List of Bean Hollows in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions

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Chuckleroot's granddaughter showing the Bros. what beanhole is.
Chuckleroot's granddaughter explaining to Mario and Luigi what a Bean Hollow is.
This article is about the Bean Hollows in the remake. For the beanholes in the original game, see List of beanholes in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.

In Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser's Minions, Mario and Luigi can collect Chuckle Beans by coming across Bean Hollows — X-shaped bean spots on the ground — all throughout the Beanbean Kingdom. To retrieve these beans, Mario must use the Dunk Hammer to hammer Luigi into the Bean Hollow, then by popping out of the ground at the spot, Luigi will uncover the bean.

There are 193 Chuckle Beans to collect from Bean Hollows (198 if the required ones from Chucklehuck Woods are counted, even though the game does not take them into account). Like in the original, Mushroom Kingdom, Koopa Cruiser, Stardust Fields, Beanbean Castle Town, Beanbean Castle, Beanbean Castle Sewer, Little Fungitown, Guffawha Ruins, and the S.S. Chuckola do not have any Bean Hollows at all.

This list is nearly identical to the original list, but due to beans being listed in-game, unlike the original game, they are sorted in much less sections (Hoohoo Village+Hoohoo Mountain+Guffawha Ruins+Hoohoo Mountain Base is renamed as Hoohoo Mountain, Beanbean Outskirts+Beanbean Airport is renamed to Beanbean Fields, Chateau de Chucklehuck+Chucklehuck Woods is renamed to Chucklehuck Woods, Teehee Valley+Little Fungitown is renamed to Teehee Valley, and Oho Oasis+Oho Ocean+Seabed is renamed as Oho Oasis). Another thing is that all hidden ones are now visible, some visible ones have been noticeably moved and there is even one extra.

Bean Hollow locations[edit]

Hoohoo Mountain[edit]

Location Image
22 Chuckle Beans
In the village area, in the area one screen west of the entrance from Stardust Fields, the player should go up the stairs to find the Bean Hollow in the corner. Location of the first beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the village area, in the area where the giant rock statue must be smashed with the Hammers to descend to Hoohoo Mountain Base, the Bean Hollow is underneath the suspended yellow wooden bridge. Location of the second beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the village area, in the village where the path splits north and south, the Mario Bros. should take the northern path into the doorway. Inside the cavern, the Bros. should High Jump up the steps in the west and make their way across the gaps with Spin Jumps into the next area. There, the Bros. should High Jump up to the raised ground on the northeast and perform Luigi Dunk to uncover a bean. Location of the third beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the second area from entrance, the Bean Hollow is at the lowest elevated ground. Location of the fourth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the same area, the Bros. should fall off of the bottom-right of the topmost ledge to reach a dark alcove; there is a Bean Hollow in the ledge's shadow. Location of the fifth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the third area, with the giant waterfall, the player should take the northwest path, work their way to the west, then up, then east, and east again with the Bean Hollow at the dead end. Location of the sixth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the third area, with the giant waterfall, the player should take the northern stairs and keep walking east behind the waterfall until they reach the exposed location of the Bean Hollow. Location of the seventh beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, at the Hoohooros Gate, the Bean Hollow is located in the southeastern corner. Location of the eighth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the same area, Mario must hammer Luigi in the patch of grass on the northeastern ledge to uncover a bean. Location of the ninth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the area north of the Hoohooros Gate, the Bean Hollow is located high up in front of some tall spikes in the west. From the east, the player must go up the stairs, Spin Jump west to the platform, then again to the smaller one, then High Jump their way north to the Bean Hollow. Location of the tenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the next screen, these two Bean Hollows are located on the low ground, in an alcoves underneath the whirlwind. Location of the eleventh and twelfth beanholes in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, in the area before the summit, the player must work their way up to the stairs, then drop down from the stairs to find the Bean Hollow in the corner. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the mountain area, at the summit, the Bean Hollow is located in the northwestern corner. Location of the fourteenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, from Hoohoo Village, the player must work their way south to the area where the Mysterious Mine Carts mini-game is, but should instead go east down the stairs to the next area, past the giant bridge and immediately south to the low ground. Location of the fifteenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, in the room with the Mysterious Mine Carts mini-game, there is a Bean Hollow slightly right of the lantern found west of the minecarts. Location of the sixteeth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, from the Mysterious Mine Carts mini-game exit in the south, the player must go east, up the stairs to the north then all the way to the Boo Statue -- the Bean Hollow is southwest of it. Location of the seventeenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the village area, in the cave connecting Hoohoo Village to the mountain's base that becomes accessible after getting the Super Hammer, the Bros. should fall off the ledge to find a Bean Hollow near a lantern. Location of the eighteenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, from the previous Bean Hollow, the Bros. should head south into a next area, where the Bean Hollow is found east of the entrance. Alternatively, Bros. can reach this Bean Hollow by pushing the Boo statue on the west side of the area and create a bridge to the east to the island with the Bean Hollow. Location of the nineteenth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, with the Ultra Hammers, from the Beanbean Fields entrance, the player should break the boulders in the east, then go up the large stone stairs to the entrance to Guffawha Ruins. The Bean Hollow is located in the southwestern corner of the platform. Location of the twentieth beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, with the Ultra Hammers, from the Beanbean Fields entrance, the player should break the boulders in the east, then work their way up the east stairs, then north until they see another boulder to break. South of the boulder is the Bean Hollow in front of the mole. Location of the twenty-first beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.
In the base area, this Bean Hollow is located right next to the group of "stone spikes" in the northeastern part of the mountain base, past the boulders. Location of the last beanhole in Hoohoo Mountain.

Beanbean Fields[edit]

Location Image
63 Chuckle Beans
In the northwest Beanbean area, from the Hoohoo Mountain Base exit, the player should drop down to find the Bean Hollow on the lower ground. Location of the first beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northwest Beanbean area, from the Hoohoo Mountain Base exit, the player should make their way through the steps until they reach the second-to-lowest elevated ground; walking east behind the wall will reveal the Bean Hollow. Location of the second beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northwest Beanbean area, on the ground left of the Beanbean structure facing southeast. Location of the third beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northwest Beanbean area, in the same area, the player should climb up the steps north of the Beanbean structure. Mario should perform Luigi Dunk so Luigi can climb underneath the gate and hit the switch to lower it. Once after meeting up with Mario, the Bros. should then make their way east and over the step using a High Jump to head north to the next area. The Bean Hollow is found southwest of the pipe. Location of the fourth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the north Beanbean area, one screen east of the Beanbean structure, southwest the recessed section in the northeast. Location of the fifth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the north Beanbean area, two screens east of the Beanbean structure, the player must climb the steps until they reach a steel gate. Mario must perform Luigi Dunk to get him under it so he can activate the switch to lower it. Once lowered, the player should go southwest and High Jump up the elevated ground. The Bean Hollow is in the southwest corner of the ledge. Location of the sixth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the area with Teehee Valley entrance, Mario and Luigi should High Jump up to the platform with the Beanbean structure facing southwest, then perform Luigi Dunk slightly southwest of the structure. Location of the seventh beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the area where Mario and Luigi can get to Teehee Valley from, the player should climb up the rocky stairs, Spin Jump to the ledge on the east and continue right to see the Bean Hollow in the next screen. Location of the eighth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the same area, at the beaches, the player should go to the southeast corner of the area to find Bean Hollow there. Location of the ninth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the east Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should make their way north until they find the set of rocky stairs near the west. The Bean Hollow is at the top and can be reached by High Jumping to it. Location of the tenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the east Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should go east until they see a tall plant structure near a ledge. The Bean Hollow is to the left of it. Location of the eleventh beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the east Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should make their way east until they see a way going north to the beaches. The Bean Hollow is on a lone platform that can be reached by High Jumping to it. Location of the twelfth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the west Beanbean area, from the western exit of Beanbean Castle Town, past the bridge, this Bean Hollow can be immediately spotted in the southeastern corner. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the west Beanbean area, in the same area, the Bros. should hop over the steps to the west to find a Bean Hollow south of a tree. Performing Luigi Dunk at the hole will uncover the bean. Location of the fourteenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the west Beanbean area, also in the same area, the player should make their way from the western entrance and continue north to find two climbable steps. After High Jumping up the second step, the Bros. should Spin Jump east to the platform where the Bean Hollow is. Location of the fifteenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, from the western exit of Beanbean Castle town, the player should go south on the bridge to the next area, then around the corner near the Beanbean structure facing northeast and continue east to find the climbable steps. After High Jumping up the second step, the Bros. should Spin Jump west to the platform where the Beanbean structure is. Having Mario perform Luigi Dunk slightly southeast of the structure will uncover the bean. Location of the sixteenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, in the same area, the player should work their way to the southeast near the bridge that goes south. The Bean Hollow is at the eastern edge of the mini peninsula. Location of the seventeenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, also in the same area, the player should climb up the western elevated grounds and work their way west to find the Bean Hollow near the cliffs. Location of the eighteenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, also in the same area, the player should make their way southeast and past the bridge going south to the next area where pipe is at. There, by performing Luigi Dunk west of the pipe, the player will then uncover another bean. Location of the nineteenth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, in the same area, the player should climb up the steps in the south and work their way up north and then west to the next area. Then, the player should Spin Jump to the north to the Chateau guards, and proceed past the gate and through the trail until they reach the second bend. The Bean Hollow is on slightly elevated ground and can be seen when the player goes all the way south on the bend. Location of the twentieth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, from the south bend, the player should go directly north until they see a Bean Hollow in the corner. Location of the twenty-first beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southwest Beanbean area, outside the entrance of Chateau de Chucklehuck, these two Bean Hollows are located in the west and east of the entrance. Location of the twenty-second and twenty-third beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, from the western exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should go south, and then east. The Bean Hollow can be immediately seen near the edge. Location of the twenty-fourth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, in the area with the Boo statue, this Bean Hollow is found at the west entrance. (Note: This hole is the only one not present in the original game.) Location of the twenty-fifth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should go south to the next area. The Bean Hollow is on the lone center platform. Location of the twenty-sixth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, in the same area, Mario and Luigi should High Jump up to the platform with the Beanbean structure facing northwest, then perform Luigi Dunk slightly southwest of the structure. Location of the twenty-seventh beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, in the same area, this Bean Hollow is at the northeast, cornered by trees. Location of the twenty-eighth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, in the area west of the entrance to Woohoo Hooniversity, this Bean Hollow is at the southwestern most area. Location of the twenty-ninth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, in the same area, the player should make their way to the southwestern most corner, then work their way north through the path of trees to find a Bean Hollow at the dead end. Location of the thirtieth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, in the area west of the entrance to Woohoo Hooniversity, this Bean Hollow is at the northeastern most area. Location of the thirty-first beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should make their way one screen north until they see a blue switch that can only be activated with Luigi's Thunderhand. After activating the switch, the gate will lower, allowing the Bros. to proceed through a path of trees. The Bean Hollow is at the corner of the trees north of the second bend. Location of the thirty-second beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the area where Mario and Luigi can get to Teehee Valley from, the player should climb up the rocky stairs, Spin Jump to the ledge on the east and go up the northern path. Mario must drink the water from the fountain and make his way to the lower-right plant. Luigi must then use his Thunderhand to make Mario spew out the water to water the plant. One the plant has grown, the Bros. must High Jump up the flower and again to the ledge where the Bean Hollow is at. Location of the thirty-third beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the same area, using the same watering technique for the upper-left plant, the Bros. must High Jump up the flower and then up to the ledge. Location of the thirty-fourth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the same area, using the same watering technique for the upper-right plant, the Bros. must High Jump up the flower and then up to the ledge. Location of the thirty-fifth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the east Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, the player should make their way one screen north until they see a blue switch that can only be activated with Luigi's Thunderhand. After activating the switch, the gate will lower, allowing the Bros. to proceed through a path of trees. The player should work their way through the dirt path until they find a cleared path going south. The Bean Hollow should be visible on the western ledge between two trees. Location of the thirty-sixth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, just outside the entrance, the player should perform Luigi Dunk on the Bean Hollow north of the Save Album's shadow to uncover the bean. Location of the thirty-seventh beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, in the airport's terminal, there is a Bean Hollow in the middle of the large smiling face on the floor, which is found southwest of the entrance. Location of the thirty-eighth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, in the first area of the tarmac, the player should go past the bridge and go west into the northern strip of grass. The Bean Hollow is located near the third runway light from the intersection. Location of the thirty-ninth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, in the same area, the player should head east until they see a fountain with two Bean Hollows found on west and east side of it. Location of the fortieth and forty-first beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, from the previous beanholes, the player should head to the southern strip of grass. The Bean Hollow is located south of the third runway light from the runway's edge and then another Bean Hollow is found west of the previous one. Location of the forty-second and forty-third beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, in the next area, this Bean Hollow is on the northern strip of grass, near the third runway light from the right edge of the screen and then another Bean Hollow southwest of the previous one, alternatively, it's near the fourth runway light from the right edge of the screen. Location of the forty-fourth and forty-fifth beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, at the southern strip of grass, this Bean Hollow is found south of the third runway light from the left side of the screen. Location of the forty-sixth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, going northwest in this area, the player will find fountain with a Save Album. Two Bean Hollows can be found at the west and east sides of the fountain. Location of the forty-seventh and forty-eighth beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, in the next area, on the northern strip of grass, this Bean Hollow is near the third runway light from the right edge of the screen and then another Bean Hollow southwest of the previous one, alternatively, it is near the fifth runway light from the right edge of the screen. Location of the forty-ninth and fiftieth beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, going in the north-central area, the player will find yet another fountain with two Bean Hollows at west and east sides. Location of the fifty-first and fifty-second beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the airport area, on the northern strip of grass, this Bean Hollow is at the westernmost edge of the runway. Location of the fifty-third beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the northeast Beanbean area, in the area with beaches, there are 2 ways how to get to this Bean Hollow. After getting access to Teehee Valley, the Bros. should go two screens east and then one screen south to reach the beach area in Beanbean Fields. From this area, the Bros. should continue west to another area. Alternatively, after getting the advanced hand abilities, the player must climb up the platform with the switch and activate it. Once a thin platform is raised, the Bros. must Spin Jump from the platform to the other and then to the ledge where the Big Koopa Troopa is at. With Firebrand, Mario must use it to make Luigi knock down the Big Koopa Troopa. The Bean Hollow is on the southern edge of the lower elevated land. Location of the fifty-fourth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, northeast of the blue switches, the player must push the Boo statue to form a bridge to the south, then make their way all the way to another area. The Bean Hollow is at the edge, next to a tree. Location of the fifty-fifth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, in the same area with the Boo statue, the player should go south past the bridge to see a Bean Hollow to the west next to the large Beanbean plant. Location of the fifty-sixth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, also in the same area with the Boo statue, east past the small plant and east on the other bridge is the Bean Hollow to the right of the big tree. And then another Bean Hollow is east of the big tree and past the bridge, west of the 2 ? Blocks. Location of the fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, right outside Harhall's studio, there is a Bean Hollow right next to the two mannequins. Location of the fifty-ninth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the south Beanbean area, with the Ultra Hammers, in the area with blue switches, the player should go south past the them to see a fork in the road. Going west, the player will cross a bridge and come across two boulders that must be smashed with the Ultra Hammers. The Bean Hollow is on the elevated ground. Location of the sixtieth beanhole in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, from the eastern exit of Beanbean Castle Town, with the Ultra Hammers, the player should head east all the way until they reach the gate that blocked off the entrance to the Seabed, then smash the boulder with the Ultra Hammers. By hammering Luigi into the slot with Mario, Mario can then surf on Luigi as a surfboard. The player should then head south until they reach the first shore. Then, they should climb up the steps to the northwest. The Bean Hollow is located at the top. And then another Bean Hollow is found on the lone platform found in the northeast of the previous one. Location of the sixty-first and sixty-second beanholes in Beanbean Fields.
In the southeast Beanbean area, in the same area, on the same steps, the player should Spin Jump from them to the thin platforms in the south. The Bean Hollow is on the second platform. Location of the last beanhole in Beanbean Fields.

Chucklehuck Woods[edit]

Location Image
29 Chuckle Beans (24 listed, 5 required and not listed)
In the chateau area, from the entrance of the chateau, this Bean Hollow is located on the other end of the hallway. Location of the first beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the chateau area, past the barrel maze and in the area where Popple and Rookie were fought for the first time, the player should find two crates with Chuckola Fruit on the south side of the area. Right next to them on the left is the Bean Hollow. Location of the second beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the chateau area, in the next area to the west, the player should immediately head south to see a wall of crates with red Chuckola Fruit. High Jumping over the crates will reveal the Bean Hollow near the corner. Location of the third beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the chateau area, from the exit to Chucklehuck Woods, the player should head north to the next area, and then east to the area where the Bros. obtained the Red and Green Goblets. The player should immediately head north through the empty hallway until they find the Bean Hollow near the dead end. Location of the fourth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, from the Chateau de Chucklehuck exit into the woods, Mario must perform Luigi Dunk on Luigi on the Bean Hollow found east of the statue. Location of the fifth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, going west into the next area, the player should notice a boulder atop a high ledge. To get to it, they should climb up the short steps and High Jump up to the ledge. Smashing the boulder with the Hammer will uncover the Bean Hollow. Location of the sixth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, in the same area, the player will see another boulder blocking a path to the north, where pipe is. After breaking it and going north, the player should head to the southeastern area, where the Bean Hollow is at and then north to the higher ground, where another beanhole is found. Location of the seventh and eighth beanholes in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, following the main path through the woods until the first path-split, the player should High Jump up the ledge into the next area in the west, where the Big Koopa Troopa is. In this area, the Bean Hollow is found northwest of the east entrance. Location of the ninth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, back into the main path, the player should continue north until they reach another path-split. Going east, the player should work their way up the steps, smash the boulder and continue east into a small area with two Bean Hollows. The first Bean Hollow is slightly northeast from the exit, while the second one is in the northeastern corner of the area. Location of the tenth and eleventh beanholes in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, working their way back to the second path-split, the player should head west up the steps and into the next area. There, they should move south all the way until they see a Bean Hollow in the southeastern area. Location of the twelfth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, going all the way to the Chuckleroot area, the player should head east into the next area. The Bean Hollow is located in the center of the area, slightly southeast of the central tree. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, in the same area, the player should head northeast into the next area. There are six boulders, four of which are covering Bean Hollows. All but the northeastern most and the southwestern most boulders need to be broken with Hammers to reveal them. The beanholes are found underneath the south-central, easternmost, northcentral and westernmost boulders. Location of the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth beanholes in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, back outside, the player should now head southeast into the next area. There, the player should make their way on the first metal grating. From there, three Bean Hollows are visible, one south of the grating, another northeast of the grating and the last one northwest of the grating in the corner. Location of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth beanholes in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, from the Chuckleroot area, the player should now go west to the next area, and then southwest to the next, where Chuckleroot's granddaughter teaches the Mario Bros. how to uncover Bean Hollows. The first one is just slightly south of the exit, the second is to the west, the third is located in the southwest and the fourth in located in the southeast. (Note: These 4 beans are required to dig out to progress in the story. Strangely enough, even though they are required to dig out, they are not listed in the Records section of the suitcase.) Location of the twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third and twenty-fourth beanholes in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, in the same area, the Bean Hollow is on the southernmost area, near the gate. (Note: This bean is required to dig out to progress in the story. Strangely enough, even though it is required to dig out, it is not listed in the Records section of the suitcase.) Location of the twenty-fifth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, going south from the same area, the player should continue heading south until they find lower elevated ground in the southeast, where the Bean Hollow is. Location of the twenty-sixth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, in the same area, the player should make their way west and then north to see another Bean Hollow. Mario should perform Luigi Dunk on this hole to uncover the bean. Location of the twenty-seventh beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, in the first Winkle area, the player should go west, up the step and High Jump up to the high ledge, then Spin Jump east across to the high platform where the Bean Hollow is. Location of the twenty-eighth beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.
In the forest area, in the Winkle Colosseum lobby, right after Bros. enter the Bean Hollow is seen in the northwest. Location of the last beanhole in Chucklehuck Woods.

Woohoo Hooniversity[edit]

Location Image
18 Chuckle Beans
From the entrance, the player should work their way north up the first hallway, head southwest in the starry room to the second hallway. The Bean Hollow is northwest of the mirror, next to the machine. Location of the first beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the same area, the player should head south until they see a green Beanbean statue on the eastern wall with the Bean Hollow in front of it. Location of the second beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
Heading west in the same area, to the next hallway, the player should move south and west until they see low elevated ground. The Bean Hollow is at the southernmost edge. Location of the third beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the same area, the player should head north to the next hallway, and continue doing so until they see a green Beanbean statue on the eastern wall, with Bean Hollow in front of it. Location of the fourth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the same area, the player should head northeast into a room with several ? Blocks. There are two Bean Hollows in this room; the first one is on the low ground, slightly northwest of the large ? Block and the second Bean Hollow is on the higher elevated floor, all the way to the back of the room, directly south of the smaller bookshelf. Location of the fifth and sixth beanholes in Woohoo Hooniversity.
Back into the hallway, the player should head north to yet another hallway, and continue doing so until they see a green Beanbean statue on the western wall with Bean Hollow in front of it. Location of the seventh beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the same area, the player should High Jump up the platform and through the shutter door into the next area. The Bean Hollows are west and east of the entrance. Location of the eighth and ninth beanholes in Woohoo Hooniversity.
Going northwest, and into the room just before the Generator Service Room, this Bean Hollow is in the southwest, on the low elevated floor. Location of the tenth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the Generator Service Room, the player should head all the way south until they see a Bean Hollow in the corner. Location of the eleventh beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
Going all the way back to the second hallway from the entrance, the player should head south through the shutter door to the next area. There are two Beanbean statues, with the Bean Hollow in front of the eastern one. Location of the twelfth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the same area, the player should head southeast until they find a Bean Hollow in the low elevated ground. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
Back into the hallway, the player should make their way to the Main Lab, where the Bros. fight Cackletta, and work their way down the stairs to the basement. In the fourth passageway to the basement, the Bean Hollow is in plain sight on the low elevated ground, directly next to the ? Block's shadow. Location of the fourteenth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
Going west into the next area, the Bean Hollow is found in the southwestern corner closest to the passageway. Location of the fifteenth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the next area, the Bean Hollow is located in the southwestern corner. Location of the sixteenth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the Generator Room, where the Bros. fight Popple and Rookie a second time, this Bean Hollow is found all the way on the western side, on the furthest most corner. Location of the seventeenth beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.
In the same area, this Bean Hollow is on the eastern side, on the furthest most corner. Location of the last beanhole in Woohoo Hooniversity.

Oho Oasis[edit]

Location Image
14 Chuckle Beans
In the above-ground area, just before reaching the Fire Palace, the player should find a Bean Hollow in front of the pillar on the right. Location of the first beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, from the yellow pipe entry to Oho Oasis, the player should head west two screens into the large area and swim southeast until they find the Bean Hollow in the corner. Location of the second beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, in the same area, the player should swim all the way back to the northeastern entrance and then west to the high ground with Bean Hollow in the center of it. Location of the third beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, from the yellow pipe entry to the eastern Beanbean Fields, the player should swim east one screen, High Jump up the steps to swim over the S.S. Chuckola and head northeast, swim southwest to the next area, then southeast, and then southeast until they reach a wall of red coral reefs. After making the yellow coral reef disappear, the Bros. should make their way to the small rock southwest of the gate and perform Luigi Dunk on it to uncover a bean. Location of the fourth beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, due to the different underwater physics, these beans can be reached earlier than in the original, which leads to 2 possible ways of getting to the Bean Hollows. The first way is swim two screens east from the Lagoon pipe and then east until the five Bean Hollows can be seen. Alternatively, once Mario learns the ability to surf the Oho Ocean, the player should head to the eastern Beanbean Fields beaches and surf one screen east, one screen south, two screens east and one more screen south to find a whirlpool. The player should enter the whirlpool to reach this area. Location of the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth beanholes in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, in the same area, the player should swim all the way to the southwest until they see higher elevated ground that leads to another area. By standing on this ground, the player should swim east and around the corner to the first elevated platform with a Bean Hollow. Location of the tenth beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, in the same area, the player should swim west to the next area. The Bean Hollow is found when the player then swims west and then north to the dead end. Location of the eleventh beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, once Mario learns the ability to surf the Oho Ocean, the player should head to the eastern Beanbean Fields beaches and surf one screen east, two screens north, one screen east and one screen north to find a whirlpool near the rocks. The player should enter the whirlpool to reach the otherwise inaccessible, northernmost part of the Seabed. In this area, the player will immediately see the Bean Hollow. Location of the twelfth beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, in the same area, the player should swim south and around the corner to the west until they find a yellow pipe and the Bean Hollow just directly south of it. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Oho Oasis.
In the underwater area, going south from the same area and into the next, the player will immediately find the Bean Hollow. Location of the last beanhole in Oho Oasis.

Teehee Valley[edit]

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18 Chuckle Beans
From the main entrance, the player should climb up the steps to the north and go west to find a Bean Hollow in the sand surrounded by small rocks. Another one is found southwest of the rock pattern, more specifically west of the purple cactus. Location of the first 2 beanholes in Teehee Valley.
In the same area, from the entrance, the player should High Jump over the steps into the low ground in the east. The Bean Hollow is located near the south dead end. Location of the third beanhole in Teehee Valley.
In the same area, the player should High Jump up the step in the east into the next area. This Bean Hollow is southeast of the entrance. Location of the fourth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
In the same area, the player should continue heading east until they find another Bean Hollow southeast of the pink cactus. Continuing east, the player will find another Bean Hollow, northwest of the blue cactus. Location of the fifth and sixth beanholes in Teehee Valley.
Going all the way to the area just before the one where the Mario Bros. fight Trunkle, the player should find a fish skeleton in the south-central area with the Bean Hollow found under it. Location of the seventh beanhole in Teehee Valley.
In the area where Trunkle is battled, this Bean Hollow is found southeast of the elevator to Little Fungitown. Location of the eighth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
From the Hoohoo Mountain Base entrance, this Bean Hollow is seen right away east of the waterfall. To get to it, the player should High Jump over the wall and walk up to it. Location of the ninth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
In the next area to the east, this Bean Hollow is seen right away in the northern side of the rock. Location of the tenth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
In the same area, the player should work their way through the canyon until they find a split in the path. Taking the southwest path, the player should go all the way to the dead end. Location of the eleventh beanhole in Teehee Valley.
At the main entrance, with the Ultra Hammers, the player should jump over the steps and head northwest to find a boulder blocking the path to the next area. After breaking it, the player should continue to the next area. After entering said area, the Bean Hollow is seen right away. Location of the twelfth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
Continuing west in the same area, the player will find the next Bean Hollow surrounded by three ? Blocks. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
In the same area, after completing Joke's End and hitting the switch at the Landing Site, the narrow stone platform blocking the gate should lower, revealing the Bean Hollow behind it. Location of the fourteenth beanhole in Teehee Valley.
Going west into the next area, the player should head southeast. The Bean Hollow is south of the lone blue cactus. And then, going northwest of the last Bean Hollow, the player should head to the center; the Bean Hollow is south of the lone blue cactus bush. Location of the fifteenth and sixteenth beanholes in Teehee Valley.
In the westernmost area, near the steps to the yellow pipe, the next Bean Hollow is slightly north of the lone pink cactus bush. And then, in the southwestern-most area, the next Bean Hollow is near the southeastern corner. Location of the last 2 beanholes in Teehee Valley.

Gwarhar Lagoon[edit]

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14 Chuckle Beans
From the yellow pipe entrance to the Seabed, the player should head east one screen and north another screen to the area where pipe is. The Bean Hollow is located in the southwestern corner. Location of the first beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
In the area just outside the entrance to the Jellyfish Sisters' Relaxation Room, this Bean Hollow is found south of big ? Block. Location of the second beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
Going east on the main path, though the first underwater area and past the two sets of rollers, in the next area the player should work their way southwest to see the Bean Hollow at the corner. Location of the third beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
Going south into the next area, the player should Spin Jump against the Spin Block to make it move north, against a platform. The player should then High Jump up to the Spin Block, then on the platform and Luigi Dunk the Bean Hollow. Location of the fourth beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
Going west two screens from the Crossbeach, the Bean Hollow is found in a corner in the northern area, next to the palm tree. Location of the fifth beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
In the second underwater area, the player should go north one screen and then swim up the central platform. The Bean Hollow will be found in the center of it and another Bean Hollow will be seen northwest of it. Location of the sixth and seventh beanholes in Gwarhar Lagoon.
Going northwest from the same area, the player should swim through the path of coral reefs and then northeast to Bean Hollow. Location of the eighth beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
From the Crossbeach, the player should head west one screen and south in the next. In the next area, the player should then walk under the bridge until they find a Bean Hollow just after the second overpass. Then the other Bean Hollow is seen above, so the player should return to the entrance and go along the bridge to that exact spot. Location of the ninth and tenth beanholes in Gwarhar Lagoon.
From the same area, the player should head east one screen and continue moving south until they see a Save Album with the Bean Hollow directly east of its shadow. Location of the eleventh beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
Going west into the South Beach, the player will see the Bean Hollow between two starfishes right away. Location of the twelfth beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
In the same area, the player should climb up the steps in the south, head west on the bridge and Spin Jump north to the ledge on the other side. After going north and east across the small bridge, the Bean Hollow can be found southeast of it near the southern ledge. Location of the thirteenth beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.
From the Crossbeach, the player should head north past the stone bridge, then west in the area where Hermie III is, then continue moving west until they find a Boo Statue. Past the statue going further west is the Bean Hollow at the shore. Location of the last beanhole in Gwarhar Lagoon.

Joke's End[edit]

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15 Chuckle Beans
At the shore with all the boulders, the player should break the central one that is almost completely surrounded by other boulders. Then at the spot where the boulder once was, Bean Hollow is found. Location of the first beanhole in Joke's End.
Going up the flight of stairs until they reach the two large statues, the player should find the Bean Hollow directly south of the eastern statue. Location of the second beanhole in Joke's End.
In the large area with the first Joke's Soup Broth, the Bean Hollow is located in the northwestern corner. Location of the third beanhole in Joke's End.
In the same area, this Bean Hollow is found in front of the vat of broth. Location of the fourth beanhole in Joke's End.
In the same area, the player should enter the northeastern door, then in the next area, head north and break the weak wall with the hammer, then continue north to the next area. The Bean Hollow is on the higher elevated ground in the northeastern corner. Location of the fifth beanhole in Joke's End.
Going west from the same area, the player will find the Bean Hollow near the western wall. Location of the sixth beanhole in Joke's End.
On the second floor, where the Bros. separate, the Bean Hollow is southeast of the Save Album. Location of the seventh beanhole in Joke's End.
Going through the door, then up the flight of stairs, the Bean Hollow is found in the next room, in the northwest corner. Location of the eighth beanhole in Joke's End.
From the same area, the player should head north, west, south, west, north, and continue north on the eastern path until they reach the bridge connecting both paths, then head north on the western path, and follow the path going south two screens. The Bean Hollow is around the corner, southwest of the metal gate. Location of the ninth beanhole in Joke's End.
Going back to the two paths, the player should head south on the western path to the next area, head east, then northeast through the doorway. The Bean Hollow is southeast from the Simu Block. Location of the tenth beanhole in Joke's End.
Leaving the area, and going east, the Bean Hollow can be found in the northeast corner. Location of the eleventh beanhole in Joke's End.
In the area with the second vat of Joke's Soup Broth, the player should find the Bean Hollow directly in front of it. And then, the player should head west to find a Bean Hollow near the western wall. Location of the twelfth and thirteenth beanholes in Joke's End.
On the fifth floor, the player should make their way east on the low ground to find a recessed area where the Bean Hollow is at. Location of the fourteenth beanhole in Joke's End.
In the room where the Mario Bros. fight Jojora and her friend, after the fight, the table and seats will be gone and the Bean Hollow will be found in the middle of the room. Location of the last beanhole in Joke's End.

Bowser's Castle[edit]

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5 Chuckle Beans
From Blablanadon, the player should head northwest on the high elevated floor to find the Bean Hollow near the ? Block. Location of the first beanhole in Bowser's Castle.
Going through the second red door to Morton's room, in the first area, the player should head west to find the Bean Hollow near the dead end. Location of the second beanhole in Bowser's Castle.
Going through the third red door to Lemmy's room, in the first area, the player should head east on the low ground and continue doing so until they find the second area with shade and a view of the lava. The Bean Hollow is on the northwestern corner. Location of the third beanhole in Bowser's Castle.
In the main hallway, going west of the third red door and into the next area, the player should immediately head southwest to the small bridge into the next area. The Bean Hollow is found south of the two ? Blocks. Location of the fourth beanhole in Bowser's Castle.
Going through the main hallways until the player reaches the sixth red door to Wendy's room, the Mario Bros. should High Jump up the platforms to the east, climb up to the high ground with the blue switch, then head east down the steps to find the Bean Hollow in the low ground. Location of the last beanhole in Bowser's Castle. Also last in the game.

See also[edit]