Flip-Swap Galaxy

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“Jump! Spin! Make 'em flip!”
Star Bunny, Super Mario Galaxy 2

Flip-Swap Galaxy is a galaxy that appears in Super Mario Galaxy 2. It is located in World 1 and is based on levels from Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Sunshine. Performing a Spin Jump will make the red and blue Flip-Swap Platforms flip over and swap places. Chomps also appear on the red and blue platforms, along with other enemies, like Goombas. A Star Bunny also makes an appearance here and gives out a hint.



The Flip-Swap Planet is split up into five different areas, each with their own gimmicks and perks.


Mario in the first area.

The first area of this galaxy is rather simple. It only consists of a few flipping panels that change when the player performs a Star Spin. The player simply needs to time their spins to reach the other side of the planet.


Mario in the second area.

The next area introduces electrified, moving fences. However, these fences move rather slowly, so they should not be a huge nuisance. In the Think Before You Shake mission, the panels are attached to each other. However, during the Purple Coins Flip 'n' Sprint mission, the panels are spread apart and more electric fences are added and the area is larger. The Goombas and Octoombas on the platform between Area 1 and Area 2 are gone as well during the Purple Coin mission.


Mario about to access the third area.

This next area is rather small and the only real hazard featured here is a large Chomp that rolls around the red panels. During the Purple Coins Flip 'n' Sprint mission, an electric wire moving back and forth appears on the platform connecting this area with Area 2.


Mario in the fourth area.

In this area, there are now four sets of Chomps. The area is rather large as well. The Comet Medal as well as the Cosmic Guide are also found here.


Mario in the fifth area.

The final area features faster moving electric fences and the panels are also spread out. During the Purple Coins Flip 'n' Sprint mission, the electric fences are replaced with two fast-moving electric wires that move across two separate sections of the area.



Think Before You Shake

File:FlSwG M1.png
Mario near the Power Star.

To get this Power Star, Mario has to traverse through the five areas mentioned above in a linear path. Mario has to Spin to flip the red and blue platforms to create pathways in which he can easily traverse across. Chomps and electric barriers are typical hazards in this mission, although Goombas and Octoombas also appear. If Mario successfully avoids the hazards and makes it to the end of the level, he can get the Power Star floating above the platform at the end of Area 5. Mario will find a Star Bunny on Starship Mario after completing this mission.

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Purple Coin Flip 'n' Sprint

File:FlSwG M2.png
Mario collects purple coins.

The player will need to collect 100 Purple Coins in 3 minutes. The layout of some of the areas have changed and Goombas and Octoombas have been removed. This mission cannot be played until the Purple Comet is in orbit.

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Green Star 1

File:FlSwG GS1.png
Luigi about to get the first green star.

This star is found above one of the red platforms in the second area. The player has to perform a Triple Jump and Star Spin or a well timed backwards somersault and star spin to reach this Green Star. If the player misses the star then they can try again if they manage to land on the platforms which will be flipped from the Star Spin. Luigi's extra aerial gain makes him the ideal choice for this star.

Planets Visited

Green Star 2

File:FlSwG GS2.png
Luigi avoiding the Chomp near the green star.

This green star is found above a red platform where the Chomps are rolling around in the fourth area. The player has to perform a Triple Jump or a well timed Somersault to reach it while avoiding the Chomp that spawns nearby.

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