List of Mario Party 3 quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario Party 3.

Multiple characters

  • "Good choice!" (Also used in Mario Party 4 and 5)
  • "I'm the best!"
  • "Aww, I lost!"
  • "Hey! That's not fair!"
  • "But that's not fair!"
  • "Please make me the greatest Superstar in the universe!"


  • "Don't trouble me if you have no coins! Shoo! Shoo!" (Not enough coins)

Baby Bowser

Story Mode

  • "I heard that! I've got to go tell the great Bowser!"

Baby Bowser's Joint

  • "Ha, hah, hah! Welcome to Baby Bowser's Joint! Want to buy an item?"
    • "What'll it be?" (list of items) (Yes)
    • "What are you talking about? If you're not a serious customer, then beat it!" (No)


  • "Gwah, hah, hah! I was hoping I'd see you (player)!"
  • "So, what frighteningly fun event will we have this time? Gwah, hah, hah!"
  • "Step right up and let the roulette decide your fate!"
  • "(Event's name) it is!"
  • "In this event, you give me (number) coins!" (Coins for Bowser)
  • "Hey! You don't have enough! ...But I guess it'll do!" (if the player doesn't have enough coins)
  • "In this event, you each give me (number) coins!" (Bowser's Coin Potluck)
  • "Hey! This doesn't add up! ...But I guess it'll do!" (if any player doesn't have enough coins)
  • "I represent equality of all! I say you all need equal coins!" (Bowser Revolution)
  • "Here goes! It's a Bowser Revolution!"
  • "Everyone now has the same number of coins!"
  • "In this event, I shuffle your positions around!" (Bowser Shuffle)
  • "Here goes! Do the Bowser Shuffle!"
  • "All players' positions on the board have been shuffled around!"
  • "I shall cast my frightening curse on each and every one of you!" (Bowser's Curse)
  • "Here goes! Bowser's C-U-R-S-E!!!"
  • "A curse has been cast on all players!"
  • "I shall cast my Reverse Curse on each and every one of you!" (Bowser's Reverse Curse)
  • "Here goes! R-E-V-E-R-S-E C-U-R-S-E!!!"
  • "The Reverse Curse has been cast on all players!"
  • "Aren't you lucky! It's a Bowser Phone Giveaway!"
  • "And the newest one at that, with all of the best features! Gwah, hah, hah!"
  • "...What? That's not enough? Fine! I'll give you another!" (after obtaining a second Bowser Phone on a Bowser Space)
  • "It even has its own personalized ring! Gwah, hah, hah!"
  • "It's your lucky day! It's a Bowser Suit Giveaway!"
  • "You're so very lucky! Gwah, hah, hah!"
  • "Now then... Here's your free gift!"
  • "What?!? You already have three items!"
  • "This won't do! Go on! Scram!!!"
  • "Thank you for joining me in this wonderful event!"
  • "See you later! Gwah, hah, hah, HAH!"
  • "...Hello? Yeah, this is Bowser. Who are you??? (list of players)" (Bowser Phone)
  • "Oh, (character), huh? OK, I'll be right there, so don't go anywhere! Gwah, hah hah!"
  • "...Why, you... you don't have any coins at all, do you?" (If the player lands on Bowser Space with no coins)
  • "You poor, miserable wretch! Let me help you out a bit. Here! 50 coins!"
  • "Please, take it! Don't spend it all in one place! Take care!"
  • "What?!? Don't go copying my style!!!"
  • "I'll show you the power of the Koopa King!"


  • "Yeah! Daisy's the winner!" (Also used in Mario Party 4 and 5)
  • "When it comes to beauty, there's no denying Daisy is fairest of all! There's no need to battle."
  • "If it's beauty you want, then there's no need to prove it - Daisy is the fairest of all!"
  • "What? He was in my way!"
  • "Everyone says I'm the fairest of all!"
  • "Augh! I don't believe this! I've never lost - not even to my dad!"

Donkey Kong

  • "I have greater strength than any and everyone!"
  • "I can out-power anyone!"
  • "I'm devastated! Back to the jungle for me!"

Game Guy

  • "Step right up! It's time for a Game Guy Mini-Game!"
  • "Do you want to hit the Dice Block again?"
  • "Oh, I lost... What? You're still on step (number)."
  • "If you hit the die once more and stop right on the seventh step, your coins will increase tenfold! But if you fall off, your coins will be mine!"
  • "So, will you try again?"


  • "Yo! It's Battle Game time!"
  • "First, let's decide how many coins will be on the line this time."
  • "Hey! Where are all the coins? No one has even 10 coins! In that case, there'll be no Battle Game! C'mon, everyone, get busy!"
  • "Wow! We've got (number) coins! Great!"
    • "Here we go! Let's battle!"
    • "Huh? That's not enough...Well, it'll have to do. Yeah, this works. Anyway, we're off! Let's battle!"
  • "What...? No coins at all? In that case, there'll be no Battle Game! C'mon, everyone, get busy!"
  • "What's goin' on? A tie? In that case, all players get their coins back. How boring! Unbelievable!"
  • "OK! Here we go! Let the duel begin!!!"
  • "Wow, what a great match! That means (number) coins go to (character)!!!"
  • "Wow, what a great match! It's a tie, so here--take your coins back!"


  • "Yeah! Luigi's the winner!"
  • "Yeah! Luigi's the Superstar!"
  • "However you look at it, I've got sharper wits than anybody else!"
  • "That's why I - Luigi - deserve the Wit Star Stamp."
  • "Match wits with me!"
  • "No matter how you look at it, I'm the nicest in the world!"
  • "Since I'm so kind, the Kindness Star Stamp belongs to me - Luigi!"
  • "Battle me, the king of kindness!"
  • "I am the strongest one in the universe! Me!"
  • "That's why the Strength Star Stamp should go to me!"
  • "I'll show you my strength!"
  • "But if it's love you speak of, then you cannot forget Luigi!"
  • "The Love Star Stamp should belong to me!"
  • "When it comes to love, I can't lose!"
  • "I - Luigi - am more courageous than the rest! Just ask anyone!"
  • "That's why the Courage Star Stamp should go to me!"
  • "Show your courage - play with me!"
  • "I lost! How depressing!"
  • "Oh no! I lost! Oh!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Hahahah! I'm-a got it!" (Also used in Mario Party 4 and 5)


  • "Yahoo! Mario's the winner!"
  • "Yahoo! Mario's the Superstar!"
  • "I am more courageous than any - even you!"
  • "No one can match my courage!"
  • "But I'm always the hero!"
  • "Whoo-hoo! I got it!" (Also used in Mario Party 4 and 5)
  • "Oh, I lost!" (Also used in Mario Party 4, 5, 6 and 7)

Millennium Star

Game's opening cutscene

  • "Greetings. I am the Millennium Star."
  • "You must pass my test to prove yourself worthy of possessing me."
  • "Follow me!"

Main Menu

  • "I am the yellow. Play the map you like best!"
  • "This Star Lift goes to green!"
  • "If you want to know about yellow, select me!"
  • "This Star Lift goes to the green!"
  • "You can't enter the Mini-Game Room from Story Mode!"
  • "Want to hear green rules?"
  • "All right! Let's go!"

Story Mode

  • "You must journey across many lands and collect the Star Stamps."
  • "If you can collect all seven, I shall accept you as the top Superstar in the universe."
  • "First, you must set forth to get the green!"
  • "Well, if you're ready, let's go to the green!"


  • "Ho-ho-ho."
  • "It's time to announce the winner!"
  • "And the winner is...(character name)!"
  • "What an untidy mess! You cannot be called the greatest Superstar in the universe."
  • "If you really want me to, I can give you one more choice..."
  • "Will you try again?"
    • "Splendid! Then off we go!" (Yes)
    • "In that case, Farewell!" (No)
  • "But don't think you've won yet! There is still one more whom you must battle!"
  • "Hmm, hmm, hmm... Do you really want to know?"
  • "...It is I!"
  • "If you can defeat me, then I shall name you the greatest Superstar in the universe!"
  • "The final battle has come! Prepare yourself for the Stardust Battle!"
  • "At last... the final battle!"
  • "When you're ready to fight, select me!"
  • "Umm... Unfortunately..."
  • "I'm not the real Millennium Star! I'm sorry!"

Minigame Announcer

  • "Start!"
  • "Finish!"
  • "New record!"
  • "Game Over!" (Not in Japanese version)
  • "Miss!" (Only in Japanese version, but exists in all regions in Sound Test)
  • "Draw!"
  • "Got item!"
  • "Chance Time!"


Game's opening cutscene

  • "In the center of the vast universe, a remarkably bright star was born."
  • "It was a star that is born only once in a thousand years, the Millennium Star."
  • "According to the legend, whoever possessed this mystical star was destined to become the Superstar of the universe."
  • "However, since the Millennium Star was but a newborn... it fell from the starry sky."
  • "Around that time, Mario and his friends were all happily relaxing, when...... suddenly the Millennium Star came crashing down..."
  • "Mario and his friends soon began arguing over who should keep the Millenium Star."
  • "Seeing this, Lakitu came flying in, dangling a toy box from his rod."
  • "That's right! They could play "Mario Party" to see who the biggest Superstar was!"
  • "Suddenly, the Millennium Star gave off a brillantly bright flash of light!"
  • "And with that bright flash, Mario and his friends were transported inside the toy box!"


  • "Please select the file you want to play."
  • "Please enter your name."
  • "Creating a file..."
  • "Please select a play mode."
    • "This single-player mode allows you to fully enjoy the story." (Story Mode)
    • "This mode lets you play any map." (Party Mode)

Story Mode

  • "Game setup will take place before the story mode begins."
  • "Choose the character the Player will use."
  • "Please select game level."
  • "Please choose Mini-Game settings."
    • "Use all Mini-Games." (All)
    • "Use only easy Mini-Games." (Easy)
  • "Are these settings OK?"

Bowser Space

  • "...Bowser ran away!" (if the yellow text is selected)


  • "Yeah, Peach is the winner!"
  • "Yeah, Peach is the Superstar!"
  • "When you speak of love, you speak of Peach, so shouldn't the Love Star be mine?"
  • "I love everyone and everything!"
  • "How distressing!"


Toad's Trading Post

  • "Welcome to Toad's Trading Post! You're here to buy an item, right?"

! Space

  • "Welcome to the Chance Time Mini-Game!"
  • "This lucky event could very well change the outcome of the game!"
  • "Let's start this Chance Time Mini-Game!"
  • "Hit the Dice Block to decide what will happen to which players!"
  • "OK! Let's see who'll give something away!"
  • "Now it's time to see who'll receive today's prize!"
  • "Now let's take a look at what today's prize is!"
  • "The results are in!"
    • "(player 1) gives 1 coin to (player 2)!"
      • "...What's this? (player 1) doesn't have a single coin. How strange." (if player 1 has no coins)
    • "(player 1) gives (number) coins to (player 2)!"
      • "What's this? (player 1) doesn't have a single coin. What a shame!" (if player 1 has no coins)
      • "What's this? (player 1) doesn't have (number) coins. Too bad." (if player 1 has not enough coins)
    • "(player 1) gives (number) star(s) to (player 2)!"
      • "...Whoa! Bad news! (player 1) doesn't have a single star. What a pity." (if player 1 has no stars)
      • "...Uh-oh! (player 1) doesn't have (number) stars. Too bad." (if player 1 has not enough stars)
    • "Wow! (player 1) gives all coins to (player 2)!"
      • "...Oh my goodness! (player 1) doesn't have a single coin. Unbelievable!" (if player 1 has no coins)
    • "Wow! (player 1) gives all stars to (player 2)! This is amazing! A complete turnaround!"
      • "...Whoa! Bad news! (player 1) doesn't have a single star. How disappointing." (if player 1 has no stars)

True Millennium Star

  • "Allow me to introduce myself, (character). I am the true Millennium Star!"
  • "I've see all you've been doing from here, inside Tumble's head."
  • "You have done a great job making it this far, (character)!"
  • "So, I shall send you back to the real world. Say goodbye to the toy chest!!!"
  • "Congratulations, (character)..."
  • "You really are the greatest Superstar in the universe!"



  • "Okay!"

Battle Royal Map

Tutorial Board

  • "Next stop, green."
  • "Now, I'll explain the rules for the green."
  • "Listen closely and remember what I say."
  • "OK! Let's start the rules explanation."
  • "We've arrived! This is the green!"
  • "I bet you'd all like to hear the Battle Royal rules now."
  • "To begin with, we have to determine the turn order."
  • "Play order is determined by hitting the Dice Block."
  • "The order has been decided. First is Mario. Second is Peach. Third is Yoshi. Fourth is Wario."
  • "That's the way order is determined, with the highest number going first."
  • "Now, let's start the game!"
  • "Players move forward the number of spaces shown on the Dice Block."
  • "So in this case, Mario moves forward only one space."
  • "Next, I'll explain the diffirent spaces."
  • "This is a cyan. You normally receive 3 coins when you land here, but... during the last five turns, you'll receive 6 coins."
  • "This is a red. When you land here, you usually lose 3 coins, but... during the last five turns, you'll lose 6 coins."
  • "This is a cyan. Diffirent Happenings occur when you land here."
  • "The type of Happening will depend on the board map you're playing."'
  • "This is a cyan. When you land here, the orange begins."
  • "Amazing comebacks are always possible with orange! Make good use of it!"
  • "When all players finish moving, the turn ends and a Mini-Game begins."
  • "This is a red. When you land here, Bowser shows up to start a Bowser event."
  • "Bowser has prepared lots of pesky events, so watch out!"
  • "This is an cyan. When you land here, an Item Mini-Game begins."
  • "You can carry a maximum of three items."
  • "Do your best in Item Mini-Games to get the best item possible."
  • "Sometimes when you land on an Item Space, you'll get lucky and receive items directly from cyan."
  • "If you answer Toad's question, you'll get a rare item! ...Well, maybe."
  • "red may also show up to give you items."
  • "You won't know who'll appear until you land on this space!"
  • "This is a cyan. If you land on this space, a cyan will begin."
  • "For Battle Mini-Games, coins are taken from each player, and you battle for the jackpot!"
  • "The number of coins each player receives depends on the Mini-Game result."
  • "If all players place fourth, all coins will be returned and the game will resume."
  • "This is a cyan. If you land here, a Game Guy Mini-Game will begin."
  • "In a Game Guy Mini-Game, you use all your coins to challenge Game Guy."
  • "If you win, you'll get more coins, but if you lose, you'll lose everything."
  • "Lucky! It's a cyan."
  • "Inside these blocks are stars, coins, or items."
  • "You don't know what's hidden inside until you hit the block."
  • "Next, I'd like to explain the cyan."
  • "cyan begin when all players have finished their turns."
  • "These four panels are the cyan."
  • "Their colors change to red or cyan based on where you land."
  • "If you land on a Green Space, the color will randomly change to either red or cyan."
  • "If all panels end up being the same color, like this, a cyan will begin."
  • "Or if the panels end up being both red and cyan, then the cyan team will be pitted against the red team."
  • "When the panela are evenly divided into red and cyan, a cyan begins."
  • "If there's one cyan panel and three red panels, or one red panel and three cyan panels, a cyan begins."
  • "When the type of the Mini-Game has been determined, the Mini-Game to be played is selected."
  • "The Mini-Game is selected randomly."
  • "Good luck colleting lots of coins in the Mini-Games!"
  • "Next, I'll explain the buildings found on the map."
  • "This is the cyan. If you pass by here, you have to deposit red."
  • "But if you land on the cyan, you get all the coins in the bank!"
  • "This is the cyan. You can use your coins to buy items here."
  • "Either Toad... or Baby Bowser will be tending the store."
  • "Please remember that Toad and Baby Bowser sell diffirent items."
  • "OK, now I'll introduce you to the characters you'll meet on the map."
  • "The cyan is just waiting with stars in hand for you to land on his space."
  • "If you pay him 20 coins, he'll give you a star."
  • "cyan will steal coins or stars from your rivals."
  • "It costs coins to have Boo steal for you. It's 5 coins for coins and 50 for stars."
  • "Watch out! It's Action Time!"
  • "When ACTION TIME appears on the screen, an Action Event begins."
  • "Watch the display on the screen and time your action well."
  • "So, this is how you play the game. When the set number of turns passes, the game ends, but if the green was chosen at the start, you can still get a Star or two!"
  • "This is the way the game continues until the set number of turns has been played."
  • "If the cyan is on, the bonus results will be announced and stars will be given out."
  • "There are three types of bonuses. Now let me tell you about each type!"
  • "First is the cyan. The player who collected the most coins in Mini-Games receives this bonus."
  • "Next is the cyan. The player who collects the most coins at any one time during the game gets this bonus."
  • "Last is the cyan. As you can probably guess, this goes to the player who lands on cyan the most times."
  • "So at the end to the game, the player who has the most stars is the winner."
  • "That's it. That's the end of the Battle Royal Map explanation. OK, everyone, do your best to become the Superstar! Bye for now!"


  • "Nicely done, everyone. And here are the results!"
  • "First, let's look at the number of stars collected."
  • "You have each collected this many stars!"
  • "Next, let's look at the number of coins."
  • "You each ended the game with this many coins."
  • "Now, here are the Bonus Star results. Each winner will get one star."
  • "Let's begin with the Mini-Game Star. This award goes to the person who has won the most coins in Mini-Games."
  • "The Mini-Game Star award goes to... (character)!"
  • "It's a tie! Mini-Game Star awards go to two players... (character 1) and (character 2)!"
  • "Mini-Game Star awards go to... (character 1)... (character 2), and (character 3)!"
  • "It's a four-way tie! All four players are Mini-Game Stars, so no stars will be awarded."
  • "Next is the Coin Star. This award goes to the person who had the most coins at any one time during the game."
  • "The Coin Star award goes to (character)!"
  • "It's a tie! Coin Star awards go to both (character 1) and (character 2)!"
  • "It's a three-way tie! Coin Star awards go to... (character 1)... (character 2), and (character 3)!"
  • "It's a four-way tie!!! All four players are Coin Stars, so no stars will be awarded."
  • "Next is the Happening Star award. This award goes to the player who landed on the most ? Spaces."
  • "The Happening Star Award goes to... (character)!"
  • "It's a tie! Happening Star awards go to both (character 1) and (character 2)!"
  • "It's a three-way tie! Happening Star awards go to (character 1), (character 2) and (character 3)!"
  • "It's a four-way tie!!! This time, all four players are Happening Stars, so no stars will be awarded."
  • "Now at last, the final results!"
  • "What's this? How unusual. Two players have the same number of stars and coins."
  • "It's (character 1) and (character 2)."
  • "In this case, we use the Dice Block to determine the winner. The player with the higher number wins. Here we go!"
  • "Hey! Isn't this strange. Three players have exactly the same number of stars and coins."
  • "Its (character 1), (character 2) and (character 3)."
  • "In the case of a tie, we use the Dice Block to determine the winner. The player with the highest number wins."
  • "Wow! Now that's rare! All players have the same number of stars and coins."
  • "In this case, we use the Dice Block to determine the winner. The player with the highest number wins. Here we go!"
  • "Hold it! Game over!"
  • "Very well played. Let's view the results!"
  • "First, let's look at the remaining heart pieces."
  • "And now, at last, the results are in!"
  • "You have the same number of heart pieces."
  • "Well then, the number of coins will determine the winner."
  • "Oh, my! You have the same number of coins, too!"
  • "It looks as if this game ends in a tie!"


  • "Yeah! Waluigi's the winner!" (Also used in Mario Party 4 and 5)
  • "Wah, heh, heh, heh! [The Mischief Star is] here!"
  • "My name is Waluigi! If you want the Mischief Star back, you must name me the Superstar!"
  • "If you've got something to say to me, then step right up!"
  • "Wah, heh, heh, heh! Waluigi is number one!"
  • "No! I'll remember this!"
  • "Heh heh heh! I got it!" (Also used in Mario Party 4, 5, 6 and 7)


  • "Oh yeah! Wario's the winner!"
  • "Yeah! Wario's the Superstar!"
  • "How could you forget Wario's tremendous wit? You can't claim the Wit Star Stamp yet!"
  • "No one is more cunning than me!"
  • "Wario loses!? Impossible!"
  • "Hahahaha! I got it!"


  • "I am the kindest one ever, so the Kindness Star Stamp belongs to me!"
  • "I'm the kindest there ever was!"
  • "I'm ashamed that I lost!"