List of Super Smash Bros. Brawl quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{italic title|List of ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl'' quotes}}
{{italic title|List of ''Super Smash Bros. Brawl'' quotes}}
This is a list of quotes from the game ''[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]''.
This is a list of quotes from the game ''[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]''. ''[[Super Mario (franchise)|Super Mario]]''-related quotes have been listed above the others.

*''"Free-for-All!"'' / ''"Battle Royal!"''
The first quote following the forward slash is from the Japanese version, while the quote following the Japanese one is from the Korean version.
*''"Grab the [[Smash Coin|Coins]]!"'' / ''"Get the Coins!"''
*''"Free-for-All!"''/''"Battle Royal!"''/''"Sigan Jeontu!"''/''"Chacun-pour-Soi!"''/''"Battle Royale!"''/''"¡Brawl-por-Tiempo!"''/''"Brawl-a-Tempo!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Special Brawl|Special Brawl]]!"''
*''"Grab the [[Smash Coin|Coins]]!"''/''"Get the Coins!"''/''"Koin Jeontu!"''/''"Prenez les Pièces!"''/''"Schnapp dir die Münzen!"''/''"¡A por las Monedas!"''/''"Raccogli le Monete!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Rotation|Rotation]]!"'' / ''"Loser Out!"''
*''"Survival!"''/''"Seutok Jeontu!"''/''"Des Stock Survie!"''/''"Siegen!"''/''"¡Sobrevive!"''/''"Sopravvivi!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Classic mode|Classic Mode]]!"'' / ''"Classic!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Special Brawl|Special Brawl]]!"''/''"Seupesyeol Maechi!"''/''"Combat Special!"''/''"Spezial-Brawl!"''/''"¡Brawl Especial!"''/''"Brawl Speciale!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#All-Star mode|All-Star Mode]]!"'' / ''"All-Star!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Rotation|Rotation]]!"''/''"Loser Out!"''/''"Gyodae Baeteul!"''/''"Roulement!"''/''"Weschel!"''/''"¡Rotación!"''/''"Rotazione!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Multi-Man Brawl|Multi-Man Brawl]]!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Classic mode|Classic Mode]]!"''/''"Classic!"''/''"Seutaendeodeu!"''/''"Classique!"''/''"Klassisch!"''/''"¡Modo Clásico!"''/''"Modalità Classica!"''
*''"Boss Battles!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#All-Star mode|All-Star Mode]]!"''/''"All-Star!"''/''"Ol-Seuta!"''/''"All-Star!"'' (in French language)/''"Alle-Star!"''/''"¡Modo All-Star!"''/''"Modalità All-Star!"
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Multi-Man Brawl|Multi-Man Brawl]]!"''/''"Nonseutop Maechi!"''/''"Smash En Masse!"''/''"Multi Brawl!"''/''"¡Brawl Multitudinario!"''/''"Brawl Multiplo!"''
*''"[[Break the Targets!]]"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Boss Battles Mode|Boss Battles]]!"''/''"Boseu Baeteul!"''/''"Smash Boss!"''/''"Boss-Kämpfe!"''/''"¡Jefes Finales!"''/''"Sfila I Boss!"''
*''"[[Home-Run Contest]]!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Training|Training]]!"''/''"Teureining!"''/''"Entrainement!"''/''"Trainings!"''/''"¡Entrenamiento!"''/''"Allenamento!"''
*''"Basic Brawl!"'' / ''"Easy Brawl!"''
*''"[[Break the Targets!]]"'' (in game, it reads Target Smash!!)/''"Gwanyeok Gyeokpa!"''/''"Smash dans le Mille!"''/''"Scheiben-Smash!"''/''"¡Dianas Smash!"''/''"Bersagli Smash!"''
*''"Team Battle!"''
*''"[[Home-Run Contest]]!"''/''"Hom Reon Konteseuteu!"''/''"Home Run Smash!"''/''"Home Run Wettkampf!"''/''"¡Béisbol Smash!"''/''"Gara di Home Run!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Tourney|Tourney]]!"'' / ''"Tournament!"''
*''"[[smashwiki:Basic Brawl|Basic Brawl]]!"''/''"Easy Brawl!"''/''"Simpeul Maechi!"''/''"Combat Simple!"''/''"Standard Brawl!"''/''"¡Brawl Básico!"''/''"Brawl Semplice!"''
*''"Event Match!"''
*''"Team Battle!"''/''"Tim Baeteul!"''/''"Bataille Equipe!"''/''"Team Kämpf!"''/''"¡Combate por Equipos!"'' (in game, it reads Brawl por Equipo)/''"Incontro a Squadre!"''
*''"Spectate!"'' / ''"Watch!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Tourney|Tourney]]!"''/''"Tournament!"''/''"Toneomeonteu!"''/''"Tournoi!"''/''"Turnier!"''/''"¡Torneo!"''/''"Torneo!"''
*''"[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl#Events|Event Match]]!"''/''"Ibenteu Maechi!"''/''"Evenement!"''/''"Missionen!"''/''"¡Evento!"''/''"Eventi!"''
*''"[[smashwiki:Spectator Mode|Spectate]]!"''/''"Watch!"''/''"Baeteul Gwanjeon!"''/''"Spectateur!"''/''"Zuschauer!"''/''¡Espectador!"''/''"Spettadore!"''
*''"Time!"'' / ''"Time Up!"''
*''"[[Sudden Death]]."''
*''"Go!"''/''"Go!"'' (in Korean language)/''"Partez!"''/''"Los!"''/''"¡Ya!"''/''"Via!"''
*''"Game!"'' / ''"Game Set!"''
*''"Time."''/''"Time Up."''/''"Taim Eop."''/''"Temps Écoule."''/''"Vorbei!"''/''"¡Tiempo!"''/''"Tempo Scaduto!"''
*''"[[Sudden Death]]."''/''"Seodeun Deseu."''/''"Mort Subite."''/''"Sudden-Death."''/''"Muerte Súbita."''/''"Scontro Decisivo."''
*''"Game!"''/''"Game Set."''/''"Geim Seteu."''/''"Fini!"''/''"Ende."''/''"¡Se Acabó!"'' (in game, it reads ¡Final!)/''"Fine!"''
*''"Success!"''/''"Seonggong!"''/''"Victoire!"''/''"Brilliant!"''/''"¡Concedido!"'' (in game, it reads ¡Muy Bien!)/''"Complementi!"''
*''"Player 1..."''
*''"Complete!"''/''"Wanbyeokhan!"''/''"Terminé!"''/''"Geschafft!"''/''"¡Sí Señor!"'' (in game, it reads ¡Bien Hecho!)/''"Ben Fatto!"''
*''"Player 2..."''
*''"Failure."''/''"Silpae."''/''"Défaite."''/''"Félhschlag."''/''"Has Fallado."'' (in game, it reads ¡Qué Mal!)/''"Peccato."''
*''"Player 3..."''
*''"Player One..."''/''"Peulleieo Han..."''/''"Jouer Un..."''/''"Spieler Eins..."''/''"Jugador Uno..."''/''"Giocatore Una..."''
*''"Player 4..."''
*''"Player Two..."''/''"Peulleieo Dul..."''/''"Jouer Deux..."''/''"Spieler Zwei..."''/''"Jugador Dos..."''/''"Giocatore Due..."''
*''"Computer Player..."''
*''"Player Three..."''/''"Peulleieo Sseuri..."''/''"Jouer Trois..."''/''"Spieler Drei..."''/''"Jugador Tres..."''/''"Giocatore Tre..."''
*''"Player Four..."''/''"Peulleieo Po..."''/''"Jouer Quatre..."''/''"Spieler Vier..."''/''"Jugador Cuatro..."''/''"Giocatore Quatro..."''
*''"Share Stock!"'' / ''"Share Player Stock!"''
*''"Computer Player..."''/''"Keompyuteo Peulleieo..."''/''"Ordinateur..."''/''"Com..."''/''"PNJ..."''/''"CPU..."''
*''"New Record!"''
*''"Defeated!"''/''"Dai!"''/''"A Perdue!"''/''"Besight!"''/''"¡Derrotado!"''/''"Fuori!"''
*''"[[smashwiki:Share stock|Share Stock]]!"''/''"Share Player Stock!"''/''"Seuteo Peulleieo!"''/''"Participez!"''/''"Aktien Teilen!"''/''"¡Y Vidas Compartidas!"''/''"Rientra in Gioco!"''
*''"Wow! Incredible!"''
*''"New Record!"''/''"Singirok Saereon!"''/''"Nouveau Record!"''/''"Neuer Rekord!"''/''"¡Nuevo Record!"''/''"Nuovo Record!"''
*''"[[Game Over]]."''
*''"Wow! Incredible!"''/''"Uwa! Mideojiji Anneun!"''/''"Ouah! Impressionnant!"''/''"Wow! Unglaublich!"''/''"¡Guau! Increíble!"''/''"Straordinario!"''
*''"Continue?"''/''"Keontinyu?"''/''"Continuer?"''/''"Fortsetzen?"''/''"¿Continuar?"''/''"Voui Continuare?"''
*''"[[Game Over]]."''/''"Geim Obeo."''/''"Fin De La Partida."''
*''"Jackpot!"''/''"Jaekpat!"'' (not in Sound Test but in the Korean files)/''"¡Bote!"''/''"Fantastico!"''
*''"Team..."'' (said differently in German)/''"Tim..."''/''"Equipe..."''/''"El Equipo..."''/''"Squadra..."''
*''"[[Super Mushroom|Giant...]]"''
*''"[[Metal Cap|Metal...]]"''
*''"No Contest!"''
*''"[[Super Mushroom|Giant...]]"''/''"Jaieonteu..."''/''"Maxi..."''/''"Riesen..."''/''"Maxi..."'' (in Spanish language)/''"Maxi... (in Italian language)
*''"Blue Team!"''
*''"[[Metal Cap|Metal...]]"''/''"Metael.."''/''"Métal..."''/''"De Metal..."''/''"D'Acciaio..."''
*''"Green Team!"''
*''"No Contest."''/''"Anio Konteseuteu."''/''"Partie Annulee."''/''"Ohne Wertung."''/''"Combate Suspendido."'' (in game, it reads Invalidado)/''"Partita Nulla."''
*''"Red Team!"''
*''"Blue Team!"''/''"Beullu Tim!"''/''"Equipe Bleue!"''/''"Team Blau!"''/''"¡El Equipo Azul!"''/''"Squadra Blu!"''
*''"The winner is..."''
*''"Green Team!"''/''"Geurin Tim!"''/''"Equipe Verte!"''/''"Team Grün!"''/''"¡El Equipo Verde!"''/''"Squadra Verde!"''
*''"The champion is..."''
*''"Red Team!"''/''"Redeu Tim!"''/''"Equipe Rouge!"''/''"Team Rote!"''/''"¡El Equipo Rojo!"''/''"Squadra Rossa!"''
*''"Choose your character!"''
*''"The winner is..."''/''"Seungja neun..."''/''"Le victoire ovia..."''/''"Sieger ist..."''/''"Y La victoria es para..."''/''"Vittoria de..."
*''"The champion is..."''/''"Chaempieon neun...''/''"Le tournoi championne par..."''/''"Champion ist..."''/''"La victoria es para..."''/''"La vittoria va a..."''
*''"[[Donkey Kong]]!"''
*''"Choose your character."''/''"Kaerikteo seontaek."''/''"Choisissez votre personnage."''/''"Wähle deinen charakter."''/''"Elige a tu personaje."''/''"Seleziona il personaggio."''
*''"[[Samus Aran|Samus]]!"''
*''"[[Donkey Kong]]!"''/''"Dongki Kong!"''
*''"[[Samus Aran|Samus]]!"''/''"Samuseu!"''
*''"[[Fox McCloud|Fox]]!"''
*''"[[Captain Falcon]]!"''
*''"[[Bowser]]."''/ ''"Koopa!"''
*''"[[Captain Falcon]]!"''/''"Kaeptin Palkon!"''
*''"[[Princess Peach|Peach]]!"''
*''"[[Princess Zelda|Zelda]]!"''
*''"[[Princess Peach|Peach]]!"''/''"Pichi!"''
*''"[[Ice Climbers]]!"''/ ''"Ice Climber."'' (Said in singular in Japanese version!)
*''"[[Princess Zelda|Zelda]]!"''/''"Jelda!"''
*''"[[Mr. Game & Watch]]!"''
*''"[[Ice Climbers]]!"''/''"Ice Climber!"'' (Said in singular in Japanese version)/''"Eoreum Tagi!"''
*''"[[Falco Lombardi|Falco]]!"''
*''"[[Mr. Game & Watch]]!"''/''"Miseuteo Geim aendeu Wochi!"''
*''"[[Falco Lombardi|Falco]]!"''/''"Palko!"''
*''"[[Meta Knight]]!"''
*''"[[Pit (character)|Pit]]!"''
*''"[[Zero Suit Samus]]!"''
*''"[[Meta Knight]]!"''/''"Meta Naiteu!"''
*''"[[Captain Olimar|Olimar]]."''/ ''"[[Pikmin]] & Olimar!"''
*''"[[Pit (character)|Pit]]!"''/''"Piteu!"''
*''"[[Zero Suit Samus]]!"''/''"Jero Syuteu Samuseu!"''/''"Samus Sans Armure!"''/''"¡Samus Zero!"''/''"Samus Tuta Zero!"''
*''"[[Diddy Kong]]!"''
*''"[[Captain Olimar|Olimar]]!"''/''"[[Pikmin]] & Olimar!"''/''"Pikeumin aendeu Ollima!"''
*''"[[Pokémon Trainer]]!"'' (Said differently in Japanese version)
*''"[[Charizard]]!"''/ ''"Lizardon!"''
*''"[[Diddy Kong]]!"''/''"Didi Kong!"''
*''"[[Squirtle]]!"''/ ''"Zenigame!"''
*''"[[Pokémon Trainer]]!"'' (English; high register)/''"Pokémon Trainer!"'' (Japanese; low register)/''"Poketmon Teureineo!"''/''"Dresseur de Pokémon!"''/''"Pokémon-Trainer!"''/''"¡Entrenador Pokémon!"''/''"Allenatore di Pokémon!"''
*''"[[Ivysaur]]!"''/ ''"Fushigisou!"''
*''"[[Charizard]]!"'' /''"Lizardon!"'' /''"Rijamong!"''/''"Dracaufeu!"''/''"Glurak!"''
*''"[[King Dedede]]!"''/ ''"Dedede!"''
*''"[[Squirtle]]!"'' /''"Zenigame!"''/''"Kkobugi!"''/''"Carapuce!"''/''"Schiggy!"''
*''"[[Ivysaur]]!"''/ ''"Fushigisou!"''/''"Isanghaepul!"''/''"Herbizarre!"''/''"Bisaknosp!"''
*''"[[King Dedede]]!"''/ ''"Dedede!"''/''"Dididi Daewang!"''/''"Roi Dadidou!"''/''"König Dedede!"''/''"¡Rey Dedede!"''/''"King Dedede!"'' (in Italian language)
*''"[[R.O.B.]]!"''/ ''"Robot!"''
*''"[[Jigglypuff]]!"''/ ''"Purin!"''
*''"[[Toon Link]]!"''
*''"[[R.O.B.]]!"''/''"Robot!"''/''"Areu O Bi!"''
*''"[[Wolf O'Donnell|Wolf]]."''
*''"[[Solid Snake|Snake]]."''
*''"[[Toon Link]]!"''/''"Tun Ringkeu!"''/''"Link Cartoon!"''/''"Link Cartone!"''
*''"[[Sonic the Hedgehog|Sonic]]!"''
*''"[[Wolf O'Donnell|Wolf]]!"''/''"Ulpeu!"''
*''"[[Solid Snake|Snake]]!"''/''Seuneikeu!"''

===Not in the final game===
===Not in the final game===
*''"Super Smash Brothers! Brawl!"''/ ''"Dairantou Smash Brothers!"''
*''"Super Smash Brothers! Brawl!"''/''"Dairantou Smash Brothers!"''
*''"[[Fighting Alloy Team]]!"''
*''"[[Fighting Alloy Team]]!"''/''"Équipe Alliage!"''/''"Alloy-Team!"''/''"¡El Equipo de Aleación!"''/''"Squadra Della Lega!"''
*''"Stage Clear!"''
*''"Stage Clear!"''/''"Seuteiji Keullieo!"''/''"Stage Reussi!"''/''Stage Gemeistert!"''/''"¡Fase Superada!"''/''"Livello Completato!"''
*''"Six..."''/''"Six..."'' (in French language)/''"Sechs..."''/''"Seis..."''/''"Sei..."''
*''"Bonus Stage!"''
*''"Ready to fight!"''/''"Prêt à combattre!"''/''"Kampfbereit!"''/''"¡Adelante!"''/''"Tutto pronto!"''
*''"Time In!"''
*''"Coin Shooter!"''
*''"Figure Collection!"''
*''"Figure Gallery!"''
*''"How to Play."''/''"Comment Jouer."''/''"Wie man Spielt."''/''"Cómo Jugar."''/''"Regola di Gioco."''
*''"Seal Collection!"''
*''"Seal Gallery!"''
*''"Let's a-go."''
*''"Pow pow."''
*''"Bang, bang!"''
*''"Ho ha hee hae Hoo!"''
*''"Here we go!"''
*''"Let's a-go!"''
*''"Oh yeah!"''
==[[Princess Peach]]==
*''"La la la la la la!"''
*''"Aw, did I win?"''
*''"This is fun!"''
*''"Wah, wah, WAH!"''
*''"(*sniffs*) Ooh..."''
*''"No, no!"''
*''"Oh, my!"''

==[[Captain Falcon]]==
==[[Captain Falcon]]==
Line 111: Line 168:
*''"Come on!"''
*''"Come on!"''
===Not in the final game===
*''"Yes!"'' (said differently from the used version)

==[[Falco Lombardi]]==
==[[Falco Lombardi]]==
Line 125: Line 179:

==[[Fox McCloud]]==
==[[Fox|Fox McCloud]]==
*''“This is Fox. Retuning to base!”''
*''“Here I come!”''
*''“Here I come!”''
*''“Come on!”''
*''“Come on!”''
*''"Better luck next time, Falco."''
*''“This is Fox. Retuning to base!”''
*''"Better luck next time, Falco!"''
*''"Mission complete!"''
*''"Mission complete!"''
Line 137: Line 191:
*''“Prepare yourself!”''
*''“Prepare yourself!”''
*''“I fight for my friends.”''
*''“[[Great Aether|Great... AETHER]]!”''
*''“[[Great Aether|Great... AETHER]]!”''
*''“You'll get no sympathy from me.”''
*''“You'll get no sympathy from me.”''
*''“I fight for my friends.”''

(English, Spanish, Italian)
(Japanese, Korean)
*''"Purin, Purin!"''

Line 154: Line 215:
===Not in the final game===
*''"Hi!"'' (Included in Sound Test; resembles the ''[[Super Smash Bros. Melee]]'' version)

Line 169: Line 227:
*''"PK Thunder!"''
*''"PK Thunder!"''
*''"PK... Starstorm!"''
*''"PK... Starstorm!"''
*''"Let's a-go."''
*''"Pow pow."''
*''"Bang bang!"''
*''"Ho ha hee hae Hoo!"''
*''"Here we go!"''
*''"Let's a-go!"''
*''"Oh yeah!"''

Line 218: Line 262:
*''"Pika... chuuuuuuuu!"''
*''"Pika... chuuuuuuuu!"''
==[[Princess Peach]]==
*''"La la la la la la!"''
*''"Aw, did I win?"''
*''"This is fun!"''

==[[Pit (character)|Pit]]==
==[[Pit (character)|Pit]]==
*''"The fight is on!"''
*''"The fight is on!"''
*''"You're not ready yet!"''
*''"I'm done for... (*gasp*)"'' (KO)
*''"You can't defeat me!"''
*''"You can't defeat me!"''
*''"Great [[Palutena]], victory is ours!"''
*''"Great [[Palutena]], victory is ours!"''
*''"I'm done for..."''
*''"You're not ready yet!"''
*''"Too easy!"''
*''"Too easy!"''
*''"Nice try!"''
*''"Nice try!"''
Line 266: Line 301:

==[[Solid Snake]]==
==[[Solid Snake]]==
For the Codec Conversations, see [[List of Snake's Codec Conversations|here]].
For the Codec Conversations, see [[List of Snake's codec conversations|here]].
*''"It's showtime!"''
*''"It's showtime!"''
*''"This is Snake. I'm done here."''
*''"This is Snake. I'm done here."''
Line 277: Line 312:
*''"Colonel, mission accomplished."''
*''"Colonel, mission accomplished."''

==[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]==
==[[Sonic|Sonic the Hedgehog]]==
*''"Now, I'll show you!"''
*''"You're too slow!"''
*''"You're too slow!"''
*''"Come on, step it up!"''
*''"Too easy! Piece of cake!"
*''"Sonic's the name, speed's my game!"''
*''"Sonic's the name, speed's my game!"''
*''"Come on, step it up!"''
*''"Too easy! Piece of cake!"''
*''"Hey, we should do this again sometime!"''
*''"Hey, we should do this again sometime!"''
*''"Now, I'll show you!"''
*''"Wah, wah, WAH!"''
*''"(*sniffs*) Ooh..."''
*''"No, no!"''
*''"Oh, my!"''

==[[Wolf O'Donnell]]==
==[[Wolf O'Donnell]]==

Latest revision as of 13:44, June 19, 2024

This is a list of quotes from the game Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Super Mario-related quotes have been listed above the others.


The first quote following the forward slash is from the Japanese version, while the quote following the Japanese one is from the Korean version.

  • "Free-for-All!"/"Battle Royal!"/"Sigan Jeontu!"/"Chacun-pour-Soi!"/"Battle Royale!"/"¡Brawl-por-Tiempo!"/"Brawl-a-Tempo!"
  • "Grab the Coins!"/"Get the Coins!"/"Koin Jeontu!"/"Prenez les Pièces!"/"Schnapp dir die Münzen!"/"¡A por las Monedas!"/"Raccogli le Monete!"
  • "Survival!"/"Seutok Jeontu!"/"Des Stock Survie!"/"Siegen!"/"¡Sobrevive!"/"Sopravvivi!"
  • "Special Brawl!"/"Seupesyeol Maechi!"/"Combat Special!"/"Spezial-Brawl!"/"¡Brawl Especial!"/"Brawl Speciale!"
  • "Rotation!"/"Loser Out!"/"Gyodae Baeteul!"/"Roulement!"/"Weschel!"/"¡Rotación!"/"Rotazione!"
  • "Classic Mode!"/"Classic!"/"Seutaendeodeu!"/"Classique!"/"Klassisch!"/"¡Modo Clásico!"/"Modalità Classica!"
  • "All-Star Mode!"/"All-Star!"/"Ol-Seuta!"/"All-Star!" (in French language)/"Alle-Star!"/"¡Modo All-Star!"/"Modalità All-Star!"
  • "Multi-Man Brawl!"/"Nonseutop Maechi!"/"Smash En Masse!"/"Multi Brawl!"/"¡Brawl Multitudinario!"/"Brawl Multiplo!"
  • "Boss Battles!"/"Boseu Baeteul!"/"Smash Boss!"/"Boss-Kämpfe!"/"¡Jefes Finales!"/"Sfila I Boss!"
  • "Training!"/"Teureining!"/"Entrainement!"/"Trainings!"/"¡Entrenamiento!"/"Allenamento!"
  • "Break the Targets!" (in game, it reads Target Smash!!)/"Gwanyeok Gyeokpa!"/"Smash dans le Mille!"/"Scheiben-Smash!"/"¡Dianas Smash!"/"Bersagli Smash!"
  • "Home-Run Contest!"/"Hom Reon Konteseuteu!"/"Home Run Smash!"/"Home Run Wettkampf!"/"¡Béisbol Smash!"/"Gara di Home Run!"
  • "Basic Brawl!"/"Easy Brawl!"/"Simpeul Maechi!"/"Combat Simple!"/"Standard Brawl!"/"¡Brawl Básico!"/"Brawl Semplice!"
  • "Team Battle!"/"Tim Baeteul!"/"Bataille Equipe!"/"Team Kämpf!"/"¡Combate por Equipos!" (in game, it reads Brawl por Equipo)/"Incontro a Squadre!"
  • "Tourney!"/"Tournament!"/"Toneomeonteu!"/"Tournoi!"/"Turnier!"/"¡Torneo!"/"Torneo!"
  • "Event Match!"/"Ibenteu Maechi!"/"Evenement!"/"Missionen!"/"¡Evento!"/"Eventi!"
  • "Spectate!"/"Watch!"/"Baeteul Gwanjeon!"/"Spectateur!"/"Zuschauer!"/¡Espectador!"/"Spettadore!"
  • "Five..."/"Paibeu..."/"Cinq..."/"Fünf..."/"Cinco..."/"Cinque..."
  • "Four..."/"Po..."/"Quatre..."/"Vier..."/"Cuatro..."/"Quattro..."
  • "Three..."/"Sseuri..."/"Trois..."/"Drei..."/"Tres..."/"Tre..."
  • "Two..."/"Dul..."/"Deux..."/"Zwei..."/"Dos..."/"Due..."
  • "One..."/"Han..."/"Un..."/"Eins..."/"Uno..."/"Una..."
  • "Ready..."/"Redi..."/"Prêt..."/"Bereit?"/"¿Listos?"/"Pronti..."
  • "Go!"/"Go!" (in Korean language)/"Partez!"/"Los!"/"¡Ya!"/"Via!"
  • "Time."/"Time Up."/"Taim Eop."/"Temps Écoule."/"Vorbei!"/"¡Tiempo!"/"Tempo Scaduto!"
  • "Sudden Death."/"Seodeun Deseu."/"Mort Subite."/"Sudden-Death."/"Muerte Súbita."/"Scontro Decisivo."
  • "Game!"/"Game Set."/"Geim Seteu."/"Fini!"/"Ende."/"¡Se Acabó!" (in game, it reads ¡Final!)/"Fine!"
  • "Success!"/"Seonggong!"/"Victoire!"/"Brilliant!"/"¡Concedido!" (in game, it reads ¡Muy Bien!)/"Complementi!"
  • "Complete!"/"Wanbyeokhan!"/"Terminé!"/"Geschafft!"/"¡Sí Señor!" (in game, it reads ¡Bien Hecho!)/"Ben Fatto!"
  • "Failure."/"Silpae."/"Défaite."/"Félhschlag."/"Has Fallado." (in game, it reads ¡Qué Mal!)/"Peccato."
  • "Player One..."/"Peulleieo Han..."/"Jouer Un..."/"Spieler Eins..."/"Jugador Uno..."/"Giocatore Una..."
  • "Player Two..."/"Peulleieo Dul..."/"Jouer Deux..."/"Spieler Zwei..."/"Jugador Dos..."/"Giocatore Due..."
  • "Player Three..."/"Peulleieo Sseuri..."/"Jouer Trois..."/"Spieler Drei..."/"Jugador Tres..."/"Giocatore Tre..."
  • "Player Four..."/"Peulleieo Po..."/"Jouer Quatre..."/"Spieler Vier..."/"Jugador Cuatro..."/"Giocatore Quatro..."
  • "Computer Player..."/"Keompyuteo Peulleieo..."/"Ordinateur..."/"Com..."/"PNJ..."/"CPU..."
  • "Defeated!"/"Dai!"/"A Perdue!"/"Besight!"/"¡Derrotado!"/"Fuori!"
  • "Share Stock!"/"Share Player Stock!"/"Seuteo Peulleieo!"/"Participez!"/"Aktien Teilen!"/"¡Y Vidas Compartidas!"/"Rientra in Gioco!"
  • "New Record!"/"Singirok Saereon!"/"Nouveau Record!"/"Neuer Rekord!"/"¡Nuevo Record!"/"Nuovo Record!"
  • "Congratulations!"/"Chukhahaeyo!"/"Felicitations!"/"Glückwunsch!"/"¡Enhorebuena!"/"Complementi!"
  • "Wow! Incredible!"/"Uwa! Mideojiji Anneun!"/"Ouah! Impressionnant!"/"Wow! Unglaublich!"/"¡Guau! Increíble!"/"Straordinario!"
  • "Continue?"/"Keontinyu?"/"Continuer?"/"Fortsetzen?"/"¿Continuar?"/"Voui Continuare?"
  • "Game Over."/"Geim Obeo."/"Fin De La Partida."
  • "Jackpot!"/"Jaekpat!" (not in Sound Test but in the Korean files)/"¡Bote!"/"Fantastico!"
  • "Team..." (said differently in German)/"Tim..."/"Equipe..."/"El Equipo..."/"Squadra..."
  • "And..."/"Geurigo..."/"Et..."/"Und..."/"Y..."/"E..."
  • "Versus..."/"Dae..."/"Contre..."/"Gegen..."/"Contra..."/"Contro..."
  • "Giant..."/"Jaieonteu..."/"Maxi..."/"Riesen..."/"Maxi..." (in Spanish language)/"Maxi... (in Italian language)
  • "Metal..."/"Metael.."/"Métal..."/"De Metal..."/"D'Acciaio..."
  • "No Contest."/"Anio Konteseuteu."/"Partie Annulee."/"Ohne Wertung."/"Combate Suspendido." (in game, it reads Invalidado)/"Partita Nulla."
  • "Blue Team!"/"Beullu Tim!"/"Equipe Bleue!"/"Team Blau!"/"¡El Equipo Azul!"/"Squadra Blu!"
  • "Green Team!"/"Geurin Tim!"/"Equipe Verte!"/"Team Grün!"/"¡El Equipo Verde!"/"Squadra Verde!"
  • "Red Team!"/"Redeu Tim!"/"Equipe Rouge!"/"Team Rote!"/"¡El Equipo Rojo!"/"Squadra Rossa!"
  • "The winner is..."/"Seungja neun..."/"Le victoire ovia..."/"Sieger ist..."/"Y La victoria es para..."/"Vittoria de..."
  • "The champion is..."/"Chaempieon neun.../"Le tournoi championne par..."/"Champion ist..."/"La victoria es para..."/"La vittoria va a..."
  • "Choose your character."/"Kaerikteo seontaek."/"Choisissez votre personnage."/"Wähle deinen charakter."/"Elige a tu personaje."/"Seleziona il personaggio."
  • "Mario!"/"Mario!"
  • "Donkey Kong!"/"Dongki Kong!"
  • "Link!"/"Ringkeu!"
  • "Samus!"/"Samuseu!"
  • "Yoshi!"/"Yosi!"
  • "Kirby!"/"Kabi!"
  • "Fox!"/"Pokseu!"
  • "Pikachu!"/"Pikachyu!"
  • "Luigi!"/"Ru'iji!"
  • "Captain Falcon!"/"Kaeptin Palkon!"
  • "Ness!"/"Neseu!"
  • "Bowser!"/"Koopa!"/"Kupa!"
  • "Peach!"/"Pichi!"
  • "Zelda!"/"Jelda!"
  • "Sheik!"/"Sikeu!"
  • "Ice Climbers!"/"Ice Climber!" (Said in singular in Japanese version)/"Eoreum Tagi!"
  • "Marth!"/"Mareuseu!"
  • "Mr. Game & Watch!"/"Miseuteo Geim aendeu Wochi!"
  • "Falco!"/"Palko!"
  • "Ganondorf!"/"Ganondolpeu!"
  • "Wario!"/"Wario!"
  • "Meta Knight!"/"Meta Naiteu!"
  • "Pit!"/"Piteu!"
  • "Zero Suit Samus!"/"Jero Syuteu Samuseu!"/"Samus Sans Armure!"/"¡Samus Zero!"/"Samus Tuta Zero!"
  • "Olimar!"/"Pikmin & Olimar!"/"Pikeumin aendeu Ollima!"
  • "Lucas!"/"Rukaseu!"
  • "Diddy Kong!"/"Didi Kong!"
  • "Pokémon Trainer!" (English; high register)/"Pokémon Trainer!" (Japanese; low register)/"Poketmon Teureineo!"/"Dresseur de Pokémon!"/"Pokémon-Trainer!"/"¡Entrenador Pokémon!"/"Allenatore di Pokémon!"
  • "Charizard!" /"Lizardon!" /"Rijamong!"/"Dracaufeu!"/"Glurak!"
  • "Squirtle!" /"Zenigame!"/"Kkobugi!"/"Carapuce!"/"Schiggy!"
  • "Ivysaur!"/ "Fushigisou!"/"Isanghaepul!"/"Herbizarre!"/"Bisaknosp!"
  • "King Dedede!"/ "Dedede!"/"Dididi Daewang!"/"Roi Dadidou!"/"König Dedede!"/"¡Rey Dedede!"/"King Dedede!" (in Italian language)
  • "Lucario!"/"Rukario!"
  • "Ike!"/"Aikeu!"
  • "R.O.B.!"/"Robot!"/"Areu O Bi!"
  • "Jigglypuff!"/"Purin!"/"Purin!"/"Rondoudou!"/"Pummeluff!"
  • "Toon Link!"/"Tun Ringkeu!"/"Link Cartoon!"/"Link Cartone!"
  • "Wolf!"/"Ulpeu!"
  • "Snake!"/Seuneikeu!"
  • "Sonic!"/"Sonik!"

Not in the final game[edit]

  • "Super Smash Brothers! Brawl!"/"Dairantou Smash Brothers!"
  • "Fighting Alloy Team!"/"Équipe Alliage!"/"Alloy-Team!"/"¡El Equipo de Aleación!"/"Squadra Della Lega!"
  • "Stage Clear!"/"Seuteiji Keullieo!"/"Stage Reussi!"/Stage Gemeistert!"/"¡Fase Superada!"/"Livello Completato!"
  • "Ten..."/"Dix..."/"Zehn..."/"Diez..."/"Dieci..."
  • "Nine..."/"Neuve..."/"Neun..."/"Nueve..."/"Nove..."
  • "Eight..."/"Huit..."/"Acht..."/"Ocho..."/"Otto..."
  • "Seven..."/"Sept..."/"Sieben..."/"Siete..."/"Sette..."
  • "Six..."/"Six..." (in French language)/"Sechs..."/"Seis..."/"Sei..."
  • "Bonus Stage!"
  • "Ready to fight!"/"Prêt à combattre!"/"Kampfbereit!"/"¡Adelante!"/"Tutto pronto!"
  • "Time In!"
  • "Adventure!"
  • "Album!"
  • "Builder!"
  • "Chronicle!"
  • "Coin Shooter!"
  • "Figure Collection!"
  • "Figure Gallery!"
  • "How to Play."/"Comment Jouer."/"Wie man Spielt."/"Cómo Jugar."/"Regola di Gioco."
  • "Replays!"
  • "Seal Collection!"
  • "Seal Gallery!"
  • "Trial!"


  • "Let's a-go."
  • "Pow pow."
  • "Bang, bang!"
  • "Ho ha hee hae Hoo!"
  • "Ha"


  • "Here we go!"
  • "Let's a-go!"
  • "Yahoo!"
  • "Oh yeah!"
  • "Hee-Yahh!"

Princess Peach[edit]

  • "Hi!"
  • "Sweet!"
  • "Uh-huh!"
  • "La la la la la la!"
  • "Peachy!"
  • "Aw, did I win?"
  • "This is fun!"


  • "Wah, wah, WAH!"
  • "Ha-ha-ha-ha!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "(*sniffs*) Ooh..."
  • "Excellent!"
  • "Alright!"
  • "Yahoo!"
  • "No, no!"
  • "Aye!"
  • "Oh, my!"

Captain Falcon[edit]

Falco Lombardi[edit]

  • "Personally, I prefer the air!"
  • "Piece of cake."
  • "Hands off my prey!"
  • "Don't try me."
  • "You aren't worth the trouble!"
  • "Had enough already?!"
  • "You're off your game, Fox!"
  • "Fire!"

Fox McCloud[edit]

  • "Landmaster!"
  • “Here I come!”
  • “Come on!”
  • “This is Fox. Retuning to base!”
  • "Better luck next time, Falco!"
  • "Mission complete!"
  • "Ohhhh!"
  • "Fire!"


  • “Prepare yourself!”
  • Great... AETHER!”
  • Aether!”
  • “You'll get no sympathy from me.”
  • “I fight for my friends.”


(English, Spanish, Italian)

  • "Jigglypuff!!"

(Japanese, Korean)

  • "Purin, Purin!"


  • "Rondoudou!"


  • "Pummeluff!"


  • "Hi!"

Copy Abilities[edit]

  • "Falcon Punch!"
  • "PK Flash!"
  • "PK Freeze!"
  • "Pikachu!"
  • "Purin!"


  • "Watch the power of Aura!"
  • "Behold the Aura."
  • "The Aura is mine."
  • "It's over."


  • "PK Freeze!"
  • "PK Fire!"
  • "PK Thunder!"
  • "PK... Starstorm!"


  • "Minna, miteite kure!" (Everyone, look at me!)
  • "Saseru mono ka!" (I won't allow that!)
  • "Mikitta!" (I saw it!)
  • "Soko da!" (Here!)
  • "Kyou mo ikinobiru koto ga dekita." (Even today I was able to survive.)
  • "Konkai wa boku no kachi da ne?" (It's my victory this time!)
  • "Boku wa makeru wake ni wa ikanainda." (There's no way I can lose!)

Meta Knight[edit]

  • " my destiny."
  • "Fight me."
  • "Come!"
  • "Come back when you can put up a fight."
  • "You've much yet to learn."
  • "Know my power!"
  • "Fool."
  • "Behold."

Not in the final game[edit]

  • "Now, my power is without a rival."



  • "Pika, pika!"
  • "Piiii..."
  • "Pikaaaaaa!"
  • "Pika... chuuuuuuuu!"


  • "The fight is on!"
  • "You're not ready yet!"
  • "I'm done for... (*gasp*)" (KO)
  • "You can't defeat me!"
  • "Great Palutena, victory is ours!"
  • "Too easy!"
  • "Nice try!"
  • "All troops! Move out!"

Not in the final game[edit]

  • "Here we go!"

Pokémon Trainer[edit]

  • "Go, Charizard!"
  • "Hang on, Charizard!"
  • "Just a little more, Charizard!"
  • "You did it, Charizard!"
  • "Go, Squirtle!"
  • "Hang on, Squirtle!"
  • "Just a little more, Squirtle!"
  • "Good job, Squirtle!"
  • "Go, Ivysaur!"
  • "Hang on, Ivysaur!"
  • "Just a little more, Ivysaur!"
  • "Way to go, Ivysaur!"
  • "Get back!"
  • "Good job!"
  • "Amazing job!"
  • "Take this! Triple Finish!"

Samus/Zero Suit Samus[edit]

  • "Be still."
  • "Is that all?"
  • "Try me."
  • "You're mine."

Solid Snake[edit]

For the Codec Conversations, see here.

  • "It's showtime!"
  • "This is Snake. I'm done here."
  • "Kept you waiting, huh?"
  • "Are you kidding me?!"
  • "Tasty."
  • "This tastes too good!"
  • "Oh, that Nintendo thing..."
  • "Not even close!"
  • "Colonel, mission accomplished."

Sonic the Hedgehog[edit]

  • "Now, I'll show you!"
  • "You're too slow!"
  • "Come on, step it up!"
  • "Too easy! Piece of cake!"
  • "Sonic's the name, speed's my game!"
  • "Hey, we should do this again sometime!"

Wolf O'Donnell[edit]

  • "I will be the one to take you down!"
  • "What's the matter, scared?"
  • "We're gonna have fun with this thing!"
  • "Playtime's over, Star Fox!"
  • "Weaklings, the bunch of you!"
  • "Don't think you can take a breather just yet, Team Star Fox!"
  • "You know you are all like us. Our fates are intertwined. We are destined to meet in battle. After all, what fun is there to be had in peace and quiet? A true warrior can only live in the battlefield!"
  • "Listen close: I won't let a single one of you leave here alive! And Fox, remember this! I'm the one who's going to take you down!"