List of Bowser Jr. quotes
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This is a list of quotes by Bowser Jr.
- "Yeah!"
- "Woo-hoo!"
- "Yee-haw!"
- "Leave my mama alone, you bad man!" – Super Mario Sunshine
- "I won't let you take Mama Peach away!!" – Super Mario Sunshine
- "You again? Don't you ever give up?" – Super Mario Sunshine
- "This is my Magic Brush. When I draw with it, all my wishes come true." – Super Mario Sunshine
- "You...You pest. Stop following us." – Super Mario Sunshine
- "I know, she's not really my Mama." – Super Mario Sunshine
- "Some day...when I'm bigger... I wanna fight that Mario again!" – Super Mario Sunshine
- "Wahahaha! You made it! But I won't even need my dad's help to take care of you!" - Super Mario Galaxy
- "You just don't give up! Fine, then. I guess I'll just whup you myself! You want this Grand Star so bad? You're gonna have to take it from me!" - Super Mario Galaxy
- "Looking for Princess Peach? Too bad! 'Cause she's with me!" - Super Mario Galaxy
- "Go at 'em Megaleg! Stomp 'em with the power of your Grand Star!" - Super Mario Galaxy
- "Don't you know when to quit?! I'm gonna enjoy taking you out from the cozy confines of my robot cockpit!" - Super Mario Galaxy 2
- "My Dad's gonna get angry if I let you get another Grand Star... Time to break out my Boomsday Machine! I'll just relax in my comfy cockpit and watch you go BOOM!" - Super Mario Galaxy
- "Yes, I won!" - Mario Power Tennis
- "This game stinks! It stinks-...IT STINKS!! Stinks!" - Mario Power Tennis
- "I'm coming! At every turn!" - Mario Power Tennis
- "Alright!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Baby shot!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Trouble!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Whack that ball!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Don't stink!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Get mad!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Just like practice!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "Wheeee, TA-DA!" - Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
- "We're playing again, Mario! Before was a fluke! I'll teach you a lesson!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Mario! Yeah, you! I'll beat you to a pulp, Mister!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Game time, Mario!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "You'll never beat me!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Yaaa-oooooo! I won again!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Mario, you're so lame! Talk about a joke!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Hooray! Yippee! I totally won yet again! You're WEAK!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Darn it! Darn it! I hate you, Mario!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "I'll play as many times as you want, you big jerk! Don't you forget it!" - Mario Superstar Baseball (to Mario)
- "Oh! Mama! Play a game with me! Don't run away!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Let's play, Mama! I'll win, too!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Awwwwwwww, I lost... I'll be back again!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "I beat Mario! I actually beat him!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "You're tough, Mama! I won't lose next time!" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Oh, Mama! You're tough! But I'm tough too, right?" - Mario Superstar Baseball
- "Buttered broccoli! I can't believe I lost!" - Mario Super Sluggers
- "I raised that bridge so Mr. Whiny Britches would be stuck all alone." - Mario Super Sluggers
- "Yay! I won! I WON!" - Mario Kart Wii
- "Yippee! Yay, yay!" - Mario Kart Wii
- "What?! Lame! Lame. Lame." - Mario Kart Wii
- "Yahoo! I'm the best!" - Mario Party: Island Tour (when first place)
- "Hoo hoo! Ha!" - Mario Party: Island Tour (when second place)
- "Yeowwww!" - Mario Party: Island Tour (when last place)
Mario Party 9
- "Bwa ha ha ha ha! Now you're going to have to play a minigame against me! You wouldn't have a chance against me alone, so I'll let you take me on with one of your rivals! Captain (character), it looks like your teammate is..."
- "You're in first place, (character). You must think you're SO good at minigames, huh? Well let's what you're really made of!"
- "You're in second place, (character). I guess you're not too bad at minigames, huh? Let's see how you do in a real challenge!"
- "You're in third place, (character). Having a hard time with the minigames, huh? Let's see if you fare any better in a real battle!"
- "You're in fourth place, (character). You're not doing very well with the minigames, huh? Well I think it's time to show what you can really do!"
- "Wah ha ha ha! Nice job making it this far! But you won't get past the boss of this fort! Scare em' off Dry Bones!"
- "You'll be dealing with me!" (to the players)
- "Hey, (character)! Are you SURE this is the minigame you wanna play?"'
- Selecting "Yes" - "It's time to play. Do your worst!"
- Selecting "No" - "OK, it's your funeral! This minigame it is!"
- "Hope you're ready!"
- "Captain (character)! You are the starting player!"
- "Grr! Next time we play, I'm going to destroy you! And don't you forget it!!"
- "Bwa ha ha ha! So you made it this far, Captain (character). But do you really think you can beat Dad's minion guarding the fort? Tell you what: since you're going to fail anyway, I'll even let you pick your opponent! (Boss character's name), huh? You must love losing!"
Mario Party 10
- "Dad! You can’t catch up to them on a roll like that! I’m gonna let you reroll that one…"
- "Dad is maaad! If he catches you now, he can steal your hearts in a super-scary minigame!"
- "Dad! Use this Dice Block! "
- "Dad! (character) and the others are approaching the goal!"
- "I’ll help you out here!"
- "It’s time for a Bowser Jr. Revolution! First, I’ll just collect everyone’s hearts!"
- "So… (number) in all!? I’ll just divide these up evenly…"
- "I’ve given everyone (number) hearts!"
- "And I’m taking all the leftover hearts!"
- "I’m not giving up the Super Star that easily!"
- "Dad! Tap a character to secretly stash the Super Star with them!"
- "Now I’m going to show the contents of the treasure chests just to you, Dad!"
- "Draw graffiti! Try to trick (character) and the gang into choosing a bad treasure chest!"
- "Only you can see what’s going on, Dad!"
- "Draw graffiti! Try to trick (character) and the gang into choosing a bad route!"
- "Dad! If you catch up with them now, you can choose a good minigame! Make it a hard one!"
Fortune Street
Area Specific
- "Big mistake, people! You shouldn't have brought me here - now I'm gonna crush you AND this stupid ship!" (Starship Mario)
- "I'm gonna storm that island down there and make you all my Yoshi minions! Hear that, potential minions?" (Yoshi's Island)
- "All right! My throwing arm is all warmed up. I’m gonna pulverize that die – just watch me roll!" (Mario Stadium)
- "Boooring! This castle is way too plain! I’m gonna give it a once-over with my magic paintbrush!" (Castle Trodain)
- "My awesome racing skills are gonna come in handy here. But first, I've gotta show off my die-rolling skills!" (Mario Circuit)
- "Hey, I’ve heard rumors about this place! Time to be on the lookout for giant lava monsters." (Mount Magmageddon)
- "How am I supposed to tell which way’s up and which way’s down!? This place is a mess!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
- "I’ve been doing recon on Peach’s Castle, and the defenses are pretty weak. I’ll storm it in a snap!" (Princess Peach's Castle)
- "So where's that fancy choo-choo train I keep hearing about? Bet it's not any fancier than my newest mecha!" (The Observatory)
- "Dad told me about this place – It’s where he used to fight Mario! I’m gonna win this one for you, Dad!" (Super Mario Bros.)
- "If you're gonna make a giant statue, you should at least model it after a rad-looking Koopa!" (The Colossus)
- "You guys really think you can beat me on my home turf? Think again!! I know this castle like the back of my hand!" (Bowser's Castle)
- "Hmph! This ship’s pretty classy – you know, cool design and all that. Maybe I’ll model my next mecha after it!" (The Ghost Ship)
- "Hee hee! I'm gonna plaster graffiti all over this island. It'll be my big old masterpiece!" (Delfino Plaza)
- "Legendary hero, shmegendary hero! My dad’s way braver than any ol’ hero!" (Alefgard)
- "Change my job, huh? I could become an awesome evil overlord like my dad...but I think I can manage that on my own!" (Alltrades Abbey)
- "I feel right at home in these ruins! C'mon - let's see what kind of booby traps this place has got!" (Robbin' Hood Ruins)
- "Yuck! This island is shaped weird. Why didn't they make it look like a Koopa? That would've been awesome!" (Slimenia)
General Quotes
- "Hee hee! Let me introduce myself. I'm Bowser Jr., and you'll all be losing to ME today!"
- "All right, die! Let's show 'em how we roll!"
- "Hee hee hee! I can't wait to find out what's gonna happen next! Fame? Fortune? Who knows!"
- "You guys are lucky I'm playing this game fair and square! I coulda brought my newest mecha to beat you all!"
- "What to do, what to do... Ah forget it! I'll just roll first and think about my evil plan later!"
- "You guys know you're just wasting your time, right? 'Cause I'm totally gonna win, no matter what you do!"
- "Hee hee hee! I may look young, but don't hold back - fight me with all you've got!"
- "Hey, it's my turn! Stop hogging the die and let ME roll!"
- "I'm gonna buy up all the good shops at five times the going rate and paint 'em all my color!"
- To himself: "Hmmm... What kind of mischief should I cause next?"
- "So that's how it's gonna be, huh? This game's getting pretty good... And by good, I mean VICIOUS!"
- "Hee hee hee! Roll, die! Roll and roll till you can't roll no more!"
- "Prepare to have your minds blown - it's MY turn now!"
- "Come on, die - gimme a good number!"
- "Share the wealth, guys! I deserve to be in first place for a while!"
- "Watch your backs, people! If you get in my way, I'm gonna shove you right back out of it!"
- "Heh heh. I'm gonna buy out that shop out there and cause everybody a world of hurt!"
- To himself: "Heh heh. First place is so close, I can taste it! Now all I have to do is wait for the perfect time to strike..."
- "Hee hee! I love a close race! It makes it that much more fun to knock people out of the way!!"
- "First suit, check! Which, uh...means I still have a long way to go, huh?"
- "Two suits down, two to go! I'm gonna grab the other ones so fast you won't even see me!"
- "Hee hee! One more suit to go! Now if only I can make my way over to the bank..."
- "Hee hee! Almost time to level up! That'll make me one step closer to being a king!"
- "Soooo close! And as soon as I level up, I'm gonna be THAT MUCH closer to winning! King Koopa, here I come!"
- "Fair warning-don't get on my bad side, or I'll graffiti your shop big-time!"
- "One of these days, ALL of the shops in this district will be under MY command!"
- "Bow down before me, shop! I've got you under my control now, so serve your master well!"
- "Hee hee! Go ahead, everyone! Shop till you drop, and I'll reap the benefits!"
- "Oh well, no biggie... I'm gonna squeeze 10 times that much money out of you later!"
- "Hmph! I barely felt that!"
- "I need to keep this place safe and secure!"
- "Dibs on any shops left! Don't any of you dare touch 'em. They're mine, all mine!"
- "Aw, man...almost all of the empty shops are gone! I gotta get a move on!"
- "No more vacant shops? All right! Let's get down to business!"
- "Aw, I never get a chance to invest! If I didn't know better, I'd say someone out there WANTS me to lose!"
- To himself: "What's the point of having stock if I can't invest? GRR! I need to land on one of my shops RIGHT NOW!"
- "Not much point in investing if I don't have any stock... Gah! What a waste!"
- Negotiation: "No way! Our shops exist on totally different levels - mine's profitable, and yours isn't! Tee hee!"
- "Hee hee hee! Don't hold back, folks! Gimme as much gold as you want!"
- "Wish I coulda gotten a flashier card... I'm still gonna make the most of it, though!"
- After getting a Suit Yourself card: "Huh, a Suit Yourself card... I think I can find a use for that!"
- After warping: "AAAAAGGGGGHHHHH! Ahem. That didn't scare me at all."
- After warping: "Hee hee! This is SO much easier than traveling by mecha!"
- After player warps: "Ha! That's it, (Player's name), run and hide... But you'll never escape the clutches of Bowser Jr.!"
- After landing on the Bank: "Hmph. I don't like the look of this bank. Think I'll take it over someday!"
- After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Urgh... Only lazy people need to take a day off! Who do you think I am, some sorta slacker?"
- After landing on a Take-a-break square: "I don't need the stinking day off. UGH! Fine. I'll just use this time to build up my strength..."
- "Hee hee! I needed a good rest! Now I've got tons of energy to formulate my evil plans!"
- "Heh heh heh... I totally knew this place would be closed today! I just saved myself some serious gold!"
- After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "Enjoy your day off, (Player's name). Don't worry - I promise not to stomp your shops or anything! Heh heh heh..."
- To Player: "Quit your whining! From here on out, this shop is mine!"
- "Tell ya what... If you spend gold at my shop, I'll make you my honorary minion!"
- "Heh heh! Bet you're gonna think twice about investing here now!"
- "Listen up, (Player's name)! You'd better not try to get in my way!"
- "If (Player's name) thinks he/she can protect his/her shop with a measly investment, he's/she's got another thing coming!"
- "Not bad, (Player's name)... But next time, you should try to earn me even MORE gold!"
- "Hee hee! Keep it up, (Player's name), and I'll make you an honorary member of my royal guard!"
- "Grr! What do you think you're doing, (Player's name)!? My poor stock!"
- "Heh heh! Watch as I make that itty bit of gold grow into a vast Koopa fortune!"
- "Hee hee! Now I'm playing with Koopa power!"
- "Hee hee! Perfect! I can take out Mario and (Player's name) in one fell swoop!"
- After buying someone out: "Hee hee! This shop's mine now! I don't wanna hear any whining, so complain to someone who cares!"
- After getting bought out: "Looks like someone is trying to mess up my brilliant plan for district domination. It's ON buddy!"
- To Player: "Try not to spend any of that money until you get to my shop, (Player's name)!"
- Mario's response: "I'm not gonna let that happen, Bowser Jr.! Come on, (Player's name), let's work together to beat that guy!"
- To Player: "You're just being a big show-off, (Player's name)! I'm NOT impressed!"
- Mario's response: "Don't be jealous, Bowser Jr.! Sure, (Player's name) is doing great - but you're not doing bad yourself! Try to stay focused!"
- To Player: "Hee hee! You're about to learn the true meaning of Koopa power, (Player's name)!"
- Bowser's response: "Why don't you just give up now and become one of our minions, (Player's name)? Bwah hah!"
- To Player: "Don't go thinking you're special or anything just because you got a promotion, (Player's name)!"
- Bowser's response: "Hey now, Son. Maybe (Player's name) IS special! I mean... Well, at least he/she deserves to celebrate a little."
- After player resumes a quick-saved game: "Hey, (Player's name), you're back! Hope you had a nice beauty rest! Now let's decide this thing once and for all!"
- After player approaches victory: "You're not gonna win that easily, (Player's name)! I'll rain all over your little victory parade!"
- Going bankrupt: "Ugh... Just wait till next time! I'm gonna come back stronger than ever! *sniffle*..."
- Going bankrupt: "You...y-y-ou haven't...seen...the l-l-last! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"
Opponents close to victory
- To Mario: "GRR! Mario! Why do you always have to be such a thorn in my side?"
- To Diddy Kong: "Diddy Kong is about to win? I'm gonna have to start playing dirty! Now, where did I put my bag of evil tricks...?"
Landing on an average shop
- To Mario: "Ugh! Of all the stupid shops in all the stupid world, I just HAD to land on Mario's!"
- To Luigi: "Luigi! This is YOUR shop? I can't believe you aren't gonna have a 50-percent-off sale in my honor!"
- To Bowser: "Wow, Dad! You've got the coolest shop in the world! It's worth any price to bask in the glory of the great Bowser!"
- To Peach: "Normally I wouldn't spend so much gold. But this is Princess Peach's shop, so I guess I can afford it..."
Landing on an expensive shop
- To Mario: "URGH! When did this shop get so expensive, Mario? You must be cheating! CHEATER!"
- To Luigi: "ARGH! You've gotta be kidding! How'd someone as dull as Luigi build himself such a fancy, expensive shop?"
- To Peach: "Grrrraaargh! I don't care if it's your shop, Princess Peach - those prices are ridiculous!"
- To Bowser: "Urk! That's some shop you've got here, Dad! I'm gonna work extra hard to live up to your awesomeness!"
- To Diddy Kong: "Ouch! I underestimated you, Diddy Kong! You must be raking in the gold with this place!"
- To Player: "Ow ow ow! That hurts! What goes around comes around, (player's name), and don't you forget it!"
Mario & Sonic
2012 London Olympic Games
- "That’s weird. I heard London was full of big skyscrapers and old architecture."
- "So what’s with this wide-open area and these big ol’ rocks? They building a stadium here?"
- "Perfect! I’ll ask them!"
- "Hey guys! Where’s the Olympic stadium?"
- "No way! I definetly heard the next Olympic Games were happening in England!"
- "What!? But those big rocks have to be the foundation of a big new stadium or something!"
- "Ahh. I must have taken a wrong turn! I’ve gotta get to London!"
- "Whoa, really?! The ruins’ energy make you faster?"
- "What did you just say?!"
- "I’m plenty big enough to win against Yoshi without relying on some old ruins!"
- "Okay, you’re on!"
- "Told ya so! I don’t need energy from no ruins!"
- "Ha ha ha! Next time you see my papa, make sure to tell him how awesome I am!"
- "I know, I know! Get off my back."
- "Why am I wasting my time here when I could be in London, too?! I’m way better than some robot!"
- "Maybe I’ll head there now! Ooh, but if Shadow and Silver are already there… Hmmm…"
- "Aw, thinking was never my thing! I’ll just hurry there, I can figure the rest out later!”
- "Let’s go, Bullet Bill!"
- "Oooh, that smarts…"
- "Wow, you know who I am?"
- "Er—I mean… I see you’re not as dumb as you look! Ha ha!"
- "I heard Dr. Eggman’s robots were tearing the city up, so I rushed here to get in on the action!"
- "Ha ha ha! I eat bad guys like this for breakfast!"
- "Don’t make fun of me just ‘cause I’m small!"
- "R-Really?! Well… then I guess I’ll forgive him. This time!"
- "A game?! Against you guys?! Er, didn’t you see how strong I am? I’m like, super strong!"
- (Hey! Why should I waste my time if that’s their attitude?)
- "Y-you really think so?"
- "All right, Shadow, Silver… You’re on!"
- "Yes! I did it! I really won against Silver and Shadow!"
- "Better practice hard till then—not that it’ll help you beat me!"
- "I-I’m through playing around, too! I’ll win as many times as you want!"
- "Hmph! Those fraidy-cats! Did you see how fast they ran?"
- "Like I really care!"
- "No way! My papa could beat them with both arms tied! Not that he’ll have to after I beat them!"
- "I can beat those guys without any extra training!"
- "I would, but there are none left since I totally already beat the ones that were here, hello?"
- "Well, then let me at them!"
- "Boy, I set out to find one of Dr. Eggman’s robots, and I run into him and Metal Sonic…"
- "Looks like Dr. Eggman’s really set on winning a gold medal. Even more than Papa is."
- "He’s working Metal Sonic into the ground…"
- "Yeah, maybe I will!”
- "It’s me, Bowser Jr.! Just came by to do a little training."
- "Wait, that’s totally boring! Lemme take on Metal Sonic!"
- "I’ve powered up, too! I’m as strong as my papa now!"
- "Course its true!"
- "Consequences shmonsequences!"
- "W-wait! How is that fair?!"
- "Fine! Then I’ve got conditions of my own! If I win, er…"
- "How ‘bout you tell my papa how awesome I was?"
- "Okay, I accept! You’re on!"
- "I can’t afford to lose this one. Time to give it all I’ve got!"
- "Yay! I won against Metal Sonic! I won!"
- "What, did you blink? Ha ha!"
- "You better keep your promise and tell my papa how awesome I was, Dr. Eggman!"
- "Wh-What are you doing?!"
- "Forget it! That wasn’t part of the deal!"
- "And no going back on your promise to talk to my papa!"
- "Oh, and one more thing, as a penalty for trying to trick me!"
- "I’m thirsty, Dr. Eggman. You have any juice on you? Oh, and a snack while you’re at it!"
- "You say something, Dr. Eggman?!"
- "Was I really?!"
- "Er, I mean you better tell him how great I was, too!"
- "Ooh, I hope he’s proud of me when everybody tells him what an awesome athlete I am!"
- "Gold medal city, here I come!"
- (Just training today was enough to beat everybody I took on, so a bit of slacking won’t hurt…)
2016 Rio Olympic Games
- "If you manage to win three Olympic matches you’ll be a champion. Not that you’ll ever get there! Bwa hahah! Aw, I’m sorry. That was mean. Here, lemme give you a tip that only I know about by way of apologizing. Tournaments here in Rio have three different levels—from Level 1 all the way up to level 3! Pretty sweet tip, right?"
- "You know, I didn’t really want to compete in a big event with Mario’s name on it, but I’m glad we won our first match all the same. Yup, just another day of leading my team to victory. Hear that world? You got to show me respect now!"
Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition
- "Hey, what's the big idea?! I was taking a nap in there."
- "But I didn't catch all my Zs!"
- "How'd Mario and his crew get this far? Ugh. And just when I was getting my bubble bath ready!"
- "Ugh! Those guys have messed with my bath time...for the LAST time!"
- "No way! I was setting up a 10-combo attack that would have been the END of them!"
- "Forget that! This isn't over yet. Not by a long shot."
PAL version
- "What's going on? I was napping!"
- "But I'm still tired!"
- "Mario's lot again?! I was just enjoying a nice soak in the bath-how dare you!"
- "I'm not properly warmed up yet!"
- "Lame! Lame. Lame. I almost had a 10 Combo!"
- "I haven't lost yet!"
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
- "Hey, you’re Mario! Talk about weird. What are you doing here?"
- "Sniff snoof snifffffffffffff… Hold up. That smell. THAT GLORIOUS STINK. Have you got a rare sticker?"
- "News flash: all rare stickers are MINE. Fork it over!"
- "Well! Guess I’ll just have to take that rare sticker by overpowering you, thank you very much."
- "Ha ha ha! Am I a beast or what? No way are you gonna win."
- "But just ‘cause you’re on the brink of a humiliating defeat, don’t get all desperate and think of using that rare sticker."
- "No no no NO! I want that sticker pristine when I take it from you!"
- "What?! C’mon, seriously? That sticker is overpowered! You cheat!"
- "Okay look, I’ve had it! If that’s the way it’s gonna be, I've got one last trick to show you, bub!"
- "I’m not finished yet!"
- "You’ll never climb up there to get it. Enjoy your sad little day of crying!"
- "Bye, cheater!"
- "Hey, long time no see, Mario! Aren’t you looking chipper."
- "Sniff sniff snooooooffffff… Mmm… and you’ve got an even rarer sticker than last time, don’t ya?"
- "Yeah, well, that is REALLY ANNOYING! Give it, give it. GIVE IT NOW!"
- "Dang! You’re nothing but a big bully! I’m telling my dad on you!"
- "And my dad is SOOOO shiny right now! He’s way, way stronger than the both of you combined!"
- "Better be ready to cry a lot!"
- "Mario! So you actually made it here!"
- "Y’know, Dad was pretty angry when I told him how you beat me up for no good reason! He was spitting mad!"
- "So now I don’t care about any dumb stickers. I just care about vengeance! And I won’t go easy on you this time. You want this comet piece? Come on!"
- "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!"
- "You made a huge hole in the ship! Dad’s gonna get all mad again!"
- "I’m gonna pummel you and make my daddy proud!"
- "No way am I losing this time!"
- "How do you like THIS?!"
- "Ha! Check it! A defense shield!"
- "Go ahead, attack all you want!"
- "DAAAAAANG! NOOOOO! WHYYYYY? This can’t be happening!"
- "Could this mean… I’M FINISHED?!"
Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam
- "What's the big idea, copycat?"
- "Thanks!"
- "It's like looking into a funhouse mirror. Crazy!"
- "But anyway, you showed up at just the right time. It was getting boring around here."
- "No way! That's MY name too! Wow! OK then, let's get this party started!"
- "Hey there, buddy."
- "You know what, buddy?" (PAL)
- "I'm bored out of my mind."
- "By the way, there's something I've been wondering. Where are you from anyway?"
- "Hmm... Does that mean if we had the book, you'd have to go home?"
- "But hanging out together is the only thing keeping us from dying of boredom!"
- "Oh, great idea!"
- "I bet our dads would like that too."
- "So any idea where the book is now?"
- "Once we're done here, let's go find that book!"
- "HOLD ON!"
- "Don't you throw my book away! I'm gonna tell Dad on you!"
- "Woo-hoo!"
- "Alright! Let's get this baby home!"
- "All right, time to go throw this book in the garbage."
- "And then we can hang out together and never be bored again!"
- "Okay, book, into the stinky garbage with you!"
- "On second thought..."
- "Let's keep this ugly garbage book for now. Who knows? Maybe it'll come in handy."
- "Like, if we get bored here, we could go terrorize YOUR world someday..."
- "Let's go show the book to Dad! I bet he'll get a kick out of it."
- "Daaad! I'M your son!"
- "Look what I have!"
- "We don't care! We don't wanna do it! We hate guard duty!"
- "I like special surprises! OK, let's go to the villa!"
- "And so are you!"
- "Who knew that Pops had a villa way up here?"
- "Talk about a killer view!"'
- "No way! This I gotta see!"
- "Whoooooa."
- "I'm so high up!"
- "If I were scared of heights, I would for sure be freaking out right now."
- "Hey! Stop hogging it!"
- "It's half mine, you know!"
- "I don't wanna!"
- "Besides, you're the one who told me to play here!"
- "Heh. Mario! This is perfect timing!"
- "Gahaha! Come and get us... if you can!"
- "Dang it! They're scratching our papercraft all up!"
- "We're just messing around here. Time to break out the big bombs!"
- "Right? High five!"
- "Waaaah! They broke our papercraft!"
- "Why'd you make it so flimsy?"
- "Brrr! *zzz* *zzz*"
- "Why is it so cooooold...?"
- "That was a dirty trick, running away while I was asleep!"
- "I'm gonna tell Dad all about it, just you wait!"
- "Oh, man, probably both!"
- "But the book is OURS now! We're never giving it back!"
- "Hmm... Hey, buddy."
- "I kind of feel like these guys didn’t know we had the book."
- "Maybe we shouldn’t have pulled it out just then."
- "Hah! Like we'd just give up like that."
- "Hey, buddy! You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
- "Let's run away!"
- "So it's come to this."
- "Hey, buddy! Why did we even run away the first time?"
- "Fighting is more fun, don't you think?"
- "All right, who can fly the farthest?"
- "I challenge you!"
- "Urgh... Buddy..."
- "Um, Dad..."
- "Dad... the book..."
Paper Bowser Jr.
- "What!? It’s pretty obvious that YOU’RE the copycat!"
- "That said, you picked a pretty nice style to jack!"
- "The name’s Bowser Jr. Pleased to meetcha!"
- "Oh, yeah, me too."
- "Sure, we’ll get a reward for watching the princesses, but…"
- "I’m bored out of my mind."
- "I flew out of that book, same as my dad."
- "Yeah, probably."
- "Yeah, going home would be super lame."
- "Wait, I have an idea!"
- "Let’s just find the book and destroy it! Problem solved!"
- "Nope, no clue. Hmm…"
- "Yeah! Then I’ll never have to go home!"
- "It’s stinky garbage time! It’s stinky garbage time!"
- "Whyyyy meeee? Standing guard is the most boring job in the world!"
- "We don’t care! We don’t want to do it! We hate guard duty!"
- "Yeah! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!"
- "We’re heading out to the villa now!"
- "Hey buddy! Did you check out that awesome papercraft downstairs?"
- "It looks just like us!"
- "Hey, buddy!The papercraft is so awesome!"
- "Whoa! SO cool!"
- "We don’t care! We’re not done playing yet!"
- "AND we’re not scared of Mario or anyone with him!"
- "Now that we’ve got this sweet papercraft, we’re not scared of anything!"
- "We’re gonna take this papercraft for a test drive… all over your face!"
- "Pfft. They probably can’t!"
- "Good idea!"
- "That does us zero good right now. Let’s go back to the castle"
- "Man, I’m so bored."
- "This lookout duty is the worst! Where’s the action?"
- "Hey, you two! Try escaping or something! I can’t take this anymore!"
- "‘Mario! Save me!' You could at least say something different every once in a while. Yeesh!"
- "And anyway, Mario’s not coming!"
- "Right about now he’s probably being dangled over some lava."
- "Grrr! Stop saying that! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"
- "That’s IT. I’m going outside."
- "So… you think they’re here to steal back that book, or just the princesses?"
- "What’s up?"
- "Looks that way."
- "Maybe not our best move."
- "I think so!"
- "Let’s run away!"
- "You can’t boss us around!"
- "Nuh-uh! WE’RE the bosses!"
- "You’re not even a miniboss!"
- "You’re just an angry little bee!"
- "You’re right! Let’s fight ‘em!"
- "It’s what Dad would want."
- "It's gonna be painful if you lose. Bwahaha!"
- "Don’t let them get it... We need it..."