List of Rosalina quotes

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Revision as of 10:12, October 24, 2018 by (talk) (Tennis Aces quotes added (I think she said "wah-ha" and "ow" for some reason))
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This is a list of quotes by Rosalina.

Super Mario series

Super Mario Galaxy

  • "I've been watching you from here. This place is called the gateway to the starry sky..."
  • "My name is Rosalina. I watch over and protect the cosmos. To save your special one, you'll need the power to travel through space."
  • "Luma can give you this power. I will entrust you with his care."
  • "Disaster has struck us, just as it has visited you. With Luma, I hope you can rescue the Grand Stars. May the stars shine down on you..."
  • "Oh, thank you for saving the Grand Star. These star people are my family... They mean so much to me."
  • "Welcome to the Comet Observatory. It's my home, and also home to the Lumas."
  • "You see, we travel the starry skies. We pass by this area once every one hundred years, but we suddenly stopped in front of this planet. A strange force had latched onto our ship, pulling away Star Bits and our power source, Power Stars. Our ship had lost power, so it entered a deep hibernation state in which it could not move. Those who took your special one picked up the Power Stars... And discovered the power to cross the universe."
  • "Please, I have a request..."
  • "This observatory uses Star Power to project images of the galaxies that are scattered across space."
  • "And...there is a chance we can use our few remaining stars to look for other Power Stars."
  • "These round rooms are called domes. We observe galaxies from domes such as these. But the only one that is working now, powered by the Star Power you restored, is this one...the Terrace."
  • "Please go to the Terrace and try to recover the Power Stars from the galaxies you can see from there."
  • "You should go to the Terrace first. Please rescue the Power Stars in the galaxies you see there."
  • "Mario/Luigi... Your name is Mario/Luigi, isn't it? That is what I heard from your friends who just arrived. Mario/Luigi... It has such a nice ring."
  • "Your friends are waiting for you in the Garage. I think they want to tell you something, so you'd best hurry on over there."
  • "Your friends are waiting for you in the Garage. I think they want to tell you something, so please hurry there."
  • "That ball of flame represents the power of the observatory. We call it the beacon. When you recover a Grand Star, a little Star Power will be restored, and the beacon will grow."
  • "The Comet Observatory can use that power to fly through the universe."
  • "Once all of the power is restored, we will even be able to fly to the center of the universe..."
  • "If the beacon's power grows enough, this ship will be able to fly to the center of the universe. It looks like your friends are going to give you a hand. You should get started by rescuing the Power Stars in the galaxies you can see from the domes."
  • "It seems that a Prankster Comet has appeared somewhere..."
  • "Prankster Comets have very strange effects on galaxies. If you want to learn more about these curious comets, ask the Luma who knows about such things."
  • "Prankster Comets have very strange effects on galaxies. If you want to learn more about these exotic comets, ask the purple Luma over there."
  • "You rescued another Grand Star, and power has returned to another dome in the back of the observatory! Hmmm, but I still don't think we have the Star Power we need to fly the observatory through the universe. "
  • "The villain who kidnapped your special one took her far from here, to the center of the universe."
  • " Once our Star Power is restored, the observatory will be able to go there. Then you can reunite with your special one..."
  • "Once our Star Power is restored, the observatory will be able to travel to the center of the universe. Please go to the domes in the back and do your best to recover more Star Power!"
  • "Thanks to you and your friends, all of the domes on the lower level are working again."
  • "Once the Engine Room on the upper level has power, the whole observatory will be working. Then the Comet Observatory will fly as a starship once again."
  • "And you will be able to fly to your special one in the center of the universe..."
  • "Once the Engine Room on the upper level is powered on, this observatory will function as a starship again. Then you will be able to see your special one in the center of the universe..."
  • "We have ascertained the location of your special one. Please take a look at the circle by your feet."
  • "That number represents the Power Stars you need to reach the center of the universe. That number will decrease with each Power Star you recover."
  • "And when it reaches zero, the Comet Observatory will regain full power and fly as a starship again. And then we will be able to reach the center of the universe."
  • "When we recover the remaining Power Stars, the number on the platform will go down to zero. Then the Comet Observatory will be able to get you close to your special one."
  • "The beacon is so bright now, it's hard to look at!
  • "Once you recover the remaining Power Stars, the observatory will fly as a starship again. Then we can lead you to your special one in the center of the universe."
  • "The Comet Observatory has full power! Now it can fly through the cosmos again."
  • "It's time. Do you want to go to the location of your special one at the center of the universe?"
  • "Welcome back! I knew you would return eventually."
  • "Please look down at your feet."
  • "This number you see represents the number of Power Stars you need to access another world. Whether you succeed or fail, just attempting the challenge will show something about your character. "
  • "We now have enough Star Power to go to another world. But before that, we must help your special one."
  • "Are you prepared to travel to the center of the universe?"
  • "All right, then. Off we go!"
  • "Please speak to me again when you are ready."
  • "Welcome back..."
  • "I can see your brother/twin from here. If you ask him, I bet he'll help you search for Power Stars."
  • "And I'm sure he has a lot to tell you. You should go speak to him over there by the Garage."
  • "This planet... It's very dear to me."
  • "I looked forward to visiting this planet with the Lumas every one hundred years..."
  • "The Luma that's been travelling with you may also grow up to become a star someday. Some Lumas become planets...some become comets...and few become Power Stars."
  • "I'm travelling with them while they look for a place to be reborn."
  • "But I never thought all this would happen..."
  • "Let us begin!"
  • "That should do it for today..."
  • "That's all. My story is finished."
  • "There is a warp field inside the castle! Go! They are inside! Hurry!"
  • "Do you hear the baby stars? These newborns will grow up to become galaxies someday.
  • "When stars die, they turn to stardust and scatter across the cosmos. Eventually, that stardust reforms to create a new star... And so the cycle of life continues.
  • "But the cycle never repeats itself in quite the same way...
  • "'ll see."
  • "Yes... All new life... Carries the essence of stars... Even all of you..."
  • "Thank you... I will watch over you from beyond the stars."

Super Mario Galaxy 2

  • "I am Rosalina... I watch over and protect the cosmos. I have been waiting for all of you."
  • "When that evil monster took our star power... I was separated from my precious little one... But I knew we'd see each other again."
  • "Because..."
  • "There is a force that binds us, defying even time and space... Not even the laws of the universe can stop it. I knew its gentle pull would prevail."
  • "It is the desire to be reunited with someone who is important to you. That pull is what brought us together."
  • "We have come through so much to meet again. This is not some mere whim of the stars... I am sure of that."
  • "Mario/Luigi..."
  • "Thank you for returning this child to me."
  • "May the stars shine down on you..."
  • "Ahh, good. Everyone's together now."
  • "Next, let's hear a story about the jewels of the cosmos... Let me tell you the story of the Green Stars."
  • "This is a story from long, long ago..."
  • "Mario/Luigi... So you were the one who collected all of the scattered stars... I want to thank you... Your deeds will live on in the memory of the cosmos... May the stars shine down on you..."
  • "I want to give you my thanks."

Super Mario 3D World

  • "Hello there. All set!" (when selected from file screen)
  • "I'm ready!" (when chosen from level screen)
  • "Let's go!" (starting level)
  • "Wonderful!" / "Mine!" / "Whoa!" (Green Star/Stamp)
  • "Good!" (touching Checkpoint Flag)
  • "Woo hoo!" (clearing stage)
  • "Here I go!" (Double Rosalina)
  • "Finally!" (Mega Rosalina)
  • "You see that?" (Rosalina switch)
  • "Nooooooo!" (falling)
  • "Yo!" (touching the Flagpole)
  • "Oh no!" (getting hurt by an enemy and when she is on game over screen)
  • "Never give up!" (when continue after Game Over)
  • "Ta ta!" (when a player exits)

Super Mario Maker

  • "Here I go!" (touched Mystery Mushroom)
  • "Ha!" (jumps)
  • "Yay!" (taunt; borrowed from Super Mario 3D World)
  • "Nooooooo!" (falling; borrowed from Super Mario 3D World)

Mario Kart series

Mario Kart Wii

  • "Let's go!"
  • "OK."
  • "Yeah, we win!"
  • "OK, we win!"
  • "We win, yeah..."
  • "Yes, OK!"
  • "Yeah, yay!"
  • "Huh yay! Yahaa!"
  • "Alright, not bad!"
  • "Not bad. Oh... OK!"
  • "Huh... not bad! Huh..."
  • "No... oh well."
  • "Huh... no!"
  • "Oh well... next time."
  • "Wooo!"
  • "Haha!"
  • "Yahaa!"
  • "Go!"

Mario Kart 7

  • "All right!"
  • "Woohohoo!"
  • "Yay!"
  • "Ta ta!"
  • "Woohoho! All right!"
  • "Woooo! Yeah!"
  • "Woohoo! Oh yeah!"
  • "Hmmm... OK!"
  • "Hmmm... not bad!"
  • "Yeah! Mmmm Hmmm!"
  • "Oh... (sob) nooo!"
  • "Ah... no, no, no..."
  • "No, no, no... (sigh)"
  • "Woo!"
  • Yah!"
  • "Yeah!"

Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

  • "Yes! Victory!" (placing 1st)
  • "Hahaha, alright!" (placing 1st)
  • "Oh yeah, winner!" (placing 1st)
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Rosalina!" (when unlocked; Wii U version only)
  • "Bye bye!"
  • "See ya!"
  • "Farewell!"
  • "Ooh, nice!"
  • "Go!"
  • "Hover!"
  • "Wheels up!"
  • "Yahoo!"
  • "Ta ta!"
  • "Ooh, not bad!" (placing 2nd-6th)
  • "That'll do!" (placing 2nd-6th)
  • "Alright!" (placing 2nd-6th)
  • "Aw... not this time..." (placing 7th-12th)
  • "Aw... no..." (placing 7th-12th)
  • "Oh... boy..." (placing 7th-12th)
  • "Woohoo! Here we go!" (title screen)

Mario Golf: World Tour

  • "Alright."
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Woo! (chuckles)" (Eagle)
  • "Woo!" (Birdie)
  • "Aw... (gasps)" (Bogey)
  • "Ta ta!"
  • "Waha!"
  • "Hmm... OK."
  • "No..."
  • "Yeah..."

Mario Party series

Mario Party 10

  • "Hi!"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Here I go!"
  • "Here we go!"
  • "All right!"
  • "Okay!"
  • "That's better!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Yay!"
  • "Ha ha!"
  • "Woo! (giggles)"
  • "Oh!"
  • "Ow!"
  • "Aww..."
  • "No..."
  • "Noooo!"
  • "Too bad."
  • "Ya!"
  • "Ha!"
  • "Ah..."
  • "Oops."
  • "Ooh, yay!"

Mario Party: Star Rush

  • "Here we go!"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Yay!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Oh no..."
  • "Ow..."
  • "Noooo!"
  • "No!"
  • "Ah-ha."
  • "Yes!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Bye bye!"

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

  • "Let's go!"
  • "Here we go!"
  • "Here!"
  • "Ha!"
  • "Ah-ha!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Oh, yes!"
  • "Aww, no..."
  • "No..."
  • "Go!"
  • "Ya-ha-hoo!"
  • "Oh..."
  • "Oh!"
  • "Ah!"
  • "Aww, not this time..."
  • "Oh... boy..."
  • "Wah-ha!"
  • "Woo!"
  • "Ya!"
  • "Wee-hee!"
  • "Woohoo!"

Mario Tennis Aces

  • " Woo..."
  • "Ya-ha-hoo!"
  • "Oh..."
  • "Ah!
  • "Ow!"
  • "Here!"
  • "Wah-ha!"
  • "Aww, not this time..."
  • "Oh... boy..."
  • "Oh!"
  • "Woo!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Wee-hee!"
  • "Go!"
  • "Ha!"
  • "Ah-ha!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "No!"
  • "Aww, no..."
  • "Oh, yes!"
  • "Hoo!"
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Mmmm!"

Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

  • "I have been watching all of your performances. It is just as the rumors say. Your potential is positively celestial! I would like to challenge you to a match. But I must warn you... When it comes to the clubs, I am no slouch, either. I simply feel we could have a FABULOUS competition together. Do not except to win, however!"
  • "It's a shame I lost, but I'm thrilled I was able to face a competitor such as your self. I hope we meet again!"