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Hola, soy GreenToxic. Gracias por visitarme. ¡WarioWare es la mejor saga que Nintendo ha creado!
Aquí está una lista de cada microjuego, por si acaso...
- Crazy Cars
- Wario Whirled
- Saving Face
- Diamond Dig
- Foul Balls
- Repellion
- Wario Wear
- Hectic Highway
- The Maze That Pays
- Super Wario Bros.
- Busted!
- Mug Shot
- Sparring Wario
- Log Chop
- Fruit Shoot
- Heads Up
- Boing!
- Spare Me
- Batter Up
- Baseline Bash
- Butterfly Stroke
- Hammer Toss
- Balancing Act
- Putt for Dough
- Ski Jump
- Mountain Mountin'
- Guy Scraper
- Lift & Shout
- Pro Curling
- High Hoops
- Hurry Hurdles
- Gifted Goalie!
- Jumpin' Rope
- Ring My Bell
- Set 'n Spike
- City Surfer
- Snowboard Slalom
- Punch-Out
- Alien Ambush
- Scooter Commuter
- Space Fighter
- Stick & Move
- Classic Clash I
- Bubble Trouble
- Super Fly
- Arrow Space
- Manic Mechanic
- UFO Assist
- Classic Clash II
- Mars Ball Destroy
- Hover for Cover
- Scoot or Die
- Word Up
- Ninja Pipe Cleaner
- Classic Clash
- Zero to Hero
- Tidal Cave
- Mars Jars
- Space Escape
- Ninja Vision
- Slick Wheelie
- Bam-Fu
- Galaxy 2003
- Ground Control
- Dry Eye
- Parking Prowess
- Butterfingers
- Gold Digger
- Terminal Velocity
- Chicken Pinch
- Boom Box
- Sloppy Salon
- Page Panic
- Noodle-Rama
- Right in the Eye
- I Came, I Saw
- Douse the House
- Sole Man
- Nighttime Allergies
- Air Supplies
- Toast the Ghosts
- Tilt-n-Tumble
- Pompeii Back
- Crash Test, Dummy!
- Sunny-Side Up
- Fries With That?
- The Brush Off
- Nail Call
- Balloon Fight
- Duck Hunt
- Game Boy
- Donkey Kong
- F-Zero
- Family Basic
- Super Mario Bros.
- Ultra Hand
- Chiritorie
- Laser Outlaw
- Hogan's Alley
- Mario Paint: Fly Swatter
- Ice Climber
- The Legend of Zelda
- Sheriff
- Dr. Mario
- Racing 112
- Mario Clash
- Helmet
- Urban Champion
- Stack-Up
- LazerBlazer
- Metroid
- Wild Gunman
- Ultra Machine
- Praise or Haze II
- Code Buster
- Noodle Cup
- Petri Panic
- Long Lost Love
- What's the Toadal?
- Find My Behind
- Cavity Calamity
- Sphinx Hijinks
- Gear Head Fred
- Getcha Groove On
- Odd Man Out
- The Great Cover-Cup
- Four Leaf Hover
- Tip the Scale
- The Real McCoy
- Identity Crisis
- Electric Groove Fish
- Strength in Numbers
- Button Masher
- Catterwall
- Focus-Pocus
- Matchboxes
- Garage Rock
- Dungeon Dilemma
- Banana Munch
- Mirror Mirror
- Wrong Way Highway
- Bad Man Bash
- Berry Berry Good
- Cat Nap
- Make My Clay
- Rough Puff
- Hard Core
- Cymbalism
- Mashin' Martians
- Body Block
- Funky Fountain
- Assembly Line
- What's Your Beef?
- Spoon Spectacular
- Whoop-De-Doodle
- Raging Rhino
- Veg Out
- Quickie Quiz
- Cheeky Monkey
- Pod Pinch
- Shake!
- Kettle Mettle
- Alien Laser Hero
- Hare Scare
- Munch a Bunch
- Lickety-Split
- Flower Shower
- Go Fer the Tater
- Picture Perfect
- Leafy Greens
- Crane Game
- Veggie Might
- Mouse Trap
- Coconut Catapult
- Bug Bite
- Disc O'Dog
- Fruit Fall
- Penguin Shuffle
- Two Birds, Big Rocks
- Hoppin' Mad
- Worm Squirm
- Kitty Cover
- The Claw
- Spunky Monkey
- Crack Down
- Blow Hole Bridge
- The Frog Flap
- Wario Bros.
- Hot Dog Hog
- Shingle Smasher
- Produce Pandemonium
- Laser Vision
- Wario Windsock
- High Treeson
- Rock Paper Scissors
- Wario Pinball
- Mix & Match
- Down & Outie
- Thumb Wrestling
- Float Your Boat
- Vermin
- Apple Shrapnel
- Unexcite Bike
- Hasty Pastry
- Wario Facial
- Grow Wario Grow
- Loot Scoot
- Airpain
- Wario Kendo
- Bug Birdie
- Sinking Feeling
- Wario's Adventure
- Avoid-A-Roid
- Foul Balls
- Balancing Act
- Happy Birthday
- Fancy Footwork
- Doggy Door
- Hard-Pressed
- Cat Walk
- On a Roll
- Foiled Again!
- Magnafire
- Practical Joker
- Outta My Way!
- Sew Easy
- And the Winner is...
- Sync or Sink
- Busted!
- Barrel Roll
- Force Feeding
- Company Picnic
- Red Delicious?
- Coffee Jitters
- Assembly Flyin'
- Welcome Wagon
- Skyway Highway
- Down in the Dumps
- Feel the Burn
- Night and Day
- Slam Dunk
- Dishpan Hands
- Net Profits
- Focus Pocus
- Monster Chase
- Circular Logic
- H2-Woah!
- Twist and Sprout
- Bacon Patrol
- Make Way for Martian
- Stab in the Dark
- Self-Defense
- Bright Idea
- Dig This!
- Daily Grind
- Ice Queen
- Save our Raft!
- Fashion Plate
- Daredevil
- Road Work
- Alternative Medicine
- One Step at a Time
- Bubblegum Blues
- Big Drip
- Rocky Reunion
- Vicious Veggies
- Nuts!
- The Wave
- Contact Lens Solution
- Going Postal
- Launchpad
- Crazy Crush
- Falling Asheep
- Stalled Out
- Thar He Blows
- Mixed Grill
- Survival of the Quickest
- Weird Science
- Slap Jack!
- Crazy Straw
- Beauty School
- Track Star
- Nose Dive
- Shoot the Fruit
- D.I.Y.
- Key Ring
- County Fair
- Eating Contest
- Spintecticide
- I Hate Bananas
- Handy Man
- Rugby
- Wheel of Whack
- Five-Second Rule
- Oral Hijinks
- Beat-Down
- Picky Eater
- Gyroid Jumble
- Last Piece
- Heavy Lifting
- Home Haircut
- Tooth Trouble
- Picture Perfect
- Laser Lineup
- Flip Out!
- Basic Training
- Hat's Off
- Tiltillation
- Crescent Roll
- Power Outage
- Mooo-ve It!
- Gravi-key
- Half Full
- Cliff-Hanger
- Shake Down
- Heartwrench
- Trash Day
- Half Empty
- Spout Off
- Aromatherapy
- Skid Road
- Balloonatic
- Spitfall
- What Goes In...
- Open-And-Shut Case
- Shower Power
- Stumblebot
- Cutting It Close
- Kit-tease
- Rays the Devil
- Iron Stomach
- Wipeout!
- Step On It
- Off the Wall
- Rain of Terror
- Alien Abduction
- Wrecking All
- Micro Golf
- Nice Catch
- Opposites Attract
- Nuts and Bolts
- Roughing It
- Pumping Iron
- Party Favor
- Paper Trail
- Instant Replay
- Cheeky Monkey
- Shave the World
- Chain Letter
- Dear John Letter
- Boing!
- Pipe Puzzle
- Space Passage
- Tapped Out
- Dire Plates
- Deadly Ditty
- Alphabet Soup
- Manual Labor
- Fine Tune
- Green Thumb
- Wedgies!
- Boomerang!
- Fill in the Blanks
- Peak Peek
- Connect the Dots
- Rocket Rotary
- Sleight of Hand
- Strike a Chord
- Produce Pick
- About Face
- Safecracker
- High Card Draw
- Toaster Jam
- Crossing Guard
- Tennis
- Metroid
- Super Mario Bros. 3-Lift
- Wrecking Crew
- Pinball
- Golf
- Mario Brothers
- Excitebike
- Clu Clu Land
- Donkey Kong Jr.
- Baseball
- Ice Climber
- Balloon Fight
- Mach Rider
- Kid Icarus
- Duck Hunt
- The Legend of Zelda
- Donkey Kong 3
- NES Open Tournament Golf
- Ice Hockey
- Metroid-Samus
- Super Mario Bros. 3
- Super Mario Bros.
- Tiptoe Titan
- Rain of Riches
- Power Line Pigeons
- Burying the Hatchet
- Crash Prize
- Hot Rod
- Rock It!
- Ping-Pong Panic
- Catch of the Day
- No-Zone
- Alignment
- Swamp Swing
- Drywall Dodge
- Super Wario
- Cyclone Kick
- Curls and Weigh
- Going Steady
- Inch, Worm!
- Soda Jerk
- Robotomy
- Wee Wario Blast
- Fragile!
- Strange Ritual
- Wario Hockey
- Wario and the Beanstalk
- Stay in School
- High-Speed Chase
- Volt Bolt
- Wario Mambo
- What's the Point?
- Oopsy-Daisy
- Hop to the Top
- Rock and a Hot Place
- Dirty Darts
- Snake Snarl
- Feed on Fronk
- Peak-a-Boo-Boo
- Fronk Fishing
- Party Popper
- Pet Peeved
- Waste with Haste
- Big Bang
- Taping a Leak
- Sleepy Head
- Up for Grabs
- Tune Out
- Freak Mutation
- Bug Eyed
- Lose Your Marble
- Wrap Sheet
- Swamp Things
- Number Cruncher
- Twin Swimmers
- Housewares
- Profiler
- Into the Sunset
- Character Development
- Accountant Assault
- Rump Roast
- You Break It, You Buy It
- Steel Chef
- Clog It
- Snivel Disobedience
- Zoooooooo
- Blowin' Up
- Running of the Bull's-eye
- Sinking Feeling
- Star Struck
- Face-Lift
- Cage Match
- Straight Faces
- No Love for You
- Quite Puzzled
- Pass Aggressive
- Tuft It Out
- Sweeping Victory
- Fresh Squeezed
- Got the Chops
- It Slices, It Dices
- Middle Management
- Pro Bowling
- Impressionism
- Shakedown
- Pet Petter
- Arms Race
- On the Mark
- Oh, Snap!
- Scratch and Match
- Wishful Thinking
- Power Chord
- Dish It
- Early Release
- Ick Magnet
- Drama Clean
- Touchdown
- Public Transportation
- Burning Rubber
- Sweet Sorrow
- Washed Up
- Erosion
- Worked to a Lather
- Rainbow Juice
- Finger Painting
- Long Division
- Domestic Issue
- Feeling Saucy
- One-Liner
- Finish Line
- Hair Supply
- Bright Idea
- What's Your Sign?
- Divide and Conquer
- Write On, Dude
- Hookin' Up
- Corrections Officer
- Midnight Weirdo
- The Proud, the Fuse
- Ring Master
- Shoo!
- In the Loop
- Hi, Wire!
- Plant Food
- Galaxy Bounce
- Separation Anxiety
- Farm Fresh
- Basket Case
- Loose Change
- I'm Number 1!
- Rock Fever
- On Strike
- Drop in a Bucket
- Sugar Rush
- Pipe Dream
- Birdcicle
- Sneeze, Please!
- Fatapult
- Catch of the Day
- Cheap Thrill
- Fill 'Er Up
- Don't Blow It
- Chance of Showers
- Oh, the Irony
- Very Attractive
- Global Warning
- Free Range
- Heads Will Roll
- Space Buffet
- Big as a Whale
- Watered Down
- Goin' Loopy
- Engine Trouble
- Catch a Tune
- Unwind
- Stroke of Genius
- Drop the Ball
- Track and Field
- Straight to Video
- Fried Goodness
- Good Times
- I'm Gonna Hurl
- Flower to Tower
- Gym Locker
- Spin a Yarn
- Luna-see
- Living Room Rally
- Spindy Day
- Sweet Nothings
- Pop Art
- Call of Nature
- Cup Runneth Over
- Winter Fresh
- Light Sleeper
- Admiral Blowhard
- Cool It
- Rising Inflation
- Crowd Control
- Deep Breath
- Abdominal Blowman
- Clearing the Air
- Lung Capacity
- In Your Face
- Silent but Deadly
- Hit the Gust
- Over Easy
- On the Fly
- Seedy Area
- Super Mario Bros.
- The Legend of Zelda
- Duck Hunt
- Metroid
- Famicom Tantei Club 2
- Game & Watch Toss Up
- Stylus Hunt
- Mario Paint
- Game On
- 8-Bit Hero
- Game & Watch Flagman
- Super Mario Bros.
- Button Masher
- Game & Watch Oil Panic
- Clawing for More
- Donkey Kong 3
- Balloon Fight
- Hogan's Alley
- Game & Watch Lion
- Famicom
- Gunslinger
- Bubble Head
- You Scratch Mine
- Heat Wave
- Launch Line
- Scrambled Egg
- Short Fuse
- Spario
- Where's Wario
- Air Male
- Wanna Slice?
- Nitpicking
- Fan Fair
- Daily Grind
- Feel the Beat
- Domino Theory
- Upper Cut
- Dead Simon Says
- Buried Treasure
- It'll Grow Back
- The Crate Escape
- Being Nosy
- Tread Carefully
- Pest Control
- Playing Hooky
- Wario PI
- On the Ropes
- Take a Stab at It
- Wokka Wokka!
- Crowd Control
- Wario Fu
- You Can Pick Your Friends...
- Poster Child
- Shaving Scream
- One In Hole
- Biggest Fan
- Stage Fright
- Welcome Committee
- Keep Your Guy on the Ball
- Fan Boy
- Shakedown
- Swat Team
- Carrot Away
- Runner's High
- Fired Up
- Dough Boy
- Up for Grabs
- Come to Poppa
- Closing Time
- Over Easy
- Honeymoon Fall Out
- Universal Marionette
- Cupsy Daisy
- Escape Artist
- Five More Minutes
- Tearful Reunion
- Hand Me Down
- Wet Your Whistle
- Toilet Training
- Cutting Edge
- On the Edge
- Serve Already!
- Paper Trail
- Object D'Art
- Frequent Flyer
- Extreme Patty-Cake
- Writer's Block
- Teeth Polithe
- Cookie Rookie
- A Moment of Reflection
- Saving Face
- Stick It Through 'Em!
- Shear Terror
- Fitting In
- S-T-R-E-T-C-H!
- Budget Dentistry
- A-maze-ing
- Simon Says
- Code Dependency
- Mall Tour
- Road Wario
- Broom Shtick
- That's How I Roll
- Plane and Simple
- Logged In
- Anchor Man
- Castanet, First Chair
- Meet the Eggheads
- Pink Eye
- Geared for Landing
- This Bites!
- Suit of Armoire
- All Wound Up
- The Outcast
- Helping Hand
- Sweeps Week
- Spring Cleaning
- Volley, Y'all!
- Clean Your Plate!
- Smile and Nod
- Junk and My Trunk
- Block Party
- Undercover Agent
- Cold Call
- Spray It, Don't Say It
- Wiggle Room
- Carving Artist
- Sticky Shift
- Bone Appetit
- You're Fired!
- In the Cards
- How the West Was Really Won
- Shady Characters
- Skip It
- Shoot the Breeze
- Cheater!
- Marching Orders
- Flask Me Later
- All Shook Up
- Pool Boy
- Secret Ingredient
- Ringmaster
- Fresh off the Grill
- Diddly Squat
- Up in Arms
- Clean Sweep
- Eating for Two
- The Closer
- Stick It to the Man
- When in Rome…
- Talk to the Can!
- Cut to the Chase
- Catch of the Day
- Bell Captain
- Rally and Cry
- Soiled Reputation
- Use Your Head
- Unintelligent Life
- Spring Training
- Femme Brûlée
- Sprinkler System
- Stick a Fork in It
- Armed and Dangerous
- Boot Camp
- Boarder Patrol
- Slice of Life
- Mixed Signals
- Yes, You Can!
- The Intern
- Stir Crazy
- Community Service
- Local News
- Get to the Point
- Mercury Falling
- XYZ!
- On Point
- Airhead
- Cranky Robot
- Sure, You Can
- Burning Sensation
- Now You're Cooking!
- Hit Parade
- Litterbot
- Stay Tuned
- Produce Stand-Off
- Wiipeat After Me!
- Super Mario Brothers
- Light Tennis
- Animal Crossing: Wild World
- Opening Night
- WarioWare: Twisted!
- Wario Land
- Game & Watch Octopus
- Balloon Fight
- Metroid Prime 2
- Pikmin 2
- Nintendogs
- Super Mario Sunshine
- Punch-Out!!
- Super Nostalgic Entertainment System
- Laser Clay Shooting
- The Wind Waker
- Brain Age
- Ocarina of Time
- One Hit Wonder
- Clu Clu Land
- Sifty Character
- Star Fox
- Sucker Punch
- Party Crasher
- He Who Smelt It...
- Net Profit
- A Tale of One Kitty
- Wario Hunting
- It'sa Me, Wario!
- Roll Model
- Three's a Crowd
- Rude Awakening
- Wario's Gym
- Bedside Manners
- Paper Wario
- Wario's Pinheads
- Not the Face!
- Chop Shop
- Dead Ringer
- Climate Control
- Safe or Snack
- Closing Night
- Wario Dance Company
- All Aflutter
- My New Bow
- Stop That!
- Off-line
- Crayon Epic
- The Irony
- Drop & Stop
- Bug Hunt
- Emoticube
- Tooth Haste
- Dry Eye
- Big Dripper
- Stop Light
- Joker Face
- I Saw It!
- Breakdown
- I Can Smash!
- Balloon Brigade
- Micro Golf
- Off-Fence
- Volley Girl
- Goal in One
- Spare Me!
- Swing Batter
- Sync & Swim!
- Pumped Poser
- Alpine Lines
- Pass, Shoot!
- Get Some Air
- Dartistry
- On Your Mark
- Served!
- Glove Hurts
- Kickin' It
- Hurdling On
- Smoooooooth!
- Reflecting
- Rice Stuffed
- Cake Defense
- Snack Sucker
- Ketchup Down
- Mochitsuki
- Melon Hound
- Cracked Up
- Cooking Bug
- Shoot Fruit
- Fruit Fans
- Harvest Time
- Food Colors
- Piece Meal
- Cone Catch
- Salad Daze
- True Skewer
- Ice Pop Star
- Double Order
- Farm Hands
- Bread Trap
- Breaking Up
- Rhythm Maker
- Face Finder
- Mind the Gap
- Coin Count
- Bite Marks
- Bird Search
- Garlic/Fronk
- Same Diff
- Dance Dudes
- Which One?
- Circuit Path
- Shaped Like
- Follow Along
- Odd Number
- Win!/Lose!
- Head Count
- Whuzzat?
- Wily Tiles
- Paratroopa
- Fly Swatter
- Spiny
- Star Fox
- Pikmin
- Murasamejō
- Shooting
- Ice Climbers
- Urban Champ
- Excitebike
- Yoshi
- Tightrope
- Greenhouse
- Shadow Shift
- B. Fight
- Metroid
- Zelda
- Mario Paint
- T. Bridge
- Blooper
- WarioQuest
- Hit Parade
- Mob Rule
- Puzzled Face
- Nasalblaster
- Snapped Shot
- Eggstraction
- Manic Memory
- Farm Fresh
- Frozen Fish
- WarioQuest 2
- Dead Ringer
- Wario is HOT
- Ladybug
- Balloon POP!
- Butterflies
- Stamp Out
- Wario 101
- Let's Bounce
- Idol Hands
- Outta My Way
- Spearhead
- Wardi Gras
- Wanna Slice?
- Who Nose?
- Navel Force
- Watched Pots
- Out With It!
- MechaWario
- Flag Waver
- Money Hungry
- How Old?
- Speed Trap
- Bombs Away
- Garden Pests
- Moon Balloon
- Leaf Thrower
- On Course
- 1, 2, ROBOT!
- Space Trap
- Tenderfoot
- Stop! Go!
- Spirit Spot
- Domino Block
- Blocksmith
- Spring Bot
- Clock Rocks
- Heat Is On
- Shell Game
- On-Line
- Gun Vs Ninja
- Wind Fall
- Picket Ship
- Stripy Sea
- Fish Which
- Ball & Chain
- Crypto Zoo
- The Lily Cup
- Officer K-9
- Bird-Watcher
- Animal Xing
- Critterific
- Red-Handed
- Pork Sort
- Rabbit River
- Cheese Run
- Door Dash
- Out of Water
- Worm Food
- Escape Hatch
- Dog Catcher
- Caterpillage
- Mario Kart
- DK 3
- Wario Land
- Duck Hunt
- Super Koopa
- DK Country
- Donkey Kong
- Advance Wars
- Card Hero
- Punch-Out!!
- Wild Gunman
- Wreck. Crew
- Mario Bros.
- Clu Clu Land
- Mario Slots
- Freshly-Picked Tingle
- Kid Icarus
- Mario Adv.
- Boo
- Zelda 2
- Dustpan
- Count 'Em Up
- Eject Reject
- Finger Flex
- Mole
- Break!
- Rollout
- Spotlight
- Super Fly Swatter
- Dinosaur
- Eye Exam
- Ball (G&W)
- Samurai Slice
- Matryoshka
- Fake Out
- Dachshund
- Bananas
- Fish
- Loose Tooth
- Allergy Attack
- Transform!
- Homeward
- Record Guy
- Windbag
- Eye Spy
- No Solicitors
- 100 Meter Dash
- Ballroom Basics
- Close Call
- Judo Pro
- Eating Out
- Fit for a Frame
- Parking Lot Problems
- Right of Way
- Cover Up
- Gravitational Pull
- Labyrinth
- Balloon Fight
- Donkey Kong Country
- Fire Emblem Awakening
- Game & Watch: Manhole
- Kid Icarus
- Lefty RX
- Mario Bros.
- Pinball
- Pushmo
- Rhythm Tweezers
- Super Mario Kart
- Super Mario Land
- Yoshi's Island
- Walk This Way
- Ride the Wave
- Top Off
- Dr. Mario
- Laser Pointer
- R.O.B. Block Set
- Star Fox
- Super Mario World
- Wario Land 3
- Wii Menu
- Round It Out
- Thanks a Latte
- Crowded Desktop
- Going Up
- Sticking Point
- Top Notch
- amiibo Tap
- Hanafuda
- Joy-Con Slide
- Love Tester
- Mario Paint - Flyswatter
- Mii Channel
- Nintendogs
- Phantom Hourglass
- Sounds of Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Maker
- Ten Billion Barrel
- Tomodachi Life
- Wrecking Crew
- Clawing for More
- Pass Fail
- Pit Stop
- Skate Race
- Family Reunion
- Love Struck
- Over the Hump
- Sneaky Snatcher
- Grape Aim
- Make a Wish
- Answering Machine
- Sliding Doors
- Wario Dance Company
También, WarioWare: Snapped! tiene 20 y WarioWare: D.I.Y. tiene 150 más, así que hay 1268 en total.