User:Green Star/sandbox

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This is a list of quotes by Stuffwell in Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time.

Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

  • "Watch the leather, Professor! No need for the shoving!"
  • "Oh, you must be red."
  • "According to the professor, there should be a green here as well, but I don't..."
  • "Oh, my! Are you Luigi? I... Sorry about that."
  • "I am pleased to meet you. I am known as blue."
  • "Professor E. Gadd invented me. I am what is called a suitcase."
  • "The professor sent me back in time to be your assistant."
  • "Yes, "assistant" IS accurate... I'm more than just someplace to store your belongings."
  • "I have MANY complex sensors...and various memory apparati for data"
  • "Well, suffice to say, I am very technologic by contraption standards. I'll be a BIG help."
  • "Why don't we get started by having you go ahead and open me up?"
  • "Simply press blue."
  • "Yes, please note that I can be LOADED with all manner of doodads and widgets..."
  • "Suffice to say, I can certainly carry all of your items..."
  • "I am also designed to carry a veritable wealth of equipment."
  • "And to confirm that you're in tip-top shape, you can check your stats here, as well."
  • "If I could have your attention on the Top Screen..."
  • "This is how much time's passed since you started your adventure all full of danger and whatnot."
  • "This right here is the number of coins you're carrying."
  • "And finally, direct your gaze HERE to sneak a peek at your streamlined statistics."
  • "Well, that wraps up my self-introductional."
  • "I EAGERLY await our working together."
  • "Press B Button to initiate my closing minification cycle and store me."
  • "Mario!"
  • "If it's not inconvenient, I'd like to proceed with some basic instructionals."
  • "As you know, the primary action for mobile creatures is the jump, if you follow."
  • "If your timing is serviceable, the pair of you should be able to jump up these ledges."
  • "First, red jumps up with A Button."
  • "Then green follows suit by pressing B Button. Rudimental!"
  • "The key is using +Control Pad to move then pressing A Button and B Button in order."
  • "I suggest trying it."
  • "Mario! Luigi! Do you see the gaps in your path?"
  • "Gaps and the like can sometimes by cleared by moving with +Control Pad..."
  • "Yes, you build up speed and then LEAP by pressing A Button and B Button blue."
  • "I suggest a trail attempt for this particular technique. Make with the jumping!"
  • "Ah... This area is FESTOONED with red and green blocks. According to my data banks..."
  • "Yes. red respond only when struck by red, and green are for green."
  • "I suggest you begin leaping with all speed and hit every last one of them!"
  • "It appears a path allowing us to proceed has opened up."
  • "I suggest utilizing A Button and B Button to perform well-timed jumps and move forward."
  • "Mario!"
  • "I understand your urgency, but who knows the dangers ahead?"
  • "It would be prudent to get you battle-ready before moving on!"
  • "Well, look at this! The perfect practice for you."
  • "Mario! blue on that bulboid thing!"
  • "Excellent work, Mario!"
  • "blue onto your enemy to engage it in battle'll get the upper hand by damaging it at the get-go!"
  • "I HIGHLY recommend noting this helpable hint!"
  • "Luigi!"
  • "You'll perform attacks just like Mario does."
  • "The only difference is that green uses B Button for his action commands."
  • "Remember to use B Button when jumping on the bad guys who hate you!"
  • "Analysis complete on the enemy's attacks!"
  • "Shall I tell you the results?"
  • "Alrighty then..."
  • "I've got one more analysis I'd like to share with you!"
  • "When avoiding enemies...the timing of Mario's and Luigi's jumps tends to be slightly differentiable!"
  • "Pay close attention to the timing of the jumps!"
  • "Are you operational, Luigi? Do you need service?"
  • "It appears you've taken some blue."
  • "What fortulent timing!"
  • "Allow me to explain blue!"
  • "Ah... I know you're groggy, but try to focus, Luigi."
  • "Please press blue."
  • "What we have here is the IDEAL moment to discuss using items!"
  • "Hmm, wait a moment..."
  • "I just happen to have two Mushrooms that the professor gave me..."
  • "Let's use these in the explanation!"
  • "Move the magnification dingus here and press A Button."
  • "What you see here are the items currently in your possession, if you follow."
  • "What I need you to do is select the Mushrooms then press A Button."
  • "Yes, now you can use +Control Pad to choose who gets the Mushroom, and won't that be fun for all."
  • "Make sure you've selected our friend Luigi, there, and then press A Button."
  • "Yes, wondiferous. That should put a pepper on his pizza!"
  • "Alrighty, then. Let's return to the bottom screen."
  • "If it's not too much trouble, press B Button for me?"
  • "Second verse, same verse as the first verse. By which I mean, press B Button again."
  • "And here we are! Back where we started, but smartified. We're ready to move on!"
  • "Yes, it's easy to back out of my inner levels one step at a time with the B Button Button..."
  • "But you can also press START to close me ENTIRELY at any time, if you follow."
  • "Press the B Button Button or START to close me."
  • "It's just one disaster after another with you two, isn't it?"
  • "Well, my keen detection skills don't pick up anyone else in the immediate vicinity."
  • "Perhaps they were all thrown clear by the crash, what with the destruction and exploding."
  • "According to my ultra-radar... A new time hole has appeared somewhere in this castle."
  • "I think it may be advisable to find the time hole and return to our own time for a while."
  • "Mario!"
  • "Perhaps you should use me as a sort of cushionation device. I am, of course, well padded."
  • "Baby Luigi would likely feel reassured by the sight of my luxurious leather."
  • "We have located and been reunited with the babies."
  • "Mario!"
  • "Allow me a brief apology. I was rushing."
  • "I forgot to to move as a blue..."
  • "You see, the babies are unable to understand my communicating..."
  • "What a situation..."
  • "Yes, they are not helpless! I suggest the four of you join forces and move on!"
  • "Oh! Wait a moment!"
  • "Yes. Proceeding as a blue is rather vital."
  • "Look at the upper right-hand part of the screen."
  • "When the icons look like this..."
  • "Mario and Luigi can move."
  • "Go on. Move about."
  • "When you're ready to proceed, let me know."
  • "When you want the juveniles to move on their own, press X Button or Y Button!"
  • "Go on, little humans! Move!"
  • "In this way, control switches between the adult Mario and Luigi and the baby-sized ones."
  • "Yes, but there is even more informationizing! And this is extremely convenient..."
  • "Mario and Luigi can give the babies blue rides and move about together!"
  • "It is SIMPLE to do!"
  • "When Mario and Luigi get blue the babies, the tykes climb up automatically."
  • "Piggyback!"
  • "The babies can also initiate the move by moving close to Mario and Luigi."
  • "Now then, let's go find our poor missing companions! BACK TO ADVENTURE!"
  • "Mario! Luigi!"
  • "Have you ever seen a piggyback move in battle?"
  • "Oh, it is fantabulous! Let me show you how this action command works!"
  • "Now, Mario, you attack with a jump, if you follow."
  • "First, press red X Button Button..."
  • "Then press red A Button Button!"
  • "Now, Luigi, you jump to attack as well."
  • "Same thing: green Y Button Button..."
  • "Then green B Button Button!"
  • "Next, blue."
  • "When using these while piggybacked, you can use the baby buttons as well!"
  • "You can use the A Button and B Button Buttons as usual, but now you can also use the X Button and Y Button Buttons!"
  • "Depending on the item, the use of the X Button and Y Button Buttons may change, if you follow."
  • "When piggybacked, the description on the Top Screen will change, so look closely."
  • "When using the Green Shell, press the baby button when the shell hits the enemy!"
  • "Yes, alrighty, Mario. Attack with the Green Shell."
  • "Choose the blue."
  • "Press the baby button now!"
  • "green! Press the B Button Button!"
  • "Press the baby button again!"
  • "You can't stop now, so just be sure to get the timing right."
  • "Now, red! Press the A Button Button!"
  • "Luigi, why don't you try an attack with a Green Shell, as well."
  • "Choose the blue."
  • "Now then..."
  • "Mario! Luigi!"
  • "If I may, there appears to be an unfamiliar block up there..."
  • "Are you aware of how to hit and activate that block?"
  • "You really know how?"
  • "So I DON'T have to show you?"
  • "What do you suppose that is? It appears trashable, but..."
  • "It may ALSO be something of incalculable value."
  • "I think it best that we take it with us and investigate further."
  • "Mario, Luigi..."
  • "That's the new time hole. BACK TO ADVENTURE!"
  • "Come on, it's the time to go back to our own era."
  • "This blathering nincompooter is just arresting our progress."
  • "And just like that, here we are, back in our own time."
  • "Let's hustlify over and see the good professor."
  • "If you're unsure where to find him, take a look at the Top Screen, if you follow."