List of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team quotes: Difference between revisions

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*''"Oh, [[Prince Dreambert|DUDE]]! What is UP! It's been forever!"''
*''"Oh, [[Prince Dreambert|DUDE]]! What is UP! It's been forever!"''
*''"Dreambert! My man!"''
*''"Dreambert! My man!"''
*''"I LOVE COINS!"''
[[Category:Quotes|Mario & Luigi: Dream Team]]
[[Category:Quotes|Mario & Luigi: Dream Team]]
[[Category:Mario & Luigi: Dream Team|*]]
[[Category:Mario & Luigi: Dream Team|*]]

Revision as of 09:22, October 2, 2014

This article is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible.

This is a list of quotes from the game Mario & Luigi: Dream Team.


  • "Vee go now! SCREEECH! Back to the real vorld!"
  • "SCREEEK! I vanted to steal Peach's power...But I changed my mind! You are much stronger...and evil! SCREEEONK! Vork vith me! SCREEEP!"
  • "SCREAAARK! Silence!"
  • "I can give you power beyond your vildest dreams!"
  • "Vaste them!"
  • "I vish... TO CONQUER THE VORLD!"
  • "SCREEEEMBERT! You! Meddling vith me again...
  • "Vee haff no time to play vith these creatures..."
  • "Vee must collect energy for the Dream Stone..."
  • "All...things...MUST SLEEP!"
  • "Kamek... This vay..."
  • "This time, Bowser... I vant YOU to sleep..."
  • "Your ambition... Your power lust... This is bottomless und pure..."
  • "The energy from your dreams vill be raw und powerful..."
  • "SCREENK! Always, these pests vex us..."
  • "SCREEP! Impressive, to haff come so far..."
  • "SCREEK! I haff heard those vords before, a long time ago... But this time vill be different... I haff Bowser on my si-"
  • "Vut?! Ouch!"
  • "SCREEK! Vut do you mean by this?!"
  • "Vut in the...No! How could you?!"
  • "SCREEP! Save your pity. Save it for Bowser! But before I take him... Dreambert...I vill... TAKE YOU!
  • "SCREEYEE! I can open dream portals venever I vish now... For that is vut I vished from the Dream Stone... In the dream vorld, I vill be at full strength...I haff changed, Dreambert. You haff been varned..."


  • "It makes me want to...nap on you!"
  • I feel an epic nap coming on."

Beef Cloud

  • "Mmnam num... Zzz... Zrrbb...
  • "Here I go... Snrrgh...
  • "Mmnn... Snrrk...
  • "Mmnum snorrk...
  • "Sleep makes me... feel better!"
  • "Before I recover... you've gotta attack..."
  • "You will never, ever... be able to defeat..."
  • "Plenty of HP left over here!"
  • "Can't sleep..."

Big Massif

  • "Bffffff... Snnnrk!"
  • "UH! UH! UH!"
  • "Uh uh uh uh uh! Is... too funny!"
  • "Da! Is me! Is Big Massif! Whole time is big disguise! Is perfect fake accent!"
  • "Is full-contact battle! Is tenderising time! LET'S BEEF!"
  • "You are tender cutlets. But climbing make strong!"
  • "Come!"
  • "Gate is famous spot on mountain. Is Mighty Gate! You are big muscles if you can open!"
  • "We go!"
  • "Gate is open, da, so we extend tour!"


  • "Give it to me straight. Princess Peach is gone? Hello? That is MY thing! Only I get to kidnap her! TREASON!"
  • "BAH! I hate beaches as much as I hate your voice!"
  • "But I don't have time to deal with you now. See, kidnapping Princess Peach is my calling in life! I don't care what you did; I'll find her and nab her!"
  • "What's this stupid warpy thing?"
  • "WHIFF! That warpy thing smells like her perfume! Oh, yeah, she's in there. I'm sure of it!"
  • "You think I'll let Mario find her before me?!"
  • "So what's the deal here? You Peach's kidnapper? You're just a little baby bat! I could wear you as brooch or something."
  • "Good plan, toots. Time to fight, Mario. It's MY turn to kidnap her. It's Kidnapping Peach II: The Bowsering. Prepare to lose!"
  • "Blech! Say it, don't spray it, dingbat! I don't "vork" with anyone!"
  • "Huh?! What are you sayin', batface?!"
  • "If I say yes, will you quit screeching like that? You sound like a beached Blooper!"
  • "Bad news, Super Loser Bros.! Big bad Bowser is about to be even big-badder!"
  • "Buddy, what happened to you? Is this what you normally look like?"
  • "Not bad! You look pretty evil!"
  • "Solid! Let's do it! But, where to begin? THINK, MINIONS!"
  • "You fools! Be more smart!"
  • "Yes, I like it. You don't have to screech at me. Anyway, It's PERFECT for world conquering! And I will name it Neo Bowser Castle!"
  • "YES! AWESOME! This thing is NASTY! With this castle, we can do whatever we want!"
  • "Hmpf! Mario and his buddies... All up in my castle. Guy is probably patting himself on the back for knocking my pad down! What a JERK."
  • "Whatever. Forget about them! Let's conquer the world already!"
  • "Right, right. Dream energy, gotcha. Wanna conk out some minions?"
  • "Yeah... You've got a point. I am pretty incredible."
  • "Let's do it! I'll throw a massive sleep-down right now!"
  • "And when I wake up, Mario will be gone and I'll conquer the world! YEAH!"
  • "Even here? In my DREAMS? Typical. You are the worst."
  • "You wanna know what’s in this head, pal? FEAR!"
  • "Ha! Man, being in my dream just plain rules!"
  • "Hey! You! Minions! Make with the meat! I've gotta power up to smash this guy!"
  • "Time to give up hope, Mario! In my dreams, I fear nothing! I can crush even you like a little red bug!"
  • "Transforming into a giant... I invented that, bud!"
  • "No way some green stache gets to bite MY style!"
  • "Ah, time for my dream to finally come true! SHOWTIME!"
  • "Wha--? Nowhere to go?"
  • "Cornered again!"
  • "Time to say night-night!"
  • "Mario! Green stache! How dare you invade my dreams?! That’s private Bowser time!"
  • "Hmph! Vex? Whatever. Time to finish these twerps!"
  • "Mario! Green stache! I'll be upstairs! Don't chicken out!"
  • "Hmph! I don't work well with others!"
  • "I mean you're an idiot! You thought you were using me? ME?! Buddy, I was playing you like a bat fiddle!"
  • "I'll tell you how. This castle? Peach? The Dream Stone? ALL MINE. You hear me? They belong to Bowser!"
  • "Why don't you guys have yourselves a pity party? Me, I'm done with you."
  • "Dream Stone! Let's get dreamy! Take me to the top!"
  • "Antasma? That flappy bat? Don't compare me to him!"
  • "GAAAH!! Can't this tub fly any faster!?"
  • "That Antasma guy just stunk it up!"
  • "And you minions---Well, actually, you minions didn't do so bad on your regular standerds."
  • "Hear this! I will kidnap Peach OVER and OVER again until I pull it off! Failure isn't an option! And neither is giving up!"
  • "I'll be back!"
  • "Mario! Green 'Sta- I mean, Luigi!


  • "Wow, Eldream! How cool...! Who's dat?"
  • "What's bumpin'...da rump?!"
  • "Dis music stinks! So why am I... so... sleepy..."


  • "Now beat it! I need to fire some slackers! GET BACK TO WORK, SLACK-A-BUMS!"
  • "♪Gonna buy me an island♪...♪Gonna buy me an island♪...♪Fill it with gold♪..."
  • "Uggggh...Why...Blinded by greed..."
  • "There ain't even treasure here..."
  • "I was a fool..."
  • "You guys...Thank you..."
  • "Take over...for me...Fire everyon-"
  • "I ain't dead! Get over here and pick me up!"


  • "BROOF!"

Dream Stone Soul

  • "zZzZz"
  • "So I'd be happy to...NOT TELL YOU!"
  • "Great...Uncle Mustache and El Beardo are back."
  • "Aww...Is da wittle piwwow mad? INSOLENCE! Adorable."
  • "You mad?"

Dr. Snoozemore

  • "Mm-yes, hello. Nice meeting you.
  • "I am the proprietor of Pi'illo Island! I am Dr Snoozemore anzzz..."
  • "zZz"
  • "Oops!"
  • "Please excuse me..."
  • "As you may of guessed, I am researching the science of sleep."
  • "Mm-yes, and on Pi'illo Island..."
  • "There's a special power that makes you sleep soundzzz..."
  • "zZz"

Heavy Zest

  • "Gonna be FUN!"
  • "Aw yeah! Battle time! B-B-B-BEEF-OFF!"
  • "Beef-Off! Beef-Off! BEEF-OFF! BEEF-OFF!"
  • "B! E! E! F! O! F! F! Now! Let's DO it!"
  • "KO by night, Hooraw's delight!"


  • "My my. Napping are we? How comfy!"
  • "Excuse me?! Ease up on the attitude, huh?"
  • "Are you implying we SHOULDN'T be here?!"
  • "Enough blabbering!"
  • "His Grouchiness approaches even as we speak."
  • "His horns gleam with fury! His spikes sparkle with malice!"
  • "Any second now! His Timeliness comes!"
  • "Actually... Yeah, you know, this frilly pink thing is pretty darn cute, I must say."
  • "I mean, those blue robes are so DRAB. Sometimes I open the closet and just gag."
  • "Ooh, a WARM welcome to Neo Bowser Castle!"
  • "Ka ha ha ha! So you came all the way here to be destroyed?!"
  • "I'll admit, knocking the castle from the sky was impressive...but that was just luck."
  • "And from now on, I think you'll find that things have turned most awfully bad!"
  • "Kee hee hee!"
  • "The paths between rooms... Oh, they're all messed-up!"
  • "You may wander in this room for the rest of your sad lives!"
  • "Keh!"
  • "I am your only key to moving on...and you'll never catch me!"
  • "And as you suffer, I trust you'll regret ever making Bowser mad!"
  • "Wh-what is this?"
  • "You dare attempt to take me down?!"
  • "I won't fall to you in here of all places!"
  • "Attack!"
  • "Kee-youch!"
  • "Well, no matter! I'll escape into another dream world!"
  • "I’ll get you next time!"
  • "Persistent, aren't we?"
  • "Well, time to lose you for good, then!"
  • "Oh, whoops! Messed will all the passages in the other rooms!"
  • "Sorry, there's no escape for you now! You'll be stuck here FOREVERRRR!"
  • "OK, I guess you wouldn't bite on that again!"
  • "Kyahahaha!"
  • "Next time won't be so easy!"
  • "Great. Just great. You borked my magic!"
  • "I didn't get to twist the doors as much as I would've liked..."
  • "But no matter. It's still complex enough to trap your small brains."
  • "This is the end for you! Wander here FOREVER!"
  • "OK, no more playing tag!"
  • "This ends here and now!"
  • "I'm serious this time! No holding back!"
  • "Bow...ser..."
  • "This cannot be...the end... Not for me..."
  • "I His Churlishness..."

Kylie Koopa

  • "YOIKS!"
  • "Didn't even notice customers! Kylie's losing a step!"
  • "All right!"
  • "What'll it be, fellas?"
  • "You wanna know why I'm here? Glad you asked, boys!"
  • "Name's Kylie Koopa!"
  • "Ace guidebook writer for the entire island!"
  • "Eh? You think we met somewhere before?"
  • "You're sure ol' Kylie was a reporter back then?"
  • "Fellas, I've had so many jobs, I can't even start!"
  • "Anyway, it ain't got nothing to do with the fix I'm in!"
  • "I'm busy as a beaver and ain't got time for yakking..."
  • "Well now... Say..."
  • "You whisker boys'd be ace assistants, huh!"
  • "You look like a coupla limp noodles, but I'm betting you got some guts!"
  • "Lookit them stong gams! Nice getaway sticks!"
  • "Give it to me straight, fellas! Help a dame write guidebooks?"
  • "Hey, and, fellas, of course I ain't asking you to work for free!"
  • "It'll be my dime! You're game, you come gab with Kylie again!"
  • "If you ain't got time to help... You boys come on back later!"
  • "Sorry, but I'm busy as a hive of bees and can't slow down!"


  • "The fresh sweet taste and lovely scent of the water courses through Mario's and Luigi's bodies, plunging them into a deep sleep."
  • "In time, a pleasant smell wafts into their noses and pulls them from their deep slumber."
  • "Lured by the wonderful scent, Mario and Luigi press forward. Their bodies feel oddly light. Their legs flex into the earth. Their moustasches flutter like gossamer in the mountain breeze. The smell grows stronger. They travel for great leagues... Or do they barely travel at all? Soon they find the smell's source."
  • "They find endless mushrooms. An unimaginable mound of mushrooms. MUSHROOMS! Mario jumps into the mushroom pile... Luigi leaps into the mushroom pile... They chew and inhale mushrooms... They devour as many as they can, their banquet interrupted by no one."
  • "They know not how much they ate. A white cloud appears beside Mario. His gloves caress the atmosphere. His soaking boots absorb the sea. Hills shrink... No! The bros are huge! They have grown as big as the island! Thousands of times bigger than life! A finger flick could smash Bowser! There is nothing for them to fear. In this moment, they are ecstatic."
  • "Soon after that, they realise they cannot go back to normal..."
  • "After a while, Mario and Luigi awake feeling an unusual power deep within their bodies."
  • "After becoming so powerful that they could crush anything in their paths, Mario and Luigi move on! Bowser and Antasma are still on the run, but their capture by Mario and Luigi is inevitable. All Bowser and Antasma can do now is blame each one another for failure."
  • "Bowser and Antasma are cornered with ease, but still they wish upon the Dream Stone for the bros' downfall. But of course, Luigi the superstar doesn't miss his chance to shine! He leaps gracefully into the air, and with otherworldly agility, he manages to take the Dream Stone back!"
  • "Bowser and Antasma reach the very nadir of utter failure. The bros were just too strong. Prince Dreambert revives all the petrified Pi'illos with the Dream Stone and welcomes scores of tourists to the island. Pi'illo Island becomes famous, and the party never ends."
  • "Pi'illo Island finally wakes up from its nightmare."


  • "Boo! Boo, I say!"
  • "There's some fat loot on this mountain, see?"
  • "You're tellin' me...We fought...Over a stupid...F-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-ffffffffffffffffff....FLOWER GARDEN?!"

Princess Peach

  • "Oh! Who's this?"
  • "Is he...asleep?"


Sorrow Fist

  • "We though these battles need a referee..."
  • "Yes, I am called Sorrow Fist."
  • "You want to spar with me? I'm not really that buff..."
  • "Snurffle... Wahh... I just wanna go home... I'm gonna lose anyway... I'm a super weakling..."
  • "It's pointless... I'll just lose... I stink at stuff... (bursts into tears) Bwaaaah...
  • "Believe in myself! ...You say?
  • "Huh? Even somebody like me can get huge?"
  • "I can rise to a challenge just like the other guys?"
  • "If I put my mind to it, I can totally whale on you guys?"
  • "If I defeat you guys, I'll totally get buffer!
  • "You guys haven't unleashed the fury yet...have you?"
  • "My mind was totally blank while fighting... Felt good. Thanks..."


  • "First the stache, now the nose?! What're you, five years old?!"
  • "HEY NOW! Nude?! Who's nude?! Open your eyes! I have SHOES!"


  • "Pi'illo Island... Hrm... Can't say I've heard of it..."
  • "Princess!"
  • "I feel rather uneasy about this trip!"
  • "We still have time! Let's return home!"
  • "AAH!"
  • "This old boy was...... WORRIED SICK!"

Thunder Sass

  • "SASS TIME!"
  • "But first... some cardio! (runs a lap around the floor, walls, and ceiling)"
  • "HOORAWW!"
  • "I can tell you lift...a little bit. But now I'm hitting rage mode!"
  • "BWARRF!"


  • "Who rest?"
  • "I am the legendary Zeekeeper... The guardian of the Pi'illo Kingdom..."
  • "Those who hinder me will become one with the light!"
  • "SCRAW!"
  • "Irritating..."
  • "SCRAW!"
  • "You are brave, little one."
  • "And nimble. But your luck shall not last. Abandon hope."
  • "You would fight me?"
  • "Very well, then... Marshal your power and..."
  • "Try to stop me!"
  • "SCRAAW!"
  • "None may hinder me! I shall remain aloft!"
  • "It seems as though I have underestimated you..."
  • "But neither have I unveiled my true strength!"
  • "I can offer you no mercy. I am sorry. It must be so!"
  • "Impressive. Yes, very."
  • "Did I not warn you? You are no match for me."
  • "You have great strength... I concede you are powerful..."
  • "But so, too, am I! The battle is not over yet!"
  • "Twice you have forced me to tear a dimensional rift..."
  • "You fought well!"
  • "I am the Zeekeeper..."
  • "The bird of legend... Protector of Pi'illo Island..."
  • "You have come far to rouse me from sleep..."
  • "Do events go ill in the real world?"
  • "Oh, DUDE! What is UP! It's been forever!"
  • "Dreambert! My man!"
