List of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games quotes

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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, applying to both the Wii and Nintendo DS versions.


  • "Wheel Challenge!"
  • "Panel Flip!"
  • "Balloon Attack!"
  • "1st Period Start!"
  • "2nd Period Start!"
  • "3rd Period Start!"
  • "Extra Period Start!"
  • "Set!"
  • "It's the (any) day!"
  • "Face-off!"
  • "Rival appears!"
  • "Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games!"
  • "3, 2, 1... GO!"
  • "Mii!"
  • "Winter Games."
  • "Single Match."
  • "1 Player."
  • "2 Players!"
  • "3 Players!"
  • "4 Players!"
  • "Select play mode."
  • "Select sport."
  • "Olympic Events!"
  • "Dream Events!"
  • "Select character."
  • "1st Try!"
  • "2nd Try!"
  • "Ready?"
  • "Start!"
  • "Foul!" (False start in skating events)
  • "Lap (number)!"
  • "Final Lap!"
  • "Finished."
  • "Game Over!"
  • "New Record!"
  • "1st!"
  • "2nd!"
  • "3rd!"
  • "4th."
  • "5th."
  • "6th."
  • "7th."
  • "8th."
  • "You win!"
  • "You lose!"
  • "Congratulations!"
  • "Gold Medal!"
  • "Silver Medal!"
  • "Bronze Medal!"
  • "1st Medal!"
  • "2nd Medal!"
  • "3rd Medal!"

Playable characters[edit]


  • "Heh heh! Let's do this!"
  • "Leave it to me!"
  • "That's right, I'm the best!"
  • "Not too bad, I guess!"
  • "That can't be!"
  • "That was easy!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "That's not fair."
  • "Hmm... oh, well."
  • "Here I go!"
  • "All right!"


  • "Let's do this!"
  • "Victory is mine."
  • "Perfect!"
  • "I expected nothing less."
  • "Good!"
  • "What!?"
  • "How could this be?"
  • "My skills are superior!"
  • "A satisfactory result."
  • "I still have much to learn."
  • "How dare you!"


  • "Bowser!" (Character selection screen)

Bowser Jr.[edit]

  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Yay, whoopee!"
  • "Number one!"


  • "Wario! Waluigi! Apologize this very instant!"
  • "Daisy."
  • "Hi, I'm Daisy!"
  • "Yee-haw!"
  • "Woo hoo hoo, yeah!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "Nooo!"
  • "Aww..."
  • "Whoa!"
  • "Oh no!"

Dr. Eggman[edit]

  • "Ho, ho-ho-ho-ho!"
  • "This should be fun!"
  • "All righty!"
  • "How was that?"
  • "Ha-ha!"
  • "Ho-ho. How about that?"
  • "No."
  • "What?"
  • "How could I let this happen?"
  • "An obvious result!"
  • "I'm the best in the world!"
  • "I did it!"
  • "Unbelievable!"
  • "How could this be?"


  • "Let's do this!"
  • "Yeah!"
  • "Aww..."
  • "Heh heh heh, how's that?"
  • "Not bad, I guess."
  • "Hah, you see that?"
  • "Oh, I lost."
  • "All right, got it!"
  • "That was perfect!"
  • "Could have done better."


  • "Luigi!"
  • "Oh, yeah!"
  • "Woah!"
  • "Oh well"
  • "Oh, yeah! Who's number 1 now? Luigi!" (Gold medal)
  • "Oh yeah, I'm a winner!"
  • "Excellent!" (1st place, DS version)
  • "Yes."
  • "Awww, Luigi lost."
  • "Aw, it's not that bad." (Silver or Bronze medal)
  • "Oh, Luigi lose again."
  • "Oh, ho, ho. I'm a no-win." (DS only)


  • "Mario!"
  • "Wahoo!"
  • "It's-a Mario time!"
  • "Fantastico!" (1st place, DS version)
  • "Yes!"
  • "Oh no, I lost."
  • "Wa-hoo, I'm the winner!" (Gold medal)
  • "Oh, Mario get you next time!" (Silver or Bronze medal)
  • "Oh, no!"
  • "That's it, so nice!"
  • "Oh, mamma mia."


  • "Oh, don't worry about me! I won't get in the way! I'll pull my weight just like everyone else!"
  • "I feel bad for poor Dark Chao."
  • "Okay, Mario, this is it!"
  • "Peach!"
  • "Yay! I won!"
  • "I'm ready!"
  • "Oh no."
  • "Ow!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "Woo-hoo!!!"
  • "Wheeeee!!!" (when getting onto the spring or onto the ramp in the Wii version)
  • "All right! Not bad!"
  • "Oh, no! Ooh..."
  • "Oh, did I win? (chuckles)" (DS only)
  • "Oh! Yay, I did it!"
  • "Yay, not bad!"


  • "Hmph, fine."
  • "I'll show you my ultimate power!"
  • "Heh! Naturally."
  • "Perfect!"
  • "Unbelievable."
  • "I'm the ultimate."
  • "These are only games."
  • "Out of my way."


  • "All right, here goes!"
  • "I won't lose."
  • "See you later!"
  • "Yes, perfect!"
  • "Did you see that?"
  • "I did it!"
  • "A fair performance."
  • "No."
  • "That's it, is it?"
  • "I've won!"
  • "That was easy enough!"
  • "Not bad, all in all."
  • "Huh! I know I can do better!"
  • "This can't be!"
  • "No one can stop me!"


  • "Here we go!"
  • "Faster than the speed of sound!" (Wii version)
  • "Leave it to me!" (DS version)
  • "Aw, man."
  • "Whew, just made it!"
  • "Nailed it."
  • "Yes!"
  • "It's all about speed!"
  • "Aw, messed up!"
  • "Too easy!"
  • "That was sweet!"
  • "Aw, man. I could have done better."
  • "No way."


  • "I can do it!"
  • "I'll give my best shot!"
  • "Pretty good."
  • "Yes!"
  • "Heh, I did it!"
  • "No."
  • "Hah hah, I won, I won!"
  • "Not too bad."
  • "Aw, I lost!"


  • "Hahah! BRING IT ON!"
  • "Let's have some fun!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Hahah! I WIN!"
  • "The winner hands down!"
  • "Oh well, good enough!"


  • "Waluigi!"
  • "Wah, Waluigi getting you next time."
  • "Wah ha ha!"
  • "Huh?"
  • "Waluigi, number one!"
  • "I'm a-living legend!"
  • "What? No."
  • "*Huff* *Pant* Don't let your Snowboard Cross win go to your head." (After defeating Wario at Icepeak)
  • "*Huff* *Pant* Don't let your Bobsleigh win go to your head." (After defeating Wario at Polastraits)
  • "So what if we did? We'll have our revenge in Snowboard Cross!"
  • "Or maybe you don't have what it takes for Snowboard Cross?"
  • "Don't try and blame it on me!"
  • "That's right! You should go easy on us to make it a fair match!"
  • "So we lost one. Just don't get used to it!"
  • "About time we got moving, eh, Wario?"
  • "What?"
  • "Heh. That's the craziest thing I've ever heard!"
  • "I think they're sweet talking us now, then giving us the hard work later."
  • "What? I didn't hear anything, did you?"
  • "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer... Take them by surprise."
  • "You need all the help you can get, that's for sure."
  • "If there are any Whitestones nearby, our machine here will give out a sound."
  • "Eh heh heh! Waluigi already knows your little secret!"
  • "Oh, so there's a secret room in Cubyrinth, hm?"
  • "Could it be where that nervous-looking Shy Guy was hanging around in Cubyrinth?"
  • "Yes, a nice day for adventure. How about you go off on an adventure yourself, hm?"
  • "Do not worry about your secret room. Waluigi will watch it for you."
  • "Waluigi knows everything! Now, show me where the secret room is!"
  • "Eh heh heh! That's what happens to those who know the secret, hm?"
  • "If you want help, you better tell me the secret now!"
  • "*Cough* *Cough* What a mess!"
  • "A-ha! The way into the secret room, no?"
  • "Eh heh heh! Nobody pulls the wool over Waluigi's eyes!"
  • "Waluigi found the secret room. Three cheers for Waluigi!"


  • "Wario!"
  • "Wario Time!"
  • "Oh drat!"
  • "Yeah."
  • "Yeah! Yeah! Wario wins!"
  • "Aah. I let you win."
  • "Oh no, I lose? Aah." (DS only)


  • "Yoshi. Yoshi, Yoshi! (It’s really easy to get lost here. Trust me, I know!)"


Dry Bones[edit]

  • "Clackety-clack! Clickety-click! (When it comes to curling, we're the best there is! And we're going to prove it!)"

Dry Bowser[edit]

  • "That's far enough!" - Encountering the player in Sparkleton
  • "Leave those snow spirits here and beat it!"
  • "You little insects think you can take on the mighty Dry Bowser? Pretty plucky, but you'll soon regret it!"
  • "Hah, we'll see about that. Let's have us a little competition, shall we? If you can beat me at Super Sonic Downhill, I'll let let this snow spirit go. But if I beat you, I'll take those snow spirits off your hands! What do you say? Are you up to the challenge?"
  • "You need to be taught a lesson. School is now in session!" - If the player says yes to the challenge
  • "I knew you'd chicken out. If you're going to run, better make it quick." - If the player says no to the challenge part 1
  • "The snow spirits will all be mine sooner or later! Bwa ha ha ha!" - If the player says no to the challenge part 2
  • "Bwa ha ha ha! I'll be taking those snow spirits now, like we agreed! Starting with you!" - If the player fails the mission
  • "Grrrr! You're a cheeky little one. Have it your way, then. You're not getting further than Sparkleton unless you can beat me anyway!"
  • "So, you're back. Here to challenge the great Dry Bowser at the Super Sonic Downhill?"
  • "You've got guts, I'll give you that. But guts won't save you!" - The player taking him on again in the challenge
  • "What?! I lost?! There's gotta be some kind of mistake!" - Defeating Dry Bowser
  • "Gah.... You win. I'll free the snow spirit, like I said."
  • "Eh he heh! Howdy there!" - Encountering the player in Blizland
  • "The very same! Too bad for you. There's no escaping now!"
  • "Sure was. Too bad I'm through talking to you. Good bye!"
  • "What did you call me?!"
  • "Wh-What?!"
  • "Ggggrah! You shouldn'ta said that! Nobody makes fun of Dry Bowser! Nobody!"
  • "Why you--! Fine! I'll see you on the field of battle--A Curling Bowling battle!"
  • "Heh heh heh... It doesn't matter if you win, I'm not letting the snow spirit go!" - If the player says yes to the challenge
  • "Ha ha ha! Who's running now, huh?" - If the player says no to the challenge
  • "Impossible! How could I let myself lose at Curling Bowling?" - Defeating Dry Bowser again
  • "Wrrrrrok? What're you doing?!"
  • "You! You sneaky spirit!"
  • "Bah! I'll be back."
  • "Wa ha ha! Me against you in Curling Bowling? You didn't stand a chance!" - If the player fails the mission
  • "You again? Ready for another bruising? Cause believe me, Curling Bowling is ready for you!"
  • "What's the meaning of this? Holding a tournament without my permission?! I won't have it. I'll show the power of my minions." (Individual Festival Mode)
  • "Gra har har har! If you think you can relax now, you've got another thing coming! Nobody can beat me! I will RULE this tournament! Bwa ha ha!" (Team Festival Mode)

Eggman Nega[edit]

  • "Hah Hah Hah!"
  • "Oh pardon me. I was just remembering your performance in Ski Cross from the day before yesterday, you see. Why don't we get together for a little Ski Cross match? Although we already know what the outcome will be. Ha ha ha!" (Individual Festival Mode)
  • "Oh pardon me. I was just remembering your performance in Dream Ski Cross from the day before yesterday, you see. Why don't we get together for a little Ski Cross match? Although we already know what the outcome will be. Ha ha ha!" (Team Festival Mode)
  • "HAH! Hah hah hah!" (Before the Ski Cross event)


  • "No sweat!"
  • "Huh? No way I'm gonna lose!"
  • "I'm the best!"
  • "I'll get you next time!"

King Boo[edit]

  • "Heh heh heh! I saw that alpine downhill event of yours yesterday. Looks like you need to take a lesson in speed from ME! And that lesson starts today! I challenge you to an Alpine Downhill match! Hee hee hee!"
  • "I felt sorry for you and let you win the Alpine Downhill event. But it's not going to happen this time! When it comes to the Alpine Giant Slalom, I'm number one! Heh heh heh!"


  • "My name is E-123 Omega. I am the ultimate robot. All who cross my path will be crushed."
  • "Targets acquired!"
  • "Commencing combat!"
  • "Let's go!"
  • "Boost on!"
  • "Mission complete!"


  • "What did you think about my beautiful technique?"
  • "Better behave yourselves!"
  • "Here I come!"
  • "Alright!" (After finishing her Swan Lake routine)