Nintendo UK VS Cup

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Not to be confused with Nintendo VS UK Cup.

Nintendo UK VS Cup was a recurring Mario Kart 8 Deluxe in-game tournament open only to residents of the United Kingdom and Ireland. It was held by Nintendo UK every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday from April 7, 2020 to June 14, 2020.

Tournament information[edit]

Tuesdays In-game name NUK VS Tuesday
Period 10:00–16:00 UTC+01
Code 1550-5316-8171
Thursdays In-game name NUK VS Thursday
Period 14:00–20:00 UTC+01
Code 3910-9450-7051
Saturdays In-game name NUK VS Saturdays
Period 10:00–16:00 UTC+01
Code 1374-2300-1131
Sundays In-game name NUK VS Sundays
Period 14:00–20:00 UTC+01
Code 2845-2563-1019

Structure of each tournament[edit]

  • Mode: 150cc Race
  • Teams: No Teams
  • Items: Normal Items
  • COM: Normal COM
  • Vehicles: All Vehicles
  • Smart Steering: Smart Steering OK
  • Race Count: No Limit
  • Group Shuffling: Don't Shuffle
  • Player Rating: Any Rating
  • Public/Private: Open to Everyone


The tournaments ran concurrently with a promotional contest held by NintendoUK on Twitter, in which participants had to share video clips of their race with a specific hashtag for the day in which they joined the tournament. Entries for a certain tournament day could be submitted to the competition until the final day of the tournament; subsequently, one winning entry was selected for each tournament day, and its corresponding Twitter user was awarded £10 in Nintendo eShop credit.

The following hashtags were to be used by participating Twitter users:

  • Tuesday: #MarioKartUKTues
  • Thursday: #MarioKartUKThurs
  • Saturday: #MarioKartUKSat
  • Sunday: #MarioKartUKSun

External links[edit]