List of Super Mario Galaxy 2 quotes

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The following is a list of quotes from the game Super Mario Galaxy 2: they are listed alphabetically by character.


  • "Mario, guess what? I decided to become a banker!"
  • "Right now I have 100 in all! Would you like to make a deposit or withdrawl?"
  • "Oh, by the way, I found this 1-Up Mushroom a little while ago! Think you can use it?"
  • "Nice glasses, huh? I think they make me look like I'm good at math! Heh!"
  • "I thought someone was after my Star Bits. so I started carrying a spear to look tough. But it's so... heavy!"
  • "I decided to continue my search for Star Bits with a trip to the southern seas! So don't call it a vacation...grumble grumble."
  • "I went looking for Star Bits in a cave! But I wasn't on a pleasure trip like our so-called Captain! Don't tell him I said that."
  • "Unbelievable! So many Star Bits! I can't even hold on to any more for you... What to do...

Black Jibberjay

  • "Race! Race! All right, it's on!"
  • "I'm the best there is--just try me! I never lose a race!"
  • "You be the new leader! Leader needs a trophy. A trophy! Take this Power Star!"

Bob-omb Buddies

  • "Hey, you! Guy with the 'stache! You came along just in time!"
  • "Would you do me a favor and get that Power Star back from the Whomp King at the top of this hill?"
  • "Hey, stache man! You look kind of familiar..."
  • "Anyway, a pretty star landed here recently, but the big bully at the top of our hill took it!"


  • "The power of the stars is already MINE!"
  • "I"m HUUUUGE! Even scarier up close, huh?"
  • "I'm way too huge for this puny planet! I deserve an empire that's more ME size! And I'll put it in the center of the universe!"
  • "Look at you, running around like a flea on a puny planetoid. Know want isn't puny? My massive new power... The power to flatten you like a space pancake!"
  • "Hey... guess what, Mario! Breathe a sigh of relief, because it'll be your last! Know why?! Because this is finally the end! THE END OF YOU!"

Bowser Jr.

  • "Don't you know when to quit?! I'm gonna enjoy taking you out from the cozy confines of my robot cockpit!"

Hungry Lumas

  • "I'm so hungry! Will you give me *insert number here* Coins? They taste soooo good!"
  • "If I eat *insert number here* Coins, I might transform!"
  • "Yessss! I've got a huge coin craving right now!"
  • "That's the stuff! I'm so FULL! Wow... I think I"m going to...TRANSFOOOOORM!"


  • "So you're this Mario guy my little Lumas won't stop blabbing about, am I right?"
  • "Wait--if you have the trust of young master Luma...hmm... Say, I just might have a little proposition for ya."
  • "Well, at least you'll never lose it in a parking lot! Am I right? Har har!"
  • "I mean, be straight with me, pal. You hatching alien eggs now? Har har!"
  • "Just don't go digging through the center of your faceship! Might get a headache! Har har!"
  • "Lookit that! I see you brought back some kind of, uhh...floaty souvenir."
  • "You seem to have brought back a, whuzzat? A rock, huh? Yeah... Good work there, pal...I guess."
  • "Hold up a sec!"
  • "Looks like that last galaxy was pretty rough. But, good work toughing it out!"
  • "Ya know, I just want you to remember that we all really appreciate everything you're doing..."
  • "We owe you a big thanks for collecting all of these Power Stars!"
  • "Well, well....all your hard work has brought The Lady of the Shooting stars right here onto our own little ship.
  • It seems like forever since we've seen each other. But she hasn't changed!


  • "Hey, Bro! You're looking for a Power Star around here, huh? You want me to take over for a little while?"
  • "You want to switch, Bro?"
  • "Well, I'll be right here if you ever want me to jump in!"
  • "Hey, Bro! I'm all over the place these days, exploring the universe!"


  • "When I woke up this morning, I saw these Silver Star things all over the islands!"
  • "This is a statue of one of our most honored Piantas. Pretty nice, huh?"
  • "You can eat pretty much anything you want here. Lots of tasty stuff!"
  • "Oh, you're looking for Silver Star things? You won't find any in the ocean, but try up above it!"
  • "Someday I want to climb to the top of that tower!"

The Chimp

  • "They call me The Chimp. Seems like you may be a worthy high-climbing rival. Take this Power Star! We'll talk later..."
  • "Say hey. I'm the greatest game player in Fluffy Bluff Galaxy. They call me The Chimp. Nice Mustache."
  • Ready to face the ultimate player in the galaxy....also known as, The Chimp?


  • "Shoot Star Bit! Shoot Star Bit at enemy... Make dizzy! Kick enemy... Enemy fly bye-bye!"
  • "Collect Comet Medal? Comet appear!
  • First time in galaxy, always Comet medal. Look hard. Find!
  • You found all comet medal. No more comets.