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“You just saved me like a hero! You're a hero, aren't ya? You're the coolest!!!”
Watt, Paper Mario

Watt is a female baby Li'l Sparky and Mario's sixth party member in Paper Mario. In Super Paper Mario, Watt appears as a Catch Card found on the seventieth floor of the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials. Although Watt's age is unconfirmed, it would appear that she is a young child because of her pacifier. Her Super Paper Mario Catch Card description also implies that she is young.


Paper Mario

Watt's portrait from Paper Mario.
Watt's portrait.

Mario finds Watt while traveling through Shy Guy's Toy Box. He eventually comes to a dark room inhabited by the Big Lantern Ghost. The battle against the ghost involves attacking the lantern he carries to make the room brighter, and after his defeat Mario can break open the lantern and find Watt inside.

Watt explains to him that the Big Lantern Ghost had kidnapped her and trapped her in his lantern. She tells Mario that she heard some of the Shy Guys talking about him, and she volunteers to join him and his party on his quest. Watt's field ability allows Mario to hold her like a lantern, illuminating dark places and allowing him to find invisible boxes and items. Watt's main attack also has the ability to automatically override an enemy's defenses, making her a valuable partner in many battles.

In Toad Town, Watt receives two Letters, one from her mother and another from Fuzzipede.

At the end of the game, she is conversing with a group of Shy Guys, and she appears to have befriended them.


"Say... This is the lantern that belongs to the Big Lantern Ghost. There's something inside. Do you think it'd come out if we broke it?"

Super Paper Mario

In Super Paper Mario, Watt appears as a Catch Card that could be found in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials. She could also be seen very briefly at the beginning of the game, where she, along with all the other partners in the Paper Mario series could be seen in a photograph at Mario's House.

Super Mario-Kun

Cropped from page 112 of issue 27 of Super Mario-kun.

Watt appears also as one of Mario's various partners in the Paper Mario arcs of Super Mario-Kun. Unlike in the games, Mario and his partners scare away the Big Lantern Ghost by removing its robe. Mario then breaks the lantern with a hammer to reveal Watt inside.


Watt's Family

Watt is known to have a mother, who is unseen and unnamed. Watt speaks of her occasionally and even receives a Letter from her in Toad Town's Post Office. Not much is known about her. Though her mother is mentioned several times, no mention of Watt having a father is ever made.


Attack Flower Points Needed Effect To Attack Move Ranks
Electro Dash None Attacks one enemy, ignoring enemy's defense value. A Button button should be held to fill the gauge. Initial
Power Shock 2 Paralyzes single enemy. A Button button should be pressed repeatedly Initial
Turbo Charge 3 Temporarily boosts Mario's attack power. A Button button should be pressed as the red stars lights up. Super Rank
Mega Shock 5 Paralyzes all enemies. A Button and B Button should be pressed repeatedly at the same time. Ultra Rank

Catch Card

Watt's Catch Card.

Card Type: Rare
Card Description: This is Mario's good buddy Watt from Paper Mario. This guy was pretty bright for his age!

Names in other languages



  • Watt is one of the only characters in Paper Mario that is capable of dealing damage to Bowser after he powers himself up with the Star Rod (during the first round of the final battle). However, she is only able to do one HP worth of damage to him. The same thing applies to Lakilester.
  • Although she is female, Watt is mistakenly referred to as male during her Super Block upgrades and on her Super Paper Mario Catch Card.
  • Watt has different responses depending on how the lantern is broken.
