List of quotes in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

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This is a list of quotes from the game Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. The quotes are listed by character.

King Boo

  • "Mwahahaha! Now what do we have here?"
  • "Why, if it isn't my old pal Luigi! Or is it Baby Luigi? I can't tell the difference."
  • "Hey, remember the time when you trapped me in a painting for all eternity? Good times."
  • "But guess what? I GOT OUT! And now I'm painting the town red!"


  • "Ohhh boy..."
  • "H-h-h-hello?"
  • "I do it!"
  • "Oh-o."
  • "Mamma-mia..."
  • "Here I go...(gulp)"
  • "No, no, no. Bad doggie!"
  • "Heeeey."
  • "Marioooo, yoohoo!"
  • "I got it!"
  • "I did it!"

ScareScraper Luigis

  • "Heeeey!" (Voice command.)
  • "Good job!"
  • "Thank you very much!"
  • "Help help!"
  • "Over here!"
  • "Hey!" (Ghost steal.)
  • "Uh-oh." (Trapped.)
  • "Here you go." (Freeing Luigi from trap.)
  • "Yoo-hoo..." / "Let's-a go!" / "Come on!" (Reviving other Luigi.)
  • "Got it!" / "Gotcha!" (Collecting Red Coin.)
  • "I do it!" (Winning bonus item.)
  • "Let's do it!"
  • "All right!"

Professor E. Gadd

  • "Greetings, Luigi! I knew our paths would cross again."
  • "What're ya scared of, sonny? It's only just a few harmless ghosts. Well...a few hundred ghosts. And they’re not exactly harmless."
  • "But looky here – With my brains and your...ah...your... Hmm. We're in a bit of a pickle here, aren't we?"
  • "Ho ho! That terrified look in your eye just gave me a great idea. From now on, I’m going to call the DS — this is genius — the Dual Scream! Ho ho! Oho! Dual Scream! Hooo..."
  • "Why the long face, Luigi? Well, genetics, I suppose..."
  • "I won't have to ask you to leave now...because you've already shown yourself the door!"
  • "Luigi? Where are you going? You need to take the elevator down into the Cellar!"
  • "Luigi! What’s wrong with you, boy! Are you chickening out? Get to the Cellar!"
  • "Luigi... Read my lips: GET TO THE CELLAR! POSTHASTE!"
  • "If this whole ghost-hunting thing doesn't work out, you may have a future as a plumber!"
  • "I tried to locate that confounded canine with the Parascope, but the doggone dog's gone!"
  • "Luigi, sometimes I wonder about you, son. You went to all that trouble finding the special compass...just to ignore your map? Get your rear in gear!"
  • "Ghosts tend to gain power over time, and this Poltergeist seems to be absolutely ancient. I guess you could say...he has a lot of time on his hands!"
  • "Now, would you hand over that handy hour hand? Ho ho!"
  • "Luigi? Where do you think you're going, son? We've worked so hard for this moment! Open that blasted gate!"
  • "Luigi, the Clock Tower Gate is waiting to be opened. You're not scared of that possessor ghost, are you?"
  • "Luigi! Quit being such a... such a whippersnappin' ninny, and get to the Clock Tower!"
  • "That's the world of paranormal research for you – one minute you're having fun learning about ghosts... and the next minute you're running for your life, scurrying about like a headless chicken! I hope we never get to that point! Ho ho! What am I saying? You're always at that point!"
  • "No sign of the Toad, eh? He'd better not be fishing in that Fishing Hut out back. I'm not paying him to catch fish. Well, unless they're some kind of freaky ghost fish! Boy, wouldn't that be something?"
  • "But don't despair, son! Look on the bright side! You...ah... You...have a very bushy mustache!"
  • "I'm glad that the Toad curators are safe and sound. Although, I suppose this means I'll have to give them their paychecks now..."
  • "Chin up, young feller. We'll get your brother back. Although, I imagine his painting would fetch a pretty penny at an art auction. Ho ho! Just kidding, my boy!"
  • "I wonder how he escaped from his portrait in the first place! Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have sold it at the garage sale..."
  • "Hmm... I figured as much. Well, at least you got to sharpen your skills by facing off against the most powerful possessor again! Be honest, Luigi. You went back through that portal just for the adrenaline rush, didn't you? Ho ho! You've come a long way, you wild thrill seeker, you! Never thought I'd see the day!"

Toad assistant

  • "Huh? The professor didn't tell you there were two of us? That old coot. He always thinks we're the same person. I wonder if he's color blind..."
