List of quotes in Super Mario Sunshine

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This is a list of quotes from the game Super Mario Sunshine, listed by character.

Note: quotes marked with an asterisk (*) were removed from the American version.


  • "Bwa ha ha! The water's great! Eh, Junior?"
  • "Mario! How dare you disturb my family vacation?!"
  • "Jr., I've got tell you about Princess Peach..."
  • "That's my boy! Well put, son!"
  • "The royal Koopa line is strong as ever!"
  • "But for now...let's just rest awhile."

Bowser Jr.

  • "I won't let you take Mama Peach away!!"
  • "You again?! Don't you ever give up?"
  • "This is my Magic Brush. When I draw with it, all my wishes come true."
  • "A strange old man in a white coat gave it to me."
  • " pest! Stop following us!"
  • "I know, she's not really my Mama."
  • "Leave my mama alone you bad man! I won't let you take Mama Peach away!"
  • "Yeah, Papa told me all about it. He told me my mama got kidnapped by a bad man named Mario..."
  • "So I came to rescue her!"
  • "Papa told me everything. He said,(mocking Bowser's voice) 'Mario's a bully, he never fights fair!'"
  • "He also said, "Jr., you gotta try to outsmart Mario."
  • "So I tried to get Mario sent to prison, but they didn't lock him up, and now he came to steal Mama Peach again!"
  • "Sure is, Papa... Come on in, Mama Peach!"
  • "Someday, when I'm bigger... I wanna fight that Mario again!"

Chomp Keeper

  • "I'm the one that should be steamed! Bad Chain Chomp!"
  • "Maybe I should go to the hot spring to relax myself..."


  • "Power-up complete. Thank you for purchasing this item from Gadd Science, Incorporated. Preparing to register customer information. Scanning and classifying subject data... Subject identified as Mario, resident of the Mushroom Kingdom. Data storage complete. I am F.L.U.D.D.--a Flash Liquidizer Ultra Dousing Device. I hope to be of assistance."
  • "Proceeding with user information. Use the R Button Button to shoot water from my tank. If you press the R Button Button all the way down, you can stop and shoot. You can then use the Control Stick to aim in any direction. Press the X Button Button to switch to the Hover Nozzle. You can then press the R Button Button to hover in the air for a short time. If this tank is empty, no water can be sprayed. To refill tank, enter a body of water and press the R Button Button. Instructions complete. Proceed!"
  • "I am F.L.U.D.D. Glad to meet you."
  • "This appears to be quite a predicament, Mario. Data analysis verifies that the island's inhabitants are indeed troubled by pollution, but the pollution itself is not the main problem. Mario, you witnessed this object at the Airstrip, correct? It is a Shine Sprite. Shine Sprites are the source of power on Isle Delfino. They used to gather in great numbers at the Shine Gate, but the graffiti incident has polluted the island and most of the Shine Sprites have fled. There is no longer any power to support the peaceful lifestyle of the islanders. It is most pitiable. The only way to ensure the return of the Shine Sprites is to keep the island from becoming any dirtier. The perpetrator is likely at work even as we speak. And you, Mario, are being treated as a criminal. Tomorrow we must do our best to resolve this situation."
  • "What happened? Did the perpetrator get away?"
  • "That is Pinna Island. The villain's secret hideout must be there!"
  • "A strange old a white coat...?"
  • "It appears to be heading towards Corona Mountain!"
  • ""
  • "Mario, was I...of...assis...tance?"
  • "The vacation starts now!"

Hotel Manager

  • "Oh, please tell me my nightmare is over! You can save me!"
  • "I don't know why, but you just look very... capable to me..."
  • " all started around noon. This giant manta-shaped...thing showed up. It was this paper-thin... floating silhouette."
  • "It came and covered the hotel grounds in this electric goop."
  • "Then... Oh, the horror! My beautiful hotel! My poor building!"
  • "It sank in the middle of the awful ooze! Why me? WHY???"
  • "Now, I've got the staff cleaning up, but where's my hotel?"
  • "What am I supposed to do? I can't just sit back and..."
  • "AIIIIGH! It's back! That gossamer ghoul! Do something!"
  • "Hey! Ummmmm... It's Mario, right? Yeah. Mario."
  • "Listen, I, uh, have a feeling you can help me out again."
  • See, the hotel, it's... Well, it's full of... It's full of ghosts!"
  • "So, well, could you maybe... Look, just come inside, please."
  • "I can tell you're a miracle worker. Don't be so modest."
  • "Mario! Please, do come in."

Isle Delfino Police

  • "Go straight that way."
  • "You can't miss the mess, pal!"
  • "Your first job's to get rid of all that ugliness."
  • "And remember, we'll be watching you, pal."
  • "We'll know if you start slacking off."
  • "Hey! Are you slacking off!?"
  • "And clean up those walls!! Now, slacker!"
  • "Whoa! That water receded in a flash!"
  • "You say that flood cleaned up the whole town? Really? Are you absolutely sure about that?"


  • "Super Mario Sunshine! Wahoo!"
  • "Looks like a giant-" *
  • "Looks like Mario's gonna have to find a job." *
  • "Wake up!"
  • "The horror."
  • "Mama mia!"
  • "Arrivederci!"
  • "Mama! Hoo-Hah-Hoo! Ow! Wow!"
  • "Hoooooot!!!! hot!"
  • "Boy, oh boy..."
  • "Wowzer!"
  • "Watchit!"
  • "Here we go!"
  • "Too Cool!"
  • "Excellent!"
  • "Sweet!"
  • "Another Door?"
  • "Perfect 10!"
  • "It's-a fun!"
  • "Way to Go!"
  • "Oh, my head..."
  • "Hello Door!"
  • "I'm beat..."
  • "Aren't I done yet?"
  • "There's MORE?!?
  • "Open salami!"
  • "Oh man..."
  • "Oki Doki!!"

Noki Elder

  • "Ahhh, welcome! Master Mario, I presume?"
  • "We have heard much about you! Yes, and all of it good!"
  • "As for me, I am just an old man who loves nothing but fishing."
  • "But lately, I have had a terrible problem... please look up there."
  • "I don't know who did it, but someone corked our waterfall."
  • "This, no doubt, is why our lovely bay has become polluted!"
  • "And I can't even fish! And so, I ask for your help. Yank that cork!"
  • "Please fulfill this old man's wish... COUGH! HACKPTH! HACKPTH!"
  • "What's that? You'll do it?! Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!"
  • "I knew I should count on you. Just beware that guy on the cork!"
  • "What's that? The water's still polluted? Strange..."
  • "Well, this may not seem like much of a reward, but I will reveal to you one of Noki Bay's deepest secrets!"
  • "This bay actually contains the tomb of an ancient Noki king!"
  • "When you spray the marks on the walls, a path usually opens."
  • "One of these paths leads to a hidden Shine Sprite!"
  • "You look like you're ready! The gunk in the ocean is caused by... A giant eel!"
  • "It's moved into our ancestral home at the sea floor, and it's nursing some nasty cavities there."
  • "Let's take a look..."
  • "The newly uncorked waterfall created a gap in the pollution that you can use as an entrance!"
  • "Jump right in there! Dive to the bottom of the ocean and clean that eel's teeth!"
  • "Doing so will ease his pain, and he'll return from whence he came!"
  • "No doubt about it. Now, gather your courage and DIVE!"

Noki Elder's Grandson

  • "Oh, Mario! You're finally setting out for the ocean's bottom!"
  • 'Grandpa is waiting for you up top."
  • "Oh, don't forget to wear this..."
  • "You can use this rope as a shortcut to reach Grandpa."

Pianta Attorney

  • "As you are no doubt aware, someone has been senselessly defacing fair Isle Delfino using some paint-like substance."
  • "The accused is charged with polluting our beautiful home, and yes, endangering our very way of life."
  • "Indeed, how can one not be aware of what is going on?"
  • "Though it is daytime in Delfino Plaza, our poor residents tremble beneath a veil of darkness."
  • "Expert Shine scholars have determined that this darkness has arisen because all of our guardians, the Shine Sprites, have vanished from their gathering spot at the Shine Gate."
  • "The reason? It's quite obvious. This horrible graffiti is to blame!"
  • "Behold this sketch of the perpetrator based on eyewitness descriptions."
  • "The truth is obvious. The guilty party sits among us. It is none other than Mario!"

Pianta Judge

  • "Court is now in session!"
  • "Overruled!"
  • "I judge the defendant guilty as charged!"
  • "I hereby order the defendant to clean this entire island."
  • "Until Isle Delfino is completely free of his vile handiwork, Mario shall not be allowed to leave!"
  • "Court adjourned."

Princess Peach

  • "Ooh, look at that!"
  • "That...that shadow...?"
  • "Toadsworth, did you see...?"
  • "What happened?"
  • "Um, excuse me, but..."
  • "Mario, be careful! I have a bad feeling about this..."
  • "Nice work, Mario!"
  • "Objection!"
  • "Mama? Mama Peach? I'm your mama?" - to Bowser Jr.
  • "So you're Bowser's son!"
  • "But why did you pretend to be Mario?" - to Bowser Jr.
  • "Nice work, Mario."
  • "Ummm... I think not."
  • "So, the graffiti... That was you?"
  • "Mario, Look!"

Shadow Mario

  • "Ow ow ow OW! Not fair! Completely unfair!"
  • "You shouldn't be allowed to use tools like that!"
  • "Darn! And I was just about to ride that Yoshi, too!"
  • "Darn it all! I'll remember this!"
  • "Darn! And I was just about to turbo-dash, too!"
  • "Darn! And I was just about to rocket-jump, too!"

Sunglasses Vendor

  • "I love the sunshine, but OOOH! Is it ever bright!"
  • "Here, little man. Try a pair of my special sun shades. They're cool!"
  • "Yeah heh heh... You're styling now!"
  • "Come back and talk to me when you don't need them anymore."
  • "Hey! Sun shades alone just won't cut it for you. Nope!"
  • "You also need one of my custom tropical shirts. Here you go!"
  • "My, oh my! I haven't seen anyone look that good in my gear in ages!"
  • "Come see me again when you want to return them, OK?"
  • "You had enough? Come by anytime it's too bright for you, OK, little man?"


  • "Now now, boys! Don't touch that stuff!"
  • "Are you starting a new career?" *
  • "I am most concerned with the well-being of the princess in this dreadful heat."
  • "Master Mario, if you would, cross over to that shore and find some assistance."
  • "Master Mario! Remember, the A Button Button is key! Use it to show me some of your famous jumps!"
  • "Mm, quite an unusual device..."
  • "Is that some sort of pump?"
  • "Princess, look! On the statue's head!"
  • "I can't imagine what the poor princess is going through..."
  • "Mario! Please save her!"
  • "Oh, I hope nothing bad happens to our dear princess..."
  • "Master Mario! Please help her!"
  • ""Argh! Fuck you! You wretch! You!
  • ""Oh my god, the poor princess has fallen in the water, you must rescue her, she is too dignified to worry about such nonsense!


  • "What's this icky, paint-like goop?"
  • "It's moving!"
  • "Ick, Mario! It's all... goopy."
  • "We came all this way, and now look! Everything's spoiled!"
  • "Oh... this is the worst. Mario! Please go get some help!"
  • "It looks like this gunk is coming from somewhere below."
  • "It's really slippery, so watch your step.
  • "Hey, someone's coming!"
  • "There seems to be an amusement park on that island... You know, the one that the princess was taken to..."
  • "Horrible! Horrible! Princess Peach has been kidnapped!"
  • "The princess is on that island! I think it's called Pineapple or something... How do you think you can get there?"
  • "Mario! Is the princess OK?"
  • "Oh, Mario, is the princess going to be OK?"
  • "Oh, Mario! Will the princess be OK?"
  • "What's going to happen to the princess, Mario?"
  • "The princess is going to be all right, isn't she?"
