List of Super Mario Bros. (film) quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the Super Mario Bros. film. They are listed by character.

Mario Mario

  • "Mario Brother's plumbing. No leak too small."

"Scapelli. They beat us to it again! Another lost job!"

  • Luigi: "I'm gonna kill'em!"
    Mario: "No, you're not gonna kill'em. Not if I get there first. I'm gonna break every bone in their bodies and then I'm gonna kill'em. I’m REALLY gonna kill'em."
  • "How're we gonna get into Koopa's Tower? I've got two words for you -- im-possible."
  • Luigi: "Mario, did you see that? It's trying to communicate."
    Mario: "Luigi, it's a mushroom."
  • "WHAT!? You're gonna arrest a guy for being a plumber!?"
  • "And he is... outta here!"
  • "See ya later, alligator!"
  • "Luigi, stop, you'll be talkin' to the mildew in the shower next!"”let’s hit the bricks”
  • "Great, a building with athlete’s foot"

Luigi Mario

  • "Right now, on Miraculous World, this guy just found out he was in another dimension."
  • Luigi: "Well ya know, we got a van."
    Daisy: "It's nice!"
    Luigi: "Yeah, well. --, no -- I'm asking you if you would want a ride? Oh, but, ah, it's broken now..."
  • "Your name's Daisy isn't it? I overheard your name was Daisy -- You know, I haven't heard that name around here, it's really nice, too -- Well, I have heard it, 'cause it's the flower and everything. But not like I hang around flower shops or nothin' like that."
  • "It's a pleasure to meet me! I mean, it's a pleasure to meet you."
  • Luigi: "Do you eat?"
    Daisy: "Yeah..."
    Luigi: "Dinner?"
    Daisy: "Sure..."
    Luigi: "Tonight?"
    Daisy: "Oh... okay!"
  • "Mario, I got a feelin'. I got a feelin' we ain't in Brooklyn no more."
  • "You didn't save us, that tunnel just sneezed us out and that giant booger just caught us mid-air. That's what saved us."
  • "WHERE'S Daisy, butt-breath!?"
  • "Not until you give us Daisy, biscuit-head!"
  • "Who cares, anyway? Just give me my tool belt!"
  • "Nothing's impossible, Mario. Improbable, unlikely, but never impossible."
  • "Trust the fungus."


  • "I'm the boss here."
  • "Thank God you're here! I mean, you're a plumber, right?"
  • "Luigi, help me!"
  • "Where's my father?"
  • "Uh, I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat anything with a face."
  • "I hope he's alright."
  • "The rock will merge our two dimensions!"
  • "Only I can stop it."
  • "Yoshi... I guess we're both prisoners here, huh?"
  • "Listen! I know this is going to sound a little strange, but... I want you to meet my father."
  • "He used to be the leader here until... Koopa turned him into... all this fungus."
  • Daisy: "Oh, how's Daniella? Is she alright?"
    Mario: "Daniella, that's right! I promised to take her to Wrestlemania."
  • Daisy: "Mario! Luigi! We need your help. You're not gonna believe this..."
    Mario: "Oh, I believe it!"

President Koopa

  • "(bathing in mud) Do you know what I love about mud? It's clean and it's dirty at the same time."
  • "Perhaps if I could just make you idiots smarter, you won't screw-up this time."
  • "Here's what's logical to me... if you do not return with the plumbers and the rock... I shall personally kill you."
  • "After the merge, it will be nice to see the humans de-evolve, won't it? What is it they come from? I keep forgetting, its, uh, mice or something...
  • "Disgusting mammals."'
  • "Well, my, my, looks like you got up on the wrong side of the nest this morning."
  • "That I am, ruler of all you see. A few miserable streets and endless desert."
  • "My, my, you have let yourself go! See, I'm not such a bad guy, you always wanted to be everywhere, well now you are. And I wanna tell you something, you can go ahead and choke this little Mushroom Kingdom all you want, cuz', I'm out of here. I'm out into the bigger world! I gotta a couple of plumbers bringin' me the rest of the meteorite. Soon to be dead plumbers. And by the way, you really oughta pull yourself back together again... slime bucket!"
  • "BOB-OMB!"
  • "King Koopa here. I'd like the Koopa Special. Yes, dino, lizard, hold the mammal, no worms and, uh, spicy."
  • "Princess! Ready to help me destroy the human kinds? Muster the Goombas! Hand out the De-Evolution Guns! Prepare for destiny! Where's my pizza?"
  • "I need you to find Daisy and give me her rock. Then I can rule both worlds!"
  • "Good lord, what was I thinking?"
  • "I shall personally de-evolve you for singing Anti-Koopa songs."
  • "Plumbers? Plumber alert."'
  • WHAT?! NOOOOO!!!
  • "(realizing Mario doesn’t have the meteorite piece) Its merging. You don’t have the rock, you filthy mammal. (laughs) We’re MERGING! (laughs again before merging into the other world)
  • "Its Brooklyn. My world! Give me that Devo-Gun! (Koopa tries to shoot Mario, but instead hits Scapelli, who is transformed into a chimpanzee. Koopa points at him and laughs) Monkey!"
  • "STUPID!"


  • "Hey guys, cheer up. It could be worse. (starts singing) Ain't got no water anywhere...Food's bad, so's the air...Got no resources, in a great big stupor...All because of the evil King Koopa!" - Toad's Anti-Koopa Song.
  • "Could you please tell me your name?" - Toad when he meets Mario & Luigi in their cell.
  • "What a lousy kingdom ever since Koopa took over. And YOU, Koopa! You're a lousy leader!...Our old king! You tried to get rid of him, but the king is everywhere, including the museum and tunnel. You can't get rid of him. Never!" - Toad's response before Koopa de-evolves him.
  • "Uh...A Goomba ate it. And I am NOT the princess!" - Toad's answer after Koopa asks where his pizza is.

Iggy & Spike

Spike: (has had his brain evolved to higher intelligence) Ignatius, do you know what the square root of 36,481 is?
Iggy: What are you talking about?
Spike: 191!

Spike: We were wrong again. How many times have we got this wrong?
Iggy: You've gotten it wrong five times.
Spike: Home for five. Home for five. What percent is that?
Iggy: I dunno. Let me think. (pause) I dunno. But it's not good.
Spike: If we get it wrong one more time, he's gonna kill us.
Iggy: He's not gonna kill us. He's not that nice.


  • "Everyone deserves what they've earned! And I've earned this!"

Big Bertha

  • "Come get it, big boy."


Luigi: (as he drives the van) You know, I read that sea turtles travel thousands of miles on instinct.
Mario: Not in New York traffic, they don't.

Officer: (interrupts Toad’s song) You know the law Toad.
Mario: Hey! Wait a minute. You can’t arrest a guy for singing a song.
Officer: For anti-Koopa songs we can. (then he notices the tools on their belts and pulls on them) Ah ha! Plumbers!
Luigi: No, he is. I’m just apprenticing him.
Officer: Get in the car!
Luigi: But I didn’t do anything.
Mario: Are you telling us that you can arrest a guy for being a plumber?! Get outta here!
Officer: Get in their plumber! NOW!
Mario: Hey! What is this?
Luigi: Alright, alright. What do we do?
Mario: I’m getting arrested for being a plumber.
Luigi: Write his number down.

Sergeant Simon: Name.
Mario: Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Last name.
Mario: Mario.
Sergeant Simon: (to Luigi) Okay. What's your name?
Luigi: Luigi.
Sergeant Simon: Luigi Luigi?
Luigi: No. Luigi Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Okay, look, how many Marios are there between the two of you?
Luigi: There's 3. There's Mario Mario and Luigi Mario.
Sergeant Simon: Mike! Mike! Help these Marios around the side.

Toad: (sings) Oh, oh, oh.
I'm sittin' here in a cramped detention,
with brothers from another dimension.
Thinkin' 'bout my... (stops) Say, what's another word that rhymes with "Dimension"?
Mario: Yeah, tension, and I'm full of it, so shut up.

(in the squad car, a wanted poster of the Mario Bros. flashes on a TV screen naming them Alien Plumbers)
Luigi: Aliens? We gotta deal with aliens too?
Mario: Luigi, we're the aliens!
Luigi: We are? Wow, cool!

Mario: Hey! Hey! Hey! (Simon jabs him with the stun gun) OW!
Sergeant Simon: Nobody touches President Koopa!
Luigi: (rubs his eyes in pain) You're Koopa?! But you said you were one evil...
Koopa: evil, egg sucking son of a snake. Did I lie?

Koopa: Now, where's the rock?
(Iggy and Spike look at each other, then at Koopa)
Iggy and Spike: Rock, sir?
Koopa: The meteorite piece that she wears around her neck, and I told you not to forget it!
Spike: That rock!
Iggy: I told you not to forget it!
Koopa: And I told you to remind him! Without that piece, the meteorite lays dormant. I'll not be able to merge the dimensions! Where is it?!
Iggy and Spike: (nervously) The plumbers took it.
Koopa: (whispers) Plumbers? (to Lena) Plumber alert!

(the Marios try to escape in a police car)
Mario: Where's the starter on this thing?
Luigi: I got a feeling about this, Mario-roni.
[types the codes to the strange controls to start the car]
Mario: I didn't know you could do that.
Luigi: Comes from sittin' on my butt all day playing video games. That's what.

Sergeant Simon: Mario Brothers!
Mario: (in his cell with Luigi) Yeah! That's us! You better get a lawyer or get us outta this chicken coop!
Sergeant Simon: You got one.

(the Marios capture Iggy and Spike and tie them near lizards)
Mario: If you two don't start talkin', we gonna leave you to these guys for lunch.
Luigi: Now, where's Daisy?
Spike: No, no, no, no. Where's the rock, scallywag?
Luigi: Where's Daisy, butt breath?!
Iggy: Where's the rock, over-weaning rogue?!
Luigi: Not 'til you give us Daisy, biscuit head!
Spike: Where is the rock?!
Mario: SHUT UP!!