  • "Yuck! What kind of royal chef are you?"
  • "I'll never find the perfect dessert to my wedding to Prince Pompadour!"
  • "Oh, yes! Them! Off with their heads!"
  • "Why does this man still have his head?"
  • "Get to the point, jelly belly!"
  • "Hot Pepper Pistachio Ice Cream? I never heard of it..."
  • "I command you to make some at once! Then, off with your head!"
  • "Hmmm... At least your Hot Pepper Ice Cream looks yummy! I'll just take an itty-bitty taste!"
  • "WATER!!! WATER!!! WATER!!! WATER!!!"
  • "Phew!"
  • "Who cares about ice cream? It's you I love, dreamboat!"
  • "Potion, schmotion! Come to me, my sweet! I LOVE you!"
  • "Never! Knights, lock these three in the dungeon! The chubby prince charming is going to be my husband!"
  • "Come to me, my sweet pea! I hear wedding bells in my tower!"
  • "Let's wrap this thing up, honey bunch! It's time you and I got married!"
  • "These are the most tasteful wedding invitations I could find!"
  • "Mmm! Whipped cream flavor! Mango passion fruit! Eeyuck! Spinach! How did that get in here?"
  • "Uh-uh-uh, my gorgeous gumdrop! Remember your diet! You have to look slim and trim for our wedding!"
  • "I just love you so much it hurts!"
  • "Let's have a little of your Hot Pepper Pistachio Ice Cream while we plan our future together!"
  • "Not you, my little dumpling! You're still on a diet!"
  • "Well, just a bit because I love you so much!"
  • "What? How could you be so stupid?"
  • "Find the thieves! If they interfere with my wedding, I'll have your head!"
  • "It will be good night for you if you if you don't come give me a big hug and kiss, baby cakes!"
  • "This is the happiest day of my life, and it's the happiest day in your life, too!"
  • "Here, here! Let the wedding begin!"
  • "To me!"
  • "Of course, Prince Pompadour! Of course!"


  • "We Quirk will help you! You saved us from the wicked Astro Mouser!"
  • "Quick! Get on our barge, everybody!"
  • "It's no use! He's following orders from our wicked leader, Moon Man Koopa!"
  • "We've been hit! Oh no! Mayday! Mayday!"
  • "You can get everything you need at our Quirk Factory! There's just one little problem. If Moon Man Koopa catches you, he'll put you in chains, boil you in oil, and enslave you for life! And that's if he likes you!"
  • "Sorry! There's the alert right now!"
  • "It's no use! We've always been Koopa's slaves! The chains are just a new twist!"
  • "We've got them right here!"
  • "No time! You must escape!"
  • "Quirks unite! We have nothing to use but our chains!"
  • "Get going, gang!"
  • "Goodbye! Don't worry about us! We'll be alright!"
  • "If this worked on Koopa's shackle system, maybe it'll work on this rocket!"
  • "We can do it, guys! A-one! A-two! A-one two three four!"

Ralph Washington

  • "Excuse me, do you have a vacancy?"
  • "Washington."
  • "Ralph Washington."

Robo Koopas

  • "Ah! It's the Marios!"
  • "Let's Robo Koopalize 'em!"
  • "Your metalness! Your metalness! It's the Marios! Come quick!"


  • "Now our fathers hate each other and will never let us marry!"
  • "Not if I can help it!"
  • "We've got to find my Joliet! Who could've kidnapped her?"

Romano's father and Joliet's father

Joliet's father

  • "I'm Joliet's father. What's it to you?"
  • "Nothin' doin'!"
  • "Gulp!"
  • "I knew you'd pull off somethin' like this, dirtball!"
  • "The feud is on!"
  • "Guess we learned our lesson."
  • "What do you mean the kids are not gonna live with you? The kids are gonna live with me!"
  • "The feud is on!"

Romano's father

  • "I'm Romano's father. Who do you think you are, Princess Toadstool?"
  • "Not in a zillion years!"
  • "Sigh!"
  • "I didn't do anything, nincompoop!"
  • "The feud is on!"
  • "Yeah! Our children's happiness is more important than our feud!"
  • "Over my dead body! The feud is on!"

Salvador Drainado

  • "Not just really great, sonny! The greatest plumber in the world!"
  • "That's right, bambino! I've been lost in this crazy Mushroom Kingdom for 13 years! But now, I finally found a way out! This map, leads to a drainpipe, that'll take me straight home to Brooklyn!"
  • "I can't lead ya anywhere! Not until we get past that!"
  • "You young kids give up too easy! If I had some help, I could finish piping in an underground river, and use the force of its water, to bust right through that wall!"
  • "Enough talk! Let's get to work!"
  • "Cross your fingers!"
  • "Let's go find that drainpipe back to Brooklyn!"
  • "Whatever you do, Mario, DON'T LET GO!!!"
  • "Don't let go!"
  • "That boiling lava could sure singe a man's suspenders!"
  • "We're running out of time! Let's go find that drainpipe!"
  • "There she is! The last drainpipe to Brooklyn! We step up onto that platform, open the valves, and we go Brooklyn bound!"
  • "She's right! This is a one-time only, one-way trip with no return ticket!"
  • "Hang on! Any second now, we'll be back in Flatbush!"
  • "But this is it! This is your last chance to go home!"
  • "Good luck, guys! Look me up if you ever get back to Brooklyn!"
  • "I did it! I DID IT!!!"

Sam Shalam

  • "Step right up! Step right up! Used carpets! U-Buy, We Fly."
  • "What is-"
  • "Watch it, will ya?"
  • "This is a genuine Persian carpet... made in Hong Kong."
  • "Not yet, I'm still gettin' the bugs out."
  • "I'm Sam Shalam, and this is my assistant, Slammer!"
  • "Just look around! You won't find any finer flying carpets in all of Cloud Land!"
  • "How much ya got?"
  • "Sold!"
  • "Fireproof, waterproof, and good proof. Guaranteed to last until it falls apart."
  • "Hi there! Ready for a trade in? I got a spiffy little carpet that belonged to a little old lady from Pastadena."
  • "Koopa? Why did you not say so? He stole his carpet from me! That reptile reprobate gives cheating a bad name! Take any carpet ya want! No charge!"


Tutti Frutti, Oh Mario/Tutti Frutti Mario

  • "It's not me, spaghetti-breath!"

Treasure of the Sierra Brooklyn

  • "Ahhhh! Stop it, you robot, no treasure here!"


  • "Hi, Princess babe! I'm Scooter, leader of the Aloha People! Welcome to the island of Waki-Waki, the island of paradise!"
  • "No, it's an earthquake! Run for cover! The Fire God's bummin' again!"
  • "Gulp! You heard him, dudes! Our island's sunk unless we sacrifice the Princess!"
  • "Sorry, dude, but we gotta do what our Fire God tells us! Grab the babe and throw the others into the pit!"
  • "Take her to the top of the volcano and throw her in!"
  • "Ready, Bingo? A-one and a-two..."
  • "You're right, dude! We don't wanna upset the big kahuna any more than he already is! We better wait!"
  • "Cool! Must be an early sundown! Time for your lava bath, Princess!"
  • "Sorry, dude! We take our orders from the Fire God!"
  • "I'm sorry, dudes! A bogus Fire God! How could I ever been so stupid?"
  • "Relax, Luigi! It's just the real Fire God telling us he's safe and sending us a message!"
  • "Our guests deserve a spaghetti luau!"

Secret Agent N

  • "Welcome to the secret spy laboratory. I am Secret Agent N."
  • "Not C. N."
  • "Not O. N! Agent O's on holiday."
  • "Secret Agents Mario and Luigi, your new Spymobile is ready."
  • "Well that's what it looks like old bean, but this baby's packing more fire power than a battleship."
  • "And that's not all! You'll be equipped with the latest in plumbing weaponry. Wrench phone, explosive drain cleaner, atomic screwdriver..."
  • "Watch out!"
  • "Be careful. That's a laser drill!"
  • "It's a red alert!"
  • "That's Fort Hard Knocks, where all of Spy Land's gold coins are kept."
  • "Now that Koopfinger's gone, Agent James Blonde is back in human form! Jolly good show, many old chaps!"
  • "Look out! That's no ordinary food!"
    (Looks like James Blonde is talking)
  • "That's my new spaghetti bomb!"

Sgt. Slaughter

All Steamed Up

  • "Mario Bros.! Ten-hut!"
  • "I heard that! Drop and give me ten!"
  • "You'd better have my steam cabinet fixed! I'm stuck in traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge! I'm taking a shortcut, and I'll be right there!"
  • "It helps if you have a Sherman Tank, bozo!"
  • "As you were, troop!"
  • "Proceed on schedule, doughboy! Hup-two! Hup-two! Double-time it! Meanwhile, I'll check this baby out!"
  • "See how she works!"
  • "I don't like the way this thing is thumpin'!"
  • "What'd you make that pizza with?"
  • '""I don't like that thumping sound!"
  • "What's wrong with the steam machine?"
  • "Valve on one, two!"
  • "Valve on one, two!"
  • "Alright, doughboy! Hit the deck and no more jive!"
  • "Stay right there, don't touch that dial!"
  • "Watch the previews on your screen!"
  • "At ease, troop!"
  • "Must be some kind of communist plot!"
  • "It's in the red zone!"
  • "Scalding hot! That's a real soldier's steam cabinet! I guess it's OK, except for that thumping sound."
  • "Don't just stand there, troop! Load it on the tank! And move out smartly! I'm double parked!"
  • "Yeah! I parked a tank on top of a Chevy! Boy, was that driver mad? I'd thought she'd never stop yelling. Double time!"
  • "(with Mario and Luigi) Do the Mario!"

Señor Mayor

  • "They want to help, but El Koopitan strikes fear in the hearts of my people."
  • "I'm sorry we ran, Señor Mario, but without Zero the people are too afraid to fight."
  • "Zero is back! Zero is back!"
  • "For liberty, justice, and freedom for all fungi."
  • "We won! We defeated El Koopitan!"


  • "Hahaaa! Whoo! Hey, Mario! What's happenin'? Happy Birthday, Luigi, baby!"
  • "Hey, you'd better believe it."
  • "You better believe it!"
  • "You better not believe it! We came here to dance, right? We came here to jam, right? Well, let's dance, guys!"
  • "This is my step-by-step method!"
  • "Five, six, seven, eight! Step one! Two! Step, uh, three!"
  • "Hey, hey! Seriously, guys! You guys have come a long way! There's no doubt in my mind you guys are gonna be a hit at the Plumber's Ball!"
  • "Well..."
  • "I thought you'd never ask!"


Jungle Fever

  • "Yes, your royal Koopaness! They're looking for Sheldon, the witch doctor!"
  • "That's why they wanna see him! So he can mix in a magic potion that will put you out of business!"
  • "Your badness! Your badness!"
  • "But look!"

Brooklyn Bound

  • "Your malignant meaness, I have terrible news! The Princess and the Mario brothers have escaped!"
  • "They're in the caverns!"

Mario of the Apes

  • "Uh, the boys were kind of wondering about that, oh, goofy little one."


  • "Pleased to meetcha!"
  • "Ha! Unless you look somewhere else!"

Slime Ghost

  • "Speaking of eating, my favorite dish!"
  • "Just me chewing!"
  • "Pleased to meetcha, boys!"
  • "Wanna arm-wrestle?"
  • "I own Luigi! And're next!"
  • "Hey, Ernie! I surrender! Just get me away from these two Goombas!"


Brooklyn Bound

  • "A toast to Koopa Khan."
  • "I got an idea! Let's use that rock thing for a bridge."

The Great Gold Coin Rush

  • "The Marios are getting away."

State Troopas

  • "Car 54 1/2 calling King Koopa. I've arrested the Princess and her faucet freak friends."
  • "No, you can't call your lawyer or your mother. Any other questions?"
  • "Yie! A Mushroom rebel chopper."
  • "Don't even think about running away, sewer scum. Bob-omb won't like that. I'm in big enough trouble as it is losing the Princess, without losing you guys too."
  • "Watch 'em, Bob-omb!"
  • "You stupid bang head! Look what- deh!"
  • "No, don’t go off now!"
  • "Yikes! Here, take this!"

Stool Pigeon

  • "Psst! Hey bub, over here!"
  • "Ya wanna know Koopone's next job?"
  • "Wouldn't be much of a stool pigeon if I didn't. Course, eh, it'll cost ya."
  • "Chicken feed! But, uh, since I'm a bird, I'll take it. C'mere!"
  • "Koopone's next job will be to rob the First Mushroom Bank."

Sultan Pasbah

  • "Ahhh! It appears I have visitors dropping in!"
  • "Splendid! Once again, my fake swimming pool trick worked!"
  • "My dear, I am the magnificent Sultan Pasbah! This is my luxurious palace, where you and your companions will be my miserable slaves forever!"
  • "Guard! Throw them in the slave quarters, but bring me the pretty one!"
  • "These priceless jewels are yours when you join my harem!"
  • "I LIKE the stupid olden days! Besides, you have no choice."
  • "No matter! I've tired of the wench! I already placed an ad in the Harem Recycler, offering her to the highest bidder."
  • "I won't take less than 54 urns of chopped chicken liver."
  • "What's that awful odor?"

Sultan Pasbah's servant

  • "Sire! Sire!"
  • "Sire, the Princess is impossible! She refuses to wear the harem veils and roller skates!"
  • "You're selling the Princess?"

Susanna Ross

  • "Hi, Luigi! Hey, Mario!"
  • "Remember when you fixed my plumbing?"
  • "You said you'd always be there in an emergency!"
  • "Well, it's an emergency!"
  • "The other Sublimes missed their plane, and I've got to go on in an hour!"
  • "How well do you boys sing?"
  • "We'll fake it! We'll fake it!"
  • "It helps if you take your overalls off first, Mario!"
  • "Honey, you've got the dress on backwards!"
  • "It helps if you take your boots off first!"
  • "I think my career is over!"
  • "5, 6, 7, 8, and side two, step two! While we practice a lot more, watch these scenes from the next Legend of Zelda!"
  • "Places, boys!"
  • "Okay! Hit it, boys!"
  • " ♪ Ooooh! Baby love, my baby love! I need ya, oh how I need ya! But all you do is treat me bad, break my heart and leave me sad! Tell me what did I do wrong? To make you stay away so long? 'Cause baby love, my baby love! Been missin' ya, miss kissin' ya! Instead of breaking up, let's do some kissing and making up! Don't throw our love away, in my arms why don't you stay? I need your love, I need ya! ♪ (brief pause) ♪ Baby love, my baby love, why must we separate my love? All of my whole life through, I never loved no one loved you! ♪ "
  • "What's wrong? We're going great!"
  • "Ugh...come on!"


The Bird! The Bird!

  • "Hey! Lemme go!"
  • "I'm warnin' ya! I get airsick! Help!"
  • "What are ya tryin' to do, ya wacko bird? Drown me?"
  • "Mommy? You're not my mommy!"
  • "I'm NOT your little Cheepy!"
  • "I gotta get outta here!"
  • "I CAN'T be your little Cheepy, lady! I don't have wings! Look! No wings, no feathers...I'm just a Mushroom that can't stand heights!"
  • "Flying lessons?! Are you outta your mind?!"
  • "You're not listening, lady! I don't want flyin' lessons!"
  • "Look, lady. I got 10 gold coins. It's yours if you just let me go!"
  • "Lady, I'm not a BIRRRRRRRRRRD!!!"
  • "The least that featherbrain coulda done was lend me a parachute. Hey! That's it! A parachute!"
  • "I feel great! I just passed my first flying lesson!"
  • "Hey! It's me...I mean...him! It's little Cheepy! The Birdo's REAL lost baby!"
  • "Ohhh, no! I'm not goin' back up there! Never!"
  • "Okay, okay. Maybe if I take YOU back, she'll leave me alone!"
  • "When I told her how I rescued your baby, she wanted to help!"
  • "Thanks, lady. We couldn't have done it without ya!"
  • "(with Mario, Luigi, and Princess Toadstool) WORMS?!"

King Mario of Cramalot

  • "We don't even know if this guy's for real or not!"
  • "Those aren't bees! They're Beezo bandits!"
  • "What's that crud Koopa doin' here?"
  • "Cash city! That plunger's made of solid gold!"
  • "It's King Koopa and his army of Koopa Troopas!"
  • "Very uncool, dudes! The ceiling IS lowering!"
  • "Yeah, there's never a wizard around when ya need one."
  • "Whew! That was close! I didn't think we had a mushroom's chance in a frying pan!"
  • "Catch that! It's Cramalot Castle!"
  • "...How are we ever gonna get inside?"
  • "Let's turn 'em into Koopa Droopas!"

Butch Mario & the Luigi Kid

  • "Hey! That's you guys!"
  • "I don't get it! You guys aren't crooks! How come your pictures are in that wanted poster?"
  • "When I get my hands on that King Koopa, I'll fix HIS wagon!"
  • "I'm no frog! I can't even swim!"
  • "For 30,000 gold pieces, I might think about turning you in."
  • "Looks like we're facing 20 years of bread and water!"
  • "Bob-Ombs! Just what we need for the break!"
  • "You'll get a bang outta THIS, Sheriff Mouser!"
  • "We can use those Bomb Plants to get inside!"
  • "Luigi! You're standin' too close! GET BACK!!!"

Mario's Magic Carpet

  • "Too bad we got to ignore that swimming pool!"
  • "Last one in is a rotten fungus!"
  • "I guess he means her."
  • "Yow! Lay off, bud! I get your- Yo-ow! ...point!"
  • "Stop flapping your lips! Someone's coming!"
  • "Your genie better have some super magic! Some creep just arrived to buy the Princess: A creep named King Koopa!"
  • "Oh no! Koopa flew the Koop!"
  • "I got an idea! Let's check out one of those used flying carpet lots!"
  • "Talk about economy class!"
  • "I don't know what's worse; the back seat driver, or the front seat driver."
  • "Pidgits!"
  • "What did you tell 'em?"

Rolling Down the River

  • "(in a French accent) Captain Koopa sends ze Happy Birthday cake for Princess! Voila! Hey!"
  • "(in a French accent) Ze-ze happy!"
  • "Whoops!"
  • "Who did you expect? Pee-wee Herman?"
  • "Yeah! The Mario Bros. will save us!"
  • "Hooray!"
  • "It ain't over 'til it's over, lizard lips!"
  • "Looks like you guys saved the day again! ...Almost."
  • "(with Luigi) We will?"
  • "What a stick in the mud!"
  • "(with Mario, Luigi, and Princess Toadstool) To Mark Twang, King of the River! Long may he reign!"

The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "Are you the emperor?"
  • "Hey! Watch that creature stuff! On second thought, 'creature' does have a nice ring to it."
  • "I'm gonna see how my good buddies Mario and Luigi are doin'."
  • "That's what I said! I aren't goin' nowhere!"
  • "Right! Fungus! Heheheh... Sorry, I forgot that part."
  • "Take it easy, folks! Don't crowd! Plenty of spaghetti for everyone! One more coin admission! That's right! Help the Mushroom orphans!"

Mario and the Beanstalk

  • "I think you should've sent me, Princess. I know the used cow market."
  • "The Marios?"
  • "Shrewd city, Mario! Who wants cash money when they can have a few garbanzos instead?"
  • "Good riddance, Princess! I'll go to town in the morning and see if I can't con that conman out of a cow!"
  • "Don't worry, Princess! I'll take care of iiiiiiit?!"
  • "(with Princess Toadstool) Oh no!"
  • "It's absolutely beautiful!"
  • "It's not over yet! Koopa can use this beanstalk to come after us!"
  • "Famished!"

Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

  • "Um, we'll give the peppers back!"
  • "At least we ditched those bumblin' Beezo knights!"
  • "Don't give up, Luigi! It ain't over 'til the fat lady gets her wedding ring!"
  • "We really got the drop on THIS Beezo boob!"
  • "What is it? What's goin' on?"
  • "What's the plan?"
  • "So we're gonna mix up another potion for the Queen?"
  • "I think we finally fixed a love potion!"
  • "Come on! Let's make tracks!"

The Great BMX Race

  • "Yeowch! It's Fryguy!"
  • "Lookin' sweet, guys! I sure hope nothin' goes wrong!"
  • "He knew Mario and Luigi would enter the race to save ME from Fryguy!"
  • "Whoa! Whoa! Hey! Mario! Hey!"
  • "And we've got trouble on our hands!"
  • "She said, {*in Princess Toadstool's voice due to an animation error*} 'They're safe!'"
  • "This is terrible!"
  • "I meant the snoring! It's driving me bonkers! Hey! That's it! We might be able to squeeze out when this thing lets out its breath!"
  • "Yeah! The bill collector after my Mushroom hide was just a phony!"

Stars in Their Eyes

  • "Yikes! What a drag!"
  • "We're losin' fuel!"
  • "Probably because of the different gravity, your highneess!"
  • "(with Luigi) Moon Man Koopa?!"
  • "So much for hope!"
  • "Fuel!"
  • "So much for Moon Man Koopa's Stoopa Troopas!"
  • "(*with Mario, Luigi, Princess Toadstool*) Moon Man Koopa?! Yikes!"
  • "This can't get much worse!"
  • "Hey! Our music shorted out Koopa's electronic shackle system! Let's run for it!"
  • "Oh, don't look now, but Koopa's rocket wants to eat our rocket!"

Jungle Fever

  • "He's the best witch doctor there is, that's why!"
  • "Which we should be should be reachin' just about nooooow!"
  • "Heeeeeelp!"
  • "Wow! This gorge has gotta be at least three miles deep!"
  • "Jagged boulders, raging water, broken bones..."
  • "Yeah, this is the side we wanted to be on anyway. It's not so bad."
  • "What is this white stuff?"
  • "Albatoss with Bob-Ombs at ten o' clock!"
  • "No! Koopa's Itching Powder is drivin' me buggy!"
  • "Ouch! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! It itches!"
  • "M-me too!"

Brooklyn Bound

  • "In here! Quick!"
  • "Sorry, guys! Looks like we're trapped!"
  • "You know this dude?"
  • "Don't look down!"
  • "Relax, Sal! You know what they say! Old plumbers never cry!"
  • "Hee! You really socked it to those Snifits!"
  • "Don't go blabbin' around, but she's not the only one."
  • "NOOOO!!!"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "Yuck! Mushy stuff!"

Toad Warriors

  • "You wanted a nap, remember?"
  • "Now's our chance to escape!"
  • "Hey, Bob-Omb! Did anyone ever tell you were uuuuuugly? I've seen better-lookin' bombs after they exploded! I bet you have to sneak up on a match just to get a light!"
  • "Run for it, guuuuuuys!"
  • "Check your rearview mirror, Mario!"
  • "Yikes!"
  • "Look what I got, Princess!"
  • "You got it!"
  • "By the power of the shining star, I am the...Toad Warrior!"
  • "Hey, man! I'm the Fantastic Fungus! The supercharged Mushroom of Might! I'm the Toad Warrior!"
  • "Gimme five! No! Gimme five Bomb Plants!"
  • "Lead on, doll face!"
  • "Hey, punk! Wanna drag?"
  • "First one to the Grand Koopa Canyon gets the spaghetti sauce! Deal?"
  • "Whoever slows down first loses!"
  • "Whoa! No more Toad Warrior!"
  • "We all made it!"

The Fire of Hercufleas

  • "The Mighty Hercufleas! They even built a statue to him! With one hand tied behind his back, he can beat King Koopa and all of his-"
  • "No sweat, Luigi! We'll get help from a genuine first-class grade-A hero!"
  • "Introducing...Hercufleas! The Mountain of Muscle! The Tower of Power! The-"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Of course he can!"
  • "So...Herc! How's the hero biz?"
  • "Whoa! That's hot stuff!"
  • "Sure ya are! Guarding this temple is really heroic! With you on the job, nobody will get near the-"
  • "Ow! Hey! Watch it!"
  • "Herc! Watch out for- ...that statue."
  • "Watch that Jerkufleas stuff, King Stoopa!"
  • "Oh no! HELP!!! I'm too young to fry!"
  • "Call me Super Toad!"
  • "Feelin' lucky, Koopa?"
  • "Need a little warmup? No problem!"

Count Koopula

  • "Yow!"
  • "Wooooowwwww!"
  • "Ooh! Scary!"
  • "What's behind door #3? Lemme guess..."
  • "Hey! How'd you know my name? Who are you?!"
  • "You're Mouser! You're Koopa's stooge!"
  • "I'm trapped!"
  • "If only you could talk."
  • "Oh yeah?! How 'bout a nose job?"
  • "Well, well, well! A secret passage!"
  • "Spy holes!"
  • "Hey, guuuuys!"
  • "No, guys! It's me! And I know a way to get outta here!"
  • "C'mon, Princess! Let's split this spooky joint!"
  • "I just lost my appetite! Luigi was right! Vampires! Into the clothes chute! It's our only way out, or they'll turn us into vampires like them!"
  • "{*with Mario and Princess Toadstool*} Spiders!"
  • "Zap 'em, Princess!"
  • "We're surrounded by vampires, and all he thinks about is food!"
  • "Pour some of this spaghetti sauce at the base of the stairs!"
  • "Over there! I found a trap door!"
  • "Naughty turtle! You've been hittin' the sauce again! Well, have some more!"
  • "Those Goombas look kinda spaced out to me. (gasp) They're zombies!"
  • "I always wanted to be taller, but this is ridiculous!"
  • "Luigi! I think we got a way to get us outta here! Watch! Hey, Mousigor!"
  • "Please, Mr. Mousigor! I can't take any more!"
  • "There's more than one way to trap a rodent!"
  • "A stake through the heart!"
  • "Vampires hate garlic! That's why there's none in that tomato sauce the Goombas we're makin'!"
  • "The things I do for Princess Toadstool..."
  • "Hurry! We gotta save her!"
  • "Heeheehee! Talk about bringin' down the house!"

Pirates of Koopa

  • "Oops! Sorry, Captain Clump!"
  • "Great! And we thought a nice boat trip would keep us safe from Koopa."
  • "Who turned off the lights?!"
  • "And Blackbeard Koopa's pirate ship!"
  • "You blew that one, Koopa Stoopa!"
  • "Are we sunk now?"
  • "Once more, gang!"
  • "We can't beat 'em, Mario!"
  • "You sure about this?"
  • "This'll never work!"

Two Plumbers and a Baby

  • "This is the end of the trail!"
  • "Hey!"
  • "That no-good diaper dictator!"
  • "Oops!"
  • "Princess! Speak to me!"
  • "Move it, gang!"
  • "Fellas, what's to know? If she gets hungry, we feed her! If she gets all goopy, we wash her!"
  • "There she is!"
  • "Now whadda we do?"
  • "Babysittin' isn't all kidding around! Ya have to let the little tyke know who's in charge! After a nice tubby-wubby, we'll take a nappy-wappy, and- Uh-uh-uh! Gotta stay on the rafty-wafty, your littleness!"
  • "Huh? HELP!!! MARIO!!! LUIGI!!!"
  • "Hey! Wait for me!"
  • "Look! Baby Princess is floating away!"
  • "There's not much sitting in this babysitting stuff!"
  • "Stop cryin'! Look, baby Princess! I have pretty fireflies for you!"
  • "That oughta keep you quiet!"
  • "Aw, come on! The Princess isn't so bad! Look at her!"
  • "She must be following the fireflies!"
  • "Oh no! She's gonna fall in!"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "We gotta find the dude first! This fog is thicker than mushroom soup!"
  • "But where's Solmsey-wolmsey?"
  • "What are we searchin' for?"
  • "Uh oh! Ultra-bad scene! Look!"
  • "Whoa! That was a close shave, dudes!"
  • "How we gonna find ol' Koopa Doopa's hideout?"
  • "Whoa! He's escapin' into a Warp Zone!"
  • "Huh. Don't mention it, detective dude!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "You don't scare me, ya big windbag!"
  • "Come on, Koopa Stoopa! I'm not afraid! Whaddaya think of that?"
  • "Whoa! Princess! What happened?"
  • "Don't do it, Princess! Don't marry Koopa! I'd rather be a rock!"
  • "I can't let you go through with this!"
  • "What're you doin', snake-breath?"
  • "Uh oh! RUUUUUN!!!"
  • "Yikes! You're not gonna get away with-"
  • "About time! I was tired of being a rock!"
  • "It's gotta be in the great hall! This way!"
  • "Princess! Koopa fibbed! He turned all your people back into rocks!"

The Pied Koopa

  • "Didn't I tell you dudes you'd really dig this bodacious kingdom?"
  • "I told you Pasta Land was paradise!"
  • "Right over there! Lake Spaghetti Sauce!"
  • "Everybody in Pasta Land is happy! Come on! I'll introduce ya to the mayor!"
  • "What's wrong, Mayor Fettuccine?"
  • "Yeah! Just in time for our funerals! Look!"
  • "DON'T head for shore!"
  • "They're attacking us from the shore!"
  • "Surf's up!"
  • "Hey, nose-nostrils! You call me 'fathead' once more, and I'll give ya a fat lip!"
  • "I've heard of damp dungeons, but this is ridiculous!"
  • "How 'bout spendin' of our lives as fish bait?"
  • "They GET tall after Koopa stretches 'em!"
  • "Sure, Mario! And maybe you'll stop scarfin' spaghetti! Hey, listen. I'd love to hang out with you guys some more, but my arms are tired! Goin' down, your highness?"
  • "If you're dressed for it!"
  • "What's the matter, Luigi? You're scared?"
  • "Ouch!"
  • "Yeah! But how?"
  • "I hope you guys can play those things!"
  • "There's the kids, and there's Koopa!"


  • "That was smart! Now they know we're here!"
  • "Yeah! I'll climb up that wall and let you dudes in!"
  • "Me and my big mouth... Why didn't I just suggest we go back to the village and think about it?"
  • "Uh, hi, guys! Nice day for rock-climbing, don'tcha think?"
  • "Hey! I got an idea! Let's flip for it! Heads I keep climbing, tails I let you go! Either way, you keep the coin, okay?"
  • "Guess what? You lose!"
  • "Those Shyguys must have velcro on their feet!"
  • "I gotta save 'em!"
  • "Hold this, big guy!"
  • "Uh, can't we talk this over like civilized monsters?"
  • "I'll fix him!"
  • "We lost!"
  • "Are you sure this'll work?"
  • "You did it!"
  • "Talk about takin' a dive!"

Mario and Joliet

  • "Whoa! Looks like a no exit, dudes!"
  • "They're still goin' at it!"
  • "That's exactly who she is, feudin' dudes!"
  • "Shake your veil, bridal babe! The wedding's waitin'!"
  • "Uh oh! There GOES the bride!"
  • "Joliet's been kidnapped!"
  • "We've had it, guys! This feud's really bringing down the house...on us!"
  • "(*with Mario, Luigi, and Princess Toadstool*) Koopa!"
  • "It's a net!"
  • "Hey! I got a bodacious idea! He don't look so strong to me!"
  • "Big deal! I knew a Troopa who could lift two dumbbells!"
  • "What a dumbbell!"
  • "So much for the great escape, dudes!"
  • "Well, looks like these dudes are gonna live happily ever after!"

Too Hot to Handle

  • "Let go of me!"
  • "It's leapin' time, Luigi!"
  • "A pineapple a day keeps the Shyguys away!"
  • "Bad news, bros! It's about to get hot, hot, hot!"
  • "What are those red-hot pipes doing inside this volcano?"
  • "Leave it to me, guys! I'll keep Koopa hoppin'!"
  • "That's what YOU think, Stoopa Koopa!"
  • "You gotta catch me first, King-a-ling!"
  • "Thanks, Mario! Now let's hope this lava boat really works!"
  • "Wheeee! This is a definite B-ticket ride!"
  • "Look, gang! They're smoke signals!"

Plummers Academy

  • "The president? Wow! What for?"

Karate Koopa

  • "Black belt Ninjas! Run for it!"
  • "Yeah! They're gonna beat you butt good!"
  • "Koopa sure has a lotta nerve trying to sell us into slavery!"
  • "Let's bail!"
  • "Way to go, Mar-i-o!"
  • "Yeah, one for eating!"

The Provolone Ranger

  • "Look, there goes Mario. Mario?"
  • "I got to check this action out."
  • "Well Billy the Koopa, now what do ya think of the Provolone Ranger? Hey, Koopa's-"
  • "Later, dude!"

Flatbush Koopa

  • "Thanks for scarin' off Koopa! You Mario Brothers are super!"
  • "Sure is!"
  • "No Troopas to fight off..."
  • "Mondo bored! And I sure miss Mario and Luigi."
  • "Mushroom power to the rescue!"
  • "Now, Princess!"
  • "Sorry, dudes. We just found you guys, and this was the only rescue we could think of."
  • "That's for sure!"
  • "Koopa!"
  • "Hey Koopa, if you want your scepter, come and get it!"

Crocodile Mario

  • "Put that croc in shock, Mario!"
  • "When we get down to street level, they start chewing us!"
  • "Yeah because the barbecue is us!"
  • "If I'd known it was gonna be this dangerous, I would've gone with Mario and Luigi."
  • "Sorry dude, we gotta borrow your tree for a while."
  • "Hey Marios, grab this!"

Robo Koopa

  • "Mario, jump for your life!"
  • "Hit the deck! It's a Bullet Bill!"
  • "You can say that again!"
  • "So what are we gonna do about that Robo stinker?"
  • "This is the the man who was gonna stop Koopa?"
  • "Oh yeah?"
  • "Those Koopas are no match for the Mighty Mushroom of Might!"
  • "Uh oh, we got Robo trouble!"
  • "Oh no!"
  • "Watch out, guys!"


The Great Gladiator Gig

  • "Mash 'em! Stomp 'em! Crush 'em!"
  • "Mash 'em! Stomp 'em! Crush 'em!"
  • "I dunno. Ask him."
  • "I dunno. Ask him."
  • "Mash 'em! Stomp 'em! Crush 'em!"
  • "I'll take that one! No, that one! I've got 'em!"
  • "No! Got the other one!"
  • "Hey! What?"

The Adventures of Sherlock Mario

  • "Heheh! I bet it was Mouser!"
  • "Heheh! Three heads are better than one!"

Do You Princess Toadstool Take This Koopa...?

  • "Do you Princess Toadstool take this regal reptile for your husband?"

Koopa Klaus

  • "Ice bombs are loaded on the sleigh, Koopa Klaus."
  • "Guh! And an unhappy New Year! Ha! Hehehe!"


  • "Baloney! I am comin' in!"
  • "Yes master."
  • "I will leave now since Mario, my pal, is not here."

Vampa White

  • "Welcome to the Wheel of Misfortune, the game of pain, misery, and torture! I'm your hostess, Vampa White."
  • "Playing the game is simple, to decide the Mario Brothers' fate, we simply spin the wheel!"
  • "Congratulations! You win a trip to the Tunnel of Doom."
  • "Bon voyage!"


  • "Spaghetti? We're not spaghetti. We're worms!"
  • "I've never been so insulted in my whole life."


  • "Are you here to like, buy something, or just make a mess."
  • "So what'll it be? Burritos, enchiladas, quesadillas?"
  • "Ah! It's El Koopitan! I'm getting outta here!"
  • "You baked thunders decide what you want yet? Oops! I forgot!"
  • "The legendary masked hero, Zero. And if you guys can keep my secret, I'll give you all the tacos you can carry."



  • "Great story, Bunny! Want some more Quik?" - Nestle Quik Commercial


  • "Every I time I drink Quik, it takes to a place called Quik Land. Where you can float down chocolatey streams with the Quik tub sippers, glide down in smooth, chocolatey mountain pools, and even sail underneath the Pass-It-Along Bridge!" - Nestle Quik Commercial
  • "Uh, sure, pass it along! Nestle Quik; It's a chocolatey dream come true." - Nestle Quik Commercial


  • "Gee, thanks!" - Nestle Quik Commercial


  • "The Super Mario Brothers Super Show! Afternoons at 4 in channel 43's KidsLand." - KidsLand Commercial
  • "Super Mario! tomorrow at 7." - 1990 Promo