Snake Block

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A spike block in Super Mario Maker 2
A yellow Spike Block from Super Mario Maker 2

Spike Blocks are reoccurring objects that first appeared Super Mario 3D World.


Super Mario 3D World

Several red Spike Blocks in Deepwater Dungeon

Spike Blocks first appear in Super Mario 3D World as obstacles. They damage the player when they touch them. There are blue and red variants of Spike Blocks. The blue Spike Blocks are stationary while the red Spike Blocks move. Spike Blocks can be destroyed by Mega Mario, rewarding 200 points when they are destroyed.

Super Mario Maker 2

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR                                                                                          b::::::b                                                    
R::::::::::::::::R                                                                                         b::::::b                                                    
R::::::RRRRRR:::::R                                                                                        b::::::b                                                    
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  R::::R     R:::::R  ee::::::::::::ee   mm:::::::m  m:::::::mm   ee::::::::::::ee   mm:::::::m  m:::::::mm b::::::::::::::bb    ee::::::::::::ee  r::::rrr:::::::::r  
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  R::::R     R:::::Re:::::::e           m::::m   m::::m   m::::me:::::::e           m::::m   m::::m   m::::mb:::::b     b:::::be:::::::e            r:::::r            
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RRRRRRRR     RRRRRRR    eeeeeeeeeeeeee  mmmmmm   mmmmmm   mmmmmm    eeeeeeeeeeeeee  mmmmmm   mmmmmm   mmmmmmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb       eeeeeeeeeeeeee   rrrrrrr            
         tttt         hhhhhhh                                                                                                                                          
      ttt:::t         h:::::h                                                                                                                                          
      t:::::t         h:::::h                                                                                                                                          
      t:::::t         h:::::h                                                                                                                                          
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   SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS                                   kkkkkkkk                                                                                                          
 SS:::::::::::::::S                                  k::::::k                                                                                                          
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S:::::S     SSSSSSS                                  k::::::k                                                                                                          
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S:::::S          n:::nn::::::::nn    a::::::::::::a   k:::::k   k:::::kee::::::::::::ee                                                                                
 S::::SSSS       n::::::::::::::nn   aaaaaaaaa:::::a  k:::::k  k:::::ke::::::eeeee:::::ee                                                                              
  SS::::::SSSSS  nn:::::::::::::::n           a::::a  k:::::k k:::::ke::::::e     e:::::e                                                                              
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       SSSSSS::::S n::::n    n::::n  aa::::::::::::a  k:::::::::::k  e:::::::::::::::::e                                                                               
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            S:::::Sn::::n    n::::na::::a    a:::::a  k::::::k:::::k e:::::::e                                                                                         
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 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   nnnnnn    nnnnnn  aaaaaaaaaa  aaaakkkkkkkk    kkkkkkk eeeeeeeeeeeeee                                                                                
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB   lllllll                                      kkkkkkkk            ??:::::::::::?                                                                    
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  B::::B     B:::::B l::::l    ooooooooooo       cccccccccccccccc k:::::k    kkkkkkk??????     ?::::?                                                                  
  B::::B     B:::::B l::::l  oo:::::::::::oo   cc:::::::::::::::c k:::::k   k:::::k           ?::::?                                                                   
  B::::BBBBBB:::::B  l::::l o:::::::::::::::o c:::::::::::::::::c k:::::k  k:::::k           ?::::?                                                                    
  B:::::::::::::BB   l::::l o:::::ooooo:::::oc:::::::cccccc:::::c k:::::k k:::::k           ?::::?                                                                     
  B::::BBBBBB:::::B  l::::l o::::o     o::::oc::::::c     ccccccc k::::::k:::::k           ?::::?                                                                      
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  B::::B     B:::::B l::::l o::::o     o::::oc::::::c     ccccccc k::::::k:::::k          ??::??                                                                       
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B:::::::::::::::::B l::::::lo:::::::::::::::o c:::::::::::::::::ck::::::k  k:::::k                                                                                     
B::::::::::::::::B  l::::::l oo:::::::::::oo   cc:::::::::::::::ck::::::k   k:::::k        ???                                                                         
BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB   llllllll   ooooooooooo       cccccccccccccccckkkkkkkk    kkkkkkk      ??:??                                                                        

The Spike Block is currently the only course element in Super Mario Maker 2 to have had its category changed via an update. Prior to the version 3.0.0 update, it was part of the "Terrain" category, while version 3.0.0 made it part of the "Gizmos" category instead. This was most likely done to group it with the other ON/OFF Switch-affiliated items (like the Dotted-Line Block, Conveyor Belt, and ON/OFF Trampoline).


Super Mario Maker 2

  • North American website bio: "This is one block you do not want to hit. Combine it with the On/Off Switch to set a trap!"

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning Notes
Chinese 尖刺砖块 (Simplified)
尖刺磚塊 (Traditional)

Jiāncì Zhuānkuài
Sharp Spike Block
Dutch Spijkerblok[?] Nail Block
German Stachelblock[?] Spike Block
Italian Blocco spinoso[?] Spiky Block
Korean 가시블록[?]
Gasi Beullok
Spike Block
Portuguese (NOE) Bloco espinhoso[1] Spiky block
Russian Блок с шипами[?]
Blok s shipami
Block with spikes
Spanish (NOA) Bloque de picos[?] Spike Block


  1. ^ Nintendo Portugal. (May 15, 2019). Super Mario Maker 2 Direct - 15/05/2019. YouTube. Retrieved January 10, 2020.