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==[[Koopa the Quick]]==
==[[Koopa the Quick]]==
*(to Mario, N64) "''Hey, Mario! Is it true that you beat the Big Bob-omb? Cool! You must be strong, and pretty fast. So, how fast are you, anyway? Fast enough to beat me...Koopa the Quick? I don't think so. Just try me. How about a race to the mountaintop, where the Big Bob-omb was? Whaddya say? When I say "''Go,"'' let the race begin! Ready....''" (the character gets the choice to say "''Go!''" or "''Don't go''")
*(Super Mario 64)"''Hey, Mario! Is it true that you beat the Big Bob-omb? Cool! You must be strong, and pretty fast. So, how fast are you, anyway? Fast enough to beat me...Koopa the Quick? I don't think so. Just try me. How about a race to the mountaintop, where the Big Bob-omb was? Whaddya say? When I say "''Go,"'' let the race begin! Ready....''" (the character gets the choice to say "''Go!''" or "''Don't go''")
*(to Yoshi, Luigi, or Wario) "''Howdy! Do you know where Mario is? I've been looking but he's nowhere to be found. You don't look like you're busy. If you don't mind, would you bring Mario here? Thanks.''"
*(to Yoshi, Luigi, or Wario) "''Howdy! Do you know where Mario is? I've been looking but he's nowhere to be found. You don't look like you're busy. If you don't mind, would you bring Mario here? Thanks.''"
*(to Mario) "''Well, if it isn't Mario! Long time no see. You've put on a few pounds since I last saw you. Too much pasta and lounging, huh? You should really get some exercise. Hey, how about a race to the mountaintop where the Big Bob-omb was? Done! When I say "''Go,"'' let the race begin! Ready...''" (the character gets the choice to say "''Go!''" or "''Don't go''")
*(to Mario) "''Well, if it isn't Mario! Long time no see. You've put on a few pounds since I last saw you. Too much pasta and lounging, huh? You should really get some exercise. Hey, how about a race to the mountaintop where the Big Bob-omb was? Done! When I say "''Go,"'' let the race begin! Ready...''" (the character gets the choice to say "''Go!''" or "''Don't go''")

Revision as of 12:50, October 8, 2020

This is a list of quotes from the games Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS. This list includes what each character says to Mario (or Luigi, Wario and Yoshi). Most of the quotes in the DS version are the same as the original game, while others are modified or never appeared in the original game at all. Note that not all of the quotes from the two games are listed.

Big Penguin

  • (N64) "He-ey, Mario, buddy, howzit goin'? Step right up. You look like a fast sleddin' kind of guy. I know speed when I see it, yes siree--I'm the world champion sledder, you know. Whaddya say? How about a race? Ready..." (Player chooses "Go" or "Don't go")
  • (DS) "I'm the world-champion sledder! I may be bulky, but I'm very fast! How about a race? Ready..." (Player selects "Go" or "No thanks")
  • (after collecting all 120 (or 150 in DS) stars) "Mario! What's up pal? I haven't been on the slide lately, so I'm out of shape. Still, I'm always up for a good race, especially an old sleddin' buddy. Whaddya say? Ready..." (Again, the player chooses "Go" or "Don't go")
  • (defeated) "You brrrr-roke my record! Unbelievable! I knew you were the coolest. Now you've proven that you're also the fastest! I can't award you a gold medal, but here, take this star instead. You've earned it!"
  • (cheating) "Whoa, pal, you aren't trying to cheat, are you? Shortcuts aren't allowed. Now, I know that you know better. You're disqualified! Next time, play fair!"
  • (if the player loses) "I win! You lose! Ha ha ha ha! You're no slouch, but I am a better sledder! Better luck next time!"

Bob-omb Buddy

  • (Near a cannon in Bob-Omb Battlefield) "Hey, you! It's dangerous ahead, so listen up. Take my advice. Cross the two bridges ahead, then watch for falling water bombs. The Big Bob-omb at the top of the mountain is very powerful--don't let him grab you. We're Bob-omb Buddies and we're on your side. You can talk to us whenever you'd like to!"
  • (before opening a cannon) "Hi! I'll prepare the cannon for you! Bon voyage!"
  • (after opening a cannon) "Ready for blastoff! Come on, hop into the cannon!"


  • (caught by Yoshi) "You...can't...EAT...ghosts! Eee hee hee!"
  • (N64 only, first time at Big Boo's haunt) "Come on in here......heh, heh, heh..."
  • (defeated) "Ghosts...don't...DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here......alive?"
  • (all defeated) "Boooooo-m! Here comes the master of mischief, the titan of terror, the Big Boo! Ha ha ha ha..."


  • (1st time entering castle, American English version) "Welcome. No one's home! Now scram--and don't come back! Gwa ha ha!"
  • (1st time entering castle, British English version) "Welcome. No one's home! Now get lost and don't come back! Gwa ha ha!"
  • (entering Bowser in the Dark World) "Bwa ha ha ha! You've stepped right into my trap, just like I knew you would! I warn you, friend, watch your step!"
  • (in Bowser in the Dark World) "Tough luck, Mario! Princess Toadstool isn't here...Gwa ha ha!! Go ahead--just try to grab me by the tail! You'll never be able to swing ME around! A wimp like you could never throw me out... - N64: ...of here! - DS: circling the Touch Screen. Never! - N64: Ha! - DS: Gwa ha ha!!"
  • (after defeat) "Grrr! I was a bit careless. This is not what I had planned...but I still hold the power of the Stars, and I still have Peach. Bwa ha ha! You'll get no more Stars from me! I'm not done with you yet, but I'll let you go for now. You'll pay for this...later! - DS: Gwa ha ha!"
  • (star door to Dire Dire Docks to Luigi, Wario, or Yoshi in Super Mario 64 DS) "Mario ran away like his overalls were on fire! Gwahahahaha! I have no business with you small fries! Bring me Mario at all costs! Gwahahaha!"
  • (in Bowser in the Fire Sea) Pestering me again, are you, Mario? Can't you see that I'm having a merry little time, making mischief with my minions? Now, return those Stars! I stole them first and my troops in the walls need them! Bwa ha ha!
  • (after defeat) "Ooowaah! Can it be that I've lost?! The power of the Stars has failed me... this time. Consider this a draw. Next time, I'll be in perfect condition. Now, if you want to see your precious princess, come to the top of the tower. I'll be waiting! Gwa ha ha!"
  • (star door to third floor to Luigi, Wario, or Yoshi in Super Mario 64 DS) "What're you doing, messing up MY castle! I worked hard for it! But hey, I'm a sweet guy...I'll let it slide this time...But bring me that Mario! My little beasties have a big surprise planned for him! Gwahahaha!"
  • (last Star Door in Super Mario 64) "To open the door that leads to the "endless" stairs, you need 70 Stars. Bwa ha ha!"
  • (last Star Door to Mario in Super Mario 64 DS) "In order to solve the mystery of the endless stairs, you need 80 Stars. You still need [number] more... Bwa ha ha!"
  • (last Star Door to Luigi, Wario, or Yoshi in Super Mario 64 DS) "Grr. Even though I've lost this many Power Stars, Mario is the only one I can call my rival. No one else matters. Now scram! Gwa ha ha!!"
  • (in Bowser in the Sky) "Mario! You again! Well that's just fine--I've been looking for something to fry with my fire breath! Your Star Power is useless against me! Your friends are all trapped in the walls... And you'll never see the princess again! Bwa ha ha ha!"
  • (after defeat with 70 or 80 Power Stars) "Nooo! It can't be! You've really beaten me, Mario?!! I gave those troops power, but now it's fading away! Argghh! I can see peace returning to the world! I can't stand it! - N64: Hmmm... It's not over yet... - DS: But it's not over yet... C'mon troops! Let's watch the ending together! Bwa ha ha!
  • (Bowser's last words after defeat with 120 Power Stars in Super Mario 64) "Noooo! You've really beaten me this time, Mario! I can't stand losing to you! My troops...worthless! They've turned over all the Power Stars! What?! There are 120 in all??? Amazing! There were some in the castle that I missed??!! Now I see peace returning to the world... Oooo! I really hate that! I can't watch-- I'm outta here! Just you wait until next time. Until then, keep that Control Stick smokin'! Buwaa ha ha!"
  • (Bowser's last words after defeat with 150 Power Stars in Super Mario 64 DS) "Noooo! You've really beaten me this time, Mario! I can't stand always losing to you! My troops...worthless! They've turned over all the Power Stars! Wait, say it again. There are 150 Stars in all??? What?! There were some in the castle that I missed??!! Now I see peace returning to the world... I really hate that! It's so horrible I can't watch. I'm outta here! Just you wait until next time. Until then, keep that Touch Screen smokin'! Gwa ha haaaaaaa!"

Chief Chilly

  • (to Yoshi) "Hmm? I see you have no mustache. Poor, bald, little creature. It's not a fair fight for you, but luckily, I'm not a fair fighter. Let's go!"
  • (defeated) "I simply cannot believe that I lost to a hairless pip-squeak like you! My mustache was my only joy. Now what am I going to do?"
  • (to Luigi) "You there with a mustache! I am the king of cold, Chief Chilly. I lock up anyone who challenges the superiority of my 'stache. In fact, I locked up one such fellow the other day. Hmm. What a sad, mangy mustache you've got there. It hardly seems worth it to destroy you. With a 'stache like that, you're clearly the sidekick, not the star. But I'm in between meetings now, so I might as well. In the battle for the best mustache, I'll win, hairs down. Ha ha ha! Bring it on, peach fuzz!"
  • (defeated) "No way! I lost to such a scrawny guy like that...? Hmmmm, did I not groom my mustache well enough? I must hurry home and condition it...Farewell!"
  • (to Mario) "You there with a mustache! I am the king of cold, Chief Chilly. I lock up anyone who challenges the greatness of my mustache. I am the mustache master! In fact, I locked up a rude fellow just the other day. Hmph!! The nerve of him, coming to my realm looking like that. Your mustache is not altogether bad. Not as grand as mine, of course. But what insolence in trying to show me up! I shall shave that fuzz right off your face. Here I come!"
  • (defeated) "Dang!! There's someone with a greater mustache than mine? Ridiculous! Does that mean you're cooler than me too? You might be gifted follically, but you better watch out once I get my mustache styled."
  • (to Wario) "You there with a mustache! I am the king of cold, Chief Chilly. I imprison those who challenges the greatness of my mustache. In fact, I locked up a man up just the other...What's this? You look just like the impertinent mustached man I locked up the other day. Has everyone been taking mustache grower? There's only one way to settle this once and for all. We'll battle man-to-man to see who has the best mustache! Let's rumble!"
  • (defeated) "Oh noooooo! I lost! Augh! My mustache...My pride and joy, my reason for living! Now I suppose I'll have to explore new pursuits."


  • (before battle) " Who...break...seal? Wake...ancient...ones? We no like light...Rrrrummbbble...We no like...intruders! Now!"
  • (defeated) "Grrrrumbbble! What...happen? We...crushed like pebble. You so strong! You rule ancient pyramid! For today...Now, take Star of Power. We...sleep...darkness."

Glowing Rabbits

  • (caught by Yoshi) "Aaargh! Don't eat me! Don't eat me! I taste real bad! I bet my older brother tastes good! Eat him!"
  • (after being caught) "Uuuugh...I thought I was a goner for sure! And I ain't even got nothin' to give ya! I can't believe you caught me! I can't believe you caught me! I'm the second fastest of my eight brothers. I tell ya! But don't even get any ideas about catching all of us, OK, bub? It's impossible!"
  • (last rabbit, caught by Yoshi) "Waaaah! Wait, wait! I ain't no good for eatin'! It's true! I'm sure my younger brothers would taste better! It's true! If you're feelin' peckish, sink your molars into one o' them! Just lemme go! You will...right?"
  • (after being caught) "Yaaargh! You caught my brothers AND me?! That ain't right! That tongue of yours sure is something! You need to teach me that trick sometime! So anyway, I guess I owe you that key I've got. Here!"
  • (After being caught by Mario, Luigi or Wario) "Owowowowowow! Nought so rough, OK? I don't have anything! It's true! Awww...I just can't believe I got caught...I mean, I'm the second fastest of my eight brothers! And we're all fast! Don't think you're going to be able to catch us all, you hear?"
  • (Last rabbit, after being caught by Mario, Luigi or Wario) "Owowow! Watch it, buddy! I can't believe you caught my brothers AND me...I'm the fastest one in my family! You must be some big deal, huh? Fine, then. You can have this key I!"


  • (to Yoshi) "Bwa ha ha! I'm no ordinary Goomba...I am Goomboss, the great Goomba, the grand pooh-bah Goomba. That Mario always stomps on us. But now the tables have turned! I locked him up in a room. I bet he's crying like a baby. I have no business with you, so scram! There's no way a prehistoric wimp like you could beat my stupendous stomps!"
  • (defeated) "Beaten by a pip-squeak like you...How did that happen? Is it just the Goombas' fate to lose? I have Mario locked up in a room, you know. This key will open the door to his room! I still can't believe you beat me."
  • (to Mario) "You're Mario!!! What are you doing here?! My underlings locked you up in that room. Never mind. I'll deal with you myself! Now I will trample you as you have trampled us!"
  • (defeated) "Aaaaauuuuuuurrghhh! I am so angry I am cooking in my own succulent juices! The Goombas have lost...Again?! Is this our destiny?! To be trampled by oppressive feet for all eternity? No, we will definitely triumph next time! Yes, next time! The Goombas' fate is not defeat, but perseverance!"
  • (to Luigi) "Whaaa?! You're...Ma-Mari......Huh? Oooh, you're just that Luigi fellow. I confused you with Mario. Your mustaches look so similar. Pshaw! I'll deal with you specially. Now, bring it on!"
  • (defeated) "This is unbelievable. I...I lost to that pip-squeak Luigi! This must be some kind of mistake! I'll keep my guard up next time we battle. Just you wait..."
  • (to Wario) "I have my sights set on Mario. You're hardly even worth the energy it would take to trample you. But I do so love to stomp on those who have spent all eternity stomping my clan. And since you've come all this way...Bring it on!"
  • (defeated) "I can't believe you just beat me like that...N-not too shabby. I figured you were a fighter with that mean mustache. I'll battle you again when I have some free time. You should thank your lucky stars that I've got such a packed schedule."

Green Rabbits

  • "What?! Mangy moustache man caught me?! I really have to train harder. All right. You can have this key. Here, take it!"
  • "Good grief! This scrawny beanpole caught me yet again! I'm hoppin' mad! You know I gave you the key a while ago. Come on, let me go and leave me alone!"
  • "Oh, no. I can't believe I got caught again. And by such a nobody! This is really starting to damage my self-esteem."
  • "I can't believe it! Outrun by a human! This is the worst day of my life. Here, take the key."

King Bob-omb

  • (Signpost) "No visitors allowed by decree of the Big Bob-omb. I shall never surrender my stars. They hold the power of the castle in their glow. They were a gift from Bowser, the King Koopa himself. They lie well hidden in my realm. Not a whisper of their whereabouts shall leave my lips. Oh, all right, perhaps just a hint: heed the Star names at the beginning of the course." --The Big Bob-omb.
  • (Super Mario 64) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms the world over! How dare you scale my mountain? By what right do you set foot on my imperial mountaintop? You may have eluded my guards, but you'll never escape my grasp... and you'll never take away my Power Star. I hereby challenge you Mario! If you want the star I hold, you must prove yourself in battle. Can you pick me up and hurl me to this royal turf? I think that you cannot!"
  • (after being thrown out of bounds, both versions) "You must fight with honor! It's against the rules to throw the king out of the ring!"
  • (defeated) "Whaaa....Whaaat? Can it be that a pipsqueak like you has defused the Bob-omb King???? You might be fast enough to ground me, but you'll have to pick up the pace if you want to take King Bowser by the tail. Methinks my troops could learn a lesson from you! Here is your star, as I promised, Mario. If you want to see me again, just select this Star from the menu. For now, farewell."
  • (to Yoshi) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms the world over! Incredible! You've made it this far even without a mustache. I commend your courage. Be that as it may, I can't just give you my precious Power Star. You must defeat me in battle if you want it! You'll be quite helpless facing my Bob-omb minions. Now put your tongue back in your mouth. It's quite undignified. Let's battle!"
  • (defeated) "Ow! That hurts! How did I lose to a bald-faced fellow like you? Let's just keep this between you and me. I'll give you my precious Power Star in exchange. If you want to see me again, just select this Star from the menu."
  • (to Mario) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms worldwide! Look at my splendid mustache. It's fit for a king! Ho ho! Your mustache makes you look like the peasant you are. What a sad little thing. If you want the Power Star, you must defeat me in battle! Ha Ha Ha! But there's no way I'd ever lose to a puny mustache like that."
  • (defeated) "Ow! That hurts! Your throwing aim is still way off, but you're pretty strong. I've always wanted a servant like you..."
  • (to Luigi) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms worldwide! You've got some nerve making it this far. Despite your looks, you seem to be quite brave. I commend you. Nevertheless, the Power Star is a precious item from King Bowser. I will not give it to you. If you want it, you must defeat me."
  • (defeated) "Ooh! Ouch! You don't look like much, but you are pretty tough. Just wait until I restyle my mustache! I'll make you my servant. See you soon..."
  • (to Wario) "I'm the Big Bob-omb, baron of all blasting matter, king of ka-booms worldwide! What's this? You're not royalty...Yet your mustache is distinguished looking. How impertinent of you to flash that facial hair here! I will crush you and yank out that mustache of yours. Don't you run away!"
  • (defeated) "Ooh! Ouch! Could it be that, with a noble mustache like yours, you're stronger than me? I'll be back when my mustache grows sharper. Just you wait!"
  • (rematch in DS) "The king refuses to be dejected by a single defeat. I'm back with a new Star from Bowser! I've also restyled my mustache. I'm unstoppable! If you want the Power Star, you'll have to knock it out of me! But the only way to do that is to pick me up from behind and fling me down. And that will never happen! Bring it, shorty!"
  • (defeated) "Ow! That hurt! Your sneaking skills need help, but you're pretty strong. I've always wanted a servant like you. Here is your Star, as I promised. Take it. Farewell."

King Boo

  • (signpost) "Big Boo's Haunt. Eee hee hee...There are no exits. You may as well wander in here forever...Listen carefully. Can you hear me? If you find me, you're history. Eee hee hee...
  • (to Mario before getting Luigi's key) "Eee hee hee! I am Big Boo, the spookiest of all the spirits! I locked up the whimpy green moustache man. And I'll do the same to you! Eee hee hee! Since I'm a ghost, I can turn invisible in the mirror's reflection. You'll have to attack me from behind to defeat me. But you'll die of fright before that ever happens! And then you'll be one of us!
  • (to Mario after getting Luigi's key) "Eee hee hee... I am Big Boo, the spookiest of all the spirits. I love scaring wimpy humans. Eee hee hee... You'll never sneak behind me!"
  • (defeated) "Eee hee hee! You can never really kill a ghost! We always come back! See you again. Eee hee hee!"
  • (to Luigi) "Eee hee hee! I am Big Boo, the ghastliest of all ghosts! What the...? I thought I locked you up...Well, never mind. Now I'll really creep you out! You can't escape...Eee hee hee!"
  • (defeated) "Eee hee hee! We ghosts always rise from the dead. I just love the look of terror on your face! In fact, I live for it! Eee hee hee! See you soon!"
  • (to Wario) "Eee hee hee! I am Big Boo, the scariest of the spirits. Eek! What's this?! Your face... It would even scare a ghost. How horrible! You've got it backwards... I do the scaring around here! All right, now I'll put some real fear in that frightening face of yours! Eee hee hee!"
  • (defeated) "Augh! The scariest one wins, and your face is flesh-creepingly frightening. Good thing I don't have any flesh! Eee hee hee! This is not the end. See you again."

Koopa the Quick

  • (Super Mario 64)"Hey, Mario! Is it true that you beat the Big Bob-omb? Cool! You must be strong, and pretty fast. So, how fast are you, anyway? Fast enough to beat me...Koopa the Quick? I don't think so. Just try me. How about a race to the mountaintop, where the Big Bob-omb was? Whaddya say? When I say "Go," let the race begin! Ready...." (the character gets the choice to say "Go!" or "Don't go")
  • (to Yoshi, Luigi, or Wario) "Howdy! Do you know where Mario is? I've been looking but he's nowhere to be found. You don't look like you're busy. If you don't mind, would you bring Mario here? Thanks."
  • (to Mario) "Well, if it isn't Mario! Long time no see. You've put on a few pounds since I last saw you. Too much pasta and lounging, huh? You should really get some exercise. Hey, how about a race to the mountaintop where the Big Bob-omb was? Done! When I say "Go," let the race begin! Ready..." (the character gets the choice to say "Go!" or "Don't go")
  • (defeated) "Huff...fff...puff... Whoa!! A human N64: blur! DS: rocket! Here you go. You won it, fair and square!"
  • (after Mario loses) "I win! You lose! Ha ha ha! That's what you get for messin' with Koopa the Quick! Better luck next time!"
  • (after winning/losing to Yoshi, Luigi, or Wario) "Huh? Where is Mario? ... Aha. He must have wimped out knowing my speed. Looks like Super Mario isn't so super after all!"
  • (to Mario after the race) "It's been a while since I had a race like this. I got a great workout. If you want to race me again, come back later. All you have to do is press START Button to pause and then select Exit Course."
  • (to Yoshi, Luigi, or Wario after the race) "That was such a good race. I think I'll do it again. You don't look busy. If you don't mind, could you give a message to Mario? If he wants to race me again, tell him to come back another time. All he has to do is press Start to pause and Exit Course."
  • (rematch with Mario) "Long time no see! Wow, have you gotten fast! Have you been training on the sly, or is it the power of the Stars? I've been feeling down about losing the last race. This is my home course--how about a rematch? The goal is in Windswept Valley. Ready..." (followed again by "Go!" or "Don't go")
  • (defeated, N64) "No way! You beat me...again!! And I just spent my entire savings on these new Koopa Mach 1 Sprint Shoes! Here, I guess I have to hand over this Star to the winner of the race. Congrats, Mario!
  • (defeated, DS) "I can't believe you beat me again! And I just spent all my cash on these new Supa Koopa Sprint sneakers. I guess I have to hand over this Star to the winner of the race.
  • (If Mario uses a cannon, American English version) "Hey!!! Don't try to scam ME. You've gotta run the whole course. Later. Look me up when you want to race for real."
  • (If Mario uses a cannon, British English version) "Hey!!! Don't try to cheat! You've gotta run the whole course. Later. Look me up when you want to race for real."


  • (to Mario at the castle doors) "Good afternoon. The Lakitu Bros., here reporting live from just outside the Princess's castle. Mario has just arrived on the scene, and we'll be filming the action live as he enters the castle and pursues the missing Power Stars. As seasoned cameramen, we'll be shooting from the recommended angle, but you can change the angle by pressing the Up C Button Right C Button Down C Button Left C Button Buttons. If we can't adjust any further, we'll buzz. To take a look at the surroundings, stop and press Up C Button. Press A Button to resume play. Switch camera modes with the R Button. Signs along the way will review these instructions. For now, reporting live, this has been the Lakitu Bros."
  • (to Yoshi) "Yoshi...Yoshi... (pops Yoshi's bubble, waking him up) Listen...Mario hasn't returned yet..."
  • (to Yoshi at the castle doors) "Uh-oh. Looks like the doors are locked, huh? Hmmm, I just saw a rabbit taking off with a key in his mouth. Why don't you look for him on the Touch Screen map, Yoshi?"
  • (Entering Whomp's Fortress for the first time, N64) "Hello! The Lakitu Bros., with a live update on Mario's progress. He's about to learn a technique for sneaking up on enemies. The trick is this: He has to walk very slowly in order to walk quietly. And wrapping up filming techniques reported on earlier, you can take a look around by using Right C Button and Left C Button. Press Down C Button to view the action from a distance. When you can't move the camera any farther, the buzzer will sound. This is the Lakitu Bros., signing off."
  • (entering Whomp's Fortress for the first time, DS) "Hello! The Lakitu Bros. here, with a news update. Our hero is about to learn a technique for sneaking up on enemies. According to eyewitnesses, the trick to sneaking is walking slowly. And, as reported earlier, our hero can use the Touch Screen to walk slowly and run swiftly!"


Some quotes are used again in Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, they are used for both playable characters, Mario again and Dr. Mario.

  • (Super Mario 64 title screen intro) "It's-a me, Mario!"
  • (On the title screen in Super Mario 64) "Hello!"
  • (After a short demo on the title screen in Super Mario 64) "Press START Button, to play."
  • (After selecting a file in Super Mario 64) "Okey dokey!"
  • (Before falling asleep when the player doesn't use the controller for a long time in Super Mario 64) "I'm-a tired..." (Yawns and falls asleep)
  • (dreaming about pasta while sleeping in Super Mario 64) {snores} "Nighty-nighty..." {snores} "Ah spaghetti..." {snores} "Ah ravioli..." {snores} "Ah mama mia..."
  • (Upon entering a level) "Let's-a go!"
  • (Upon losing a life) "Mama mia!"
  • (After getting a Game Over in the international and Shindō Pak Taiō Version releases) "Game Over!"
  • (After throwing Bowser with full power out of bounds in Super Mario 64) "Here we go!" (original) / "So long kinga Bowser!" (international) / "Buh-bye!" (Shindō Pak Taiō Version/DS/Super Mario 3D All-Stars)
  • (After grabbing a star and after Peach thanks him) "Here we go!"
  • (When the Nintendo DS is closed in Super Mario 64 DS) "Buh-bye!"
  • (After the credits in Super Mario 64) "Thank you so much for to playing my game!"


  • (caught for the first time) "Yeeoww! Unhand me, brute! I'm late, so late, I must make haste! This shiny thing? Mine! It's mine. Finders, keepers, losers... Late, late, late... Ouch! Take it then! A gift from Bowser, it was. Now let me be! I have a date! I cannot be late for tea!"
  • (caught for the second time) "No, no, no! Not you again! I'm in a great hurry, can't you see? I've no time to squabble over Stars. Here, have it. I never meant to hide it from you...It's just that I'm in such a rush. That's it, that's all. I must be off. Owww! Let me go!"


  • (at the beginning of the Nintendo 64 edition of the game) "Ciao! You've reached Princess Toadstool's castle via a warp pipe. Using the controller is a piece of cake. Press A to jump and B to attack. Press B to read the signs, too. Use the Control Stick in the center of the controller to move Mario around. Now, head for the castle."
  • (after Yoshi disguises as Mario for the first time) "While searching for the Power Stars, you found a red cap. Put it on and, voila! You suddenly look just like Mario! While playing as Mario in Standard Mode, you can punch, grab, and throw objects and enemies by pressing A. You can also perform the famous wall kick! Just press A to jump against a wall, then press A again to jump high. Princess Peach is counting on you. Don't give up!"
  • (after unlocking Mario in the DS version of the game) "You've rescued Mario! Now he can smash Bowser in style. Red caps are everywhere. Grab one to turn into Mario. Thwart Bowser's sinister plans with super moves!"
  • (Signpost at the start of the game) "Princess Toadstool's castle is just ahead. Press A to jump, Z to crouch, and B to punch, read a sign, or grab something. Press B again to throw something you're holding."
  • (Entering Bob-omb Battlefield for the first time in the Nintendo 64 version of the game, American English) "Wow! You're smack in the middle of Battlefield. You'll find the Power Stars that Bowser stole inside the painting worlds. First, talk to the Bob-Omb Buddy (Press B to talk) He'll certainly help you out, and so will his comrades in other areas. To read signs, face them and press B. Press A or B to scroll ahead. You can talk to some other characters by facing them and pressing B."
  • (Entering Bob-omb Battlefield for the first time in the Nintendo 64 version of the game, British English) "Wow! You're smack in the middle of Battlefield. You'll find the Power Stars that Bowser stole inside the painting worlds. First, talk to the Bob-Omb Buddy (Press B to talk) He'll certainly help you out, and so will his friends in other areas. To read signs, face them and press B. Press A or B to scroll ahead. You can talk to some other characters by facing them and pressing B."
  • (after unlocking Wario in the DS version of the game) "You've rescued Wario! Now he can smash up bad guys in style. Select Wario when you enter a course and set off on an adventure. You finally have all four heroes assembled! Now only Princess Toadstool remains!"
  • (getting hidden Star) "Wow! Another Power Star! You're getting stronger from the power of the castle."
  • (getting 100-coin Star) "You've collected 100 coins! You gain more power from the castle."
  • (after unlocking Luigi in the DS version of the game) "You've rescued Luigi! Now he can pummel the enemies with panache! You'll see green caps everywhere. If you grab one in the course, you can turn Luigi on the spot. As Luigi, you can run over water and slip through wire fences with agility."

Orange Rabbits

  • "You caught up to me with those stubby legs!? No fair! Fine. Take my key. Here."
  • "Not bad, "boss." How do you run so fast with those stubby legs? Guess you can't judge a book by its cover, huh."
  • "How do you run with stubby legs?! Do I have to call you boss from now on? If you put me down, I'll give you this key. Here!"
  • "You caught me again. Yeah, yeah, we all know you're the best. But your legs are still stubby, so there."

Princess Peach

  • (at the beginning of the game) "Dear Mario: Please come to the castle. I've baked a cake for you. Yours truly-- Princess Toadstool. Peach."
  • (1st Star Door without Mario) "Mario, over here... Help..."
  • (signpost outside The Princess's Secret Slide) "My castle is in great peril!! I know it's because of Bowser again. Will he never tire of terrorizing us? He stole the castle's Power Stars and disappeared into the walls along with us! Retrieve all of the Power Stars from the walls and the paintings in the castle. Here is a hint: there are secret paths in this room, and one of them leads to a Secret Star! Find the Secret Star! It will help you on your quest."
  • (signpost at the end of Bowser in the Dark World) "Watch out for Bowser's flames! To beat him, get behind him and grab his tail by pressing A Button (B Button)! Spin him around with the +Control Pad (Control Stick) before you to send him flying. The faster you spin him, the farther he'll go! Take a good look around with the arrows on the Touch Screen (Up C Button). Find the spiked orbs in the corners. To defeat Bowser, throw him into one. Aim carefully and press A Button (B Button) to fling him far, far away."
  • (after being rescued in Super Mario 64) "Mario! The power of the Stars is restored to the castle...and it's all thanks to you! Thank you, Mario! We have to do something special for you... (kisses Mario) Listen, everybody, let's bake a delicious cake...for Mario... (after everyone except Mario leaves) Mario!"
  • (after being rescued in Super Mario 64 DS) "Oh! Yoshi! The power of the Stars is restored to the castle... and it's all thanks to you! Thank you all! We have to do something special for you... (kisses Mario) Listen... Let's bake a delicious cake... for my heroes... (after everyone except Yoshi leaves) Yoshi!"

Pink Rabbits

  • "Are you by any chance the famous Super Mario? The one who stomps anything in his path? Eek! Please don't stomp on me! If you don't, I'll give you the key. Here!"
  • "You caught me yet again! You're really amazing. I guess that's why they call you Super Mario. But I believe I already gave you the key."
  • "Ouch! There's no need for violence, you big brute! It's my key. I don't see YOUR name one it. But I'll let you have it if you put me down. Here!"
  • "Owww! Put me down, you horrible rabbit grabber! I already gave you the key I sto- I mean found!"

Rabbits After Getting Caught

  • "Please leave me alone. I promise I won't play a prank on you. At least, I won't for a while. My buddies are pros at hiding. You'll have a hard time finding us by yourself. Let someone else look for a change."
  • "C'mon, help a bunny out. I promise not to play another prank on you. For now."


Super Mario 64

  • (Main entrance) "Am I glad to see you! The Princess...and I...and, well, everybody...we're all trapped inside the castle walls. Bowser has stolen the castle's Stars, and he's using their power to create his own world in the paintings and walls. Please recover the Power Stars! As you find them, you can use their power to open the doors that Bowser has sealed. There are four rooms on the first floor. Start in the one with the painting of Bob-omb inside. It's the only room that Bowser hasn't sealed. When you collect eight Power Stars, you'll be able to open the door with the big star. The Princess must be inside!"
  • (Near Course 2) "It was Bowser who stole the Stars. I saw him with my own eyes! He’s hidden six Stars in each course, but you won’t find all of them in some course until you press the Cap Switches. The stars you’ve found will show on each course’s starting screen. If you want to see some of the enemies you’ve already defeated, select the stars you recovered from them."
  • (Near course 3) "The names of the Stars are also hints for finding them. They are displayed at the beginning of each course. You can collect the stars in any order. You won’t find some Stars, enemies or items unless you select a specific Star. After you collect some Stars, you can try another course. We’re all waiting for your help!"
  • (Near course 6 before star is collected) "Hold on to your hat! If you lose it, you’ll be injured easily. If you do lose your cap, you’ll have to find it in the course where you lost it. Oh boy, it’s not looking good for Peach. She’s still trapped somewhere in the walls. Please Mario, you have to help her! Did you know that there are enemy worlds inside the walls? Yup. It’s true. Bowser’s troops are there, too. Oh, here, take this. I’ve been keeping it for you."
  • (Near course 6 after star is collected) "Hold on to your hat! If you lose it, you’ll be easily injured. If you lose it, look for the course where you lost it. Speaking of lost, Princess Peach is still stuck in the walls somewhere. Please help, Mario! Oh, you know there are secret worlds in the walls as well as in the paintings, right?"
  • (Near courses 7 & 8) "Wow! You already recovered that many Stars? Way to go, Mario! I’ll bet you’ll have us out of here in no time! Be careful, though. Bowser and his band wrote the book on “bad.” Take my advice: When you need to recover from injuries, collect coins. Yellow Coins refill one piece of the Power Meter, Red Coins refill two pieces, and Blue Coins refill five. To make Blue Coins appear, pound on Blue Coin Blocks. Also, if you fall from high places, you’ll minimize damage if you Pound the Ground as you land."
  • (Near entrance to Course 10) "Thanks, Mario! The castle is recovering its energy as you retrieve Power Stars, and you’ve chased Bowser right out of here, on to some area ahead. Oh, by the by, are you collecting coins? Stars appear when you collect 100 coins in each of the 15 courses!"
  • (Near Course 12) "Thanks to the power of the Stars, life is returning to the castle. Please, Mario, you have to give Bowser the boot! Here, let me tell you a little something about the castle. In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that’s not reflected in the mirror. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."
  • (Near Courses 14 & 15 before star is collected) "There’s something strange about that clock. As you jump inside, watch the position of the big hand. Oh, look what I found! Here, Mario, catch!"
  • (Near Courses 14 & 15 after star is collected) "The world inside the clock is so strange! When you jump inside, watch the position of the big hand!"

Super Mario 64 DS

Main entrance

  • (to Yoshi) "Thank heavens you came too, Yoshi! Bowser has locked Princess Toadstool and all of us inside the walls. He stole our Power Stars, and is using their magic to create an evil land of monsters in the castle walls and paintings. Mario and his buddies went to retrieve the Stars, but they haven't come back. Last time I saw them, they were heading to the room with the painting of the Bob-ombs. Where are they?! Are they taking a nap somewhere? Now it's up to you, Yoshi, to find them and retrieve the Stars! We all are depending on you!"
  • (to Mario) "Mario! Am I glad to see you! I hadn't seen you in so long, that I was getting worried! Looks like you met up with Yoshi all right, huh? You better get back to finding the Power Stars. Princess Toadstool is depending on you! You are our only hope."
  • (with Mario's cap) "Mario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. You look really good in it, so here you go!"
  • (to Luigi) "Huh? Who are you? Oh, yes...Luigi, right? You're always in Mario's shadow, so I didn't recognize you at first. Princess Toadstool is still trapped inside the walls. Won't you please retrieve the Power Stars, Luigi? But don't get in Mario's way or anything."
  • (with Luigi's cap) "Luigi, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. You must have dropped it. If you want to become a full-fledged hero like your brother, you can't be so careless!"
  • (to Wario) "Eek! Oh, i-it's you, Wario. You're looking as bad as ever. S-sorry! Sorry! Don't give me that dirty look. A-actually, now that I look closer, you look horrible. Erm, horribly healthy that is. I'm not just saying that. Have you been working out? Princess Toadstool is still trapped in the walls. We're all counting on your muscle to defeat Bowser and get the Power Stars. Wait a minute. You wouldn't sneak one out of the castle, right? Eek! J-just kidding!"
  • (with Wario's cap) "Wario, I found this cap in front of the castle a little while ago. I knew it was yours because of its distinctive...erm...aroma. Actually, it reeked pret-ty bad. I can't believe I touched it. You really should wash that thing more often. Anyways, here you go."

Near Course 1

  • (to Yoshi) "Yoshi! Mario and the others just jumped into that picture. But...they haven't come back out, despite the castle's plight. Despite all that, it's really rude to act like a maniac. Use the Touch Screen to run and walk on even narrow ledges."
  • (to Mario) "Mario, Yoshi jumped in that picture chasing you. Did he find you? The mountain in that picture looks like a great place to relax. I bet it's a peaceful land, with no strife."
  • (to Luigi) "Luigi, I heard that you can run on water for brief periods. That's just incredible! I have a new respect for you, seriously. Oh! I know! Can you show me a backward somersault? Spin, spin, SUPERSPIN!"
  • (to Wario) "Wario, it's impolite to shuffle noisily around the castle, you know. No matter how tough you's...umm...prohibited."

Near Course 2

  • (to Yoshi) "Bowser took all the Stars I tried to hide here. There are 7 in each course. You'll need your buddies to get some of them. Teamwork goes a long way when you're going up against Bowser."
  • (to Mario) "Mario, why don't you triple jump into the painting? It's such a stylish move! I'll watch it from here."
  • (to Luigi) "What?! You're Luigi? The world's most inept and least charismatic brother? Wow! Can you introduce me to Mario? Huh? Did we meet the other day? I totally forgot. You're not very memorable. I guess your brother got all the charisma in the family, huh!"
  • (to Wario) "Your reputation's bad, Wario, but only because your mustache is mean looking. If you ask me, it's a good look. It'll scare the enemies into forking over the stolen Power Stars!"

Near Course 3

  • (to Yoshi) "The Star you chose at the beginning of the course appears on the map below. The name of the Star is also a clue. You can also collect Stars that don't appear on the map. Get the Stars in any order you like. Keep in mind though...Some Stars only appear when you choose specific missions, enemies, and items. Once you've retrieved some Stars, move on to the door to the next course. Everyone's waiting for you to save us!"
  • (to Mario) "Being imprisoned in these walls can drive a fungus crazy. When I really start to freak out, I think to myself, "Well, I'm going to be here for a while, so I might as well stare at the fish. They are oddly hypnotic." Then I actually start to like being captured............Aaaguugh! IT'S MADNESS! I've got to snap out of this! You have to free us before we're all completely brainwashed! ...But for now, why don't you gaze at the fish with me. You look tense. Come relax."
  • (to Luigi) "Sometimes when I'm staring at the fish, I think I wouldn't mind staying here forever. It helps me forget about my horrible fate. Would you like to join me and watch together? It'll soothe you."
  • (to Wario) "Wario?! Eek! There are no valuables in here, so please don't hurt me. I'm serious! Why don't you just sit down and stare at the fish with me?"

Near Course 6

  • (to Yoshi) "That dinosaur-skin look is so aeons ago. You know, even a cap would really spice up your look. Come back when you get one, because I have advice for the fashionably dressed."
  • (to Mario) "Even if all the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Your luck will run out if you lose it. When you lose your cap, hitting a ? Block is very unlucky. But don't worry. You can find your cap in the course where you lost it. It should appear on the map below."
  • (to Luigi) "Luigi, even if all the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Don't lose it or your luck will run out. If you lose your cap, hitting a ? Block will spell disaster! But don't worry too much. If you lose your cap, you'll find it in the course where you lost it--just look at the map below."
  • (to Wario) "Wario, just because the caps look the same, the one you've been wearing for years is special. Your luck will turn bad without it. Don't count on your devilishly good luck to bail you out of this one, Wario. Without your cap, you'll only get trouble from the ? Block. You can find your lost cap in the course where you lost it. It should appear on the map below."

Near courses 7 & 8

  • (to Yoshi) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go, Yoshi! I knew I could count on you. You'll have us out of here in no time! Be careful, though. Bowser and his band are getting desperate. Here's a tip to help you out: When you fall from a high place, you can avoid getting hurt if you pound the ground before you land."
  • (to Mario) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go! You'll have us out of here in no time! Be careful, though. Bowser and his band wrote the book on bad. Take my advice: When you fall from a high place, it'll hurt less if you ground-pound near the ground. If you go back to your room, you can switch places with Yoshi. Everyone deserves a chance to shine."
  • (to Luigi) "Wow! You've recovered that many Stars? Way to go, Mario! ...What? You're Luigi? I don't believe it. Luigi couldn't have pulled off such an impressive feat! Stop trying to fool me, Mario! You might be wearing green clothes...But don't think I can't tell you two apart. Fine. If you're really Luigi, you'll be able to spin in the air after a backward somersault. You'll also have the amazing agility and be able to run on water for a second. You'll also be able to scuttle in Standard Mode by holding B. When I see you do all that, maybe then I'll believe you're Luigi!"
  • (to Wario) "I can tell that you are obsessed with money. But since coins help you recover from injuries, we should all be so greedy. I hear red coins refill 2 pieces of the Power Meter and blue coins refill 5. That's incredible!"

Near Entrance to Course 10

  • (to Yoshi) "Thank you, Yoshi! The Power Stars are returning one by one. You've chased Bowser right out of here! Oh, by the way, are you collecting coins? Special Stars appear when you collect 100 coins in each of the 15 courses!"
  • (to Mario) "Thanks! The castle is recovering its energy as you retrieve Power Stars. You've chased Bowser right out of here, on some area ahead. Oh, by the way, are you collecting coins? Special Stars appear when you collect 100 coins in each of the 15 courses!"
  • (to Luigi) "Hey, Luigi! I'm your biggest fan! You're the best "supporting actor" the world's ever seen! The work you've done guarding Mario is great! I think if you were a bit more assertive, you could definitely move into a leading role! By the way, are you collecting coins? Special Stars appear when you collect 100 coins in each of the 15 courses!"
  • (to Wario) "Thank you, Wario! The Power Stars are returning one by one. I feel terrible that I misjudged you. I assumed you came to the castle to steal treasures... It's just that you have such a nasty-looking face, so I thought... Oh, no, that's not what I meant to say! Your face is very tough looking, very rugged. Perfect for scaring enemies. Ahem. Oh, yes. You like coins, right? Special Stars appear when you collect 100 coins in each of the 15 courses!"

Near Course 12

  • (to Yoshi) "Wow! Look at all those Power Stars! Please, give Bowser the boot! Here, let me give you hints about the castle. In then room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."
  • (to Mario) "Thanks to the power of the Stars, life is returning to the castle. Please, you have to give Bowser the boot! Here, let me give you a hint about the castle. In then room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."
  • (to Luigi) "You're really whaling on Bowser, Luigi! We'll have to call you the Luigi Brothers soon! I'll tell you a secret that will help you out. In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."
  • (to Wario) "I guess I was wrong about you, Wario! You can't be all bad if you've retrieved this many Power Stars. I'll trust you with some castle secrets: In the room with the mirrors, look carefully for anything that's not reflected in the mirror, and an ally with info. And when you go to the water town, you can flood it with a high jump into the painting."

Near Courses 14 & 15

  • (to Yoshi) "You've got Bowser cornered, Yoshi! If you hadn't been around, it would've been disastrous! Also, there's something strange about that clock. As you jump inside, watch the position of the big hand."
  • (to Mario) "You've made it this far, Mario. Bowser is waiting on the top floor. You must go rescue the princess. I'll stay here and, um, keep a look out. But before you go, keep in mind that the world inside that clock is weird! When you jump inside, watch the position of the big hand!"
  • (to Luigi) "You've made it this far, Luigi! I guess Mario's not the only one who's super. But remember this before you go! The world inside that clock is weird! When you jump inside, watch the position of the big hand!"
  • (to Wario) "Wow! Look at all those Power Stars! Guess you're good at other things besides stealing money, huh. Oh yeah. Don't forget that the world inside that clock is very strange! When you jump inside, watch the position of the big hand!"

Rec Room

  • (Before keys are collected) "Oh, no! Oh, no! I lost the keys to Princess Toadstool's secret drawer! She's gonna chew me out big-time! Will you find the keys for me, [character's name]? This is just between you and me, but you can open the drawer when you have a key. The drawer leads to the Rec Room, where Princess Toadstool used to play as a child. When you've found a key, you can go inside and play more mini-games. Just select Rec Room from the Title Screen to play."
  • (After at least one key is collected) "Whew! That's a key to Princess Toadstool's secret drawer. You found it for me. Thank you! When you want to play mini-games, just select Rec Room from the title screen. You can also consult the drawer to see how many keys you have."
  • (After all keys have been collected ) "Awesome! All of the keys are back. Princess Toadstool won't get mad now. How could I ever thank you...? Please play the minigames in the drawer to your heart's content!"


  • (caught by Yoshi) "Uukee-kee! Don't eat me. I won't taste good, and I'll give you a terrible stomachache! Help me! Uukee-kee!"
  • (caught by Yoshi with cap on) "Uukee-kee! Don't eat me. I won't taste good, and I'll give you a terrible stomachache! I'll give you back the cap, okay? Uukee-kee!"
  • (stealing cap) "Ukkiki...wakkiki...kee kee! Ha! I snagged it! It's mine! Heeheeheeee!
  • (after being caught with cap on) "Ackk! Let...go... You' Grak...I've been framed! This cap? Oh, all right, take it. It's a cool cap, but I'll give it back."
  • (with cap on, N64) "I think it looks better on me than it does on you, though! Eeeee! Kee keeeee!"
  • (with cap on, DS) "Just remember that it looks better on me than you. Eeee! Kee keeeee!"
  • (monkey cage, after being caught by Yoshi) "Uukee-kee! No! Don't eat me! Uukee-kee! I was just monkeying around. Can't you take a joke? If you let me go, I'll give you something good. So, how about it?" (Player is then given the option to free him or hold on)
  • (monkey cage, after being caught by Mario, Luigi, or Wario) "Owwwuu! Let me go! Uukee-kee! I was only teasing! Can't you take a joke? I'll tell you what, Let's trade. If you let me go, I'll give you something really good. So, how about it?" (Player then is given the option to either free him or hold on)
  • (ready to break the cage) "Eeeh hee hee hee!"

Whomp King

  • (before battle) "It makes me so mad! We build your houses, your castles. We pave your roads, and you still walk all over us. Do you ever say thank you? No! Well, you're not going to wipe your feet on me! I think I'll crush you just for fun! Do you have a problem with that? Just try to pound me, wimp! Ha!"
  • (defeated) "No! Crushed again! I'm just a stepping stone, after all. I won't gravel, er, grovel. Here, you win. Take this with you!"


  • (before battle) "Waaaa! You've flooded my house! Wh-why??? Look at this mess! What am I going to do now? The ceiling's ruined, the floor is soaked...What to do, what to do? makes me so...MAD!!! Everything's been going wrong ever since I got this Star...It's so shiny, but it makes me feel...strange..."
  • (1st hit) "I can't take this anymore! First you get me all wet, then you stomp on me! Now I'm really, really, REALLY mad! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"
  • (2nd hit) "Hey! Knock it off! That's the second time you've nailed me. Now you're really asking for it, linguine breath!"
  • (defeated) "Owwch! Uncle! Uncle! Okay, I give up! Take this Star! Whew! I feel better now. I don't really need it anymore, anyway--I can see the stars through my ceiling at night. They make me feel...peaceful. Please, come back and visit anytime."

Yellow Rabbits

  • "Aeeergh! Oh no, please don't eat me. It's a fact that Goombas taste much better. I'll give you something nice in return if you let me go. You'd take that, right?"
  • "Ayieeeeeeeeeeee! I almost had a heart attack! Here, take the key and go. I'm just going to sit here until my heart stops racing."
  • "Noooo! Don't eat me! I'm really tough from all the running I do. Seriously. I'd taste horrible. Let me go and I'll give you this."
  • "Alyeeeee! I thought I was going to die! My entire life flashed before my eyes. Here, take the key and leave me alone!"
  • "What part of "I'm not your lunch" do you not understand? I already gave you the key! Put me down!"
  • "I'm not chow. How many many times do I have to tell you that? I know I'm irresistibly cute, but try to restrain yourself!"
  • "I already gave you the key a little while ago. Get it straight! I'm not your food!"
  • "You liar! You promised not to eat me! Are you really that hungry?"

Yellow Rabbit with key

  • (caught by Yoshi) "Aaaaargh! No, don't eat me! All I did was tease you a little. C'mon, let me go. (spat out) Aiyeeee! I thought it was the end for little old me...My entire life flashed before my eyes! Talk about scary! Anyway, here, take the key. It's just slowing me down."
  • (to Yoshi) "Give me a break. I already gave you the key."


  • Since Luigi is the only character able to enter Chief Chilly Challenge, and there is no "Yoshi cap" of any kind, it is normally impossible to read Chief Chilly's quotes to Yoshi. The only way to see these messages is through hacking or via the glitch that allows the player to enter the mirror as anyone.
  • In European and American versions of the game, King Boo has an empty text box when spoken to as Yoshi. This happens possibly because Yoshi cannot access the Big Boo Battle or even Big Boo's haunt, since he cannot defeat Boos, and the empty text box was placed to prevent a game crash should Yoshi enter the mansion by way of hacking.