List of Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time quotes
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This is a list of quotes from the game Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.
Baby Bowser[edit]
- "Bwah ha ha ha!"
- "I, Prince Bowser, am taking Princess Peach with me!"
- "You two babies can scram!"
- "Bwah ha ha ha!"
- "Your turn, Super Diaper Bro!"
- "I'm... I'm a PRINCE! I can't lose to you! Bluuuuuuugh..."
- "This is the great Prince Bowser! Kneel, minions! OK, now get up! All personnel to the bridge!"
- "Time to show these alien jerks what the Koopa Cruiser can do!"
- "Fire the Koopa Cannon!"
- "Bwah ha ha ha HAAA!"
- "I am just so dang EVIL!"
- "I hope they felt honored to be shot down by me!"
- "Hey! You call that piloting?! Pay attention, sky-nerd!"
- "Aw, man... It's half past snack time already!"
- "We... We saw nothing! Everybody clear on that?"
- "MY EARS! She'll ruin us all!" (referring to Baby Peach, who is screaming and crying loudly because Baby Bowser does not want to help the adult Mario and Luigi)
- "Fine! I'll help them if it'll just SHUT HER UP! Koopa Cannon! FIRE!"
- "There! Happy?"
- "You two take care of things from here. Go get 'em, Red! You too, Greenie!"
- "Who's this hag?"
- "Man... Does anyone have ANY idea what she's blabbing about?"
- "Whoa! Evasive action! Koopa Cannon! FIRE!"
- "What? You're fired."
- "Those alien DIRTBAGS! We gotta hold it together until we get back home!"
- "Thought you could get away with stealing MY treasure from MY castle, did ya?"
- "It's payback time! I'll take MY whatever you just picked up as compensation!"
- "Nothing quite like good cookies and evil milk!"
- "I was a little creeped out at first, hanging out in this ghost town, but..."
- "Then I realized there was no one to stop me from eating every cookie in sight! Yesss!"
- "You punks got LUCKY, hear me? Stealing food? Who DOES that?! You'll PAY for those cookies!"
- "Oh, all right, fine! FINE! Kamek... I'm counting on you to finish these snackaholics!"
- "You mushroom-munchers!"
- "Hey! Lip Hair! Yeah, you! Don't just lie there! Get me outta here!"
- "Listen up, lizards! I'm the one who saved you. Me!"
- "Grrrrr! This is NOT happening again! Lemme just guess... You're here for the cookies?"
- "Oops! Whoa, no wonder! I forgot I'd eaten those!"
- "This place is sooo nasty! Boiling hot, reeking, and just MADE for trouble!"
- "TALK ABOUT AWESOME! This is the EXACT place to build my second castle!"
- "Take off, gramps! This place is MINE!"
- "Grrr! You look familiar! Yeah, you look just like a bigger, fatter me!"
- "You're one rude dude, tubby!"
- "Who raised ya, Chain Chomps?"
- "Don't think I got punted off Yoshi's Island like some scrub! No way! I LEFT! On MY terms!"
- "And now I'm here getting ready to launch the revenge scheme to end all revenge schemes!"
- "This is the real deal! Winner takes all!"
- "Big dude! I'm gonna be even bigger, stronger, and eviler than you someday!"
- "Somebody eating cookies in there?"
- "I'm starving up here! Here I come, cookie-hogs!"
- "If you thought I'd given up on getting my treasures back, you're dumber than you look!"
- "All that time I spent hiding and waiting is gonna pay off in a big, BIG way!"
- "I'm taking all the treasures for myself! They're all MINE!"
Baby Luigi[edit]
- "Oh yeah!"
- "Let's-a-go!" (When starting a battle without the adults)
- "Mario!" (When Baby Mario is KO'd)
- "Thank you very much!" (After being revived)
- "Mama!" (When getting startled)
- "Uh-oh!"
- "Mama mia!" (Game Over)
- "Nintendo!" (With Mario, Baby Mario, and Luigi)
Baby Mario[edit]
- "Peek-a-boo!"
- "Weegee!" (When Baby Luigi is KO'd)
- "Thank you very much!" (After being revived)
- "Mama mia!" (When attacked from behind in the overworld)
- "Goo-goo!" (When starting a battle without the adults)
- "Mama mia!" (Game Over)
- "Nintendo!" (With Mario, Baby Luigi, and Luigi)
- "Gwah ha ha ha!"
- "This time, the princess will be MINE, you fools!"
- "Huh? Mario and that green wimp are here? What are the odds? I'll admit, you handed me my shell before, but not this time! Oh yeah! My horoscope said so! Today's the day I win it all! Gwah ha ha ha! I RULE!"
- "Urgh...YUUUUCK!"
- "Gotta go!"
- "This place is a pit! It's hot, stinky, dangerous, and one humongous fire hazard! I LOVE IT! Talk about a perfect place for me to build a second castle!"
- "This place belongs to ME, you twerp!"
- "YOU'RE the copycat! You can walk and talk like me, but you ain't me. You're just a shrimpy brat!"
- "Me? You're the one with the bad attitude, Goomba-breath! You'll never amount to nothin'!"
- "Bwah ha ha! This little firebrand reminds me of a younger me. Look at him! The kid's got a flair of evil! I'm bringing him on board as my partner, and the two of us are gonna thrash you losers!"
- "GLAAAAAAARGH! Little dude! Get stronger and more evil! Always!"
- "SHNARFL? BLAARGH! Mmm...I can feel a power burning in my belly! What in the world did you feed me?"
- "Gwah hah hah hah! Aw, who cares what it was? I've been reborn!"
- "Mario! Green 'Stache! And you brats, too! NO MERCY FOR YOU!"
- "Hey! Listen here! For now on, you guys get NO chance to attack! I'm gonna flatten you with a attack barrage, baby! Enjoy! Bwah ha!"
- "Bwah ha ha! Sorry! No attacking!"
- "You can't dodge 'em all!"
- "Grrrrrrr! You pesky bugs!"
- "Hungh?! WARGH! What?!"
Elvin Gadd[edit]
- "Oh, criminy, I have guests! I was so caught up in my research I didn't notice you."
- "The name's Elvin Gadd. I'm studying the Thwomps history of this here mountain."
- "How'd all these storytellers get here and why're they so darn angry about everything? That ancient mystery's the only thing that gets my brain all a-percolating."
- "Quick! We've gotta put out the flames! Water! Water! Spray water on the fire! I know there's a water valve around here somewhere!"
- "Thanks for playing firemen, fellers, but it looks like this lab's done for."
- "Don't you sweat it, though. I hear there's an affordable lab at the edge of Boo Woods."
- "I have an inkling I'll be seeing you again soon, though... 'Bye!"
Elder Princess Shroob[edit]
- "I have boredom..."
- "Guests? Now I have... FURY!"
- "I say to you WELCOME! Welcome to Fawful's Bean 'n' Badge!"
- "In this place, beans are like precious treasure milked from a famous cow made of jewels!"
- "All who come with beans leave with badges so rare they make mustaches droop with disbelief!"
- "What? The story of Fawful? Your words are not beans. I am not wanting them."
- "You are like brainless cats that are too dumb to know they are stupid! You have curiosity... ...But my tale is long, so long it makes babies old and hairy lips grow grey with aging. Do you dare hear?"
- "I am here, merchant of badges, only sometimes with fury, but I once had fury at all times."
- "I drizzled rage dressing on the country next door. Rage dressing on a salad of evil!"
- "And then the bad men came. Red and Green bad men. I had the punishment. Bad punishment with hammers and jumping on my head and the overheat of my ship."
- "I have a little fury even with my remembering... Red! And green! A pair of jumping hammers in red and green who are looking like you!"
- "Those brothers of badness! My brain aches at their overalls! I have fury AND headache now!"
- "Fawful would be here, reigning over all and laughing at you! ...But no."
- "Stupid mustaches! Hairs like the dirty tail of a horse in a barn built by a farmer who is crazy!"
- "...I have calm."
- "I am waiting like an elevator."
- "I have the commerce. I run Fawful's Bean 'n' Badge, but..."
- "The day comes soon when Fawful rises again, and then no baby's candy has safety!"
- "I am counting chickens before they are even eggs, before the chickens are even chickens!"
- "D-Did I...Have insanity? Did I...have evil?"
- "I suppress the fury, but sometimes... The fury has me."
- "Red and green puts the fog of rage in my eyes, and my mind goes crazy."
- "P-Please... I will be fine. No worrying for Fawful. We talk of beans."
- "Beans and badges... We begin trading!"
- "The beans hide in the dirts of this country like dirt-fish who like to eat dirt for dinner. Bean symbols like this are marking all bean spots."
- "You are digging in dirt, right? You are digging under symbols. And you are finding much bean!"
- "Bean symbols have sneakiness! When the beans are gone, the symbols flee like babies!"
- "You are wanting much beans? Then you are hunting symbols. And digging and popping."
- "There are even places to win beans in games, maybe..."
- "If you get many beans, you get many badges at this place, Fawful's Bean 'n' Badge!"
Hammer Bros.[edit]
Before battle[edit]
After battle[edit]
- "Whoa... My helmet antenna! It's broken! Oh, man, YESSS!"
- "Hey... Mine broke too! Talk about lucky! I mean, didja HEAR what was coming out of my mouth?"
- "I know, dude! Seriously, who talks like that?! Anyway, I think these tots freed us!"
- "Ya think? You little taters trashed our antennas?"
- "Right ON! Seriously, thanks! You saved our bacon. We were... not right in the head."
- "So listen, you gotta let us thank you by hooking you up with these spare hammers!"
- "Now YOU can be Hammer Bros.! But we'd better teach you how to use 'em first."
- "Ready to learn the ABCs of hammering stuff? We'll explain from up top, so open those eyes, guys!"
- "OK, here's step one... Press
to change the action icons into a little hammer dealie and a spinny thingamajig. When those icons change,
do different things... More on that in a sec'."
- "Once you've changed the action icons with
, all you have to do is press
- "That'll make Baby Mario swing his hammer WHACK! He can smash obstacles and smack walls and stuff. Give it a shot little man!"
- "I'll be waiting up ahead!"
- "Nice! Yeah! Pow! Unh! Sweet!"
- "All right, you're a natural, kid! And now it's time to learn the second hammer action! This one rules. It'll let you tunnet underground and pass below gates and stuff! Like I told ya earlier, press
to change the action icon."
- "Then press
. That'll put you in a shoulder-stand. Then press
again! BRRZZZP! You'll tunnel into the ground like a baby drill! Pretty cool, am I right?"
- "You oughta be able to go right under this barrier here! To pop back up, just press
! Let's see it in action."
- "Let's rock it, guys!"
- "One thing I forgot. You can't tunnel into that hard-looking floor in front of you there."
- "So endeth the hammer practice, little buds!"
- "Oh wait, we've got one last bit of special info for you."
- "While you're out adventuring, look for suspicious marks. When you see one of these marks, drill underneath it and then pop out!"
- "If you come up from under a mark, you'll get a bean, tots! If you collect lots of beans, good things will come your way!"
- "And that's all we've got to tell you, taters!"
- "Use those hammers to hurry up and rescue your pals!"
- "Let's break, bro!"
- "Hey, check it out! Now we'll teach you how to use hammers in battle like we do!"
- "Choose the hammer. Now! When the hammer shakes, press the
- "Tell the little green tot to press the
- "OK, now lemme teach you how to counter an attack with your hammer!"
- "When your enemy comes at you..."
- "Press and hold the button and then... Let go!"
- "Niiiice! Perfect! That's the timing you need to remember!"
- "You got it or what? Just wait for the shake... and make 'em quake!"
- "Your counter is holding the button... and releasing!"
- "Don't forget to practice!"
- "Hey! Niiiice, you found your buds!"
- "Yeah, buds helping buds makes the world go round!"
- "We're gonna teach you how to use the hammer when piggybacked, OK?"
- "Choose the hammer. Now! When your hammer shakes press the
button... That raises your tot! And when he shakes, press
- "Lemme explain about the green one too!"
- "Choose the hammer. There! When your hammer shakes press the
button... That raises your tater! And when the hammer shakes, press
- "Got all that? Adult button when it shakes!"
- "Raise the tot and press his button when he shakes!"
- "Do your best!"
- "And we...are...outta here!"
Hollijolli Mayor[edit]
- "Mrrrrrrf... Mmmph..."
- "Is...anybody there? Hello?"
- "What happened to those awful Shroob things? Are they gone?"
- "Me? I'm the mayor of this village. Nice to not see you!"
- "I was trying to hide from those Shroob things and got stuck..."
- "There must be a way out...that doesn't involve dieting."
- "Ho ho! Safe at last!"
- "Prince Bowser! Let's hightail it out of here!"
- "Ah-HAAAAA!! You! You little red and green insects! Didn't I try to kidnap you once? Yeah, I did! Boy, THAT didn't work out so well.... and you don't look quite so little anymore.... And you're much hairier, too.... Weird....but none of that matters! You like bothering our budding master of evil, do you? Then I'll bother YOU up!"
- "Yaaaaaaaaaack! How long do I have to do this?! I'm in a hurry!"
- "Prince Bowser! Let's scram!"
- "Snacks.... Must find snacks...."
- "Score! And doesn't look like anyone's home, so I'll just help myself to the goods."
- "You gotta wonder why this place is so empty, through...."
- "Whoa! You hairy jerks again! Chased me all the way to this stupid island, have you?"
- "Huzzat? You want the Cobalt Star shards back?"
- "Hey, I got my own problems. I'm on a snack run for Prince Bowser. He's on the cliff top. I don't have time for you guys! These snacks ain't gonna snack on themselves!"
- "Hey, what's your beef, pal? I'm not tasty enough for you?! I'm prime Koopa, you snob!"
- "You're lucky I'm in a rush."
- "I gotta get these snacks to the prince, pronto, or I would whip that snooty pink tail for you."
- "Boy, you doofuses just get on a Koopa's tail and STAY there, don'tcha?"
- "Well, try this on for size..."
- "Unless those overalls are fireproof, you're gonna barbecue, you weenies! Give up now!"
- "You really think you're tough? Then make it to the cliff top, losers! I'd LOVE to see it!"
- "Prince Bowser, LITTLE bites! Oh, here, have some warm milk. It's, uh, from an evil cow."
- "Yeah... It's been...great."
- "Ack! Baby alert!"
- "Prince Bowser! Take it easy!"
- "Leave this rabble to me. You just go walk it off, Your Hungriness!"
- "You guys are really starting to chap my shell."
- "I'm gonna yank out all those mustache hairs...AFTER I beat those cookies out of you!"
- "Oooh, which one's the REAL me?"
- "Yoooorgh."
Koopa Troopas[edit]
- "His Grouchiness awaits you! Get your tails to the bridge!"
- "I wonder if you little spuds can make it on your own..."
- "Show me a practice jump, OK, lil' red tot?"
- "Yep, that'll work."
- "How about you, little green tater?"
- "Nice. You're good to go."
- "You can perform all of your actions with
. Got it?"
- "To clear these staggered levels, you two are gonna have to work on your jumping!"
- "Use
to move, then press
in quick succession to hop your way ahead."
- "Once you get that figured out, move out for the bridge, and make it quick!"
- "Now, about these crates... Use
to get up a head of steam and then..."
- "Press
together to jump and hurdle right over that gap!"
- "Get to jumping, and zip on up to the bridge!"
- "This stays between us, OK? Red things will react if the red kid hits 'em."
- "That means if the green kid smacks a red thingy, nothing happens."
- "And if the red kid hits something green, you'll get diddly-squat there, too."
- "So if you want green stuff to do stuff, don't waste time with red...Just green."
- "Not too shabby a tutorial, am I right? Right? Right? RIGHT?"
- "Who knows what's going to happen from here on in? And, I mean, you're BABIES."
- "You'd better save your progress whenever you see a Save Album."
- "FIRE!"
- "You're the best, Prince Bowser!"
- "You're a Koopa's Koopa!"
- "Prince Bowser! There! 4 o'clock!"
- "Those villagers are under Shroob attack!"
- "Your... Your orders? Should we help them?"
- "No, no ammo."
Kylie Koopa[edit]
- "Aw, whatta lemon! And this film ain't cheap, neither!"
- "I was primed for a scoop, and all I get are whiskers and a coupla sap babies!"
- "Kylie Koopa, ace reporter! The Koopa Kronicle's best!"
- "You know about the giant egg, yeah? Why, it just appeared!"
- "And THIS dame's got a hunch it's connected to the Shroobs."
- "I thought I'd get the straight dope from the locals, but..."
- "This place is like a morgue! Where is everybody?"
- "And speaking of fishy, this jump platform positively reeks of mystery. REEKS of it!"
- "But...I hopped up there, and it didn't do doodley-squat."
- "I wonder if I'm too heavy for it..."
- "Say, do me a favor and hop up there, will ya?"
- "Something fishy's going on, I tell ya!"
- "Ritzy work!"
- "What's the word?"
- "Ooh, this reporter just got that front-page fever! ♥"
- "WHATTA SCOOP! It's huge!"
- "Exclusive! Stop the presses!"
- "Aw, raspberries! My scoop snacked me! ♥"
- "Yick! ♥ It's all so... ooky and gooky!"
- "I haven't been this jazzed in a Blargg's age! ♥"
- "I can see the headline now! "Monster Yoob from Shroob on Ravenous Rampage!" Tops!"
- "Why, I saw an evil-looking Magikoopa head into that building just now, but..."
- "Gotta concentrate on this story! This could be my big break!"
- "Ha! You saps are all wet!"
- "Waltz into the dome's front door and you're sure to get spotted and carted away lickety-split!"
- "Seeing the Koopa Kronicle's reporter doll again has gotcha all goofy, does it? ♥"
- "That's right, Kylie Koopa's got your number!"
- "No time to chat! I got a hunch this story's gonna be bigger than the Yoshi's Island hoo-ha!"
- "Here's the scoop: Princess Shroob's gonna be arriving here any minute now!"
- "Yeah, there's gonna be a big to-do celebrating the conquest of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
- "And that's just the fries, boys: here's the burger! Some other princess-type's coming too!"
- "My sources indicate this other damsel likes pink, and she MAY be royalty of some sort."
- "WHAT? Princess Peach? The doll they're bringing here is Princess Peach?"
- "Princess Peach came here in a time doohickey and got pinched by Princess Shroob?!"
- "I gotta get this straight... You're snooping about trying to rescue the adult Princess Peach?"
- "Sounds like balloon juice to me, fella...but what a scoop it'd be if you're on the level!"
- "Alrighty then! You need to get into the dome so you can nab that princess, right?"
- "Well, word on the street is there's supposed to be a secret entrance around here..."
- "Word on the street ain't so specific, though, so I dunno about its whereabouts..."
- "You're not getting in through here, regardless, so you gotta find that secret entrance!"
- "Here's the only dirt I got: the entrance is connected somehow to four desert statues."
- "Now knuckle down and find that entrance, ya big lug!"
- "I've got some sleuthing of my own to take care of."
- "Gee whiz! You boys found the secret entrance after all! Color me bamboozled!"
- "Now listen, and listen good! Princess Shroob should be arriving any minute now!"
- "All the Shroobs are gathered on the other side of this wall."
- "Let's take a look-see though one of these windows!"
- "Boys! Just look at 'em, fellas! Look at all them Shroobs!"
- "Hey! What's the big idea?! Unhand me, you clods!"
- "Ace timing, fellas! Boogie up here and cut me loose, will ya?!"
- "Bust me out or I'm a snack, for sure!"
- "C'mon! We're pals, ain't we? I gave you the dirt on the secret entrance, didn't I?"
- "Now it's your turn to be good eggs, or it's curtains for me! C'mon! Hurry up!"
- "Ow ow OW! I walloped my noggin but good. Hope my camera's not broken!"
- "Hey! It's my whisker boys! Did you KO that overgrown veggie?! Good deal!"
- "When that clown swallowed me down, I thought it was the big sleep, for sure!"
- "So give, fellas: did the big lug have that shard?"
- "Why, it's the bee's knees!"
- "Gaze at those sparkles long enough and you feel..."
- "In-Inside that crystal... Someone was looking back at me, fellas!"
- "Ha... Aha ha ha ha ha! I must be off my trolley... I need a quick snoozer."
- "Anyway, what gives, whiskers? What're you gonna do when you get all those baubles together?"
- "You're quite the motley crew... but you make for a GOLD copy, no doubt about that!"
- "Good as you boys are, though, THIS dame's got a lead that'll top anything you've EVER done!"
- "That's right! I glommed onto a little Shroob property when the alien boneheads grabbed me!"
- "Ain't THAT a thing of beauty? I think it's a key to something inside the Shroob mother ship."
- "Who knows what this beauty can do in the right keyhole? It's a mystery, all right..."
- "But you can bet your last mushroom it'll be a scoop to top the presses, boys!"
- "Huh? You wanna know if I saw Princess Peach in that Piranha Plant's belly?"
- "Believe it, fellas!"
- "But when I got ate, she got spit out lickety-split!"
- "I was all set for an exclusive interview, too! Raspberries!"
- "I'm pretty sure she's still locked up in the caves somewheres."
- "I suggest you fellas keep your peepers peeled for her!"
- "As for me, I'm gonna try and put that key to use!"
- "Which means it's time for me to say so long!"
- "Good luck, whiskers!"
- "Now's our chance, whiskers! This way!"
- "You were in the frying pan but good, weren't you, boys?"
- "Who knows what woulda been your fate if a certain gorgeous reporter weren't around? ♥"
- "Well, you scratched my back, whiskers, I scratched yours!"
- "Now we're all square. ♥"
- "Did you really think that was the real Princess Peach this whole time?"
- "Hate to break it to you boys, but that was Princess Shroob!"
- "You took that dame through a time hole to the future Mushroom Kingdom?"
- "Gee whiz, I gotta say, fellas, I'm all back-to-front on this whole can of Wigglers..."
- "Are you saying you think that Princess Shroob's plan all along? Talk about a twist!"
- "Yeah, she sets herself up as Princess Peach and infiltrates Peach's Castle in the future..."
- "What she's really the chance to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom of your time, too! The gall of this gal!"
- "But things didn't work out so well for our Ms. Purple Poison, now did they?"
- "If that lump Bowser, if that's what you called him, hadn't gotten into the mix..."
- "Oh... I'm just blowing hot air over here!"
- "Remember this little beauty? Yeah, sure you do!"
- "It just may be the key to victory, whiskers!"
- "This dame's got a day's end...this...will be...the biggest, bestest scoop in the history of scoops!"
- "Show a little get-up-and-go, whiskers! It's gravy time!"
- "Feast your peepers on my big break!"
- "You can bet your whiskers this is where the key goes!"
- "And now, at long last... The secret of the Shroobs... The scoop of a lifetime..."
- "The mystery!"
- "Why does everything always come up lemons?"
- "Put that Shroob down!"
- "Whatta escape... And whatta drop!"
- "Boy oh boy! I've been shaking the BUSHES for you boys!"
- "Open them ears and listen to this! For once, it ain't got a thing to do with scoops!"
- "Get this: I stumbled onto something so big, it's even BIGGER than big!"
- "It started when I fell outta that mother ship while it was flying over Yoshi's Island..."
- "Yeah, see, what happened was, I bounced right off Toadbert's polka-dot dome!"
- "You plan on scooping up all the shards, right, whiskers?"
- "One direct-feed, cloud-cam view of Peach's Castle, coming up!"
- "Here's Mario's current location."
- "And the Refreshroom is over here in Toadsworth's quarters."
- "Oh, and by the way..."
- "This icon always shows Mario's current location."
- "The icon won't move while you're moving around in a room, but..."
- "When you go to another room, the icon will ALSO move to the new room."
- "If you lose track of Mario... or don't know where to go... or just dig the Top Screen..."
- "Look up here to find whatever you seek!"
- "Thank you very much for choosing Lakitu Travel. Have a nice day!"
- "Mario!"
- "Babies!"
- "Baby Luigi?"
- "Oh no!"
- "Yahoo!"
- "Okie-dokie!!"
- "Nintendo!" (With Mario, Baby Mario, and Baby Luigi)
- "Luigi!"
- "Babies!"
- "Let's-a-go!"
- "Let's go."
- "Oh yeah!" (After being revived)
- "Mama mia!" (Game Over)
- "Nintendo!" (With Luigi, Baby Mario, and Baby Luigi)
- "OH NO!" (When attacked from behind in the overworld)
Mr. Thwomp[edit]
- "Cheer gone. No more cheer."
- "Huh? You save pretty lady?"
- "You jump into volcano to save pretty lady?"
- "You young... and not too bright. Bright noses... but dumb heads. Still, saving pretty lady is important job."
- "We go into mountain! Not volcano... but OK."
Mrs. Thwomp[edit]
- "Aw, sweetie, cheer up!"
- "Don't be like that, thwumpling. There's still some fire left. Jump on in there!"
- "Hey!"
- "It was YOU imps, wasn't it? YOU'RE the ones who doused the volcano with all that water!"
- "Own up! I mean, look at you! You're obviously all plumbers!"
- "Thanks to your meddling, my hubby's in a stone funk!"
- "Jumping into that volcano was his hobby, you terrible men!"
- "We've been waiting for the annual eruption all year!"
- "Are you HEARING this? This is all YOUR fault! So give! Give us back our fun!"
- "You gonna help? Speak up! You're not, are you, you bugs?! Then I'll treat you like bugs!"
- "Now you go SQUISH!!"
- "Thwompie-pie... They beat me..."
- "Oh, honey-thwump! You're out of your funk!"
- "You... You guys are really going in?"
- "Oh, how exciting! ♥ Take me with you, too, sugar-thwomp!"
- "Ex-CUSE me?! How DARE you?"
- "JERK!"
Princess Peach[edit]
- "Thank you Mario!"
- "DON'T!"
- "Oh... Oh no..."
- "That Cobalt Star Shard... There was... There was another Shroob princess inside it!"
- "That's right! Princess Shroob..."
- "has a twin sister!"
- "When I arrived in this time period, Princess Shroob immediately attacked me..."
- "I instantly grabbed the time machine's power source, the Colbalt Star, and..."
- "Yes, I trapped Princess Shroob inside of it, then shattered it."
- "It was then..."
- "... that the younger Shroob princess surprised and captured me."
- "Uh-huh... Gathering all of the Cobalt Star shards..."
- "...gave the elder Princess Shroob all of her power back!"
- "Send out this star to knock out the UFOs!"
Princess Shroob[edit]
- "I am Princess Shroob. You interlopers...will be consumed."
- "DESTROY!!!"
- "SIS... TER!"
Professor Elvin Gadd[edit]
- "No need to worry yourself. My machine's safe as can be."
- "Why, there's a 99. 999999999% chance the princess will return!"
- "No need to worry, my boy!"
- "My time machine will return. I'm 99. 999999% positive!"
- "Well, take a gander at that! The time machine's returned!"
- "Something's amiss, though... What could've gone wrong?"
- "Just take er' easy, now. She wasn't this feller's breakfast."
- "My DS time radar puts Peach somewhere in the Mushroom Kingdom of yesteryear."
- "That I don't know. And with the time machine this dinged up, we're not going anywhere."
- "What's that? Calm down and speak slowly! A mysterious hole has appeared in the garden?"
- "Hmm... It's possible the return of the machine tore holes in the time continuum..."
- "To the garden, fellers!"
- "As I suspected..."
- "Yessiree, this time hole is a doorway to the past!"
- "No doubt about it, it appeared because of that time machine."
- "Careful there, young feller! If I'm right, that time hole leads back in time!"
- "Yep, to a younger Mushroom Kingdom. Question is, to WHERE in the Mushroom Kingdom?!"
- "The other question is, if a feller were to jump in, could he even make it back..."
- "Hm? Use this time hole to rescue the princess?"
- "Hmm... Now there's an idea."
- "I'd bet dollars to donuts that's our best chance at saving her."
Star Temple gate[edit]
- "You are true and courageous. Your heart is filled with virtue and concern for your brother. I do recommend you watch your diet, however it is also filled with much Alfredo sauce. You should especially cut down on carbonara, though it will be hard, for that is very tasty. If you curb your appetite, do some light cardio work and continue to ward your brother, you will no doubt grow to be a figure of immense popularity, yet not grow an immense belly. You may pass and I do recommend puttanesca; that stuff is great."
- "As for the little ones, I know their hearts are innocent, so they may pass unhindered."
- "Hmph. How could you fail to know the correct answer? It is inconceivable to me. It is deplorable."
- "Watch the leather, Professor! No need for the shoving!"
- "Oh, you must be Mario."
- "According to the professor, there should be a Luigi here as well, but I don't..."
- "Oh, my! Are you Luigi? I... Sorry about that."
- "I am pleased to meet you. I am known as Stuffwell."
- "Professor E. Gadd invented me. I am what is called a suitcase."
- "The professor sent me back in time to be your assistant."
- "Yes, "assistant" IS accurate... I'm more than just someplace to store your belongings."
- "I have MANY complex sensors... and various memory apparati for data"
- "Well, suffice to say, I am very technologic by contraption standards. I'll be a BIG help."
- "Why don't we get started by having you go ahead and open me up?"
- "Simply press START."
- "Yes, please note that I can be LOADED with all manner of doodads and widgets..."
- "Suffice to say, I can certainly carry all of your items..."
- "I am also designed to carry a veritable wealth of equipment."
- "And to confirm that you're in top-top shape, you can check your stats here, as well."
- "If I could have your attention on the Top Screen..."
- "This is how much time's passed since you started your adventure all full of danger and whatnot."
- "This right here is the number of coins you're carrying."
- "And finally, direct your gaze HERE to sneak a peek at your streamlined statistics."
- "Well, that wraps up my self-introductional."
- "I EAGERLY await our working together."
- "Press
to initiate my closing minification cycle and store me."
- "If it's not inconvenient, I'd like to proceed with some basic instructionals."
- "As you know, the primary action for mobile creatures is the jump, if you follow."
- "If your timing is serviceable, the pair of you should be able to jump up these ledges."
- "First, Mario jumps up with
- "Then Luigi follows suit by pressing
. Rudimental!"
- "The key is using
to move then pressing
in order."
- "I suggest trying it."
- "There is nothing to currently concern you over there."
- "Mario! Luigi! Do you see the gaps in your path?"
- "Gaps and the like can sometimes be cleared by moving with
- "Yes, you build up speed and then LEAP as one by pressing
at the same time."
- "I suggest a trial attempt for this particular technique. Make with the jumping!"
- "Ah... This area is FESTOONED with red and green blocks. According to my data banks..."
- "Yes. Red objects respond only when struck by Mario, and green ones are for Luigi."
- "I suggest you begin leaping with all speed and hit every last one of them!"
- "It appears a path allowing us to proceed has opened up."
- "I suggest utilizing
to perform well-timed jumps and move forward."
- "I understand your urgency, but who knows the dangers ahead?"
- "It would be prudent to get you battle-ready before moving on!"
- "Well, look at this! The perfect practice for you."
- "Mario! Jump on that bulboid thing!"
- "Excellent work, Mario!"
- "Jump onto your enemy to engage it in battle'll get the upper hand by damaging it at the get-go!"
- "I HIGHLY recommend noting this helpable hint!"
- "Luigi!"
- "You'll perform attacks just like Mario does."
- "The only difference is that Luigi uses
for his action commands."
- "Remember to use
when jumping on the bad guys who hate you!"
- "Analysis complete on the enemy's attacks!"
- "Shall I tell you the results?"
- "Observe the stance of the foe right before it attacks."
- "It's aiming for Luigi!"
- "Dodge with
- "It would appear that all beasts follow certain attack patterns, if you follow."
- "Do your best to observe closely the movements and tendencies of your enemies!"
- "Alrighty then..."
- "I've got one more analysis I'd like to share with you!"
- "When avoiding enemies......the timing of Mario's and Luigi's jumps tends to be slightly differentiable!"
- "Pay close attention to the timing of the jumps!"
- "Are you operational, Luigi? Do you need service?"
- "It appears you've taken some damage."
- "What fortulent timing!"
- "Allow me to explain how to use items!"
- "Ah... I know you're groggy, but try to focus, Luigi."
- "Please press START."
- "What we have here is the IDEAL moment to discuss using items!"
- "Hmm, wait a moment..."
- "I just happen to have two Mushrooms that the professor gave me..."
- "Let's use these in the explanation!"
- "Move the magnification dingus here and press
- "No, that is the opposite of correct. Put it on the MUSHROOM and press
- "What you see here are the items currently in your possession, if you follow."
- "What I need you to do is select the Mushrooms then press
- "Er, no, that is defective. Select the MUSHROOMS and press
- "Yes, now you can use
to choose who gets the Mushroom, and won't that be fun for all."
- "Make sure you've selected our friend Luigi, there, and then press
- "No, not Mario, the other bro. Give the Mushroom to LUIGI and press
- "Yes, wondiferous. That should put a pepper on his pizza!"
- "Alrighty, then. Let's return to the bottom screen."
- "If it's not too much trouble, press
for me?"
- "Second verse, same verse as the first verse. By which I mean, press
- "And here we are! Back where we started, but smartified. We're ready to move on!"
- "Yes, it's easy to back out of my inner levels one step at a time with the
- "But you can also press START to close me ENTIRELY at any time, if you follow."
- "Press the
Button or START to close me."
- "Sorry to disturb you! At this time, I must teach you how to count beans."
Toad doctor[edit]
- "I'm afraid our dear Toadsworth has worried himself into a state of shroomshock."
- "Without the restorative properties of a Refreshroom, there's naught we can do."
- "Oh, the prognosis is grim..."
- "Toadsworth! Wake up! Toadswooooorth!"
- "Whoa, he worried so hard, he KO'd himself!"
- "Mario, I'm pretty sure Toadsworth has a Refreshroom in his room."
- "Think you could go get it?"
- "All right, Mario! We're counting on you."
- "The Refreshroom is in a block in Toadsworth's room. You can't miss it!"
- "To remove it from the block, stand beneath it and jump up. That usually works."
- "How's your jumping coming along, huh?"
- "Looking good from where I'm standing. Good luck!"
- "I'm pretty sure that the Refreshroom is right there in Toadsworth's room."
- "Please hurry and get it!"
- "Toadsworth! Hold on!"
- "This castle has three floors. There are also rumors of a vast underground area, too."
- "Thing is, no one seems to know how to get down there. Now cruddy design."
- "This castle's so big, I sometimes get lost. And then I cry a little."
- "When that happens, I peek at the Top Screen to check on my location."
- "This is the Shroom Shop, where you can buy and sell items and gear."
- "We're still stocking the shelves, so please come back a bit later, OK?"
- "Be sure to save your progress when you see a Save Album!"
- "When you want to save, jump up and hit that Save Album over there."
- "The icons in the upper-right corner of the screen show you what actions you can perform."
- "The icons will change when you get close to signs, people, and suspicious areas, OK?"
- "When you see an icon change, try pressing the corresponding button to see what happens!"
- "I've got a feeling something terrible's going to happen..."
- "I mean, look! This room's got that eerie gear over there..."
- "Something's gonna happen! Bless my spots..."
- "Climb these stairs to reach the castle's second floor."
- "Listen, though; the switch to open the door's a doozy."
- "Simply standing on it with another friend's not enough to activate it, no sir!"
- "Jumping is the most basic of actions, y'know. I mean, if you don't know it by now...yikes."
- "Not that I really need to tell you, but don't forget to jump and hit blocks to collect items!"
- "Toadsworth!"
- "Any final words?"
- "Can I have your cane?"
- "Doctor! SPEAK, man!"
- "Will Toadsworth recover?"
- "No sign of the princess! No! NOOOOOOOO! That awful monster..."
- "Time radar? TIME RADAR?! You just made that up! Where'd that monster come from, then?"
- "Ah... Luigi, are you on your way to the garden?"
- "Instead, how about you stand guard and keep that thing from escaping and eating everyone?"
- "Oh, I see... Well, if you'd rather not, I guess I can't force you to do it or anything."
- "Who knows what the future holds, though? Could be, you might face even worse things!"
- "Oh, hey, so tell me, are your jumps coming along as well as Mario's? 'Cause he's the best."
- "Yeahhhh... Listen, no offense, but next to Mario, that just seems...underwhelming."
- "Know what I mean? Show him what I mean, Mario."
- "Seriously, Luigi. Try jumping like Mario! You need more intensity or something."
- "Wow... That was super! That was a great jump! Worthy of Mario himself."
- "You really are brothers! Hey! You'd better hustle along to the garden."
- "The...village..."
- "The village... Dank purple... mushrooms..."
- "I say... I am simply beside myself with worry!"
- "Oh, Princess! Welcome home!"
- "Your Majesty! I've been fraught with--"
- "Master Mario!"
- "It's been some time since you battled last, correct?"
- "Do you require a refresher on action commands?"
- "Allow me to begin. Attack, if you please."
- "Please press
- "With spot-on timing, you'll do more damage!"
- "For each and every attack, there is an action command."
- "Learn them all!"
- "Carry on..."
- "Drat, I almost forgot!"
- "You can also dodge enemy attacks!"
- "Shall I explain to you how to perform such evasions?"
- "Then heed well!"
- "Observe... In this way you can avoid taking damage."
- "Pay attention to the spot right up see when and how you can dodge attacks!"
- "Watch your foes closely...for they telegraph their attacks!"
- "When some rogue charges in to attack, you can not only evade... Nay, you can do more!"
- "You can do damage by counterattacking!"
- "Shall I explain to you how to counterattack?"
- "In this manner, you can utilize good timing to dodge your foes' attacks..."
- "And not only that, but damage them in the process!"
- "Be sure to observe your foes closely so as to recognize your chances!"
- "I see, I see... Very well, Master Mario!"
- "You are the master"
- "I see..."
- "Would you then care to hear how to counterattack?"
- "M-M-Master Mario!"
- "The princess! Where is Princess Peach?"
- "And what were those lights? And what is that odd hole? I demand answers, sir!"
Toadsworth the Younger[edit]
- "Oho! Young Masters Mario and Luigi! I've anxiously awaited your arrival!"
- "Yes, indeed, the princess craves playmates, I'm afraid. She's rather...tantrummy. Press up on
to walk to the room where she awaits. Please go to her at once!"
- "Please, I beg of you, go to the princess. She awaits playmates in that room up ahead. Press up on
to move to the room where she awaits."
- "I say! What's this hullabaloo? What of the princess?"
- "Absolute nonsense! I rather think that you'll do NO SUCH THING! EN GARDE!"
- "Young Master Mario! Sorry about fainting a moment ago... Is this your first battle? Shall I perhaps instruct you on action commands?"
- (When "Yes" is chosen) "Ahem... Allow me to begin. First, please attack."
- "Halt!"
- "Press
, young sir!"
- "If your timing is spot-on... you'll do more damage! For each and every attack, there is an action command."
- "Experiment away!"
- "Carry on..."
- "Drat, I almost forgot!"
- "You can also dodge young Bowser's flames."
- "Shall I explain to you how to evade enemy attacks?"
- "Then heed well!"
- "Observe... In this way you can avoid taking damage."
- "Pay attention to this spot up above see when and how you can dodge attacks!"
- "Watch your foes closely...for they hint at their attacks!"
- "Ah. Truly? Very well, young Master Mario!"
- "You are the young master!"
- "Oh! Oh, Princess! Never fear, my dear. Toadsworth is here!"
- "Come! Let's get you to safety!" (after calming Baby Peach)
- "Great hoogly-boogly! The princess does NOT approve of this!" (Baby Bowser had refused to help Adult Mario and Luigi and Baby Peach started to cry)
- "Young Master Bowser! Abandoning those folk is reprehensible!"
- "Young masters, if you would, please go check on those unfortunate villagers."
- "That, I believe, will make the princess most pleased, and perhaps avoid future tantrums."
- "I shall wait right here for your no-doubt triumphant return. Tallyho and all that!"
- "The Shroobs are rather nasty. Do take care of yourselves."
- "Hold your tongue, elder me!"
- "Keep your trousers on, older me! That's MY blood pressure you're elevating. Seriously, if I wanted to see myself embarrass myself, I'd belch in front of a mirror."
- "It's not like she's in another castle or anything."