Super Mario 3D World playable characters' statistics

From the Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Revision as of 23:30, December 16, 2017 by Mister Wu (talk | contribs) (Better adding a clarification at this point)
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The following are the statistics of the playable characters of Super Mario 3D World in the format used by the game.[1] The terms in italics are directly derived from the game's data.

When the value of the statistics is not defined, it is set to the default value. Currently the default values of each statistics are not known.

Statistics of the characters


Currently, the statistics with known effect are:

  • BrakeFrame: the frame at which braking starts when no directional input is given.
  • BrakeFrameOnIce: the frame at which braking on ice starts when no directional input is given.
  • DashBrakeFrame: the frame at which braking starts after a Dash when no directional input is given.
  • DashMaxSpeed: the maximum speed while dashing.
  • Gravity: the strength of the gravity force acting on the character.
  • InvincibleDashSpeed: the maximum speed while dashing during the effect of a Super Star.
  • LongJumpFastSpeed: the maximum speed during a Long Jump.
  • NormalMaxSpeed: the maximum speed while walking.
  • SuperDashSpeed: the maximum speed during a Super Dash.
  • SuperDashStartAnimFrame: the frame at which the animation related to the charging of the Super Dash is shown.
  • SuperDashTimer: the number of frames needed to fully charge and start the Super Dash.
  • SuperDashTimerBoomerang: the number of frames needed to fully charge and start the Super Dash when transformed by a Boomerang Flower.
  • SuperDashTimerFire: the number of frames needed to fully charge and start the Super Dash when transformed by a Fire Flower.
  • SuperDashTimerMini: the number of frames needed to fully charge and start the Super Dash when reduced to Small Form.
  • SuperDashTimerRaccoonDog: the number of frames needed to fully charge and start the Super Dash when transformed by a Super Leaf.
  • SuperDashTimerRaccoonDogWhite: the number of frames needed to fully charge and start the Super Dash when transformed by an Invincibility Leaf.


Statistics Mario
Princess Peach
Captain Toad
BrakeFrame 14
BrakeFrameOnIce 55 55 55 55 55
ChestRadius 50
DashBrakeActionFrame 20
DashBrakeFrame 20
DashCheckRadius 87,5
DashMaxSpeed 9 13 9 8,5
ForceSlideBrake 0,97 0,97 0,97 0,97 0,97
Gravity 1,1 0,95 1,5 1 1,5
HipDropJumpPermitBeginFrame 5 5 5 5 5
HipDropJumpPow 32,278 31,614 28,116 36,007 28,118
HipDropJumpPowCountMax 0 0 0 0 0
InvincibleDashSpeed 17 17 17 17 17
InvincibleJumpPow 18,395 13,33 17 19,455 17
InvincibleJumpPowCountMax 11 23 11 23
JumpPow 18,395 13,33 17 19,455 12,33 19,46
JumpPowCountMax 23 10 23
JumpPowLow 16,37 11,79 15,9 17,35 10,45 17,38
KnockDownCancelFrame 30 30 30 30 30
KnockDownVelH 9 9 9 9 9
KnockDownVelV 14 14 14 14 14
LongJumpFastSpeed 15,74 16,14 15,04 16,47 15,04
NormalMaxSpeed 7 8 7 8
PunchedJump 18 18 18 18 18
PunchedJumpGravity 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45
RisingTrampleHVelBrakeRate 0,15 0,15
RollingAttackVelH 15,74 16,14 15,04 16,47 15,04
RunAnimRateMax 2,5
SkateJumpGravity 1 1 1 1 1
SkateJumpPow 16,92 16,92 16,92 16,92 16,92
SkateJumpPowCountMax 13 13 13 13 13
SkateJumpThreshold 4 4 4 4 4
SlideBrake 0,98 0,98 0,98 0,98 0,98
SlideEndSpeed 10 10 10 10 10
SpinAttackJumpPow 14
SpinJumpGravity 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45
SpinJumpPow 20,99 21,41 20,56 20,99 20,56
SquatHighJumpPow 28,9 30,19 28,73 29,95 28,73 29,28
SquatJumpGravity 0,9
SquatJumpPow 18,25 18,25 18,8 18,25 18,8
SuperDashSpeed 12 16 12 13
SuperDashStartAnimFrame 10 10 10 10 10
SuperDashStartAnimRate 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,6 1,8
SuperDashTimer 90 75 75
SuperDashTimerBoomerang 90 75 75
SuperDashTimerFire 90 75 75
SuperDashTimerMini 90 75 75
SuperDashTimerRaccoonDog 90 75 75
SuperDashTimerRaccoonDogWhite 90 75 75
SwimJumpPow 24,28 22,6 28,25 23,17 28,25
Tall 200
TrampleHighJump 23,32 24,475 22,42 23,32 22,42 22,5
TrampleHighJumpGravity 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9
TrampleJump 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2 15,2
TrampleJumpGravity 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,4
TurnJumpGravity 0,85 0,85
TurnJumpPow 26,93 26,73 26,93
TurnJumpVelH 5 5 5 5 5
WallClimbDashMaxSideSpeed 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4 5,4
WallClimbDashMaxSpeed 8 8 8 8 8
WallClimbFrame 170 170 170 170 170
WallClimbFrame1 85 85 85 85 85
WallClimbJumpPow 16 16 20 16 20
WallClimbJumpPowLow 16 16 20 16 20
WallClimbMaxSideSpeed 4,4 4,4 4,4 4,4 4,4
WallClimbReadyWaitFrame 1 1 1 1 1
