List of Yoshi designs in Yoshi's Woolly World

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The following is a list of Yoshi's Woolly World and Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Yoshi designs that can be are unlocked in the game. Most designs are unlocked by collecting all five Wonder Wool in a course. There are three other ways to unlock Yoshis. Completing King Bowser's Castle unlocks the primary colored Yoshis and White Yoshi, and the completing each set of four Boss Challenges at the Boss Tent grants the Wonder Wool for reknitting a Yoshi. Other designs are unlocked through scanning certain amiibo, listed below, as well as any variant of the amiibo. Scanning a non-compatible amiibo (such as a character from the Pokémon series or any amiibo released after 2015) will result in the generic amiibo Yoshi design. This additionally transforms the current Yoshi into the Yoshi of the amiibo, but both are separate characters in the game and the former state can be reaccessed.

Some of the Yoshi designs are based on characters. Every boss fought in a castle has one, and there are a few others. This is true of every design available only by using an amiibo except for amiibo Yoshi, which is based on the character of the amiibo that was scanned. All Yoshi reknit in special courses are based on consoles made by Nintendo.

Once an design is unlocked, if it was unlocked through completing a course in a world, it can be selected as the player character on the World Map next to the course it was unlocked in. The remaining Yoshis that are reknit can be found on Craft Island, though Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World removes most of the Yoshis from this location. Alternatively, the Yoshi Hut contains all Yoshi that have been reknit plus the Yoshis the player started the game with, for easier access. Yoshis unlocked by scanning an amiibo are found in the amiibo Hut.

Each Yoshi design is considered to be a specific color, which is the color of yarn produced if they are used as a yarn ball by a co-op partner. In most cases this color is irrelevant, but the four frames of Baby Bowser statues found in King Bowser's Castle require a specific yarn color to be filled in. Any other color will only fill those objects in temporarily before wearing off.

If the player uses an Yarn Yoshi amiibo, they can save one design to it. This design is used for the Double Yoshi feature if the amiibo is scanned during a course. The saved design is also stored in the amiibo Hut for future use. Loading a saved design in a different set of save data allows for designs to be available in save data before they are unlocked normally.

All of the Yoshi designs reknitted through collecting five Wonder Wool in a course of a world have two alternate color schemes. In Yoshi's Woolly World, these can only be accessed by saving the Yoshi design to a Yarn Yoshi amiibo. As with all Yoshi designs saved to amiibo, that Yoshi with the alternate colors can be accessed in the amiibo Hut. In Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World, the player has the option to change a Yoshi to one of the alternate color schemse in the Yoshi Hut. The effect is only permanent if the player chooses to play as that Yoshi though. Note that the alternate colors are not retained during pre-rendered cutscenes, of which the only one in the game accessible past the point the player can have a reknitted Yoshi is the game's ending.

Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World adds additional designs were added to accommodate for the new amiibo released since the original game. These patterns are exclusive to this game. Additionally, players can Yoshi create Original Yoshi with custom patterns in the Craft Yoshi room of the Yoshi Hut.

Regular patterns[edit]

Image Unlocked from Name Transformation egg color
English Japanese[1] French Spanish German Italian Dutch
Green Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. File 1 default, or clearing World 6-8 in files 2 and 3 Green Yoshi みどりヨッシー Yoshi vert Yoshi verde Grüner-Yoshi Yoshi verde Groene Yoshi Green
Red Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Default Red Yoshi あかヨッシー Yoshi rouge Yoshi rojo Roter-Yoshi Yoshi rosso Rode Yoshi Red
Blue Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 Blue Yoshi あおヨッシー Yoshi bleu Yoshi azul Blauer-Yoshi Yoshi blu Blauwe Yoshi Blue
Light-Blue Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. File 3 default, or clearing World 6-8 in files 1 and 2 Light-Blue Yoshi みずいろヨッシー Yoshi bleu ciel Yoshi azul claro Hellblauer-Yoshi Yoshi azzurro Lichtblauwe Yoshi Light blue
Yellow Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 Yellow Yoshi イエローヨッシー Yoshi jaune Yoshi amarillo Gelber-Yoshi Yoshi giallo Gele Yoshi Yellow
Pink Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. File 2 default, or clearing World 6-8 in files 1 and 3 Pink Yoshi ピンクヨッシー Yoshi rose Yoshi rosado (NOA)
Yoshi rosa (NOE)
Rosa-Yoshi Yoshi rosa Roze Yoshi Pink
Orange Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 Orange Yoshi オレンジヨッシー Yoshi orange Yoshi naranjado (NOA)
Yoshi naranja (NOE)
Orangener-Yoshi Yoshi arancione Oranje Yoshi Orange
Purple Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 Purple Yoshi むらさきヨッシー Yoshi violet Yoshi morado Lila-Yoshi Yoshi viola Paarse Yoshi Purple
Black Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 Black Yoshi くろヨッシー Yoshi noir Yoshi negro Schwarzer-Yoshi Yoshi nero Zwarte Yoshi Black
White Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 White Yoshi しろヨッシー Yoshi blanc Yoshi blanco Weißer-Yoshi Yoshi bianco Witte Yoshi White
Flower Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-1 Flower Yoshi フラワーヨッシー Yoshi fleur Yoshi flor Blumen-Yoshi Yoshi fiore Blije-Bloem-Yoshi Hot pink
Treetop Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-2 Treetop Yoshi もりのヨッシー Yoshi canopée (NOA)
Yoshi des cîmes (NOE)
Yoshi forestal (NOA)
Yoshi árbol (NOE)
Wald-Yoshi Yoshi arboreo Boomblad-Yoshi Forest green
Circus Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-3 Circus Yoshi キャンディーヨッシー Yoshi cirque Yoshi circense Bonbon-Yoshi Yoshi caramella Circus-Yoshi Purple
Hot Cocoa Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-4 Hot Cocoa Yoshi カフェヨッシー Yoshi chocolat chaud (NOA)
Yoshi cappuccino (NOE)
Yoshi chocolate Kakao-Yoshi Yoshi caffè Mokka-Yoshi Brown
Moo Moo Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-5 Moo Moo Yoshi もーもーヨッシー Yoshi Meuh Meuh (NOA)
Yoshi meuh meuh (NOE)
Yoshi vaquita (NOA)
Yoshi vaca (NOE)
Kuh-Yoshi Yoshi muu muu Koe-Yoshi Black
Shy Guy Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-6 Shy Guy Yoshi ヘイホーヨッシー Yoshi Maskache (NOA)
Yoshi Maskass (NOE)
Yoshi Shy guy (NOA)
Yoshi Shy Guy (NOE)
Shy Guy-Yoshi Yoshi Tipo Timido Shy Guy-Yoshi Red
Yoshimelon, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-7 Yoshimelon スイカヨッシー Yoshi melon d'eau (NOA)
Yoshi pastèque (NOE)
Yoshi sandía Melonen-Yoshi Yoshi cocomero Watermeloen-Yoshi Red
Burt the Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-8 Burt the Yoshi ドンブリヨッシー Yoshi Gros Bélixo (NOA)
Yoshi Bélixo (NOE)
Yoshi Inflonte Xilebo-Yoshi Yoshi Pallone Gonfiato Burt-Yoshi Yellow
Wii U Deluxe Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 1-S Wii U Deluxe Yoshi (NOA)
Wii U Yoshi (NOE)
Wii U ヨッシー Yoshi Wii U Deluxe (NOA)
Yoshi Wii U (NOE)
Yoshi Wii U Deluxe (NOA)
Yoshi Wii U (NOE)
Wii U-Yoshi Yoshi Wii U Wii U-Yoshi Cyan
Safari Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-1 Safari Yoshi デザートヨッシー Yoshi savane Yoshi safari Wüsten-Yoshi Yoshi safari Safari-Yoshi Yellow
Cinnamon Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-2 Cinnamon Yoshi しましまヨッシー Yoshi cannelle (NOA)
Yoshi zébré (NOE)
Yoshi canela Lollipop-Yoshi Yoshi chic Zuurstok-Yoshi Red
Citrus Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-3 Citrus Yoshi シトラスヨッシー Yoshi agrume Yoshi cítrico Zitrus-Yoshi Yoshi agrume Sinaasappel-Yoshi Orange
Ashen Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-4 Ashen Yoshi チェックヨッシー Yoshi cendres Yoshi ceniciento Asche-Yoshi Yoshi cenere As-Yoshi Gray
Poochy Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-5 Poochy Yoshi ポチヨッシー Yoshi Poochy Yoshi Poochy Schnuffel-Yoshi Yoshi Poochy Poochy-Yoshi Cream
Flame Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-6 Flame Yoshi かざんヨッシー Yoshi flamme Yoshi flama Vulkan-Yoshi Yoshi vulcano Vlammen-Yoshi Dark gray
Skeleton Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-7 Skeleton Yoshi ほねヨッシー Yoshi squelette Yoshi esqueleto Skelett-Yoshi Yoshi scheletro Skelet-Yoshi White
Bunson the Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-8 Bunson the Yoshi ホットドッグんヨッシー Yoshi Chôchô (NOA)
Yoshi Hot Dog (NOE)
Yoshi Quincán Hotdog-Yoshi Yoshi Fuocofacile Bunson-Yoshi Red
Wii Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 2-S Wii Yoshi Wii ヨッシー Yoshi Wii Yoshi Wii Wii-Yoshi Yoshi Wii Wii-Yoshi White
Cookie Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-1 Cookie Yoshi クッキーヨッシー Yoshi cookie Yoshi galleta Cookie-Yoshi Yoshi cioccobiscotto Koekjes-Yoshi Brown
Playtime Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-2 Playtime Yoshi おもちゃヨッシー Yoshi jouet Yoshi juguetón Spielzeug-Yoshi Yoshi giocattolo Speelgoed-Yoshi Red
Scarf Roll Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-3 Scarf Roll Yoshi よじよじヨッシー Yoshi écharpe Yoshi bufanda Schal-Yoshi Yoshi gira gira Sjaal-Yoshi Yellow
Yogurt Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-4 Yogurt Yoshi パステルヨッシー Yoshi pastel Yoshi yogur Pastell-Yoshi Yoshi pastello Yoghurt-Yoshi Cream
Fluffin' Puffin Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-5 Fluffin' Puffin Yoshi わたがーもヨッシー Yoshi Cot-Coton Yoshi Pioluche Flauschvogel-Yoshi Yoshi Sofficioccolo Fluffin' Puffin-Yoshi White
Pound Post Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-6 Pound Post Yoshi ぐるぐるヨッシー Yoshi poteau Yoshi poste Pfosten-Yoshi Yoshi tagliaerba Stamppaal-Yoshi Gold
Candyfloss Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-7 Cotton Candy Yoshi (NOA)
Candyfloss Yoshi (NOE)
レインボーヨッシー Yoshi arc-en-ciel Yoshi algodón de azúcar Regenbogen-Yoshi Yoshi arcobaleno Suikerspin-Yoshi Light cyan
Miss Cluck the Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-8 Miss Cluck the Yoshi コッコさんヨッシー Yoshi Cotclaudette Yoshi Cascarronda Gluckuhn-Yoshi Yoshi Coccò Miss Cluck-Yoshi Gold
GameCube Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 3-S GameCube Yoshi ゲームキューブヨッシー Yoshi GameCube Yoshi GameCube GameCube-Yoshi Yoshi GameCube GameCube-Yoshi Indigo
Jungle Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-1 Jungle Yoshi ジャングルヨッシー Yoshi jungle Yoshi selvático Dschungel-Yoshi Yoshi giungla Jungle-Yoshi Dark green
Lakitu Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-2 Lakitu Yoshi ジュゲムヨッシー Yoshi Lakitu Yoshi Lakitu Lakitu-Yoshi Yoshi Lakitu Lakitu-Yoshi Yellow
Apple Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-3 Apple Yoshi リンゴヨッシー Yoshi pomme Yoshi manzana Apfel-Yoshi Yoshi mela Appel-Yoshi Red
Aqua Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-4 Aqua Yoshi ウォーターヨッシー Yoshi aquatique Yoshi acuático Wasser-Yoshi Yoshi acquatico Akwa-Yoshi Light cyan
Camo Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-5 Camo Yoshi カモフラヨッシー Yoshi camouflage Yoshi camuflado Tarn-Yoshi Yoshi mimetico Camouflage-Yoshi Green
Night-time Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-6 Nighttime Yoshi (NOA)
Night-time Yoshi (NOE)
ナイトヨッシー Yoshi nocturne Yoshi nocturno Nacht-Yoshi Yoshi notturno Nacht-Yoshi Black
Leopard Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-7 Leopard Yoshi ワイルドヨッシー Yoshi léopard Yoshi leopardo Leoparden-Yoshi Yoshi selvatico Luipaard-Yoshi Yellow
Naval Piranha Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-8 Naval Piranha Yoshi パックンヨッシー Yoshi Ultra Piranha Yoshi Piraña Fluvial Piranha-Yoshi Yoshi Piranha Ombelico Naval Piranha-Yoshi Red
Nintendo 64 Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 4-S Nintendo 64 Yoshi ロクヨンヨッシー Yoshi N64 Yoshi N64 Nintendo 64-Yoshi Yoshi Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64-Yoshi Black
Alpine Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-1 Alpine Yoshi ウィンターヨッシー Yoshi alpin Yoshi alpino Winter-Yoshi Yoshi invernale Alpen-Yoshi Blue
Glacier Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-2 Glacier Yoshi アイスヨッシー Yoshi glaçon Yoshi glacial Gletscher-Yoshi Yoshi glaciale Gletsjer-Yoshi Denim blue
Panda Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-3 Panda Yoshi パンダヨッシー Yoshi panda Yoshi panda Panda-Yoshi Yoshi panda Panda-Yoshi Black
Frostbite Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-4 Frostbite Yoshi ボーダーヨッシー Yoshi polaire Yoshi polar Eis-Yoshi Yoshi polare Vrieskou-Yoshi Cerulean
Star Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-5 Star Yoshi スターヨッシー Yoshi étoile Yoshi estrella Stern-Yoshi Yoshi stellato Sterren-Yoshi Dark blue
Trousers Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-6 Trousers Yoshi ズボンヨッシー Yoshi pantalon Yoshi pantalones Hosen-Yoshi Yoshi pantaloni Broek-Yoshi Dark blue
Blizzard Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-7 Blizzard Yoshi スポーツヨッシー Yoshi sports d'hiver Yoshi ventisca Frost-Yoshi Yoshi bufera Sneeuwstorm-Yoshi Blue
Snifberg the Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 5-8 Snifberg the Yoshi アイスムーチョヨッシー Yoshi Glafit Yoshi Friolfiti Eis-Snifit-Yoshi Yoshi il Freddoloso Snifberg-Yoshi Blue
Super NES Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World.
Super NES Yoshi (North America) from Yoshi's Woolly World
World 5-S
Top image (European/Australian and Japanese versions)
Bottom image (American version)
Super NES Yoshi スーファミヨッシー Yoshi Super Nintendo Yoshi SNES SNES-Yoshi Yoshi Super Nes SNES-Yoshi Lavender (North American version)
Light gray (European/Australian and Japanese versions)
Sunset Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-1 Sunset Yoshi ゆうやけヨッシー Yoshi soir d'été Yoshi atardecer Abendhimmel-Yoshi Yoshi tramonto Zonsondergang-Yoshi Purple
Hornet Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-2 Hornet Yoshi イナズマヨッシー Yoshi électrique Yoshi avispón Blitz-Yoshi Yoshi fulmine Wespen-Yoshi Gray
Lava Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-3 Lava Yoshi ホットヨッシー Yoshi magma Yoshi lava Lava-Yoshi Yoshi lava Lava-Yoshi Red
Bubblegum Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-4 Bubblegum Yoshi ドットヨッシー Yoshi à pois Yoshi chicle Kaugummi-Yoshi Yoshi a pois Bubbelgum-Yoshi Pink
Spooky Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-5 Spooky Yoshi ナイトメアヨッシー Yoshi Halloween Yoshi tétrico Grusel-Yoshi Yoshi incubo Griezel-Yoshi Violet
Painty Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-6 Painty Yoshi ペイントヨッシー Yoshi gribouillis Yoshi pincelado Farbklecks-Yoshi Yoshi imbrattato Verf-Yoshi White
Kamek Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-7 Kamek Yoshi カメックヨッシー Yoshi Kamek Yoshi Kamek Kamek-Yoshi Yoshi Kamek Kamek-Yoshi Blue
Baby Bowser Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. World 6-8 Baby Bowser Yoshi ベビィクッパヨッシー Yoshi Bébé Bowser Yoshi Bebé Bowser Baby Bowser-Yoshi Yoshi Baby Bowser Baby Bowser-Yoshi Olive green
NES Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World.
NES Yoshi Famicom (Japan) from Yoshi's Woolly World
World 6-S
Top image (European/Australian and American versions)
Bottom image (Japanese version)
NES Yoshi ファミコンヨッシー Yoshi NES Yoshi NES NES-Yoshi Yoshi NES NES-Yoshi Light gray (European/Australian and American versions)
White (Japanese version)
Bronze Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Boss Tent Bronze Yoshi どうのヨッシー Yoshi bronze Yoshi bronce Brozener-Yoshi Yoshi bronzeo Bronzen Yoshi Bronze
Silver Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Boss Tent Silver Yoshi ぎんのヨッシー Yoshi argent Yoshi plata Silberner-Yoshi Yoshi argentato Zilveren Yoshi Silver
Gold Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Boss Tent Gold Yoshi きんのヨッシー Yoshi or Yoshi oro Goldener-Yoshi Yoshi dorato Gouden Yoshi Gold
Shiny Platinum Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. ★-S Shiny Platinum Yoshi オーロラヨッシー Yoshi étincelant Yoshi iridiscente Platin-Yoshi Yoshi aurora Platina Yoshi Platinum

amiibo patterns[edit]

This section is a stub. Please consider expanding it to include any missing information. Specifics: Transformation egg colors

Image amiibo Name
English Japanese French Spanish German Italian Dutch
Yoshi Amiibo Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Any Yoshi amiibo Yoshi ヨッシー Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi
Amiibo Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Any non-compatible amiibo amiibo Yoshi amiiboヨッシー Yoshi amiibo Yoshi amiibo amiibo-Yoshi Yoshi amiibo amiibo-Yoshi
Bowser Yoshi.png Any Bowser amiibo Bowser Yoshi クッパ Yoshi Bowser Yoshi Bowser Bowser-Yoshi Yoshi Bowser Bowser-Yoshi
Bowser Jr. Yoshi Any Bowser Jr. amiibo Bowser Jr. Yoshi クッパ Jr. Yoshi Bowser Jr. Yoshi Bowser Jr. (NOA)
Yoshi Bowsy (NOE)
Bowser Jr.-Yoshi Yoshi Bowser Junior Bowser Jr.-Yoshi
Captain Falcon design in Yoshi's Woolly World Any Captain Falcon amiibo Captain Falcon Yoshi キャプテン・ファルコン Yoshi Capitaine Falcon (NOA)
Yoshi Captain Falcon (NOE)
Yoshi Capitán Falcon (NOA)
Yoshi Captain Falcon (NOE)
Captain Falcon-Yoshi Yoshi Captain Falcon Captain Falcon-Yoshi
Dark Pit Yoshi.png Any Dark Pit amiibo Dark Pit Yoshi ブラックピット Yoshi Pit maléfique Yoshi Pit Sombrío Finsterer Pit-Yoshi Yoshi Pit oscuro Dark Pit-Yoshi
Diddy Kong Yoshi.png Any Diddy Kong amiibo Diddy Kong Yoshi ディディーコング Yoshi Diddy Kong Yoshi Diddy Kong Diddy Kong-Yoshi Yoshi Diddy Kong Diddy Kong-Yoshi
Donkey kong amiibo yoshi from yoshi's woolly world Any Donkey Kong amiibo Donkey Kong Yoshi ドンキーコング Yoshi Donkey Kong Yoshi Donkey Kong Donkey Kong-Yoshi Yoshi Donkey Kong Donkey Kong-Yoshi
dr mario amiibo yoshi Any Dr. Mario amiibo Dr. Mario Yoshi ドクターマリオ Yoshi Dr. Mario Yoshi Dr. Mario Dr. Mario-Yoshi Yoshi Dr. Mario Dr. Mario-Yoshi
Duck Hunt Yoshi.png Any Duck Hunt amiibo Duck Hunt Yoshi (NOA)
Duck Hunt Duo Yoshi (NOE)
ダックハント Yoshi Duck Hunt (NOA)
Yoshi Duo Duck Hunt (NOE)
Yoshi Duck Hunt (NOA)
Yoshi Dúo Duck Hunt (NOE)
Duck-Hunt-Duo-Yoshi Yoshi Duo Duck Hunt Duck Hunt-Duo-Yoshi
Falco Yoshi.png Any Falco amiibo Falco Yoshi ファルコ Yoshi Falco Yoshi Falco Falco-Yoshi Yoshi Falco Falco-Yoshi
Fox Yoshi.png Any Fox amiibo Fox Yoshi フォックス Yoshi Fox Yoshi Fox Fox-Yoshi Yoshi Fox Fox-Yoshi
Ganondorf Yoshi.png Any Ganon amiibo Ganondorf Yoshi ガノンドロフ Yoshi Ganondorf Yoshi Ganondorf Ganondorf-Yoshi Yoshi Ganondorf Ganondorf-Yoshi
Yoshi's Ike costume in Yoshi's Woolly World (full) Any Ike amiibo Ike Yoshi アイク Yoshi Ike Yoshi Ike Ike-Yoshi Yoshi Ike Ike-Yoshi
Inkling Boy amiibo from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Inkling Boy amiibo Inkling Boy Yoshi インクリングスボーイ Yoshi garçon Inkling Yoshi Inkling chico Inkling-Junge-Yoshi Yoshi ragazzo Inkling Inkling-jongen-Yoshi
Inkling Girl Yoshi.png Any Inkling Girl amiibo Inkling Girl Yoshi インクリングスガール Yoshi fille Inkling Yoshi Inkling chica Inkling-Mädchen-Yoshi Yoshi ragazza Inkling Inkling-meisje-Yoshi
Inkling Squid amiibo from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Inkling Squid amiibo Inkling Squid Yoshi インクリングス Yoshi calamar Inkling Yoshi Inkling calamar Inkling-Tintenfisch-Yoshi Yoshi calamaro Inkling Inkling-inktvis-Yoshi
King Dedede amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any King Dedede amiibo King Dedede Yoshi デデデ大王 Yoshi Roi DaDiDou Yoshi Rey Dedede König Dedede-Yoshi Yoshi King Dedede King Dedede-Yoshi
Kirby Yoshi.png Any Kirby amiibo Kirby Yoshi カービィ Yoshi Kirby Yoshi Kirby Kirby-Yoshi Yoshi Kirby Kirby-Yoshi
Link Yoshi.png Any Link amiibo Link Yoshi リンク Yoshi Link Yoshi Link Link-Yoshi Yoshi Link Link-Yoshi
Little Mac Yoshi.png Any Little Mac amiibo Little Mac Yoshi リトル・マック Yoshi Little Mac Yoshi Little Mac Little Mac-Yoshi Yoshi Little Mac Little Mac-Yoshi
Yoshi's Lucina costume in Yoshi's Woolly World (full) Any Lucina amiibo Lucina Yoshi ルキナ Yoshi Lucina Yoshi Lucina Lucina-Yoshi Yoshi Lucina Lucina-Yoshi
Luigi Yoshi.png Any Luigi amiibo Luigi Yoshi ルイージ Yoshi Luigi Yoshi Luigi Luigi-Yoshi Yoshi Luigi Luigi-Yoshi
mario amiibo yoshi from yoshi's woolly world Any Mario amiibo Mario Yoshi マリオ Yoshi Mario Yoshi Mario Mario-Yoshi Yoshi Mario Mario-Yoshi
Marth Yoshi.png Any Marth amiibo Marth Yoshi マルス Yoshi Marth Yoshi Marth Marth-Yoshi Yoshi Marth Marth-Yoshi
Mega Man Yoshi.png Any Mega Man amiibo Mega Man Yoshi ロックマン Yoshi Mega Man Yoshi Mega Man Mega Man-Yoshi Yoshi Mega Man Mega Man-Yoshi
Meta Knight design in Yoshi's Woolly World Any Meta Knight amiibo Meta Knight Yoshi メタナイト Yoshi Meta Knight Yoshi Meta Knight Meta-Knight-Yoshi Yoshi Meta Knight Meta Knight-Yoshi
Mii Brawler amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Mii Brawler amiibo Mii Brawler Yoshi Mii 格闘タイプ Yoshi Boxeur Mii Yoshi Peleador Mii (NOA)
Yoshi Karateka Mii (NOE)
Mii-Boxer-Yoshi Yoshi Lottatore Mii Mii-Bokser-Yoshi
Mii Gunner amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Mii Gunner amiibo Mii Gunner Yoshi Mii 射撃タイプ Yoshi Tireur Mii Yoshi Tirador Mii Mii-Schütze-Yoshi Yoshi Fuciliere Mii Mii-Cyborg-Yoshi
Mii Swordfighter amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Mii Swordfighter amiibo Mii Swordfighter Yoshi (NOA)
Mii Sword Fighter Yoshi (NOE)
Mii 剣術タイプ Yoshi Épéiste Mii Yoshi Espadachín Mii Mii-Schwertkämpfer-Yoshi Yoshi Spadaccino Mii Mii-Zwaardvechter-Yoshi
Mr Game and Watch Yoshi.png Any Mr. Game & Watch amiibo Mr. Game & Watch Yoshi Mr.ゲーム&ウォッチ Yoshi Mr. Game & Watch Yoshi Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch-Yoshi Yoshi Mr. Game & Watch Mr. Game & Watch-Yoshi
Yoshi's Ness costume in Yoshi's Woolly World (full) Any Ness amiibo Ness Yoshi ネス Yoshi Ness Yoshi Ness Ness-Yoshi Yoshi Ness Ness-Yoshi
olimar amiibo yoshi from yoshi's woolly world Any Olimar amiibo Olimar Yoshi オリマー Yoshi Olimar Yoshi Olimar Olimar-Yoshi Yoshi Olimar Olimar-Yoshi
A Yoshi pattern based on Pac-Man. Any Pac-Man amiibo PAC-MAN Yoshi パックマン Yoshi PAC-MAN Yoshi PAC-MAN PAC-MAN-Yoshi Yoshi PAC-MAN PAC-MAN-Yoshi
Yoshi's Palutena costume in Yoshi's Woolly World (full) Any Palutena amiibo Palutena Yoshi パルテナ Yoshi Paluténa (NOA)
Yoshi Palutena (NOE)
Yoshi Palutena Palutena-Yoshi Yoshi Palutena Palutena-Yoshi
princess peach amiibo yoshi from yoshi's woolly world Any Peach amiibo Peach Yoshi ピーチ Yoshi Peach Yoshi Peach Peach-Yoshi Yoshi Peach Peach-Yoshi
Pit Amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Wooly World Any Pit amiibo Pit Yoshi ピット Yoshi Pit Yoshi Pit Pit-Yoshi Yoshi Pit Pit-Yoshi
R.O.B. Yoshi (International).png R.O.B. - NES Colors (Super Smash Bros. series) amiibo R.O.B. Yoshi ロボット Yoshi R.O.B. Yoshi R.O.B. R.O.B.-Yoshi Yoshi R.O.B. R.O.B.-Yoshi
Japanese R.O.B. design in Yoshi's Woolly World R.O.B. - Famicom Colors (Super Smash Bros. series) amiibo R.O.B. Yoshi ロボット Yoshi R.O.B. Yoshi R.O.B. R.O.B.-Yoshi Yoshi R.O.B. R.O.B.-Yoshi
Yoshi's Robin costume in Yoshi's Woolly World Any Robin amiibo Robin Yoshi ルフレ Yoshi Robin (NOA)
Yoshi Daraen (NOE)
Yoshi Robin (NOA)
Yoshi Daraen (NOE)
Daraen-Yoshi Yoshi Daraen Robin-Yoshi
Yoshi's Rosalina costume in Yoshi's Woolly World (full) Any Rosalina amiibo Rosalina Yoshi ロゼッタ Yoshi Rosalina (NOA)
Yoshi Harmonie (NOE)
Yoshi Rosalina (NOA)
Yoshi Estela (NOE)
Rosalina-Yoshi Yoshi Rosalinda Rosalina-Yoshi
Samus Yoshi, from Yoshi's Woolly World. Any Samus amiibo Samus Yoshi サムス Yoshi Samus Yoshi Samus Samus-Yoshi Yoshi Samus Samus-Yoshi
Sheik Yoshi.png Any Sheik amiibo Sheik Yoshi シーク Yoshi Sheik Yoshi Sheik Shiek-Yoshi Yoshi Sheik Sheik-Yoshi
Yoshi's Shulk costume in Yoshi's Woolly World (full) Any Shulk amiibo Shulk Yoshi シュルク Yoshi Shulk Yoshi Shulk Shulk-Yoshi Yoshi Shulk Shulk-Yoshi
Yoshi's Sonic the Hedgehog pattern design in Yoshi's Woolly World. Any Sonic amiibo Sonic Yoshi (NOA)
Sonic the Hedgehog Yoshi (NOE)
ソニック Yoshi Sonic (NOA)
Yoshi Sonic the Hedgehog (NOE)
Yoshi Sonic (NOA)
Yoshi Sonic the Hedgehog (NOE)
Sonic the Hedgehog-Yoshi Yoshi Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog-Yoshi
Toad Yoshi.png Any Toad amiibo Toad Yoshi キノピオ Yoshi Toad Yoshi Toad Toad-Yoshi Yoshi Toad Toad-Yoshi
Toon Link Yoshi.png Any Toon Link amiibo Toon Link Yoshi トゥーンリンク Yoshi Link Cartoon Yoshi Toon Link Toon Link-Yoshi Yoshi Link cartone Toon Link-Yoshi
Villager amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Villager amiibo Villager Yoshi むらびと Yoshi Habitant (NOA)
Yoshi Villageois (NOE)
Yoshi Aldeano Bewohner-Yoshi Yoshi Abitante Dorpsbewoner-Yoshi
Wario amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Wario amiibo (Wii U)
Wario (Super Smash Bros. series) amiibo (3DS)
Wario Yoshi (Wii U)
Smash Wario Yoshi (NOA)
Smash Bros. Wario Yoshi (NOE) (3DS)
ワリオ Yoshi Wario (Wii U)
Yoshi Wario Smash Bros. (3DS)
Yoshi Wario (Wii U)
Yoshi Wario Smash (NOA)
Yoshi Wario (Smash Bros.) (NOE) (3DS)
Wario-Yoshi (Wii U)
Wario-Yoshi (Smash Bros.) (3DS)
Yoshi Wario (Wii U)
Yoshi Wario Smash Bros. (3DS)
Wario-Yoshi (Wii U)
Wario-Yoshi (Smash Bros.) (3DS)
Wii Fit Trainer amiibo Yoshi from Yoshi's Woolly World Any Wii Fit Trainer amiibo Wii Fit Trainer Yoshi Wii Fit トレーナー Yoshi Entraîneuse Wii Fit Yoshi Entrenadora de Wii Fit Wii Fit-Trainerin-Yoshi Yoshi Trainer di Wii Fit Wii Fit-Trainer-Yoshi
Zelda Yoshi.png Any Zelda amiibo Zelda Yoshi ゼルダ Yoshi Zelda Yoshi Zelda Zelda-Yoshi Yoshi Zelda Zelda-Yoshi
Zero Suit Samus Yoshi.png Any Zero Suit Samus amiibo Zero Suit Samus Yoshi ゼロスーツサムス Yoshi Samus sans combinaison (NOA)
Yoshi Samus sans armure (NOE)
Yoshi Samus Zero Zero Suit Samus-Yoshi Yoshi Samus Tuta Zero Zero Suit Samus-Yoshi

Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World-exclusive patterns[edit]

Image amiibo Name
English Japanese French Spanish German Italian Dutch
Blathers amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Blathers amiibo Blathers Yoshi フータ Yoshi Thibou Yoshi Sócrates Eugen-Yoshi Yoshi Blatero Blathers-Yoshi
Boo amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Boo (Super Mario series) amiibo Boo Yoshi テレサ Yoshi Boo Yoshi Bú (NOA)
Yoshi Boo (NOE)
Buu Huu-Yoshi Yoshi Boo Boo-Yoshi
Callie amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Callie amiibo Callie Yoshi アオリ Yoshi Ayo Yoshi Mar Aioli-Yoshi Yoshi Stella Callie-Yoshi
Celeste amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Celeste amiibo Celeste Yoshi フーコ Yoshi Céleste Yoshi Estela (NOA)
Yoshi Estela (Animal Crossing) (NOE)
Eufemia-Yoshi Yoshi Estela Celeste-Yoshi
Corrin amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Corrin amiibo Corrin Yoshi カムイ Yoshi Corrin Yoshi Corrin Corrin-Yoshi Yoshi Corrin Corrin-Yoshi
Cyrus amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Cyrus amiibo Cyrus Yoshi カイゾー Yoshi Serge Yoshi Al Björn-Yoshi Yoshi Merino Cyrus-Yoshi
Daisy amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Daisy amiibo Daisy Yoshi デイジー Yoshi Daisy Yoshi Daisy Daisy-Yoshi Yoshi Daisy Daisy-Yoshi
Digby amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Digby amiibo Digby Yoshi ケント Yoshi Max Yoshi Candrés Moritz-Yoshi Yoshi Fofò Digby-Yoshi
Green Inkling Girl amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Green Inkling Girl (Splatoon series) amiibo Green Inkling Girl Yoshi ガール【ライムグリーン】 Yoshi fille Inkling vert clair Yoshi Inkling chica - verde lima (NOA)
Yoshi Inkling chica (lima) (NOE)
Grüner Inkling-Mädchen-Yoshi Yoshi ragazza Inkling verde Groene Inkling-meisje-Yoshi
Kapp'n amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Kapp'n amiibo Kapp'n Yoshi かっぺい Yoshi Amiral Yoshi Capitán Käpten-Yoshi Yoshi Remo Kapp'n-Yoshi
Kicks amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Kicks amiibo Kicks Yoshi シャンク Yoshi Blaise Yoshi Betunio Schubert-Yoshi Yoshi Sciuscià Kicks-Yoshi
K.K. amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any K.K. amiibo K.K. Yoshi とたけけ Yoshi Kéké Yoshi Totakeke K.K.-Yoshi Yoshi K.K. K.K.-Yoshi
Lottie amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Lottie amiibo Lottie Yoshi タクミ Yoshi Lou Yoshi Nuria Karlotta-Yoshi Yoshi Casimira Lottie-Yoshi
Lucas amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Lucas amiibo Lucas Yoshi リュカ Yoshi Lucas Yoshi Lucas Lucas-Yoshi Yoshi Lucas Lucas-Yoshi
Mabel amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Mabel amiibo Mabel Yoshi きぬよ Yoshi Layette Yoshi Pili Tina-Yoshi Yoshi Agostina Mabel-Yoshi
Marie amiibo design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Marie amiibo Marie Yoshi ホタル Yoshi Oly Yoshi Tina Limone-Yoshi Yoshi Marina Marie-Yoshi
Orange Inkling Squid amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Orange Inkling Squid (Splatoon series) amiibo Orange Inkling Squid Yoshi イカ【オレンジ】 Yoshi calamar Inkling orange Yoshi Inkling calamar - naranja (NOA)
Yoshi Inkling calamar (naranja) (NOE)
Oranger Inkling-Tintenfisch-Yoshi Yoshi calamaro Inkling arancione Oranje Inkling-inktvis-Yoshi
Purple Inkling Boy amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Purple Inkling Boy (Splatoon series) amiibo Purple Inkling Boy Yoshi ボーイ【パープル】 Yoshi garçon Inkling violet Yoshi Inkling chico - violeta (NOA)
Yoshi Inkling chico (morado) (NOE)
Lila Inkling-Junge-Yoshi Yoshi ragazzo Inkling viola Paarse Inkling-jongen-Yoshi
Reese amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Reese amiibo Reese Yoshi リサ Yoshi Risette Yoshi Paca Rosina-Yoshi Yoshi Alpaca Reese-Yoshi
Resetti amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Resetti amiibo Resetti Yoshi リセットさん Yoshi Resetti Yoshi Rese T. Ado Resetti-Yoshi Yoshi Resetti Resetti-Yoshi
Rover amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Rover amiibo Rover Yoshi みしらぬネコ Yoshi Charly Yoshi Fran Olli-Yoshi Yoshi Girolamo Rover-Yoshi
Roy amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Roy amiibo Roy Yoshi ロイ Yoshi Roy Yoshi Roy Roy-Yoshi Yoshi Roy Roy-Yoshi
Ryu amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Ryu amiibo Ryu Yoshi リュウ Yoshi Ryu Yoshi Ryu Ryu-Yoshi Yoshi Ryu Ryu-Yoshi
Isabelle (summer outfit) amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Isabelle Summer Outfit amiibo Summer Isabelle Yoshi しずえ【夏服】 Yoshi Marie (été) Yoshi Canela - Ropa de verano (NOA)
Yoshi Canela (verano) (NOE)
Melinda-Yoshi (Sommer) Yoshi Fuffi estivo Isabelle-Yoshi (zomerkleding)
Timmy & Tommy amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Timmy & Tommy amiibo Timmy & Tommy Yoshi まめきち&つぶきち Yoshi Méli et Mélo Yoshi Tendo y Nendo Nepp und Schlepp-Yoshi Yoshi Mirco e Marco Timmy & Tommy-Yoshi
Tom Nook amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Tom Nook amiibo Tom Nook Yoshi たぬきち Yoshi Tom Nook Yoshi Tom Nook Tom Nook-Yoshi Yoshi Tom Nook Tom Nook-Yoshi
Waddle Dee Yoshi design from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Waddle Dee amiibo Waddle Dee Yoshi ワドルディ Yoshi Waddle Dee Yoshi Waddle Dee Waddle Dee-Yoshi Yoshi Waddle Dee Waddle Dee-Yoshi
Waluigi amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Waluigi (Super Mario series) amiibo Waluigi Yoshi ワルイージ Yoshi Waluigi Yoshi Waluigi Waluigi-Yoshi Yoshi Waluigi Waluigi-Yoshi
Wario (super mario) amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Wario amiibo Super Wario Yoshi (NOA)
Wario Yoshi (NOE)
ワリオ Yoshi Wario Yoshi Super Wario (NOA)
Yoshi Wario (NOE)
Wario-Yoshi Yoshi Wario Wario-Yoshi
Isabelle (winter outfit) amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Isabelle Winter Outfit amiibo Winter Isabelle Yoshi しずえ【冬服】 Yoshi Marie (hiver) Yoshi Canela - Ropa de invierno (NOA)
Yoshi Canela (invierno) (NOE)
Melinda-Yoshi (Winter) Yoshi Fuffi invernale Isabelle-Yoshi (winterkleding)
Wolf Link amiibo from Poochy & Yoshi's Woolly World Any Wolf Link amiibo Wolf Link Yoshi ウルフリンク Yoshi Link loup Yoshi Link Lobo Wolf-Link-Yoshi Yoshi Link lupo Wolf-Link-Yoshi


  1. ^ ヨッシー ウールワールド 攻略ランド - 仲間のヨッシー. (Japanese). Retrieved June 30, 2024.