Wooded Kingdom

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Wooded Kingdom
Wooded Kingdom artwork from Super Mario Odyssey.
Boss(es) Spewart
Mission(s) Road to Sky Garden
Flower Thieves of Sky Garden
Path to the Secret Flower Field
Defend the Secret Flower Field!
Power Moons 80
Regional coins 100

The Wooded Kingdom is a region featured in Super Mario Odyssey, and can either be the fourth or the fifth location visited, depending on if the player selects to go here or to the Lake Kingdom after leaving the Sand Kingdom. It is the greater location of Steam Gardens, a large forest area containing several iron structures. This area is also surrounded by large mountains, as well as a geodesic dome. The Steam Gardens is home to the Steam Gardeners, who water and grow flowers throughout the area, especially in their Sky Garden Tower and Secret Flower Field. This area is also home to their prized Soirée Bouquet.

When Mario first visits this kingdom, the Broodals can be found invading the Sky Garden. After traversing through the Iron Road, Mario reaches the top of the Sky Garden Tower, where he encounters Spewart, one of the Broodals. Upon defeating him, Mario will be rewarded with a Multi Moon, which (when collected) causes Torkdrift to appear and wreak havoc in the Secret Flower Field. Mario must then traverse through the area (which is now overrun by Sherms) and reach the entrance to the Secret Flower Field at the far northern reaches of the kingdom. Upon entering the Secret Flower Field, Mario will encounter Torkdrift, who is attempting to steal the flowers. If Mario can successfully defeat Torkdrift, he will be rewarded with another Multi Moon. Collecting this one will restore the Steam Gardens to its former glory, allowing the Steam Gardeners to continue growing flowers and allowing access to more Power Moons. Once Mario collects enough Power Moons, he can access the next kingdom - either the Lake Kingdom (if the player has not yet visited it) or the Cloud Kingdom (if both the Lake and Wooded Kingdoms have been visited).

If Mario falls into the pit below the kingdom's southern region, he lands in the Deep Woods, a dark forest inhabited by a T-Rex. To escape, Mario must plant a seed dispensed by a blue Steam Gardener into one of the glowing pots to grow a beanstalk that leads back to the kingdom's mainland. Throughout the kingdom, there are also many nuts that can be broken to obtain a Power Moon.

This location is potentially based on the Redwood National and State Parks in California. The Steam Gardens' original name, Kogwald, is German for "Cog Woods", and the background features mountains that resemble the Alps. The location also vaguely resembles Canada due to its dense forests and snowy mountains.

The Wooded Kingdom is located south of the Lake Kingdom, southeast of the Sand Kingdom, and southwest of the Cloud Kingdom. The landmass these kingdoms are all located on resembles Pangaea.

Brochure details[edit]

Art from the Wooded Kingdom brochure Wooded Kingdom
"Ancient Gardens Tended by Futuristic Machines"
Steam Gardens
"The world's most advanced greenhouse."
Population Automated Size Deep, Wide
Locals Steam Gardeners Currency Nut-shaped
Industry Flowers Temperature Average 82°F (28°C)
An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure
You can't miss the bright red machinery.

The Living Factory

No one knows who built the giant machines dotting this land, but today the Steam Gardeners use them to maintain the greatest flower gardens in the world. The giant dome is climate-controlled and apparently self-sufficient, operating with no maintenance since ancient times.

An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure
Locals are a bit off-putting but quite friendly.

Guardians of Paradise

Visitors are welcomed not only by the humid air, but worker robots tending the flowers. They're known as Steam Gardeners, longtime residents of the kingdom. You'll be impressed at how long they can work without rest, maintaining themselves perfectly. But beyond being hard workers, the robots love flowers—some grow them right out of their heads! You'll feel the Steam Gardeners' warm hearts, from their flowers and also their internal steam pumps.

An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure
There are flower gardens everywhere.

Flowers as a Way of Life

While you'll see amazing flowers on any visit, you might be lucky enough to see the famous Steam Gardens Soirée Bouquet. It features giant white flowers that charm all who lay eyes on it. As you might guess from the name, it's by far the most popular bouquet for wedding ceremonies, sought after by wedding planners the world over.

An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure
Bring a pith helmet if you go exploring here!

A Deep Wood's Secret

It doesn't appear on any tours, but there is an area untouched by the machines of the Steam Gardens. Here the trees grow quickly, barely allowing any light through. The Steam Gardeners do not speak of it, but rumor has it they discourage visiting this place because of the danger posed by the giant creatures that call it home.

An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure
Safety tip: Don't dawdle.

A Growing Walkway

Be sure to try the system of paths called the Flower Road. You'll marvel at plants growing into temporary but walkable bridges. Watch your step, though—nature has no handrails.

An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure

Birds NOT of a Feather

Local birds here seem remarkably fond of their mechanical neighbors.

An image from the Wooded Kingdom brochure

Three Keys to the Kingdom

  1. Smell the flowers. Not that you can miss them, but do savor the scent.
  2. Admire the Steam Gardeners and their impressive devotion to their work.
  3. Appreciate machines and nature living in exquisite harmony.


Map from the Wooded Kingdom brochure

Checkpoint Flag locations[edit]


The Odyssey Checkpoint Flag in the Wooded Kingdom
Main article: Odyssey

The Odyssey lands in a densely forested area at the southern end of the map that is devoid of the metallic structures and machinery found throughout the rest of the kingdom. Hint Toad and an outdoor Crazy Cap can be found near the Odyssey's landing site.

Iron Road: Entrance[edit]

Iron Road: Entrance

This Checkpoint Flag marks the start of the Iron Road, taking Mario to a maze that leads to the Sky Garden Tower. A few Power Moons and regional coins can be found in and around this area. For instance, there is a scarecrow between the iron bars near the entrance Mario must toss Cappy onto to enter a cave, where he must defeat a Fire Bro for a Power Moon. There is a small pool of water near the entrance in which Mario may find a Warp Pipe on the bottom taking him to a bonus area.

In the following missions, the structure of the entrance point changes slightly. In the first mission, it is covered with small puddles of poison. In the second mission, there are Sherms around the entrance. After peace is restored to the kingdom, the entrance is covered in flowers and content Steam Gardeners.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 鉄の山道 入口[?]
Tetsu no Yamamichi Iriguchi
Iron Mountain Path Entrance
German Eisenbergstraße - Zugang[?] Ironmountainstreet acces
Spanish (NOA) Inicio de la ruta de acero[?] Beginning of the steel road
Spanish (NOE) Inicio de la ruta de hierro[?] Beginning of the Iron Road

Iron Road: Halfway Point[edit]

Iron Road: Halfway Point

This Checkpoint Flag is roughly halfway across the Iron Road leading to the Sky Garden Tower. After making it to this point, Mario must defeat a Big Poison Piranha Plant for a Power Moon needed to complete this mission and move on to the next. Within the maze, Mario may find a few regional coins as well as a nut containing a Power Moon.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 鉄の山道 中腹[?]
Tetsu no Yamamichi Chūfuku
Iron Mountain Path Halfway Point
German Eisenbergstraße - Auf halbem Weg[?] Ironmountainstreet - midway
Spanish (NOA) Ladera de la Montaña de Acero[?] Steel Mountainside
Spanish (NOE) Ladera de la Montaña de Hierro[?] Iron Mountainside

Sky Garden Tower[edit]

The Sky Garden Tower Checkpoint Flag in the Wooded Kingdom
Main article: Sky Garden Tower

This Checkpoint Flag sits atop the Sky Garden Tower and can be accessed by traveling through its interior. Spewart is fought here for a Multi Moon. Later on, after activating the Wooded Kingdom's Moon Rock, a Yoofoe can be found here. Defeating it yields a Power Moon.

Forest Charging Station[edit]

The Forest Charging Station Checkpoint Flag in the Wooded Kingdom

In this area, several Steam Gardeners wait in line to get recharged. If Mario is to Ground Pound the charging area furthest to the right, he obtains a Power Moon. Additionally, Wooded Kingdom Timer Challenge 2 can also be obtained nearby. A Bonneter, a freerunning Koopa Troopa, four blocks containing coins and a Mini Rocket can also be found.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 森の補給所[?]
Mori no Hokyūjo
Forest Supply Station
Chinese 森林补给站 (Simplified)
森林補給站 (Traditional)

Sēnlín bǔjǐ zhàn
Forest Supply Station
German Ladestation im Robohain[?] Loading Station Robot Grove
Italian Stazione di ricarica[?] Recharge station
Russian Лесная станция подзарядки[?]
Lesnaya stantsiya podzaryadki
Forest Charging Station
Spanish Punto de recarga[?] Recharging Station

Summit Path[edit]

The Summit Path Checkpoint Flag in the Wooded Kingdom

This Checkpoint Flag is located east of the Forest Charging Station, past several Sherms. A pair of binoculars are found here, along with some Rocket Flowers, which can be used to scale the steep slope nearby.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
German Gipfelpfad[?] Summit Path
Spanish Ruta a la cima[?] Summit Path

Iron Mountain Path, Station 8[edit]

Iron Mountain Path, Station 8

After scaling the slope near the Summit Path checkpoint, this Checkpoint Flag is found, marking the end of the Iron Road. A few Power Moons and regional coins can be found in and around this area. For instance, there is an Uproot which can be captured to break some gray Brick Blocks, two of which have coins in them, and find a secret passage with an 8-bit pipe that leads to a Power Moon. West of here and on a ledge below is a scarecrow. Mario must toss Cappy onto him to scale some platforms to reach to reach another Power Moon.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 鉄の山道 八号目[?]
Tetsu no Yamamichi Hachigōme
Iron Mountain Path 8th Station
German Eisenbergstraße - Station 8[?] Ironmountainstreet Station 8
Spanish (NOA) Montaña de Acero, 8.ª parada[?] Steel Mountain, 8th stop
Spanish (NOE) Montaña de Hierro, 8ª parada[?] Iron Mountain, 8th Stop

Secret Flower Field Entrance[edit]

The Secret Flower Entrance Checkpoint Flag in the Wooded Kingdom

There is a Checkpoint Flag found right before the hole in the tower that leads into the Secret Flower Field. It is behind a gate. During the objective Path to the Secret Flower Field, there are two Sherms nearby. Mario must capture one of them in order to destroy the rotating defense mechanism over the gate. Its destruction reveals the Power Moon for the objective, and the Moon Pedestal opens the gate permanently. Mario can pass through, reach the Checkpoint Flag, then enter the Secret Flower Field.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 秘密花園 入口[?]
Himitsu Hanazono Iriguchi
Secret Flower Garden Entrance
German Geheimes Blumenfeld - Eingang[?] Secret Flower Field Entrance
Spanish Entrada al Jardín Secreto[?] Secret Garden Entrance

Observation Deck[edit]

The Observation Deck Checkpoint Flag in the Wooded Kingdom

This area is reached by stepping on a P Switch near Iron Mountain Path, Station 8 and climbing up the moving platforms. A Checkpoint Flag and four regional coins can be found here, along with a seed pot which leads to a secret area in the clouds if a seed is planted there. Princess Peach, Tiara, and Glydon also appear here, but only after the game is beaten.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 森の見はらし台[?]
Mori no Miharashidai
Forest Observation Tower
German Aussichtsdeck[?] Viewpoint
Spanish Mirador[?] Viewpoint

Iron Cage[edit]

The forty-ninth Power Moon of the Wooded Kingdom.

This cage can be accessed by entering a painting found in either the Metro Kingdom, the Seaside Kingdom, or the Snow Kingdom, depending on the order the player decides to visit the kingdoms. The cage contains the Secret Path to the Steam Gardens! Power Moon. Two platforms that break when they are stood on are also found, allowing the player to access to the rest of the Wooded Kingdom from the Iron Cage without warping.

Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 高台の鉄カゴ[?]
Kōdai no Tetsu Kago
High-Ground Iron Cage
Chinese 高台上的铁笼 (Simplified)
高台上的鐵籠 (Traditional)

Gāotái shàng de tiě lóng
Iron Cage on the High Platform
German Metallkäfig[?] Metal Cage
Russian Стальная клетка[?]
Stal'naya kletka
Steel Cage
Spanish Jaula de hierro[?] Iron Cage

Bonus areas[edit]

Bonus area Accessed via Location Description
The treasure room in the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey
Treasure Room
Warp Pipe At the end of the path below the eastern wall before the Secret Flower Field Entrance A small treasure room with several coin piles and a nut containing a Power Moon. The Warp Pipe inside takes Mario back to the Observation Deck's base.
Inside the largest tree in the Deep Woods in Super Mario Odyssey
Treasure Chest Tree
Warp Pipe Inside the largest tree in the Deep Woods A small interior of a tree where Mario must open three treasure chests in the correct order (middle, left, right) to reveal a Power Moon.
The locked treasure room in the Deep Woods in Super Mario Odyssey
Treasure Chest Cave
Locked door guarded by a Steam Gardener Behind the waterfall at the brook's source in the Deep Woods A small cave with a single treasure chest holding a Power Moon. Mario can only access this room by talking to the Steam Gardener while wearing the explorer set.
Flooded Pipeway in Super Mario Odyssey
Flooding Pipeway
Warp Pipe In the pond to the left of Iron Road: Entrance A corridor-like area filled with water that rises and falls at regular intervals and infested with Fuzzies.
The foggy bonus area in Super Mario Odyssey
Foggy Sky Area
Mini Rocket On a tall metal structure near the Forest Charging Station A fog-filled area where Mario must capture a Paragoomba and use it to navigate around metal structures throughout the area.
The forty-fourth Power Moon of the Wooded Kingdom.
Flower Road
Red door Behind the slope in front of the Summit Path Checkpoint Flag A sea of poison with metal structures protruding from it, which Mario must cross by activating P Switches to form flower bridges and capturing Goombas and forming Goomba Towers along the way.
The elevator shaft bonus area in Super Mario Odyssey
Elevator Shaft
Red door Up the right side of the slope in front of the Summit Path Checkpoint Flag A series of elevators where Mario must capture a Sherm and use it to destroy cages containing P Switches, which activate the elevators allowing Mario to advance towards the Power Moon at the bottom. Along the way, Mario faces groups of Burrbos, Fire Bros and more Sherms.
The forty-eighth Power Moon of the Wooded Kingdom.
Sky Lift Area
Beanstalk On the Observation Deck's highest platform A sky platforming area where Mario can capture an Uproot and use to obtain collectibles while riding on lifts. A seed is required to grow the beanstalk leading to this area, which can be dispensed from the blue Steam Gardener in front of the Secret Flower Field entrance.
The location of a Power Moon in Super Mario Odyssey
Invisible Road
Moon Pipe Near the "Path to the Secret Flower Field" Power Moon A large pool of poison featuring an invisible path infested with Poison Piranha Plants that spit poison, revealing the path underneath. Mario must use Cappy to clear away the poison spat by these Piranha Plants. Defeating the last Piranha Plant earns him a Power Moon.
The location of a Power Moon in Super Mario Odyssey
Herding Path
Moon Pipe On a raised stone platform among the Goombas A metal bridge-like area in the sky where Mario must herd two sheep and lead them back to a corral in order to obtain both Power Moons.
The location of a Power Moon in Super Mario Odyssey
Breakdown Road
Moon Pipe In a wall just past Iron Road: Entrance An area set in the sky with a bridge made of stone blocks, where Mario must avoid Bullet Bills on his way to the key on the other side that reveals a Power Moon, then capture a Banzai Bill to travel back to the starting area and collect it. Even in Assist Mode, Mario will die and lose 10 coins if he falls into the bottomless area.[1]


Enemies marked with an asterisk (*) are only found in bonus areas.


  1. Road to Sky Garden: The goal is to reach the halfway point of Iron Road and defeat the Poison Piranha Plants found there.
  2. Flower Thieves of Sky Garden: The goal is to reach the top of Sky Garden Tower and defeat Spewart.
  3. Path to the Secret Flower Field: The goal is to reach the entrance of the Secret Flower Field and destroy the cannon found there.
  4. Defend the Secret Flower Field!: The goal is to defeat Torkdrift in the Secret Flower Field.


There are two paintings in this kingdom. One is located near the Forest Charging Station and it can be accessed easily by throwing Cappy to the Scarecrow that activates the Wooded Kingdom Timer Challenge 2 Power Moon, as well as the Scarecrow that activates the Wooded Kingdom Timer Challenge 3 Power Moon. By going to the top of the platforms and then jumping to the surface the player will find a cube-shaped structure in which the painting is. It can take the player to either the Southwestern Floating Island at the Sand Kingdom or the Floating Sky Island at the Luncheon Kingdom, and it can be accessed after defeating Spewart.

The other painting is located inside the Iron Cage, which can only be accessed from a painting at the Metro Kingdom, Snow Kingdom or Seaside Kingdom.

Power Moons[edit]

A Power Moon in Super Mario Odyssey
The Wooded Kingdom has blue Power Moons.
Main article: List of Power Moons in the Wooded Kingdom

There are a total of 80 Power Moons (74 regular Power Moons and 2 Multi Moons) in the Wooded Kingdom. During the player's first visit to this kingdom, they can collect 47 Power Moons and the 2 Multi Moons, including one from the kingdom's Hint Art. The player can also collect a Power Moon by traveling through a painting in a future kingdom (the Metro Kingdom, Seaside Kingdom, or Snow Kingdom). After the player defeats Bowser in the Moon Kingdom, 4 more Power Moons become available to collect. The Moon Rock will also be available to destroy, causing 22 additional Power Moons to be accessible.

In order to progress to the next kingdom, the player must collect at least 16 Power Moons.

Regional coins[edit]

Regional Coins
Main article: List of regional coins in the Wooded Kingdom

The Wooded Kingdom contains 100 regional coins, which take the form of mechanical nuts.

Crazy Cap items[edit]

Item Description Price Note
The Explorer Hat icon.
Explorer Hat
Just because the territory is uncharted doesn’t mean your head should be uncovered. Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 5 Required for "Exploring for Treasure"
The Explorer Outfit icon.
Explorer Outfit
Clothes that keep you comfortable even in the deepest heart of the wilderness. Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 10 Required for "Exploring for Treasure"
The Scientist Visor icon.
Scientist Visor
A strange piece of headwear that gives off science-y vibe. Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 20 N/A
The Scientist Outfit icon.
Scientist Outfit
It's a scientific fact that nothing says "scientist" like a lab coat. Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 25 N/A
The Flowers from Steam Gardens souvenir icon.
Flowers from Steam Gardens
This popular arrangement of flowers from Steam Gardens is often given as a gift. Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 5 N/A
The Steam Gardener Watering Can souvenir icon.
Steam Gardener Watering Can
This robot-shaped watering can is designed to look like the people of the Wooded Kingdom. A nice souvenir, it's also great for gardening! Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 25 N/A
The Wooded Kingdom Sticker souvenir icon.
Wooded Kingdom Sticker
A sticker inspired by the Wedding Bouquet. Regional coin from the Wooded Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey 10 N/A
A Power Moon in Super Mario Odyssey
Wooded Kingdom Power Moon
A Power Moon that was picked up in Steam Gardens' Deep Woods area. SMO coin.png 100 N/A


Names in other languages[edit]

Wooded Kingdom[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese 森の国[?]
Mori no kuni
Forest Country
Chinese (simplified) 森之国[?]
Sēn zhī guó
Forest Kingdom
Chinese (traditional) 森之國[2]
Sēn zhī guó
Forest Kingdom
Dutch Bosrijk[?] Forest Realm
French Pays de la Forêt[?] Forest Country
German Forstland[?] Forest Country
Italian Regno della Selva[?] Forest Kingdom
Korean 숲 왕국[?]
Sup Wangguk
Forest Kingdom
Russian Лесное царство[?]
Lesnoye tsarstvo
Forest Kingdom
Spanish Reino Arbolado[?] Wooded Kingdom

Steam Gardens[edit]

Language Name Meaning Notes
Japanese スチームガーデン[?]
Suchīmu Gāden
Steam Garden
Chinese 思机姆伽庭 (Simplified)
Sījīmǔ jiātíng
斯機姆花園 (Traditional)
Sījīmǔ huāyuán
Transliteration of the Japanese name. "伽庭" is pronounced in similarity with "garden", while "庭" refers to "garden"

Steam Garden
Dutch Hortus Robotanicus[?] From Latin "hortus botanicus" (botanical garden) and the prefix "robo-" (robot)
French Verdure-sur-Vapeur[?] Steam Greenery
German Robohain[?] From prefix "robo-" (robot) and "hain" (grove)
Italian Orto Robotanico[?] From "orto botanico" (botanical garden) and the prefix "robo-" (robot)
Korean 스팀 가든[?]
Seutim Gadeun
Steam Garden
Russian Паровые Сады[?]
Parovye Sady
From "пар" (par, steam) and "сад" (sad, garden)
Spanish Jardín de Vapor[?] Steam Garden


  • During the reveal trailer, the electronic billboard for Steam Gardens found in New Donk City showed that the location was originally named "Kogwald". The name is a portmanteau of cog and -wald, the German word for forest.
  • Thematically, the Wooded Kingdom is very similar to the setting of the 1972 science fiction film Silent Running, which takes place in a giant greenhouse maintained by robots that also happen to resemble the Steam Gardeners.
  • According to Pauline's quiz, she has no interest in going to the Wooded Kingdom, as she claims she is bad at both flowers and machinery.
  • This kingdom's Moon Rock releases the most moons out of all the kingdoms that have Moon Rocks, releasing 22 Power Moons when activated.


  1. ^ YuRi Sanga (February 12, 2022). Super Mario Odyssey - trying to fall in Breakdown Road with Assist Mode. YouTube (English). Retrieved June 22, 2024.
  2. ^ Nintendo HK官方頻道 (October 13, 2017). 『超級瑪利歐 奧德賽』遊戲介紹影片. YouTube (Traditional Chinese). Retrieved June 22, 2024.